Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Farmers MarketA second organizational meet-

    ing concerning the forming of alocal farmers market will beheld Monday, March 11 at 7:00p.m. in the Turner CommunityCenter on Main Street inMurdo.

    Okaton ChurchThe Church at Okaton invites

    you to hear the Black HillsGospel Quartet in concert Sun-day, March 17, 2013, at 4:00p.m. in the Turner CommunityCenter on Main Street inMurdo. No cost to attend.

    Johannsen ScholarshipThe deadline for the Lee

    Johannsen scholarship avail-able to college students whowere graduates of Jones CountyHigh School is Friday, April 12,2013.

    The scholarship will beawarded to a student in their

    junior or senior year at theirrespected college or universityfor the 2013-2014 school year.

    A copy of the scholarshipapplication is available at theJones County High School office.

    Exercise room reminderThe exercise room at the Tech

    Center is open Monday Fridayfrom 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you havea key card, the room is openadditionally from 57 a.m. and510 p.m., Monday through Fri-day. It is also open on Saturdayfrom 5 a.m.5 p.m. and on Sun-day from 16 p.m. Patrons needto be out of the building onehour after the doors are locked;no later than 11 p.m. on week-days.

    Trading Pages LibraryTrading Pages Library at the

    Murdo Coyote is open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.and Friday as open.

    Open AA meetingsThursdays 8:00 p.m. at the

    East Commons. Call 530-0371or 280-7642.

    J.C. School BoardThe Jones County School Dis-

    trict #37-3 will hold theirmonthly meeting Monday,March 11 at 7 p.m. at the highschool library. The public isencouraged to attend.





    $1.00$1.00Includes tax

    Number 10Volume 107

    March 7, 2013






    Third Annual Jesse James Dugan Memorial Shoot successful

    by Karlee BarnesThe Third Annual Jesse James

    Dugan Memorial Shoot was heldSaturday, March 2 at the BadRiver Bucks and Birds huntinglodge north of Draper.

    The weather cooperated, pro-viding the warmest day of the sea-son thus far.

    Sixteen teams of two shooters,six throwers and four spotters par-ticipated in the European pigeonshoot held to celebrate the life ofJesse Dugan.

    Dugan, father of three, lost hislife in a farming accident in Aprilof 2010. In 2011, a scholarshipfund was established in his name,and a memorial pigeon shoot wasorganized.

    As in previous years, the eventis more than just a shoot. Hostedby Bad River Bucks and Birds, anopen invitation is presented toanyone wishing to help celebrate

    Jesses life.The shoot started the event in

    the afternoon and was followed bya hog roast and dancing to themusic of Westbound.

    All proceeds from the shoot andhog roast go to the Jesse DuganMemorial Scholarship Fund for

    Jones County High School seniors.The scholarship is available

    each year for a high school seniorwho plans on either entering avocational school or pursuing anagriculture related degree in col-lege. Previous scholarship recipi-ents include Sophie Iversen in

    2011, and Trait Thorne in 2012.Scholarship application informa-

    tion will be available at a laterdate.

    Perfect timing With shells flying, Chester McKenzie and Cory Reinhart take aim during theThird Annual Jesse Dugan Memorial Shoot held at the Bad River Bucks and Birds hunting lodge.

    Courtesy photos

    Crisis Texting Julie Moore and Lori Montis pass outHelpline Center Crisis Support Texting promotional material to

    Jones County juniors and seniors. The students received mate-

    rial with the crisis texting number and information for further


    Enjoying warm spring weather A group of teams gath-ered during the pigeon shoot, ready for some fun on the warm

    March afternoon.

    Spotter Philip Mathews posts up behind a hay bale duringthe shoot.

    Let em fly! Father and son team Dean and Jackson Volmerraise their shotguns and wait for the pigeons to fly.

    Questions? Lori Montis from the Helpline Center in SiouxFalls wraps up her presentation to the freshmen and sophomores

    at Jones County High School Monday afternoon.

    Photo by Karlee Barnes

    HelpLine Center introduces local teensto Crisis Support text messaging program

    by Karlee BarnesA new text messaging program

    targeting teens offered by theHelpline Center in Sioux Falls wasintroduced to local youth Monday,March 4.

    Lori Montis, Helpline CenterSuicide and Crisis Director, pre-sented the new program, which isfunded in part by the St. MarysFoundation

    Julie Moore from the St. MarysFoundation said, Implementing

    the texting program in centralSouth Dakota has been made pos-sible with the help of funds raisedat the Step Forward to PreventSuicide Walk and Run held in Sep-tember 2012.

    The Step Forward to PreventSuicide event helped to raise over$18,000 for suicide prevention andintervention efforts in centralSouth Dakota. So far, this hashelped fund the start up of crisissupport text messaging in bothSully County and Jones County,with hopes to increase the pres-ence in central South Dakota.

    Both Sully and Jones Countyhave lost youth to suicide in recentyears, making the program a per-tinent preventative measure.

    Judy Feddersen, mother to sui-cide victim Brian Feddersen,spoke to students in Jones Countybefore the program. Feddersen

    said, This is a great program. Ifyou have any need or reason to usethe program, please use it! Fed-dersen was the co-chair at the firstever Step Forward to Prevent Sui-cide Walk and Run.

    Montis started her presentationby explaining that along with thetexting program, the HelplineCenter also answers a suicide pre-

    vention lifeline. Trained profes-sionals are available to answercalls 24 hours a day, seven days aweek.

    Next, she told the students thateach suicide affects six people inthe victims immediate family.These people are called survivorsof suicide.

    Each year, 35,000 people com-plete suicide in the United States,5,000 of which are youth under theage of 25. Suicide is the thirdranking cause of death for youth inthe United States, only after acci-dents and homicide. Unfortunate-ly, suicide is the second rankingcause of death for youth in SouthDakota. South Dakota was ranked

    second in the United States in2009 for having the highest num-ber of youth suicides for youthaged 15-24.

    Montis then spoke about suiciderisk factors and suicidal protectivefactors. She said that the crisistexting program is a suicidal pro-tective factor.

    The texting program is targetedto teens who may not feel comfort-able talking to the Helpline Centeron the phone, or to anyone else.Eighty-eight percent of teens sendand receive over 3,000 text mes-sages per month, and studies showthat teens prefer texting over anyother form of communication.

    The program is available foryouth to speak about issues suchas depression, family conflicts,alcohol and drug issues, relation-ship problems, and suicidalthoughts. It is a safe and privateoutlet for youth to have someone totalk to. Upon establishment, theHelpline Center wanted the pro-gram to feel like the same as tex-ting a friend.

    Youth will interact with trainedstaff, who responds quickly to textmessages. The program runs from3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and also

    provides follow up texting if theyouth wishes.The program is new to central

    South Dakota. It was introducedin the Sioux Empire area. With thehelp of suicide prevention andintervention funding, Jones Coun-ty has become the 21st school inSouth Dakota to be able to use theprogram.

    Jones County After School

    Program students stay busy

    by Karlee BarnesFriday, March 1, the Jones

    County After School Programentertained guest Diana Melvinfrom the South Dakota DiscoveryCenter.

    Melvin traveled to Murdo toteach the after school program stu-dents all about measuring. Afterlearning that they can measure

    many different ways with manydifferent tools, the students thenwent to the mini gym to constructa ski jump to get a better grasp onmeasuring with hands-on learn-ing.

    Each group of students madeski jumps out of pipe insulationtubes cut in half. They also had

    access to buckets, cereal boxes cutin half, egg cartons cut in half,frozen juice containers and tape.

    The students utilized as manyof these materials as they wantedto construct their ski jumps. Theski jumpers were marbles, andthe task was to get their marble togo through the entire ski jumpcourse and land in a container at

    the end of the course.All groups successfully complet-ed the project, although some hadto revamp their jumps to helptheir marbles move along. The stu-dents drew pictures of their jumpsas well as measured the lengthand height of the jumps at the endof the project and compared themwith other groups.

    Excited to learn Breckin Steilen, fifth grade, and KamriKittelson, first grade, test out their ski jump made from pipe

    insulation tubes, ice cream buckets and tape.

    Courtesy photos

    Ski jump fun Keyan Falcon, kindergarten, and HannahBrost, second grade, measure how far their marble made it down

    their home made ramp.

  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Jones County News Murdo Coyote March 7, 2013 Page 2

    Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD

    P.O.Box 465Murdo, SD 57559-0465Phone: (605) 669-2271

    FAX: (605) 669-2744E-mail: [email protected]

    USPS No.: 368300

    Don Ravellette, PublisherKarlee Barnes,Reporter/Photographer/Sales

    Lonna JacksonTypesetter/Office

    SUBSCRIPTION RATES:Local $34.00 + Tax

    Local subscriptions include the towns and ruralroutes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, WhiteRiver, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland

    In-State $39.00 + taxOut-of-State $39.00

    Periodicals Postage Paid atMurdo, SD 57559

    Postmaster:Send address changes to:

    Murdo CoyoteP.O. Box 465

    Murdo, SD 57559-0465

    Deadlines for articles and letters isThursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)

    Items received after that time will be

    held over until the next weeks issue.


    Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)

    ADVERTISING DEADLINE:Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)




    Local Newsby Jody Lebeda 669-2526

    [email protected]

    Friends of Edyth Noldner willbe glad to know that she is con-tent and doing well in her resi-dence at Lee House Assisted Liv-ing in Eldon, Missouri. It is a verybright, cheery facility with a greatstaff. Her niece, Elsie Bak, andBob visited her there recently andwere joined by Rodney and BonitaNoldner. Edyths mailing addressis: Edyth Noldner, Lee House, 105N. Mill St., Eldon, Missouri

    65036.Carol and Gene Cressy went to

    Pierre on Saturday and met PattiCressy for lunch. They alsoattended both play-off games inLyman. Jones county won one andlost one. Jones County played agood game and gave a good work-out to White River, whose teamplayed hard, fast and accurate;they will be playing in Wall thisweek against Oelrichs to deter-mine who goes to state. Go Tigers.

    The Book and Thimble Clubheld their monthly meeting in thescience room at the high school.

    Artist in residence, Mary Wipfgave a wonderful PowerPointpresentation on the history ofpaper marbling, one of the oldestknown forms of paper art. Wipfalso did a hands on demonstra-tion. Then, we got to actuallymake our own paper art. It was a

    wonderful experience. Mary saidshe really enjoys working with thestudents as they get so enthusedabout their projects.

    Monday night, a group interest-ed in organizing a Farmers Mar-ket met at the Turner CommunityCenter and began the process oforganizing a market for Murdo.The next meeting is set for March11 at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interestedin the Farmers Market shouldplan to come to the meeting.

    Marie Addison went to visit

    Grace McKillip on Wednesday.Grace is doing well and is in goodspirits. She was to start rehab onher ankle the next day. She islooking forward to moving toPierre when she is recuperated,where she will be closer to herson, Doug and family. Graces sis-ter, Blanche Dolezal lives in theassisted living in Philip and visitsoften.

    Helen McMillan and Lila Mae

    Christian visited their sister-in-law Edna McKenzie in Chamber-lain on Friday. Pam (McKenzie)Bryan was there to visit her momand the ladies had a riotous time.Edna is more content now andkeeps busy playing cards andgoing out for lunch with friends.She was very happy to see themand they had a good visit.

    An avid bird watch reports thatbig flocks of birds are movingthrough, so if you to like to seeand hear the birds, get on outsideand put your listening ears on.Robins are especially fun to watchas are the doves that have beenhere all winter.

    June Guthrie went to Pierre onSaturday to visit Morris and dosome shopping. She had plannedto bring Morris home but he wasnot feeling up to par.

    Helen McMillan, Cheryl

    McMillan, Karen Bowers andMelanie Bowers all attended theplay in Reliance on Saturday.They enjoyed it very much.

    Jean Kinsley and granddaugh-ter Kristen Ellendorf and her twochildren, Reese and Truett, fromTea, S.D., stopped in to visit JuliaBroeacher on Saturday. They werehere visiting over the weekend.

    Cecelia Newsam and Rita Hen-derson went to Pierre on Friday tothe doctor and they did someshopping before returning home.

    East Side Newsby Janet Louder 669-2696

    On February 15, Ronnie Lebe-da and Holly went to Loveland,Colo., to visit brother Rick andElla Lebeda. They also visitedChristina Lebeda and childrenMatt and Amanda; Phil andCathy Allen; Bill and Ronda Allenand children Rich and Joan andtheir family, all of Loveland; and

    Kevin and Angie and family fromCheyenne, Wyo. They returnedhome on February 19.

    Kim and Tony Schmidt left forAberdeen on Sunday, February 24to the home of Kayla, Jeremy andSydney Hoag for Kayla's birthday.On Monday evening, the group,along with Jaime Schmidt andfriend Shawn, went out for supperto celebrate Kayla's birthday,topped off with cake and icecream. Kim kept doctor appoint-ments while there, returninghome on Wednesday.

    Kayla and Jeremy Hoag andSydney spent the weekend withKim and Tony Schmidt (this timeit was Kim's ? birthday). Tonymade homemade ice cream for theoccasion. Donald Volmer joinedthe group. Due to the sound of badweather the Aberdeen way, theHoags left for home Sunday morn-ing. Sunday afternoon, JanetDowling joined Kim and Tony fora birthday ice cream cake. SonBrady of Brookings arrived late

    Sunday evening to spend a fewdays here. Happy birthday, Kim.

    JP Carwin of Peetz, Colo.,arrived Friday to spend the week-end with fiance Sarah Dowlingand family, returning home onSunday.

    Nelva and Janet Louder spentTuesday of last week in Pierre

    kept an appointment. In the after-noon, they went to Parkwood forcoffee and visits with severalincluding Mona Sharp, LillianSeveryn and Joyce Nielsen.

    Lila Mae Christian, ShirleyVik, Helen Louder, Rosa LeeStyles and Margie Boyle listenedto the first and second gradersread to them early last Thursday,followed by a skit put on by thefourth graders depicting pioneercharacters, which proved to beinteresting. After to a cafe forrefreshments.

    David and Lill Seamans spentthe night last Tuesday with sonJason in Rapid City. On Wednes-day, they went to Ft. Meade andcalled on Roger Vik and had agood visit. Then they went toSpearfish for a visit with Wadeand Patti Dowling. They spentanother night in the hills, return-ing home on Thursday.

    Ray and Janice Pike attendedthe elementary jump rope forheart on Friday and watched

    great-grandkids Riley and PeytonRankin jump rope; proved inter-esting.

    Terri and Tana Volmer, Jill andKatie Venard, and Beth Van Damtraveled to Rapid City on Sundayand took mom/grandma KimCalkins out for lunch to celebrateher birthday. David Venard, Nick

    Van Dam and Kyle Venard joinedthe group for lunch. The guyswere on their way home from atime of snowmobiling in the hills.Happy birthday, Kim.

    Marge Hayes celebrated her88th birthday on Saturday at aclubhouse near her home whenfamily and friends gathered for acatered supper complete withbirthday cake and ice cream.Those helping her celebrate were:Mary and Mike Dott; SteveHayes; Stephanie Dott and friendShane; Ryan and Jaime Dott;Jaime Hayes and son Malachi;Nick Hayes; Mike's sister andbrother-in-law; and Jaime Dott'sparents. It was a great day.Daughter Jody Wingert of Wash-ington missed this party, but iscoming this week and I'm guess-ing there will be more partying.Happy birthday, Marge.

    Ray and Janice Pike joinedRay's nephew, Gene and JuliePike and daughter Kristina ofSioux Falls, at the Riggs theatrein Pierre Saturday for the middleschool all state band concert.Kristina, a sixth grader, played inthe honors band. After, the groupwent out for supper.

    Nelva and Janet Louder head-ed for the hills again last Wednes-day. This time to celebrate theirleap year daughter, Cara's, nonbirthday. She does turn overanother year, just doesn't get theday! Nelva and Janet, along withson Jay, joined the Pearson familyfor supper at their home, toppedoff with a decorated cherry pieand ice cream, made by Janet.Thursday evening, son Brian

    joined the group and we went outfor supper. The waiters sang"happy birthday". Nelva andJanet headed home Friday, stop-

    ping in Kadoka at the rest home.They visited Dwight Louder, MaryEllen Herbaugh (she was playingbingo) and Melford Koester. Thenthey went to see Deanna Byrd,Kristi Stone and girls.

    David and Lill Seamans trav-eled to Gregory Saturday on busi-ness. While there they called onLill's sister, Bernice and JerryKlein.

    Eldon and Esther Magnusonspent last Thursday in Pierre,kept an appointment, and metShelley Boehmer, Lori Owens andCrystal Lindekugel for lunch.That evening the Magnusons,Shelley, Crystal, Tyson and Tripphad a pizza supper at Lori andWade's.

    Dorothy and Darin Louder vis-ited Dwight in Kadoka lastWednesday.

    The 3rd Annual Jesse Dugan

    Memorial Shoot was held at theBad River Bucks and Birds onSaturday. There were approxi-mately 18 pairs of hunters start-ing at 2:00 p.m., coming from asfar away as Omaha and Minneso-ta. Following the hunt, supperwas served. Later, the musicstarted and the dancing began.

    Among the many helping to headthis event up were: Scott, Philipand Madison Mathews; TarraDugan and family; and BrettWaibel. There was a good crowd.

    Some that told me they were therewere: Fred and Mary Mathews;Eldon and Esther Magnuson;Kathie Mason and Ernie Kessler;Philip and Audrey Mathews. Pro-ceeds go to the Jesse DuganMemorial Scholarship fund forJones County High School sen-iors.

    Charlie and Susan Hamerbrought a carry-in dinner Sundayto Dorothy, Brad and Darin Loud-er. Nelva and Janet Louder joinedthe group for coffee in the after-noon.

    Kathie Mason and ShelleyBoehmer spent Saturday withparents Eldon and Esther Magnu-son.

    On Monday evening of lastweek, Eldon and Esther Magnu-son, along with George Mowry,were supper guests at the Preshohome of Delores Volmer.

    Nelva and Janet Louderreceived the shocking news lastweek that a friend of ours, WayneRawstern, 78, of Onida, was killedwhile helping to cut down a hugetree on a vacant lot. He was killedinstantly when the tree fell onhim. We became friends 45 yearsago when his wife, Mary, and I(Janet) were roommates when wehad our leap year (February 29)baby girls, Karen and Cara. We'vekept in touch since. Funeral serv-ices were Saturday morning at theSully Buttes High School gymwith Father Jerome Kopel offici-ating. A huge crowd of family andfriends were on hand to say theirgoodbyes. Only the family went tothe cemetery at Agar for burial. Afamily member rode Wayne'smotorcycle, along with severalother motorcyclists who escortedthe procession. He leaves his wife,Mary, and six adult children andtheir families. Alunch was servedto approximately 300 in the multi-purpose room (which is huge).While having lunch, we visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stampe,in-laws of former DraperiteMelanie (Miller) Stampe. We alsovisited Rawstern family members.Back to Pierre, we visited Alex

    and Jean Freier. It was a very sadday but Mother Nature provided abeautiful day.

    Ken and Carmen Miller spentthe weekend in Sioux Falls withdaughter Karissa Miller and BenZimmer.

    Following church Sunday, RosaLee Styles, Lila Mae Christian,Donald Volmer, Ray and JanicePike, Ray and Shirley Vik, Nelvaand Janet Louder had dinnertogether at a local cafe.

    Lana Vevig and daughterAlyssa of Sturgis arrived at theparental home of Randy andLinda Vevig on Saturday. Satur-day evening, Linda and Lanawent to Pierre and joined relativesto celebrate the 21st birthday ofLinda's great-niece, Brittney, bytaking in a few pubs! Alyssastayed home to entertain GrandpaRandy. Lana and Alyssa returned

    home on Sunday. Linda andRandy went back to Pierre onSunday where they joined a groupfor supper at a restaurant to cele-brate the 18th birthday of Linda'sgreat-niece, Jordan Buchanen, ofMission Ridge. Happy birthday,Brittney and Jordan.

    Karen Authier spent Saturdaywith Margaret and Greg Rankin.On Sunday, Kris Bradley spentthe day with them. The trio wentto a local cafe for dinner.

    Jones County Sheriffs ReportThe Sheriffs report is printed

    as received by Jones County Sher-iffs Office. It may or may not con-tain every call received by thedepartment.Feb. 21

    Deputy Sylva responded to aone vehicle accident with noinjuries,on US HWY 83, mm57.

    A pickup had left the road andbecame stuck in a washout. Thevehicle was towed out and thedriver was transported to a resi-

    dence in White River.Feb. 22

    Deputy Sylva responded to abroke down semi in the driv-ing lane on US HWY 83 north-bound, mm59. The semi wastowed to Murdo.

    Deputy Sylva investigated areport oftheft of a TV from thePilot Truckstop.Feb. 23

    Deputy Sylva and Sheriff Weberobtained and served a searchwarrant on a residence inMurdo for the stolen TV fromPilot. The TV was located. Whilesearching for the TV, some drugparaphernalia was observed inplain view. Another search war-

    rant was obtained and served onthe same residence. Severaldrug paraphernalia itemswere located along with a smallamount of marijuana. Severalcharges are pending on resident.Feb. 24

    Sheriff Weber responded to areport of a large bale of hay inthe roadway on I-90, westbound,mm176. The hay was removedfrom roadway.

    Sheriff Weber responded to a

    report of Uhaul truck drivingerratically on I-90, eastbound,mm172. The truck was locatedand driver indicated the wind wascausing him problems.Feb. 25

    Sheriff Weber investigated areport ofdamage to the DakotaPrairie Bank in Draper. A vehi-cle had lost control on the slipperystreets and hit the west side of thebank causing structure damage.The driver was located and hemade contact with bank owner.Feb. 27

    Deputy Sylva transported atransient from Murdo to theLyman Co. line.

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  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Murdo Coyote Murdo Coyote March 7, 2013 Page 3

    Catholic Church of St. Martin502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski

    Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.

    St. Anthonys Catholic ChurchDraper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski

    Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

    Draper United Methodist ChurchPastor Rick Hazen

    Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.

    Murdo United Methodist ChurchPastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.

    Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!

    Okaton Evangelical Free ChurchOkaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)

    Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)

    Messiah Lutheran Church308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth

    Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.

    St. Pauls Lutheran ChurchDraper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth

    Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.

    Community Bible Church410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

    Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.


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    Dont Pay Attention To Stories

    by Pastor Cornelius R. StamNeither give heed to fables (1 Tim. 1:4)

    As the present-day English reader comes upon the word fables in the Authorized Version, he is apt to think of Aesops Fables, but these were illus-

    trations, while the original word muthois means simply stories, including stories of imagined incidents or events.

    There are two types of stories that have exerted an amazing influence upon twentieth century Christendom. One is the novel, the other the promotion-

    al story. In considering the above passage, this writer examined the contents of the popular Christian periodicals coming to his desk and was astonished

    to find how many of them were largely filled with fiction and with stories written to promote projects or viewpoints. The Apostle says about such stories

    that they raise questions but do not answer them, for stories really prove nothing. This is also true of many Christian films.

    Many Christian novels have indeed exerted a savory influence upon their readers when they have been founded upon Scriptural truths and princi-

    ples. Obviously, however, an author can make his novel prove exactly what he wishes to prove, for the novel involves us in a world of make-believe.

    Thus a novel can be dangerous to Christian faith and practice.

    The promotional story holds, perhaps, an even more prominent place in our popular Christian magazines. No one can object to factual reports of what

    God has wrought, but too many of these stories are nothing more than promotional efforts. Many of these success stories are so successful that thought-

    ful readers question their validity and are apt to lay them aside without even finishing them. Less discerning readers, however, are often deeply moved

    by them.

    We are well aware that our objections are not popular, but we are not trying to be popular; we are trying to help sincere Christians find their way back,

    step by step, to renewed spiritual power. This power has been too long frittered away by substituting the will of man for the Word of God.

    Two minutes with the bible

    Jesus said to his disciples,Things that make people fallinto sin are bound to happen, buthow terrible for the one who

    makes them happen! It wouldbe better for him if a large mill-stone were tied around his neckand he were thrown into the seathan for him to cause one of theselittle ones to sin. So watch what

    you do! (Luke 17:1-3)How many of us have our prior-

    ities straight? Lent is a greattime to give up the meaninglessstuff of this worldand, instead,seek the meaningful stuff ofGod. The world will never saveus or give us a place in heaven neither will good works or gooddeeds. Only Gods Son, JesusChrist saves us through the bloodHe shed for us on the cross onCalvary 2,000 years ago. Howmany of us will make a changefor the sake of Jesus Christ, orwill we stay status quo becausethats the way its always beendone. Jesus Christ is not a sta-

    tus quo Savior. When God calledSt. Augustine, he answered, Iwill follow you Lordbut notyet! He was enjoying the sinfuldesires of this world too much.How often are we l ike Augustine?We love and desire the pleasuresof this world and we tell GodI will follow you, Lord...but notyet!

    More than likely, for the chil-dren whom God has entrusted toour care, we fail to be the peopleGod wants us to be. We take theeasy way out and let the worlddirect how we bring up our kidsrather than being God-directed.Worship and Sunday School onSunday mornings in one of ourmany houses of worship is agreat place to start finding outwhat it means to be God-direct-ed.

    In speaking to his disciples

    about sin, Jesus was concernedabout little ones, not so muchthe children, but those young inthe faith just learning andbeginning to grow in faith. Hespoke about how some of us dis-courage rather than encouragethem to be faith-full to God. If weas adults dont take God serious-ly, then neither will the chil-dren. Life lessons are important,yes, but even more so, Eternal-life lessons.

    Sadly, for some, Sunday hasbecome just another day. Wesay were just too busy. Ourexcuses are shopping or the need

    to get our to do list done onSunday. I knew a womens col-lege basketball coach who was adelegate one year to Presbyteryin North Dakota. She sharedwith me that as she would begetting ready for church, stu-dents were pounding on herdoor Sunday morning, wantingthe key to get into the gym, toplay basketball, instead of goingto church. Jesus Christ wouldsay, Thats wrong! Before theSuper Bowl and March Madness,there was God, and Sunday wasfor the worship of God. It still is,if only we would get our prioritiesstraight and be God-directedinstead of world-directed.

    One North Dakota mothershared with me that her teenageson and daughter were remindedthat before they went out thedoor with their friends on Satur-

    day night, that they would notbe sleeping in on Sunday. Theywould go to church as a family.She told me that her teenagerslearned to set their own Satur-day night curfews. They werehome before midnight andready to go to church every Sun-day morning.

    Some Russian pastors told agroup of us American pastors:You Americans think you canworship God in an hour. In Rus-sia, worship and Sunday Schoolis all day, every Sunday. The for-mer Lutheran Bishop to Ethiopiatold a seminary class I attended,that in Ethiopia, during Com-munist rule, when churches wereclosed and boarded up, familiesrose before dawn, some walking20 miles to worship outsideunder the trees with other Chris-tians.

    Will persecution need to hap-pen here before we wake upand get our priorities straight?Worship, Sunday School for allages and Bible studies andprayers and being in Christianconversation on Sundays is awonderful idea! Our churchesneed revival and renewal. Weneed to be about seeking firstthe kingdom of God, and Hisrighteousness. Lets becomeGod-directed instead ofworld-directed. Amen.

    Seizing the HopeSet Before Us

    ... Heb 6:18by Pastor Rick HazenUnited Methodist ChurchMurdo and Draper

    SD Stockgrowers and SDCattlewomen offer scholarship

    The South Dakota Stockgrow-ers Association and the SouthDakota Cattlewomen are current-ly accepting applications for a$1,000 scholarship in memory ofGuy E. Ham. The scholarship isavailable to any South Dakota stu-dent having completed at least oneyear of post-secondary educationand pursuing a career in an agri-cultural or agri-business relatedfield.

    This $1,000 scholarship is madepossible by the generosity and giftof the Guy E. Ham Beef IndustryScholarship in memory of GuyHam and his commitment to thefuture of the agriculture industryin South Dakota.

    Application information anddetails can be found by or by contacting the SD Stock-growers Assoc. at 605-342-0429.

    Applications will be accepted untilAugust 1, 2013 and the scholar-ship will be awarded during theStockgrowers Annual Conventionon September 28, 2013.

    Donations to the Guy E. HamBeef Industry Scholarship aregratefully accepted by the SDStockgrowers Association for thepurpose of continuing this scholar-ship program. Please contact Sil-via Christen for more informationabout contributing to this scholar-ship.





    Call859-2516in Philip




    ahead one hour onMarch 10 for

    Daylight Savings Time!!

    to moveyour clock

    Register Tapes for Educationfundraiser ends March 31

    by Karlee BarnesThe Jones County After School

    Programs Register Tapes for Edu-cation fundraiser is nearing anend.

    Director Stacey Booth said thefundraiser has so far earned211,112 points for the after schoolprogram. For every dollar spent at

    Murdo Family Foods, the RegisterTapes for Education donates onepoint to the after school program.

    The after school program farexceeded their goal of 20,000points, which started accumulat-ing on September 1, 2012.

    Booth said the fundraiser willofficially end on Sunday, March31. She said that the redemptionperiod for the points is May 1through May 31, so the school hassome time to decide how they wishto use the points they have earned.

    Anyone who shops at MurdoFamily Foods may donate to thecause without spending anymoney. Designated containers forcollecting register receipts are setup at Murdo Family Foods, orreceipts can be dropped off at theafter school program located in theMickelson Building at the JonesCounty Elementary School.

  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Murdo Coyote Murdo Coyote March 7, 2013 Page 4

    Secretary Vilsack announces funding to improve

    rural electric service for customers in 12 statesAgriculture Secretary Tom Vil-

    sack today announced that ruralelectric cooperatives and utilitiesin 12 states will receive loan guar-antees to improve generation andtransmission facilities and imple-ment smart grid technologies.The announcement was made on

    the Secretarys behalf by ActingUSDA Rural Utilities Administra-tor John Padalino during theannual meeting of the NationalRural Electric Cooperative Associ-ation in New Orleans.

    In his State of the UnionAddress last week, PresidentObama said that in America wehave an aging infrastructurebadly in need of repair. Providingreliable, affordable electricity isessential to rural job creation,Padalino said. Upgrading ruralinfrastructure sets the stage foreconomic development.

    Todays announcement includessupport for more than $8 millionin smart grid technologies, whichhelp utilities make efficiencyimprovements to the electric gridand help consumers lower theirelectric bills by reducing energyuse in homes and businesses.

    In South Dakota, two utilitieswere selected for funding includ-ing:

    Northern Electric Cooperativebased in Bath has plans to use a$20.3 million loan guarantee tobuild 303 miles of distribution lineand make other system improve-

    ments. The loan includes $902,512in smart grid projects.West Central Electric Coopera-

    tive, Inc. based in Murdo has plansto use $10.125 million loan to build46 miles of distribution line, 14miles of transmission line andmake other system improvements.The loan includes $314,487 insmart grid projects.

    The following is a complete listof rural utilities that will receiveUSDA funding, which is contin-gent upon the recipient meetingthe terms of the loan agreement.

    AlabamaWiregrass Electric Coopera-

    tive, Inc. $13,900,000. Fundswill be used to build 135 miles ofdistribution line and make othersystem improvements. The loanincludes $100,452 in smart gridprojects.

    Pea River Electric Cooperative,Inc. $21,500,000. Funds will beused to build 137 miles of distribu-tion line and make other systemimprovements.

    AlaskaKotzebue Electric Association,

    Inc. $2,900,000. Funds will beused to build 10 miles of distribu-tion line and make other systemimprovements.Colorado

    Southeast Colorado PowerAssociation $8,202,000. Fundswill be used to build 133 miles ofdistribution line and make othersystem improvements. The loanincludes $600,000 in smart gridprojects.Florida

    Withlacoochee River ElectricCooperative, Inc. $80,000,000.Funds will be used to build 104miles of distribution line, 4 milesof transmission line, and makeother system improvements. The

    loan amount includes $1,340,000for smart grid projects.Georgia

    Sumter Electric MembershipCorporation $12,500,000. Fundswill be used to build 437 miles ofdistribution line and make othersystem improvements. The loanamount includes $500,000 forsmart grid projects.Kansas

    Flint Hills Rural Electric Coop-erative Association, Inc. $11,000,000. Funds will be used tobuild 108 miles of distribution lineand make other system improve-ments. The loan includes $22,000in smart grid projects.

    The Brown Atchison ElectricCooperative Association $5,100,000. Funds will be used tobuild 53 miles of distribution lineand 5 miles of transmission line,and make other system improve-


    Farmers Rural Electric Cooper-ative Corporation $17,582,000.Funds will be used to build 327miles of distribution line and makeother system improvements. Theloan amount includes $412,541 forsmart grid projects.Minnesota

    Runestone Electric Association

    $22,000,000. Funds will be usedto build 82 miles of distributionline and make other systemimprovements. The loan amountincludes $379,100 for smart gridprojects.North Dakota

    Burke-Divide Electric Coopera-

    tive, Inc. $7,700,000. Funds willbe used to build 106 miles of distri-bution line, 20 miles of transmis-sion line and make other systemimprovements. The loan includes$549,994 in smart grid projects.

    Central Power Electric Cooper-ative, Inc. $33,733,000. Fundswill be used to build 141 miles oftransmission line and make othersystem improvements.Oklahoma

    Cotton Electric Cooperative,Inc. $24,850,000. Funds will beused to build 229 miles of distribu-tion line and make other systemimprovements. The loan includes$1,300,000 in smart grid projects.South Dakota

    West Central Electric Coopera-tive, Inc. $10,125,000. Fundswill be used to build 46 miles ofdistribution line, 14 miles of trans-mission line and make other sys-tem improvements. The loanincludes $314,487 in smart gridprojects.South Dakota and North Dakota

    Northern Electric Cooperative $20,388,000. Funds will be usedto build 303 miles of distributionline and make other systemimprovements. The loan includes$902,512 in smart grid projects.Texas

    Bowie-Cass Electric Coopera-tive, Inc. $38,532,000. Funds willbe used to build 562 miles of distri-bution line and make other systemimprovements. The loan amountincludes $672,875 for smart gridprojects.

    The $330 million in loan guar-antees announced today are pro-vided by USDAs Rural UtilitiesService. The funding helps electricutilities upgrade, expand, main-tain and replace rural Americaselectric infrastructure. USDA also

    funds energy conservation andrenewable energy projects.

    Since taking office, the ObamaAdministration has taken signifi-cant steps to improve the lives ofrural Americans and has providedbroad support for rural communi-ties. The Obama Administrationhas set goals of modernizing infra-structure by providing broadbandaccess to 10 million Americans,expanding educational opportuni-ties for students in rural areas andproviding affordable health care.In the long term, these unparal-leled rural investments will helpensure that Americas rural com-munities are repopulating, self-sustaining and thriving economi-cally.

    USDA, through its Rural Devel-opment mission area, administersand manages housing, businessand community infrastructure

    programs through a national net-work of state and local offices.Rural Development has an activeportfolio of more than $176 billionin loans and loan guarantees.These programs are designed toimprove the economic stability ofrural communities, businesses,residents, farmers and ranchersand improve the quality of life inrural areas.

    Moving day The green house owned by Andrea Sheehan andJerry Miller that sat on the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Third

    Street was moved to a new location Wednesday, February 27.

    Maberry House Moving from Pierre did the moving, while Gold-

    en West Communications and West Central Electric were both on

    hand to take down power and telephone lines to ensure a safe

    move. The house now sits behind the Range Country hotel

    owned by Greg Miller. It will be restored back to original condi-

    tion in the future.

    Photo by Lonna Jackson

    SDSU workshop provides hands-onengineering experience for girls

    Crime, robots and bridge build-ing this years Girls, Engineer-ing, Mathematics and Scienceworkshop has quite the schedule.The GEMS program, hosted bySouth Dakota State UniversityCollege of Engineering, is designedto expose eighth grade girls toengineering, math and science in ahands-on environment and inspirethem to continue in a related fieldwhen they enter college.

    The GEMS workshop will beheld Saturday, March 23. Regis-tration and refreshments begin at

    9 a.m. in room 204 in Crothers

    Engineering Hall on SDSU cam-pus and the closing ceremony willconclude at 5 p.m.

    There are three activity ses-sions available for students.Forensics Who Dunnit? givesthe girls a chance to learn allabout fingerprint capture and clas-sification. They will also measurefootprints to determine how tallthe perpetrator might be and putdeductive reasoning skills to workin eliminating suspects.

    Today, robots are no longer sim-ply the stuff of science fiction but

    are used everywhere from manu-

    facturing to medicine. GEMS stu-dents can learn firsthand howrobots work in this session. Theywill build a LEGO-Mindstormrobot car from Lego parts, navi-gate their creation through a mazeand teach it to dance.

    The Bridge Builder sessionputs engineering at the forefront.The girls will participate in discus-sions about engineering as a pro-fession and what kinds of careersengineers pursue. The interactiveportion of the session involves thedesign, construction and testing of

    bridge models. The project pro-vides participants with newknowledge of material properties,the physics of trusses and theimportance of bonding agents.

    GEMS also provides opportuni-ties for parents and educators.

    Assistant Dean of EngineeringRich Reid will give a presentationon preparing students for collegeas they enter high school, and par-ents and educators have thechance to sit in on their studentsactivities throughout the day.Interested girls, parents andteachers can apply for the work-shop online by completing theforms at or bycalling the College of Engineeringat 605-688-4161.

    The event is sponsored by IBM,Daktronics, DGR, Banner, EastRiver Electric, Sencore, Howard R.Green Company and SDSU.

    Growing asparagus and rhubarb in your own garden this springAfter a long winter with no

    fresh home-grown vegetablesmany gardeners really look for-ward to that first spring harvest ofasparagus and rhubarb, saysDavid Graper SDSU ExtensionHorticulturist and Director ofMcCrory Gardens.

    These popular vegetables areactually perennials that come backyear after year to provide a bounty

    of delicious and nutritious food formain meals and desserts, Grapersaid. Many asparagus fancierstake to scouring the road ditchesand fence lines for these delectablespring shoots while others chose toestablish a patch in their own gar-dens.

    Graper says the best way tostart an asparagus bed is to beginpreparation in the fall before thespring you want to plant.

    First, kill off all of the weedswith repeated cultivation or anapplication of glyphosate herbi-cide. He says this can also be donein the spring, but it won't be aseasy to get the tough perennialweeds controlled.

    Weeds are the biggest prob-lems for asparagus growers so getthem taken care of before youbegin, he said.

    Then, in early spring, order

    fresh 1-year old seedling crowns ofthe variety you want to plant. It isbest to always buy seedling crownsrather than to try to dig up plantsfrom a friend or a ditch, theytransplant better and you canselect an all-male variety which isusually more productive.

    Plant by first digging a trenchabout a foot deep and 8- to 10-inch-es wide. Place the crowns in thecenter of the trench - about 18-inches apart and cover with about3-inches of soil.

    Small, new shoots will soonbegin to grow. As the new shootsdevelop, Graper says gardenerscan gradually fill in the trench,adding another inch or two of soilevery few weeks, until you havethe trench completely filled up.

    Allow the new shoots to grow allseason without harvesting for thefirst two years.

    Only cut them back to theground after they have been killedby a hard freeze in the fall. It's agood idea to cover the row with agood 3- to 4-inch layer of organicmulch each fall. Shredded leavesand grass clippings work well.

    The mulch will also helpreduce weed growth in the patch,Graper said.

    By the third year, he says the

    asparagus should be getting prettywell established and should behealthy enough to take a coupleharvests of the shoots, but then letthem grow up and remain untilthe end of the season again.

    In the fourth year, gardenersshould be able to harvest for about

    six weeks. But, stop harvesting ifyou notice that the size of theshoots is getting smaller, down tothe size of a pencil.

    Growing RhubarbRhubarb is also best planted in

    the spring in a clean, weed freearea. It needs full sun and a well-drained soil. Most people willplant using crown divisions thatthey purchase from a nursery but,Graper says gardeners can also geta division from a friend.

    Work the soil well before plant-ing. Incorporating some compostor well-rotted manure can alsohelp get your plants off to a goodstart. Dig a large enough hole toeasily accommodate the trans-plant covering the buds with a cou-ple inches of soil. Rhubarb can alsobe planted from seed in the springbut there are more varieties withthe nice red colored petioles orstalks available as transplantsthan from seed. Also, Graper addsthat seed-grown plants tend toproduce more seed stalks than thevegetatively produced plants.

    Once again, it is best to not har-vest anything from your rhubarbfor the first two years. In yearthree, you can harvest a few of thestalks but leave the rest to matureand continue to build up the

    plants.When harvesting, Graper

    encourages gardeners to grasp theleaf stalks close to the ground andgive a firm tug to harvest themfrom the plant. Cut off the largeleaf blade and add those to thecompost pile which will leave the

    edible petiole. If seed stalks devel-op, cut them off close to the base ofthe plant. Allowing them to devel-op will take some energy from theplant so it is best to remove them.

    Weed controlWeeds are the biggest problem

    with growing these perennialcrops. Graper says gardeners canhoe or till right over an establishedasparagus patch in the springbefore the new shoots start togrow. Or, one can carefully applyglyphosate herbicide to perennialweeds before new shoots emerge inthe spring too.

    But do not get the spray on anyasparagus shoots as this canseverely damage the plants, hesaid.

    A good layer of mulch and keep-ing a clean border around theplants is the best way to avoidweed problems. Do not use salt tokill weeds. While this may kill theweeds it is also damaging to theasparagus.

    Both asparagus and rhubarbwill benefit from a yearly applica-tion of fertilizer after harvest iscomplete. Gardeners can use atypical garden fertilizer like 10-10-10 applying about a cup per 10-foot of row and scratching this intothe soil or you can use compost or

    well-rotted manure, applying it aninch or two thick over and aroundthe plants. But be aware that youmight be introducing weed seedsto your patch which will meanmore weeding later.

    To learn more, visit

    Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 10

  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Murdo Coyote Murdo Coyote March 7, 2013 Page 5

    Senator Larry Lucas

    This week in the South DakotaLegislature the Senate passed theSentinel Bill (HB 1087), a HouseCommittee killed the TextingWhile Driving Bill (SB 142), andon Friday we passed House Bill1237 to eliminate weekends andholidays from the three-day wait-ing period before a woman couldhave an abortion.

    The Sentinel Bill has a stronglocal control option. Schools, how-ever, opposed the measure as they

    feel arming some staff with gunswill present other problems andwill increase their liability regard-less if they choose to or not to usethe sentinel option. I was a NOvote on House Bill 1087.

    There was strong public supportto pass a texting while driving lawwith some 18 individuals andgroups testifying for it. The onlyopposition came from the eightRepresentatives on the JudiciaryCommittee who felt the law isflawed and unenforceable. I was aco-sponsor of Senate Bill 142 andvoted for in when it passed theSenate.

    I received a number of emailson House Bill 1237 to affect thethree-day waiting period for abor-tions. While I support eliminatingabortions as a means or birth con-trol, I eventually voted NO on theBill. If we want to involve preg-

    nancy counselors in the waitingperiod, then I believe licensed pro-fessional counselors should beavailable anytime during thethree-day waiting period. By law,pregnancy Help Centers are toeither staff or have a collaborativeagreement with licensed coun-selors, psychologists, nurses,

    physicians, or marriage & familytherapists to talk with any womanbefore she can have a doctor per-form an abortion.

    House Bill 1030 will allow forbonds to be sold to stabilize theMissouri River shore by CedarShore. The bonds will be paid

    back from an increase in the hotelfranchise tax. Another projectbetween the Department of Trans-portation and Lyman County willrebuild the bike path from CedarShore to Highway 16. The CedarShore Resort is a vital part oftourism and hosts a number ofstate-wide conferences and meet-ings.

    The 2013 State Budget for Fis-cal Year 2014 will be debated andpassed next week. There are dis-cussions to increase the per stu-dent allocation in the K-12 stateaid formula as well as to give one-time monies to schools, nursinghomes, and community supportproviders. Other special spendingprojects still being considered arerequests to develop the newBlood Run state park, build avisitors center in Custer StatePark, expand the Mickelson Trail

    in the Black Hills, demolish oldbuildings at the Human ServicesCenter, expand the cyber-securityprogram at Dakota State Univer-sity, add to the ag experiment sta-tions, and to build roads for newag development.

    Impacts of the federal seques-tration cuts will be felt by individ-uals who use or rely on federalprograms. Because of our depend-ence on the federal government,South Dakota will suffer thelargest share of loss of federalgrants as a percentage of staterevenue. Some of the cuts toSocial Services will be for theWomen Infants & Children (WIC),Low-Income Home Energy Assis-tance Program (LIHEP), and inMedicare Part D clawback. Therewill also be l ess money supportingfederal education programs suchas career-technical-education

    Perkins funding, Title I, specialeducation, and Head Start.March 8 is our last regular day

    before we will return on March 25to consider any Bills vetoed by theGovernor. You can still contact meat [email protected] or callme at 208-8333.

    Rep. James Schaefer

    Greetings! This is the last weekof the legislative session. I appre-ciate our newspapers for sharingthe columns each week. I am alsopleased that the House passed SB119, which would ensure freedomof media coverage of high schoolactivities. Exclusive coverage con-tracts would be prohibited. TheSD Newspaper Association sup-ported this.

    The governors signature is allthat is needed for the bill to

    increase commercial fertilizerinspection fee from 15 cents/ton to30 cents/ton to be used forresearch and for the bill dealingwith agricultural land tax assess-ment to become laws. The taxassessment bill would determinewhether factors affecting produc-tivity should be applied if theactual use of agricultural landdoes not correspond to the soilclassification standards. Landowners who feel their land inunfairly taxed may go to theDirector of Equalization for adetermination if it is correctlyassessed according to the guide-lines.

    Texting while driving is a con-tested issue. The bill to ban tex-ting while driving will not seedebate in the House as it wasdefeated in House Judiciary Com-mittee this past week. Another

    texting bill SB 106 was debated atlength but failed to pass eventhough 33 voted for and 30 votedagainst. 36 votes are required topass. This bill would prohibitminors from using wireless com-munication devices while operat-ing motor vehicles on public high-

    ways. I voted for it. The bill will beback the beginning of next weekbecause it received enough sup-port to be reconsidered. Car crash-es are the #1 reason for the deathof our SD teens.

    March 30 will be designatedWelcome Home Vietnam VeteransDays as a working holiday whenthe governor signs SB 83. This is along overdue Welcome home!

    Next stop for the school sentinelbill is the governors desk. Thisbill would allow any school boardto create, establish, and supervisethe arming of school employees,hired security personnel, or volun-teers for defense. It was amendedto include a waiver of liability forthe Attorney General and locallaw enforcement officials.

    Jarrod Johnson, Commissionerof School and Public Lands spokebefore our committee on ag and

    natural resources. Each year thisoffice returns approximately $10million to school districts andendowed institutions. The moneyis generated from grazing, miner-al, oil, and gas leases and interestfrom the Permanent Fund andalso interest earned on land andsales contracts. The state owns5.2 million acres of mineral rightsfor total revenue of almost $4 mil-lion. Fifty percent of the revenueis paid out annually and 50 per-cent goes to the SPL Trust Fund.

    Prioritizing funding for educa-tion, taking care of people, pro-tecting people, and economicdevelopment will be the responsi-bility this week. We will return onMarch 25 for Veto Day.

    South Dakota will be celebrat-ing its 125th birthday in 2014.

    730-1990 is the number to call.I appreciate hearing from you.

    20132013 Legislative UpdatesLegislative Updatesfour-week general sign-up for theConservation Reserve Program(CRP), beginning May 20 and end-ing on June 14.


    March 15: 2013 NAP Sales closingdateMay 20June 14: CRP generalsign-UpJune 3: 2013 ACRE sign-up endsJuly 15: 2012 ACRE ProductionJuly 15: 2012 NAP ProductionJuly 15: Final 2013 Acreagereporting date

    August 2: DCP sign-up ends

    Feel free to call the office if youever have questions on any of ourprograms 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.


    Producers must annually pro-vide (if not appraised) the quantityof all harvested production of thecrop in which the producer held aninterest during the crop year. We

    will be sending out the NAPYields form which lists your acresand a spot for you to record yourproduction. The deadline forreporting this production is notuntil July 15, 2013, but report theproduction now while the recordsare handy and newly calculated.


    The last day to purchase NAPinsurance for 2013 is March 15.Noninsured Crop Disaster Assis-tance Program (NAP) providesfinancial assistance to producersof non-insurable crops when lowyields, loss of inventory, or pre-vented planting occurs due to nat-ural disasters. To be eligible forNAP assistance, crops must benon-insurable crops and agricul-tural commodities for which thecatastrophic risk protection level

    of crop insurance is not available.



    The U.S. Department of Agri-culture (USDA) will conduct a

    J C FSA News David Klingberg

    Selected Interest Rates forMarch 2013

    Commodity Loans 1.125 percentFarm Operating Loans Direct1.250 percentFarm Ownership Loans Direct3.250 percentFarm Ownership Loans DirectDown Payment, Beginning

    Farmer or Rancher 1.500 percentFarm Storage Facility Loans 7 Yr 1.375 percentFarm Storage Facility Loans 10 Yr 2.000 percentFarm Storage Facility Loans 12 Yr 2.250 percent

    Let us know

    when a news

    event ishappening.




    [email protected]

    Rep. Noem urges Kerry to supportapproval of the Keystone XL Pipeline

    Rep. Kristi Noem announcedthat she sent a letter to Secretaryof State John Kerry requesting hesupport immediate approval of theKeystone XL pipeline. Noems let-ter was sent in response to themost recent State Departmentenvironmental report released Fri-day, March 1. The report found nomajor environmental concerns

    associated with the pipelines con-struction, though stopped short ofrecommending its approval.

    Its been four and a half yearssince this process started and wehave waited long enough, saidRep. Noem. Middle-class jobs areon the line and those jobs arebeing held up by politics. If wewant to be serious about ensuringour nations energy security, thisproject needs to be approvedimmediately.

    The letter states: Studies thusfar, including the most recentreport released on Friday, showthat the Keystone XL pipeline willhave minimal environmentalimpact and a substantial economicbenefit to our country. There areno longer any scientific reasons toreject this energy project. I believeits time to put middle-class jobsand energy security first. Thisissue is too important for politics

    to get in the way.It continues: I respectfully

    request that you act expeditiouslyto support the approval of thisproject. If we want to be seriousabout our nations energy security,its imperative that this project beapproved immediately so we canget boots on the ground and peopleback to work.

    Full text of the letter is below:

    Secretary of State John Kerry2201 C Street NWWashington, DC 20520

    Dear Secretary Kerry:

    On Friday, March 1st, the StateDepartment issued the latest envi-ronmental review of the proposedKeystone XL pipeline. This report

    not only raised no major objectionsto the pipeline, but also notes thatthe Canadian tar sands are likelyto be developed, regardless ofwhether the United Statesapproves Keystone XL.

    It has been four and a half yearssince the initial application wassent to the State Department. Allstudies thus far, including themost recent report released on Fri-day, show that the Keystone XLpipeline will have minimal envi-ronmental impact and a substan-tial economic benefit to our coun-try.

    There are no longer any scien-tific reasons to reject this energyproject. I believe its time to putmiddle-class jobs and energy secu-rity first. This issue is too impor-tant for politics to get in the way.

    I respectfully request that youact expeditiously to support theapproval of this project. If we want

    to be serious about our nationsenergy security, its imperativethat this project be approvedimmediately so we can get boots onthe ground and people back towork.


    Kristi NoemMember of Congress

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  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Murdo Coyote Murdo Coyote March 7, 2013 Page 6

    Russia. Throughout his life, heperformed for all the presidentsfrom Eisenhower to Obama. Hetended to play showy and difficultcompositions by Russian com-posers such as Tchaikovsky andRachmaninoff, and he did it very,very well and with style.

    One thing I hadnt heard abouthim until lately was that he had amemory lapse at a concert in Ft.Worth a few years ago that shookhim so badly he fainted on stageand had to be given oxygen. I canrelate to that. Concert memorylapses are probably feared moreby musicians than almost any-thing else. Just thinking about itmakes sweat appear on the fore-head. I should know. When I

    took piano lesson in college, thefinal grade each semester depend-ed largely on playing three classi-cal pieces by memory in front ofseveral piano professors. This

    was not a great deal of fun.Nerves tended to play up. I wentthrough this process for eightsemesters and luckily always gotan A for the term, but it wasntenjoyable.

    Even worse was giving a seniorpiano recital. This wasnt actual-ly required, I dont think, but wasstrongly encouraged. It involvedplaying about an hour of classicalmusic by memory in front of musicprofessors, fellow music majors,and friends and relatives. Iplayed pieces by Bach, Beethoven,Debussy, Liszt and others. Myfinal number was a flashy Hun-garian Rhapsody by Liszt. In themiddle section of the recital, Iplayed a Beethoven sonata that

    ran to about fifteen minutes all byitself in three movements fromfast to slow to very fast. Luckily, itall went okay, but it was a relief tohave it over.As you can imagine, learning

    and memorizing an hour of diffi-cult piano music is no simplething. I cut down on the othercourses I took that semester so Icould find enough time to practice,practice, practice. Some peopleare blessed with a memory that, ifthey hear things once or twice,they remember them. I am not. Ihave to work at it. As a result, Iseldom put myself through allthat trouble anymore and justplay from music. Having theprinted music in front of me takesthe worry out of things enoughthat I can play before a crowd andnot have my stomach tighten upand churn. A lot of people get too

    nervous to play in public, but,after youve been through a col-

    lege senior recital, you can proba-bly handle it.

    Unlike Van Cliburn, I was noprodigy. I had some talent, but ithad to be brought out by a stringof good teachers. Mrs. Englandstarted me out in fourth grade, gotme going, and gave me an interestin music. When she moved, shetalked Elsa Peck into taking meon for several years. During mylast years of high school, I tooklessons from Veronica Lakstigalawho was a concert pianist fromLatvia. She had convenientlymarried the doctor in the nexttown over. In college, I had J.Earl Lee who was a very kind manwith a great love for music. Ilucked out in teachers and am

    grateful to them all. Music hasbeen a big part of my life and hasgiven me much joy.As I read recently, CAUTION!

    Exposure to music may cause sud-den outbursts of joy, happiness,energy, creativity, awareness, andspontaneous healing! Handle atyour own risk! That isnt too faroff.

    I did notice when I played forchurch last Sunday, though, that Iprobably havent been practicingquite enough of late. You have tokeep right at it or youre apt tosuffer decreases in coordinationbetween eyes, brain, and fingers.Put another way, if you dont prac-tice for one day, you know it. Ifyou dont practice for two days,your friends know it. If you dontpractice for three days, the wholeworld knows it. Guess Id betterquit with this for now and get in

    some practice. Fortunately, Ienjoy doing that for the most partso, piano, here I come.

    Van Cliburn died this week. Incase you dont happen to knowwho Van Cliburn was, lets justsay he was about the only classi-cal pianist to ever become ahousehold name. This happenedback in 1958 when he won theTchaikovsky Piano Competition inMoscow and returned home to aticker-tape parade in New York.He was only 23 at the time.And, to be sure, he was very

    good. He started taking piano les-son at age three when he wascaught at the piano playing somemusic hed heard his mothers stu-dents play. This would tend tocatch a parents attention to havetheir three-year-old son sit downat the piano and play a recogniza-

    ble piece. From there, he debutedwith the Houston SymphonyOrchestra at age twelve, andplayed Carnegie Hall at age twen-ty. At twenty three, he won in

    Lookin Around Syd Iwan

    The Clinical View Dr. P.E. Hoffsten


    Very soon after World War IIended in 1945, the United StatesGovernment began a number ofstudies seeking the factors that

    cause heart attacks. It wasntuntil the 1960s that there werefour generally accepted factorscontributing to 95 percent of themyocardial infarcts (heart attacks)in the United States. These fourfactors were high blood pressure,diabetes, smoking cigarettes, andhigh blood cholesterols.

    But the research wasnt overthen. It was found that there weremultiple fractions that were meas-ured as one number when bloodcholesterol was checked. With fur-ther research, the standard lipidpanel still used today evolved.That panel is made up of the totalblood cholesterol which we like tohave below 200 in order to be safe.The most important component ofthe lipid panel is the LDL choles-terol or bad cholesterol. It hasfinally been agreed that a value of

    70 milligrams percent or less is thesafe area in regard to LDL choles-terol. The next component of thelipid panel is the triglyceride level.This has multiple factors thataffect it, but basically the triglyc-eride level is a measure of food

    that has been eaten in the pastweek and not used. That extrafood is taken to the liver, turnedinto triglycerides and stored in thefat deposits around the body. Sur-prisingly, the triglyceride level isstill debated in regards to itsimportance as a precursor of heartattacks.

    The last component of a lipidpanel is called the HDLcholesterolor good cholesterol. An averagevalue for men is 45 milligrams per-cent and an average value forwomen is closer to 50-55 mil-ligrams percent. It was soon rec-ognized that values of HDL choles-terol below 40 milligram percentwere associated with an increasedincidence of heart attack or stroke.But the other end of the spectrumwas even more interesting. Thatwas the finding that a high blood

    HDL cholesterol level was associ-ated with protection for heartattack and stroke. You can imag-ine the frenzy this caused amongdrug companies to find a medica-tion that would raise the HDL.

    First, researchers looked for the

    natural features that were associ-ated with a high blood HDL level.It was soon noted that those whoexercised vigorously had higherHDL levels. Marathon runnersfrequently had HDL levels of 65milligram percent or more. A fewpeople have a naturally occurringhigh HDL that seemed to behereditary and their families werenoted to be associated withlongevity. Thus, it seems impor-tant for a person to pick the rightparents. It was also noted thatHDL had several components, oneof which was increased by modestalcohol consumption. While somein our society were very excitedabout the concept that more alco-hol might be better, that has notbeen shown to be the case. Tryingto use alcohol to raise HDL andprevent heart attacks does notseem to be a viable option.

    Thus heredity, a little alcoholand extreme exercise are the threefactors that seem to raise HDL. Iam not aware of any studies thathave shown that extreme exercisesuch as marathoning is associatedwith longevity. On average, peo-ple who have two alcohol bever-ages a day live longer than thosethat dont drink at all. But asmentioned, alcohol does not seemto be a viable option as a nationalprescription to raise blood HDLlevels. The only real data support-ing the idea that higher HDL isbeneficial is the hereditary factorwhere longevity does seem to be ahereditary factor in families.

    How HDL works to preventheart attack and stroke was nextaddressed. It turns out that HDL

    can be thought of as a scavengermolecule that cleans up choles-terol deposits and returns them tothe liver to be eliminated. Thus, ahigh HDL has two possible inter-pretations. One would be thatthere would is a lot of HDL that

    runs around the blood vesselsdusting and cleaning which wouldseem to be good thing. An alterna-tive view would that the HDL isnot processed by the liver very fastand therefore seems to back uptrying to get its excess cholesteroldumped off in the liver. Thatwould be a negative interpretationof a high HDL.

    So wouldnt you know that drugcompanies began massiveresearch projects to find a drugthat would raise the HDL level.To make a long story short, thatsearch is still ongoing.

    One of the most disappointingefforts was made by the PfizerPharmaceutical Company whotried to develop a drug calledtorcetrapib. This was to be theiranswer to losing Lipitor whichwent off patent in the last year ortwo. Torcetrapib was to be theirnext big boom drug. Conserva-tively speaking, they investednearly a billion dollars in theresearch and development of thisdrug. When they got to the phaseIII testing and gave the drug to anumber of individuals that hadheart problems with a low HDL,the results showed that there weremore heart attacks in the grouptreated with the new drug thanthose who were not treated. Youcan imagine everyones disap-pointment and torcetrapib wasnever brought to the market inspite of the huge investment. Tothis time, there has not been adrug developed that raises theHDL and thereby prevents heartattacks and strokes. But thesearch goes on.

    Fertilizing Grass

    As has been the case following

    droughts in the past, many live-

    stock producers are short of feed.

    While there is a long list of poten-

    tial, annual forage crops that could

    be planted to help alleviate this

    shortage, there are no magic fixes.

    There is another solution that may

    make more sense to some produc-

    ers, fertilize the grass that you

    already have.

    Perennial grass is a great scav-

    enger, and hay land typically has

    little available soil N even after

    relatively large N applications.

    Unless hay land has been fertil-

    ized routinely, Phosphorus soil test

    levels are typically low in western

    SD, particularly on hillsides and


    In the spring of 2003, a field

    experiment was established on a

    long-term intermediate wheat-

    grass field in western Jones Coun-

    ty. The objectives of this study

    were: 1. Determine yield response

    at varying levels of both Nitrogen

    and Phosphorus compared tounfertilized grass, 2. Evaluate the

    effect on nutrient content of har-

    vested grass due to fertilization

    levels, and 3. Evaluate cost effec-

    tiveness of various fertilization


    The field where the plot was

    established was in the CRP for a

    number of years, mostly interme-

    diate wheatgrass with a small

    amount of alfalfa. No fertilizer had

    been applied to the field for sever-

    al years prior to beginning the

    study. A soil test (0-6 inches) for

    the plot area indicated the Phos-

    phorus level using the Olsen test

    was 3 ppm, which is very low.

    Rainfall from April through June

    was slightly above the long-term

    averages, with about 2 over nor-

    mal occurring during April.

    Applied fertilizer P increased

    yield, but was not significant until

    the 60 Lb/A rate. Fertilizer Nitro-

    gen rates of 30, 60 and 90 Lbs/Aall

    resulted in significant yield

    increases over the untreated

    check. Added N initially reduced

    forage crude protein levels due to

    increased yield and dilution,

    where the 90 lb N rate increased

    crude protein over the check. Con-

    sidering all costs at current levels,

    and assuming hay value at both

    $150/ton and $200/ton, all N fertil-

    izer treatments were profitable,

    both compared to the unfertilized

    check, and to the next lower rate.

    The Nitrogen trial was repeated

    on a new site in the same field in

    2004. Rainfall was below the long-

    term average. Although yields

    were much lower than the 2003

    trial, all Nitrogen rates again pro-

    duced significantly higher yields

    than the unfertilized check.

    Assuming costs at current levels

    and hay value at $200/ton, the 30and 60 Lb/A rates of Nitrogen

    application were profitable over

    the unfertilized check, but the 90

    Lb/A Nitrogen rate lost money.

    Assuming a hay value of $150/ton,

    all of the Nitrogen application

    rates lost money.

    The bottom line is that fertiliz-

    ing tame grass with Nitrogen can

    produce dramatic results, and be

    profitable, but precipitation ade-

    quate for good grass growth is cru-

    cial. For more information or to

    receive a copy of the plot results,

    contact Bob Fanning at the Win-

    ner Regional Extension Center,

    605-842-1267, robert.fanning@

    Extension News Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267

    For the sweetestcoverage of local

    events, sports, city

    council, school board

    and commissioners -

    look no further than

    the Murdo Coyote.

    Weve got it all! Call

    today to start yoursubscription.

    We always have the

    best scoop

    The Murdo CoyotePO Box 465 Murdo SD 57559

    South DakotaCertified Program

    The South Dakota CertifiedEnrolled Cattle TM Program nowhas a very user-friendly database,using Viewtrak Technologies which can be found

    The South Dakota Departmentof Agriculture (SDDA) has beenworking closely with Viewtrak toupdate the South Dakota CertifiedEnrolled Cattle TM database. Pro-ducers who are enrolled in theSouth Dakota Certified EnrolledCattle TM program can nowenroll, transfer and track theircattle from their office, their home

    computer or even their iPad ortablet.

    The South Dakota CertifiedEnrolled Cattle TM program isadministered by the SDDA. SouthDakota Certified Enrolled Cattle

    TM is a tool available to SouthDakota cattle producers that pro-vides third-party verification ofspecific marketing claims.

    For more details please contactSarah Caslin, Livestock Develop-ment Specialist, at SDDA at605.773.5436 or visit

    Agriculture is South Dakota'sNo. 1 industry, generating over$21 billion in annual economicactivity and employing more than122,000 South Dakotans. TheSouth Dakota Department of Agri-culture's mission is to promote,

    protect, preserve and improve thisindustry for today and tomorrow.

    Visit us online at follow us on Facebook and Twit-ter.

    The Murdo [email protected] or [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Murdo Coyote, March 7, 2013


    Legal Notices Murdo Coyote March 7, 2013 Page 7

    Proceedings of theWest River Water

    Development District

    Regular SessionJanuary 17, 2013

    CALL TO ORDER: The West RiverWater Development District convenedfor their regular meeting at the WestRiver Water Development District ProjectOffice in Murdo, S.D. Chairman JosephHieb called the meeting to order at 10:33a.m. (CT).

    Roll Call was taken and ChairmanJoseph Hieb declared a quorum waspresent. Directors present were: JosephHieb, Casey Krogman, Marion Matt andVeryl Prokop. Absent: Lorne Smith. Alsopresent: Jake Fitzgerald, Manager; KatiVenard, Sec./Bookkeeper; Dave Larson,Larson Law PC; Jessica Hegge, LarsonLaw PC.


    APPROVE AGENDA: Motion by Direc-tor Prokop, seconded by Director Krog-man to approve the agenda. Motion car-ried unanimously.

    APPROVE MINUTES: The minutes ofthe December 20, 2012, meeting werepreviously mailed to the Board for theirreview. Motion by Director Matt, second-ed by Director Krogman to approve theDecember minutes. Motion carried unan-imously.

    FINANCIAL REPORT: A. Approval of

    Bills: Joseph Hieb - $55.41, CaseyKrogman - $55.41, Marion Matt - $55.41,Veryl Prokop - $55.41, West River/Lyman-Jones RWS - $1,244.92, Pen-nington County Courant - $33.79, LymanCounty Herald - $37.54, Kadoka Press -$45.49, Murdo Coyote - $39.71, PioneerReview - $36.06, Todd County Tribune -$40.30, United States Treasury -

    $119.70. Motion by Director Matt, sec-onded by Director Prokop to approve theDistrict bills. Motion carried unanimously.B. District Financial Status Report:The financial status of the District to datewas previously sent to the Board. Acopyof the December Financial Report is onfile at the District office in Murdo. Motionby Director Krogman, seconded byDirector Matt to approve the DecemberFinancial Report. Motion carried unani-mously.

    REPORTS: A. Managers Report: Man-ager Fitzgerald presented his Januaryreport to the Board. Motion by Director

    Prokop, seconded by Director Krogmanto approve the Managers Report.Motion carried unanimously. B. OtherReports: None.

    ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Motion byDirector Prokop, seconded by DirectorMatt to cast a unanimous ballet that theofficers remain the same for 2013. Theofficers for 2013 are Joseph Hieb asChairman, Casey Krogman as Vice-Chairman and Marion Matt as Secre-tary/Treasurer. Motion carried unani-mously.

    DESIGNATE LEGAL NEWSPAPERS:Motion by Director Krogman, secondedby Director Prokop to adopt the followingnewspapers as the legal papers for theWest River Water Development District:Kadoka Press, Lyman County Herald,Mellette County News, Murdo Coyote,Pennington County Courant and PioneerReview. Motion carried unanimously.

    DESIGNATE LEGAL DEPOSITORY:Motion by Director Matt, seconded by

    Director Krogman to designate FirstFidelity Bank in Murdo, SD, as WestRiver Water Development Districts legaldepository. Motion carried unanimously.

    MSAC 2013 MEMBERSHIP - $1,000:Manager Fitzgerald presented an invoicefrom MSAC for 2013 annual membershipdues and recommended approval.

    Motion by Director Krogman, secondedby Director Prokop to approve the duesin the amount of $1,000 to MSAC.Motion carried unanimously.

    ADJOURNMENT: There being no furtherbusiness, the meeting was adjourned at10:40 A.M. (CT).

    ATTEST:/s/ Kati VenardKati Venard,Recording Secretary

    /s/ Joseph HiebJoseph Hieb,


    Published March 7, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $44.04.

    Notice ofOpportunity forPublic Hearing

    Availability of Environmental

    Assessment ConcerningImprovements at Murdo Municipal

    Airport, Murdo, S.D.

    The City of Murdo, in cooperation withthe Federal Aviation Administration andthe South Dakota Department of Trans-portation Office of Air, Rail and Transitannounces an opportunity for a PublicHearing regarding improvements at theMurdo Municipal Airport. Individualswanting an opportunity for a Public Hear-ing should contact KLJ. If the need for aPublic Hearing is expressed within 30days, a Public Hearing will be scheduledat that time. The Hearing would be heldto present and discuss the proposedaction and the economic, social, andenvironmental effects of the proposedaction.

    Notice is hereby given of the availability

    of the Environmental Assessment for theproposed action at the Murdo MunicipalAirport. An Environmental Assessmentwas prepared pursuant to the NationalEnvironmental Policy Act of 1969 toassess the environmental impacts asso-ciated with the proposed action. The pre-ferred alternative consists of the follow-ing:

    Extend primary Runway 14-32 (approxi-mately 600 x 60) and construct turn-around (approximately 200 x 75) onRunway 14 end. Extend graded safetyarea (approximately 200 x 120) on Run-

    way 14 end. Acquire approximately 63.0acres of land in fee and acquire approxi-mately 2.0 acres of restrictive ease-ments.

    Copies of the Environmental Assess-ment, which explains the proposedaction and its environmental impacts, areavailable for public inspection during nor-mal business hours at the following loca-tions:

    Federal Aviation Administration - Air-ports District Office

    2301 University Drive - Building 23BBismarck, ND 58504

    South Dakota Department of Trans-portation Office of Air, Rail and Transit

    700 E Broadway AvenuePierre, SD 57501

    City of Murdo Finance Office107 West Second Street

    Murdo, SD, 57559

    Jones County Register of Deeds Office310 Main Street

    Murdo, SD 57759

    Individuals or organizations wanting anopportunity to participate in a PublicHearing should do so within 30 days orby April 8, 2013. Any requests for a Pub-

    lic Hearing or comments should be madeto:

    Rod Senn, Project ManagerKLJ

    330 Knollwood DrivePO Box 3416

    Rapid City, SD 57709Email: [email protected]

    Published March 7, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $31.77.

    Notice to CreditorsState of South DakotaCounty of Jones

    In Circuit CourtSixth Judicial CircuitPro No. 13-1

    In the Estate ofSusan Rankin, Deceased.

    Notice to Creditors

    Notice is given that on February 22,2013, Robert D. Rankin, whose addressis 27924 239th St., Draper, S.D. 57531,was appointed as personal representa-tive of the estate of Susan Rankin.

    Creditors of decedent must file theirclaims within four months after the dateof the first publication of this notice ortheir claims may be barred.

    Claims may be filed with the personalrepresentative or may be filed with theclerk, and a copy of the claim mailed tothe personal representative.

    Dated this 25th day of February, 2013.

    /s/ Robert D. RankinRobert D. Rankin

    Personal Representative27924 239th St.

    Draper, S.D. 57531

    Tele. No. (605) 669-2511

    CLERK OF COURTS:Judy FeddersenPO Box 448Murdo, S.D. 57559Tele No. (605) 669-2361

    ATTORNEY:Herb C. SundallSundall Law Office, Prof. LLCPO Box 187Kennebec, S.D. 57544Tele No. 605-869-2233

    Published March 7, 14 & 21, 2013, at the

    total approximate cost of $50.67.

    Notice ofPosition Open

    Jones County School District #37-3

    The Jones County School District hasthe following position open for the cur-rent 2012-2013 school year:

    Track Coach

    Send letter of application or resume toJones County School District Attn: LarryBall, PO Box 109, Murdo, SD 57559 orcall 605-669-2258 for more information.Position open until filled.

    Published March 7, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $6.86.



    YourRight To


    Gant announces anotherconcealed pistol permit record

    Secretary of State Jason Ganthas seen another record increasein the number of permits to carry aconcealed pistol issued during themonth of February.

    Secretary Gant stated, Duringthe month of February, 5,305 Con-cealed Pistol Permits were issued.This is 683 more than January of2013 and 3,534 more than Febru-

    ary of 2012. This trend of new andrenewals of Concealed Pistol Per-mits is breaking all previousrecords at an unprecedented rate.

    Concealed pistol permit regis-trations and renewals have contin-

    ually increased over the past threeyears:

    2011: 15,794; 2012: 18,031;2013thru 2-28: 9,927.

    January 2012: 1,785; January2013:4,622.

    February 2012: 1,771; February2013: 5,305.

    Gant said, An individual whowishes to carry a concealed pistol

    on or about his person or in a vehi-cle must obtain a permit to carry aconcealed pistol. A person does notneed a permit to own a pistol, keepit in his/her home, business, orproperty, or visibly carry it.

    Custer State Park, Mickelson

    Trail make worldwide top 10 listsTwo South Dakota state parks

    recently earned spots on separatetop ten lists as compiled by aworldwide adventure company.

    Active travel company Austin-Lehman Adventures gave theMickelson Trail the number sevenposition on their top ten bike rides( The companys Europeancycling director logged more than10,000 miles across the globe tocreate the list. The Mickelson Trailwas noted for its blasted hard-rocktunnels and more than 100 con-verted railroad bridges. Otherhonored trails included GlacierNational Park in Montana, theSan Juan Islands in Washingtonstate, and locations in Austria,France, and Germany.

    A few days later, South Dakotawas named number 10 on the com-

    panys list of best wildlife viewingdestinations in the world( The listspecifically cited Custer StatePark for their variety of wildlife,from the brawny bison to the pas-sive prairie dog. Visitors are alsocharmed by the begging burros,

    big horn sheep, pronghorn, wildturkeys, elk and mountain goats.Other locations on the list includ-ed Yellowstone National Park, theGalapagos Islands and the Ama-zon River Basin.

    Were honored that these twoparks have been recognized assome of the best in the world, saidDoug Hofer, South Dakota StateParks director. The natural beau-ty and amazing hospitality of ourstate make these places special toresidents and visitors alike, nomatter where you go.

    The recognition is no surprise toGovernor Daugaard, who intro-duced a bill this year that wouldfund projects to enhance both theMickelson Trail and Custer StatePark. It would also establish a newstate park that is anticipated togain much recognition as a naturearea and educational site for

    Native American culture.In South Dakota, we value the

    outdoors, said Daugaard. Ourheritage is based on outdoor activ-ities hunting pheasants, fishingin the Missouri River, camping inour state parks, and enjoying thebeauty of the Black Hills. Therecent recognition of these twoattractions shows we shine bright-ly throughout the world.

    Spring into retirementHere are a few important items

    about Social Security retirementbenefits and how to apply forthem.

    When you work and pay SocialSecurity taxes, you earn creditstoward Social Security benefits. Ifyou were born in 1929 or later, youneed 40 credits (10 years of work)to qualify for retirement benefits.We determine the amount of your

    benefit by both how long you workand how much you earn. The high-er your lifetime earnings, the high-er your monthly benefits. If therewere some years when you did notwork or had low earnings, yourbenefit amount may be lower thanif you had worked steadily orearned more.

    Your age at the time you startreceiving Social Security retire-ment makes a difference in yourbenefit amount. The full retire-ment age (the age at which 100percent of retirement benefits arepayable) has been gradually risingfrom age 65 to age 67. You can takeearly retirement as early as age62, but if you start collecting bene-fits before you reach your fullretirement age, your monthly pay-ment will be reduced. You can findout what your full retirement ageis by referring to the convenient

    chart at as you can choose an early

    retirement and get a reduced pay-ment, you also can choose to keepworking beyond your full retire-ment age to take advantage of alarger payment. Generally, yourbenefit will increase automaticallyby eight percent each year fromthe time you reach your full retire-ment age until you start receivingyour benefits or until you reachage 70.

    The decision of when to retire ispersonal and depends on a numberof factors. To help you weigh thefactors, we suggest you read ouronline fact sheet, When To StartReceiving Retirement Benefits,available at

    You may want to consider youroptions by using our RetirementEstimator to get instant, personal-ized estimates of future benefits.

    You can plug in different retire-ment ages and scenarios to helpyou make a more informed retire-ment decision. Try it out

    You also can set up an online mySocial Security account. You can

    use your my Social Securityaccount to obtain a copy of yourSocial Security Statement to checkyour earnings record