Music magazine evaluation 2

Masthead The name and logo of the magazine. This will be designed to appeal to the target audience. Skyline This shows a feature of the magazine, this is not an essential magazine element Pull quote A quote from the main story, often from a well known celebrity. An image from the main article is normally shown here. This will almost always show a singer/band. This has extra information about the contents of the magazine. Left third This is considered the most important area of the magazine. Usually this would be the only part of the magazine visible on a newsagent’s shelf so all the information that’s considered more important would be on this area.

Transcript of Music magazine evaluation 2

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The name and logo of the magazine. This will be designed to appeal to the target audience.


This shows a feature of the magazine, this is not an essential magazine element

Pull quote

A quote from the main story, often from a well known celebrity.

An image from the main article is normally shown here. This will almost always show a singer/band.

This has extra information about the contents of the magazine.

Left third

This is considered the most important area of the magazine. Usually this would be the only part of the magazine visible on a newsagent’s shelf so all the information that’s considered more important would be on this area.

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Advertisement –when here this will be one of the most expensive advertisements in the entire magazine as generally a reader will always look at this page first, this magazine will always relate to targeted audience of that issue.

Compilation of a contents page will vary greatly between different publications, however will always have certain essential components.

Lead image- Larger images on a contents page representing more important and attractive articles.

Contents-Always has a list of what articles are in the magazine and what pages you can find these on. This is the point of a contents page.

Editors note - usually describing his or her thoughts on the issue and what the issue wanted to achieve.

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Lead image -encapsulates the mood of the article and the character of the person(s) pictured.

Pull quote - shows an important quote of the article which will attract reader’s to pay attention to the article.

Columns - how the text is arranged.

Tone and register – the descriptive language the journalist uses to appeal to their audience.

Byline/Picture byline – not shown here, however a byline says the writer’s name and a picture byline shows an image of the writer alongside this.

Standfirst – the standfirst introduces the article and will be in a larger font than the article. Not shown here.

Drop Cap – The first letter of the article shown in a much larger font, which stands out.

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Masthead – NME has a very recognizable mast head.

Main story goes across the magazine cover and is the main focus to readers

Side stories here have attention grabbing title’s.

Left third isn’t overly messy on this cover however does contain the more important stories from the magazine.

Image here shows the star’s of ‘inbetweeners,’ by putting the main article information over this image you connect the image with the title.

Re-occurring theme of red and white with the text, this echoes on the NME masthead.

Pull-quote from main story that’s over the image and directly under the main title, this connects all these together. Also the pull-quote has been designed so that it looks hand-written by one of the members of the inbetweeners.

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The advertisement here is not one you would usually associate with NME however the inbetweeners on the front cover attract a wider audience than some bands may and this would attract an audience who may be interested in this type of clothing.

This here is the lead image, which showing the kings of leon, you can clearly see this is an important article as it is centred in the page and the largest image.

The article directory on this contents are spread out over the page, this makes the contents easier to read, clearer and allows for larger font’s and more picture’s that relate to the specific articles.

There is an additional advertisement here which stands out on the white background of the contents.

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Lead image here show’s the inbetweeners, also featured on the front cover of the magazine. They are in laid back, slightly awkward poses which also present their character’s as they are in their show. The image is taken face on and is a wide shot, and this show’s them as being on the same level as the reader, meaning that this article is straightforward, casual and honest. It’s an image that would be aimed at similarly aged lads.

The title of this article is also a pull quote, which mean’s the reader begins by directly speaking to the inbetweeners which adds to the friendly and casual air of the article. The pull quote is not entirely clear on this scan however reads: ‘That testicle has overshadowed everything!’ also it is partly in the same font as the article on the cover page which again suggests talking directly to them.

Byline here is in a ‘scribbled’ font making the writer seem more genuine and personal, as though he wrote that onto the page.

This standfirst presents the article and uses word’s like ‘goddamn’ presenting the article as casual and raw.

The Drop Cap here is very bold and stand’s out showing that this is an article with attitude.

There are only two column’s on this page which could suggest that the page is more concerned with the fact that the inbetweeners are on it than what they have to say.

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NME reader’s are style conscious individuals with an average age of 24. The majority of them are male and are mainly in full time jobs or still studying. They have a high understanding of technology and are willing to pay extra money for best quality goods. They feel it’s important that they look good and spend a lot of money on luxury products. They like to attend gigs and live events.

NME readers spend £1229 on audio equipment per year which gives them a whopping total readership spend of £326million they also spend £532 on clothes per year with £189million readership spend.

69% of readers are male and have an average age of 24. 52% work full time, 9% part time and 29% are still studying.

94% of reader use the internet and 76% have broadband, suggesting that they generally have a good understanding of technology and are spend money for better internet services.

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The kerrang masthead is distressed and has cut’s through it, this gives an idea as to which audience it appeals to; young and rebellious.

Main story here that relates to picture on the front cover; can see this as it cover’s the image.

Left third is relatively plain in comparison to others, however unlike the other two magazine contains the price and barcode, perhaps this magazine wants the price to be a focal point.

Main image here show’s Gerard way, lead singer of ‘my chemical romance’. This band are alternative music and appeal to young rebellious people.

Pull quote here that connects the image with the masthead further and gives an insight into the main article.

Main colours on this issue of kerrang! are red, yellow, white and black. These are contrasting colours which draw the eye. The use of red may well be to connect the issue with the main image’s hair colour, and tie these both together.

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Advertisement on this page shows an image that would be appealing to the audience of this magazine and related to rock, it show’s the band Rise Against, a popular band that would be featured in this magazine.

Image here shows a macabre image of a band, this was probably thought to be one of the better images from the magazine as they’re actual article in the magazine is not that important.

Editor’s note here is a usual feature of the kerrang! Contents page, I doubt that it is usually read.

Article’s are fairly small in their presentation on this page, this is another feature that kerrang! regularly has.

Advertisement here for a special feature of this particular issue of kerrang!; in that there are 4 different cover’s for the magazine.

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Strange title for an article that makes the reader question ‘what is this new world?’

Lead image here show’s the band ‘My chemical romance’. They all appear to be looking in at the reader and the lead singer Gerard way is stretching out as though trying to connect to the reader. I am unsure about the compilation of this article in kerrang! as I don’t think it appeal’s to kerrang reader’s hugely.

Despite not being above the article itself, this circle acts as a standfirst, explaining what the article is about.

The drop cap of this article along with the overall layout appear’s somewhat space-age.

The columns of this article are very simple in that they are, literally just columns. The picture overwhelms the writing, which suggests kerrang! wants the reader to focus more on the images and who the people are as opposed to what they say.

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Kerrang’s reader’s are between 15-24 years old with 60% of them male and 40% female. They have a median age of 19.

On average Kerrang reader’s buy 31 albums per year. This appeals to potential advertiser’s making them want to choose Kerrang to market their product as this is a higher than average amount that seems common to Kerrang readers.

Kerrang describes their reader’s as people who are ‘sharp, intelligent and rejoice in their individuality. Typical or modern youth, media savvy and marketing-avers, they are active consumers of computer games, media and fashion.

From the Kerrang regular contents we can assume that it’s reader’s are interested in going to live gigs as this is a continuing feature in Kerrang magazines.

We can also assume that Kerrang reader’s may not have a large amount of spare cash, this can be deduced due to the free stuff the magazine will nearly always feature and because the average age is 19, a young age at which most people have only just left schooling.

Kerrang reader’s are young, somewhat rebellious individual’s who aren’t afraid to go against the norm. They don’t have a huge budget as most of them are in or just out of schooling, however feel that buying music and going to gig’s is important. The majority of kerrang reader’s are male however there isn’t a huge difference between the male and female reader level, meaning kerrang appeals to both genders.

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Here the masthead is red and has a 3D effect. Although the contrast of the red on the monotone image makes the title stand out, the image also covers this showing that the magazine’s selling point is the featured band. The lead singer of the band is presented centrally and dominant and slightly in front of the rest of the band. This connotates that he is the leader of the band.

The main image here shows ‘kings of leon’ a popular rock band. This band would appeal to a more laid back, younger audience.

The left third on this front cover does not seem to be a focus on the magazine, and the layout is instead spread out.

The main article here is in a strong font that stretches across the page. Meaning that it is the main focus of the page. The ‘world exclusive’ part of it is on a contrasting background which makes the reader’s attention focus on the main article more so .

Pull quote here is not as noticeable as on the other covers. This suggests that the bands brand is more important than what they are saying.

The layout of this cover is much more relaxed and mature than the other front covers. Giving an idea as to which audience it would appeal to.

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Advertisement here for an album is appropriate as the magazine focus’s on music. This band would possibly appeal to readers of Uncut.

Singular image on contents page suggests an article which is aimed to be of interest to uncut readers, focus reader’s on this article.

Contents describing other pages is small, possibly suggesting uncut reader’s are more likely to flick through to find articles they like.

Colour scheme of contents page is fairly minimalist and carries through the red of the UNCUT logo on the previous page.

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The lead image for this article clearly gives a sense of attitude. It makes the band appear tall and powerful, I think there is perhaps a low angle tilt on the image to help with this. This conveys the attitude of the article. They are also positioned close to one another which connotates that they are a band.

The title of ‘the once and future kings’ connects the image and the article as the title gives the same feelings as the image. This also links to the band as they’re called the kings of leon.

The drop cap of this article is hugely over-emphasized continuing the feeling of the band being powerful and important.

The standfirst for this article is quite large, this may be due to the article being on the next page after this as it gives more space to be free.

The column format of this article is three columns that are all flush left.

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The audience for uncut magazine is: 86% male with an average age of 37. They describe themselves as ‘NME’s cooler, older brother’ which would be how the reader’s of the magazine would most likely like to think of themselves.

60% of uncut readers are married or living with a partner, and 77% have full time jobs, giving the impression that they are people who have settled down in life.

The average salary of an UNCUT reader is £29,263 suggesting that they are – class people.

They spend over an hour a day on music based websites.•86% of Uncut readers download music every week compared to the national average (32%)•68% of Uncut readers own a mp3 player•37% of Uncut readers own an IPOD•6% of Uncut readers have HDTV•18% of Uncut readers have Sky+•46% use a digital radio. These figures suggest they have a basic understanding of technology however aren’t hugely concerned with it and mainly use technology for musical purposes

Music that appeals to UNCUT readers comes from the Modern Indie, Rock, Classic Indie and Americana genres.

From the fact’s and figures about UNCUT reader’s we can see that the majority of reader’s are middle aged, married or partnered men, who have some money to spare . They also have a low level of technological understanding and use it mainly for musical purposes. The UNCUT reader will be an average man with a wild side to him that wants to re-live the younger dream’s of rock and roll stardom and fancies himself as cooler than younger generations.