Museum Entrance

Museum Entrance Hall one Hall two H a l l f o u r H a l l t h r e e Welcome to the Museum of Welcome to the Museum of 1955-1964 1955-1964 Curator’s Offices


Welcome to the Museum of 1955-1964. Museum Entrance. Hall two. Hall three. Hall four. Hall one. Curator’s Offices. Curator’s Office. Brooke Camet. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Museum Entrance

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Museum EntranceH

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Welcome to the Museum ofWelcome to the Museum of1955-19641955-1964

Curator’s Offices

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Curator’s Office

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Hello earthlings, im brooke. Welcome to my brain child (a.k.a museum) if you have any questions or dare to question my knowledge just let me know.

Brooke Camet

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Room 1

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Hall TwoHall Two

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"1956 Olympics." Infoplease. Infoplease, 07 June 2005. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

The Winter Olympics the USSR made its first Olympic appearance. Being only its first year they were not favored to win but they surprised the world by getting first in the medal count. The USSR had a total of 98 medal and the United States came in second with 74 medals. Just before the games Soviet Union had invaded Hungary to crush the anti-Communist revolt so when the opposing teams faces of in water polo, it was sure to be an intense game. Both teams fought hard but in the end Hungary won 4-0.

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President Dwight D. Eisenhower introduced the domino theory in his speech. By definition, the domino theory is that if one country turns to communism then all around it will turn to communism. From then out the term was used all throughout the Cold War and shorthand expression of the strategic importance of South Vietnam to the United States.

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"Domino Theory." A&E Television Networks, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

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On May 15, 1955 the Warsaw Pact was formed in Warsaw, Poland. The countries that were in the pact were Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria. The pact was for if another country attacked one of the members that the other members would come to its defense. The Soviets saw the formation of NATO and making west Germany a member as a threat so they decided to make a treaty of their own.

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"The Warsaw Pact Is Formed." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

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"Allies End Occupation of West Germany."

A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

on may 5 1955 West Germany was no longer under military occupation. With conditions, West Germany could now establish a military force of up to half a million men and could now manufacture arms. Although still could not make atomic bombs and chemical weapons. Soviet Union was okay with this and were glad the Americans were leaving and soon recognized the Federal Republic of Germany

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Ray, Rob. "1956: The Hungarian Revolution." 1956: The

Hungarian Revolution. N.p., 03 Sept. 2006. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

The Petofi Circle was formed in 1956 by young communists. The circle was named after a Hungarian poet who fought for Hungarian freedom. Soon thousands of people would attend theses meetings and soon people decided to take things into there own hands by demanding more control in their factories. The group fought to keep things equal in the Hungarian workplace.

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"The Cold War for Kids: Suez Crisis." Ducksters. Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI), Apr. 2014.

Web. 22 Apr. 2014. <


To pay for the Aswan dam building and modernizing Egypt president Nasser took over the Suez Canal.On October 29, 1956 Israeli forces pushed into Egypt toward the Suez Canal. They were soon joined by French and British forces, which almost brought the Soviet Union into it, and damaged their relationships with America. There governments later withdrew in late 1956 and the early months of 1957.

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Howell,, Elizabeth. "Sputnik: The Space Race's Opening Shot." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

On October 4,1957 the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik1. With the launch Americans began to feel they were behind. This scared Americans because the thought that the soviets were watching and could launch a bomb. So this sparked the “space age”, time where America and Russia made huge space progress.


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"United Arab Republic (UAR)." African History. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

On February 1, 1958 Egypt and Syria joined together to form The United Arab Republic. This was the first step towards a pan-Arab state in the Middle East. President Nasser of Egypt was pushed by his popularity so he went ahead with it. This union didn’t last long, Syria became independent in 1961.

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"Explorer 1 First U.S. Satellite - NASA JPL." Explorer 1 First

U.S. Satellite - NASA JPL. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

Explorer 1 was launched in January 21, 1958 by the United States. Explorer 1’s job was to measure the radiation environment in Earth orbit with a cosmic ray. It revolved around Earth in a looping orbit that took it as close as 354 kilometers (220 miles) to Earth and as far as 2,515 kilometers (1,563 miles.) it made its last transmission in march and burned in our atmosphere in 1970.

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Explorer 1

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"Fidel Castro." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web.

22 Apr. 2014.

In January of 1959, Fidel Castro becomes prime minister of Cuba after Batista tried to snuff out the uprising with a massive offensive, complete with air force bombers and naval offshore units. But guerrillas held their ground, launched a counterattack and wrested control from Batista on January 1, 1959. Castro arrived in Havana a week later and soon took over. Soon after that he began trying and executing members of the old regime for alleged war crimes.

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"Dalai Lama Begins Exile." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

The Dalai Lama, fleeing the Chinese suppression of a national uprising in Tibet, crosses the border into India, where he is granted political asylum in 1959. he was forced to leave Tibet as a uprising was occurring because the highly religious people didn't want to be ruled by communist China but the Chinese crushed the rebellion and the Dalai Lama began permanent exile in India.

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"Eisenhower and Khrushchev Meet for Talks."

A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

.Khrushchev arrived in the United States on September 15, 1959, for an extended visit and summit with Eisenhower. They did a lot of sight seeing all over the U.S. however on the 25th the real business part of Khrushchev's trip began as he and President Eisenhower met at Camp David in Maryland to begin two days of talks about the Cold War. There were no specific agreements or treaties, but both nations did resolve things like about Berlin and other issues related to cultural exchanges and trade, they also planned to meet up again but never did because Russia shot down an U-2 plane.

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Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

January 3, 1959 Alaska joined the United States and Hawaii becomes the 50th and final state. Russia sold Alaska for 2 cents an acre for a total of 7.2 million dollars. After Pearl Harbor it became clear that Hawaii was important to the U.S since it being the reason they were brought into WW2, it become the final state.

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"American U-2 Spy Plane Shot down." A&E

Television Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

On May 1, 1960 a U-2 flight piloted by Francis Gary Powers disappeared while on a flight over Russia. The CIA told the president that, if the plane had been shot down, it had self-destruct mechanisms that would destroy any wreckage unrecognizable and the pilot would kill himself in that situation. Because of this, the government issued a statement saying that a weather plane had went off course and supposedly crashed somewhere in the Soviet Union. With no small degree of pleasure, Khrushchev pulled off one of the most dramatic moments of the Cold War by producing not only the plane wreckage of the U-2, but also the captured pilot alive. Eisenhower had to publicly admit that it was indeed a U.S. spy plane.

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"50 Megaton Nuke Dropped in Russia." N.p., n.d.

Web. 23 Apr. 2014

On October 30, 1961 the Russians launched the most powerful bomb in human history, e hydrogen bomb. This bomb called Tsar Bomba or “emperor bomb” could be seen for 99 miles and had over 35 miles in height when the picture was taken.

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Hydrogen Bomb pictures

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"DeRosaWorld." 'DeRosaWorld' N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

On the night of 12-13 August 1961, the Soviets began to build a wall (the Berliner Mauer) between the east and west sectors of Berlin, forcibly sealing off the inhabitants of East Germany. They did this to stop people from moving and escaping from east and west Germany. By the 1980s the walls, electrified fences and fortifications extended almost thirty miles through the city and an additional seventy-five miles around West Berlin. The Berlin Wall became the symbol of the Cold War and the division of East from West until its destruction in the fall of 1989.

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"Cuban Missile Crisis." - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

Artifact 18No one was sure how Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev would respond to

the naval blockade and U.S. demands. But the leaders of both

superpowers recognized the devastating possibility of a nuclear war and publicly agreed to a deal in which

the Soviets would dismantle the weapon sites in exchange for a pledge from the United States not to invade

Cuba. In a separate deal, which remained secret for more than twenty-

five years, the United States also agreed to remove its nuclear missiles

from Turkey. Although the Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba, they escalated the building of their

military arsenal; the missile crisis was over, the arms race was not.

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"GHDI - Document." GHDI - Document. N.p., n.d. Web. 23

Apr. 2014.

On January 22, 1963, France and West Germany sighed a treaty, Élysée Treaty also known as the treaty of friendship. It was sighed to being peace between France and Germany for the next 40 years. At the time of the sighing, everyone just wanted peace with each other.

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"Cold War: A Brief History." Chinese Nuclear Weapons. AJ

Software & Multimedia, 16 Dec. 2005. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

. The first Chinese nuclear test was conducted at Lop Nur on October 16, 1964. It was a tower shot involving a fission device with a yield of 25 kilotons. Uranium 235 was used as the nuclear fuel. In less than 32 months, China detonated its first hydrogen bomb on June 14, 1967.

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