Music Focused Quizzes 1-40

MUSIC FOCUSED QUIZ 01 SOUND AND MUSIC (PAGES 7-9) 1. Which of the following instrument groups was NOT identified by Sachs and Hornbostel? a. chordophones b. idiophones c. membranophones d. vibraphones e. aerophones 2. The first pioneers and performers of musique concrete worked in a. Paris b. Cologne c. Quebec d. Bordeaux e. Nice 3. Which characteristic of a sound wave determines the sound’s decibel level? a. waveform b. frequency c. equilibrium d. period e. amplitude 4. Which of the following instruments does NOT belong to the woodwind family? a. oboe b. bassoon c. trombone d. flute e. clarinet 5. The normal human ear is able to perceive sound waves that have frequencies between a. 440 and 20,000 Hz b. 440 and 40,000 Hz c. 200 and 20,000 Hz d. 20 and 4,000 Hz e. 20 and 20,000 Hz 6. Which of the following elements is NOT a property of an isolated musical sound? a. tempo b. duration c. pitch d. timbre e. volume 7. Musique concrete developed largely because of technological advances during a. the American Civil War b. World War II c. the Gulf War d. World War I e. the Vietnam War 8. One of the best-known electrophones is the a. gravikord b. theremin c. harmonica d. flugelhorn e. celesta 9. The distance between a pitch and the closest pitch of the same name is a(n) a. fifth b. sixth c. unison d. tritone e. octave 10. The basic techniques used in tape music are a. looping and splicing b. recording and recombining c. looping and recording d. lengthening and splicing e. amplifying and distorting 11. Musical improvisation occurs whenever a. performers vary tempo for expressive effect b. composers disregard accepted musical conventions c. composition and performance occur simultaneously d. multiple performers collaborate e. composers use frequent meter changes 12. Which of the following terms refers to the highness or lowness of a sound? a. articulation b. duration c. volume d. timbre e. pitch 13. Essentially, music is sound organized in a. time b. waves c. harmony d. octaves e. energy



Transcript of Music Focused Quizzes 1-40

Page 1: Music Focused Quizzes 1-40


1. Which of the following instrument groups was NOT identified by Sachs and Hornbostel?

a. chordophones b. idiophones c. membranophones d. vibraphones e. aerophones

2. The first pioneers and performers of musique concrete worked in

a. Paris b. Cologne c. Quebec d. Bordeaux e. Nice

3. Which characteristic of a sound wave determines the sound’s decibel level?

a. waveform b. frequency c. equilibrium d. period e. amplitude

4. Which of the following instruments does NOT belong to the woodwind family?

a. oboe b. bassoon c. trombone d. flute e. clarinet

5. The normal human ear is able to perceive sound waves that have frequencies between

a. 440 and 20,000 Hz b. 440 and 40,000 Hz c. 200 and 20,000 Hz d. 20 and 4,000 Hz e. 20 and 20,000 Hz

6. Which of the following elements is NOT a property of an isolated musical sound?

a. tempo b. duration c. pitch d. timbre e. volume

7. Musique concrete developed largely because of technological advances during

a. the American Civil War b. World War II c. the Gulf War d. World War I e. the Vietnam War

8. One of the best-known electrophones is the

a. gravikord b. theremin c. harmonica d. flugelhorn e. celesta

9. The distance between a pitch and the closest pitch of the same name is a(n)

a. fifth b. sixth c. unison d. tritone e. octave

10. The basic techniques used in tape music are

a. looping and splicing b. recording and recombining c. looping and recording d. lengthening and splicing e. amplifying and distorting

11. Musical improvisation occurs whenever

a. performers vary tempo for expressive effect b. composers disregard accepted musical conventions c. composition and performance occur simultaneously d. multiple performers collaborate e. composers use frequent meter changes

12. Which of the following terms refers to the highness or lowness of a sound?

a. articulation b. duration c. volume d. timbre e. pitch

13. Essentially, music is sound organized in

a. time b. waves c. harmony d. octaves e. energy

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14. The prevailing frequency of a pitch is often “colored” by higher frequencies called

a. intervals b. tritones c. octaves d. overtones e. fundamentals

15. In recent years, the division between Western and non-Western music has become progressively more

a. pronounced b. analyzed c. ambiguous d. intentional e. voluntary

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1. Which of the following scales includes all pitches in an octave?

a. major b. pentatonic c. chromatic d. harmonic e. whole tone

2. The MOST common type of scale in Western music is

a. minor b. chromatic c. major d. Mixolydian e. pentatonic

3. Which scale degree is called the dominant pitch?

a. third b. fifth c. seventh d. first e. fourth

4. Which of the following pairs of notes are enharmonic pitches?

a. C# and C b. A and Gb c. C# and Db d. Db and Eb e. Ab and A#

5. What is the dominant pitch of A major?

a. E b. G c. B d. D e. A

6. Two half steps combine to form a(n)

a. semitone b. octave c. whole step d. overtone e. tritone

7. How many consecutive half steps make up any given octave?

a. 7 b. 12 c. 14 d. 6 e. 9

8. The tonic pitch is sometimes referred to as the

a. augmented pitch b. resting tone c. submediant d. leading tone e. semitone

9. What is the leading tone in the C major scale?

a. D b. G c. C d. E e. B

10. Which of the following symbols represents a sharp in musical notation?

a. ♭b. + c. ^ d. # e. ♮

11. Which of the following pitches is enharmonic to B#?

a. A# b. C c. Cb d. B e. Db

12. Which term refers to the seventh scale degree in a major scale?

a. leading tone b. mediant c. semitone d. dominant e. tonic

13. How many different pitches make up any given major scale?

a. 5 b. 12 c. 8 d. 7 e. 10

14. Equal temperament tuning began to dominate Western music in the mid-

a. 18th century b. 17th century c. 15th century d. 19th century e. 16th century

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15. Which of the following musical terms means “lowered”?

a. flat b. interval c. fundamental d. sharp e. natural

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1. Which scale degree is raised in a harmonic minor scale?

a. seventh b. third c. fifth d. sixth e. fourth

2. In Russian music, peremennost’ refers to an alternation between

a. relative major and minor scales b. parallel major and minor scales c. consonant and dissonant intervals d. conjunct and disjunct melodic lines e. different variations of minor scales

3. An interval is considered harmonic when

a. the interval exceeds an octave b. both pitches are in the key of the piece c. the two pitches sound simultaneously d. one pitch occurs before the other e. the two pitches are the tonic and the dominant

4. A melody that moves in intervals larger than a major second is considered

a. parallel b. disjunct c. ascending d. counterpoint e. inarticulate

5. A major and A minor scales are

a. relative b. disjunct c. transposed d. parallel e. perfect

6. The interval between C and F is a(n)

a. perfect fourth b. major fifth c. diminished fifth d. major fourth e. augmented fourth

7. What is the interval between the third and fifth scale degrees in a C major scale?

a. half step b. minor third c. whole step d. major third e. perfect fourth

8. A tritone can also be referred to as a

a. augmented second b. octave c. major seventh d. perfect fourth e. diminished fifth

9. A melody that calls for a majority of pitches in the low register has a low

a. range b. timbre c. tessitura d. contour e. portato

10. How many distinct-sounding major scales exist?

a. 8 b. 10 c. 15 d. 12 e. 7

11. A semitone is more commonly referred to as a(n)

a. tritone b. leading tone c. tonic pitch d. half step e. octave

12. When you shift a melody by starting the same pattern of intervals on a different pitch, you are

a. permuting b. subdividing c. composing d. augmenting e. transposing

13. The distance separating any two musical pitches is referred to as a(n)

a. arpeggio b. contour c. harmonic d. half step e. interval

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14. How many half steps constitute a major third (M3)?

a. four b. six c. five d. seven e. three

15. The Italian term tessitura often refers to

a. woodwind music b. brass fanfares c. string instruments d. percussion instruments e. vocal selections

16. Unlike the harmonic minor scale, the ascending melodic minor scale features a

a. raised second scale degree b. raised sixth scale degree c. lowered third scale degree d. lowered fourth scale degree e. raised seventh scale degree

17. All minor scales feature a

a. raised seventh scale degree b. raised sixth scale degree c. lowered fifth scale degree d. lowered second scale degree e. lowered third scale degree

18. In context of a musical piece, which term refers to successive individual pitches interpreted as a coherent whole?

a. contour b. melody c. counterpoint d. interval e. harmony

19. What unusual interval occurs between the sixth and seventh scale degrees of a harmonic minor scale?

a. augmented third b. diminished fourth c. augmented second d. minor third e. diminished second

20. A major and minor scale that revolve around different tonics but use the same pitches are

a. dorian modes b. relative scales c. disjunct modes d. counterpoint scales e. parallel scales

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1. Which of the following terms refers to a rhythmic emphasis between beats, or on weak beats?

a. asymmetrical meter b. inversion c. syncopation d. cross-rhythm e. compound time

2. Which of the following tempo markings BEST describes a piece with a tempo of 200 beats per minute?

a. Andante b. Moderato c. Lento d. Allegro e. Presto

3. In music, the term subito indicates that a tempo or dynamic change should be

a. sudden b. brief c. smooth d. exaggerated e. repetitive

4. A quarter note has the same value as how many sixteenth notes?

a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 16 e. 8

5. Which term refers to the speeding up and slowing down of the beat for expressive effect?

a. adagio b. accelerando c. spiccato d. tessitura e. rubato

6. A triple subdivision of a beat occurs in

a. polyrhythm b. syncopation c. compound meter d. anacrusis e. simple meter

7. Which of the following terms refers to the pattern of emphasis within a group of beats?

a. rhythm b. meter c. measure d. tempo e. interval

8. Which of the following musical terms describes a melody in duple meter played over a bass line in triple meter?

a. polyrhythm b. polymeter c. syncopation d. compound meter e. mixed meter

9. In musical notation, beats are grouped into subsets known as

a. measures b. meters c. clefs d. staffs e. compounds

10. Which of the following tempo markings denotes a “walking tempo”?

a. Adagio b. Presto c. Allegro d. Moderato e. Andante

11. The marking ritardando indicates that the performer should

a. accent each note b. decrease volume c. slow down d. improvise a cadenza e. modulate keys

12. Which duration receives the beat in a piece with time signature 2/2?

a. quarter note b. half note c. sixteenth note d. double note e. whole note

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13. Which of the following terms refers to a rapid series of measures with different meters?

a. polymeter b. intermeter c. compound meter d. mixed meter e. irregular meter

14. Which of the following tempos BEST corresponds to the marking “Lento”?

a. 200 beats per minute b. 84 beats per minute c. 40 beats per minute d. 108 beats per minute e. 72 beats per minute

15. Which term refers to any note that falls before the downbeat of a measure?

a. anacrusis b. portato c. chromatic d. capriccio e. polymeter

16. Which term refers to the simultaneous occurrence of two conflicting rhythmic patterns?

a. polymeter b. fugue c. polyrhythm d. multirhythm e. syncopation

17. The upper number of a time signature indicates the

a. number of measures in a phrase b. most prevalent duration in the piece c. number of beats per measure d. duration of the subdivision e. duration that receives the beat

18. Which unusual time signature inspired performers in Rimsky Korsakov’s opera Sadko to develop a special subdividing phrase?

a. 3/2 b. 7/4 c. 5/2 d. 11/4 e. 5/4

19. How many eighth notes combined have the same value as a dotted quarter note?

a. eight b. six c. two d. four e. three

20. Which term refers to an audible series of durations of varying length?

a. rhythm b. beat c. cadence d. anacrusis e. meter

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1. Which term refers to the lowest note of a triad?

a. dominant b. interval c. tonic d. bar e. root

2. Pitches outside the key of a piece are

a. chromatic b. enharmonic c. inverted d. diatonic e. disjunct

3. Two or more tones sounding at the same time result in

a. anacrusis b. melody c. triads d. harmony e. polyrhythm

4. What is the maximum number of sharps in a key signature using the circle of fifths?

a. seven b. six c. nine d. eight e. five

5. Which term determines the pitch relationships within the context of a piece?

a. key b. scale c. harmony d. articulation e. cadence

6. Three notes arranged as two minor thirds create a

a. minor triad b. diminished triad c. augmented triad d. chromatic triad e. major triad

7. Collectively, sharps and flats can be classified as

a. inversions b. accidentals c. meters d. contours e. modulations

8. How many distinct key signatures exist?

a. 12 b. 8 c. 16 d. 24 e. 18

9. When the third of a triad is on the bottom, the triad is in

a. second inversion b. first inversion c. mediant position d. root position e. third inversion

10. Common-practice tonality first appeared in Europe during the

a. Renaissance b. Middle Ages c. Elizabethan Age d. Victorian Era e. Gilded Age

11. Which key corresponds to a key signature with three sharps?

a. G major b. A major c. B major d. E major e. D major

12. Which two numerals, aligned vertically, denote a triad in second inversion?

a. six and two b. three and two c. six and four d. five and three e. seven and four

13. A piece in the key of E is dominated by pitches of the

a. E chromatic scale b. E major scale c. E melodic minor scale d. E natural minor scale e. E harmonic minor scale

14. How many types of triad qualities exist?

a. five b. four c. eight d. three e. six

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15. Which two of the following major keys are enharmonic?

a. F and D-sharp b. E-flat and C c. A-sharp and B-sharp d. C and B-flat e. G-flat and F-sharp

16. All minor keys use the key signature for the

a. harmonic minor scale b. melodic minor scale c. diminished minor scale d. common-practice minor scale e. natural minor scale

17. A major third on top of a minor third forms a(n)

a. chromatic triad b. major triad c. minor triad d. diminished triad e. augmented triad

18. Which scale degrees determine whether a key is major or minor?

a. first, fifth, seventh b. first, fourth, fifth c. third, sixth, seventh d. first, third, fifth e. third, fifth, sixth

19. How many flats characterize the key of D-flat major?

a. one b. six c. three d. five e. seven

20. Three or more pitches occurring simultaneously create a(n)

a. chord b. measure c. harmony d. interval e. triad

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1. If no sharps or flats are needed to form a chord other than those found in the key signature, the chord is

a. diatonic b. chromatic c. melodic d. harmonic e. tonic

2. Towards which scale degree do predominant harmonies “lead”?

a. fourth b. seventh c. fifth d. first e. second

3. What is the MOST common chord progression?

a. predominant-dominant-tonic b. tonic-predominant-dominant c. mediant-dominant-tonic d. dominant-mediant-tonic e. tonic-subdominant-mediant

4. Which of the following note configurations is MOST dissonant?

a. perfect fifth b. tonic triad c. major triad d. tritone e. octave

5. Some Russian composers used a chord progression that led to the tonic directly from the subdominant, resulting in

a. smooth voice leading b. consonant phrases c. plagal cadences d. sonata harmonies e. authentic cadences

6. The diatonic triad built on the seventh scale degree of a major scale is a

a. subtonic triad b. diminished triad c. major triad d. dominant triad e. minor triad

7. In a major key, the subdominant triad is

a. minor b. progressive c. augmented d. major e. dissonant

8. In a major scale, the diatonic triad on the third scale degree is

a. major b. minor c. dominant d. augmented e. perfect

9. An authentic cadence ends on the

a. bass line b. tritone c. dominant d. tonic e. subdominant

10. A series of chords or intervals that moves from dissonance to consonance is referred to as

a. harmonic progression b. rhythmic alternation c. chromatic tonalization d. diatonic modulation e. melodic articulation

11. Which of the following scale degrees is NOT included in a dominant seventh chord?

a. third b. second c. fifth d. fourth e. seventh

12. What is the MOST stable chord in a key?

a. dominant triad b. harmonic triad c. tonic triad d. inverted triad e. bass triad

13. The strongest bass lines descend by an interval of a(n)

a. third b. whole tone c. octave d. fifth e. tritone

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14. Which triad is the SECOND MOST important chord in a key?

a. median b. tonic c. diminished d. dominant e. supertonic

15. Which of the following phrases BEST describes the function of harmonic progression?

a. transposition of melody b. resolution of tension c. ascension of pitch d. expression of mood e. amplification of dynamic

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1. Which of the following composers first advocated “emancipation of the dissonance?”

a. Arnold Schoenberg b. Dmitry Shostakovich c. Claude Debussy d. Luigi Russolo e. Igor Stravinsky

2. Which term describes music in which two different keys operate simultaneously?

a. heterophony b. polytonality c. non-functionality d. multitonality e. polyphony

3. Which two composers greatly explored twelve-tone techniques during the 1930s?

a. Luigi Russolo and Sergei Prokofiev b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Alexander Mosolov c. Claude Debussy and Igor Stravinsky d. Mikhail Glinka and Arnold Shoenberg e. Anton Webern and Alban Berg

4. Altering the pitches of a diatonic triad results in

a. polytonal blending b. atonality c. voice leading d. modal mixture e. modulation

5. Which of the following techniques does NOT inherently add to the complexity of a piece?

a. delaying resolution of dissonance b. changing keys frequently c. using twelve-tone relationships d. creating authentic cadences e. adding more chromatic pitches

6. Which intervals above the root are MOST commonly used to embellish a triad?

a. fourth, eighth, and ninth b. sixth, seventh, and ninth c. fourth, seventh, and tenth d. seventh, eighth, and ninth e. sixth, eighth, and tenth

7. In music notation, a new key signature is always preceded by a

a. dominant seventh chord b. double bar c. new time signature d. chromatic scale e. tempo change

8. The natural minor scale lacks a

a. leading tone b. dominant c. tonic d. subdominant e. subtonic

9. In the “twelve-tone method,” all twelve chromatic pitches are arranged in a sequence called a

a. harmonic series b. tonic group c. tone row d. pitch set e. circle of fifths

10. Which term corresponds to a chord spread out across a staff?

a. root position b. ternary position c. open position d. simple position e. close position

11. Which of the following terms refers to changing the key of a piece?

a. harmonization b. modulation c. ornamentation d. tonalization e. chromatization

12. Chords that do not resolve to more consonant pitches result in

a. diminished harmony b. predominant harmony c. non-functional harmony d. diatonic harmony e. disjunct harmony

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13. Music that fails to gravitate to any one stable tonic center is considered

a. serial b. disjunct c. atonal d. polytonal e. heterophonic

14. Which of the following techniques is LEAST associated with a break from common practice tonality?

a. unusual scales b. polyphony c. twelve-tone method d. polytonality e. non-functional harmony

15. Modal mixture usually occurs between a major key and its

a. parallel minor b. chromatic minor c. melodic minor d. relative minor e. natural minor

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1. Which term describes the individual sound of a specific instrument?

a. dynamic b. cadence c. pitch d. timbre e. articulation

2. A gradual increase in dynamics is indicated by the term

a. subitob. crescendoc. diminuendod. sforzandoe. pizzicato

3. Which of the following terms describes a musical texture with one clear melody and a subordinate accompaniment?

a. homophony b. unitonality c. multitonality d. heterophony e. polyphony

4. In a musical context, tenuto generally refers to

a. counterpoint b. articulation c. instrumentation d. ornamentation e. dynamic

5. Which process makes polyphony possible?

a. counterpoint b. syncopation c. modulation d. temperament e. repetition

6. Which term refers to the loudness and softness of a sound?

a. timbre b. pitch c. tonality d. articulation e. dynamic

7. What is the most common texture in Russian folk music?

a. heterophony b. polyphony c. uniphony d. homophony e. monophony

8. You read a score and reach the marking “mezzoforte,” or “mf,” indicating that you should play

a. somewhat quietly b. somewhat quickly c. somewhat loudly d. extremely quickly e. extremely loudly

9. Which term describes taking an existing piece and telling each performer which part to play?

a. composing b. ornamenting c. transposing d. articulating e. arranging

10. When a violinist plucks the strings with his finger, he is playing

a. capricciob. legatoc. spiccatod. portatoe. pizzicato

11. In Russian folk music, podgoloski translates roughly to mean

a. overtones b. undervoices c. dynamics d. counterpoint e. unison

12. Which term refers to two or more melodic lines operating at the same time?

a. polyphony b. heterophony c. atonality d. polyrhythm e. polytonality

13. Localized, unwritten embellishments in music constitute

a. consonance b. ornamentation c. accents d. syncopation e. timbre

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14. The mechanics of starting and ending a sound relate most closely to

a. dynamic b. articulation c. form d. pitch e. timbre

15. Which term BEST describes one unaccompanied melody?

a. uniphony b. monotonality c. homophony d. atonality e. monophony

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1. Which term describes a resting point in music?

a. triad b. counterpoint c. cadence d. phrase e. rondo

2. The two parts of a related pair of phrases are the

a. major phrase and minor phrase b. thematic phrase and ornamental phrase c. half phrase and full phrase d. progressive phrase and successive phrase e. antecedent phrase and consequent phrase

3. Which term refers to a collection of phrases that create a complete melody?

a. form b. fugue c. theme d. cadence e. rondo

4. Two phrases which begin similarly exhibit

a. variant form b. parallel structure c. homophonic texture d. common-practice tonality e. rhythmic anaphora

5. Cadence is BEST compared to

a. dancing b. poetry c. speech d. punctuation e. architecture

6. Which term refers to the overall organization of a piece of music?

a. contour b. meter c. texture d. form e. cadence

7. A half cadence ends on the

a. tonic pitch b. supertonic pitch c. mediant harmony d. leading tone e. dominant harmony

8. Which term refers to a visual representation of a musical piece?

a. staff b. score c. bar d. meter e. theme

9. Form is BEST compared to

a. speech b. poetry c. punctuation d. dancing e. architecture

10. What are the crucial parts of the “listening experience?”

a. memory and anticipation b. tension and release c. contrast and development d. understanding and foresight e. repetition and variation

11. The first melodic phrase in “Happy Birthday” ends on the

a. tonic b. supertonic c. leading tone d. subdominant e. dominant

12. Which term refers to a piece’s smallest recurring musical idea?

a. phrase b. cadence c. theme d. motive e. rhythm

13. Authentic cadences end on the

a. subtonic b. supertonic c. mediant d. tonic e. dominant

14. By noting that the first four notes of “Happy Birthday” rise and fall, one describes its

a. contour b. consonance c. theme d. cadence e. pitch

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15. Musical tension can be created by increasing all of the following EXCEPT

a. tempo b. rhythmic activity c. dynamic level d. note durations e. dissonance

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1. The first movement of a multi-movement work usually adheres to

a. 32-bar form b. sonata form c. ternary form d. theme and variations form e. rondo form

2. In twelve-bar blues form, each line ends on the

a. dominant harmony b. minor key c. seventh chord d. leading tone e. tonic pitch

3. Which form would be diagrammed “A B A?”

a. minuet b. toccata c. repetition d. 32-bar e. ternary

4. Which term refers to the approximate repetition of a melody at a different pitch level?

a. counterpoint b. sequence c. imitation d. variation e. exposition

5. Music critic Christopher Small claims that people should study Western music theory as well as

a. “Ethnomusicology” b. “Scherzo” c. “Non-Westernization” d. “Composing” e. “Musicking”

6. Which form would be diagrammed “A A’ A’’ A’’’ A’’’’?”

a. 12-bar blues b. repetition c. fugue d. 32-bar e. theme and variations

7. How many sections make up a sonata form?

a. four b. two c. three d. eight e. six

8. Which technique related to early 20th-century jazz used the principle of variation?

a. syncopation b. improvisation c. ornamentation d. modulation e. tonalization

9. What interval do historians believe separate today’s concert A from that used in the 19th century?

a. major second b. perfect fifth c. half step d. whole step e. minor third

10. Which type of variation was favored by Russian composers in the 19th century?

a. folk theme b. changing-background c. ternary d. polyrhythmic e. constant-melody

11. Which main section of a sonata only uses one key?

a. transition b. exposition c. imitation d. recapitulation e. development

12. Which form could be diagrammed “ABACABA?”

a. sonata b. rondo c. ternary d. sequence e. variation

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13. Which section of a sonata is considered exploratory and unbalanced?

a. minuet b. transition c. development d. exposition e. recapitulation

14. Before the 19th century, the third movement of a four-movement sonata cycle usually appeared as a

a. toccata and fugue b. minuet and trio c. sicillienne and gigue d. scherzo and trio e. sicillienne and rigaudon

15. Which term refers to a very brief musical idea repeated at a different pitch level?

a. cadence b. variation c. polytonality d. fugue e. sequence

16. The transition in a sonata’s exposition is typically signaled by a

a. decreased tempo b. theme variation c. key change d. strong cadence e. half cadence

17. Popular music tends to exhibit

a. improvisatory counterpoint b. changing-background variation c. theme and variations form d. 12-bar blues form e. 32-bar form

18. “Glinka variations” work well for pieces centered on

a. folk themes b. chromatic harmonies c. sonata form d. rondo form e. twelve bars

19. Which term describes a companion or secondary theme present in a fugue?

a. countersubject b. recapitulation c. antecedent d. cadence e. counterpoint

20. Which of the following forms would be diagrammed “A A A A?”

a. fugue b. theme and variations c. twelve-bar blues d. 32-bar e. repetition

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1. What two categories of beats are created by meter?

a. strong and weak b. melodic and harmonic c. consonant and dissonant d. simple and compound e. conjunct and disjunct

2. Most Western music builds on the resolution to the tonic from the

a. subtonic b. supertonic c. leading tone d. mediant e. dominant

3. How many half steps form an octave?

a. 9 b. 12 c. 7 d. 8 e. 10

4. Which of the following terms does NOT describe a common musical form?

a. theme and variations b. sonata form c. twelve-bar blues d. fugue e. ternary form

5. At minimum, how many simultaneous pitches are required to produce harmony?

a. two b. five c. three d. one e. four

6. Which term describes a steady, underlying pulse found in most music?

a. rhythm b. tempo c. tonality d. beat e. meter

7. Which of the following terms is NOT used to individualize otherwise similar musical sounds?

a. texture b. meter c. dynamics d. articulation e. ornamentation

8. Which term refers to a hierarchy of pitch relationships using a given scale?

a. form b. tempo c. harmony d. texture e. key

9. The most basic type of chord is a(n)

a. triad b. octave c. unison d. scale e. interval

10. What is the collective name for sharps and flats?

a. accidentals b. pitches c. ornamentations d. dynamics e. timbres

11. Which term refers to a cohesive sequence of pitches perceived as a whole?

a. interval b. harmony c. range d. melody e. contour

12. Which type of music only uses pitches from one scale?

a. melodic b. dominant c. dissonant d. diatonic e. minor

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13. Over the last century, composers have increasingly sought to break away from

a. 32-bar form b. written scores c. polyrhythmic composition d. dissonance e. common-practice tonality

14. How many distinct pitches make up any given major or minor scale?

a. 5 b. 9 c. 7 d. 12 e. 8

15. What is the basic building block of harmony and melody?

a. articulation b. timbre c. pitch d. rhythm e. dynamic

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1. Folk songs were NOT

a. common among the peasant class b. considered part of national heritage c. absorbed into art music d. originally an oral tradition e. unvaried between different villages

2. Most early folk songs were transcribed for

a. vocal ensembles and choirs b. solo voice and piano c. full orchestra d. traveling gypsy musicians e. string quartets

3. Which group would MOST likely participate in folk song transcription?

a. middle-class amateur musicians b. close confidantes of the Tsar c. educated urban gentlemen d. illiterate city dwellers e. impoverished rural farmers

4. Why do some written versions of Russian folk songs seem incomplete or incomprehensible?

a. The arrangers only published a portion of the entire song.

b. The tsar-controlled press censored the other verses. c. The translators failed to truly capture the original

meaning. d. The original singers never finished the work. e. The audiences did not care to peruse the entire piece.

5. What was the primary concern that influenced an arranger’s choices in transcribing a folk song?

a. expressing individual emotion b. appeasing the rural communities c. remaining faithful to the original d. asserting nationalistic pride e. appealing to the buyers

6. Transcribed folk songs tend to reflect

a. rural traditions b. urban expectations c. dance-related rhythms d. religious fervor e. economic concerns

7. Even if a folk song arranger attempted to remain faithful to a piece, he usually needed to create an original

a. cadence b. fugue c. instrumentation d. melody e. accompaniment

8. Transcription refers to the process of

a. studying pitch relationships within a piece b. writing a score of original music c. shifting a melody to a different key d. recording existing music using notation e. adding a melody to preexisting harmony

9. Which group was spread over many states in the late 18th


a. English speakers b. Polish speakers c. Russian speakers d. Czech speakers e. Italian speakers

10. Arrangers that precisely transcribe every aspect of a folk tune risk creating a piece that seems

a. calculated b. dissonant c. inauthentic d. over-articulate e. disjointed

11. Which foreign nation made the greatest contributions to Russian folk song collecting?

a. Italy b. Germany c. Poland d. Scotland e. Czechoslovakia

12. According to Johann Gottfried Herder, what was the MAIN factor for classifying different nations?

a. music b. race c. language d. religion e. architecture

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13. Which feature of folk music did NOT inhibit accurate transcription?

a. limited time to listen to original b. use of several simultaneous voices c. length of lyrics and text d. subjectivity of arranger’s taste e. dialect differences between ethnic groups

14. Rural folk songs were often linked to specific

a. composers b. myths c. poems d. seasons e. rituals

15. Who was one of the first collectors to realize the national significance of folk song?

a. Johann Gottfried Herder b. Georg Caspar Schurmann c. Achim von Arnim d. Ernst Hildebrand e. Clemens Brentano

16. Contrary to theory, folk songs transmitted by word of mouth were often

a. analyzed by amateur performers b. changed beyond recognition over time c. preserved over several centuries d. consistent across large regions e. established by educated gentlemen

17. When transcribing, an arranger must consciously differentiate between a folk singer’s

a. religious inspiration and secular motivation b. gratuitous ornamentation and simple expressivity c. outer expression and inner emotion d. unintentional mistakes and deliberate variants e. upper register and lower register

18. Which work collected only the texts of Russian folk songs?

a. Die Brautwahlb. Das Liebesverbotc. Die Meistersinger von Nurnbergd. Des Knaben Wunderhorne. Die Gezeichneten

19. MOST of the problems created in transcribing folk music stem from the

a. addition of harmony to solo selections b. incompetence of the amateur arrangers c. act of notating purely oral music d. improvisatory nature of the original music e. inherent flaws of Western notation

20. Which century saw the rise of folk song collection and transcription?

a. 16th b. 19th c. 18th d. 20th e. 17th

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1. Which term refers to the solo introduction of each verse in “The Day was Breaking?”

a. troikab. zapevc. yablochkod. protyazhnayae. podgoloski

2. Mikhail Glinka once described the fifth as

a. “the spirit of Russian song” b. “the lifeblood of Moscow” c. “the root of all composition” d. “the heart of folk song” e. “the soul of Russian music”

3. In which century did the popularity of traveling folk performers begin to wane in Russia?

a. 19th b. 17th c. 18th d. 16th e. 20th

4. From which region does “The Day was Breaking” derive?

a. Smolensk b. Lipetsk c. Sverdlovsk d. Novgorod e. Kemerovo

5. In which century did folk song collectors begin to indicate rather than dismiss discrepancies in folk music?

a. 20th b. 18th c. 19th d. 17th e. 16th

6. What is the theme of “The Day was Breaking?”

a. holiday festivities b. village superstition c. economic hardship d. army recruitment e. family gathering

7. Which interval features near the end of each verse of “The Day was Breaking?”

a. augmented fifth b. major third c. diminished fifth d. perfect fifth e. minor third

8. Which of the following song titles does NOT belong to a Russian folk song?

a. “Dark Eyes” b. “The Day was Breaking” c. “Coachman, Spare Your Horses” d. “Those Were the Days, My Friend” e. “Fire in the Garden”

9. Which term describes an extended melody with numerous twists and turns?

a. bylinyb. barynyac. plyasovyed. protyazhnayae. podgoloski

10. The traditional Russian folk song was most connected to

a. simple religious meditation b. widespread industrial progress c. proud nationalist sentiment d. popular urban fashion e. local rural tradition

11. Which term refers to the “undervoices” found in Russian folk music?

a. protyazhnayab. plyasovyec. troikad. podgoloskie. tropotianka

12. Which of the following terms describes a melody in which each syllable may be held for an entire musical phrase?

a. modulated b. syllabic c. neumatic d. antiphonal e. melismatic

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13. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Russian restaurants often featured

a. school choirs b. gypsy singers c. woodwind ensembles d. string quartets e. protyazhnaya dancers

14. Which interval forms the basis for the solo introduction in “The Day was Breaking?”

a. fifth b. third c. seventh d. octave e. unison

15. How long was the period of duty in the Russian Tsarist Army?

a. 10 years b. 25 years c. 5 years d. 15 years e. 20 years

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1. Which term refers to an epic song?

a. protyazhnayab. moguchayac. podgoloskid. plyasovyee. byliny

2. Metaphorically speaking, what characteristics do Russia and the protyazhnaya share?

a. patriotic and militaristic b. natural and wistful c. lyrical and melismatic d. infinite and sorrowful e. ornate and majestic

3. Which phrase is a common opening for protyazhnaya?

a. “Oh, God bless” b. “Oh, ye steppes” c. “Oh, the soul” d. “Oh, spare a moment” e. “Oh, thy beautiful”

4. Which type of folk song can be sung by one person without any special occasion?

a. calendar b. melodic c. layered d. melismatic e. lyrical

5. Which sentence does NOT describe a difference between calendar songs and lyrical songs?

a. Calendar songs use shorter melodic phrases. b. Calendar songs often include religious imagery. c. Calendar songs require a specific occasion. d. Calendar songs are much older. e. Calendar songs are usually more melancholy.

6. Which song was designed to help laborers fulfill their duties?

a. “Oh, Ye Steppes” b. “Akh ty step” c. “The Day was Breaking” d. “Song of the Volga Boatmen” e. “Those Were the Days, My Friend”

7. Protyazhnaya literally translates to mean

a. “lyrical” b. “loss” c. “prolonged” d. “beloved” e. “melancholic”

8. A Russian wedding featured the lament of the bride, in which the bride sang of her

a. love for her new husband and family b. reluctance to leave her parents’ home c. determination to make her family proud d. anxiety about becoming a wife and mother e. fear of dishonoring her family name

9. How many verses does “Akh ty step” contain?

a. five b. eight c. four d. three e. six

10. Unlike “The Day was Breaking,” “Akh ty step” is a(n)

a. rural hymn b. urban song c. patriotic anthem d. melismatic melody e. protyazhnaya piece

11. In comparison to other folk music, “Akh ty step” is LESS

a. melismatic b. popular c. melancholy d. patriotic e. lyrical

12. Which writer linked the protyazhnaya to Russia as a whole?

a. Andrei Bitov b. Boris Pasternak c. Vladimir Nabokov d. Nikolai Gogol e. Johann Gottfried Herder

13. What type of song falls under the category of plyasovye?

a. lullaby b. labor c. military d. calendar e. dance

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14. Which of the following reasons BEST describes why the protyazhnaya achieved such symbolic status as an emblem of Russia?

a. Urban city dwellers had greater access to protyazhnayathan other folk genres.

b. Most gypsy singers only knew and performed protyazhnaya.

c. Urban collectors only ever transcribed protyazhnaya in their anthologies.

d. The syllabic phrases of protyazhnaya made them more memorable than other folk songs.

e. The protyazhnaya best reflected the types of harmony expected by Western listeners.

15. Which ascending interval features prominently at the very opening of “Akh ty step?”

a. unison b. third c. octave d. fifth e. sixth

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1. Which unusual scale degree did Mily Balakirev stress in his arrangements?

a. flattened sixth b. raised fifth c. flattened second d. flattened seventh e. raised fourth

2. How did Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov refer to Yuli Melgunov’s collection?

a. “grotesque” b. “incompetent” c. “barbaric” d. “groundbreaking” e. “inspiring”

3. Which two arrangers made conscious effort to record the texture of folk music?

a. Nikolai Lvov and Johann Pratsch b. Mily Balakirev and Yevgeniya Linyova c. Nikolai Lvov and Nikolai Palchikov d. Mily Balakirev and Pyotr Tchaikovsky e. Yuli Melgunov and Nikolai Palchikov

4. Where were copies of the Lvov-Pratsch collection often used?

a. orthodox churches b. urban households c. opera houses d. remote villages e. reputable restaurants

5. Why did Nikolai Palchikov’s work receive so little attention?

a. His publisher went out of business. b. His work was overshadowed by novel innovations. c. He lived in a relatively remote area. d. His competitors were far more competent. e. Others accomplished the same feats at the same time.

6. Unlike Lvov-Pratsch, Balakirev’s collection

a. employed a great deal of chromatic harmony b. indicated the idiosyncratic variations in each piece c. attempted to Westernize the collected songs d. emphasized the non-Western sound of folk music e. recorded the songs with complete accuracy

7. Which arranger made the best attempt at notating folk polyphony, according to historians?

a. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov b. Mily Balakirev c. Yevgeniya Linyova d. Yuli Melgunov e. Nikolai Palchikov

8. In his arrangements, Balakirev limited himself almost entirely to

a. major scales b. arpeggios c. seventh chords d. triads e. simple meter

9. Why is it difficult to determine the accuracy of the Lvov-Pratsch transcriptions?

a. Pratsch did not preserve the original transcriptions. b. Lvov transcribed very rare calendar songs. c. The original villages no longer exist. d. Lvov did not record his sources. e. Pratsch took artistic liberties with each song.

10. Whose collection of folk songs appeared in the 20th century?

a. Modest Mussorgsky b. Nikolai Lvov c. Yuli Melgunov d. Mily Balakirev e. Yevgeniya Linyova

11. Which term describes a piece in which various singers perform the same melodic line with simultaneous variations?

a. homophony b. polyphony c. heterophony d. multiphony e. monophony

12. Some text in the Lvov-Pratsch collection

a. reveals the ignorance of the peasant class b. places accents on the wrong syllables c. incorporates foreign languages d. references pagan and Christian imagery e. calls for use of heterophonic texture

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13. Which composer was the first to embrace the advances presented by Yevgeniya Linyova’s collection?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov c. Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Dmitry Shostakovich e. Igor Stravinsky

14. The Lvov-Pratsch collection preceded the Balakirev collection by approximately

a. 150 years b. 100 years c. 25 years d. 75 years e. 50 years

15. Whose anthology was the MOST influential collection of folk music in the 18th century?

a. Nikolai Palchikov b. Lvov-Pratsch c. Mily Balakirev d. Yuli Melgunov e. Yevgeniya Linyova

16. In order to notate heterophony and polyphony in a piece, one must analyze the

a. melody b. harmony c. syncopation d. tonality e. meter

17. Yevgeniya Linyova’s collection pioneered the use of

a. audio recording b. mechanical type c. polyphonic texture d. approximate harmony e. non-Western notation

18. Balakirev’s collection used mostly

a. syncopated rhythms b. twelve-tone composition c. diatonic chords d. minor scales e. chromatic harmony

19. How did Yuli Melgunov compile his groundbreaking transcriptions?

a. He consulted with performers from various villages. b. He asked several singers to perform in succession. c. He listened to the same performers multiple times. d. He referenced the arrangements of other collectors. e. He studied recordings of multiple groups.

20. Which of the following arrangers was criticized for Westernizing folk songs?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Nikolai Lvov c. Johann Pratsch d. Yuli Melgunov e. Yevgeniya Linyova

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1. According to Johann Gottfried Herder, what results from the inclusion of folk melodies in a composition?

a. national spirit b. idiosyncratic sound c. chromatic harmony d. social stratification e. cultural assimilation

2. Which composer wrote the opera A Life for the Tsar?

a. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov b. Mikhail Glinka c. Igor Stravinsky d. Mily Balakirev e. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

3. Most 19th-century composers were from the

a. working middle class b. nomadic gypsy caravans c. rural countryside d. impoverished hinterlands e. educated upper class

4. An untrained audience listening to Russian folk songs without knowledge of the titles will MOST likely

a. confuse the pieces for classical works b. easily associate the pieces to Russia c. recognize the pieces’ complex harmonies d. fail to realize the nationality of the pieces e. anticipate emancipation of dissonance

5. Which string technique did Rimsky-Korsakov favor in his accompaniment of folk melodies?

a. glissando b. tremolo c. spiccato d. pizzicato e. ricochet

6. Folk melodies included in classical compositions often

a. differ considerably from the original tunes b. sound just like Western hymns c. challenge the perceptions of folk tradition d. reflect the culture of a large group e. feature much virtuosic ornamentation

7. In truth, a traditional folk song BEST represents

a. composers and arrangers b. working-class laborers c. all of Russia as a whole d. the royal family and gentry e. a small region of individuals

8. Which composer openly acknowledged his unfamiliarity with folk culture?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Mikhail Glinka c. Dmitry Shostakovich d. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Igor Stravinsky

9. How would a composer who used folk melodies MOST likely describe his music?

a. “grand” b. “national” c. “provincial” d. “minimalist” e. “barbaric”

10. Mikhail Glinka chose folk material to differentiate his work from

a. Spanish dances b. French symphonies c. Italian opera d. English hymns e. German opera

11. In an opera, folk music would MOST likely be used to represent

a. wealthy gentry b. the royal family c. literate shopkeepers d. lower-class servants e. political prisoners

12. Composers included folk melodies in their compositions for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

a. to win recognition and sympathy b. to denote certain opera characters c. to promote nationalism d. to discover new technical devices e. to appease working-class critics

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13. How did most composers become familiar with folk music?

a. working with domestic servants b. living and working on-site c. personal childhood experience d. extensive study in adult years e. listening to other composers’ works

14. Rimsky-Korsakov often suggested harmony in folk compositions through the use of

a. grace notes b. pedal notes c. arpeggiated lines d. chromatic pitches e. stacked chords

15. Which instrumentation did Rimsky-Korsakov often use to introduce folk song melodies in his works?

a. string quartet b. solo stringed instrument c. brass fanfare d. solo woodwind instrument e. solo singer or duet

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1. Transcribed songs frequently

a. differ noticeably from the originals b. involve complex orchestration c. include considerable dissonance d. reflect the tastes of country peasants e. sound very familiar to Western ears

2. Whose folk song collection BEST captured homophonic and polyphonic texture?

a. Linyova b. Palchikov c. Balakirev d. Lvov-Pratsch e. Melgunov

3. Writers and scholars linking Russian folk song to national music tend to

a. disparage folk melodies b. prefer one over the other c. exaggerate the connection d. pass over the similarities e. emphasize the differences

4. In which century did Russian folk song transcription begin in earnest?

a. 19th b. 20th c. 16th d. 17th e. 18th

5. Most early folk song transcribers came from the

a. working class b. traveling gypsies c. rural serfdom d. educated elite e. French countryside

6. Folk song arrangements were intended to appeal the MOST to

a. wealthy nobility b. domestic servants c. experienced transcribers d. traveling gypsies e. city dwellers

7. Most modern Russian folk songs are actually

a. popular songs b. provincial songs c. dance songs d. wedding songs e. lyrical songs

8. What was the first significant compilation of Russian folk melodies?

a. Linyova b. Melgunov c. Lvov-Pratsch d. Palchikov e. Balakirev

9. What was the nationality of the philosopher who believed folk music channeled national spirit?

a. Polish b. German c. Austrian d. Italian e. Russian

10. Which innovation greatly advanced understanding of choral folk music?

a. tonal harmony b. polyphonic texture c. audio recording d. non-Western notation e. mechanical transcription

11. Which of the following terms BEST describes a lyrical folk tune often compared to Russia itself?

a. zapevb. plyasovyec. bylinyd. protyazhnayae. podgoloki

12. What was the MOST important reason why composers included folk music in their work?

a. to provide appropriate character b. to pioneer new techniques c. to create a “national” feeling d. to present something familiar e. to appease foreign critics

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13. Which of the following terms best describes traditional folk song?

a. national b. individual c. improvisational d. regal e. regional

14. What type of harmony did Balakirev incorporate in his collection of folk music?

a. tonal b. compound c. modal d. diatonic e. chromatic

15. Which type of folk song is considered the oldest?

a. dance songs b. labor songs c. epic songs d. wedding songs e. calendar songs

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1. Which foreigner invaded Russia in the early 19th century?

a. Victoria b. Napoleon c. Wilhelm II d. Louis XIV e. James I

2. Which movement claimed to be the supreme Russian Westernizing force?

a. Populism b. Nationalist c. Laborist d. Communism e. Bolshevik

3. Which body of water was considered instrumental in Russian international trade?

a. Baltic Sea b. Bering Sea c. Caspian Sea d. Mediterranean Sea e. Black Sea

4. In the early 19th century, leaflets and posters asserted that Russians owed their primary loyalty to their

a. individual selves b. villages c. families d. nation e. social class

5. Unlike Russian builders, 16th-century European architects used

a. stone b. wood c. brick d. steel e. gold

6. Which tsar was challenged by dissatisfied “Decembrists?”

a. Feodor II b. Peter the Great c. Ivan the Terrible d. Nicholas I e. Nicholas II

7. Before the late 18th century, what was the primary language spoken by Russian nobles?

a. French b. English c. Polish d. Italian e. Slavic

8. The term narodnost’ MOST closely means

a. nationalism b. reform c. autocracy d. revolt e. Westernization

9. Which Russian ruler allegedly sent a few dozen students abroad to study in Europe during the 16th century?

a. Ivan the Terrible b. Catherine the Great c. Alexander the Blessed d. Simeon the Proud e. Peter the Great

10. Who announced the doctrine of Official Nationalism in 1833?

a. Tsar Nicholas I b. Sergei Uvarov c. Yevstignei Fomin d. Pyotr Chaadayev e. Peter the Great

11. Which two European cities greatly inspired the construction of St. Petersburg?

a. Venice and Amsterdam b. London and Prague c. Venice and Rome d. London and Barcelona e. Paris and Rome

12. In the early 19th century, Russia followed the ideology of which religious institution?

a. Orthodox Church b. Presbyterian Church c. Methodist Church d. Roman Catholic Church e. Anglican Church

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13. Which term refers to the ornate European-style balls popular in the 16th-century Russian court?

a. assambleib. protyazhnayac. narodnikd. zapeve. peredvizhniki

14. In the early 19th century, what happened to the city of Moscow?

a. The Russians burned it down. b. It became the new capital city. c. It was conquered by an invading army. d. An invading force burned it down. e. The citizens led a violent but ineffective protest.

15. Which Russian ruler implemented an extensive program of Westernization?

a. Nicholas I b. Ivan the Terrible c. Peter the Great d. Nicholas II e. Catherine the Great

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1. Which term refers to the populist movement that sprang up circa 1860?

a. Zapevb. Nadezhdac. Moguchayad. Narodnike. Nayekhovichi

2. What unusual harmony does Mikhail Glinka use in the outer voices of “The Glory Chorus?”

a. twelve-tone progression b. chromatic scales c. parallel thirds d. pentatonic modes e. augmented fifths

3. How might a Russian intellectual describe the Russian people in comparison to other nationalities?

a. more privileged b. more profound c. more pragmatic d. more brilliant e. more industrious

4. A Life for the Tsar is the first Russian opera to contain

a. no Italian-style arias b. Russian history c. no spoken dialogue d. virtuosic soprano solos e. recognizable folk melodies

5. Which well-known author lived among peasants despite his privileged origins?

a. Leo Tolstoy b. Pyotr Chaadayev c. Anton Chekhov d. Sergei Uvarov e. Regina Derieva

6. Why did Pyotr Chaadayev never publish his “Philosophical Letter?”

a. He was brutally murdered and the original draft was destroyed.

b. The common people dismissed his ideas as the views of a radical extremist.

c. He lived in a remote region without access to publishers.

d. His ideas were plagiarized from earlier and more obscure documents.

e. The authorities declared him insane and treated him as such.

7. Which music theorist taught Mikhail Glinka in the early 19th century?

a. Siegfried Dehn b. Giacomo Meyerbeer c. Hector Berlioz d. Giovanni Ristori e. Yevstigenei Fomin

8. Why did the Far East fail to influence 19th-century Russian culture?

a. It was too far away with too few inhabitants. b. Local artists refused to share their customs with

foreigners. c. The inhabitants were largely annihilated during

conquest. d. Few scholars survived the dangerous return journey. e. Russian scholars did not find any artistic works of


9. Compared to Italian opera, Russian opera was more

a. virtuosic b. stereotypical c. sophisticated d. melancholy e. fast-paced

10. Which group believed Peter the Great’s decisions for Russia should be reversed?

a. Orthodoxists b. Anti-Westernizers c. Slavophiles d. Westernizers e. Communists

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11. During whose reign did opera first arrive in Russia?

a. Tsar Ivan IV b. Tsaritsa Anastasia c. Tsar Peter the Great d. Empress Catherine the Great e. Tsaritsa Anna

12. What important event occurred in 1861?

a. the debut of Glinka’s first opera b. the rise of Catherine the Great c. the publication of Chaadayev’s Letter d. the December Revolution e. the abolition of serfdom in Russia

13. In the score of A Life for the Tsar, Mikhail Glinka labels “The Glory Chorus” as a

a. “military march” b. “minuet-trio” c. “national work” d. “hymn-march” e. “religious chant”

14. What formed the subject matter for most opera seria?

a. peasant life b. historical events c. epic poetry d. religion e. mythology

15. Russian troops continuously waged war against insurgent tribes in the

a. Far East b. Caucasus Mountains c. Ural Mountains d. Arctic Circle e. Siberian plains

16. According to the Slavophiles, Eastern Christians

a. failed to recognize the tsar as head of the church b. emphasized authority over reason c. reflected ideas of the Western Enlightenment d. belonged to a superior race of people e. shared many Catholic traditions

17. Which term refers to the Russian Realist school of painting?

a. Peredvizhnikib. Tsyganochkac. Barynyad. Protyazhnayae. Narodnik

18. To what did Pyotr Tchaikovsky compare Mikhail Glinka’s Kamarinskaya?

a. an acorn b. Europe c. Russia d. a beacon e. a dance

19. The text of Glinka’s “Glory Chorus” venerates the first tsar of the

a. Ruriks b. Chekhovs c. Gudonovs d. Chaadayevs e. Romanovs

20. In the late 18th century, Russian writers claimed that national character stemmed mostly from

a. vagabond artists and poets b. lower-class people c. Orthodox Christianity d. urban fashions e. modernization and progress

21. Which work is widely acknowledged the first Russian national opera?

a. Kamarinskayab. Calandroc. A Life for the Tsard. Ruslan and Lyudmilae. Cephalus and Procris

22. Which composer most clearly reflected populist ideology in his compositions of art music?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov c. Modest Mussorgsky d. Igor Stravinsky e. Dmitry Shostakovich

23. To which foreign nationality did a large percentage of St. Petersburg’s inhabitants belong in the early 19th century?

a. Polish b. English c. French d. German e. Belgian

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24. Russian intellectuals who aimed to emphasize their differences from the West presented themselves as

a. “Philosophers” b. “Lovers” c. “Tsars” d. “Disciples” e. “Barbarians”

25. Folk song collector Nikolai Palchikov worked as a

a. farmer b. judge c. tailor d. bartender e. serf

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1. For Ruslan and Lyudmila, Mikhail Glinka created the

a. pentatonic scale b. Mixolydian scale c. octatonic scale d. whole-tone scale e. twelve-tone scale

2. Glinka variations often

a. center on folk themes b. drastically vary the melody c. have monophonic texture d. use simple instrumentation e. do not resolve dissonance

3. Which composer featured “Glinka variations” before Mikhail Glinka made the technique popular?

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Mily Balakirev c. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Johann Sebastian Bach e. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

4. Who wrote the libretto for A Life for the Tsar?

a. Alexander Pushkin b. Siegfried Dehn c. Mikhail Glinka d. Baron Rosen e. Alexander II

5. Which work was Mikhail Glinka’s greatest disappointment?

a. Ruslan and Lyudmilab. Night in Madridc. Kamarinskayad. A Life for the Tsare. Jota Aragonesa

6. What is the title of the Russian wedding song in Kamarinskaya?

a. “Beyond Clear Skies” b. “A Peaceful Daybreak” c. “From behind Tall Hills” d. “Love and Thought” e. “Of Air and Fire”

7. Which composer invented the octatonic scale?

a. Igor Stravinsky b. Alexander Borodin c. Siegfried Dehn d. Mikhail Glinka e. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

8. What sign of imperial favor did Mikhail Glinka receive after the premiere of his first opera?

a. a royal ring b. a Moscow townhouse c. a prestigious medal d. a purse of money e. a new commission

9. One of Mikhail Glinka’s innovations appeared in the West under the name

a. couleur localeb. musique jaunec. aire romanzad. L’heure espagnolee. musique concrete

10. “Kamarinskaya” refers to a

a. character b. festival c. mountain d. village e. dance

11. Which genre contained Russian domestic art song?

a. “Italianate” b. “narrative” c. “Romance” d. “protyazhnaya” e. “opera seria”

12. Which nation inspired several of Mikhail Glinka’s works directly following the debut of his second opera?

a. Czechoslovakia b. France c. Spain d. Portugal e. Germany

13. Which section presents the original statement of the fast theme in Kamarinskaya?

a. flutes b. violins c. cellos d. clarinets e. horns

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14. Which state attempted to occupy Russia in 1613?

a. Poland b. Japan c. China d. England e. France

15. Which term refers to the musical technique of changing modal centers?

a. zdravitsab. nadezhdac. peremennost’d. peredvizhnikie. bogatyri

16. Which noticeably dissonant note does the horn play in the fast section of Kamarinskaya?

a. A-natural b. B-flat c. G-sharp d. C-natural e. F-sharp

17. To which Western family of instruments does the balalaika belong?

a. percussion b. string c. brass d. keyboard e. woodwind

18. What technique does the repetition of Kamarinskaya’s fast melody emulate?

a. ostinato b. tremolo c. chaconne d. pizzicato e. vibrato

19. Mikhail Glinka based his second opera on a

a. religious hymn b. Russian myth c. narrative poem d. historical event e. national hero

20. Five-beat meter stems from Russian folk

a. poetry b. dances c. stories d. songs e. hymns

21. How many pre-existing folk melodies does Glinka quote in A Life for the Tsar?

a. five b. one c. two d. four e. three

22. Which meter does Mikhail Glinka use to characterize Russia’s adversary in A Life for the Tsar?

a. 3/4 b. 5/4 c. 2/4 d. 7/4 e. 4/4

23. Which of Mikhail Glinka’s opera characters is represented by Oriental musical themes?

a. Ratmir b. Lyudmila c. Finn d. Ruslan e. Chernomor

24. Which work features the Glinka variations technique using multiple themes?

a. Bolerob. Song of the Forestsc. “Akh ty step” d. “Zavod”e. Islamey

25. Who is the primary focus of Mikhail Glinka’s first opera?

a. Mikhail Romanov b. Ivan Susanin c. Ilya Repin d. Peter the Great e. Chernomor

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1. How many composers made up the Mighty Handful?

a. eight b. five c. six d. four e. seven

2. Which member of the Mighty Handful worked as an engineer?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Cesar Cui c. Alexander Borodin d. Anton Rubinstein e. Modest Mussorgsky

3. Coursework at the Rubinsteins’ conservatories lasted

a. two years b. five years c. seven years d. six months e. ten years

4. Which member of the Mighty Handful was encouraged by Mikhail Glinka?

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Cesar Cui c. Mily Balakirev d. Vladimir Stasov e. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

5. How might Mily Balakirev’s teaching style BEST be described?

a. progressive but obscure b. challenging but benevolent c. Eurocentric but nationalistic d. strict but inconsistent e. intensive but inexperienced

6. The Rubinsteins’ father worked as a

a. typist b. merchant c. violinist d. tailor e. professor

7. Which member of the Mighty Handful was a full-time musician at the time of the group’s formation?

a. Cesar Cui b. Mily Balakirev c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Vladimir Stasov e. Modest Mussorgsky

8. Compared to conservatory methods, Mily Balakirev’s teaching style was considerably less

a. progressive b. discussion-based c. intensive d. formal e. case-based

9. Who named the Mighty Handful?

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Vladimir Stasov c. Anton Rubinstein d. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Mily Balakirev

10. The Rubinstein brothers founded the

a. Tsar’s Music Conservatory b. Russian Society of the Arts c. Russian Music Society d. Russian National Symphony e. Musical Association

11. Which member of the Mighty Handful worked on compositions while traveling as a naval officer?

a. Vladimir Stasov b. Cesar Cui c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Alexander Borodin e. Modest Mussorgsky

12. Which two men began the group later known as the Mighty Handful?

a. Mily Balakirev and Cesar Cui b. Vladimir Stasov and Mily Balakirev c. Alexander Borodin and Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Modest Mussorgsky and Alexander Borodin

13. Anton Rubinstein was once detained at the Russian border because the guards did not recognize his status as a(n)

a. “independent musician” b. “conservatory professor” c. “artistic entrepreneur” d. “self-employed artist” e. “freelance composer”

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14. Which of the following adjectives BEST describes the music the Mighty Handful aimed to create?

a. dissonant b. lucrative c. exotic d. conservative e. nationalistic

15. Anton Rubinstein was considered to be one of the greatest pianists in the generation after

a. Johann Sebastian Bach b. Joseph Haydn c. Franz Liszt d. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart e. Ludwig van Beethoven

16. Many of the professors at Russian music conservatories came from

a. Germany b. France c. Italy d. Russia e. Poland

17. What word would anti-conservatory critics MOST LIKELY use to describe the conservatory system?

a. “undemanding” b. “incompetent” c. “Western” d. “barbaric” e. “unorganized”

18. Which composer did Mily Balakirev use as a negative example when teaching the Mighty Handful?

a. Robert Schumann b. Felix Mendelssohn c. Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Franz Liszt e. Hector Berlioz

19. Prior to his work as a composer, Alexander Borodin was a respected professor of

a. chemistry b. music c. mathematics d. literature e. biology

20. In 1866, a music conservatory appeared in

a. Volgograd b. Moscow c. Yekaterinburg d. St. Petersburg e. Vladivostok

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1. Where did Mily Balakirev draw inspiration for the Oriental style?

a. Siberian tundra b. Caucasus Mountains c. Japanese villages d. Ural Mountains e. Moscow gypsy camps

2. Mily Balakirev would be MOST likely to describe his ideal composition as

a. European b. absolute c. expressive d. inspirational e. original

3. When composing folk song accompaniments in minor keys, Mily Balakirev frequently

a. avoided the leading tone b. explored the whole-tone scale c. preserved the original accompaniments d. used harmonic and melodic scales e. incorporated seventh chords

4. What genre describes Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s work Sadko?

a. symphonic piece b. comic opera c. string quartet d. folk tune e. piano solo

5. The orchestration of Islamey calls for a

a. string quartet b. solo piano c. symphony orchestra d. piano-violin duet e. solo violin

6. Which element of Robert Schumann’s compositions did Mily Balakirev MOST admire?

a. ornamentation b. instrumentation c. rhythm d. melody e. harmony

7. Which of the following terms refers to ancient Russian warriors?

a. bogatyrib. peremennost’c. kuchkad. oeuvree. sadko

8. Which member of the Mighty Handful completed many of the unfinished works of his fellow members?

a. Alexander Glazunov b. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov c. Modest Mussorgsky d. Alexander Borodin e. Cesar Cui

9. Which two keys are present in the opening of Alexander Borodin’s Second Symphony?

a. B minor and D major b. B-flat major and A minor c. F major and D minor d. A minor and F major e. G major and C-sharp major

10. How many pitches make up the “Rimsky-Korsakov scale?”

a. 12 b. 7 c. 6 d. 8 e. 5

11. Which Mighty Handful composer wrote articles to promote the group’s music?

a. Vladimir Stasov b. Modest Mussorgsky c. Mikhail Glinka d. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Cesar Cui

12. Certain elements from Mily Balakirev’s Tamara appear in the far more popular

a. Sheherazadeb. Islameyc. Prince Igord. Bogatyrskayae. Sadko

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13. Alexander Borodin’s Second Symphony earned the nickname

a. Peremennostb. Pravdac. Bogatyrskayad. Moguchayae. Sadko

14. Which of the following devices became a trademark of Alexander Borodin’s work?

a. diminished triads b. unresolved seconds c. arpeggiated bass lines d. diatonic chords e. IV-I progression

15. Mily Balakirev preferred movement in the bass line using the interval of a(n)

a. fifth b. tritone c. octave d. half step e. third

16. Which two composers lent their names to musical techniques or devices?

a. Mikhail Glinka and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov b. Modest Mussorgsky and Cesar Cui c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Cesar Cui d. Modest Mussorgsky and Alexander Borodin e. Mily Balakirev and Mikhail Glinka

17. How many folk songs did Mily Balakirev publish in his 1866 collection?

a. 30 b. 40 c. 25 d. 50 e. 20

18. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Sheherazade features a solo

a. violin b. flute c. piano d. cello e. clarinet

19. How would Mily Balakirev MOST likely describe the works of Frederic Chopin?

a. saturnine b. innovative c. proud d. demanding e. maudlin

20. Which familiar harmonic progression did Mily Balakirev discourage his students from using?

a. III-V-I b. IV-V-I c. III-VII-I d. IV-VII-I e. III-IV-I

21. Which term refers to the lengthening of note values in a given theme?

a. rubato b. augmentation c. crescendo d. incrementing e. stringendo

22. What served as the inspiration for Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Antar?

a. a fairy tale b. a national hero c. a historical event d. a fabled beast e. a folk dance

23. In what role did Mily Balakirev achieve his greatest success?

a. conductor b. mentor c. composer d. performer e. arranger

24. Alexander Borodin used the Russian Orientalist style in a set of well-known pieces collectively known as the

a. Armenian Songs b. Polovtsian Dances c. General Dances d. Eastern Symphonies e. Caucasian Cycles

25. Which term refers to the use of musical colors to represent characters and events?

a. story method b. narrative composition c. absolute music d. program music e. narrative construction

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1. In Mikhail Glinka’s opera, who is Boris Godunov?

a. a soldier b. a groom c. an artist d. a peasant e. the Tsar

2. Which adjective BEST describes Modest Mussorgsky’s ideal opera?

a. lifelike b. sophisticated c. traditional d. ornate e. virtuosic

3. Which work MOST influenced the character of the Innkeeper in Boris Godunov?

a. The Stone Guestb. The Maid of Pskovc. Bogatyrskayad. The Marriagee. Sadko

4. Unlike Mikhail Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar, Modest Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov does NOT

a. include comedic elements b. focus on Russian history c. question power and suffering d. contain Tsarist propaganda e. feature a royal figure

5. With respect to The Marriage, Modest Mussorgsky only completed one

a. monologue b. song c. version d. scene e. act

6. Which member of the Mighty Handful do historians present as the MOST important?

a. Alexander Borodin b. Mily Balakirev c. Cesar Cui d. Modest Mussorgsky e. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

7. Which characteristic of the Orthodox Church does Modest Mussorgsky notably imitate in Boris Godunov?

a. prayer chants b. funeral hymns c. chiming bells d. burning candles e. sorrowful confessions

8. Which opera featured a plot MOST similar to Don Giovanni?

a. Boris Godunovb. The Marriagec. Eugene Onegind. A Life for the Tsare. The Stone Guest

9. Which of the following phrases BEST describes Mussorgsky’s The Marriage?

a. innovative but politicized b. progressive but unsuccessful c. clichéd but challenging d. difficult but acclaimed e. realistic but overemotional

10. Which member of the Mighty Handful became a conservatory professor?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Modest Mussorgsky c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Alexander Borodin e. Cesar Cui

11. The first version of Boris Godunov lacked a

a. principal character b. love story c. dramatic monologue d. coherent plot e. musical libretto

12. Which composer MOST directly inspired Modest Mussorgsky’s attempts to replicate human speech in his operas?

a. Alexander Dargomyzhsky b. Alexander Pushkin c. Mikhail Glinka d. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Nikolai Gogol

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13. Modest Mussorgsky wrote Pictures at an Exhibition for

a. solo piano b. wind ensemble c. string quartet d. symphony orchestra e. solo clarinet

14. How did songs in Italian operas compare to the songs in The Stone Guest?

a. They were much longer. b. They were easier to memorize. c. They were more lifelike. d. They were more declamatory. e. They used smaller dynamic ranges.

15. To whom did Modest Mussorgsky dedicate the first act of The Marriage?

a. Nikolai Gogol b. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov c. Tsar Nicholas I d. Mikhail Glinka e. Vladimir Stasov

16. Which period of Russian history forms the backdrop of Boris Godunov?

a. “The Era of Struggle” b. “The Gilded Era” c. “The Time of Troubles” d. “The Time of Storms” e. “The Golden Age”

17. The closing scene of the second version of Boris Godunovfeatures

a. Boris’ death b. a royal wedding c. a peasant revolt d. the beginning of a war e. a successor’s coronation

18. How might Modest Mussorgsky’s contemporaries have described him?

a. unoriginal b. sycophantic c. barbaric d. insane e. gifted

19. What is the nationality of lead female character in the second version of Boris Godunov?

a. Russian b. Czech c. German d. Italian e. Polish

20. Unlike The Stone Guest, The Marriage was based on a(n)

a. Italian opera b. work of prose c. real event d. epic poem e. historical figure

21. What was Modest Mussorgsky’s occupation while he wrote Boris Godunov?

a. army officer b. public accountant c. civil servant d. concert pianist e. conservatory professor

22. What is the name of Boris Godunov’s main rival?

a. Shuisky b. Khazar c. Ratmir d. Sergei e. Gorislava

23. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov based The Maid of Pskov primarily on Russian

a. opera b. mythology c. poetry d. literature e. history

24. Who wrote the text upon which Modest Mussorgsky based The Marriage?

a. Leon Trotsky b. Alexander Dargomyzhsky c. Vladimir Stasov d. Alexander Pushkin e. Nikolai Gogol

25. Which nation established the standard for opera?

a. Italy b. France c. Russia d. Spain e. Germany

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1. Which instrumentation is MOST characteristic of Russian Orientalist music?

a. vocal chorus b. solo bassoon c. string quartet d. full orchestra e. solo violin

2. Which character in Ruslan and Lyudmila attempts to woo Ratmir?

a. Layla b. Marina c. Lyudmila d. Gorislava e. Ruslan

3. Which of the following adjectives BEST describes the intended effect of In the Steppes of Central Asia?

a. experimental b. patriotic c. poignant d. revolutionary e. virtuosic

4. Which of these elements is LEAST characteristic of Russian Orientalism?

a. ostinato patterns b. chromatic harmony c. extensive percussion d. ornamented melodies e. simple meter

5. An omitted element of the production indicates that Mikhail Glinka intended Ruslan and Lyudmila to embody a

a. hope for global equality b. push for social reform c. vision of the Russian empire d. purely Russian art form e. criticism of the tsarist regime

6. Unlike Western music, Russian music uses pedal notes to

a. introduce melodies b. prolong dissonance c. heighten anticipation d. dispel tension e. sustain pitches

7. Which solo instrument represents Sheherazade in Rimsky-Korsakov’s symphony of the same name?

a. clarinet b. piano c. violin d. oboe e. cello

8. Which feature of Turkic music appeared frequently in Russian Orientalism?

a. tritone progression b. solo woodwinds c. augmented seconds d. chromatic harmonies e. ostinato patterns

9. Which vocal range is needed to play the character Ratmir in Mikhail Glinka’s Ruslan and Lyudmila?

a. contralto b. baritone c. tenor d. soprano e. bass

10. What was a recurring motif in Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s works?

a. the moon b. the woods c. the sun d. the sea e. the mountains

11. In the Steppes of Central Asia was written during the reign of

a. Nicholas II b. Ivan IV c. Alexander II d. Peter the Great e. Nicholas I

12. Which term refers to the Polovtsians?

a. Tatars b. Khazars c. Crimeans d. Cumans e. Afghans

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13. Compared to Germanic music, Russian music exhibits greater

a. finality b. unity c. nationalism d. length e. aimlessness

14. Which instrument is used to imitate the zurna in the score of Ruslan and Lyudmila?

a. violin b. bassoon c. guitar d. English horn e. clarinet

15. Which technique does Borodin MOST notably execute in his piece In the Steppes of Central Asia?

a. counterpoint b. peremennost’ c. inversion d. tonalization e. polytonality

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1. Pyotr Tchaikovsky offered a programmatic explanation for his Fourth Symphony at the behest of his patroness

a. Nadezhda von Meck b. Antonina Miliukova c. Irina Arkhipova d. Maria Feodorovna e. Catherine the Great

2. Which work is considered Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s first great achievement?

a. Romeo and Julietb. Hamletc. Fourth Symphony d. Sixth Symphony e. Eugene Onegin

3. Like his contemporary Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky

a. launched his career in Moscow b. taught at a conservatory c. studied at a conservatory d. produced Western-style works e. focused on choral works

4. Psychorealism refers to a composer’s use of musical devices to

a. represent personal struggle b. illustrate Freudian theory c. influence the study of emotion d. convey human emotions e. build and release tension

5. Which composer began the composition of “Fate themes” in Western music?

a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart b. Mikhail Glinka c. Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Ludwig van Beethoven e. Mily Balakirev

6. Which member of the Mighty Handful did Tchaikovsky MOST respect?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Modest Mussorgsky c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Cesar Cui e. Alexander Borodin

7. How long is each phrase in the finale of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony?

a. six measures b. two measures c. eight measures d. three measures e. four measures

8. Why did Tchaikovsky use B minor and D-flat major as the two main keys in the sonata allegro of Romeo and Juliet?

a. Tchaikovsky particularly favored these two keys. b. B minor and D-flat major are relative keys. c. Composers frequently used these keys to represent star-

crossed lovers. d. They were Balakirev’s favorite keys. e. Modulation between these two keys proved simple.

9. Which section of the orchestra begins the finale of Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony?

a. flutes b. horns c. tubas d. violins e. cellos

10. Tchaikovsky lived and worked primarily in

a. Moscow b. Samara c. Lvov d. St. Petersburg e. Nizhny Novgorod

11. Which of the following elements MOST contributes to Tchaikovsky’s psychorealism?

a. harmony b. timbre c. texture d. melody e. tempo

12. Which tree inspired the folk theme featured in the finale of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony?

a. pine b. birch c. oak d. maple e. elm

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13. Which of the following emotions best describes the mood of the Sixth Symphony finale?

a. joy b. anger c. grief d. love e. surprise

14. Several of Tchaikovsky’s programmatic symphonies were inspired by

a. exotic locations b. English literature c. mythological creatures d. historical events e. legendary heroes

15. Which composer served as the young Tchaikovsky’s mentor at the Conservatory?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Anton Rubinstein c. Vladimir Stasov d. Mikhail Glinka e. Alexander Dargomyzhsky

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1. Who was the first Russian composer to receive widespread international acclaim?

a. Modest Mussorgsky b. Igor Stravinsky c. Mikhail Glinka d. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

2. Which Mighty Handful composer wrote articles in French papers insulting Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s works?

a. Alexander Borodin b. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov c. Mily Balakirev d. Modesst Mussorgsky e. Cesar Cui

3. Like Modest Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov, Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto

a. requires elaborate staging b. draws on historical events c. reflects literary inspiration d. represents Russian bells e. quotes folk themes

4. Which type of music does Pyotr Tchaikovsky emulate in Eugene Onegin?

a. folk melodies b. Italian arias c. parlor songs d. Russian ariosos e. patriotic anthems

5. Which actor was widely acclaimed for his portrayal of Boris Godunov?

a. Alexander Krutikova b. Feodor Chaliapin c. Anton Chekhov d. Mikhail Boyarsky e. Sergei Diaghilev

6. In what century did Russian music begin to gain international prestige?

a. 19th century b. 18th century c. 17th century d. 16th century e. 20th century

7. Which composer wrote Spanish-like music partially inspired by Rimsky-Korsakov’s Spanish Capriccio?

a. Claude Debussy b. Maurice Ravel c. Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Sergei Diaghilev e. Richard Wagner

8. Which genre did Pyotr Tchaikovsky consider the “most democratic?”

a. symphony b. chorus c. concerto d. ballet e. opera

9. Who wrote The Golden Cockerel?

a. Gustav Mahler b. Sergei Diaghilev c. Modest Mussorgsky d. Pyotr Tchaikovsky e. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

10. Who conducted the 1892 performance of Eugene Onegin in Germany?

a. Gustav Mahler b. Claude Debussy c. Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Sergei Rachmaninoff e. Sergei Diaghilev

11. Which term BEST summarizes Sergei Rachmaninoff’s melodies?

a. syncopated b. progressive c. dissonant d. chromatic e. conjunct

12. In the 20th century, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Sheherazadewas converted into a(n)

a. opera b. piano solo c. string quartet d. ballet e. play

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13. Pyotr Tchaikovsky conducted the inaugural performance at

a. Carnegie Hall b. La Scala Opera Hall c. Royal Albert Hall d. Sydney Opera House e. Boston Symphony Hall

14. Eugene Onegin was inspired by a(n)

a. legendary hero b. oil painting c. folk song d. literary work e. historical event

15. Maurice Ravel published an arrangement of Modest Mussorgsky’s

a. Pictures at an Exhibitionb. Prince Igorc. Boris Godunovd. Saissons Russese. Sheherazade

16. Which foreign nation reacted MOST enthusiastically to the Mighty Handful’s music?

a. England b. Germany c. United States d. France e. Italy

17. Which of the following adjectives BEST describes the overall mood of Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto?

a. strict b. joyous c. melancholic d. inquisitive e. apathetic

18. In the early 20th century, French composers tried to escape the influence of

a. Frederic Chopin b. Ludwig van Beethoven c. Johann Sebastian Bach d. Felix Mendelssohn e. Richard Wagner

19. In the opera Eugene Onegin, who is Onegin’s primary love interest?

a. Lensky b. Marina c. Tatiana d. Lyudmila e. Olga

20. Which composer is explicitly named in one of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s most famous works?

a. Ludwig van Beethoven b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. Antonio Vivaldi e. Niccolo Paganini

21. How many ballets did Pyotr Tchaikovsky compose?

a. 10 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5 e. 7

22. Which Russian played the MOST significant role in introducing the works of the Mighty Handful to Parisian society?

a. Vaslav Nijinsky b. Modest Mussorgsky c. Sergei Rachmaninoff d. Vladimir Stasov e. Sergei Diaghilev

23. Which of the following works was written by Claude Debussy?

a. Sheherazadeb. The Golden Cockerelc. Pelleas et Melisanded. Eugene Onegine. L’heure espagnole

24. The French perceived Pyotr Tchaikovsky as excessively

a. pretentious b. traditional c. flamboyant d. clichéd e. cosmopolitan

25. How many piano concertos did Sergei Rachmaninoff compose?

a. three b. six c. four d. two e. five

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1. Mikhail Glinka invented the

a. twelve-tone system b. peremennost’ technique c. Orientalist style d. whole-tone scale e. octatonic scale

2. Which event MOST contributed to the international fame of the Mighty Handful?

a. Napoleon’s 1812 invasion of Russia b. establishment of the Moscow Conservatory c. publication of Cui’s nationalist manifesto d. creation of the Saissons Russese. Alexander II’s silver jubilee

3. Who founded the St. Petersburg Conservatory?

a. the Rubinstein brothers b. Mikhail Glinka c. Mily Balakirev d. Pyotr Tchaikovsky e. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

4. The idea of nationalism first became widespread in the late

a. 17th century b. 20th century c. 18th century d. 19th century e. 16th century

5. Who is considered to have been Russia’s first national composer?

a. Sergei Diaghilev b. Mily Balakirev c. Mikhail Glinka d. Modest Mussorgsky e. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

6. The Mighty Handful’s opinion of the conservatory system could have BEST been described as

a. grudging acceptance b. vehement opposition c. slight wariness d. unqualified approval e. bemused curiosity

7. What is Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s most popular opera?

a. The Nutcrackerb. Peer Gyntc. Prince Igord. Romeo and Juliete. Eugene Onegin

8. Which ruler launched a large-scale Westernization in Russia?

a. Catherine the Great b. Alexander II c. Nicholas I d. Peter the Great e. Ivan the Terrible

9. Which of Modest Mussorgsky’s works exists in two different, complete versions?

a. The Marriageb. Prince Igorc. The Stone Guestd. Boris Godunove. Ruslan and Lyudmila

10. Which composer graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory?

a. Sergei Rachmaninoff b. Anton Rubinstein c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Maurice Ravel e. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

11. Which term refers to Russian intellectuals who deserted cosmopolitan life in favor of rural existence?

a. narodnikb. peredvizhnikic. assambleid. russese. byliny

12. Modest Mussorgsky is known for the realist experimentations evident in his

a. symphonies b. operas c. ballets d. concertos e. sonatas

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13. Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s compositional style is marked by expert manipulation of

a. harmony b. folk melodies c. accidentals d. national traditions e. Orientalism

14. Which two men served as the de facto founders of the Mighty Handful?

a. Mily Balakirev and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov b. Modest Mussorgsky and Alexander Borodin c. Modest Mussorgsky and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Vladimir Stasov and Cesar Cui e. Vladimir Stasov and Mily Balakirev

15. What three parts made up the doctrine of Official Nationalism?

a. Autocracy, Nationality, Democracy b. Charity, Ethnicity, Orthodoxy c. Nationality, Charity, Autocracy d. Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality e. Democracy, Ethnicity, Orthodoxy

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1. Which late 19th-century event contributed MOST to the increase in private sponsorship of the arts?

a. emancipation of serfs b. rise of Symbolism c. Nicholas II’s coronation d. advent of Communism e. large-scale industrialization

2. What genre of music did Mitrofan Belyayev help cultivate within Russia?

a. tone poem b. woodwind ensemble c. piano miniature d. string quartet e. violin concerto

3. Symbolism developed as a reaction to

a. Romanticism b. Realism c. Fauvism d. Futurism e. Impressionism

4. Which of the following individuals did NOT contribute to the Symbolist movement?

a. Maurice Maeterlinck b. Stéphane Mallarmé c. Sergei Polyakov d. Anatoly Liadov e. Guillaume Apollinaire

5. Which industry did Savva Mamontov dominate?

a. petroleum b. coal c. textile d. railroad e. paper

6. Which wealthy individual sponsored the construction of the Moscow Conservatory’s Grand Hall?

a. Sergei Zimin b. Savva Mamontov c. Anatoly Liadov d. Gavrila Solodovnikov e. Mitrofan Belyayev

7. What was the name of a prominent Symbolist publishing house?

a. Scorpio b. Belyayev c. Abramtsevo d. Zimin e. Libra

8. Which Russian term was used to describe the Symbolists?

a. berezniankab. dekadentyc. barynyad. moguchayae. holubka

9. What was made legal throughout Russia in 1882?

a. Symbolist gatherings b. private opera troupes c. public spiritual séances d. membership in Communist party e. string quartet composition

10. Who served as conductor at the Mamontov opera house?

a. Alexander Glazunov b. Sergei Rachmaninoff c. Feodor Chaliapin d. Alexander Scriabin e. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

11. Mitrofan Belyayev greatly supported the burgeoning careers of

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Anatoly Liadov b. Sergei Zimin and Mikhail Vrubel c. Ilya Repin and Valentin Serov d. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Feodor Chaliapin e. Alexander Glazunov and Alexander Scriabin

12. Which term refers to the period in Russian history between 1880 and 1920?

a. Silver Age b. Golden Age c. Era of Symbolism d. Gilded Era e. Time of Troubles

13. Symbolists would MOST LIKELY support

a. tsarist regime b. concerto competitions c. Russian Orthodoxy d. government censorship e. vague texts

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14. Which composer premiered the majority of his final operas at the Mamontov opera house?

a. Sergei Rachmaninoff b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Alexander Glazunov d. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Alexander Scriabin

15. Which Russian village became a major center for the nation’s artists?

a. Guryevsk b. Dmitrovsk c. Svetlograd d. Abramtsevo e. Angarsk

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1. What of the following events occurred in Russia in 1905?

a. premiere of Prometheusb. first peasant revolution c. publication of The Divine Poemd. Bolshevik revolution e. death of Scriabin

2. Which opera did Alexander Scriabin find as one of his primary Symbolist inspirations?

a. A Life for the Tsarb. Boris Godunovc. Tristan and Isolded. Kashchei the Immortale. The Marriage

3. Who founded the Theosophical Society?

a. Madame Trotsky b. Madame Blavatsky c. Madame Kalyagin d. Madame Spratsev e. Madame Berezin

4. The chorus heard in the listening selection for Prometheus is marked

a. “haunting” b. “ethereal” c. “mystical” d. “divine” e. “ecstatic”

5. Alexander Scriabin associated different notes and chords with

a. colors b. tastes c. smells d. dances e. lights

6. Which famous composer was Alexander Scriabin’s classmate at the Moscow Conservatory?

a. Igor Stravinsky b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Sergei Rachmaninoff d. Modest Mussorgsky e. Alexander Glazunov

7. How did Alexander Scriabin alter his dominant-seventh chords?

a. flattened the seventh b. flattened the fourth c. raised the third d. flattened the fifth e. raised the seventh

8. Which composer is considered the leading Russian Scriabinist?

a. Andrei Bely b. Nikolai Roslavets c. Konstantin Balmont d. Mikhail Vrubel e. Alexander Blok

9. Which genre did Alexander Scriabin favor in his later years to express serious themes?

a. sonata b. prelude c. etude d. nocturne e. mazurka

10. What was supposedly Prometheus’ great gift to humanity?

a. fire b. love c. speech d. hope e. thought

11. Intending to stage a performance there, Alexander Scriabin bought land in

a. Egypt b. India c. Peru d. Japan e. China

12. Which group made up Alexander Scriabin’s ideal audience?

a. nobles b. Symbolists c. Buddhists d. scholars e. Communists

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13. Why did Alexander Scriabin never concentrate on developing a career as a virtuoso pianist?

a. He suffered permanent damage to his right hand. b. The Symbolists persuaded him to concentrate on

composition. c. Employment opportunities were better for composers. d. His conservatory studies focused on composition. e. He did not begin playing the piano until later in life.

14. Which religion MOST influenced theosophy?

a. Catholicism b. Judaism c. Buddhism d. Islam e. Hinduism

15. Which key appears in the final chord of Prometheus?

a. B major b. F-sharp major c. C-sharp major d. D-flat major e. E major

16. What did Alexander Scriabin intend to create as his most ambitious project?

a. The Divine Poemb. Mysteriumc. Poem of Ecstasyd. Prometheuse. The Firebird

17. In Prometheus, Alexander Scriabin creates a(n)

a. “ecstatic chord” b. “mystic chord” c. “spirit chord” d. “divine chord” e. “Symbolist chord”

18. What event occurred in 1917?

a. Bolshevik revolution b. first peasant revolution c. publication of Prometheusd. death of Scriabin e. debut of Mysterium

19. Which unusual instrument did Alexander Scriabin intend to include in Prometheus?

a. gravikordb. lucec. theremin d. cimbalom e. quena

20. Which composer deeply influenced Alexander Scriabin’s early works?

a. Felix Mendelssohn b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Modest Mussorgsky d. Sergei Rachmaninoff e. Frederic Chopin

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1. Which art form did Sergei Diaghilev attempt in his early career?

a. conducting b. choreographing c. painting d. acting e. composing

2. The Tsarevich in The Firebird is represented using

a. lively troikas b. parlor songs c. folk melodies d. French nocturnes e. Orientalist themes

3. Which Russian work did Sergei Diaghilev introduce to Parisian society in 1908?

a. Prince Igorb. Boris Godunovc. The Golden Cockereld. Saisons Russese. Sheherazade

4. Who was the first male ballerina to achieve international acclaim?

a. Aram Khachaturian b. Vaslav Nijinski c. Alexander Benois d. Anatoly Lunacharsky e. Mikhail Fokin

5. To which movement did Stravinsky MOST contribute?

a. Symbolism b. Romanticism c. Impressionism d. Modernism e. Realism

6. Why did Sergei Diaghilev choose not to produce an opera series in Paris?

a. He could not locate experienced actors. b. Such an endeavor would have been too expensive. c. His Parisian patrons refused to back more operas. d. Audiences did not react favorably to his first attempt. e. He preferred to produce symphonic concerts..

7. Sergei Diaghilev’s FIRST creative success took the form of a(n)

a. large-scale opera b. concert series c. literary magazine d. artistic journal e. art exhibition

8. What was the FIRST ballet Sergei Diaghilev specially commissioned for his Ballets Russes?

a. Fireworksb. The Firebirdc. Petrushkad. Prince Igore. Sheherazade

9. In The Firebird, Stravinsky uses Orientalist themes to characterize the

a. maiden b. firebird c. warrior d. Tsarevich e. sorcerer

10. Which movement did Sergei Diaghilev oppose?

a. Futurism b. Symbolism c. Modernism d. Romanticism e. Realism

11. Which composer privately tutored Igor Stravinsky?

a. Mily Balakirev b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Sergei Diaghilev d. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Alexander Scriabin

12. Which opera features one of the characters in The Firebird?

a. Kashchei the Immortalb. The Stone Guestc. Ruslan and Lyudmilad. Prince Igore. Boris Godunov

13. Which art form did Sergei Diaghilev revitalize in Paris?

a. choir concerts b. opera c. string quartet d. symphony concerts e. ballet

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14. Why did Sergei Diaghilev organize exhibits in Paris instead of Moscow?

a. Diaghilev wanted to focus on Western traditions. b. The tsarist regime outlawed public performances. c. Hosting exhibits in Paris would be less expensive. d. Russia was plagued by political instability. e. Diaghilev felt snubbed by Russian audiences.

15. Which of Igor Stravinksy’s works premiered in St. Petersburg in 1909?

a. The Firebirdb. Petrushkac. Rite of Springd. Fireworkse. Sheherazade

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1. Which adjective would MOST historians use to describe Igor Stravinsky?

a. conservative b. nationalistic c. amateur d. Westernized e. proletarian

2. Which song led to legal troubles for Igor Stravinsky?

a. “Pod vecher osenyu nenastnoy”b. “Tseny sam platil nemalyye”c. “V’dol po Piterskoy”d. “Po pramenech”e. “Elle avait le jambe en bois”

3. In which decade did Igor Stravinsky return to visit Russia after moving to Europe?

a. 1920s b. 1960s c. 1950s d. 1940s e. 1930s

4. Who designed the sets for Petrushka?

a. Charles Errard b. Michel Fokine c. Alexander Benois d. Vaslav Nijinsky e. Michele Sarfati

5. In the first scene of Petrushka, a repetitive speech-like theme represents the

a. drunken reveler b. carnival barker c. circus ringmaster d. dancing bear e. puppet show

6. Which aspect of modernism did Igor Stravinsky introduce in Petrushka?

a. comedy b. vaudeville c. tragicomedy d. grotesque e. satire

7. Which instrument does Stravinsky represent with clarinets and flutes in Petrushka?

a. accordion b. gypsy fiddle c. harmonica d. flugelhorn e. barrel organ

8. In Petrushka, Stravinsky juxtaposes a tuba and a clarinet for a scene depicting a

a. boisterous crowd b. wandering gypsy c. whimsical puppet d. drunken partygoer e. dancing bear

9. Which sentence BEST describes the difference between The Firebird and Petrushka?

a. Petrushka is an opera while The Firebird is a ballet. b. Unlike The Firebird, Petrushka is not based on Russian

themes. c. Petrushka was not nearly as popular with audiences as

The Firebird. d. The Firebird uses folk tunes, but Petrushka does not. e. Petrushka’s setting is more realistic than The Firebird’s.

10. Which meters operate simultaneously in the first scene of Petrushka?

a. 7/8 and 5/4 b. 6/8 and 2/4 c. 3/8 and 3/4 d. 3/8 and 5/4 e. 7/8 and 3/4

11. Unlike the Handful, Igor Stravinsky deviated from the accepted “rules” of

a. operatic librettos b. orchestral instrumentation c. ballet form d. changing-background variations e. programmatic music

12. Which melody do the basses introduce in the first scene of Petrushka?

a. “The Shrove-Tide Fair” b. “Dalalyn” c. “Along the Piterskaya Road” d. “Pod vecher osenyu nenastnoy” e. “Elle avait la jambe en vois”

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13. What was the MOST famous ballet staged by Sergei Diaghilev?

a. The Nutcrackerb. Sheherazadec. The Firebirdd. Rite of Springe. Petrushka

14. Petrushka’s title character is a

a. gentleman b. bear c. dancer d. bartender e. puppet

15. The first fairground cry in Petrushka is produced by

a. flutes b. clarinets c. bassoons d. tubas e. piccolos

16. Igor Stravinsky’s use of folk melodies is MOST like that of

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Mily Balakirev c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Mikhail Glinka e. Alexander Scriabin

17. Which of the following adjectives BEST describes the reactions of Russian listeners upon hearing Petrushka?

a. disappointed b. bewildered c. depressed d. affronted e. enthused

18. How many scenes make up Petrushka?

a. eight b. three c. four d. six e. five

19. What event convinced Igor Stravinsky to settle permanently in Europe?

a. formation of Communist Party b. World War I c. October Revolution d. First Russian Revolution e. February Revolution

20. Who filed a lawsuit against Igor Stravinsky?

a. Anatoly Lunachasky b. Emile Spencer c. Vaslav Nijinsky d. Pyotr Tchaikovsky e. Petrushka Yorick

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1. Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?

a. Boris Fyodorov b. Vladimir Lenin c. Joseph Stalin d. Pavel Chekov e. Alexei Kudrin

2. Which city witnessed the “Symphony of Sirens?”

a. Bataysk b. Uzhur c. Meleuz d. Petrograd e. Baku

3. The Iron Foundry originally appeared in a ballet titled

a. Zavodb. Steelc. Strictad. Last Wordse. The Nose

4. Which political party disapproved of the October Revolution?

a. Socialists b. Populists c. Bolsheviks d. Cadets e. Reactionaries

5. Unlike the February Revolution, the October Revolution lacked the

a. assistance of the councils b. support of the intelligentsia c. necessary military backing d. required strategic planning e. financial means to succeed

6. Which of the following adjectives LEAST accurately describes the “Symphony of Sirens?”

a. private b. collective c. patriotic d. bold e. urbanist

7. How many layers of repeating figures appear in The Iron Foundry?

a. 11 b. 12 c. 8 d. 7 e. 15

8. Which Russian Tsar was forced to abdicate the throne?

a. Alexander III b. Nicholas II c. Nicholas I d. Ivan IV e. Peter I

9. Which unusual instrument does The Iron Foundry require?

a. barrel organ b. steel c. gravikord d. bazantar e. magistral

10. Who was the FIRST Minister of Education under the Bolshevik regime?

a. Ivan Malakhov b. Vladimir Kolesnikov c. Dmitry Mezentsev d. Anatoly Lunacharsky e. Anatoly Bykov

11. In 1914, St. Petersburg was renamed

a. Stalingrad b. Starigrad c. Petrograd d. Volgograd e. Leningrad

12. Which pre-Soviet Russian composer did the Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians promote?

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Mikhail Glinka c. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov d. Mily Balakirev e. Modest Mussorgsky

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13. What was the name of the peasant party MOST involved in 1917’s unelected interim government?

a. Popular Reactionaries b. Bolsheviks c. Revolutionary Populists d. Cadets e. Socialist Revolutionaries

14. Which instruments play The Iron Foundry’s heroic melody?

a. trumpets b. violas c. violins d. clarinets e. horns

15. Which Soviet artistic movement aimed to set aside past artistic innovations?

a. Post-Modernists b. Reactionaries c. Proletarians d. Symbolists e. Futurists

16. Who wrote the “Symphony of Sirens?”

a. Sergei Prokofiev b. Arseny Avraamov c. Alexander Mosolov d. Dmitry Shostakovich e. Vladimir Tatlin

17. Which nation signed a peace agreement with Russia in March 1918?

a. Italy b. France c. England d. Austria-Hungary e. Germany

18. Vladimir Lenin’s opinion of the Futurists could BEST be described as

a. unqualified support b. concerned ambivalence c. reluctant acceptance d. cool indifference e. complete disapproval

19. Which instrument was specifically created for use in the “Symphony of Sirens?”

a. cimbalom b. gravikord c. ondes martenot d. bazantar e. magistral

20. Under the New Economic Policy, the Bolsheviks

a. implemented Western education systems b. restored private property c. forcibly seized property d. nationalized farmlands e. created a new national currency

21. The word “soviet” means

a. “change” b. “council” c. “community” d. “revolution” e. “nation”

22. Which two composers left Russia in 1918?

a. Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Rachmaninoff b. Sergei Prokofiev and Igor Stravinsky c. Igor Stravinsky and Alexander Scriabin d. Sergei Rachmaninoff and Sergei Prokofiev e. Alexander Scriabin and Dmitri Shostakovich

23. Shostakovich’s Second Symphony was originally entitled

a. Quiet Flows the Donb. Zavodc. The Nosed. Dedication to Octobere. Cantata for October

24. Which anti-revolutionary force opposed the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War?

a. Cadets b. Militarists c. Whites d. Socialists e. Reds

25. Which regime took over Russia after the February Revolution?

a. Provisional Government b. Civil Government c. Stalinist Government d. Bolshevik Government e. Revolutionary Government

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1. Who rose to power in Russia by the end of the 1920s?

a. Leon Trotsky b. Vladimir Lenin c. Pavel Chekov d. Boris Fyodorov e. Joseph Stalin

2. Socialist Realism was first developed by delegates to the

a. First Congress of Soviet Writers b. First Congress of Cultural Consultants c. First Convention for Contemporary Music d. First Convention of Soviet Musicians e. First Convention of Proletarian Musicians

3. Which of Dmitri Shostakovich’s works did Joseph Stalin blatantly snub?

a. The Noseb. The New Babylonc. Pirogovd. Lady Macbeth of Mtsenske. Dedication to October

4. Under Stalin, artists were renamed

a. “creative innovators” b. “cultural workers” c. “image consultants” d. “artistic engineers” e. “creative leaders”

5. Which composer wrote Erwartung based on a deranged murderer?

a. Igor Stravinsky b. Dmitri Shostakovich c. Arnold Schoenberg d. Alexander Scriabin e. Ivan Dzerzhinsky

6. During the Soviet era, artists witnessed a sudden

a. reduction of wages b. surge in independence c. increase in prestige d. advance in techniques e. decrease in opportunities

7. Socialist Realism was first defined for

a. literature b. theatre c. dance d. visual art e. music

8. Why could reviewers not contradict Pravda’s condemnation of an opera by Shostakovich’s?

a. Stalin himself signed the critique. b. Other critics unanimously supported the critique. c. Multiple reviews of the same work were forbidden. d. It was published in the national newspaper. e. It was printed as an anonymous editorial.

9. Like Official Nationalism, Socialist Realism called for

a. russonost’b. peremennost’c. narodnost’d. partiynost’e. ideynost’

10. The Soviet Union MOST hoped for a Communist takeover in

a. Austria-Hungary b. Italy c. the United States d. Czechoslovakia e. Germany

11. Who is the main character in Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth?

a. Anna Karenina b. Sofia Petrovna c. Olga Mikhailovsky d. Katerina Izmailova e. Sonyetka Aksakov

12. What Soviet policy went into effect in 1932?

a. collectivization of farmland b. annexation of Lithuania c. institution of “Socialist Realism” d. reinstatement of Lunacharsky e. dissolution of artistic organizations

13. Which Russian trend inspired Socialist Realism?

a. romantic realism b. proletarian realism c. modern realism d. neoclassical realism e. critical realism

14. Who wrote the MOST popular Russian novel of the 1930s?

a. Alexander Pushkin b. Dmitry Furmanov c. Mikhail Sholokhov d. Ryurik Ivnev e. Anton Chekhov

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15. Faced with the collectivization of farms, Russian peasants

a. burned down their villages b. destroyed livestock and crops c. laid siege to major cities d. complied without resistance e. revolted and elected a new leader

16. Which trait of Mighty Handful compositions did Socialist Realists embrace in their own works?

a. emancipation of dissonance b. use of diatonic harmonies c. glorification of Tsarist regimes d. incorporation of folk tunes e. delay of resolution to tonic

17. Who was the primary advocate for Neoclassical music in the 20th century?

a. Alexander Scriabin b. Arnold Schoenburg c. Igor Stravinsky d. Mikhail Sholokhov e. Dmitri Shostakovich

18. Stalin’s agricultural policies led to

a. increased urbanization b. popular support c. widespread famine d. a military coup e. his eventual resignation

19. Stalin referred to artists as the

a. “greatest influence on public opinion” b. “visionaries of the new age” c. “heartbeat of the nation” d. “master propagandist force” e. “engineers of human souls”

20. Despite its patriotic intent, Socialist Realism was NOT supposed to

a. suggest human emotions b. involve agitprop c. appeal to the masses d. criticize Tsarist regimes e. idealize the future

21. Stalin reacted poorly to Shostakovich’s operatic treatment of a

a. peasant revolt b. romantic affair c. Tsar’s coronation d. public official e. serial murderer

22. In music, Socialist Realism is MOST clearly the opposite of

a. fauvism b. nationalism c. romanticism d. modernism e. neoclassicism

23. To fund large-scale projects, the Soviet Union relied heavily on the export of

a. beef b. timber c. grain d. artwork e. oil

24. Who composed the opera Quiet Flows the Don?

a. Mikhail Sholokhov b. Ivan Dzerzhinsky c. Dmitri Shostakovich d. Sergei Gerasimov e. Fyodor Kryokov

25. Socialist Realists were expected to portray a(n)

a. grim reality and a challenging future b. accurate reality but an optimistic future c. glorious present and a grim future d. idyllic past and an apocalyptic future e. positive view of both present and future

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1. Where did Sergei Prokofiev settle after leaving his homeland?

a. New York b. Boston c. Chicago d. Philadelphia e. Los Angeles

2. Unlike Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev revealed a talent for

a. driving rhythms b. lyrical melodies c. unusual textures d. striking dissonances e. modernist forms

3. Sergei Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet is a very popular

a. chorus b. opera c. play d. ballet e. symphony

4. Which composer MOST inspired Sergei Prokofiev’s “Classical” Symphony?

a. Joseph Haydn b. Alexander Scriabin c. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Dmitri Shostakovich e. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

5. Why did Sergei Prokofiev leave Russia in mid-1918?

a. He feared the unrest would limit his career. b. He was largely unsuccessful in Russia. c. He earned a scholarship at a European conservatory. d. His mentor Stravinsky was leaving. e. He strongly disapproved of the Bolsheviks.

6. What was one of Sergei Prokofiev’s FIRST works upon returning to Russia?

a. Fifth Symphony b. Alexander Nevskyc. Peter and the Wolfd. Seventh Piano Sonata e. Sarcasms

7. As a Soviet cultural worker, Sergei Prokofiev wrote a cantata for Stalin titled

a. Zavodb. Vorkutac. Zdravitsad. Seymon Kotkoe. Alexander Nevsky

8. Which instrument FIRST appeared in symphony orchestras during the 1930s?

a. organ b. saxophone c. piano d. harp e. timpani

9. Unlike Igor Stravinsky’s, Sergei Prokofiev’s modernist works used

a. frequent dissonance b. multilayered harmonies c. distorted melodies d. established forms e. folk-inspired tunes

10. Which term describes a composer’s intentional distortion of a recognizable musical phrase?

a. modernism b. imitation c. baroque d. sequence e. grotesque

11. The third theme in Romeo and Juliet’s Second Suite represents

a. a dramatic suicide b. a young couple’s happiness c. a declaration of love d. the passage of time e. the warring families

12. Which of the following factors did NOT help persuade Sergei Prokofiev to return to Russia?

a. desire for Russian praise b. inclusion in the Soviet elite c. guaranteed income d. ambition to lead Soviet composers e. declining popularity in America

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13. Which of Sergei Prokofiev’s close friends disappeared during the Purges?

a. Igor Stravinsky b. Ivan Taruskin c. Vsevolod Meyerhold d. Sergei Eisenstein e. Alexander Norilsk

14. At the outset of the Cold War, the Soviet Union denounced many of its own leading composers as

a. “modernists” b. “futurists” c. “formalists” d. “Tsarists” e. “revolutionists”

15. Sergei Prokofiev composed Sarcasms for

a. solo piano b. woodwind ensemble c. full orchestra d. string quartet e. solo violin

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1. Which composer MOST influenced Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony?

a. Igor Stravinsky b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Ivan Dzerzhinsky d. Sergei Prokofiev e. Gustav Mahler

2. Sergei Prokofiev’s “Classical” Symphony was MOST similar to Dmitri Shostakovich’s

a. Seventh Symphony b. Ninth Symphony c. Fifth Symphony d. Eighth Symphony e. Fourth Symphony

3. Which of Dmitri Shostakovich’s patrons inspired a movement of the Fifth Symphony?

a. Count Ivan Saltykov b. Duke Alexander Briullov c. Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky d. Count Dmitry Milyutin e. Prince Alexander Baryatinsky

4. Stalin’s reforestation plan inspired the oratorio

a. Woodland Sketchesb. Ode to Naturec. Oakwood Hymnsd. A Beautiful Worlde. Song of the Forests

5. Which of Shostakovich’s symphonies helped forge an international alliance?

a. Fifth b. Fourth c. Seventh d. Second e. Eighth

6. In the Fifth Symphony, Shostakovich uses material reminiscent of the work of

a. Wagner b. Vivaldi c. Bach d. Mozart e. Liszt

7. How does the finale of Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony defy the conventions of Socialist Realism?

a. It requires nontraditional instruments. b. It includes a loud patriotic chorus. c. It does not feature the whole orchestra. d. It excludes folk themes. e. It ends quietly in a minor key.

8. In 1955, Dmitri Shostakovich finally premiered his

a. Cappricio Italiene b. Fifth Quartet c. Thirteenth Symphony d. Violin Concerto e. Fourth Symphony

9. How many string quartets did Shostakovich compose?

a. 13 b. 11 c. 9 d. 17 e. 15

10. Which percussion instrument accompanies the “invasion episode” melody of Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony?

a. timpani b. gong c. bass drum d. snare drum e. cymbal

11. Who conducted the United States premiere of Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony?

a. David Barenboim b. Zubin Mehta c. Leonard Bernstein d. Arturo Toscanini e. Yevgeni Mravinsky

12. Which of Sergei Prokofiev’s works premiered posthumously?

a. Fifth Symphony b. Romeo and Julietc. War and Peaced. Fourth Symphony e. Peter and the Wolf

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13. Which of Shostakovich’s symphonies premiered in 1961?

a. 4th b. 9th c. 8th d. 5th e. 13th

14. The first movement of Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony follows

a. 32-bar form b. sonata form c. ternary form d. gigue form e. rondo form

15. How many variations appear in Shostakovich’s Invasion Episode?

a. 10 b. 12 c. 9 d. 11 e. 7

16. Dmitri Shostakovich dedicated his Seventh Symphony to

a. Prokofiev b. America c. Stalin d. Leningrad e. Russia

17. The “invasion theme” from Shostakovich’s Seventh Symphony comes from Hitler’s favorite

a. ballet b. toccata c. concerto d. operetta e. symphony

18. Which of Shostakovich’s symphonies illustrates Russian suffering during World War II?

a. 8th b. 4th c. 13th d. 5th e. 9th

19. During World War II, Dmitri Shostakovich served as a(n)

a. fireman b. army pilot c. foot soldier d. office clerk e. chaplain

20. Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony did NOT feature

a. powerful psychorealism b. four movements c. a brass fanfare opening d. recurring themes e. a major-key ending

21. In programmatic context, the key change in Shostakovich’s Invasion Episode symbolizes the

a. Nazi defeat at Moscow b. siege of Leningrad c. invasion of Russia d. unstoppable Nazi approach e. Russian bombing of Berlin

22. Which city served as Russia’s interim capital during World War II?

a. Stalingrad b. Kuybyshev c. Balakovo d. Yekaterinburg e. Leningrad

23. Besides Dmitri Shostakovich, which other Soviet artist was denounced and pardoned by Stalin’s regime?

a. Mikhail Tukhachevsky b. Edison Denisov c. Sergei Eisenstein d. Vsevolod Meyerhold e. Yevgeni Mravinsky

24. Who had the MOST direct influence on Shostakovich’s “Invasion Episode”?

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Maurice Ravel c. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Mikhail Glinka e. Sergei Prokofiev

25. Which conductor presented the finale of Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony as a painful twist of fate?

a. Daniel Barenboim b. Arturo Toscanini c. Yevgeni Mravinsky d. Anatoly Blavatsky e. Leonard Bernstein

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1. Which Soviet leader was the FIRST to denounce Joseph Stalin openly?

a. Leonid Brezhnev b. Mikhail Gorbachev c. Nikita Khrushchev d. Georgy Malenkov e. Yuri Andropov

2. “Babi Yar” derives its name from a

a. Ukrainian ravine b. Nazi victim c. Russian village d. Russian hero e. Czech legend

3. After the death of Stalin, Soviet Russia experienced a period known as

a. “The Thaw” b. “The Time of Troubles” c. “Liberation” d. “Destalinization” e. “The Rebirth”

4. Which unusual instrument appears in The Seven Last Words?

a. cimbalom b. barrel organ c. gravikord d. bayan e. magistral

5. Who wrote Musica stricta?

a. Alfred Schnittke b. Andrey Volkonsky c. Edison Denisov d. Sofia Gubaidulina e. Arnold Schoenberg

6. What city was the center of European avant-gardism?

a. Cologne b. Alsace c. Paris d. Darmstadt e. London

7. In addition to the standard orchestra, Shostakovich’s Thirteenth Symphony features a(n)

a. iron magistral b. pipe organ c. cimbalom d. male chorus e. glass harmonica

8. Who won fame for his “musical polystylism?”

a. Anton Webern b. Dmitri Shostakovich c. Edison Denisov d. Alfred Schnittke e. Alban Berg

9. Which of the following themes was NOT explicitly addressed in Shostakovich’s Thirteenth Symphony?

a. self-purification b. humor as a form of resistance c. human moral struggle d. treatment of Soviet women e. fear of Stalin

10. Which musical movement emerged in Russia in the 1960s and 1970s as a result of new Western influences?

a. postmodernism b. neomodernism c. Russian progressivism d. Soviet avant-garde e. Russian reactionism

11. What theme unifies Shostakovich’s Fourteenth Symphony?

a. death b. peace c. grief d. love e. patriotism

12. Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, and Anton Webern were collectively known as the

a. European Futurist Association b. Second Viennese School c. Western Reactionaries d. Austrian Modernists e. Red, White, and Blue

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13. Who wrote the text featured in Shostakovich’s Thirteenth Symphony?

a. Alexander Pushkin b. Mikhail Kamensky c. Anton Chekhov d. Nikita Khrushchev e. Yevgeni Yevtushenko

14. Which term refers to Sofia Gubaidulina’s integration of improvisation in her compositions?

a. “development” b. “experimental” c. “cadenza” d. “undefined” e. “indeterminate”

15. What was the audience’s reaction to Shostakovich’s Thirteenth Symphony at its premiere?

a. lukewarm praise b. quiet disappointment c. overwhelming enthusiasm d. shocked outrage e. bemused tolerance

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1. Which period MOST influenced Alfred Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso?

a. Medieval b. Romantic c. Renaissance d. Baroque e. Classical

2. What is the first theme in the second movement of Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso?

a. gigue b. fugue c. toccata d. rondo e. ritornello

3. Which instrument is NOT featured in Galina Ustvolskaya’s Octet?

a. piano b. timpani c. clarinet d. violin e. oboe

4. The opening of the first movement of Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso MOST closely resembles a

a. Soviet-era mass song b. Baroque toccata c. German polka d. Classical etude e. Russian folk tune

5. How many movements make up Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso?

a. three b. four c. eight d. five e. six

6. The fourth movement of Ustvolskaya’s Octet MOST recalls

a. Bolerob. Prometheusc. The Firebirdd. Rite of Springe. Petrushka

7. Which post-Soviet composer studied under Dmitri Shostakovich?

a. Edison Denisov b. Galina Ustvolskaya c. Guillaume Apollinaire d. Alfred Schnittke e. Sofia Gubaidulina

8. Which of this year’s selections BEST exemplifies “polystylism?”

a. The Iron Foundryb. Prometheusc. Octet d. Concerto Grosso No. 1 e. Symphony No. 7

9. Compared to a typical concerto, a concerto grosso

a. features multiple soloists b. includes a vocal choir c. has fewer movements d. does not feature woodwinds e. requires more percussion

10. Which of the following notes is NOT part of the BACH motive?

a. C natural b. B natural c. B-flat d. E-flat e. A natural

11. In her compositions, Galina Ustvolskaya often eliminated

a. beat b. meter c. theme d. rhythm e. form

12. Which instrument from Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso exposes the piece’s modernity?

a. timpani b. oboe c. violin d. harpsichord e. piano

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13. In what city did Galina Ustvolskaya spend much of her working life?

a. Darmstadt b. Leningrad c. Kiev d. Paris e. Moscow

14. Which Christmas carol did Alfred Schnittke famously distort?

a. “What Child is This?” b. “Carol of the Bells” c. “Joy to the World” d. “Silent Night” e. “Away in a Manger”

15. How many beats comprise the basic motive in the fourth movement of Ustvolskaya’s Octet?

a. 17 b. 13 c. 11 d. 15 e. 19

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1. What differentiated Russian avant-gardists from their Western contemporaries?

a. disregard for conventional forms b. exploration of the grotesque c. experimentation with atonality d. use of unusual scales e. greater resistance to formalism

2. Which composers MOST influenced Shostakovich?

a. Mily Balakirev and Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Bela Bartok and Alexander Scriabin c. Bedrich Smetana and Sergei Prokofiev d. Gustav Mahler and Paul Hindemith e. Igor Stravinsky and Arnold Schoenberg

3. Who was the final leader of the Soviet Union?

a. Mikhail Gorbachev b. Nikita Khrushchev c. Yuri Andropov d. Konstantin Chernenko e. Joseph Stalin

4. Aram Khachaturian emerged as a major national composer in

a. Ukraine b. Armenia c. Azerbaijan d. Georgia e. Moldova

5. Where did Schnittke’s First Symphony premiere?

a. Volgograd b. Leningrad c. Moscow d. Gorky e. Belyov

6. Tchaikovsky’s work BEST exemplifies Stalin’s ideal of

a. “socialist content” b. “critical realism” c. “national form” d. “new socialism” e. “Soviet style”

7. After Stalin’s death, official criticism

a. targeted fewer composers b. became more frequent c. increased in scope d. disappeared entirely e. grew less severe

8. Which composer immigrated to Germany after the fall of the Soviet Union?

a. Galina Ustvolskaya b. Sofia Gubaidulina c. Andrei Volkonsky d. Edison Denisov e. Arnold Schoenberg

9. How many composers were condemned by the Head of the Composers’ Union in 1979?

a. four b. seven c. five d. nine e. two

10. Which composer’s work serves as an antithesis to Stalin’s ideal for “national form?”

a. Mikhail Glinka b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Bela Bartok d. Bedrich Smetana e. Mily Balakirev

11. Why did Soviet authorities relocate the premiere of Schnittke’s First Symphony?

a. to accommodate an ailing Schnittke b. to avoid offending influential foreign critics c. to ensure greater international attention d. to inaugurate the newest Russian conservatory e. to discourage intellectuals from attending

12. Which composer wrote in “style russe?”

a. Sergei Prokofiev b. Alfred Schnittke c. Dmitri Shostakovich d. Bela Bartok e. Mikhail Glinka

13. Who launched the MOST famous attack on the Russian avant-garde?

a. Alexander Solzhenitsyn b. Spiridon Drozhzhin c. Mikhail Gorbachev d. Tikhon Khrennikov e. Bela Bartok

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14. How many years did it take Alfred Schnittke to write his First Symphony?

a. four b. three c. six d. five e. two

15. Where did Edison Denisov relocate after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

a. United States b. England c. France d. Germany e. Austria

16. Overall, what was the audience’s reaction at the Boston premiere of Schnittke’s First Symphony?

a. disappointment b. ambivalence c. praise d. disgust e. outrage

17. Russian avant-gardists who remained after the Soviet Union ended received the MOST support from

a. sympathetic banks b. the Composers’ Union c. the Rubinstein conservatories d. foreign commissions e. wealthy local patrons

18. Which Russian composer supported formalist doctrine?

a. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov b. Alexander Scriabin c. Igor Stravinsky d. Dmitri Shostakovich e. Pyotr Tchaikovsky

19. Why did so many composers emigrate from Russia after 1991?

a. The new regime reestablished Socialist Realism. b. Only nationalist composers received state

commissions. c. State funding for the arts ceased. d. The outbreak of civil war limited opportunities. e. Europeans denounced Russian music as “barbaric.”

20. Which performance element is NOT indicated in the score for Schnittke’s First Symphony?

a. dancers’ choreography b. improvised jazz section c. musicians’ entrances d. orchestral tuning procedure e. disagreements between musicians

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1. Which of Shostakovich’s symphonies became a symbol of resistance during World War II?

a. Ninth b. Eighth c. Fifth d. Seventh e. Fourth

2. Who produced the Ballets Russes?

a. Pyotr Tchaikovsky b. Alexander Scriabin c. Sergei Diaghilev d. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov e. Aram Khachaturian

3. Nikita Khrushchev’s leadership ushered in the period known as

a. Neomodernism b. Russian Rebirth c. Westernization d. Destalinization e. The Thaw

4. Which opera greatly offended Joseph Stalin?

a. Boris Godunovb. Quiet Flows the Donc. Zdravitsad. Pravdae. Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

5. The reign of the Tsars ended during the

a. Russian Civil War b. October Revolution c. February Revolution d. Second World War e. First World War

6. Which period witnessed the rise of Symbolism in Russian art?

a. “Silver Age” b. “Reign of Peter” c. “Golden Era” d. “Time of Troubles” e. “Soviet Era”

7. All of the following composers were affiliated with the Soviet avant-garde EXCEPT

a. Galina Ustvolskaya b. Andrey Volkonsky c. Edison Denisov d. Sofia Gubaidulina e. Alfred Schnittke

8. Which work catapulted Igor Stravinsky to international fame?

a. Mysteriumb. The Firebirdc. Fireworksd. Petrushkae. Rite of Spring

9. Who were the FIRST artists to comply with the Bolsheviks?

a. Romanticists b. Neoclassicists c. Futurists d. Avant-gardists e. Symbolists

10. Compared to Stalin-era composers, Soviet avant-gardists faced

a. less criticism b. more rigorous expectations c. greater hostility d. no official opposition e. higher publication costs

11. Which composer MOST influenced Scriabin’s early work?

a. Ludwig van Beethoven b. Pyotr Tchaikovsky c. Mily Balakirev d. Gustav Mahler e. Frederic Chopin

12. Compared to modernism, Socialist Realism was more

a. soloistic b. universal c. conservative d. programmatic e. percussive

13. Which famous emigrant was forced to adjust his modernist style upon his return to Russia?

a. Dmitri Shostakovich b. Alexander Scriabin c. Sergei Rachmaninoff d. Pyotr Tchaikovsky e. Sergei Prokofiev

14. How did the dissolution of the Soviet Union affect artists?

a. Socialist Realism returned to the forefront. b. State funding for the arts shifted from cities to rural

areas. c. Western commissions greatly diminished. d. Many artists emigrated for greater opportunities. e. Russian modernists turned to local patrons.

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15. Which pre-Stalin organization opposed BOTH modernist and popular music?

a. Association of Contemporary Music b. Soviet Composers’ Guild c. Russian Music Society d. Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians e. Union of Soviet Composers

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1. Which conflict overthrew the “Provisional Government?”

a. February Revolution b. December Revolution c. Russian Civil War d. October Revolution e. First World War

2. Which of Shostakovich’s symphonies features a bass soloist and a chorus?

a. 5th b. 9th c. 8th d. 7th e. 13th

3. Who received Sergei Diaghilev’s first commission?

a. Sergei Rachmaninoff b. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov c. Pyotr Tchaikovsky d. Alexander Scriabin e. Igor Stravinsky

4. Which folk song anthology was published in 1904?

a. Balakirev b. Lvov-Pratsch c. Melgunov d. Linyova e. Palchikov

5. Sergei Prokofiev composed the film score for

a. Alexander Nevskyb. Dedication to Octoberc. Zdravitsad. The Nosee. Romeo and Juliet

6. Folk song transcription became popular during the late

a. 16th century b. 18th century c. 20th century d. 17th century e. 19th century

7. What did the Bolshevik regime introduce in 1921?

a. Immediate Industrialization Act b. New Economic Policy c. Agricultural Collectivization d. Anti-Emigration Law e. Socialist Realism

8. The Saisons Russes comprised a series of

a. concerts b. operas c. songs d. plays e. ballets

9. In December 1825, military officers revolted against Tsar

a. Peter the Great b. Alexander III c. Nicholas II d. Ivan IV e. Nicholas I

10. All of the following events occurred during the “Silver Age” EXCEPT

a. establishment of the first private opera troupe b. composition of Scheherazadec. creation of Ballets Russesd. first Russian revolution e. foundation of the first Russian conservatory

11. What event occurred in Russia during 1957?

a. Moscow Youth Festival b. Stalin’s death c. Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin d. premiere of Schnittke’s First Symphony e. Russian Civil War

12. Which ruler commissioned In the Steppes of Central Asia?

a. Catherine the Great b. Alexander II c. Alexander III d. Nicholas I e. Ivan IV

13. Who wrote a “Philosophical Letter” in 1829?

a. Pyotr Chaadayev b. Leo Tolstoy c. Leon Trotsky d. Anatoly Lunachevsky e. Sergei Uvarov

14. Shostakovich became known as the foremost Russian composer after the premiere of

a. Symphony of Sirensb. The Nosec. Lady Macbeth of Mtsenskd. The Invasione. Dedication to October

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15. Which folk song collection did Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov dismiss as “barbaric?”

a. Lvov-Pratsch b. Melgunov c. Palchikov d. Linyova e. Balakirev

16. What important doctrine was established in 1833?

a. Official Nationalism b. Critical Realism c. Orthodox Socialism d. Official Socialism e. Autocratic Absolutism

17. How many republics resulted from the dissolution of the Soviet Union?

a. 13 b. 15 c. 17 d. 9 e. 11

18. The Rubinstein brothers founded the

a. Russian Artists’ Guild b. Russian Music Society c. Union of Russian Composers d. Union of Professional Musicians e. Royal Conservatory Association

19. Theosophy MOST influenced

a. Bela Bartok b. Nikolai Rubinstein c. Cesar Cui d. Alexander Scriabin e. Alexander Glazunov

20. Socialist Realism initially applied to

a. opera b. music c. dance d. literature e. theatre

21. What critical event occurred in 1861?

a. first conservatory established b. February Revolution c. first peasant revolt d. abolition of serfdom e. Alexander III’s coronation

22. Which work introduced Russian Orientalism?

a. The Stone Guestb. Eugene Oneginc. Boris Godunovd. In the Steppes of Central Asiae. Islamey

23. In 1941, Dmitri Shostakovich wrote his

a. Second Symphony b. Seventh Symphony c. Ninth Symphony d. Fifth Symphony e. Eighth Symphony

24. Which of the following groups would be MOST likely to join the Narodnik movement?

a. shopkeepers b. gentlemen c. peasants d. students e. farmers

25. In what decade did the Mighty Handful emerge?

a. 1900s b. 1800s c. 1840s d. 1860s e. 1880s