Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures...

2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures

Transcript of Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures...

Page 1: Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 D-80331 München Germany Economic data Phone +49-89-233 2 53 25 Economic

2020Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures

Page 2: Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 D-80331 München Germany Economic data Phone +49-89-233 2 53 25 Economic
Page 3: Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 D-80331 München Germany Economic data Phone +49-89-233 2 53 25 Economic

2020Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures

Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15D-80331 MünchenGermany

Economic dataPhone +49-89-233 2 53 25

Economic developmentPhone +49-89-233 2 16 27

Published by the Department of Labor and Economic Development, February 2020, Vol. No. 330

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2 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

How high is Munich’s purchasing power? Has employment risen again? What areas of invest-ment does the city budget focus on? What are Munich’s key industries?

This publication provides facts and figures to answer these questions and to provide a wide-ranging and up-to-date overview of the many and varied aspects of Munich’s economy.

The figures, tables and diagrams paint a clear picture of Munich as an economic force and centre for innovation with immense potential. Statistics on economic performance, employment and unemployment, and important industries rein-force this message. The impressive list of selected companies in Munich reads like a who’s who of German businesses, and also includes major international players based in the city.

Key data underlines not only Munich’s economic power, but also the city’s additional strengths as a start-up hub boasting impressive innovation networks, as a centre of higher education and science, and as a tourist destination. Data on the Messe Munich trade fair and Munich Airport illustrate the impressive performance of Munich’s public infrastructure and facilities, which are supported by a healthy financial structure. Facts on the development of Munich’s office property market, major projects and construction plans in the pipeline complete the overview.

I wish you an enjoyable and informative read.

Clemens BaumgärtnerDepartment of Labor and Economic Development

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The Munich economic region 3

Economic development in Munich 4

Economic development in the Munich Metropolitan Region 5

Employment in Munich 6

Munich as a centre for innovation 8

Start-ups in Munich 9

Sectors and clusters in Munich 10

Selected companies in the Munich region 12

Munich as a hub of knowledge 14

Local government finance 15

Real estate in Munich 16

Munich’s infrastructure 18

Getting to and from Munich 20

Institute and customer Sample Basis for rankings Position

“City Rankings 2019” IW Consult, Wirtschaftswoche, Immobilienscout 24 (11/2019)

71 cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants

Assessment of the level, dynamism and sustainability of economic de-velopment and prosperity based on socioeconomic indicators

First place for the City of Munich for level,second placed for dyna-mism and sustainability

“Comparative Study of the 30 Largest Cities in Germany” HWWI/Berenberg City Ranking (11/2019)

30 largest German cities

Assessment of the dynamism of economic performance and competi-tiveness, as well as other key location factors such as education, innovation, international character and accessi-bility

Third place for the City of Munich

“Prognos Future Atlas 2019 – Germany’s Regional Rankings” Prognos (7/2019)

401 admin-istrative districts

Assessment of development based on socioeconomic indicators relating to demographics, the labour market, competition and innovation as well as prosperity and social situation

First place for the City of Munich

“Mercer Quality of Living Ranking 2019” Mercer (3/2019)

231 cities across the globe

Evaluation of quality of living based on political, social, economic and environmental indicators

Third place for the City of Munich

“Dataland Germany. Germany’s Tech Hubs – Performance and Potential of German Cities” Deloitte (11/2018)

30 German metropolitan regions

Evaluation and assessment of digital tech hubs in Germany and their future potential for innovation based on eco-nomic indicators and labour market data

First place for Munich

The Munich economic regionA place at the top table: How Munich compares with other cities

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4 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

33 705Per capita purchasing power in 2019 in €

Economic development in MunichEconomic performance is high in Munich, which also has the highest purchasing power of any large German city.


26 958


24 491


24 824


26 454


26 609


26 609


22 399


Source: Acxiom Deutschland GmbH

2000 2010 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

GDP in € billion (at current prices in each year)

70.5 81.9 95.7 100.3 105.1 109.3 115.1


GDP in million €(2017)

GDP per gainfully employed person in € (2017)

Bavaria 13 076 721 605 390 80 374

Munich region 2 908 664 190 133 100 736

City of Munich 1 471 508 115 077 103 369

Outlying districts 1 437 156 75 056 96 949

19.0% City of Munich

12.4% Outlying districts

68.6% Bavaria (excluding the Munich region)


purchasing power index

11.3% City of Munich

11.0% Outlying districts

77.7% Bavaria (excluding the Munich region)

Munich’s grossdomestic product(GDP)

Population andshare of GDP

Munich’s shareof Bavaria’s GDP

Munich region = City of Munich and its outlying districts

Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing

Munich’s shareof Bavaria’s population


105%112% 112% 112%114%


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Europe Germany Bavaria Munich

Economic development in the Munich Metropolitan RegionA diverse structure of industry and healthy dynamism combine to make the Munich Metropolitan Region one of the leading economic regions in Europe.

Germany Bavaria Munich Metro­politan Region

City of Munich

Surface area (in km2) 357 100 70 550 25 548 310

Population in 2017 (millions) 82.79 13.08 6.12 1.47

Population growth since 2000 (in %) 0.8 7.6 13.5 23.5

GDP in 2017 (in € billion) 3 245.0 605.4 326.0 115,1

Economic growth since 2000 (in %) 53.8 69.0 72.3 63.3

Employees registered for social security in 2019 (millions)

32.87 5.60 2.71 0.89

Employment growth since 2008 (in %) 19.5 23.0 27.3 30.6

Unemployment rate in 2019 (in %) 5.0 2.8 2.8 3.3

Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing, Federal Statistical Office, Federal Employment Agency

Source: Munich Metropolitan Region (EMM e.V.)

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6 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Employment in MunichA balanced economic and employment structure is one of Munich’s most valuable assets.

Distribution of employment in 2019Employees registered for social security

Number of employees registered for social security in 2019

Change from previous year

Agriculture, forestry 540 0.7%

Manufacturing 104 199 2.8%

Construction, energy/water supply, energy industry 36 686 3.2%

Retail, catering, transportation 161 155 1.9%

Information, communication and media 88 545 6.7%

Financial and insurance services 57 569 1.2%

Property, consultancy, business services 224 846 2.3%

Public administration 41 761 1.6%

Education and teaching 33 439 3.0%

Healthcare and social sector 101 980 2.4%

Other public and private services 46 420 1.8%

Total 897 140 2.6%

Agri-culture, forestry


Educationand teaching


Construction,energy/ water supply,energy industry




Other public and private services


Financial and insurance services


Information, communication and media


Healthcare andsocial sector




Retail, catering,transportation


Property, consultancy,business services


Source: Federal Employment Agency

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Employment in MunichEmployment is growing above all in the service sector and in digitised sectors of the economy.

2015 2019 Absolute increase

Increase in %

Automobile production and other automotive engineering

54 784 62 777 7 993 14.6%

Information and communication, total 66 949 88 545 21 596 32.3%

Provision of information technology services

37 951 55 630 17 679 46.6%

Corporate services, total 193 496 224 846 31 350 16.2%

Legal and tax advice, auditing 25 250 29 858 4 608 18.2%

Architects and engineering offices; laboratories

25 829 32 941 7 112 27.5%

Healthcare and social services 90 060 101 980 11 920 13.2%

Total employment 797 102 897 140 100 038 12.6%

Change from previous year

Agriculture, forestry 540 0.7%

Manufacturing 104 199 2.8%

Construction, energy/water supply, energy industry 36 686 3.2%

Retail, catering, transportation 161 155 1.9%

Information, communication and media 88 545 6.7%

Financial and insurance services 57 569 1.2%

Property, consultancy, business services 224 846 2.3%

Public administration 41 761 1.6%

Education and teaching 33 439 3.0%

Healthcare and social sector 101 980 2.4%

Other public and private services 46 420 1.8%

Total 897 140 2.6%

Source: Federal Employment Agency

Unemploymentrates in Germany,Bavaria and MunichAnnual averages

Number of people out of work in 2019 Germany: 2 266 720 Bavaria: 211 965 Munich: 34 708

Number of unemployed persons and unemployment rates in German cities in 2019Annual averages

2018 Germany



2019 Germany



Berlin 152 564

Cologne 46 397

Hamburg 64 774

Frankfurt/Main 20 486

Stuttgart 20 129












Employment in selected growth sectorsEmployees registered for social security

34 708

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8 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Munich as a centre for innovation

Munich Urban Colab – new innovation and start­up centreJoint project of the City of Munich and UnternehmerTUM

MUST – The Munich Innovation Ecosystem

Artificial intelligence

Design and construction

Energy supply


MUST – The Munich Innovation Ecosystem is the driving force for the strategic development of Munich’s inno-vation ecosystem by connecting and enabling the key stakeholders and putting the spotlight on the ecosystem nationally and internationally.

The Munich Urban Colab is responsible for developing Smart City Solutions. Start-ups, corporate innovators,

The MUC SUMMIT GmbH, initiated by the Unternehmer-TUM GmbH, the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship gGmbH, and the German Entrepreneurship GmbH in 2015, established itself as a unique and successful facili-tator to bring together the ecosystem players in Munich and to define projects jointly.

Great Talent Factory

Thriving Startup Scene

Leading Tech-Hub

Established Companies

Innovation in Munich benefits from a high degree of dynamism and a diverse ecosystem.

scientists and creatives from diverse sectors are working together on issues directly related to the city of the future.

More information under: www.must­

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Start­ups in Munich

Munich is one of Germany’s leading tech hubs

Source: Federal Association of German Startups e.V. and PwC Germany: German Startup Monitor 2019

Munich – the location for start­ups and entrepreneurs

A round of financing is an increase in capital contributions through investors.

Top Ten: Munich start­upswith the biggest rounds of financing in 2019in € million

1. Flixmobility (Mobility): 507 2. Celonis (Big Data): 260

3. Cluno (Mobility): 140 4. Personio (HR): 96.2 5. Ottonova (Insurtech): 60

6. Price f(x) (Fintech): 48

7. Freeletics (Fittech): 40.6 8. Holidu (Traveltech): 40 9. Proglove (Wearable): 36.2

10. Idnow (Fintech): 36.2


Munich is home to two German Digital Hubs: Digital Hub InsurTech and the Digital Hub Mobility. The biotech cluster BioM forms another focal point.In the future, Munich will also become Bavaria’s centre for arti-ficial intelligence (AI), with the “Mission Institute for AI” und 22 new AI professorial chairs at the Ludwig Maximilian University and the Technical University.

The city is one of the top five start-up hubs in Germany.

Start-ups in Munich are more optimistic than start-ups in other German cities. On aver-age, they plan to employ 14.7 new employees.

Munich‘s share of German start-ups increases.

63% of Munich- based start-ups judge the location to be very good or good. This is the second highest level of satisfac-tion in Germany.

Start-ups in Munich have an especially positive view of the proximity to universities and networking opportunities.


Source: Munich Startup

Detailed and up­to­date information is available at:

Department of Labor and Economic Development, Startups:

Munich Startup – the Official Startup Portal for Munich: www.munich­

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10 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Sectors and clusters in MunichMunich’s balanced economic structure includes a strong focus on exports in the manufacturing industry.

Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing

Value added in theindividual sectorsin 2017Value added € 103 725 million

Manufacturingindustry in Munich in € million

Export ratio Bavaria 2018: 53.0%Export ratio Germany 2018: 48.5%

Finance, insurance,business services,property and housing

€ 32 602 million 31.5%

2016 2017 2018

Total turnover 29 601 29 190 30 330

Exports 18 647 18 222 18 587

Export rate 63.0% 62.4% 61.3%

Manufacture of IT,electronic and optical products, 2018

Manufacture of electrical equipment, 2018

Mechanical engineering, 2018

3 994 Total turnover

3 221 Exports

80.6% Export rate

2 080 Total turnover

1 259 Exports

60.5% Export rate

2 156 Total turnover

1 618 Exports

75.0% Export rate

Retail, catering,transportation, informationand communication

€ 26 648 million 25.7%

Public and privatesector services,childcare and healthcare


€ 25 035 million 24.1%

€ 19 440 million 18.7%

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Sectors and clusters in MunichSelected sectors and clusters at the Munich location.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)2019 Munich region

Munich region

Companies 11 309

Turnover (in € billion) 24.0

Employees 118 616

Growth: Employment 2012–2018 + 31 700/+ 36%

Growth: Companies 2012–2017 + 1 166/+ 11%

Growth: Turnover 2012–2017 in Munich (in € billion) 6.6/+38%

Source: ifo lnstitute, Munich as ICT Location 2019

Environment industry 2018

Tourism City of Munich

Munich Outlying districts


Companies 4 624 5 396 10 020

Turnover (in € billion) 18.1 5.1 23.2

Employees 51 600 37 900 89 500

Quelle: prognos, Umweltwirtschaft in der Region München, 2018

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019*

Arrivals (in 1 000) 6 594 6 957 7 042 7 763 8 266 8 750

Overnight stays (in 1 000) 13 448 14 066 14 041 15 664 17 124 18 300

Turnover resulting from tourism in Munich in 2019Total turnover € 8.29 billion

*Projection 2019

Source: City of Munich, Department of Labor and Economic Development, Munich Office of Tourism.



Hotels and catering

€ 2.96 billion 35.7%

€ 1.75 billion 21.1%

€ 3.58 billion 43.2%

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12 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Manufacturing and high­tech industries

Airbus Defence and Space GmbH ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KGBAUER COMP Holding GmbH BSH Hausgeräte GmbH DR. SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KGaA EOS GmbH Electro Optical SystemsFRANKA EMIKA GmbH Freudenberg Chemical Specialities SE & Co. KG Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH Giesecke+Devrient GmbH Gleason-Hurth Tooling GmbH HAWE Hydraulik SE Hoffmann SE Infineon Technologies AG Intel Deutschland GmbH Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KGKnorr-Bremse AG KraussMaffei Group GmbH Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KGLEGO GmbH Linde Aktiengesellschaft MAURER SE MTU Aero Engines AG OHB System AG OSRAM Licht AG Philip Morris GmbH Rodenstock GmbH ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Siltronic AG SONA BLW Präzisionsschmiede GmbH SPINNER GmbH TDK Electronics AG Texas Instruments Deutschland GmbH Thüga Aktiengesellschaft VISPIRON SYSTEMS GmbH Wacker Neuson SE

Automotive engineering

Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH EDAG Engineering GmbH Franz Xaver Meiller Fahrzeug- und Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG iwis Gruppe MAN SE P+Z Engineering GmbH Rail Power Systems GmbH Schleicher Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KGValmet Automotive Engineering GmbH Volke Consulting Engineers GmbH & Co. Planungs KG Webasto SE


Accumulata Real Estate GmbH ARGENTA Internationale Anlagegesell-schaft mbH Bayerische Hausbau GmbH & Co. KG DIBAG Industriebau AG Drees & Sommer München Hammer AG Investa Projektentwicklungs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Leonhard Moll AG Optima-Aegidius-FirmengruppeSTRABAG Großprojekte GmbH WÖHR + BAUER GmbH

Financial services

Allianz SE AXA Konzern AG Bayerische Börse AG Bayerische Landesbank Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung DeutschlandCACEIS Bank S.A., Germany BranchContinentale Lebensversicherung AG Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG Generali Versicherung AG Interhyp AG

KGAL GmbH & Co. KG Lebensversicherung von 1871 a. G. MünchenLfA FÖRDERBANK BAYERN MEAG MUNICH ERGO AssetManagement GmbH Merck Finck Privatbankiers AG Münchener Hypothekenbank eG Münchener Verein Krankenversicherung a.G.Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München Münchner Bank eG SBK Siemens-BetriebskrankenkasseSparda-Bank München eG Stadtsparkasse München Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts State Street Bank International GmbH Swiss Life AG Niederlassung für DeutschlandSwiss Re Europe S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland UniCredit Bank AG Versicherungskammer Bayern Versicherungsanstalt des öffentlichen RechtsWirecard AG WWK Lebensversicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit

Life ScienceAgfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH Amgen GmbH Arthrex GmbH Astellas Pharma GmbH Bavarian Nordic GmbH Baxter Deutschland GmbH bene-Arzneimittel GmbH Brainlab AG Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co. KGaADaiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH GE Healthcare GmbH GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG Hexal AG LivaNova Deutschland GmbH Medigene AG MorphoSys AG MSD SHARP & DOHME GMBH PUREN Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Roche Diagnostics GmbH Sandoz International GmbH Wacker Chemie AG

1) not exhaustive DAX company

Selected companies in the Munich region1)

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Information and communication technology

Apple GmbH Atos Information Technology GmbH Autodesk GmbH Avnet Business Services GmbHBT (Germany) GmbH & Co. oHG CANCOM SE Cegeka Deutschland GmbH Celonis SECisco Systems GmbH ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbHGigaset AG Google Germany GmbH Huawei Technologies Deutschland GmbHIBM Deutschland GmbH Ingram Micro Distribution GmbH M-net Telekommunikations GmbH Mensch und Maschine Deutschland GmbHMicrosoft Deutschland GmbH National Instruments Germany GmbH NEMETSCHEK SE Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG NTT DATA Deutschland GmbH Open Text Software GmbH ORACLE Deutschland B.V.& Co. KG Qualcomm Germany RFFE Germany GmbH SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KGTech Data GmbH & Co. oHG Telekom Deutschland GmbH Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG Travian Games GmbH Vodafone GmbH, Region Süd Yahoo! Deutschland Services GmbH


Abendzeitung München Verlags-GmbH ARRI AG Bavaria Film GmbH Bayerischer Rundfunk Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Constantin Film AG dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG GRÄFE UND UNZER VERLAG GmbH H. Hugendubel GmbH & Co. KG Hubert Burda Media Holding KG

IDG Communications Media AG Münchener Zeitungs-Verlag GmbH & Co. KGProgrammdirektion Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE RTL 2 Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG Sky Deutschland GmbH Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbHSpringer Fachmedien München GmbH Süddeutscher Verlag GmbHThe Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbHVERLAG C.H.BECK oHG Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH


Alois Dallmayr KG AmRest Coffee Deutschland Sp. z o. o. & Co. KG Augustiner-Bräu Wagner KG DANONE GmbH Develey Senf & Feinkost GmbH Hacker-Pschorr Bräu GmbH Josef Bernbacher & Sohn GmbH & Co. KGKäfer AG Löwenbräu AG Ludwig Stocker Hofpfisterei GmbHMars Wrigley Confectionery Max Rischart‘s Backhaus KG McDonald`s Deutschland LLC Paulaner Brauerei Gruppe GmbH & Co. KGaARed Bull Deutschland GmbH Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München vinzenzmurr Vertriebs GmbH

Fashion and lifestyle

ALLUDE Gesellschaft für Entwicklung und Distribution von Modewaren mbHAmbiente Direct GmbHESCADA SE Estée Lauder Companies GmbHEtienne Aigner AG HALLHUBER GmbH Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg GmbH & Co. KG Laurèl GmbH LODEN-FREY Verkaufshaus GmbH & Co. KGLouis Vuitton Deutschland GmbH MAERZ Muenchen KG

MORE & MORE GmbH Oui Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG Roeckl Handschuhe & Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG Steelcase AG TALBOT RUNHOF Triumph International AG Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA

Other service providers

Accenture GmbH ADAC e.V. Amazon EU SARL Bain & Company Germany, Inc. Bayerngas GmbH BayWa AG BRUNATA – METRONA GmbH & Co. KGBoston Consulting Group GmbHCapgemini Deutschland GmbH CHECK24 Vergleichsportal GmbH Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs-gesellschaftDr. Sasse AG Edenred Deutschland GmbH Ernst & Young GmbH WirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaftFlixMobility GmbH FTI Touristik GmbH Jochen Schweizer GmbH Kantar GmbH KPMG AG WirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaftMAHAG GmbH McKinsey & Company Inc.Motel One GmbH mydays GmbH PAYBACK GmbH PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Roland Berger GmbH Scout24 AG Sana Kliniken AG Serviceplan Group SE & Co. KG Sixt SE Stadtwerke München GmbH Studiosus Reisen München GmbH TÜV SÜD AG

Companies in Munich: 90 711New business registered: 17 393

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14 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Munich as a hub of knowledgeMunich is Germany’s second­biggest university city.

Students at Munich’s universitiesin the winter 2018/2019 semester

131 006 students in Munich, of whom 26 401 (20.2%) were foreign students

University graduates2019Percentage of all employees registeredfor social security who are universitygraduates

















Selected universities Selected non­university research institutions

Academy of Fashion and Design Bavarina Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Catholic University of Applied Sciences Deutsches Museum

FOM – University of Applied Sciences Fraunhofer Society

Fresenius University, Munich department Goethe Institute

HDBW Bavarian Business Academy Munich Helmholtz Center Munich

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ifo Institute for Economic Research

Macromedia University for Media and Communication Institute of Contemporary History

Munich Academy of the Fine Arts Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology

Munich Business School Max Planck Society

Munich School of Philosophy

Munich School of Political Science

Munich University of Applied Sciences

Munich University of Music and Theater

Munich University of Television and Film

Munich University of the Federal Armed Forces

Technische Universität München

University of Applied Languages (SDI) Munich

Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München

Technische Universität München

Munich University of Applied Sciences

University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich

Other universities

51 164

40 63217 987 17 952

3 271

Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing

Source: Federal Employment Agency

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Local government financeHeavy investment and systematic debt reduction are characteristic features of Munich’s local government budget policy.

Planned investments in the City of Munich in 2019 – 2023Total investments: € 9 936 million

The City of Munich’s local government debt

Source: City of Munich, City Treasury

€ 983million


Other investments

€ 599million

6.0% Road and bridge construction

€ 134million

1.4%Climate change mitigation program

€ 306million

3.1% Culture

€ 1 369 million

13.8%Housing construction

€ 4 273 million

43.0% Schools, nurseries and creches

2005 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

€ 686million

6.9%SWM capitalrepayment

3 41



2 65




1 67


1 18


1 36




660 90


608 81


536 76


496 72




Debts Debts per inhabitant in € million in €

2005 – 2018: Actual debt figures, 2019: 2nd budget amendment

€ 978million

9.8% Other construction projects

€ 608million

6.1% Local public transportation

Balance sheet for the City of Munich, 2019 in € million

7 632Expenditures


Revenues 7 798

2 740Business tax

1 270Income tax

330Property tax

321Other taxes

3 137Other revenues

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16 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Real estate in MunichOffice property markets mirror the rising demand and dwindling vacancy rates in larger towns and cities.

Office space turnover in m² 2018 2019 2018 2019

Average rents for office space in € / m²

Office vacancy rates

Vacant office space in m² 2018 2019 2018 2019

Berlin Frankfurt/Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart

2018 21.70 20.30 15.70 13.80 19.00 14.00

2019 26.30 21.30 17.30 15.20 20.10 16.60

Berlin Frankfurt/Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart

Berlin Frankfurt/Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart

2018 1.5% 6.8% 3.6% 2.8% 1.8% 2.3%

2019 1.2% 6.9% 2.5% 2.2% 2.2% 1.9%

973 3001 030 000

216 100

185 400149 600175 000

Source: Colliers International

290 000 275 000

791 000770 400

304 500344 700

618 000

783 800 793 600

550 500 535 400

312 100

564 000

488 000 489 400

Berlin Frankfurt/Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart

220 000246 000

410 600

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Real estate in MunichMajor construction projects and plans, 2019 – 2020






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18 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Munich’s infrastructureMunich’s trade fair company is one of the world’s leading trade fair organizers.

Munich trade faircompany

Selected Munich trade fairs in 2019Exhibitors Visitors

BAU World’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems 2 240 249 228

bauma World’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material and mining machines, construction vehicles and equipment

3 684 627 603

HEIM + HANDWERK Building, furnishing, living with FOOD & LIFE – Where gourmets meet 1 211 121 000

INHORGENTA MUNICH Leading international trade fair for jewellery and watches 1 039 27 271


International trade fair for craft trades with Garten München 951 105 333

ISPO München World’s leading sports trade fair 2 926 80 200

LASER World of PHOTONICS World‘s leading trade fair and congress for components, systems and applications of optical technologies

1 325 33 999

Opti International trade fair for optics and design 631 28 294

OutDoor by ISPO Europe’s largest outdoor trade fair 1 136 22 077

transport logistic World’s leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management

2 374 63 893

Source: Messe München

No. of exhibitors (thousands) No. of visitors (hundred thousands)

Selected congresses at the ICM International Congress Center in 2019Participants

Congress of the Federal Association of Practising Veterinarians (bpt) 2 000

Congress of the German Society of Surgery (DCK) 4 700

Congress of the German Society for Child and Youth Medicine (DGKJ) 3 000

Congress of the German Respiratory Society (DGP) 4 000

International Conference of the Association for Information Systems (ICIS) 2 500

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Trade fairs and exhibitions 13 13 16 15 14 15

Guest shows 202 204 169 180 158 163







2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019











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Munich’s infrastructureMunich Airport – twelve­time winner of the “Best European Airport” award.1)

Passenger volume at Munich Airportmillions

Take­offs and landings at Munich Airportthousands



Source: German Airports Association (ADV)

1) Award is given by Skytrax World Airport Awards.

Source: Flughafen München









2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019











2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

413 417

377380 394 405


Passenger volumes at selected German airportsmillions



Munich Berlin Düsseldorf HamburgFrankfurt/Main

Munich Berlin Düsseldorf HamburgFrankfurt/Main

Page 22: Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 D-80331 München Germany Economic data Phone +49-89-233 2 53 25 Economic

20 | Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development

Selected European flight connectionsa two-hour radius

Selected direct international flights101 airlines regularly served 254 destinations in 2019.

Getting to and from MunichCar: Connections to 7 motorways

Public transport: 722 million passengers annually with a 442 km S-Bahn, 95 km U-Bahn, 82 km tram and 511 km bus network

Rail transport: Over 220 long-distance and 250 regional trains transport approx. 450,000 passengers each day

Source: Flughafen München

Hamburg (1:15)

Copenhagen (1:35)

Berlin (1:10)

Prague (0:50)

Warsaw (1:35)

Krakow (1:15)

Vienna (1:05)

Budapest (1:15)

Belgrade (1:30)

Sarajevo (1:20)

Zagreb (1:05)

Tirana (1:40)

Ljubljana (1:00)

Marseille (1:35)

Milan (1:05)Nice (1:25)

Geneva (1:10)Lyon (1:20)

Zurich (0:55)

Paris (1:40)

Luxembourg (1:05)

Brussels (1:20)Amsterdam (1:35)

Frankfurt/ Main (1:00)

Rome (1:30)

London (1:55)Southampton (2:00) Vilnius (2:00)

Toronto (8:50)Chicago (9:55)New York (9:10)

Washington (9:15)Los Angeles (12:15)

San Francisco (11:50)

Miami (11:00)

Mexico-City (12:50)

Houston (11:40)

Havanna (11:50)Cancun (12:25)

Tel Aviv (3:40)

Delhi (7:30)

Beijing (9:35)

Shanghai (11:00)

Bangkok (10:40)

Hong Kong (11:10)

Tokyo (11:25)Osaka (11:00)

Singapore (11:55)

Kiev (2:10)

Moskow (3:00)Ekaterinburg (4:40)

St. Petersburg (2:45)

Istanbul (2:35)

Casablanca (3:40) Cairo (3:40)

Dubai (6:00)

Abu Dhabi (6:00)

Mauritius (11:10)Johannesburg (10:40)

Cape Town (11:25)

Reykjavik (3:55)

Charlotte (10:05)Denver (10:40)

Montreal (8:20)Vancouver (10:15)

Mumbai (8:15)

Seoul (10:25)Lissabon (3:15)

Bogota (12:05)

Riad (5:35)

Dublin (2:30)

Madrid (2:45)

Oslo (2:15)Stockholm (2:10) Helsinki (2:35)

Novosibirsk (6:30)

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Published by:City of MunichDepartment of Labor andEconomic DevelopmentHerzog-Wilhelm-Str. 1580331 MünchenGermany

Editor: Eva Schweigard Tel. +49-89-233 2 53 25 [email protected]

Design:wpgh kommunikation, München

Printing:Ortmaier Druck GmbH

Printed on paper made from certifiedwood from controlled sources and from recycled materials

Munich, February 2020

Picture credits on cover:Lovelace Platzl (Christian Kasper)TechFest München (Andreas Heddergott)Stadtansichten (Andreas Heddergott)

Page 24: Munich as a business location...2020 Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 D-80331 München Germany Economic data Phone +49-89-233 2 53 25 Economic