Music Video Analysis

Music Video Analysis By Larelle Benjamin-Forrester 12SA

Transcript of Music Video Analysis

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Music Video

AnalysisBy Larelle Benjamin-

Forrester 12SA

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The title of my song is called ‘Co-Sigh’ by American R’n’B group, SWV –

which stands for Sisters with Voices. The group was created in 1990 as a gospel group, and continued singing up until 1998. In 17 April 2012 they released their comeback album ‘I Missed Us’ whereby ‘Co-sign’ was

the first single. The song was released on the 15 the December

2012 by E1 music and Mass Appeal Entertainment. The video was

directed by Derek Blanks And comes under the genres pop and R’n’B.

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Describe what happens in the video

In the video, it shows 3 women (SWV) who have are portrayed to have found love, settled down with a lovely husband in a beautiful loving home, and are ready to start a family.

It shows 3 different lifestyles of 3 friends. One whereby a woman is waiting for her husband to return home from being on tour, another where a woman has just got in

engaged to a man who she deeply loves and lastly a woman who is living a successful life with her helpful husband and kids. Each woman is happy in her own way and this is shown throughout. While some scenes are shown of the women individually with their

husbands, there are three scenes where the women are shown together which is during the chorus and the bridge of the song.

Taj is shown at the beginning of the scene setting off for work whilst saying goodbye to her kids and her husband who is taking on the stereotypical role of a woman (cooking). Lee

Lee is shown in bed with her husband who proposes to her by putting a ring on her finger. The effect of this scene being in white could portray purity and the start of a new

life. Lastly, Coko is shown playing the piano with her husband, laughing and sharing quality time together. This scene is shown in black and white, which could suggest that

it was before he went away or simply her reminiscing on the good times they’ve had together. All scenes whereby the women are shown individually are focused on during

particular verses in the song - in which they sing. This could suggest that what they are saying could personally relate to their lifestyle in the video.

The video slowly draws to an end with all the women singing in the studio which relates back to them reuniting as a group as well as friends in the video. As they all sing, their husbands are shown coming into the studio who they greet after singing, except one - which is where the singing comes to a stop. However, as she leaves the studio, she is

happy and relieved of the return of her husband. The video ends on all 3 women sitting down posing as the music stops and lastly, laughing.

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What structure does it use and how can you tell?

• This video uses a narrative structure. A narrative structure, is an account of events which focuses on the selection of the order of events and the way in which the pattern creates meaning.

• ‘Co-sign’ fits this structure as it begins with the setting of the scene and introduces the main characters (the group members) in an initial situation which in this case, shows their lifestyle at home, with their family and loved ones. This is the state of relative equilibrium. The disruption of this equilibrium is not very clear. It more explores the causes of the equilibrium and why these women feel this way towards the men. The resolution to the video as a whole is that everyone is entitled to experience love as it is expected in life. The climax of the video is shown through the words sung ‘I’ll sign your name across my heart.’

• Finally, it ends with a positive resolution that ‘love will always be here’ and that they should embrace what they have with their loving husbands. This is the new state of relative equilibrium.

• To conclude, narrative structure is about the ways in which a story has been put together or structured and my video portrays this by making clear that despite having never felt love for someone, it is real, and out there for everyone.

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What shot types does it use? & Why?

The video uses a range of shots from close ups, mid shots, wide angle, long shots, high angle shots and extreme close ups to portray various scenes in the video.

The close ups and extreme close ups emphasise the couples love and affection for each other and is likely to be sending out a message to other

strong women that you can actually find love and be happy. An example of an extreme close up is of the dogs shamballa collar whereby an engagement ring has been connected to it to signify to the viewer what the man is going to do. However, I only noticed this after watching it a few times through which could

suggest that is extreme close up is not as effective as it is planned to be.

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Other shots such as long shots and wide angle shots allows the viewer to see the surroundings and the calm peaceful

atmosphere the women are in whereby life is seen as good.

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What do you notice about the editing?

There is not much editing throughout this video as it is aims to simply show life from a good perspective once you are happy. However, there is some editing throughout. In the beginning of the video, the names of the members of the group appear on the screen, almost in a way that a film or TV programme

would display names of characters (on screen) - especially as it begins with ‘starring’. The video also pauses as the names appears on screen which

makes the viewer aware of each member in the group. To display all three friends at the same time in their different lifestyles, there is the use of

transition called ‘cover down’. During the verse of Coko, she reminisces on the time she spent with her husband which is shown in black and white.

Throughout some scenes, there is rays of light reflecting from the window.

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What do you notice about the mise-en-scene?

The lighting throughout the video begins fairly neutral with the use of

brown and beige to show the woman and black and the environment colour to show the man. The beginning is a talking scene between a couple with

no background music to allow the viewer to focus on the conversation.

In some ways, it comes across as part a film which makes it even more

interesting to watch. As the conversation comes to a close we are welcomed with the background music

and the names of each member in the group being displayed on screen.

Overall, the scenes are bright and natural with some scenes having a

nice white setting which could display the purity and love within, that each woman feels. The costumes of the

characters ranges from casual everyday clothing, to going out

clothing whereby the women are dressed in blouses, dresses, trouser

suits and fur waistcoats.

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In three of the scenes the woman are shown together. The first scene whereby they are shown together is on a white stairs wearing white

and cream. Another scene is on a tan backdrop wearing cream, cheetah and leopard print. They are dressed very glamorously in this scene and embraces all three black women. Lastly, they are shown

casually dressed in the studio with a beige backdrop in the background. The scenes are set in a range of places such as a studio,

house, outside, bedroom and kitchen. The characters performance tells a short story of three middle aged woman who are embracing

their lives as successful, happily married woman who are enjoying life. I believe the aim of this video is to send out a clear message to strong

woman (in particular black) that love comes to those that wait, and when you find it or if you have already found it, embrace and enjoy it.

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Who is in the video? How are they represented?

The video shows the group SWV who are represented to be strong black woman who have successfully made it and are ready to settle down with their husband - and in some cases kids. Other people shown in the video are the men, who are

husbands of these lovely woman and cater to all their needs.

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Who is the target audience for this video? How can you tell?

The target audience for this video is young and old adults who are

between the ages 25 and 55. I can tell this by the age of the members in the group who are 39-42 years old, and would usually target and have an influence on people their age. The target audience is also

made clear to me through the title of the song.

The word ‘co-sign’ is to sign jointly, meaning that both the ‘husband and wife co-sign the lease’. In depth, the word ‘co-sign’ is the act of signing for another person’s debt which

involves a legal obligation made by the co-signer to make payment

on the other person’s debt should that person fail to pay. 

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As a result, these women are expressing that they will ‘co-sign’ as the bond that they have with their husband is strong enough to confidently make this decision. Having

a cosigner is a way for individuals to obtain finance if they have a low income or poor/limited credit history. This shows that the women have trust and love in their

relationship and the couple are willing to support each other.

Therefore, it is obvious that this type of lifestyle is aimed at people who are beginning a family which is common around the age of 25 or those who are happily married with a family and are ready to take the next step – which maybe around the age of 30+.

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How do the audience ‘consume’ the video?

The uses and gratification theory focuses on the audience and what they consume from the media. It assumes that people are not passive

however interpret and integrate the media into their own lives. This suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications. In relation to my music video, I think audiences are able to identify, be educated, entertained as well as socially interact through watching it which is one of four elements that the uses and gratification theory

suggest a form of media has to fulfill.

Through watching this video, the audience are immediately able to ‘identify’ the people they are watching who may reflect similar values to theirs. They are also ‘educated’ because they are able to acquire information, knowledge and understanding. For example, finding love with the right person and building a loving successful family. Watching the lives that

these women are portraying not only sends out a message to the audience but intrigues and entertains them. Lastly, due to such iconic topics in life being showcased in the video such as Love, Relationships,

marriage and family, the video has the ability to produce a topic of conversation between other people.

To conclude, my video fulfills a particular need to people facing similar situations as well as sends out a positive message.