Music double page spreads mrs robbins

Graphology in this DPS is one main image on the left side of the page and then on the right side the text. Typography in this DPS is the same font throughout but a large letter is spread all across the text page in red this is to follow through with the colour scheme. Colour pallet use is black and white and red. This colour pallet demonstrates that I think that this DPS is well presented an it does contrast each other. The mode of address is direct as it looks like she's looking at you.

Transcript of Music double page spreads mrs robbins

Page 1: Music double page spreads mrs robbins

Graphology in this DPS is one main image on the left side of the page and then on the right side the text.

Typography in this DPS is the same font throughout but a large letter is spread all across the text page in red this is to follow through with the colour scheme.

Colour pallet use is black and white and red. This colour pallet demonstrates that her article could be a negative article because of the use of the large red ‘L’.

I think that this DPS is well presented an it does contrast each other.

The mode of address is direct as it looks like she's looking at you.

Page 2: Music double page spreads mrs robbins

Graphology used in this DPS is different to others as the layout is different, this time there is very little pieces of writing a large image with is also used at the background, this is so that the reader understands fully that the text is associated with her.

Colour pallet used is red, black, and white I think this is to draw the audience into the article and also to get the point across of what the article is about.

Typography used is the same text throughout the DPS but certain bits of text above is written in red to highlight it and to make that look like a subtitle so that we know what she's talking about in her article.

Page 3: Music double page spreads mrs robbins

Typography used in this is a main image on one side to demonstrate who the article is directed at and then text and small images on the other side.

Graphology used In this article is a large text of the names of the people in the image and then the other writing is much smaller. There is also some bits highlighted in different colours to make them stand out which means there important to the article.

The colour pallet used is red, white and black this makes the article come across as maybe something bad has happened between the two in the article

The mode of address is not direct as the photo was not taken for this article.

Page 4: Music double page spreads mrs robbins

The Graphology used in this is one main image in the middle of the text and the text scattered around.This is different to the usual type of DPS which could attract more audience.

Typography used in this is the same through out the text in colour but certain words are in bold to make them stand out because they relate to the article.

The colour pallet used Is mainly pink and black, this is to clearly outline the main image and to make it stand out. The colour theme indicates that this article is aimed at females.

The mode of address used is direct this is demonstrated by the image because It looks as if it is looking directly at you.