Mulhall, M. (1992). Finding Strength in Biblical Traditions Part 1. Ottawa, ON: CCCB Publications....

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download Mulhall, M. (1992). Finding Strength in Biblical Traditions Part 1. Ottawa, ON: CCCB Publications. CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROPHET’S CALL.

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Transcript of Mulhall, M. (1992). Finding Strength in Biblical Traditions Part 1. Ottawa, ON: CCCB Publications....

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  • Mulhall, M. (1992). Finding Strength in Biblical Traditions Part 1. Ottawa, ON: CCCB Publications. CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROPHETS CALL
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  • PROPHETS CALL Are people who speak on Gods behalf Have an experience of God hear Gods word, receive Gods plan, speak Gods word Are lead by the Spirit Are critics who see injustice and suffering in the world and cry out against them Speaking of changed attitudes and behaviours for people to assume Challenge that can fix in power to make better choices that can fix the wrongs done towards the poor
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  • PROPHETS CALL CONTINUED Always defend the poor and voiceless persons in society Become the voice of the voiceless Are on the side of the poor where God is Obey only God Not influenced by power, personal glory, possessions Can confront kings, priests and the entire people
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  • PROPHETS CALL CONTINUED Have enormous courage and conviction in speaking out against oppressive situations Have vision and are the conscience of the community Traditionally were sent to the Kings so that the King could lead the people towards Gods way Are always persecuted and mocked as being out of touch with reality Suffer the same fate as the people they defend Prophets success always comes after death Win spiritual victory because of their commitment to God and the poor
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  • WHO IS A PROPHET ANYWAY? TRUE PROPHETSFALSE PROPHETS Do not attempt to call attention to their own person as much as their message Often seek personal glory and praise, and perhaps material reward Often do not see themselves as worthy or capable of the mission God has give them to do, and often ask not to be chosen Often create dissension for its own sake or to serve the goals of the very small, vested-interest group Although they may themselves be the center of controversy, they promote unity, peace and justice Seldom go the extra mile if confronted by the threat of harm to their person Willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary in order to be true to the message they proclaim Despite their faade, will eventually come across as selfish or in serious error about the true nature of the human person Are always concerned about the welfare of others