Mural art a dynamic visual art


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Art glorifies and enriches our surroundings. A form of art that literally adds color to walls is mural art. Art is about the expression of creative ideas and being open minded to the ideas of others. We should appreciate art not only for its aesthetics but also for its power to instill strong emotion in us. Mural art and mural artists have not only tried to achieve this aim of art with colors, but by enlarging the image size and leaving a larger impression with the help of walls and ceilings.

Transcript of Mural art a dynamic visual art

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Mural Art- a dynamic visual art

Art glorifies and enriches our surroundings. A form of art that literally adds color to walls is mural art. Art is about the expression of creative ideas and being open minded to the ideas of others. We should appreciate art not only for its aesthetics but also for its power to instill strong emotion in us. Mural art and mural artists have not only tried to achieve this aim of art with colors, but by enlarging the image size and leaving a larger impression with the help of walls and ceilings.

Mural art dates back to the Upper Paleolithic ages for example cave paintings. In this modern age the use of oil or water-based media is employed to create a mural. Art has not always been what we think it is today, an object from the past regarded as Art today was not perceived as art when first made. The concept of ‘art’ and ‘artist’ is very modern because before the Renaissance period all forms of art and artists including Mural paintings and Mural painters were considered as ‘craft’ and ‘craftsmen’.

Anyone can be a muralist. All that one needs to do is tape off furniture with newspaper, buy mural stencils set or hire a local artist and you are ready to liven up the cold and dank walls that stare emptily at you in your living room or bedroom. Mural paintings have many positive impacts on the atmosphere of our homes, work places and environment of the city.

A Mural artist capitalizes the space in which he is creating a mural and adds the element imagination to set our minds calm. So if I am sitting a at my lunch table and a muralist has painted a large open venetian garden on the wall opposite, staring at it I might as well be sitting in a garden where cool breeze in shuffling my hair and the sun is setting in the depths of horizon.

Mural paintings have the power to inspire and create a positive aura, so if you are ever feeling depressed and low and have a mural painting in your home, all you have to do is prop yourself in the couch and escape into the dynamics of the mural art on your walls. Visitors who come to your home will also definitely be surprised and fall in love with the aura that the Mural artists have tried to achieve through their art.

Mural paintings are best for educational spaces for playgroup children as the size large and colors on the walls have the power to instigates and opens a child’s mind to imaginations and also helps in building a sense of ‘creativity’ and ‘art’ in the heart of the child.

Mural paintings have also served as effective ‘message’ boards; hence for generation’s mural artists and mural painters have created Mural art on the walls of their cities to propagate revolt against an oppressive government or raise environmental issues or to simply make a passerby stop in his routine and remind him of a beauty that exists beyond this world.

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Mural Art, Mural Artist, Mural Artists, Mural painters, Mural paintings, Muralist