Muharram-safar 1433 Research Quiz _q & A_ Final

MUHARRAM/SAFAR RESEARCH QUIZ – 1433 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS DUBAI JAMAAT – LADIES TABLEEGH SECTION IN THE NAME OF GOD, THE MOST KIND THE MOST MERCIFUL NAME:…………………………………………………………TEL #:…..………………… 1. Besides Imam Husayn (as), which other Imam is also known as Aba Abdillah? (1 mark) Ans: Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as) 2. Who was Nu’man ibn Basheer? (2 mark) Ans: He was the Governor of Kufa when Hazrat Muslim Bin Aqeel reached Kufa. Yazid dismissed him and replaced him with Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad because he did not take any action against Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel. 3. What were the names of the 3 brothers of Hazrat Abbas (as) who were martyred on the day of A’shura? (1 mark) Ans: Uthman, Abdullah and J’afar 4. According to Imam Hassan Al-Askari (as) what are the five marks of a believer? (2-1/2 marks) a. Praying 51 raka’a salaat daily (17 Wajib + 23 Nafila + 11 Tahajjud) b. Audible recitation of Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem while praying c. Wearing a ring (Aqeeq) on one’s right finger d. Doing sajda on turbah (earth of Karbala) e. Reciting Ziyarat of Arba’een 5. Imam Husayn (as)’s massacre is mentioned in the Holy Qu’ran as Dhib-hin Azeem. Which Surah mentions this? (2 marks) Ans: Surah Saffat 6. Who was Ma′qqil or Ma’qqal? (1 mark) Ans: Spy of Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad who helped trace Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel by pretending to be a lover of Ahlulbayt (as)

Transcript of Muharram-safar 1433 Research Quiz _q & A_ Final

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NAME:…………………………………………………………TEL #:…..…………………

1. Besides Imam Husayn (as), which other Imam is also known as

Aba Abdillah? (1 mark) Ans: Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as)

2. Who was Nu’man ibn Basheer? (2 mark)

Ans: He was the Governor of Kufa when Hazrat Muslim Bin Aqeel

reached Kufa. Yazid dismissed him and replaced him with Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad because he did not take any action against

Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel.

3. What were the names of the 3 brothers of Hazrat Abbas (as) who were martyred on the day of A’shura? (1 mark)

Ans: Uthman, Abdullah and J’afar

4. According to Imam Hassan Al-Askari (as) what are the five marks of a believer? (2-1/2 marks)

a. Praying 51 raka’a salaat daily (17 Wajib + 23 Nafila + 11 Tahajjud) b. Audible recitation of Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem while


c. Wearing a ring (Aqeeq) on one’s right finger

d. Doing sajda on turbah (earth of Karbala) e. Reciting Ziyarat of Arba’een

5. Imam Husayn (as)’s massacre is mentioned in the Holy Qu’ran

as Dhib-hin Azeem. Which Surah mentions this? (2 marks) Ans: Surah Saffat

6. Who was Ma′qqil or Ma’qqal? (1 mark)

Ans: Spy of Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad who helped trace Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel by pretending to be a lover of Ahlulbayt (as)

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7. From the Shuhada of Karbala which personality was honored

with the title of ‘Abdus Saleh’? (1 mark) Ans: Hazrat Abbas (as)

8. How many times is the word Majlis mentioned in the Holy Qur’an? Quote the Surah and Verse No. (2 marks)

Ans: Mentioned once in Surah al-Mujadilah, Verse No. 11

حوا لكم قيل إذا آمنوا الذين أيھا يا يفسح فافسحوا المجالس في تفس يرفع فانشزوا انشزوا قيل وإذا لكم هللا هللا درجات العلم أوتوا والذين منكم آمنوا الذين (58:11) خبير لون تعم بما وهللا

9. Mention 6 similarities between Imam Husayn (as) and Hazrat

Yahya ibn Zakariyyah. (6 marks)

a. Both born after 6 months of pregnancy b. Both were slaughtered (beheaded) and their heads were

placed on platters and presented to evil people c. The sacred head of Prophet Yahya (as) spoke in the tray of

gold presented to the king, likewise the head of Imam Husayn (as) recited Qur’an on the spear.

d. Both had their blessed heads raised on the point of spear and taken around in cities and provinces

e. The Heavens wept and mourned for them for 40 days after

their killing f. Both received their names from Al…h (SWT). Their names

were not given to anyone before them i.e. Before Nabi Yahya, no-one possessed the name Yahya and before

Imam Husayn (as) no-one possessed the name Husayn g. The killers of both Imam Husayn (as) and Hazrat Yahya

were conceived illegitimately h. Both of their deaths were avenged; Prophet Yahya (as)’s

death was avenged by Bakhtun Nasr/Nebuchadnezzar and

Imam Husayn (as)’s was avenged by Mukhtar-al-Thaqafi.

10. Who was the historian (from Ahlulbayt side) who wrote the first Maqtal of Imam Husayn (as)? (2 marks)

Ans: Abu Makhnaf or AbulQasim Asbagh bin Nubata

11. Which Ziyarat is a du’a as well as a Ziyarat and was taught to us by our 4th Imam (as)? Hadith tells us that this Ziyarat carries

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great reward, and will be kept as a proof of the recitor's love for

the Ahlul Bayt (as). (2 marks) Ans: Ziyarat Ameenullah

12. Identify these personalities: (2 marks)

(a) He sought permission from Imam to go and speak with ‘Umar Ibn Saad’ regarding the blockade of water.

Ans: Burayr Ibn Khuzayr al Hamadani, Companion of Imam OR

Yazeed bin Haseen Hamadani

(b) He sought permission from Imam to go to a neighboring village in order to invite people of his tribe, the Banu Asad,

to come help the Imam (as). Ans. Habib Ibn Mazahir

13. Who said this and on what occasion was it said? (2 marks)

“By Allah! You are evil people. You are the people who, on The Day of Resurrection, will be raised as the murderers of the

Household of the Prophet. You will be known as the killers of these righteous servants of Allah (SWT).”

Ans: Habib Ibn Mazahir said it after he realized how obstinate their attitudes were when Hazrat Abbas and other companions

rode out to the enemy to ask them their motives for advancing towards the tents of Imam Husayn (as).

14. Who said this, to whom and on what occasion was it said?

(2 marks)

“May Allah curse you and your safe-conduct! Do you offer us safe conduct while the son of the Prophet has no refuge?” Ans. Hazrat Abbas (as) said this to Shimr when he offered to grant them safe conduct

OR Hazrat Abbas (as) and his brothers said this to Shimr when he offered to grant them safe conduct

15. According to Imam Baqir (as) how should one perform A’zadari on the day of A’shura if he/she is unable to go for the Ziayarat of Imam Husayn (as)? (2 marks) Ans: He/She should mourn over Imam Husayn (as), weep for

him and instruct the members of the house to weep for him. He

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should establish the mourning ceremony in the house by

exhibiting lamentations and grief over him; the people should meet one another in their homes and offer condolences and

consolations to each other over the calamities which befell Imam.

16. What has Imam Sadiq (as) said about mourning angels?

(2 marks)

Ans: Allah (SWT) has appointed to the grave of Imam Husayn (as) four thousand anguished and grief-stricken angels who

weep over him (and shall continue to do so) up to the Day of


17. What did Imam Reza (as) say to Reyyan Ibn Shabib in reference to Weeping over Imam Husayn (as)? (2 marks)

Ans: Imam Reza (A.S.) said (to Ibn Shabib):

“O Son of Shabib! If it makes you happy (and you desire) to be with us in the elevated ranks of Paradise, then be sad in our grief and happy at our happiness” OR

“O son of Shabib! If you weep over the afflictions of Husayn (a.s.) such that tears flow from your eyes and fall upon your cheeks, Al..h (SWT) will forgive all your sins whether big or small and less or large in number."

There are more traditions in this regard.

18. Who were the 2 people summoned by Walid, the Governor of Madina, after he received letter from Yazeed? (2 marks) Ans: Imam Husayn (as) and Abdullah ibn Zubayr.

19. When Yazid decided to send the family of the Holy Prophet back to Madina, Imam Sajjad asked for 3 requests. Mention these requests. (1-1/2 Marks)


(1) Imam Sajjad (as) requested to see the face of his father, Imam Husayn (as), in order to earn reward by its glance. (2) Imam Sajjad (as) wanted all their belongings that had

been plundered from them to be returned

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(3) If Yazeed desired to kill him then he should dispatch a

person so that he may reach the women to the home of their grandfather.

20. Did Yazid comply with all the 3 requests of Imam Sajjad (as)? (1 mark)

Ans: No, Yazeed did not comply with Imam’s first request.


1. The letter of Imam Husayn (as) to the people of Kufa mentions characteristics of an Imam. Mention these characteristics. (3 marks)

Ans: Imam is the one who: a. Follows the Book of Al..h (SWT)only,

b. Serves Al..h (SWT) in all matters and affairs with justice, honesty and truth and

c. Submits to the Command of Al..h (SWT)

2. What was the main reason of Imam Husayn (as)’s uprising as

mentioned in his Testament to Muhammad ibn Hanafiyya? (3 marks)

Ans: (1) To seek reform of the Ummah of his grandfather, the Holy

Prophet (SAWW)

(2) To Enjoin Good (Amr bil Ma’ruf) and Forbid Evil (Nahy Anil Munkar) and

(3) Guide the affairs of the people as his grandfather (SAWW), and father Ali Bin Abi Talib (as) were doing

3. During his Sermon on the day of A’shura, after introducing himself, Imam Husayn (as) reminded the enemies about which

famous statement of the Hoy Prophet? (2 marks) Ans: “Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise”

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4. In his Sermon whilst leaving Makkah, what did Imam Husayn

(as) say regarding death? (2 marks) Ans: “Verily death is bound with the sons of Adam as a necklace

around the neck of a maiden.”

5. In the same Sermon how did Imam invite people to join him?

(3 marks) Ans: Then whoever desires to lay down his life for us and strive

in the way of Al..h (SWT), should come out with us, for I shall be leaving tomorrow morning, Allāh willing.”

6. The following reply of Imam Husayn (as) was to whose letter?

(2 marks) Astakhairallaah "I seek benisons (blessings) of God in this momentous task" Ans: Miswar ibn Makhramah or

Masoor ibn Makhramah 7. The last letter of the Kufians moved Imam Husayn (as) that he

prayed and wished good affairs from Allah (SWT) and sent a reply to them through Muslim Bin Aqeel. What was the content

of this letter? (3 marks) Ans: "Now then! The dates have grown green and the fruits have

ripened and the waters have over flown. Thus, come to an army that is ready and well prepared. Peace be with you. "

8. Who were the people who wrote this letter? (2 marks)

Ans: This letter was written by Shabath bin Rab’ee, Hajjar bin Abjar Ajali, Yazeed bin Harith, Urwa bin Qays Ahmasi, Amr bin Hajjaj

Zubaydi, Qays bin Ash’ath and Muammad bin Amr Tamimi.

9. Who was Imam Husayn (as)’s 2nd messenger to Kufa? (1 mark)

Ans: Qays Ibn Mashar al‐Saydawi or

Abdulla ibn Yaqtar

10. How did this messenger portray his loyalty to Imam Husayn (as) when he was captured and questioned about Imam Husayn (as)’s letter? (3 marks)

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Ans: When Qays Ibn Mashar al‐Saydawi reached Al‐Qudisiyya,

Ibn Ziyad's army captured him. When they tried to search him,

he tore the letter apart. He was brought to the governor's castle in Kufa, and Ibn Ziyad asked him, "Why did you tear the letter?"

Qays replied, "So you will not know what was in it."

Ibn Ziyad said, "You have to tell me what was in it!" Qays refused. Then Ibn Ziyad said, "You have to go on the pulpit

and curse Husayn, his brother, and his father, otherwise, I am going to cut you into pieces!"

Qays went on the pulpit and blessed Imam 'Ali and Hasan and Husayn, and cursed Ibn Ziyad and his father and the Ummayads.

Then he said, "O people! I am the messenger of Husayn to you!" He told them where he left the Imam and said, "Go help him!"

Ibn Ziyad ordered for him to be thrown from the top of the castle. He fell and died.

11. On the day of A’shura Imam Husayn (as) advised invocation of

which Du’a that should be read when faced with an important need or great sorrow? This Du’a was taught to him by his mother

Bibi Fatima (as). (4 marks)

حيم حمن الر بسم هللا الر

بحق يس و القرآن الحكيم و بحق طه و القرآن العظيم يا من يقدر على حوائج جا مير يا منفسا عن المكروبين يا مفر ائلين يا من يعلم ما في الض عن الس

د و يخ الكبير يا من 7 يحتاج الي التفسير صل على محم المغمومين يا راحم الشد .آل محم

‘By the truth of Yaseen (a title of the Holy Prophet) and the Qur’an full of wisdom and for the sake of Taa-Haa (another title of the holy prophet) and the great Qur’an O He who is able to fulfill the desires of those ask. O He who knows what is in the heart. O He who banishes

sorrow from the sorrowful. O He who dispels grief from those who grieve. O He who is merciful to old men. O He who provides for infants. O He who needs not to be explained. Send blessings upon

Muhammad and his progeny and fulfill for me (mention your wishes).’

12. In one of his Sermons Imam (as) has mentioned a few qualities

that have been attributed to the holy Ahlulbayt (as).

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(a) When did Imam give this Sermon and to whom was he

addressing? (3 marks) Ans: Imam Husayn (as) gave this Sermon on the eve of

A’shura and he addressed his companions and the Bani Hashim.

(b) What were the qualities that Imam (as) mentioned.

(3 marks) Ans:

� Prophethood was bestowed in their family � Qur’an was taught to their family making them

intellectuals in religion. � God conferred upon them the faculty of hearing and

foresight. � They were blessed with an enlightened heart

13. What did Imam say was the reason why they (the people of

Kufa) were disobeying him and not paying heed to his words?

(3 marks)

Ans: Imam told the people of Kufa that the reason why they

were disobeying him and not paying heed to his words, was because their bellies had become full of unlawful, and their hearts were sealed.

14. One of Imam Husayn (as)’s companion, after being wounded, asked Imam: “Did I keep my promise, O son of the Apostle(s)? Imam replied: yes, you’ll be ahead of me in Heaven. Who was this companion and how was he martyred? (2 marks)

Ans: Imam said this for 2 of his companions. Sa’eed bin Abdullah Hanafi and Amr ibn Qarz ibn Ka’ab Al Ansari

Sa’eed shielded the Imam from the enemy’s arrows as he offered Dhuhr prayers (salaatul khauf) on the day of A’shura. Sa’eed

received many wounds from the arrows and spears and died protecting the Imam.

Amr fought with extreme bravery and protected the Imam (as)

from oncoming arrows and swords. When he was severely injured and attained martyrdom.

15. Who was Imam referring to when he said “Now this D’ay ibn D’ay has put forward to me two choices”? (2 marks)

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Ans: Imam was referring to Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad

16. What were these 2 choices and which one did Imam choose? (2 marks)

Ans: The Two choices were to either resort to the sword (engage in battle) or bear humiliation (submission to Yazeed).

Imam Husayn (as) preferred Death (Martyrdom) over bowing down before Falsehood and Tyranny (Yazeed).

17. What lesson do we learn from the choice of Imam (as). (2 marks)

Ans: The lesson we learn from the choice of Imam (as) is that

one should never submit or bow down to falsehood. One should always stay true to Al..h (SWT) regardless of the hardships that one will have to face.

18. What was Imam’s invocation in his last moments of life? What do we learn from this invocation? (5 marks)

Ans: He whispered to Allah: ” Patience upon Your decree O Lord, there is no deity save You.

O the Aid of those seeking help. I do not have a Lord other than You and there is none worthy of worship except You.

Perseverance upon your judgement, O Aid of one who has no helper.

O Eternal who has no end. O Resurrecter of the dead. O You who preserves every soul with what it has earned, judge between me

and them O best of Judges.” Lessons learnt through this invocation of Imam are that ‘Believers should always seek refuge in Allah! For Al..h (SWT) is the only support in all severities and hope in all adversities. Do

not turn to anyone except Him. . 19. When Hur stopped Imam Husayn (as) from going towards Kufa

what did Imam (as) say regarding the world and the people of that period? (3 marks)

“The world has changed its colors; virtue has almost vanished. This is the age of Wrong and the followers of Right have passed

away. A time has come when the true believer has to separate himself from the mischievous mutineers and turn towards his

Creator. Do you not see that the Divine Commands are neglected and what is forbidden is practiced with relish? Life

under tyrants is hard to live and I consider death a great honor.” OR

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People are worshippers of world and their religion is like water in

their mouth. Thus till the time they have abundance of wealth, they follow the religion (remain religious) and the moment they

get into trouble, their religion remains a formality.”

20. Mention 8 concrete lessons learnt from the Sermons of Imam Husayn(as) given on the day of A’shura. (8 marks)


When the world was up against him, Imam took refuge with Al..h (SWT) only. A lesson for us to put our trust in Al…h (SWT) alone

when faced with hardship.

2. MESSAGE OF TAWHEED Imam Husayn (as) begins all his Sermons with praise of Al..h

(SWT). We learn that behind every movement of Imam Husayn the pivotal message is Tawheed.

3. LOVE OF THE WORLD Do not let the world entice you for it disappoints the one who

relies upon it. The one who runs behind the world and attaches himself to it is doomed just as the enemies of Imam who were

too attached to the world which led them to fight against Imam thus killing him, his family members and companions inviting the

wrath of Al..h (SWT) upon them.

4. HAQ & BATIL Between Haq and Batil Imam chose Haq even if it meant being

killed rather than bowing to Batil. In our lives we need to review the choices we make – are we doing the right thing or

submitting to the wrong. At times we need to sacrifice our lives

to be on Haq. 5. IMAM’S REPEATED INTRODUCTION The Imam encouraged the enemy troops to think and ponder over his noble position. He introduced himself again and again as he felt is

was his responsibility to make it clear to the enemy his relation to and his status in the eyes of the Prophet of Al..h (SWT) so that the enemies do not commit this crime, which was unlawful on them, in error. 6. AMR BIL MA’ROOF & NAHY ANIL MUNKAR

Not only should we do good and prevent ourselves from wrong but we should also strive at guiding the misled ones so that they

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to not waiver from the right path. Imam constantly reminded the

enemies to fear Al...h (SWT) and not to kill him for his murder and destroying his sanctity was not valid upon them.


AL..H (SWT) Imam Husayn (as) sacrificed everything he had for the pleasure

of Al...h (SWT); his life, his children and his relatives. The objective of all believers should be for the pleasure of Allah.


Imam’s patience wasn’t out of weakness or helplessness but a demonstration of his steadfastness and bravery. Those who saw

Imam Husayn (as) on the Day of Ashura reported. ”We have never seen a man remaining as composed as Imam Husayn (as)

whereas his relatives and children were slaughtered before his eyes.”The one who sides with God can never be hopeless and the one who sides against God can never have hope.


Selflessness is a characteristic of great people. They give priority to others. Such people are ready to sacrifice their lives or their

properties. Both are valuable acts for God.


11. LOYALTY TOWARDS VOWS & PROMISES Believers should be committed to Al..h (SWT) and keep their promises. The people of Kufa did not keep their promise. Never take side with the wrongdoers. Not to be like the enemies of

Imam who took side with the sinners and betrayed the Imam.

They called Imam Husayn (as) to come to their aid but then they betrayed him. The curse of Al..h (SWT) is upon the Contract

breakers. 12. LYING DESPISED

Al..h (SWT) despises the liars and considers them as his enemies. Lying was the root problem that created Karbala.

Lesson learnt is to avoid lying as it leads to dire consequences.

13. EAT WHAT IS LAWFUL The enemies of Imam disobeyed him and did not pay heed to his

words because their bellies had become full of unlawful and their hearts were sealed. We learn that by usurping wealth unlawfully

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and eating what is unlawful makes people hear the truth but turn

a deaf ear to it. So, we should be cautious of what we eat and how we earn our livelihood.


The Kufians did not have ma’rifat of their Imam that is why they fought him and killed him. It is incumbent upon us to be aware

of our Imam of time and do actions/deeds that will please him (ajtfs).


HUMILIATION When given the choice of either death or humility, Imam

accepted death and fought bravely till the end of his life. Death with dignity is preferable to a life lived in humiliation. Thus we

learn that Al..h (SWT) has given believers a choice in all matters – we should remember to make the right choice.


On the day of A’shura, when it was time to pray the dhuhr prayer, Imam (as) asked permission to stop the fight so that

they could pray their salaat on time. The enemy side did not comply to this request and inspite of the arrows thrown against

them, Imam and his children and companions prayed salaat al khauf. We learn to be steadfast in our prayers and never take it


17. DO NOT FOLLOW BLINDLY On the day of A’shura, Imam Husayn (as) reminded Yazeed’s

troops that if they were not following the teachings of Islam then

as freemen, be independent of judgment. Imam taught us not to follow others blindly but to think independently and to be just in our judgments.

Ref. Books: Imam Husayn (as) & Tragic Saga of Karbala Abu Mikhnaf’s Kitab Maqtal Al-Husayn

Lohoof (sighs of Sorrow) Nafasul Mahmoom Kamil-Al-Ziyarat

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RULES: 1. Please write your answers on the same paper. One entry

per family. In order to maintain fairness, participants are requested not to share their answers with others.

2. Entries to be submitted by Thursday 26th January, 2012 to Sister Raziya Hemraj.

3. Results will be announced by 17th Rabi-ul-Awwal InshaAllah. 4. Prizes will be awarded to the 3 Best Entries.

1st Prize Airline ticket to Najaf/Karbala 2nd Prize Airline ticket to Shaam (Damascus)

3rd Prize Airline ticket to Iran There will be a draw for all the participants for an Airline ticket to


January 1, 2012