Multi Media Presentation: Problems of Well-Being and Mental Health

PROBLEMS OF WELL-BEING : By: Angela Linkert & Ali Leatherdale MENTAL HEALTH Depression, Anxiety & Eating Disorders

Transcript of Multi Media Presentation: Problems of Well-Being and Mental Health

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By: Angela Linkert & Ali Leatherdale

MENTAL HEALTHD e p r e s s i o n , A n x i e t y & E a t i n g D i s o r d e r s

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What is Mental Health?• Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and

social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

(Health and Human Services, n.d.).

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Why is Mental Health a problem?

• People are not seeking professional help• It is easy to self diagnose • It can affect the person’s thought process• It can affect social interactions• People do not understand why they are

constantly angry or sad(Psych Guides)

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WHO does it affect?• Mental health can affect ANYONE (children, adolescents or adults)

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Mental Illness:• Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health

conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015).

• Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015)

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Most CommonTypes of Mental Illness:


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Depression• An illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and

that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about himself or herself, and thinks about things.

• Depression is not the same as a passing blue mood. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. (Net Medicine, 2012)

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AnxietyAnxiety causes nervousness, fear, apprehension and

worrying. This mental illness affects how we feel and behave.

Symptoms: Nausea Headaches Backaches Sweating Restlessness Trouble Concentrating Muscle Tension Numbness of pins and

needless Trouble falling asleep

What Causes Anxiety? Environmental Factors: Stress at work Stress from school Stress about money Medical Factors: Side effects of medication Brain Chemistry Substance Abuse Genetics

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

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How to cope with Anxiety Get help/ talk to a

professional Learn what triggers your

anxiety Accept you cannot control

everything Breathe…Lots. Eat well balanced meals Give yourself time Learn relaxation techniques

(Anxiety & Depression Association of America, 2016)

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Eat ing DisordersEating disorders involve harmful thoughts and feelings that affect the way a person feels about food and how they see their body.

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Anorexia Nervosa• This type of eating disorder affects how people feel about their body

and how they eat. People that suffer from anorexia often think that their body is bigger than it is. They constantly worry about becoming fat yet they are losing weight. (Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre)

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Bulimia NervosaA serious eating disorder that is characterized by compulsive overeating usually followed by self-induced vomiting or diuretic abuse.Fact: People that suffer from Bulimia usually show signs of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. They are also at risk for substance abuse and suicidal actions. (Healthline)

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Did YOU know…?• Suicide is the leading cause of death in 15-24 year old Canadian (CMHA)• 10 – 20% of Canadian youth are affected by mental illness (CMHA)• Only 1 out of 5 children who need mental health resources receives them

(CMHA)• In 2005, more than 500,000Canadians suffered from some sort of eating disorder

(CMHA)• By grade 10, 39% of girls believe they are fat. (Public Health Agency of Canada)• Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the household population (CMHA)• The total number of 12-19 year olds in Canada are at risk for developing

depression is a staggering 3.2 million (CMHA)• Over 4,000 people die prematurely each year by suicide. (CMHA)

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Individual Consequences:

Students will poor mental health have problems adjusting to 1st year of college or university

Sometimes being away from family can have students feel overwhelmed

People that suffer from a mental illness have a hard time relating and connecting to other people

Social Consequences:

Individuals feel like they are alone

Affects individuals quality of life; good jobs, safe housing and good health care

Education difficulties

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Positive Mental Health allows people to…

• Cope with every day stresses• Work productively • Maintain good relationships• Cope with change• Ability to feel and express both positive and negative emotions• Reduces the possibility of having a Mental illness

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Probable Solutions

• Getting professional help• Connecting with others• Staying positive• Physical activity • Helping others• Lots of Sleep • Learn coping skills

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Conflict TheoryThe conflict theory views society as a struggle among different groups and interests competing for power and resources. This relates to mental health and well being because some people that struggle with a mental health cannot get resources due to financial income and transportation. Resources and treatment also depends on your social class. For example, the commercial sector in relation to social welfare is that those who can afford to pay for higher recourses have to pay the cost which it isn’t always cheap. This means those that can afford to pay are usually not put on a wait list for months and months. People with a mental illness are labelled to be weak which corresponds to negative stigma and those people are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Stigma creates barriers to those that suffer from mental illness and this can lead to discrimination.

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Mental health issues can affect our day to day schedule. This means it can hit all aspects of your life; physical, social, economic, spiritual and mental. A lot of people suffer from mental illness because of their poor, negative mental health. We need to take in to consideration that some adults have a hard time understanding how severe children’s mental health/illness can be. It is so important we take mental health issues in children seriously. Anyone who suffers from mental health or illness are able to learn new coping strategies and reach out to get the proper help each person needs. People who have positive mental health are able to control their emotions and behaviours. They are able to handle life’s day to day stresses, build strong relationships and find resiliency in themselves.

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References: Anxiety & Depression Association of America. (2016). Tips to manage anxiety and stress. Retrieved from Mental Health Association. (2016). Mental Health. Retrieved from, P. & Watson, A. (2002, February). Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental

illness. World Psychiatry. Retrieved, P. (2015, August 3). Anxiety: causes, symptoms and treatment. Medical News Today. Retrieved

from & Human Services. (n.d.). What is mental health. Retrieved from (n.d.). The effects of bulimia on the body. Healthline. Retrieved from Mental Health (n.d.). Eating disorders. Retrieved

From Clinical Staff (2015). Definition. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from

conditions/mental-illness/basics/definition/con-20033813Mental Health Foundation. (2015). What are mental health problems. Retrieved from (2012, March 19). Definition of depression. Medicine Net. Retrieved from Guides. (n.d.). Mental health problems, symptoms and causes. Psych Guides. Retrieved from