Multiple target tracking based on homogeneous symmetric ... · PDF filenoise and its...

Aerospace Science and Technology 27 (2013) 32–43 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Aerospace Science and Technology Multiple target tracking based on homogeneous symmetric transformation of measurements Swati, Shovan Bhaumik Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patliputra Colony, Patna, Bihar, 800013, India article info abstract Article history: Received 2 September 2011 Received in revised form 28 April 2012 Accepted 11 June 2012 Available online 26 June 2012 Keywords: Multiple target tracking Symmetric measurement equation Kalman filter Symmetrical measurement equation, generated from homogeneous symmetric functions, has been proposed in this paper for tracking multiple targets. The observability condition, resultant measurement noise and its covariance for any number of particles arising from proposed symmetric transformation of measurement have been derived. The derived expression of resultant noise covariance is verified using Monte Carlo run. As a case study, three particles in motion are considered where positions and velocities of the particles are estimated using extended Kalman filter. From the simulation results it is found that the targets’ identity is lost during estimation. The target tracks have been labeled by minimizing the sum of square errors over the permutation of states. The performance of estimator in terms of root mean square error is compared with the two types of symmetric transformation of measurements, namely sum of power and sum of product form, existing in literature. Results are also compared with optimal state estimator which assumes that the correct association between measurements and targets is known. From simulation it is observed that RMSEs of position and velocity are small in homogeneous form compared to those obtained from sum of power and product form. © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The research interest for simultaneous tracking of multiple objects is increasing rapidly as it finds many applications in surveillance [3], robotics [5], collision avoidance [6], econometrics [7] and signal processing just to name a few. The core problem is to track multiple targets in clutter environment where targets may originate or terminate at any instant of time and association between targets and measurements is unknown. Classical approach is to compute the association probabilities [17,18] between measurements and targets before estimation. The main drawback of such approach is its computational inefficiency as the complexity increases exponentially (or factorial) with the number of targets. In an alternative approach [9–11,13,14], the computational complexity described above can be circumvented if the number of targets to be tracked at any instant is assumed to be known. The assumption may be justified with the availability of sensor (for example Radar) which is capable of collecting the information which can be used to infer the number of targets within the area of coverage. The key idea is to convert the measurement data with unknown association to a symmetrical measurement equation to estimate the states of the targets. In this way it is possible to estimate targets’ state without even considering association between targets and measurements. Sometimes this type of filter is called as symmetrical measurement equation (SME) filter [11]. In this paper, a new type of symmetrical measurement transformation based on homogeneous symmetric function has been introduced to transform the measurement data, obtained from sensor to form symmetric measurement equation. The proposed form will be a new addition in the family of symmetrical measurement equations which consists of two types of measurement equations namely sum of power and sum of product form. The observability condition for the developed symmetric transformation of measurements has been derived in the form of a proposition. The expressions of resultant measurement noise and its covariance have been derived and the later has been verified using Monte Carlo run. The approach has been illustrated through a simple case study where motion of three particles is considered. It has been observed that although the targets’ states have been estimated, the estimator fails to label the track of particles. To label the track, all the permutations of states have been considered and the estimated values of states are frozen for that permutation which has least sum of square error. A comparison of estimation accuracy among different types of symmetrical measurements and also * Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 612 255 2049; fax: +91 612 227 7383. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Swati), [email protected] (S. Bhaumik). 1270-9638/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Multiple target tracking based on homogeneous symmetric ... · PDF filenoise and its covariance for any number of particles arising from proposed symmetric transformation of ... based

Aerospace Science and Technology 27 (2013) 32–43

Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

Aerospace Science and Technology

Multiple target tracking based on homogeneous symmetric transformationof measurements

Swati, Shovan Bhaumik ∗

Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patliputra Colony, Patna, Bihar, 800013, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 2 September 2011Received in revised form 28 April 2012Accepted 11 June 2012Available online 26 June 2012

Keywords:Multiple target trackingSymmetric measurement equationKalman filter

Symmetrical measurement equation, generated from homogeneous symmetric functions, has beenproposed in this paper for tracking multiple targets. The observability condition, resultant measurementnoise and its covariance for any number of particles arising from proposed symmetric transformation ofmeasurement have been derived. The derived expression of resultant noise covariance is verified usingMonte Carlo run. As a case study, three particles in motion are considered where positions and velocitiesof the particles are estimated using extended Kalman filter. From the simulation results it is found thatthe targets’ identity is lost during estimation. The target tracks have been labeled by minimizing the sumof square errors over the permutation of states. The performance of estimator in terms of root meansquare error is compared with the two types of symmetric transformation of measurements, namely sumof power and sum of product form, existing in literature. Results are also compared with optimal stateestimator which assumes that the correct association between measurements and targets is known. Fromsimulation it is observed that RMSEs of position and velocity are small in homogeneous form comparedto those obtained from sum of power and product form.

© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The research interest for simultaneous tracking of multiple objects is increasing rapidly as it finds many applications in surveillance[3], robotics [5], collision avoidance [6], econometrics [7] and signal processing just to name a few. The core problem is to track multipletargets in clutter environment where targets may originate or terminate at any instant of time and association between targets andmeasurements is unknown. Classical approach is to compute the association probabilities [17,18] between measurements and targetsbefore estimation. The main drawback of such approach is its computational inefficiency as the complexity increases exponentially (orfactorial) with the number of targets.

In an alternative approach [9–11,13,14], the computational complexity described above can be circumvented if the number of targetsto be tracked at any instant is assumed to be known. The assumption may be justified with the availability of sensor (for example Radar)which is capable of collecting the information which can be used to infer the number of targets within the area of coverage. The keyidea is to convert the measurement data with unknown association to a symmetrical measurement equation to estimate the states ofthe targets. In this way it is possible to estimate targets’ state without even considering association between targets and measurements.Sometimes this type of filter is called as symmetrical measurement equation (SME) filter [11].

In this paper, a new type of symmetrical measurement transformation based on homogeneous symmetric function has been introducedto transform the measurement data, obtained from sensor to form symmetric measurement equation. The proposed form will be a newaddition in the family of symmetrical measurement equations which consists of two types of measurement equations namely sum ofpower and sum of product form. The observability condition for the developed symmetric transformation of measurements has beenderived in the form of a proposition. The expressions of resultant measurement noise and its covariance have been derived and the laterhas been verified using Monte Carlo run. The approach has been illustrated through a simple case study where motion of three particlesis considered. It has been observed that although the targets’ states have been estimated, the estimator fails to label the track of particles.To label the track, all the permutations of states have been considered and the estimated values of states are frozen for that permutationwhich has least sum of square error. A comparison of estimation accuracy among different types of symmetrical measurements and also

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 612 255 2049; fax: +91 612 227 7383.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Swati), [email protected] (S. Bhaumik).

1270-9638/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

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Swati, S. Bhaumik / Aerospace Science and Technology 27 (2013) 32–43 33

with the associated filter [10,11] (estimator with known correct association) has been made in terms of root mean square error (RMSE).Simulation results reveal that RMSEs of position and velocity are less in homogeneous form compared to that of obtained from sum ofpower and sum of product form.

It may not be irrelevant to mention here that there is no optimal or the “best” Gaussian filter available in literature for multiple targettracking with nonlinear measurements. The claim of polynomial filter introduced by Luca et al. [15] as optimal estimation approach [2] intarget tracking is misleading. In the polynomial filter, first two moments are computed for certain types of polynomial nonlinearity usingfull Taylor series expansion thus the non-Gaussian pdf arises due to nonlinear process and measurement equations is approximated asGaussian. The previous study reveals that [14] the performance of SME approach depends on the combination of symmetrical measurementequation and nonlinear estimator rather than on either individually. In this paper a systematic approach has been taken where theperformance of different types of symmetrical measurement equation has been compared with the same nonlinear estimator. Obviouslythe study of different types of symmetrical equation with several other nonlinear filters remains under the scope of future work.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the formulation of target tracking problem of N particles. Section 3 is focusedon the development of new symmetric measurement equation generated from homogeneous symmetric functions characterized with itsresultant measurement noise and its covariance. A case study of three particles in motion is considered as a simulation problem andresults are discussed in Section 4. Concluding remarks are in Section 5.

2. Problem formulation

2.1. Process model

Let us consider N particles maneuvering in a three dimensional space. Being interested in estimating position and velocity of theparticles, state vector is considered to be constituted with position and velocity of all the particles along three axes. So for N targetsmoving in space, state vector can be assumed as Xk = [x1k x2k . . . xN K v1k v2k . . . v Nk]T , where xik and vik represent the positions andvelocities of ith target at time kT , with T as sampling time and i = 1,2, . . . , N . For two particles moving along straight line, the statevector would be Xk = [x1k x2k v1k v2k]T . If three particles move in 1D space the state vector would be Xk = [x1k x2k x3k v1k v2k v3k]T .If two particles move in 2D space, there are horizontal and vertical components of position and velocity. So the state vector would beXk = [xx,1k xy,1k xx,2k xy,2k vx,1k v y,1k vx,2k v y,2k]T , where xx,ik and vx,ik are the x directional position and velocity of ith particle atany instant k. Similar expression of state vector can be obtained for N particles moving in three dimensional space. Depending upon thenature of maneuver, the positions and velocities of the targets are modeled in state space using the nonlinear difference equations

Xk+1 = γ (Xk) + B wk (1)

where γ (.) is a nonlinear function and wk is zero-mean Gaussian white noise with Q k covariance.

2.2. Measurement model

Now suppose the sensor which provides noisy measurement of the position is located at the origin of the coordinate system. If weassume the sensor outputs are the individual positions of the targets with correctly known association between targets and measurements,the measurement equation becomes linear and can be written as:

Yk = H Xk + uk (2)

Here Yk = [y1k y2k . . . yNk]T where yik is the ith sensor measurement data at time kT ; H is measurement matrix and uk =[u1k u2k . . . uNk]T is the measurement noise. For example, if two particles move in 1D space the measurement data would beYk = [y1k y2k]T . For three particles in 1D space the measurement vector is Yk = [y1k y2k y3k]T . Similarly for two particles moving ina plane, the measurement data would be Yk = [yx,1k y y,1k yx,2k y y,2k]T . Similar expression can be written for any number of particlesmoving in 3D of space. As stated earlier, considering only targets’ position as measurements, measurement matrix becomes H = [I DN 0N ]where D is the dimension of the space where the particles are moving and I DN is the DN dimensional unity matrix. We also assumethe measurement noise or sensor noise, uk , is white Gaussian with zero mean and σ 2

k covariance (uk ∼ N(0, σ 2k )). As in this case both

the process and measurement equations are linear, the problem can be solved using Kalman filter (KF) [1]. Since the estimator knows thecorrect association, this filter may also be called as associated filter [10,11].

Now let us consider the scenario where correct data association, i.e. the correct correspondence between the sensor measurements andrespective target’s position is not known. To circumvent data association problem, the sensor data are transformed through symmetricaltransformation to form symmetrical measurement equation which is used by the filter to estimate position and velocity of the targets. Inthis respect three types of symmetrical transformation have been considered here. Among them, the two forms, sum of power [10] andsum of product [11] have appeared in literature. The homogeneous symmetry has been proposed in this paper.

2.2.1. Sum of power symmetryThe symmetric measurement equation for sum of power form for N particles can be written as

Yk =[




y2ik · · ·





where yik = xik + uik is the measured position of ith particle at time instant kT in presence of noise uik which is assumed to be whiteGaussian with zero mean and σ 2 covariance.

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34 Swati, S. Bhaumik / Aerospace Science and Technology 27 (2013) 32–43

Example. For two targets moving in straight line, the sum of power symmetry measurement equation is Yk = [y1k + y2k y21k + y2

2k]T . For

two targets moving in 2D space, the measurement vector can be written as Yk = [yx,1k + yx,2k y y,1k + y y,2k y2x,1k + y2

x,2k y2y,1k + y2

y,2k]T .Similar expression can be written for any number of particles moving in space.

2.2.2. Sum of product symmetryAnother kind of symmetrical measurement equation is the sum of product form [11].

Yk =[





yik y jk



N∑l= j+1

yik y jk ylk · · ·N∏





Example. For two targets moving in 1D space, the sum of product symmetry measurement vector is Yk = [y1k + y2k y1k y2k]T . For twotargets moving in a plane, the measurement vector can be written as Yk = [yx,1k + yx,2k y y,1k + y y,2k yx,1k yx,2k y y,1k y y,2k]T . Similarlythe measurement vector can be written for any number of particles moving in 1D, 2D or 3D spaces.

It has also been proved in [10,11] that for both type of symmetric measurement equations, the system is observable.

2.2.3. Homogeneous symmetric formThe proposed symmetric measurement equation using homogeneous symmetric function [16] for N particles can be constructed as

Yk =[




N∑j2=1j2 �= j1

yN−1j1k y j2k


N−1∑j2=1j2 �= j1

N∑j3= j2+1

j3 �= j1

yN−2j1k y j2k y j3k · · ·


N−i+2∑j2=1j2 �= j1

· · ·N∑

ji= ji−1+1ji �= j1

yN−i+1j1k y j2k . . . y jik · · ·





It should be noted that the sum of power and sum of product type of symmetric measurement described in [10,11] also consists of homo-geneous functions but its degree varies with the element of the measurement vector. In homogeneous type of symmetric measurement,the degree of all elements of measurement vector is the same and equal to the number of particles considered.

Example. For two targets moving in 1D space, the homogeneous symmetric form of measurement vector is Yk = [y21k + y2

2k y1k y2k]T .

For two targets moving in 2D space, the measurement vector can be written as Yk = [y2x,1k + y2

x,2k y2y,1k + y2

y,2k yx,1k yx,2k y y,1k y y,2k]T .Similarly the measurement data can be obtained for any number of particles moving in 1D, 2D or 3D spaces.

3. Characterization of homogeneous symmetric measurements

It would be easier to calculate the covariance of resultant noise of symmetrical measurements if the measurements described byEqs. (3), (4) and (5) can be expressed in the form of Yik = gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) + ηik . Proposition 1 provides the expression of ηik for themeasurement proposed in (5).

Proposition 1. The measurement equation described by Eq. (5) can be expressed as Yk = g(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) + ηk where g(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) andηk = [η1k η2k · · · ηik · · · ηNk]T are as follows

g(x1k, x2k . . . xNk) = [g1k(x1k . . . xNk) g2k(x1k . . . xNk) · · · gik(x1k . . . xNk) · · · gNk(x1k . . . xNk)






N∑j2=1j2 �= j1

xN−1j1k x j2k


N−1∑j2=1j2 �= j1

N∑j3= j2+1

j3 �= j1

xN−2j1k x j2kx j3k · · ·


N−i+2∑j2=1j2 �= j1

. . .

N∑ji= ji−1+1

ji �= j1

xN−i+1j1k x j2k . . . x jik · · ·





ηik =




j1=1∂n gi(x1k,x2k,...,xNk)






∑Nj2=1j2 �= j1

∂n gi(x1k,x2k,...,xNk)

∂xn−1j1k ∂x j2k

un−1j1k u j2k




∑N−1j2=1j2 �= j1

∑Nj3= j2+1

j3 �= j1

∂n gi(x1k,x2k,...,xNk)

∂xn−2j1k ∂x j2k∂x j3k

un−2j1k u j2ku j3k + · · ·




∑N−i+2j2=1j2 �= j1

. . .∑N

ji= ji−1+1ji �= j1

∂n gi(x1k,x2k,...,xNk)

∂xn−i+1j1k ∂x j2k ...∂x jik

un−i+1j1k u j2k . . . u jik



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Proof. In mathematical terms, each symmetric measurement Yik , i = 1,2, . . . , N can be expressed as Yik = gi(y1k, y2k, . . . , yNk) or,

Yik = gi(x1k + u1k, x2k + u2k, . . . , xNk + uNk) (8)

Now we would like to express (8) in the form of

Yik = gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) + ηik (9)

where ηik is the measurement noise. If we accumulate all the terms without involving the noise uik under the function gi(x1k, x1k, . . . , xNk),it can be expressed by Eq. (6).

In Eq. (8), gi(x1k + u1k, x2k + u2k, . . . , xNk + uNk) can be expanded using Taylor series about vector xk = [x1k x2k · · · xNk]T as follows:

Yik = gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) +N∑


∂ gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)

∂x j1ku j1k + 1


j1, j2=1

∂2 gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)

∂x j1k∂x j2ku j1ku j2k + · · ·

+ 1


j1, j2,..., jN =1

∂N gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)

∂x j1k∂x j2k . . . ∂x jNku j1ku j2k . . . u jNk (10)

For the case of homogeneous symmetric form given by (5) the Taylor series expansion (10) reduces to

Yik = gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) +N−i+1∑





∂n gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)


unj1k +



n − 1!N∑


N∑j2=1j2 �= j1

∂n gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)

∂xn−1j1k ∂x j2k

un−1j1k u j2k




n − 2!N∑


N−1∑j2=1j2 �= j1

N∑j3= j2+1

j3 �= j1

∂n gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)

∂xn−2j1k ∂x j2k∂x j3k

un−2j1k u j2ku j3k + · · ·




n − i + 1!N∑


N−i+2∑j2=1j2 �= j1

. . .

N∑ji= ji−1+1

ji �= j1

∂n gi(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)

∂xn−i+1j1k ∂x j2k . . . ∂x jik

un−i+1j1k u j2k . . . u jik (11)

Comparing Eq. (11) with (9) the measurement noise can be expressed as (7). �Example. For two targets moving in a straight line and the measurement in homogeneous symmetric form the function g(.) can bewritten as g(x1kx2k) = [x2

1k + x22k x1kx2k]T . For two particles moving in 1D space, the ηk could be written as ηk = [(u2

1k + u22k + 2u1kx1k +

2u2kx2k) (u2kx1k +u1kx2k +u1ku2k)]T . For three particles moving in a straight line, the expressions of g(.) and ηk are provided in Section 4.

Conjecture 1. For a function g(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) described by Eq. (6), the determinant of Jacobian matrix

G(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) =


∂ g1∂x1k

∂ g1∂x2k

· · · ∂ g1∂xNk

∂ g2∂x1k

∂ g2∂x2k

· · · ∂ g2∂xNk

...... · · · ...

∂ gN∂x1k

∂ gN∂x2k

· · · ∂ gN∂xNk

⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦ (12)

can be expressed using Eq. (13), where the function f (.) is a polynomial of degree N(N − 1)/2 and the exact description of the function depends onthe number of targets considered.

∣∣G(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)∣∣ = N f



x jk,

N∑j1, j2=1

x j1kx j2k, . . . ,

N∑j1, j2... jN =1

x j1kx j2k . . . x jN k

) ∏1� j1< j2�N

(x j1k − x j2k) (13)

Validation. The determinant in Eq. (12) can be expressed in terms of polynomial of xk ×det(Vandermonde matrix). Here we use the methodof induction to validate the conjecture. Also we use the well known theorem that says det(Vand(x1, x2, . . . , xN )) = ∏

1� j1< j2�N (x j1k − x j2k)

[20].For two particles, N = 2,∣∣G(x1k, x2k)

∣∣ = 2(x1k + x2k)(x1k − x2k).

For three particles, N = 3,

∣∣G(x1k, x2k, x3k)∣∣ = 3



x jk

)3 ∏1� j1< j2�3

(x j1k − x j2k).

Similarly for N = 4,

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36 Swati, S. Bhaumik / Aerospace Science and Technology 27 (2013) 32–43

∣∣G(x1k, . . . , x4k)∣∣ = 4



x jk

)4( 3∑j1=1

4∑j2= j1+1

x j1 x j2






x jk



x3jk + 3


3∑j2= j1+1

4∑j3= j2+1

x j1 x j2 x j3

)] ∏1� j1< j2�4

(x j1k − x j2k).

For N particles, G(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) can be written as

G(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)



NxN−11k NxN−1

2k · · · NxN−1ik · · · NxN−1



j=2 x jk +∑Nj=2 xN−1

jk ρ2k∑N

j=1j �=2

x jk +∑Nj=1j �=2

xN−1jk · · · ρik

∑Nj=1j �=i

x jk +∑Nj=1j �=i

xN−1jk · · · ρNk

∑N−1j=1 x jk +∑N−1

j=1 xN−1jk



.... · · ·



. · · ·...∏N

j=2 x jk∏N

j=1j �=2

x jk · · · ∏Nj=1j �=i

x jk · · · ∏N−1j=1 x jk


where ρik = (N − 1)xN−2ik , i = 1,2,3, . . . , N or,

∣∣G(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk)∣∣ = N f



x jk,

N∑j1, j2=1

x j1kx j2k, . . . ,

N∑j1, j2... jN=1

x j1kx j2k . . . x jNk

) ∏1� j1< j2�N

(x j1k − x j2k) �

Proposition 2. The necessary and sufficient condition for the symmetric functional given by (5), to be observable is that the vector xk =[x1k x2k . . . xNk]T should be distinct with nonzero sum of all elements.

Proof. From (13) it is clear that the rank of Jacobian G(x1k, x2k, . . . , xNk) is equal to N , whenever xik are distinct and the vector xk =[x1k x2k . . . xNk]T has nonzero sum of elements. �

It should be noted that the above described observability type condition is necessary for stable operation of the tracking filter [10,11].

Proposition 3. The noise vector as described by Eq. (7), can be expressed in the form of ηk = ∑Ni=1 αik(xk)qik(uk) where αik(xk) is a matrix of

dimension N × (N Ci N) and qik(uk) is a column vector of dimension N Ci N.

The detailed proof and the expressions of αik(xk) and qik(uk) have been provided in Appendix A.

3.1. Mean and covariance of noise sequence

The noise for symmetrical measurement would not follow the Gaussian distribution. However the noise sequence, ηk , is approximatedas Gaussian and the first two moments have been calculated. The mean could be calculated easily by evaluating η̄k = E[ηk]. It is also to benoted that if mean of the noise sequence is nonzero, the effective noise sequence is taken after subtracting the η̄k to make it zero mean.

Assuming η̄k is zero, the covariance can be calculated as

Rk = E




α j1k(xk)q j1k(uk)qTj2k(uk)α



Neglecting the error covariance associated with estimated state and assuming xik and uik are independent, the expression of covariancecan be approximated as

Rk ≈N∑



α j1k(x̂k)E[q j1k(uk)q



j2k(x̂k) (14)


Rk ≈N∑



α j1k(x̂k) f j1 j2

(σ 2)αT


where f j1 j2 is the function needed to be determined for the number of target considered. The evaluated measurement noise covariancematrix for three particles moving in a straight line is expressed in Appendix B.

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4. Case study

4.1. Three particles moving in a straight line

4.1.1. Process modelIn this subsection, a case study of three particles moving in a straight line in single dimension has been considered. Similar type of

problem has been formulated in earlier literatures [9,10]. For N particles, the evolution of position and velocity with time in state spaceform can be written as:

Xk+1 = F Xk + B wk (15)

where F =[



], B =

[(T 2/2)IN 0N


]and T is the sampling time. Assuming the particles are moving in constant velocity and there is no

acceleration, process noise can be considered as zero similar to [10].

4.1.2. Measurement modelLinear measurement: For three particles moving in a straight line, the sensor output data for individual position of target will be given

by Eq. (2). The initial state values for truth have been taken as X0 = [5 15 20 1.5 −0.5 −1]T . Sensor noise (uik) has been assumed tobe white Gaussian with zero mean and covariance σ 2 = diag[25 25 25]. As the process noise covariance (Q ) is zero, target velocitiesremain constant in their respective initial values during the simulation which has been carried out for 20 seconds with the sampling time0.01 second.

Sum of power form: Symmetric measurement equation in sum of power form for three particles is expressed as:

Yk = [y1k + y2k + y3k y2

1k + y22k + y2

3k y31k + y3

2k + y33k


Sum of product form: Symmetric measurement equation for three particles in sum of product form as described in Eq. (4) is

Yk = [y1k + y2k + y3k y1k y2k + y2k y3k + y3k y1k y1k y2k y3k]T

Detailed expressions of measurement equation, g(x1k, x2k, x3k), noise sequence and covariance associated with it for the above two typesof symmetrical measurement are provided in [19].

Homogeneous symmetric form: For three particles, the symmetric measurement with noise reduces to Yk = [y31k + y3

2k + y33k y2

1k(y2k +y3k) + y2

2k(y1k + y3k) + y23k(y1k + y2k) y1k y2k y3k]T . According to Proposition 1, the measurement equation without noise would be

g(x1k, x2k, x3k) = [x31k + x3

2k + x33k x2

1k(x2k + x3k) + x22k(x1k + x3k) + x2

3k(x1k + x2k) x1kx2kx3k]T . For this problem {α1k,q1k}, {α2k,q2k} and{α3k,q3k} have been calculated using the formula as described above and noise vector is evaluated as

ηk =3∑


αik(xk)qik(uik) =


(u31k + u3

2k + u33k + 3x2

1ku1k + 3x22ku2k + 3x2

3ku3k + 3x1ku21k + 3x2ku2

2k + 3x3ku23k)⎛


1k(u2k + u3k) + x22k(u1k + u3k) + x2

3k(u1k + u2k)

+ (u21k + 2x1ku1k)(x2k + x3k + u2k + u3k)

+ (u22k + 2x2ku2k)(x1k + x3k + u1k + u3k)

+ (u23k + 2x3ku3k)(x1k + x2k + u1k + u2k)


(u1kx2kx3k + u2kx1kx3k + u3kx1kx2k + x1ku2ku3k + x2ku3ku1k + x3ku1ku2k + u1ku2ku3k)


The η̄k is calculated as η̄k = [3σ 2(x̂1k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1 + x̂3k|k−1) 2σ 2(x̂1k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1 + x̂3k|k−1) 0]T . The noise vector is taken as η′k = (ηk −

η̄k) to make it zero mean. Now to implement any Gaussian filter, the covariance of the noise sequence (Rk) needs to be calculated. Theexpressions of Rk = E[η′


T ] for three particles can be derived from (14). The expression for noise covariance is also verified using MonteCarlo run.

4.2. Particles moving in a plane

In this subsection, two particles moving in a plane have been considered. The state variables are x and y positions and velocities of theparticles. So process equation for two particles moving in a plane becomes eighth order and is similar to Eq. (15).

4.2.1. Measurement modelSum of power form: Symmetric measurement equation in sum of power form for two particles moving in a plane is expressed as

Yk = [yx,1k + yx,2k y2x,1k + y2

x,2k y y,1k + y y,2k y2y,1k + y2

y,2k] where yx,1k is the noisy measurement of the x position of the first target.Sum of product form: Symmetric measurement equation with noise in sum of product form for two particles moving in a plane may be

expressed as Yk = [yx,1k + yx,2k yx,1k yx,2k y y,1k + y y,2k y y,1k y y,2k].Homogeneous symmetric form: Homogeneous symmetric measurement equation can be written as Yk = [y2

x,1k + y2x,1k yx,1k yx,2k y2

y,1k +y2

y,2k y y,1k y y,2k].

5. Simulation results

5.1. Particles moving in a straight line

As the formulated problem is nonlinear in nature, nonlinear estimators are to be implemented. Although, here the problem has beensolved using extended Kalman filter (EKF), and unscented Kalman filter [13,14] other filters like quadrature based filters [4], central

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Fig. 1. Measurement plot of three targets’ position.

Fig. 2. Truth and estimated values for a single representative run for homogeneous symmetry.

difference filter (CDF) [8], etc. can also be applied without any further calculation of noise parameters. The truth model as well as filterhas been simulated in MATLAB environment. The initial state of truth has been taken as X0 = [5 15 20 1.5 −0.5 −1]T . Sensor noise (uik)has been assumed to be white Gaussian with zero mean and covariance σ 2 = diag[25 25 25]. The measurement obtained from sensor isplotted in Fig. 1. As the process noise covariance (Q ) is zero, target velocities remain constant in their respective initial values during thesimulation which has been carried out for 20 seconds with the sampling time 0.01 second. The estimated value of state has been initializedwith X̂0 = [1 1 1 1 1 1]T along with the error covariance P0 = diag[9 25 64 2 0.25 16]. The estimated and truth values of position ofthree targets for a single representative run have been plotted in Fig. 2 for homogeneous form of symmetrical measurement equation.Similar results are obtained for other two types of symmetrical measurements and have not been shown here. The initial conditions areselected such a way that the targets cross each other within simulation interval. From the simulation, it has been found that the filtertracks the positions of the particles well but without identifying the particles (as shown in Fig. 2), means that tracks are not labeled. Alsoexchange of track may occur during crossover.

In this paper, a heuristic method has been adopted on the top of SME filter to label the tracks. As we know that the targets aremoving in a straight line without any process noise, least square fit of straight line with all permutation of states is performed. Thetargets have been labeled for the permutation of state for which sum of squared error is minimum. The method can be thought of akind of smoothing, performed on the top of the SME filtering technique. In Figs. 3 and 4, root mean square error (RMSE) of second targetobtained from EKF for 100 Monte Carlo runs has been compared for position and velocity respectively. It can also be observed that inposition plot there are kinks near 5th and 10th second which are due to the exchange of track labeling during crossover. From Figs. 3and 4, it has been observed that the RMSEs of position and velocity are distinctly smaller in sum of product than sum of power form ofsymmetry, as also explored in [19]; whereas performance of homogeneous symmetric form is comparable to that of sum of product formand sometimes it is better. Higher estimation accuracy in homogeneous symmetry may be due to increased observability happens due

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Fig. 3. RMSE plot of position for different symmetrical forms.

Fig. 4. RMSE plot of velocity for different symmetrical forms.

to incorporation of more interactive terms between the states in measurement equation. Moreover, further investigation reveals that UKF,which approximates the required moments by means of the unscented transform, with homogeneous symmetric form reduces RMSEsof position and velocity significantly and shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Similar types of RMSE plot, obtained for other particles, have notbeen included here. The performance of different symmetrical forms is also compared with associated filter. As RMSE of associated filteris much lower than EKF, and UKF more advanced nonlinear filters may help for better estimation of targets’ position. Also evaluationand comparison of performance with different other forms of symmetric measurement, derived from various symmetric functions (viz.complete homogeneous symmetric functions, Schur functions of different orders) remain under the scope of future work.

5.2. Particles moving in a plane

The problem of target tracking in a plane has been solved using EKF in MATLAB simulation environment. As position and velocityof the x and y coordinates of two particles have been considered, the system becomes eight dimensional in nature. Two particles areassumed to originate at (5,4) and (4,10) points in plane and move with uniform velocities (1.5,1.5) and (1.3,−0.8) respectively. Soinitial state of truth becomes X0 = [5 4 4 10 1.5 1.5 1.3 −0.8]T . Sensors measure x and y coordinate of position with the additivenoise uik , assumed to be white Gaussian with zero mean and covariance σ 2 = diag[25 25 25 25]. The estimated value of state has been

initialized with X̂0 = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]T along with the initial error covariance P0 = diag[25 16 16 81 0.25 2.25 0.09 1]. The initialconditions are selected in such a way that the targets cross each other within simulation interval. The estimation of state has been carriedout for 15 seconds with the sampling time 0.01 second with three different symmetrical measurement equations described earlier. Thetruth and estimated trajectories of two targets obtained from homogeneous symmetric measurement have been plotted in Fig. 5. Withthe described symmetrical form of measurement equations track labeling may be lost. In addition to that, the estimation may pair withone particle’s x position and other particle’s y position. The phenomenon has been identified earlier and named as “coordinate switching”leading to track “ghost targets”. To circumvent the problem, Leven [12] proposed an idea where observed one x coordinate is encoded

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Fig. 5. Truth and estimated values of two particles moving in a plane using homogeneous symmetric form.

in the real part of a complex number and the other coordinate as the imaginary part. To avoid the “coordinate switching” problem, thesame type of encoding is possible for homogeneous symmetric transformation of measurement and the study of performance under suchencoding scheme needs to be done rigorously in future.

6. Discussions and conclusion

In this work, a new symmetric measurement equation is developed from homogeneous symmetric functions to overcome the dataassociation problem for multiple target tracking. The noise vector and its covariance have been calculated for any number of particles inmotion. The observability condition for homogeneous symmetric measurement equation has been derived. Case studies for targets movingin one and two dimensional space have been included. The targets’ positions and velocities have been calculated using extended Kalmanfilter for three types of symmetrical measurement, namely sum of power, sum of product and homogeneous symmetry. The results amongthe three types of symmetrical measurement along with the associated filter have been compared in terms of RMSE. As RMSE of associatedfilter is much lower than EKF, and UKF, more advanced nonlinear filter may produce better estimation of targets’ position. As the resultantnoise covariance has been calculated mathematically, other types of advanced nonlinear Gaussian filter such as Gauss Hermite filter (GHF),central difference filter (CDF), etc., may be implemented easily for better estimation of states. Also other forms of symmetric measurementmay be derived from various symmetric functions (viz. complete homogeneous symmetric functions, Schur functions of different orders)for better performance. The proposed homogeneous form will become a new candidate in the family of symmetrical transformation ofsensor measurements, used for multiple target tracking to overcome data association problem.


The co-author acknowledges the partial financial support provided by the Department of Science and Technology, India for carryingout the research. The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.

Appendix A

Proof of Proposition 3. Using simple algebraic manipulation, the expression (7) can be written as ηk = ∑Ni=1 αik(xk)qik(uk), where

α1k(xk) =


∂ g1∂x1k

∂ g1∂x2k

· · · ∂ g1∂xNk

∂2 g1


∂2 g1


· · · ∂2 g1


· · · ∂N g1


∂N g1


· · · ∂N g1


∂ g2∂x1k

∂ g2∂x2k

· · · ∂ g2∂xNk

∂2 g2


∂2 g2


· · · ∂2 g2


· · · 0 0 · · · 0

...... · · · ...

...... · · · ... · · · ...

... · · · ...∂ gN∂x1k

∂ gN∂x2k

· · · ∂ gN∂xNk

0 0 0 · · · · · · 0 0 · · · 0


and q1k(uk) = [u1k u2k · · · uNk u21k u2

2k · · · u2Nk · · · uN

1k uN2k · · · uN

Nk]T .α1k(xk) and q1k(uk) are matrices of dimension N × N2 and N2 × 1 respectively. The 2nd term is

α2k(xk) =


0 0 · · · 0 0 0 · · · 0 · · · 0 0 · · · 0∂2 g2


∂2 g2∂x1k∂x3k

· · · ∂2 g2∂x(N−1)k∂xNk

∂3 g2


∂3 g2


· · · ∂3 g2


· · · ∂N g2

N−1!∂xN−11k ∂x2k

∂N g2

N−1!∂xN−11k ∂x3k

· · · ∂N g2


∂2 g3∂x1k∂x2k

∂2 g3∂x1k∂x3k

· · · ∂2 g3∂x(N−1)k∂xNk

∂3 g3


∂3 g3


· · · ∂3 g3


· · · 0 0 · · · 0






. · · ·...






. · · ·... · · ·






. · · ·...

∂2 gN∂x1k∂x2k

∂2 gN∂x1k∂x3k

· · · ∂2 gN∂x(N−1)k∂xNk

0 0 · · · 0 · · · 0 0 · · · 0


q2k(uk) = [u1ku2k u1ku3k · · · uN−1kuNk u2 u2k u2 u3k · · · u2 uNk · · · uN−1u2k uN−1u3k · · · uN−1 uNk


1k 1k (N−1)k 1k 1k (N−1)k
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The ith term is

αik = [θi θi+1 · · · θN ]qik(uk) = [

u1ku2k . . . uik u1ku2k . . . u(i+1)k · · · u(N−i+1)ku(N−i+2)k . . . uNk u21ku2k . . . uik u2

1ku2k . . . u(i+1)k · · ·u2

(N−i+1)ku(N−i+2)k . . . uNk · · · uN−i+11k u2k . . . uik uN−i+1

1k u2k . . . u(i+1)k · · · uN−i+1(N−i+1)ku(N−i+2)k . . . uNk



θi =


0 0 · · · 0

0 0 · · · 0...

... · · · ...

∂ i gi∂x1k∂x2k...∂xik

∂ i gi∂x1k∂x2k...∂x(i+1)k

· · · ∂ i gi∂x(N−i+1)k∂x(N−i+2)k...∂xNk

∂ i gi+1∂x1k∂x2k...∂xik

∂ i gi+1∂x1k∂x2k...∂x(i+1)k

· · · ∂ i gi+1∂x(N−i+1)k∂x(N−i+2)k...∂xNk

...... · · · ...

∂ i gN∂x1k∂x2k...∂xik

∂ i gN∂x1k∂x2k...∂x(i+1)k

· · · ∂ i gN∂x(N−i+1)k∂x(N−i+2)k...∂xNk


θi+1 = 1



0 0 · · · 0

0 0 · · · 0...

... · · · ...

∂ i+1 gi


∂ i+1 gi

∂x21k∂x2k ...∂x(i+1)k

· · · ∂ i+1 gi


∂ i+1 gi+1


∂ i+1 gi+1

∂x21k∂x2k ...∂x(i+1)k

· · · ∂ i+1 gi+1


...... · · · ...

0 0 · · · 0


θN = 1

N − i + 1!


0 0 · · · 0

0 0 · · · 0...

... · · · ...

∂N gi

∂xN−i+11k ∂x2k...∂xik

∂N gi

∂xN−i+11k ∂x2k...∂x(i+1)k

· · · ∂N gi


0 0 · · · 0...

... · · · ...

0 0 · · · 0


It is clear that in αik(xk) the elements of the rows up to (i − 1) are all zeros and the elements of rest N − i + 1 rows form the uppertriangular matrix. So the Nth term can be written as

αNk(xk) =[

0 0 · · · ∂N g

∂x1k∂x2k . . . ∂xNk


and qNk(uk) = [u1ku2k . . . uNk]T �Appendix B. Calculation of measurement noise covariance

B.1. Sum of power symmetry

In the sum of power symmetry form, the measurement noise covariance (Rk) for three particles in 1D can be calculated assuming xikand uik are independent as

R11k = 3σ 2; R12k = R21k = 2σ 2(x̂1k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1 + x̂3k|k−1)

R13k = R31k = 9σ 4 + 3σ 2(x̂21k|k−1 + x̂2

2k|k−1 + x̂23k|k−1 + P11k + P22k + P33k

)R22k = 6σ 4 + 4σ 2(x̂2

1k|k−1 + x̂22k|k−1 + x̂2

3k|k−1 + P11k + P22k + P33k)

R23k = R32k = 12σ 4(x̂1k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1 + x̂3k|k−1) + 6σ 2(x̂31k|k−1 + x̂3

2k|k−1 + x̂33k|k−1 + 3(x̂1k|k−1 P11k + x̂2k|k−1 P22k + x̂3k|k−1 P33k)

)R33k = 45σ 6 + 9σ 2(x̂4

1k|k−1 + x̂42k|k−1 + x̂4

3k|k−1 + 6(x2

1k|k−1 P11k + x22k|k−1 P22k + x̂2

3k|k−1 P33k)+ 3

(P 2

11k + P 222k + P 2


))+ 36σ 4(x̂2

1k|k−1 + x̂22k|k−1 + x̂2


)+ 45σ 4(P11k + P22k + P33k) + 18σ 4(P12k + P23k + P13k)

where P is the prior error covariance matrix.

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B.2. Sum of product symmetry

Similarly for the sum of product kind of symmetry, (Rk) for three particles in 1D can be calculated as

R11k, R12k as above

R13k = σ 2(x̂1k|k−1x̂2k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1x̂3k|k−1 + x̂1k|k−1x̂3k|k−1 + P12k + P23k + P13k)

R22k = 3σ 4 + 2σ 2(x̂21k|k−1 + x̂2

2k|k−1 + x̂23k|k−1 + x̂1k|k−1x̂2k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1x̂3k|k−1 + x̂1k|k−1x̂3k|k−1 + P11k + P22k

+ P33k + P12k + P23k + P13k)

R23k = σ 2((x̂1k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1)(x̂2

3k|k−1 + P33k + 2P12k)+ (x̂2k|k−1 + x̂3k|k−1)


1k|k−1 + P11k + 2P23k)

+ (x̂3k|k−1 + x̂1k|k−1)(x̂2

2k|k−1 + P22k + 2P13k))+ σ 4(x̂1k|k−1 + x̂2k|k−1 + x̂3k|k−1)

R33k = σ 2[{(x̂21k|k−1 + P11k


2k|k−1 + P22k)+ 4x̂1k|k−1x̂2k|k−1 P12k + 2P 2



2k|k−1 + P22k)(

x̂23k|k−1 + P33k

)+ 4x̂2k|k−1x̂3k|k−1 P23k + 2P 2


}+ {(x̂2

1k|k−1 + P11k)(

x̂23k|k−1 + P33k

)+ 4x̂3k|k−1x̂1k|k−1 P13k + 2P 213k

}]+ σ 4(x̂2

1k|k−1 + x̂22k|k−1 + x̂2

3k|k−1 + P11k + P22k + P33k)+ σ 6

B.3. Homogeneous symmetry

For the proposed homogeneous symmetry, the different elements of Rk can be calculated as

R11k = 9σ 2 E




]+ 45σ 4 E




]+ 18σ 4 E




xikx jk

]− 9σ 4





+ 45σ 6

R12k = R21k = 6σ 2 E



3∑j=1j �=i

x3ikx jk

]+ 6σ 2 E






]+ 36σ 4 E




xikx jk

]+ 18σ 4 E





− 6σ 4








+ 18σ 6

R13k = R31k = 3σ 2 E



2∑j=1j �=i

3∑l= j+1

l �=i

x2ikx jkxlk

]+ 3σ 4 E




xikx jk


R22k = 2σ 2 E




]+ 10σ 2 E






]+ 16σ 2 E



2∑j=1j �=i

3∑l= j+1

l �=i

x2ikx jkxlk

]+ 4σ 2 E



3∑j=1j �=i

x3ikx jk


+ 36σ 4 E




xikx jk

]+ 24σ 4 E




]− 4σ 4





+ 24σ 6

R23k = R32k = σ 2 E



3∑j=1j �=i

x3ikx jk

]+ 4σ 2 E



2∑j=1j �=i

3∑l= j+1

l �=i

x2ikx jkxlk

]+ 6σ 4 E




xikx jk


R33k = σ 2 E






]+ σ 4 E




]+ σ 6

Exact form of the Rk may be evaluated using the following relationships:



] = x̂2ik|k−1 + Piik; E



] = x̂4ik|k−1 + 6x̂2

ik|k−1 Piik + 3P 2iik

E[xikx jk] = x̂ik|k−1x̂ jk|k−1 + Pijk; E[x2


] = (x̂2

ik|k−1 + Piik)(

x̂2jk|k−1 + P jjk

)+ 2P 2i jk + 4x̂ik|k−1x̂ jk|k−1 Pijk


ikx jk] = (

x̂3ik|k−1 + 3x̂ik|k−1 Piik

)x̂ jk|k−1 + 3Pijk


ik|k−1 + Piik)


ikx jkxlk] = (

x̂2ik|k−1 + Piik

)(x̂ jk|k−1x̂lk|k−1 + P jlk) + 2x̂ik|k−1(x̂ jk|k−1 Pilk + x̂lk|k−1 Pijk) + Pijk P ilk

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