Music magazine analysis


Transcript of Music magazine analysis

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The plug tell us that this is a new magazine. The backcoullur is yellow, a color that attractsAttention. The letters are big, fat and in black, this make it Easier for us to read. Buzz words The line abouw “We <3 Pop.” says ; gossip, fashion, and boys and they have also in a written form put in“uncensored”. Because of this information we now know what this magazine Is about and what the main focused is. And because it says “uncensored” it make us believe that what's in the magazine is true and actually facts.

Masthead The name of the magazine is WE <3 POP. This is placed in a white text Bobble that the reader can draw a connection to a text message. This Make the title more appealing for young people, since we are living inA technical world where everyone have a phone. They also use a “<3” instead of The word love. This indicate that the readers of the magazine don’t want to read To much and it is also making the logo easier to remember and more catching.

The strap line The line under “We <3 Pop.” says “ Don’t bore us, get to the chorus” this Tells us that this magazine is going to be fun and exiting to read, they are not Going to bore us.A pull-quote At the left side on the middle of the page it says: “GLEE: Its war! Well throwRocks at the new cast members” This is very chocking and unexpectedThat someone from glee would have said. Because of this statement we get curios And we then by the the magazine to find out who said it and why. This is the gossip part they promised us in the buzz word.The splash image is of Tulisa, relating to the headline. Tulisa look very happy and normal,Although she is perfectly dressed and has perfect make-up and hair. It looks like she Is laughing so we get the ide that what's in the magazine is fun to read, but we can also compere us self whit her. She is also holding a dog and this is appealing for younger readers.

The headline is one of the first thing we see when we look at the magazine. It says “TULISA” and it indicate that she is going to be the main story. Her name Is written in a girly color and it follows the colors of the page. Under the headline they mentionWhat the interview whit Tulisa is about. They call her a star and they say she will keep it real. This make us Exited sins she is a star, and it is an opportunity to get to know her. They have also placed a plug in the left corer of her name that says “World exclusive” which indicate that it is new news that we never have heard before about her.

The banner shows us ten posters ofPop stars that many young people lookUp to. And they say that if we buy the Magazine we will get them all.

The barcode, where the price is put,is situated right at the bottom so we Can decide to buy the magazine beforeWe look at the price. It also refer us to there Web side for people that wont to know even more About the pop- stars.

The fashion part is covered in the left corner where they tell you that you can get the star style For a friendly price. This attracts young girls that haven't found there own style jet and wont to look like A star.

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We Love Pop gave out there first edition 20 July 2011. The target group is girls that are 13-15 years old. Tulisa is a 25 years old pop artist many young girls look up to because the way she look and of cause her pop music. She is used on the front cover page because The target group know who she is and they have heard her music. Tulisa is young (25) so the readers can relate to her by age and she can also portrayed as being a role model and Inspire young girls to follow there dreams. Because Tulisa is smiling and laughing and holding a dog she represents confidence and fun, and this is something that attracts the younger audience. There is four colors on the cover page; black, white, pink and yellow. The main color on the cover is pink. Pink is a girly color that attracts young stereotypically girls. Yellow is not used to much but it is used to highlight the “wow” things. They use it because it stand out on the page and attracts the younger readers. Black and white Is standard colors that almost always is on a cover page to create balance.

The cover page is simple, basically because the readers of this magazine are Young. They are not interested to read a lot on the front page, if it is to much text On the cover they are not going to buy it. They would rather be shown some Pictures and some headlines of the main stories.

The boys partIs covered in the right Side corner. They areTempting Us by telling us that it is a photo of Justin Bieber In his underwear. They are Also referring to other big Pop stars we can expect To read about.

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The headline, “ we love this” relate to the title of the magazine, “we love pop”.This make it easier for the reader to remember The title of the magazine. The headline is Also the biggest writing on the page and it isThe first thing we see. In the right corner The original logo is connected to the headline. It basically say that we love this, we love pop.

Both at the top, on the main image and on the bottom there Is a a Christmas bow, this indicate that this is A Christmas edition. There is also a plug in left corner that says “The only way is xmas”.

On the content page it is used five colors;Black, white, yellow, blue and green. Green is theMain color. Because of the bright color combinations it easily attract attention. Stereotypically young People like bright colors so this will appeal to the Young audience.

The layout is a lot more picture than text.These are mainly made from the images above the pull quotes. It is only a column down of the left hand side. The column is not that important compared to The the rest of the page, because it is written tiny. The pull quote give us a sneak peak on what

Olly Murs is going to talk about in his interview.He is feeling Flirty and he might give us some Gossip about his personal love life.It also make the girl sitting at home whishingand imagine that she was the girl he would snuggle up to.

They have chosen to highlight the articlesThey think are the most interesting by making The page number bigger and switch betweenGreen and black. Since they switch colors itMake it eye-catching. On the right hand side We have three images and on the middle of the Page we see the main image they have all the pageNumbers written large on them whit a yellow Background to make it stand out. And to make it Easier for the reader to go to the page where there Favourite pop star is being interviewed.

The main image is of Olly Murs, this indicateThat he is going to be the main story ofThe magazine. And we expect to see more Photos of him and a interview. Because ofThe background on the picture we know That his interview is going to relate to Christmas and winter.

Surprise, surprise we are getting a Christmas gift- for free! A we love popCalendar whit pictures of all our favourite pop stars, this make us buy!

Right at the bottom of the page we are Being referred to there internet page. This is for the readers that want even moreGossip. By giving away the internet page They indicate that everyone can have Access to the magazine. And they are using Malty- plat forming to make more biasness.

At the bottom it’s a line of posters we can find In the magazine. By showing us them in a smaller form make it easy for the reader to see if thereFavorite pop star is on one of them. And if they Are its more likely that they will buy it. They have A lot of poster so they can appeal to a bigger Audience.

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The headline is giving a massage whit a touchOf Olly Murs. They combine his last name whit The first part of Christmas. This is to make it Funny, and it indicate that Olly Murs are goingto talk about Christmas in a fun way. The head-Line is taken up over 1/3 of the page this makeLess room for the written article. The lay out shows that the targetGroup is not that interested in theWritten word, they much more prefer looking at the pictures. There Is also two pictures on the first Page this are used to full up thePage.

They have chosen the main imageto Be a be of photo of Olly MursStanding in front of a snow paper wall. The photo can have been taken in a Studio but it can also have been taken On the red carpet whit a snowyWallpaper background. The image take Up a hole page. This tells us that theTarget group are more interested inThe photos compered to the text. The Readers can also use it as a poster. His pose is laidback and friendly by what He is wearing and his hands in his Jackets pockets. He Look like the handsome boy living Next door, this make us believe that we Can be as famous and successful as himOne day. And we get the impression That he is a calm and down to earth typeOf person.

The sub- heading suggest that the main article will tell theAudience something about Olly Murs Christmas plans andHe is also going to talk about other pop stars. This makeThe audience wont to read the article because they are notJust getting a inside on Olly Murs but also on other Famous people.

Some of the main article is Highlighted in yellow, which Is a bright and bold color that Draws attention, this is to makeSome of the writing stand Out. The readers will be drown To this parts and look at them As more important parts. We canAlso draw a connection that On the headline they are using The same color on his name as on His answers.All the questions are written inRed, this stands out but not asMuch as the parts in yellow.

The pull quote on the bottom Refers to another famous person,its saying something that drawsAttention by using the word naked. When we read this pull quote we get Curious and we wont to find out why “Rylan” was walking around naked, so We then have to read the article.

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The masthead is in capital letters and in a bold Read color. This make it easy to read and becauseOf bright red color it catches our attention. The Fact that Lady Gaga and the plug is placed over The headline indicate that the free posters and Lady Gaga is more important to get thru to the readersThan the magazine name.

The plug in the corner sticks out because of the Bold and bright yellow color. The main focusIn the plug is that we are getting something forFree, since the word free is in big red capital letters. And since we are being given somethingFor free by buying this magazine it helps toSell more because the rider convince them selfThat they are saving money by buying the magazine.

The black line at the top of the page give Us “special” information. Its written inCapital letters and by making the word “special” white make it stand out. And weAre being dragged to read the rest of theSentence. It also explains why the front Cover is all about Lady Gaga.

The barcode is placed on the right side of Lady Gaga`s Head, this might be to full up space and to Not Cover anything ells. It also make it easy to See how much it coast. Since this magazine is allAbout Gaga must be really into her music and Into she as a person. So the price doesn't really Matter that much.

The headline is important, because it is some of theFirst see when you look at the cover. This headline Is written in big, black capital letters and “lady” isplaced behind the main photo and “Gaga” in front.This is because lady is closer to her face and you don’tWont to cover up that. And also her main name is Gaga, so they those to keep it in focus.

The quote under the headline tell us that if we buy This magazine we are going to get to know the Worlds biggest star uncovered! This make us feel Special and privilege.

The splash image is of Lady Gaga of course,Since the magazine is all about her. Her poseIs sexual and reflect the mail gaze; Laura Mulvey`s Theory. Even though the main target is female to Use this method is effective. The female readers aspire to be as perfect looking as she is. The Mise-en-scene of the image is sexual. Her outfit Is reviling and she is wearing a small black “thing”, this matches the rest of the color skims Of the magazine. The photo is taken in a studioAnd her make-up and her hair is perfect. Her outfit And make-up is simple and matches the rest of The layout. All the Text around her is making her body more Shaped and curvy, it makes a harmony.

The banner at the bottom of the page shows four Of the free posters inside the magazine. This are Photos from her childhood, stage, photo-shoot andOther places. Compered to the splash image, where She looks quit clean and simple, the posters showsUs another side of her as well. This indicate that the Articles inside is going to be about her as a child and Until today. To make the banner in focus they haveStranded it whit a bright yellow color. The same color That is on the plug at the top of the page.

The text on the right hand side give us a taste Of what to expect to read about. The big plusSign over the text indicate that it is more Interesting articles to read inside if you buy the magazine. By having every other line in Black and red it make it more interesting andEasier to read.

The layout suggest that the target group is Interested in Lady Gaga and gossip about her. There is almost the same amount of text as it is Images. The four colors that is used is; black, white,Red and yellow, this are strong colors that draws Attention. Its not a typical teenage magazine but a Magazine for people, mostly girls, between 15-25, we can tell because of the “neutral” colors.

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The headline reads “Contents”, telling what is Going to be the best in this issue. The headlineIs neat and simple. It is the biggest word on this Page and it draw attention.

On left hand side we have a column that is Dedicated to the editor. The column is in black So it stand out from the white page, since white And black are contrast colors. On the bottom Of the column there is a white “note” where the headline of the note is highlighted in read and Black, the last word is “special”, a word that Attracts attention.

In the editors column there is a photo of theCover image whish he is referring to in his writtenText. This is a reminder on what the cover page Look like and what the magazine is about.

The red plug in the left corner is a friendly message From the editor. It stand out because of the the Black background, and the plug is in a bold red colorWhit white text. This is the three main colors usedOn this page. This colors are all in contrast whit Each other, so each point get clearer and easier toRead. We feel welcomed by the editor, and we think That we made a good deal by buying it.

On the very left side, in small text, they name The photograph and the one that made the contents Page, to let everybody know how did the work. This shows that we don’t should forget the people Working for the magazine.

Its not just one main image on this contents Page, its four! All of them is about Lade Gaga.We already know that the main article is about Lady Gaga from what the editor wrote. The Four photos is from different events and Settings, this indicate that we are going to Read about her from different point of whew. All of the photos have the page number on toMake it easy for the reader to quick be able toGo directly to the article. The overlook over the main articles are Given in a tidy order where the text isBlack and the page numbers are red. This Comes out as neat and simple, but effectiveAnd easy to read out of.

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They use the magazine name in the headline logo and Add a extra word so it sound like a newspaper. Because of the black and white colour team the Red shape outline standout and draw attention. The front colour of the text in the headline logo is mainlywhite also the line under is in white this make the word Daily standout even more, since it is written in black. By using the word daily we get The impression of that the information we are getting is up to date and important.

The layout is presented as a newspaper. This is shown by the use of black andWhite pictures, that is typical for newspaper. And It make it more Sirius. The headline also indicate that it is a newspaper Inspired layout, by the use of the word “daily”.It is a good balance between text and photos, Something that indicate that the target audience Are interested in a even amount of information And photos. The western reading style, left to Right, is being used whit the red “stuff” on the page.

The headline is written in big Capital letter. This make it easy To read and since this is the biggest,except the main image, this is what Draws our attention. The headlineIs also underlined and this tells us That this is important and this isThe truth! This make the reader Continuing to read.

The red word in the sub-headingIs what draws attention. Even Though the word is “smash hits”It tells us the this “newspaper” isGoing to tell you something you Just need to read.

The main image is of lady gaga, since sheIs in focus of this article. The image is On the middle of the page to split up, so It wont be to much text on one point of The page. It’s a photo where Lady G is Walking in the street whit, what look likeA bodyguard, she is dressed up and sticksOut of the crowed. Because she is walkingIn the street like a normal person we feelShe is a part of the normal population.

The other images is of, on the left side, lady G where she look upset and tiered.she doesn't have perfect makeup and Hair on the photo, this indicate that she Is just like us and we feel a connection to her. It also indicate that she is tiered of All the rumors, and we feel sorry for her soWe read the article to get to know her and The truth about her. On right hand side its A photo of a similar artist, Christina Aguilera.We are curios why she is in the the article soWell read it to find out.

The pull-quote on the main image is written in bold red capital letters. Since the rest of The page is in black and white thisText stand out even more. She mention Prince Harry, and since all British people areUpsets whit the royal family this make theBritish target audience read the article. We Also wonder if she has met him and if some Of the rumors is about him and Lady G.

The subtitles is short and snappy, That Instantly cache attention. All of the four subtitles use a Exclamation mark, which isFor effect, it make it a bigger andMore interesting statement.

The introduction to the following column is highlighting in red. The Red color stand out and is eye catching.This help us to get an ide of what we sun are going to read about.

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The barcode is in the lower corner so theReader already have decided to buy the magazineBefore they see how much it cost, when itsPublished and witch issue it is.

The plug is the headline her. It mention the coverGirls name and have a pull quote that tells us that she is going to be honest we us and not hide Anything! This make us buy the magazine so weCan get to know her. We feel privilege that she isGoing to open up to us if we buy the magazine.

The banner on the bottom of the page shows us the seven posters we will get if we buy the magazine.This is something we will get for “free”, and everyone loves free stuff! So we end up buying the Magazine.

By buying this magazine we can become Fashionable, because the mag contains 106 Catwalk copies. They have enlarged the number, So the reader can easily read it and it indicate thatthere is something for everyone.

The headline is placed over the splash imageThis tell us that the logo is more important Then the pop star on the front cover. The colorOf the headline is pink/ purple witch appeals To the young, female target audience.

the splash image is of Cher Lloyd. This is takenIn a studio, and her hair and make-up is Perfect. Even though she look perfect she lookLake the girl you pass in the streets at the sameTime, because the natural hair and make-up, Also the cloths she is wearing is somethingEveryone could have been wearing. She is looking directly in to the camera Which draws the audients to the mag. They have chosen to use a young, white andBritish girl on the front cover, witch is mainly like the magazines target audience.

The line on top of the magazine matches the banner at the bottom by color.In white capital letters it says “style SOS!” this draws attention and make usWonder what this is all about. And in the right corner there is a photo of TaylorSwift whit a speaking bobble saying that also I can shine like a star if I buy the magazine And read her advice.

The layout is simple but effective. It is obviousThat the target group is not interested in Reading to much, and by putting on to muchText on the front cover it would just put the Reader off buying it. The main colors that is Used are white, pink and purple witch is “girly”Colors.

On left hand side it’s a picture of tow of theMembers of One Direction. They advertising Whit the text; “exclusive pics”, for 1D fansThis is something they need to see, and since1D is the largest boy band in the world many Girls are going to be interested to see this Photos.

They are also advertising whit Cher`s New single, this indicate that she most Lightly is going to talk about it in the interviewLater on. Just above Cher`s new single there is aTow carved heads whit a question where The word you is in focus. This indicateThat it will be something for and about youIn the magazine.

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There is no “Contents” master head or “Top of the pop”On the magazine, instead they have simplified it by saying “inside the mag…” this is easier to understand for the young target group this magazine have. This is also theFirst thing we see since the background of the text isIn a bright pink color. The reason of the color thoseIs to reach out to the target audience that probablyhave pink as there favorite color. The yellow color Underline the most important things on the page,Since yellow is a bright and bold color that draws Attention.

The three main colors they have chosen to use,White, pink and yellow, symbolize happiness And this create a positive atmosphere for theReader. Pink is a key color throughout the magazine as it has ben used on the front cover (the picture In left corner) this is a feminine color and it appeal To young teenage girls.

A image of the front page is used to show theReader which page the main articles from the Front cover is . This make it easier for the readers To find what they are looking for. It also remainsThe reader which magazine the content page Belongs to. The other images is of fashionable Cloths and shoes and of the world known pop group;One Direction. This indicate that the magazine willHave an article about One Direction and about theNewest clothing. The picture is placed under a Column whit a suitable subtitle. The subtitle over each column suggest where weCan find everything about, example, shopping, celebs or about the boys- which indicate that theTarget audience is girls. The text front on the Subtitles have a childish twist which is suitableSince the target group is young girls.

The page is split up in three columns so the page look more organized and Professional.

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The main image is of Justin Bieber directly looking in the camera,Which draw the audience into the magazine. This photo is taken in a studio and his hair and face looks perfect. The colors of his Outfit matches the color scheme of the page, this make the The image is a long shot so you can see all of him. Since he is posingOn a chair, leaning back, it indicate that it is going to be a relaxed vibe To the interview. Even though the image is quite simple it allows the Audience to be dragged in because of the eye contact Bieber is doing.  The smaller image on the left side breaks up the text an relate to Something that the reader can read about in the article. The target group for this magazine is not interested in to much Text, that’s why the photos are in focus.

The headline is a pull quote from the what Bieber is saying later in the Interview. The color combination, red on top and black at the bottom, Matches Bieber`s outfit. This complete the look of the page. The Headline is underlined by having the red line crossing the pages.

Down in the right corner of the left page there is a columnThat let us know what Bieber demands in his dressing room. Because of the red background this column sticks out and there is a Small photo of a sofa which make us wonder what this is about so We end up reading it.

Every subtitle or in this case questions are written in red, this make it Easier for the reader to decide if they wont to read Bieber´s following Answered. Once more to make everything more simple and easier forThe young readers.