THE USE OF SUPER SEVEN COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research at the Twelve Grade of SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan By: WAHYUDI USMAN 10535 3501 08 MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR FACULTY TEACHERS AND TRAINING EDUCATION ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2015



(A Classroom Action Research at the Twelve Grade of SMA KartikaWirabuana I Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


10535 3501 08






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Judul Skripsi : The Use of Super Seven Comprehension Strategies to

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HALAMAN JUDUL ........................................................................................ i

APPROVAL SHEET ....................................................................................... ii

COUNSELLING SHEET ................................................................................. iii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ............................................................... ...................... v

SURAT PERNYATAAN................................................................................... vi

LIST OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................. xi

MOTTO ............................................................................................................. xiii


A. Background .................................................................................... 1B. Problem Statement ......................................................................... 5C. Objective of the Study.................................................................... 5D. Significant of the Study.................................................................. 6E. Scope of the Study ......................................................................... 6


A. Previous Related Research Findings .............................................. 7B. Super Seven Comprehension Strategies......................................... 9C. Concept of Reading........................................................................ 17D. Reading Comprehension ................................................................ 21E. Conceptual Framework .................................................................. 26


A. Research Design............................................................................. 28B. Research Subjects........................................................................... 32C. Research Instrument....................................................................... 32D. The Produce Of Collecting The Data............................................. 32E. Techniques for Data Analysis ........................................................ 33



A. Findings.......................................................................................... 37B. Discussion ...................................................................................... 53


A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 57B. Suggestion ...................................................................................... 58




Table 3.1 …………………………………………………………….. 34Table 3.2 …………………………………………………………….. 36Table 4.1 …………………………………………………………….. 38Table 4.2 …………………………………………………………….. 40Table 4.3 …………………………………………………………….. 41Table 4.4 …………………………………………………………….. 43Table 4.5 …………………………………………………………….. 45Table 4.6 …………………………………………………………….. 46Table 4.7 …………………………………………………………….. 48



WAHYUDI USMAN, 2015. The Use of Super Seven Comprehension Strategyto improve students’ reading comprehension (A classroom action research atthe twelve grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar), under thethesis of English Education Department the Faculty of Teachers Training andEducation, Makassar Muhammadiyah University, guided by Erwin Akib andNurdevi Bte Abdul.

This research aimed to find the improvement of the students’ readingcomprehension in terms of literal comprehension and interpretive comprehensionthrough response journal technique of SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar.

To explain the improvement, the researcher used a classroom actionresearch (CAR) which was conducted in two cycles in which every cycleconsisted of four meetings. The location of this research was taken at the twelvegrade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar with a number of thesubject were 30 students.

The research findings indicated that the application of Super SevenComprehension Strategy was significant in improving the students’ readingcomprehension in terms of literal comprehension and interpretive comprehension.It was proved by the mean score of cycle I was 62.68. It was classified as fair thenimproved to be 77.25. It was classified as good in cycle II. They are higher thanthe mean score of diagnostic test namely 54.40 that classified as poor.

From the dedescription above there was the improvement of the students’reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension and interpretivecomprehension.



By reciting Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, the researcher started the process of

ther activity including the primarily observation, literature review, writing

process, getting research, and consultation. Therefore, the very gratefulness is

adhered to almighty God (Allah SWT) and her messenger Muhammad SAW, who

has given me the best everything to complete the whole process of ther research.

Further, the researcher also expresses sincerely unlimited thanks to her beloved

father and mother (Alm. Drs.Usman Kunnu.’ and Rosdani) and him beloved

brother (Zulfiqar Usman) who love her very much and always give the love,

support sincerely and purely without time. Therefore, the researcher hopes that

they can be always better and success in following thier next life day by day to

respond the love much more till their grand children born then grow up like their

expectation and thanks to headmaster of SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar

(Dra. Ratny Gandrawaty) and My beloved friends and my cousins who has given

supports to me every time and everywhere.

Special thanks are given to Muhammadiyah University of Makassar because

of giving an opportunity to the researcher in getting undergraduate education.

Therefore, the researcher also includes the thanks to the all people and instances

that provide the best four years moment in the blue campus.

1. Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Dr. Irwan Akib,



2. Dean and vices dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP),

Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, S.Pd.,M.Hum, Dra. Syahribulan. K, M.Pd (PD I)

Khaeruddin S.Pd.,M.Pd (PD II), Drs. H. Nurdin, M.Pd (PD III), and Drs.

Hambali, S.Pd., M.Hum ( PD IV)

3. Head of English Department, Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd and her vice Ummi

Khaerati, S.Pd., M.Pd .

4. Supervisors who help very much from the beginning to the end of ther work

(Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd and Nurdevi Bte Abdul, S.Pd., M.Pd.)

5. The last gratitude also goes to all my friends from EDSA and especially for

class K in 2008 that cannot mentioned one by one. It never been forgotten. I

love u all.

Finally, by reciting Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin, the researcher has been

success to finish his work or research according to the target of time and also

target of the research, nothing left or forgotten to do.


Wahyudi Usman




A. Background

Language plays an important role in human life, people tries to acquire,

learn and use language as a tool of communication and simultaneously as social

symbol of humanity. A language is considered to be a system of communicating

with other people using sounds, symbols and words in expressing, ideas or

thought (Smith, 1981:211). As Ba’dulu (2009:5) described that language can have

an informational function in which language is used to convey information to

other persons. This language can be used in many forms through oral and written

communications as well as using expressions through body language. People need

language as a system of communicating to interact to other people and keep social

relation among the language user. These indicate that by means of language,

people can express their ideas and get information through communication

(Fromkin & Rodman, 1983:7).

Language learning is important for human’s social development because

we need language as a tool of communications while communications become one

of tools to create human’s social relationship (Robert M. Krauss & Chiy Yue

Chiu, 1990). As a language which is used by more than a half of population in the

world, English is considered and applied as international language. Since then, it

is very popular and has been spoken and learn by almost people in the world.


English is a tool of communication among peoples of the world to get trade,

social-cultural, science, and technology goals.

In such developing country like Indonesia, English has a vital role in all

aspects of life, particularly in science and technology. As Ampa (2010:6) noted

that the expansion of science and technology on international scale created a

world unified and dominated by two forces, technology and commerce, which in

their progress soon generated a demand for an international language. Further

more, it can be used for developing relationship in the international forum, to

tighten the relationship among nation in the world, etc. Moreover, English

competence is important in career development, therefore students need to

understand and use English to improve their confidence to face global

competition. The students learn English are intended to comprehended and

understand the text book learned in English, to gain knowledge and skill, and to

be ready entering to the university, as one of the text recruitment for students of

senior high school and university.

English is a formal subject in each school in Indonesia which the goals of

teaching and learning English are improving the four English skills. Those are

receptive skills (reading and listening) and the productive skills (speaking and

writing), within a specified word level and relevant grammatical structure in the

context of the specified themes, Bambamg Sugeng & Husna (1988). Suhendar &

Supinah (1992:35), in the communication process there are four different

activities that may be identified in language. Those are reading, speaking,

listening, and writing. They are support each other and cannot be separated one to


each other. Therefore, it named macro skill of language. These skills are

important. So, the students not only learns and masters one skill and ignores the

other. But, they should be learned and mastered in equal degrees.

Among the four skills mentioned above, reading gets the greatest

attention than other skills. Reading is the most important skill that the students

need for success in their studies. Students may rarely have opportunities to talk to

native speakers, but they have to read lengthily assignments in different subjects

with varying degrees of detail and difficulty. As Farhady in Faramazzi, (2000:3),

because of the rapid explosion in the world of science and technology, reading in

English has received priority among other objectives of English language

teaching. That is why the main goal of teaching English in many countries,

especially within the educational programs, is to improve the reading ability of the

students in order to enable them to extract new information from the original

sources in their fields.

In senior high school, to find out the students ability in comprehending

reading materials is very difficult because of some factors, these factor include,

attendance problems, behaviour problems, problems low academic achievement,

low socio economic status, lack vocabulary, frustrating level and defict disorder or

attention defict hyperactivity disorder (Brooks, 1977; slavin, 1989). One of them

is the students lack vocabulary or they are put in frustrating level. So the students

can not understand what they have read. Many students consider English is

difficult and not as their own language. So they lose their interest in learning

English, especially in reading English text. If the strategy of the teaching is


suitable for the students they will enjoy learning it. Students may have ability to

read English reading material, but it does not mean that they can also comprehend

reading material.

Based on the result of observation at the tenth grade students of SMA

Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar, the student’s ability to read passage is very less in

comprehend the meaning of the text. The students are really difficult to

comprehend what they read. The difficulties of the students faced in reading

comprehension are how to find out the main idea of each paragraph, this difficulty

is one of part of level comprehension namely literal comprehension and the other

difficulty is interpretive comprehension in which the students conclude the main

point of the text and what the text talk about. Therefore, the students need

teaching strategy that can develop their skill in reading comprehension. Many

strategies have been applies in schools or collage just to make the students

understand what they have learned, and of course each strategy has good values

for students. This research tries to apply a new strategy namely super seven

comprehension strategies that never been applied at the tenth grade students of

SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.

In this way, students work in pairs by applying seven comprehension

strategies such as making connection, predicting, questioning, monitoring,

visualising, making outline of pov and summarising. It provides an opportunity

for students discuss each other with their pair and promoted social interactions

among class members. This method is also helps them learn when and how to use


different strategies to monitor comprehension and to repair comprehension


Based on the statement above, the writer is interested to study entitled

“The Use of Super Seven Comprehension Strategies to improve the Students’

Reading Comprehension at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Kartika

Wirabuana 1 Makassar.”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the researcher formulated the research

questions as follows:

1. How does super seven comprehension strategies increase the students’

literal comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika

Wirabuana 1 Makassar?

2. How does super seven comprehension strategies increase the students’

interpretive comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika

Wirabuan 1 Makassar?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem statements above, the objectives of the study are to

find out:

1. To find out the increasing of the students’ literal comprehension at the

tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.

2. To find out the increasing of the students’ interpretive comprehension at

the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.


D. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to be a piece of useful information and

contribution for the teaching and learning process. Super seven comprehension

strategies is a good strategy to apply in teaching and learning process. It is also

expected to become a meaningful contribution for the teacher, as a new alternative

to increase the students’ reading comprehension and encourage students’ to read

effectively in teaching and learning process.

E. Scope of the Study

This study is restricted to the use of super seven comprehension

strategies in teaching reading comprehension dealing with the levels of

comprehension namely, literal and interpretive to the tenth grade students of SMA

Kartika Wirabuan 1 Makassar, academic year 2014/2015. In this study, students

learn to use seven comprehension strategies in pairs by using narrative text for

reading comprehension.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

The importance of reading comprehension is stated by many scholars in

many previous researches in English language teaching that supports and to be

references of this study. The previous studies that have implemented some

strategies like super seven comprehension strategies with positive results in

classrooms are as noted below:

Oczuks (2004:2), English language learners in a fifth grade classroom

improved when students used super seven comprehension strategies with their

science textbook. Student assisted one another in understanding word meaning,

getting the main idea, asking and answering questions, and relating what they

were learning to previous knowledge;

Green in Bedell and Oxford, (1996:49) studied 213 students of English

and found that high proficiency students used more strategies than low proficiency

ones, but moderately proficient students used more strategies than either high or

low proficiency students. It indicate that the collection of reading comprehension

strategies which apply in teaching reading significantly work well in improving

the students’ reading comprehension;

Curtis (2002), found that students need to be given numerous

opportunities to apply the different strategies they are learning, and that the

practice must take place in situations that are meaningful to students;


The National Reading Panel, (2000) found that readers need to learn to

work in groups, listen and understand their peers as they read, and help one

another promote effective reading comprehension. Readers who participate in

cooperative learning activities learn to focus and discuss reading materials. The

panel also found that readers learn comprehension strategies and do better on

comprehension tests when they participate in cooperative learning activities.

Related to the previous studies above, it can be that super seven is an

effective way to be apply for reading activity. It covers two parts of language

skill, which are reading and listening, this is focus on receptive skill in

comprehending. Hence, the goal of reading activity can be achiev naturally.

Through those findings, the research is going to apply super seven as how Oczuks

did in her previous research, where the students will read the material together

with their couple for some times then end by reading alone.

The differences super seven comprehension strategies with the other

strategies are the other strategies just allows the students to focus in reading and

find the meaning of the passage. In super seven the students will learn

cooperatively in pairs. This model combines some strategies that will be more

suitable to increase the receptive skills of English, they will apply seven strategies

such as making connections, predicting, questioning, monitoring, visualizing,

making outline of pov and summarizing.

The advantages of this model allow the students to work and learn

together with their couples to find the knowledge from the text they have been

read without further help from the teacher by applying some strategies which


related each other before, during and after reading. This model also gives the

students more control over their learning and social interactions with peers.

B. Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

1. What is Super Seven Comprehension Strategies ?

Super seven comprehension strategies is a reading comprehension

practice that use a number of comprehension strategies. Oczkus (2004:9),

explained that super seven comprehension strategies include seven strategies that

the students or readers apply when they are reading in pair using reciprocal

teaching based on the instructional elements. These reading strategies are: making

connection, predicting, questioning, monitoring, visualizing, making outline of

pov and summarizing. This have a similarity with the Collaborative Strategic

Reading while consist of some strategies that the students apply before, during

and after reading to build their background knowledge about the text and also

consist of two instructional elements. Those are modified reciprocal teaching

(Palincsar & Brown, 1984) and cooperative learning or students pairing (Johnson

& Johnson, 1987).

In reciprocal teaching, teacher and students take turns reading a dialogue

concerning key features of the text through summarizing, questioning, clarifying,

and predicting. Reciprocal teaching was designed as discussion technique and

developed with the intention of aiding students having difficulty with reading

comprehension. Students work independently using some strategies to

comprehend the content of the text. At any time, students can and should received


the teacher support, which helps them to move and solve their problem through

more difficult texts and reading tasks (Oczuks, 2003:2).

The National Reading Panel (2000) identifies the use of cooperative

learning as a proven way to successfully teach comprehension. Cooperative

learning involves students working together as partners or in small groups on

clearly defined tasks. Because reciprocal teaching is intended as a discussion

technique, cooperative learning is vital to its use (Oczuks, 2003:2). Reciprocal

teaching builds on the cooperative nature of learning that causes one’s reading

comprehension to be deepened through social interactions.

2. Implementation of Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

Super seven can be implemented in two phases: (a) teaching the

strategies, and (b) student pairing activity. The implementation steps describe


a. Teaching Strategies

Students learn seven strategies: making connections, predicting,

questioning, monitoring, visualizing, making outline of pov and summarizing.

Making connections and predicting is used before reading the entire text for the

lesson; questioning and monitoring is used during reading the text, after each

paragraph; and after reading the entire text, the students apply visualizing, making

outline and summarizing, Mauren Mclaughlin (2009:202)

1). Making Connections. Making connections is a strategy to activate the students’

prior knowledge and to generate interest that the students apply before


reading. A teacher introduce making connections to students by asking them

to make personal connections from the text with something in their own life

(text to self), another text (text to text), and something occurring in the world

(text to world). The teacher prompts students to tell what they learn from

making connections by giving questions or statements such as, “This story

reminds me of a holiday to my grandfather’s farm” or “does this remind you

of something?” Then the teacher asks them to skim information such as

headings, pictures, and words that are bolded or underlined to determine what

they know about the topic.

2). Predicting. Predicting is a strategy to facilitate their predictions about what

they will read before reading. Students use information from graphics, text and

experiences to anticipate what will be read. When you make a prediction, you

make a guess as to the content of the text based on clues the teacher provides.

As you read, you will either confirm or revise your prediction. You might also

make other predictions. Model how to predict for students by looking and

noting the title, author, cover illustrations (if using a book), and illustrations or

graphics within the text. The teacher may use questions to activate the students

predicting such as “What do you think will happen next?” or “what words or

images do you expect to see in this text?” By this prediction they will easier to

comprehend the content of the text.

3). Questioning. Questioning is a strategy that help the students identify the main

ideas of the text during reading. The students generate questions refers to the

content of the passage. Explain to students that asking questions helps the


reader monitor and understand their reading. "When I ask a question, I ask

something that can be answered as I read." Model for students how to generate

questions. Students can also develop questions based on the text by using 5W

and H questions to identify the most important person, place, or thing. The

questions can be like “who or what is it about?” and “what is the most

important about the who or what?”. One way to identify the main ideas is to

answer these questions. By the pose and answer the questions, the students can

identify the important things of the text.

4). Monitoring. Monitoring is a strategy that teaches the students to monitor their

understanding during reading, and to use fix-up strategy when they realize

their failure to understand text. The students stop and think about the text and

know what to do when the meaning is disrupted. The teacher may ask the

students to reread the passage if they have a problem in understanding the

meaning of the text.

5). Visualizing.Visualizing is a strategy that helps the students to improve their

understanding by using imaginations after reading. The students asked to

create a mental image from a text that have been read. Visualizing brings the

text to life, engages the imaginations and uses all of the sense. The teacher

may ask the students some questions for create a mental image from the text

such as “what are the pictures you have in your head as you read to this text?”

or “can you describe the picture or image you made after you read that part?”.

The students can make a connections between their imaginations and the text

they have been read.


6). Making outline of pov. Is a strategy of considering a story. In the first person

point of view (POV) the story is told as though the author is in it, the I is the

character who tell story, in the third person pov the story is told as it happens

to one of the character: she,he,it,or they.

7).Summarizing. Summarizing is a strategy that teaches the students to review

important ideas in the text they have read after reading. After reading a text,

students are able to recall important points and details from what they have

read. Knowledge of text and story structure will help students develop good

summaries. Model for students how to identify key ideas and how to put those

key ideas together to create a summary. When they summarize, the teacher

may ask them to think about “What are the important things and significant

details that the students have learned from the day’s reading assignment. The

students identify and accumulated the most important ideas and restate in their

own words.

b. Student Pairing

Once students have learn the seven strategies (making connections,

predicting, questioning, monitoring, visualizing, making outline of pov and

summarizing), they are ready to apply super seven comprehension strategies in

pairing cooperative learning. Some teachers find it easier to have students work in

pairs and that has also proven to be a successful practice. Procedures for using in

pairs are outlined below (Pressley.M, 2000)

1). Set the stage. First, the teacher assigns students in pairs. Then, the teacher

assigns roles to students.


2). Materials. super seven is design to be used in content area textbooks. It has

been successfully applied in narrative text. To teach the strategy, the teacher

may using text that interesting for the students and provides sufficient context

for vocabulary terms and comprehension. When selecting reading materials

for super seven comprehension strategies, the following factors are

recommended for consideration: (a) reading materials at students’

instructional level, which generally refers to the students being able to decode

about 80% of the words correctly, (b) reading materials having themes and

supporting details to make them easy to make a prediction about the text that

will be read, (c) reading materials consisting of several paragraphs so the

students can practice to determine the main idea of each paragraph, and (d)

reading materials may containing clues/pictures for predicting if any.

3). Process. The basic steps to apply super seven in pairing are as follows:

Step 1: Whole class introduction. The teacher introduces the topic, teaches key

vocabulary, and provides instructions.

Step 2: Students pairing activity during making connections, predicting,

questioning, monitoring, visualizing, making outline of pov and

summarizing. Each pair plays these activities.

Step 3: Whole class discusses the day’s reading passage, answer questions and

shares some review ideas.

c. Teacher’s Role in Students Pairing Activity

Teacher’s role is to circulate among the pairs and provide on going

assistance. Teacher can help by actively listening to the students’ conversations


and if necessary clarifying difficult words, modeling strategy usage, encouraging

students to participate, and modeling a helpful attitude. It is expected that students

will need assistance learning to work in pairing activity, implementing the

strategies, and mastering academic content (Klingner & Vaughn, 1999).

3. Comprehension Strategies

Comprehension strategies are conscious plans that are under the control

of a reader, who makes decisions about which strategies to use and when to use

them. Skilled readers construct meaning before, during, and after reading by using

a set of comprehension strategies to integrate information from a text with their

background knowledge (NRP, 2000).

Comprehension strategies are routines and procedures that active readers

use to better understand what they read. For example, active readers may think

about what they already know about a specific topic after they read the title of a

magazine article. They may predict what the article will be about. They may

visualize parts of the text. They may summarize the main points as they are

reading. They may ask questions as they read. They are aware of when the text is

making sense and when it is confusing or unclear. If they do not understand,

active and strategic readers know how to repair comprehension breakdowns. All

of these procedures are strategies active readers use to make sense of text (Dole,


Researchers have identified and examined an array of comprehension

strategies. (Palinscar, & Brown, 1984). Studies of good readers also identified a


number of comprehension strategies that were shown to be especially helpful and

to lend them selves particularly well to instruction.

Clearly, comprehension strategies are useful to teach and useful to learn.

Some evidence indicates that teaching a set of strategies is more effective than

teaching one on its own (NRP, 2000). However, using strategies help readers

become active and engaged in the reading process (Dole, 2000). As part of

comprehensive strategy use, skilled readers tend to monitor their understanding

continually. They are actively aware of whether they are understanding or

remembering what they have read. Specifically, they are able to clarify the

purpose for reading, identify the important information in a text, and engage in

self-questioning about the text. When skilled readers realize that they do not

understand what they are reading, they are able to apply strategies to “repair” or

“fix-up” their lack of understanding. The students in particular can benefit from

instruction that helps them learn when and how to use different strategies to

monitor comprehension and to repair comprehension problems.

The following seven reading comprehension strategies are taught through

super seven comprehension strategies: making connections, predicting,

questioning, monitoring, visualizing, making outline of pov and summarizing.

NRP in Dole (2000), says that the value of these different strategies is that they

can be useful for developing instructional procedures to teach students. With

instruction and practice, students can learn to use the strategies on their own when

they read. The use of these strategies will help readers become independent of the



C. Concept of Reading

1. Definition of Reading

In United States of America, there are three basic definition of reading.

First, reading means learning to pronounce words. When we read something, we

will study about the words and how to pronounce it to make someone understand

about the reading. Second, reading is learning to identify words and get their

meaning. Of course we read something we want to know the meaning of the

reading. When we understand the meaning, it can make us easier to understand

what the reading purposes and understand what we are reading is a key and

certainly it is a point of teaching reading. Third, reading means learning to bring

meaning to a text in order to get a meaning from it. When we have studied about

the words and the meaning it, we must put the meaning of the words in a context

to make our understanding or comprehension be clear (Harris, 2000:787).

Brown in Asrul (2011:6), describes reading as the ability to draw

meaning from printed page and interpreted the information appropriately. In this

case, reading can be seen as an “interactive” process between a reader and a text

which leads to reading fluency. The reader interacts with the text as they tries to

elicit the meaning.

Nation of Readers (Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, 1985) stated,

“Reading is a process in which information from the text and the knowledge

possessed by the reader act together to produce meaning”.

Leipzig, (2001:352) explain that reading is a process involving word

recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. Learn how readers integrate


these facets to make meaning from print. The readers change the symbols or

writing form into the meaning form. In the reading process, there are many

activities. Those are recognize the words, comprehend the content of the text,

what the readers read fluently or not and how to raise the motivation of the readers

to interest in reading the text.

Based on the description above, it is clear that reading is an active

process that involves eye speed to interact with the writer through the

written materials which requires the motivation and concentration for the

reader in order to catch some useful information from the writing or the

text that we read.

2. Kinds of Reading

There are three kinds of reading that is known as reading aloud,

silent reading, and speed-reading every term of which will be discussed


a. Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is a kind of reading that is expressed orally every

word in the text. It aims to improve the student ability in pronouncing

the word and stressing the word. Teachers can evaluate how far their

students’ pronunciation through reading aloud. The student who

involved in reading aloud activity will get progress because they always

measure their own skill of pronunciation and stressing the words that

shown by the teacher in reading activity.


The objective of reading aloud is to have the learner read

slightly ahead silently for textual comprehension, then “speak” the text

with natural rhythm, intonation, and speed. Reading aloud can be

considered a natural developmental stage of reading that precedes the

stage of silent reading for comprehension. We occasionally need to read

aloud a letter; we may be called upon to read aloud announcements; we

like to read aloud quotes, news items, and sections of articles to friends

(Lado, 1988:183).

b. Silent Reading

Silent reading means that read by heart where there is no voice

is expressed, it is usually done to comprehend the text in reading

comprehension process. Reading silently needsa full attention to what

we are reading. In silent reading a reader tries to find out the main ideas

and supporting ideas during teaching reading process, teacher usually

takes control the class while the student are reading to give some help if

necessary or needed by the students to overcome the students problem

in developing reading skill.

c. Speed Reading

Speed reading is reading faster to get the ideas in answering

some specific question. Speed reading need speed eyes (eye speed) that

help to find out the ideas very quickly. If the eye speed is getting

trouble, it means that a reader will get trouble in speed reading. In doing

speed reading, teacher should evaluate the student about how far they


are and how quick they are finding out some certain ideas regarded to

the given questions his students’ competence in reading comprehension

(Smith, 1978:339).

3. Reading Techniques

According to Team of Five (2006), there are two types of reading

techniques that used to understanding the content of the literatures. The types are

mentioned above are as follows:

a. Scanning

Scanning is the ability to locate specific information that we know

what we are looking for. After we read the normal speed in reading we can

look the specific information, whether to find the main idea of writing or to

locate specific information in the text. When we read to find information, we

move our eyes very quickly across the text. We don’t read every word or stop

reading when we see a word we don’t understand. We look for the information

we want to find.

b. Skimming

Skimming is the ability to identify main ideas. After we read the

normal speed in reading we can look for the specific information, whether to

find the main idea of a text. The eyes run quickly, over the text to discover

what is about the main idea and the gist. This skimming occurs when the

reader’s looks quickly at the content page of a book, or at the chapter heading,

subheading, act. This is called previewing, when the reader glances quickly

trough a news paper to see what the items of the day are, this will often mean


just glancing at headlines. What the reader goes to trough a particular passage

such as a news paper article merely to get the gist.

D. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehensionis focus in understanding the meaning of the

text. The writer intentionally presents opinions of some authors or writer as

follows. Before dealing with the definition of reading comprehension, it is

necessary to define the words reading and comprehension. Hornby, (1974:711)

explain that reading is “the act of one who reads; knowledge, especially of books;

the ways in which something is interpreted”. While comprehension is “the act of

understanding, the ability of the mind to understand”.

Comprehension is the reason for reading. If the readers can read the

words, but not understand the meaning of what they are reading, they are not

really reading. Gifted readers, because they are capable of thinking with more

maturity and complexity, will make the step from fluency to comprehension very

quickly. It is important to provide instruction for comprehension, not only to help

readers understand and remember what they read (which may come easily), but

also to teach them how to communicate with others about what they read (which

may not come as easily) (Dole, 2000).

Now we come to the definition of reading comprehension. Reading

comprehension means understanding what have been read. Thus, reading

comprehension is the process of understanding or comprehending what has or

have been read.


Smith in Faramazzi, (2000:9) explain that reading comprehension is the

capability to understand the idea of one passage. Reading comprehension refers to

reading with comprehension. Thus, reading comprehension is reading by

comprehending the meaning of passage what is or has been read. People who read

something by understanding it can be said that he does reading comprehension.

Chastain, (1988:216) “Reading is a basic and complementary skill in

language learning” second language learners need to read and to read greater and

greater quantities of authentic materials for communication. It involves

comprehension and when readers do not comprehend, they are not reading. When

we comprehend what we read it is like taking a trip around the world, staying as

long as we like, visiting all the places we wish. Reading can be an escape that

takes us outside the bounds of our existence. Reading is our ticket to whatever we

choose to do and become. Reading is our future as well as our past. Don’t be a

reader who reads without thinking or who reads without a purpose.

The NRP (2002), defines reading comprehensionas the process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning. Translating print to sounds

and words while simultaneously making meaning is a highly complex act that is

often over whelming for a struggling reader.

Reading comprehension is the act of constructing meaning from text.

Reading comprehension requires an interaction between the text and the reader’s

knowledge. Reading comprehension is hindered greatly by students’ lack of

background knowledge and by their inability to use comprehension strategies to

integrate information from the text with their background knowledge.


The goal of reading is to comprehendor understand what we read. Simply

decoding or reading the words isn’t enough if the reader cannot make sense of the

text.Getting a complete understanding of what we are reading is important and by

practising reading comprehension techniques it make readers easier to understand

the meaning of the text. Not only will be improve our understanding of the

content, but we will be better able to utilize in reading critically (Khaeratisyam,


2. Reading Comprehension Levels

According to Smith in Ashar (2007:22), there are four categories of

comprehension levels:

a. Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension refers to the main idea, details and sequence.

The literal level of comprehension is fundamental to all reading skill at any

levels because a reader must understand what the writers said before draw

inference or make an evaluation. In other word, this category requires a lower

level thinking skill than the others.

According to Quinn & Applegate in Ashar (2007:22), Literal

comprehension requires that students recall what they have read from the text.

Students use the skill of locating information from the text to answer literal

comprehension questions, as well as their own rote memory skills. Literal

recall students’ opportunities to discuss ideas related to the text. Literal

reading strategies include (a) word recognition, (b) vocabulary meaning, (c)


finding important information in text, and (d) identification of setting,

characters, problems, key events, and outcomes as presented in the text.

b. Interpretive Comprehension

Interpretive reading is based on a literal understanding in the text,

students must use information from various part of the text and combine them

for additional understanding. The students have to put together two piece of

information that is from different part of the text.

Interpretive reading comprehension includes thinking skills in which

reader identify ideas and meaning that are not stated explicit in the text. So,

the reader may make generalization, drawing conclusion, predicting outcomes,

determine cause and effect relationship, identify motivation and make

comparison. In other words, interpretative reading requires the reader to

understand not only what the author means. At this level teachers can ask

more challenging question such asking students to the following:

1) Re-arrange the ideas or topics discussed in the text

2) Explain the authors’ purpose of writing

3) Summarize the main idea when this not explicitly stated on the text

4) Select conclusion which can be deduced from the text they have read.

c. Critical Reading

Critical reading is reading with an awareness of similarities and

differences between what the reader has already seen and what he is seeing in


the work is reading critically. Critical such as expression, overstatement, ides,

opinions repetition and values of an author.

d. Creative Reading

Creative reading is reading with awareness of the stimuli of

imaginative through present in reading materials. The stimulated may be in the

form of problems sensed of new idea or ways of expressions. Creative reading

requires the readers to use their imaginations, it requires readers feeling for the

text and subject. The answer is not found in the text, they come strictly from

the readers while no personal responses are incorrect. They cannot be

unfounded, they must relate to the content of the text and reflect a literal

understand of the material.


E. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework underlying the research is presented in the

following diagram:

Figure 2.1


Teaching Reading Comprehension

A classroom Action Research (CAR)

Literal comprehension Interpretive comprehension

Cycle I





A. Background

Language plays an important role in human life, people tries to acquire,

learn and use language as a tool of communication and simultaneously as social

symbol of humanity. A language is considered to be a system of communicating

with other people using sounds, symbols and words in expressing, ideas or

thought (Widdowson, 1978). As Ba’dulu (2009) describes that language can have

an informational function in which language is used to convey information to

other persons. This language can be used in many forms through oral and written

communications as well as using expressions through body language. People need

language as a system of communicating to interact to other people and keep social

relation among the language user. These indicate that by means of language,

people can express their ideas and get information through communication.

Language learning is important for human’s social development. As a

language which is used by more than a half of population in the world, English is

considered and applied as international language. Since then, it is very popular

and has been spoken and learnt by almost people in the world. English is a tool of

communication among peoples of the world to get trade, social-cultural, science,

and technology goals.



Implementation of super sevencomprehension Strategies

(making connections, predicting,questioning, monitoring,

visualizing, making outline ofpov and summarizing)



The increase ofstudents’ readingcomprehension

Cycle II






The conceptual framework above explains the process of teaching

English reading in improving the students’ reading skill in terms of reading

comprehension dealing with the literal and interpretive comprehension through

super seven comprehension Strategies. In this method includes some strategies

that help the students to activate the students’ prior knowledge, to generate

interest and identify main ideas by collaborative learning in pairing

activity. So, the students can increase their reading comprehension ability

particularly in identifying main ideas, details of text, and how the students

make conclusion and prediction of outcomes from the text through super

seven comprehension strategies.




A. Research Design

This research used a classroom action research (C.A.R). The research

was conducted in SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar in June 2014-2015

academic year in two cycles, and it has been continued in the cycle 3 if the result

of cycle 2 is not significant. It aimed at observing The Use of Super Seven

Comprehension Strategies in Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension.

In this classroom action research (C.A.R), the reseacher used the C.A.R

principle in two cycles to collected the data, in which each cycle are covered with

four stages of activities, namely: (1) the planning, (2) the observation, (3) action

and (4) the reflection. In the following parts, each passage of the activities explain

in details respectively. The details of the research procedures are as follows:

Cycle I

Cycle I refers to the teaching and learning process and it is conducted four

meetings in one cycle, and each meeting is recognized as four steps namely

planning, action, observation and reflection as follows:

1. Planning

In this phase, the teacher made:

a. The lesson plan before doing classroom action reseach, the teacher prepared

set up equipment such as, lesson plan and observation sheet.

b. Instrument evaluation that used in classroom action research cycle.


2. Action

a. The teacher entered the class and introduced the material to the students

b. The teacher began by described the process of Super Seven Comprehension

Strategy on gave overview of each of the strategies.

c. The teacher asked the students to choosen their couple.

d. The teacher introduced the topic, taught the key vocabulary, and gave

instructions to the whole class.

e. The students apply the Super Seven Comprehension Strategies in students

pairing activity during making connections, predicting, questioning,

monitoring, visualizing, making outline of pov and summarizing with their


1. Before reading, the students applied to making connections and

predicting strategies. They made connections between their prior

knowledge to the topic and what they have learned.

2. During reading, the students applied questioning and monitoring

strategies. They looked for the main idea of the text by using generating

and answering questions and then to monitor their understanding about

the passage.

3. After reading, the students applied visualizing and summarizing

strategies. They imagined what they have read in their mind and wrote

some important ideas about the text.

f. Teacher and students discussed about the day’s reading passage. Answered

questions and shared some review ideas.


3. Observation

In this phase, the teacher have observed:

a. Students’ participation and response during teaching and learning process.

b. Students’ competence in reading a text.

4. Reflection

After collected the data, the teacher evaluated the teaching-learning

process. Then, do reflection by saw the result of the observation, whether the

teaching learning process of increasing reading comprehension through Super

Seven Comprehension Strategies reach success criteria based on the test result

of the first action.

Cycle II

It was like cycle I, cycle II also consisted of planning, action, observation

and reflection as follows:

1. Planning

In this phase, the teacher have made:

a. Continued the activities in the first cycle.

b. Repaired the weakness in the first cycle.

c. Designed planning again from the result of cycle I reflection.

d. Action research repair.

2. Action

a. The teacher applied super Seven Comprehension Strategies.

b. The teacher divided the students into pairs.


c. The teacher introduced the topic, taught the key vocabulary, and gave

instructions to the whole class.

d. The students did the making connections and predicting strategies before

reading, each pairs have discussed about their background knowledge about

the topic and what they have learned about the topic.

e. The students did the questioning and monitoring strategies during reading,

each pairs discussed about the main point of the text by using questions and

their understanding about the text.

f. The students did the visualizing, made outline of pov and summarizing

strategies after reading, students imagined in their mind about the topic and

wrote some important ideas about the text.

g. Teacher and students discussed the day’s reading passage. Answered the

questions and shared some review ideas.

3. Observation

In this phase, the teacher observed:

a. Students’ participation and response during teaching and learning process.

b. Students’ competence in reading a text.

4. Reflection

After collected the data, the teacher evaluated the teaching-learning

process. Then, did reflection by seeing the result of the observation, whether

the teaching learning process of reading comprehension using Super Seven

Comprehension Strategies has reached success criteria based on the test result

of the second action. Then the researcher made conclusion of the applying


Super Seven Comprehension Strategies Increasing Students’ Reading

Comprehension at The Twelveth Grade Students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana I


B. Research Variables and Indicators

1. Variables

a. Independent variableis the use of super seven comprehension

strategies in teaching reading comprehension.

b. Dependent variable is the increase of students’ reading

comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika

wirabuana 1 Makassar.

2. Indicators

a. The indicators of the students’ literal comprehension is main ideas

and detail information.

b. The indicators of the students’ interpretive comprehension is drawing


C. Research Subjects

The research subjects of this classroom action research were the twelveth

grade students of class XII SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar in 2014-2015

academic years.


D. Research Instrument

There were two instruments that used in teaching and learning process:

1. Observation sheet.

It used to find out the students’ data about their activeness in teaching learning


2. Test

Test used to get information about the students’ improvement after teaching

and learning process.

E. The Procedure of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the researcher used two instruments. The type of

collecting data consist of quantitative and qualitative data in which the instrument

use test and observation. The way to took data as follows:

1. Observation, the observer observed the students’ activeness and presence in the

teaching and learning process by using observation sheet that will be checklist

by the observer based on their activeness.

2. Test, the researcher gaive essay test to the students in other to know their prior

ability and their improvement after taking actions in cycles, each test consist

of 5-10 questions based on reading test material.

F. Techniques for Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used some techniques of data

analysis were as follows:

1. Test


a. Rubric of Reading Comprehension

Table 3.1 Rubric of Reading Comprehension

No Criteria Score

1. The meaning and grammar are correct 4

2. The meaning is correct and some errors of grammar 3

3. Some errors of meaning and grammar 2

4. The meaning and grammar are incorrect 1

5. No answer 0

(Sudiyono, 2005:43)

b. Scoring the students’ correct answer by using the following formula:

(Mason & Bramble in Hariani, 1978:73)

c. Calculating the mean score by using the following formula:


= Mean score

∑ = The sum of all the score

N = Total number of subjects

(Gay 1981:298)

d. Categorizing the whole score into the following classification

9.6 – 10 is classified as excellent

8.6 – 9.5 is classified as very good


7.6 – 8.5 is classified as good

6.6 – 7.5 is classified as fairly good

5.6 – 6.5 is classified as fair

4.6 – 5.5 is classified as poor

0 – 4.5 is classified as very poor

(Depdikbud, 1985 : 6)

e. To calculated the percentage of the students’ improvement in reading




P = Percentage of improvement

X1 = Mean Score of Cycle 1

X2 = Mean Score of Cycle 2

(Depdikbud, 1985)

2. Observation

The researcher identify the students’ participation in teaching and

learning process by checklist the observation sheet.

Table 3.2 Observation Sheet

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1




This chapter consists of the findings of the research and its discussion. The

findings of the research present the increase of the students‟ reading

comprehension in terms of literal and interpretive comprehension and the

discussion of the research covers further explanation of the finding.

A. Findings

The findings of this research shows that Super Seven Comprehension

Strategies at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuan 1 Makassar

increased the students reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension

dealing with main ideas and detail information and interpretive comprehension

dealing with drawing conclusion, as follows:

1. Literal Reading Comprehension

a. The Increase of the Students’ Literal Comprehension

The increase of the students „ literal comprehension at the tenth grade

students of SMA Kartika Wirbuana 1 Makassar through Super Seven

Comprehension Strategies. The result of diagnostic test indicated that the mean

score of the students‟ literal reading comprehension was still low. The researcher

then began to teach in the cycle I through Super Seven Comprehension Strategies.

In each meeting, the researcher gave each students a text then did some activities

based on the procedure of Super Seven Comprehension Strategies. In the

activities, the researcher gave some questions to build up the students‟ prior



knowledge before they read the text and explained about how to identify the main

idea in the text and know the detail information in text. The researcher asked the

students to do excercises about identify the main idea and detail information.

After did teaching and learning process for some meeting, the researcher then

gave tested to the students. The result of this test indicated that the mean score of

students in terms of main idea and detail informaton in reading comprehension

was still out of target. So, the researcher continued the action to the cycle II. And

the result of the cycle II there was significant improvement.

The increase of the students‟ literal reading comprehension in terms of

main idea and detail information through Super Seven comprehension strategies

can be seen clearly based on the following table:

Table 4.1: The Students’ Increase in Literal Comprehension


o Indicators

The students’ mean score of

literal comprehension Increase (%)

D–test Cycle I Cycle II DT-CI DT-CII CI-CII

1. Main Idea 5.4 6.0 7.0 11.11 29.62 16.66

2. Detail Information 5.5 6.9 7.1 25.45 29.09 2.89

∑ 10.9 12.9 14.1 36.56 58.71 19.55

5.45 6.45 7.05 18.28 29.35 9.77

The table above shows that the significant increase of the students literal

reading comprehension dealing with main idea and detail information through

Super Seven comprehension strategies. The students‟ mean score in diagnostic

test (D-test) before applied those strategies was 5.4 classified into poor. But after

applied those strategies in cycle I, the assessment of their literal comprehension


increased became 6.0 classified into fair. It was greater than mean score of

diagnostic test but it‟s not significant from the target expected based on criteria of

minimum completeness (KKM) was 7.0. So, the researcher decided to organize

cycle II, the mean score of cycle II was 7.0 and classified into fairly good. The

result of cycle II was well enough from the target expected. And than the increase

of the students‟ literal comprehension was D-test to cycle II was greater than D-

test to cycle I in which D-test to cycle I was 18.28 %and D-test to cycle II was

29.35 %. To see the significant increase of the students‟ literal reading

comprehension clearly It indicates that there was significant increase for the

students‟ literal reading comprehension dealing with main idea and detail

information in applying Super Seven Comprehension Strategies at the tenth grade

students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makasar.

b. The Classification of the Students’ Score in Literal Comprehension

The classification of the students‟ score in literal reading comprehension

through Super Seven comprehension strategies in diagnostic-test, cycle I and

cycle II was shown in the table as follows:


Table 4.2: The Classification of the Students’ Score in Literal


No Classification Score

The Students’ Literal Comprehension Score

D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

F % F % F %

1. Excellent 9.6 - 10 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 %

2 Very Good 8.6 – 9.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 %

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 2 12.5 %

4. Fairly Good 6.6 – 7.5 0 0 % 6 37.5 % 14 87.5 %

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5 6 37.5 % 10 62.5% 0 0 %

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5 10 62.5 % 0 0 % 0 0%

7. Very Poor 0.0 – 3.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0%

Total 16 100 % 16 100 % 16 100 %

The table above shows the classification of the students‟ score in literal

comprehension. The classification of the students‟ score in diagnostic test was six

(37.5 %) students got fair score, ten (62.5 %) students got poor score and none

students got excellent, very good, good, fairly good and very poor. In cycle I, six

(37.5 %) students got fairly good score, ten (62.5 %) students got fair and none

students got excellent, very good, good, poor and very poor score. In cycle II, two

(12.5 %) students got good score, fourteen (87.5 %) students got fairly good score

and none students got excellent, very good, fair, poor and very poor score. From

the result, it can be concluded that the students literal comprehension achievement

from D-test to cycle II ranges “poor” to “good” score, classification score in literal

comprehension from the ranges very poor to excellent was the students score in

diagnostic test were poor to fair and most of the students got poor score. In cycle I


the students ranges score was fair to fairly good, there was the increase of the

students score from D-test to cycle I. In cycle II, most of the students got fairly

good score from the ranges score was fairly good to good score. It was better than

cycle I and D-test because none students got fair, poor and very poor in this cycle.

Based on the classification score above indicates that there was the increase of the

students score in literal comprehension.

2. Interpretive Reading Comprehension

a. The Increase of the Students’ Interpretive Comprehension

The increase of the students‟ interpretive comprehension at the tenth grade

students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar through Super Seven

comprehension strategies was raising. There was significant increase from

diagnostic test to cycle I, it‟s also like cycle I to cycle II. Its increase can be seen

clearly based on the following table:

Table 4.3: The Students’ Increase in Interpretive Comprehension


o Indicators

The students’ interpretive

comprehension Increase (%)

D –test Cycle I Cycle II DT-CI DT- CII CI - CII

1 Drawing

Conclusion 4.9 5.9 7.0 20.40 42.85 18.64

Based on the table above, we can see the significant increase of the

students‟ interpretive comprehension dealing with drawing conclusion through

Super Seven comprehension strategies in which at the students‟ diagnostic test

(D-Test), the mean score was 4.9 classified into poor and at the students‟ test of


cycle I, the mean score was 5.9 classified into fair. It was greater than the mean

score of diagnostic test but it‟s not significant from the target expected i.e. 7.0

while at the students‟ test of cycle II, the significant mean score was acquired

namely 7.0 and it‟s classified into fairly good. Interpretive reading comprehension

from diagnostic test to cycle I was 20.40 %, the increase of the students‟

interpretive comprehension from diagnostic test to cycle II was 42.85 % and the

increase of the students‟ interpretive comprehension from cycle I to cycle II was

18.64 %. It indicates that there was significant increase for the students‟

interpretive reading comprehension dealing with drawing conclusion in applying

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies at the tenth grade students of SMA

Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.


b. The Classification of the Students’ Score in Interpretive Comprehension

The classification of the students‟ score in interpretive reading

comprehension through Super Seven comprehension strategies in diagnostic-test,

cycle I and cycle II was shown in the table as follows:

Table 4.4: The Classification of the Students’ Score in Interpretive


No Classification Score

The Students’ Interpretive Comprehension


D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

F % F % F %

1. Excellent 9.6 - 10 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 %

2 Very Good 8.6 – 9.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 %

3. Good 7.6 – 8.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 2 12.5 %

4. Fairly Good 6.6 – 7.5 0 0 % 1 6.25 % 9 56.25%

5. Fair 5.6 – 6.5 0 0 % 8 50 % 5 31.25%

6. Poor 3.6 – 5.5 16 100 % 7 43.75% 0 0%

7. Very Poor 0.0 – 3.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0%

Total 16 100 % 16 100 % 16 100 %

The table above shows the classification of the students‟ score in

interpretive comprehension through Super Seven comprehension strategies. The

classification of the students‟ score in diagnostic test was sixteen (100 %) students

got poor score or all of students got poor score and none students got excellent,

very good, good, fairly good, fair and very poor. In cycle I, seven (43.75 %)

students got poor score, eight (50 %) students got fair, one (6.25 %) students got

fairly good and none students got excellent, very good, good, poor and very poor


score. In cycle II, five (31.25 %) students got fair score, nine (56.25 %) students

got fairly good score, two (12.5 %) students got good score and none students got

excellent, very good, poor and very poor score. From the result, it can be

concluded that the students classification score in interpretive comprehension

achievement from D-test to cycle II ranges “poor” to “good” score. In the table

above too shows that the percentage of the students‟ classification score in

interpretive comprehension from the ranges very poor to excellent was increased.

The students score in diagnostic test was 100 % students got poor score, It means

that all of students got poor score in diagnostic test. In cycle I, the students ranges

score were poor to fairly good score, most of the students got fair score and none

students got excellent, very good, good and very poor. In cycle II, most of the

students got fairly good score from the ranges score was fairly good to good

score and none students got excellent, very good, fair, poor and very poor score.

Based on the classification score above indicates that there was the increase of the

students score in interpretive comprehension.

2. The Students’ Reading Comprehension

a. The Increase of the Students’ Reading Comprehension

Based on the result from table 4.1 and table 4.3 indicates that the ability of

the students in reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension and

interpretive comprehension was increased.

The increase of the students‟ reading comprehension at the tenth grade

students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar through Super Seven


comprehension strategies as a result of table 4.1 and table 4.3, will explain in a

table as follows:

Table 4.5: The Students’ Increase in Reading Comprehension




The students’ Reading

Comprehension Increase (%)

D –test Cycle I Cycle II DT-CI DT- CII CI - CII

1. Literal 5.45 6.45 7.05 18.34 29.35 9.30

2. Interpretive 4.9 5.9 7.0 20.40 42.85 18.64

∑ 10.35 12.35 14.05 38.75 72.2 27.94

5.17 6.17 7.0 19.37 36.1 13.97

The table above shows that the students‟ reading comprehension in terms

of literal and interpretive comprehension before implematation the strategies

indicates that diagnostic test assessment was 5.17 classified into poor, but after

implematation of cycle I the assessment of their reading comprehesion increase in

each result of cycle I, namely 6.17 it was greater than diagnostic test (D-test). It

means that there was an increase of the students‟ reading comprehension, but it

was clasified into fair. So, the researcher decided to orginize cycle II. The

assessment of cycle II was greater than cycle I while the result of cycle II was 7.0

it was classified into fairly good. The increase from D-test to cycle II was greater

than the increase from D-test to cycle I where 36.1 % > 19.37 %. Based on the

table and explanation above indicates that there were significant increase of the

students‟ reading comprehension through Super Seven comprehension strategies.

It indicates that there was significant increase for the students‟ reading


comprehension in applying Super Seven Comprehension Strategies at the twelve

grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.

b. The Classification of the Students’ Score in Reading Comprehension

The classification of the students‟ score in reading comprehension through

Super Seven comprehension strategies in was shown in the table as follows:

Table 4.6: The Classification of the Students’ Score in Reading


No Classification Score

The Students’ Reading Comprehension Score

D-Test Cycle I Cycle II

F % F % F %

1. Excellent 9.6 -

10 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 %

2 Very Good 8.6 –

9.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 %

3. Good 7.6 –

8.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 2 12.5 %

4. Fairly Good 6.6 –

7.5 0 0 % 6 37.5 % 14 87.5 %

5. Fair 5.6 –

6.5 3 18.75 % 10 62.5 % 0 0 %

6. Poor 3.6 –

5.5 13 81.25 % 0 0 % 0 0%

7. Very Poor 0.0 –

3.5 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0%

Total 16 100 % 16 100 % 16 100 %


Table above shows the classification of the students‟ score in reading

comprehension consists of D-test, cycle I and cycle II. The classification score of

the students‟ D-test were none of the students got excellent, very good, good and

fairly good score category, three (18.75 %) students got fair score and 13 (81.25

%) students got poor score and none students got very poor score. From the result,

it can be concluded that the students reading achievement on D-test ranges “poor”

to “fair” and dominant of the students got poor score.

The rate percentage of the cycle I was presented as follows: there were

none of the students got excellent, very good score and good, six (37,5 %)

students got fairly good score, ten (62,5 %) students got fair score and there were

none students got poor and very poor score. It can concluded that the students‟

achievement on cycle I ranges “fair” to “fairly good” and from the table dominant

students got fair and fairly good score.

The classification score of the students in cycle II were none students got

excellent and very good score, two (12.5 %) students got good score, 14 (87.5 %)

students got fairly good score and none students got fair, poor and very poor

score. So, it can be concluded that the students reading achievement on cycle II

ranges “fairly good” to “good” score and dominant of the students got fairly good


Based on result of the students‟ classification score above shows that the

students‟ classification score from D-test, cycle I and cycle II ranges “poor” to

“good” score and it was also increased. The above too shows the students‟ score

classification or precentage clearly of the students achievement before and after


given treatments in apllying Super Seven comprehension strategies that consists

of D-test, cycle I and cycle II while in teaching and learning reading

comprehension process as a result of the students test. The table shows the

percentage of the students‟ classification score, from the ranges very poor to

excellent. The students score in diagnostic test were poor to fair score and most of

the students got poor score. In cycle I, the students ranges score were fair to fairly

good score, most of the students got fair score and none students got excellent,

very good, good, poor and very poor. In cycle II, most of the students got fairly

good score from the ranges score was fairly good to good score and none students

got excellent, very good, fair, poor and very poor score. So, its result shows that

students‟ classification score from D-test, cycle I and cycle II ranges poor to good

score and it was also increased.

2. The Result of the Students’ Participation Based on the Observation

This table shows the students‟ increase of activate and presence based on

the observation result in learning process of cycle I and cycle II after applied

Super Seven comprehension strategies as follows:

Table 4.7: The Persentage of the Students’ Participation in Learning




Mean Score

( )

Increase (%) I II III VI

(%) (%) (%) (%)

I 45 48 51 53 49.25


II 54 59 60 67 60


Based on the table above, the students‟ participation was increased. It

shows that the process of the students‟ activity in teaching and leraning process in

each meeting of applying Super Seven comprehension strategies. The percentages

of the cycle I from the firts meeting to the fourth meeting were 54%, 48%, 51%

and 53%. Moreover, the percentages of the cycle II from the firts meeting to the

fourth meeting were 54%, 59%, 60% and 67%. In addition, the mean score in

every cycle, while cycle I was 49.25% and in cycle II was 60%. So, the result of

percentage of cycle I to cycle II was increased. Its increase was 10.47. The table

above too shows the students‟ participation as a result of observation in learning

reading comprehension through Super Seven comprehension strategies at the

tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar. The table above

presented the students‟ situation during teaching and learning process dealing with

the students‟ activeness and presence in teaching and learning reading

comprehension from cycle I to the cycle II while each cycle consist of fourth

meetings. Based on the chart above, there was changing of the students‟

participation in learning reading comprehension from the first meeting until the

eight meeting in cycle I to cycle II. It was indicated that there was the increase of

the students‟ participation during teaching and learning reading comprehension

process through Super Seven comprehension strategies at the tenth grade students

of SMA Kartika Wirabuna 1 Makassar.


B. Discussions

Based on the procedure of data analysis in the findings shows that the

application of the model of learning reading comprehension through Super Seven

comprehension strategies was significant increased the students reading

comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1

Makassar. It increased the students‟ achievement and their ability to understand

the materials of reading comprehension in cycle I and cycle II. It can be proved by

the result of findings about the students‟ literal reading comprehension dealing

with main ideas and detail information, interpretive reading comprehension

dealing with drawing conclusion and the result of the observation of the students‟

activeness, participation and presence in teaching and learning process.

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Reading Comprehension

During the teaching and learning process in cycle I, the researcher

found that the students were difficult to identify main ideas and drawing

conclusion. As Smith in Ashar (2007:22) stated that literal comprehension refers

to the main idea, details and sequence. The literal level of comprehension is

fundamental to all reading skill at any levels because a reader must understand

what the writers said before draw inference or make an evaluation. In other word,

this category requires a lower level thinking skill than the others.

To solve this problem the researcher had done cycle II and revised the

previous lesson plan. The researcher devided into some pairs so the students can

did their excercise together. They worked together to solve the problem. The

researcher also gave deep explanation about the way to determine the main ideas


and understand the content of the text that concluded in literal comprehension and

drawing conclusion in interpretive comprehension of the narrative text so the

students can understand well.

In the analysis of the students‟ achievement, the researcher found that the

mean score of students in reading comprehension in terms of literal and

interpretive comprehension through Super Seven comprehension strategies was

increased. The students‟ means score in D-test was 5.17 (poor), in the cycle I the

students‟ mean score was 6.17 (fair) and in the cycle II the students‟ mean score

was 7.0 (fairly good). The increase of the students‟ achievement from mean score

of D-test to cycle I was 19.37 %, whereas the increase of students‟ achievement

from mean score of D-test to cycle II was 36.1 %.

The students‟ mean score in teaching literal reading comprehension in D-

test was 5.45 (poor), cycle I was 6.45 (fair) and cycle II was 7.05 (fairly good).

The increase of the students‟ score from D-test to cycle I was 18.28 % and D-test

to cycle II was 29.35 %. The students‟ mean score in teaching interpretive reading

comprehension in D-test was 4.9 (poor), cycle I was 5.9 (fair) and cycle II was

7.0 (fairly good). The increase of the students‟ score from D-test to cycle I was

20.40 % and D-test to cycle II was 42.85 %.

The classification of the students‟ score in learning reading comprehension

through Super Seven comprehension strategies was increased. The students‟

classification score in D-test from 100 % in 16 students was 18.75 % students got

fair score, 81.25 % students got poor and none students got excellent, very good,

good, fairly good and very poor score. In cycle I was 37.5 % students got fairly


good, 62.5 % students got fair and none students got excellent, very good, good,

poor and very poor score. The classification score in cycle II was 12.5 % students

got good, 87.5 % students got fairly good score and none students got excellent,

very good, fair, poor and very poor score.

From the explanation above the researcher analyzed that through Super

Seven comprehension strategies in narrative reading text can increase the

students‟ reading comprehension in learning reading to identify main ideas, detail

information and drawing conclusion, where the students‟ mean score in cycle I

and cycle II was higher than D-test based on the table in the findings.

2. The Increase of the Students’ Participation in Learning Reading


Based on result of observation, the students‟ participation in learning

reading comprehension process through Super Seven comprehension strategies

was increased. The mean score of the students‟ participation in the firts meeting

untill the fourth meeting in cycle I was 49.25 % and the students‟ mean score in

cycle II was 60 %. There was the increase of participation of the students from the

first meeting in cycle I untill the fourt meeting in cycle II. The increase of the

students‟ participation score from cycle I to cycle II was 10.75 %. It indicates that

the application of Super Seven comprehension strategies can stimulate the

students‟ activeness and presence in teaching and learning process, particularly in

teaching and learning reading comprehension.




A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous chapter it can be

concluded that the model of learning reading comprehension through Super Seven

comprehension strategies was significantly increased the students‟ reading

comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1

Makassar. This was shown by the following result:

1. Super Seven comprehension strategies increase the students‟ literal reading

comprehension dealing with identifying main ideas and detail information.

The data in the findings indicated that the students‟ means score in cycle I

was 6.45 and cycle II was 7.05, the increase of the students‟ literal

comprehension from cycle I to cycle II was 9.77 %. So, these trategies had

succeeded to increase the students‟ achievement in learning reading

comprehension in terms of literal comprehension at the tenth grade students

of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.

2. Super Seven comprehension strategies increase the students‟ interpretive

reading comprehension dealing with drawing conclusion. The data in the

findings indicated that the students‟ means score in cycle I was 5.9 and cycle

II was 7.0, the increase of the students‟ literal comprehension from cycle I to

cycle II was 18.64 %. So, these trategies had succeeded to increase the

students‟ achievement in learning reading comprehension in terms of



interpretive reading comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMA

Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar.

3. Super Seven comprehension strategies was effective to make the students

active in reading at class. This shown by the result of percentage of the

students‟ participation in the first meeting of cycle I was 45 % and it was

increased became 67 % in the last meeting of cycle II.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there was a

significant difference before and after the students given the treatment in cycle I

and cycle II in teaching and learning reading comprehension through Super Seven

comprehension strategies at the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1


B. Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion above, the researcher further states

suggestions as follows:

1. There are so many strategies, models or approaches in teaching English

especially in reading that was developed by the expert. Therefore, the teacher

should leave the conventional strategies in teaching. As the researcher saw

when applying Super Seven comprehension strategies, the students enjoyed to

work in collaborative. They did not feel boredom because this strategies

allowed other strategies work together.

2. The teacher is not the source of knowledge, one of their functions is as the

facilitator for their students to guide or give them instructions to get the

knowledge. Therefore, the teacher should give the students many


opportunities to find the knowledge from the text they have been read or

learnt through teaching them the strategies.

3. For further researchers, it is suggested to conduct further research of Super

Seven comprehenson strategies that applied seven strategies in control pair to

find out the effectiveness of this model.



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Name : …………………………

Nis : ………………………....

Date : …………………………

A. Read the text quickly and answer the question!

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon a time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other

parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would

not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was


The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not

understand why the parrot could not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to

say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry.

“You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can‟t you say the word?

Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to

teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the

bird over and over; “Say Catano or I‟ll kill you”. The bird kept not say the word

of Catano.

One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say

Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot

and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner

“You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them”. Said the man angrily.

Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal.

Next, it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the

chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the

door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken

house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot

was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I‟ll

kill you”.

B. Answer the questions below based on the story above!

I. Answer the questions below based on the story above!

1. Where was the Parrot born?

2. Why did the man angry to the bird?

3. Could the bird say every word?

4. What makes the man surprised in the chicken house?

5. Why did the Parrot kill the chickens?

II. Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

1. Paragraph 1 : ...................................................................................

2. Paragraph 2 : ...................................................................................

3. Paragraph 3 : ...................................................................................

4. Paragraph 4 : ...................................................................................

5. Paragraph 5 : ...................................................................................

III. Answer the questions below based on your understanding about the

story above!

1. What are the story talking about?

2. What can we learn from the story?

3. How are your prediction outcomes of the text above?

4. Write down the list of chronological on the story!

5. Make the conclusion of the text above based on your own word!


I. The answer of the questions based on the story

1. The Parrot was born in Catano

2. The man angry to the bird because he could not say Catano

3. No, he couldn‟t

4. The man surprised in chicken house because he saw their chickens death

on the floor that was killed by the Parrot

5. Because the chickens could not say “Catano”.

II. The main ideas of each paragraph

1. Paragraph 1 : A man had a wonderful Parrot

2. Paragraph 2 : The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he

could not understand why the parrot could not say Catano

3. Paragraph 3 : The man was very angry to the bird.

4. Paragraph 4 : After he had been trying so many times to make the bird

say Catano, the man really got very angry

5. Paragraph 5 : The man came back to the chicken house.

III. The answer of the questions based on the story

1. The story talking about the man who have a smartest Parrot but could not

say “Catano”.

2. a. Be patient to face something

b. Something have the benefits and the weakness.

3. If the man can not force the Parrot to say “Catano” and bring it into the

chicken house, their chickens do not died.

4. a. A man had a wonderful Parrot

b. The Parrot could not say “Catano”

c. The man angry to the bird and shouted to the bird “Say Catano or I‟ll

kill you”.

d. The man teach the bird so many times but it keep not say “Catano”

e. The man become so angry and threw the bird into the chicken house

f. The Parrot killed the chickens because they could not say “Catano”


Name : …………………………

Nis : ………………………....

Date : …………………………

A. Read the text below carefully and answer the queastions!


Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived

with her step mother and to step sisters. The step mother and sisters were

conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step

mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such as scrubbing

the floor, cleaning the pot and pan, and preparing the food for the family. The

two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their mother

gave them many beautiful dresses to wear.

One day, the two step sisters received an invitation to the ball that the

king‟s son was going to give at the palace. They were excited about this and

spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last, the day of

the ball came, and away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying

after they had left.

“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” A voice asked. She looked up and

saw her fairy godmother standing beside her, “because I want so much to go to

the ball” said Cinderella. “Well” said the godmother, “you have been such a

cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that you do

go to the ball”.

Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and

mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella‟s

raged dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown. Then she gave

her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella”, she said; “You must

leave before midnight”. Then away she drove in her beautiful coach.

Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and

again with the Prince. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran

toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper

was left behind

A few days later, the Prince on proclaimed that he would marry the girl

whose feet fitted the glass slipper. Her step sisters tried o the slipper but it was

too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the

end, the king‟s page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot

and the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.

Finally, she was driven to the palace. The prince was overjoyed to see

her again. They were married and life happily ever after.

B. Answer the questions below based on the story above!

I. Answer the questions below based on the story above!

1. Why did they treated Cinderella very badly?

2. Why did she cry?

3. Who help her go to the ball?

4. Is she spent her time to dance with the prince at the ball?

5. Why did she left the ball at the midnight?

II. Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

1. Paragraph 1 : ..................................................................................

2. Paragraph 2 : ..................................................................................

3. Paragraph 4 : ..................................................................................

4. Paragraph 5 : ..................................................................................

5. Paragraph 6 : ..................................................................................

III. Answer the questions below based on your understanding of the story


1. What are the story talking about?

2. What can we learn from the story?

3. How are your prediction outcomes of the text above?

4. Write down the list of chronological on the story!

5. Make the conclusion of the text above based on your own word!


I. The answer of the questions above

1. They treated Cinderella very badly because she was beutifull

2. Because she want to go to the ball.

3. Her Godmother

4. Yes, she is

5. Because the magic will stop working

II. The main ideas of paragraph

1. Paragraph 1: There was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with

her step mother and to step sisters. The step mother and sisters were

conceited and bad tempered.

2. Paragraph 2: The two step sisters received an invitation to the ball that

the king‟s son was going to give at the palace.

3. Paragraph 4: Godmother change her with her magic

4. Paragraph 5: Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time

5. Paragraph 6: Prince on proclaimed that he would marry the girl whose

feet fitted the glass slipper.

III. The answer of the questions above

1. The story talking about the Cinderella‟s life.

2. We may not treated someone badly and the evil could never win.

3. If she could not help by her Godmother she could not go to the ball and

meet with the Prince.

4. a. Cinderella live with their Stepmother, and two stepsisters

b. They treated Cinderella very badly

c. The king‟s son was going to give a party at the palace

d. Cinderella could not help crying after they had left

e. Godmother helped her and change her with her magic

f. She go to the ball and meet with the Prince.

g. The Prince look for the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper

h. Cinderella and the Prince marry and live happly ever after.


Name : …………………………

Nis : ………………………....

Date : …………………………

A. Read the text below carefully!


Once upon a time there lived in Verona two great families named Montagu

and Capulet. They were both rich but they were hostile each other.

One day, the Capulet family gave a party, a grand supper and a dance. The

head of that family was so hospitable that he said “anyone may come to this party

except the Montagues”. But there was a young Montagu named Romeo who

wanted very much to be there because Rosaline, the lady he loved had been asked.

The Capulet‟s grand party came, he went to be there with his friends

Mercutio and Benvolio. The old Capulet welcomed him and his two friends very

kindly, he didn‟t know that they were Montagues. So, they enjoy the party. The

amid of the dancers, he saw a lady that so beautifull and so lovable. Romeo‟s eyes

fell upon Juliet and he thought Rosaline no more.

Asking around to learnt the identity of Juliet, Romeo‟s voice is recognized

by Tybalt, a member of the Capulet clan. Tybalt being very angry, went at once to

his uncle and told him how a Montague had come uninvited to the feast. But, old

Capulet intervenes,insisting that no blood be shed in his home. So Romeo is

tolerated long enough to find an opportunity to speak to Juliet alone, still unaware

of her identity.

The vision of Juliet now invades her every thought. Unable to sleep,

Romeo returns late that night to the bedroom window of his love, hiding in the

bushes below. There, he was surprised to find Juliet on the balcony, professing her

love for him and wishing that he were not a Montague. Romeo appears from the

bushes, ready to deny his name and profess his love. They agree to meet at nine

o‟clock the next morning to be merried. And the next morning Romeo and Juliet

were married by the Friar Lawrence.

On the way home, Romeo chances upon his friend Mercutio arguing with

Tybalt in the Public square. And then, he was not deliberately to kill Tybalt. Friar

Lawrence adviced him to travel to Mantua until things cool down and he promises

to inform Juliet.

When Juliet Received the news of Tybalt‟s death and Romeo‟s exile, she

didn‟t ask her father about her marriage. Then, her father wanted she marry to

Paris, a kinsman of Mercutio. Juliet looked for a way to make her marriage with

Paris was canceled. So, she drunk a Potion that made her death for three days.

Friar Lawrence sent a letter to Romeo, but he had back before the letter arrived to

him. He found Juliet had die and found a poison beside Juliet. So, he took it and

drunk it. When the effects of the sleeping potion wear off and Juliet awakens

called for Romeo. Finding him next to her, dead, with a cup in his hand, she tries

to kiss the poison from his lips, but failing that, then she took the dagger of

Romeo and plunged it into her breast.

B. Answer the questions below based on the text above!

I. Answer the questions below based on the story above!

1. What are the name of Romeo‟s family?

2. Whom the lady did he want meet at the party?

3. What made Juliet unable to slept?

4. Why did Romeo travel to Mantua?

5. Why did Juliet kill herself?

II. Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

1. Paragraph 2 : ....................................................................................

2. Paragraph 3 : ....................................................................................

3. Paragraph 5 : ....................................................................................

4. Paragraph 6 :.....................................................................................

5. Paragraph 7 : ....................................................................................

III. Answer the questions below based on your understanding of the story


1. What are the story talking about?

2. What can we learn from the story?

3. How are your prediction outcomes of the story above?

4. Write down the list of chronological on the story?

5. Make the conclusion of the story above based on your own word!


I. The answer of the questions above

1. The names of Romeo‟s family was Montagues

2. The lady that he wanted meet at party was Rosaline

3. Julieat unable to slept because the vision of her invades her every thought

to devised Romeo.

4. Romeo travel to Mantua because he had kill Tybalt

5. Juliet killed herself because she saw her husbant Romeo had dead the next

of her by a poison in his hand.

II. The main ides of paragraph

1. Paragraph 2: The Capulet family would give a party, a supper and a


2. Paragraph 3: Romeo met with a beautifull lady Juliet in a party

3. Paragraph 5: Romeo and Juliet was marriage.

4. Paragraph 6: Romeo chances upon his friend Mercutio arguing with

Tybalt in the Public square.

5. Paragraph 7: Romeo and Juliet were death by love

III. The answer of the questions above

1. The story talking about the love story of two peoplethat is brought to

death because their family are hostile each other.

2. a. Do not hasty in taking action

b. The evil could not pacifier

c. Loyal for something

3. If the letter of Juliet was received by Romeo, they were not dead each

other and live happily ever after.

4. a. Romeo meet Juliet in the Capulet family‟s party and they are falling in

love each other.

b. Their family oppose their relation because their family are hostile each


c. Romeo and Juliet was marriage without without their family‟s lisence

d. Romeo travel to Mantua because he had kill Tybalt.

e. The Capulet family wanted Juliet marry to Paris.

f. Juliet drunk a poison that made her death for three days.

g. Romeo back and saw Juliet was dead and then he also drunk a poison

and dead.

h. Juliet woke up and killed herself by the dagger of Romeo because

Romeo had dead.



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Pertemuan : Pertama (Siklus 1)

Alokasi Waktu : Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

2. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

3. Memeberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

2. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan mencapai nilai minimal KKM.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Read the text quickly and answer the question!

The Broken Egg

“I have no eggs for breakfast, Mr. Brown,” said Mrs. Brown to her

husband early one morning, “so if you want your egg today, you‟ll have to

go over to our neighbour and ask for two eggs, one for you and one for


“Yes my dear,” said Mr. Brown and he went next door and got two

eggs. Since it had been raining, the path was wet. On his way back to his

house, he slipped and fell, breaking one of the two eggs.

When he got home, he said to his wife, “I had an accident. I‟m

sorry my dear, but I broke your egg!”

From Casy Corner I, p. 22.

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada peraturan

Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu siswa

dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiridengan

menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan mereka

menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks secara detail

selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

c. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru dan

siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa diminta

untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk mengetahui

sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca setelah

proses membaca selesai.

5) Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, melakukan

refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan

dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang telah


Menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Developing English Competences for Grade X Senior High School


2. Script text

3. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubrik Penilaian

Aspek Keterangan Score


Memahami semua tanpa mengalami



Memahami hampir semuanya, walau

ada pengulangan pada bagian tertentu


Memahami sebagian besar apa yang

dikatakan bila bicara agak diperlambat

walau ada pengulangan


Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.


Tidak bisa memahami walaupun

percakapan sederhana


Makassar, 2015


Wahyudi Usman



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartka Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Pertemuan : Kedua

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

2. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

3. Memeberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

2. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan mencapai nilai minimal KKM.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Read the text below carefully!

The Fox and The Bird

One day, a fox saw a bird sitting on the branch of a tree. In it mouth the

bird had some food. The fox wanted this food because he was very hungry.

“You are a beautiful bird,” the fox said, “but can you sing?”

“Of course I can sing,” thought the bird, “this is a very stupid fox.” He

opened his mouth to sing and dropped the food. The fox caught the food and

said, “Yes you can sing, and you are very beautiful, but you are not very

smart.” And the fox ran away with the food.

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada


Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu

siswa dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri

dengan menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan

mereka menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks

secara detail selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

c. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru

dan siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa

diminta untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk

mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang

dibaca setelah proses membaca selesai.

5). Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan,

melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah

dilakukan dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan

belum bisa mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang

telah diajarkan.

Guru menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku Look Ahead 1 , English for Better Life

2. Buku Inter-Language Kelas X

3. Teks Otentik

4. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

Aspek Keterangan Score


Memahami semua tanpa mengalami



Memahami hampir semuanya, walau

ada pengulangan pada bagian tertentu


Memahami sebagian besar apa yang

dikatakan bila bicara agak diperlambat

walau ada pengulangan


Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.


Tidak bisa memahami walaupun

percakapan sederhana


Makassar, 2015


Wahyudi Usman



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Pertemuan : Ketiga

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

2. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

3. Memberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

2. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan mencapai nilai minimal KKM

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Narrative dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

a. Purpose

To amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experiences

in different ways. (Untuk menghibur pembaca melalui cerita).

b. Generic structure.

1) Orientation: Sets the scene and introduces the participants.

(Memperkenalkan tokoh dan setting)

2) Complication : A crisis arises (Munculnya masalah).

3) Resolution : the crisis is resolved (Terselesainya masalah).

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1.Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada peraturan

Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu siswa

dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri

dengan menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan

mereka menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks

secara detail selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

c. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru dan

siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa diminta

untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk mengetahui

sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca setelah

proses membaca selesai.

5). Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, melakukan

refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan

dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang telah


Guru menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1.BukuEnglish Texts in Use jilid XI, English for Better Life XI

2.Teks Otentik

3. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

Aspek Keterangan Score


Memahami semua tanpa mengalami



Memahami hampir semuanya, walau

ada pengulangan pada bagian tertentu


Memahami sebagian besar apa yang

dikatakan bila bicara agak diperlambat

walau ada pengulangan


Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.


Tidak bisa memahami walaupun

percakapan sederhana


Makassar 2015


Wahyudi Usman



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Teks

Pertemuan : Keempat

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

2. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

3. Memberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

2. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan dapat mencapai nilai minimal KKM

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Read the text below!


Once upon a time, there lived a blind man who had never seen the sun. He

asked a friend to tell him what it was like.

“It‟s like a brass plate”, his friend said. The blind man struck a brass plate

with a stick and listened to the sound. Every time he heard a similar sound, he

thought it was the sun.

His friend explained that “the sun is like a candle‟. The blind man felt a

candle with his hand. He believed it was the same shape as the sun.

Then his friend told him that the sun is like a great ball of fire. Later that

winter, whenever the blind man sat in front of a fire, he thought it was the sun.

The sun is really quite different from all these things; but the blind man did

not know this because he could not see it.

In the same way, the Truth is often hard to see. If you cannot see it when it

is right in front of you, then you are just like the blind man.

Answer these Questions below:

1. What did the blind man‟s friend compare the sun to?

2. Which one of these things do you think is most similar to the sun?

3. What would you compare the sun to? Why?

4. Why is the truth like the sun?

5. Write down the main idea of each paragraph!

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada peraturan

Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu siswa

dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri

dengan menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan

mereka menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks

secara detail selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

c. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru dan

siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa diminta

untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk mengetahui

sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca setelah

proses membaca selesai.

5). Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, melakukan

refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan

dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang telah


Guru menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1.BukuEnglish Texts in Use jilid XI, English For Better Life XI

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

Aspek Keterangan Score


Memahami semua tanpa mengalami



Memahami hampir semuanya, walau

ada pengulangan pada bagian tertentu


Memahami sebagian besar apa yang

dikatakan bila bicara agak diperlambat

walau ada pengulangan


Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.


Tidak bisa memahami walaupun

percakapan sederhana


Makassar, 2015

Wahyudi Usman



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X II/ I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Teks

Pertemuan : Kelima (Siklus 2)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

4. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

5. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsonal pendek berbentuk narrative.

6. Memberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

3. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada tekk

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

4. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan mencapai nilai minimal KKM

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Read the text below carefully !


Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She

lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.

One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow

White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they

didn‟t have enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this so she

decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away

from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast. She ran away

into the woods.

She was very tired and hungry.

Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered

so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They

went inside. There they found Snow White slipping. Then Snow White

woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow

White said, „My name is Snow White‟.

Doc said, „if you wish, you may live here with as”. Snow White

said, „oh could? Thank you‟. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole

story. She and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

4. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada peraturan

Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

5. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

d. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

e. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu siswa

dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri dengan

menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan mereka

menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks secara detail

selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

f. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru dan

siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa diminta

untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk mengetahui

sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca setelah

proses membaca selesai.

5) Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, melakukan

refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan

dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

6. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang telah


Menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Developing English Competencies for Grade XII Senior High School


I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

Aspek Keterangan Score


Memahami semua tanpa mengalami



Memahami hampir semuanya, walau

ada pengulangan pada bagian tertentu


Memahami sebagian besar apa yang

dikatakan bila bicara agak diperlambat

walau ada pengulangan


Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.


Tidak bisa memahami walaupun

percakapan sederhana


Makassar, 2015


Wahyudi Usman



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X II/ I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Pertemuan : Keenam (Siklus 2)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

2. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

3. Memberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

2. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan mencapai nilai minimal KKM

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Read the text below carefully!


A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should

have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew

that his wife was not strong enough to do the digging, although she could

manage to do the planting. He also knew that none of his friends or neighbours

would be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife

saying, “Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there”.

Ten days later, he got a letter from his wife saying, “I think somebody

must have read your letter before it left the prison. Some policemen came two

days ago and dug up the entire potato field. What should I do now?”

The prisoner wrote back at once, “Plant the potatoes of cource.”

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

4. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada


Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

5. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

d. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

e. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu

siswa dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri

dengan menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan

mereka menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks

secara detail selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

f. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru

dan siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa

diminta untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk

mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang

dibaca setelah proses membaca selesai.

5). Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan,

melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah

dilakukan dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan

belum bisa mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

6. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang

telah diajarkan.

Guru menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku Look Ahead 1 , English for Better Life

2. Buku Inter-Language Kelas X

3. Script Text

4. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

Aspek Keterangan Score


Memahami semua tanpa mengalami



Memahami hampir semuanya, walau

ada pengulangan pada bagian tertentu


Memahami sebagian besar apa yang

dikatakan bila bicara agak diperlambat

walau ada pengulangan


Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.


Tidak bisa memahami walaupun

percakapan sederhana


Makassar, 2015


Wahyudi Usman



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Text

Pertemuan : Ke tujuh (Siklus 2)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative.

Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

Memeberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

2. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan dapat mencapai nilai minimal KKM.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana berbentuk narrative,contohnya:

The Lady and the Mouse

One day a lady saw a mouse run across her kitchen floor. She was afraid

of mice, so she ran out of the house, got on a bus and went to a store. There

she bought a mouse-trap. The shopkeeper said to her, “Put some cheese in it,

and you will soon catch the mouse.”

The lady went home with her mouse-trap, but when she looked in her

cupboard, she could not find any cheese. She did not want to go back to the

store because it was very late, so she cut out a picture of some cheese out from

a magazine and put it in the trap.

Surprisingly, the picture was quite successful. When the lady came down

to check the trap the next morning, she found a picture of a mouse next to the

picture of the cheese.

F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada peraturan

Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu siswa

dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri

dengan menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan

mereka menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks

secara detail selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

d. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru dan

siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa diminta

untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk mengetahui

sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca setelah

proses membaca selesai.

5). Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, melakukan

refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan

dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

3.Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang telah


Guru menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku English Texts in Use jilid XI, English for Better Life XI

2. Script Text

3. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

1. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

2. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

3. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

No Criteria Score

1. The meaning and grammar are correct 4

2. The meaning is correct and some errors of grammar 3

3. Some errors of meaning and grammar 2

4. The meaning and grammar are incorrect 1

5. No answer 0

Makassar 2015


Guru Pembimbing



Nama Sekolah : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / I

Tahun Pelajaran : 2014/2015

Aspek/Skill : Reading

Jenis Teks : Narrative Teks

Pertemuan : Ke delapan (Siklus 2)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit / 1 X Pertemuan

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana

berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses

ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan


C. Indikator

4. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk narrative

5. Menemukan main idea dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative

6. Memberikan tanggapan tentang isi bacaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

3. Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat membuat catatan tentang berbagai

informasi, menemukan main idea dan membuat kesimpulan pada teks

fungsional pendek berbentuk narrative.

4. Pada akhir evaluasi siswa diharapkan dapat mencapai nilai minimal KKM.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Read the text carefully!

The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Once the re was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was

Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the

land was the daughter of Prabu Baka, an evil King.

One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named

Bandung Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess

Rara Jonggrang‟s beuty, Bandung Bondowoso felt in love with her and

wanted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her death father. She

did not want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she

was also afraid of Bandung. So to refuse politely, she made a condition.

“I will marry with you but you have to build one thousand temples

in one night as a wedding gift.” Requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung

agreed with the condition.

Helped by the spirit of the demos, Bandung started building the

temples. Approaching midnight the work would nearly be done. Rara

Jonggrang knew and thought. “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I.

I would lose against Bandung.”

Suddenly she God an idea. She woke up all the women in the place

and ordered them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the

roosters thought it had already been dawn Bandung Bondowoso got

fristated because he failed completing the thousandth temple.

“The Princess has deceived me!”

Following his anger, he cursed Rara Jonggrang, “You have been

cheated. Now the thousandth temple is you!”

At once, the Princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung

Bondowoso regretted and the went away into a far land. From then people

called it the Prambanan Temple and princess statue as Rara Jonggrang


F. Metode/Strategi Pembelajaran

Super Seven Comprehension Strategies

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (10 Menit)

Greetings and motivation

Guru mengabsensi siswa guna menanamkan sikap patuh pada peraturan

Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dasar dan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 Menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam eksplorasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi yang akan membantu

dalam mengaktifkan pengetahuan awal mereka sebelum proses


1). Making connections.

Dalam making connections, siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan

antara topik dengan latar belakang pengetahuan mereka, dengan

berbagai referensi lainnya atau dengan kehidupan di sekeliling kita

untuk membangkitkan penegetahuan awal siswa tentang topik


2). Predicting

Siswa diminta untuk membuat prediksi tentang apa yang akan

dipelajari selanjutnya terkait topik pembelajaran, hal ini untuk

membangkitkan ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam elaborasi, siswa menerapkan dua strategi selanjutnya yang

diterapkan selama proses membaca berlangsung untuk membantu siswa

dalam memahami makna teks.

3). Questioning

Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan untuk diri mereka sendiri

dengan menggunakan 5W+H Questions untuk memudahkan

mereka menetukan ide pokok paragraph dan mengetahui isi teks

secara detail selama proses membaca.

4). Monitoring

Siswa menerapkan monitoring untuk mengukur sejauh mana

pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca, dan melakukan fix-

up ketika terjadi kesalahan pemahaman.

c. Konfirmasi

Sebagaiman dalam konfirmasi yaitu terjadi umpan balik antara guru dan

siswa serta memberikan penguatan kepada siswa, maka siswa diminta

untuk menerapkan visualizing dan summarizing untuk mengetahui

sejauh mana pemahaman mereka terhadap teks yang dibaca setelah

proses membaca selesai.

5). Visualizing

Siswa diminta untuk memikirkan atau membayangkan sesuatu di

pikiran mereka tentang teks yang telah dibaca.

6). Summarizing

Siswa diminta untuk menyimpulkan isi teks yang telah dibaca

menggunakan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pemahaman masing-


Berdasarkan dari hasil visualizing dan summarizing siswa, guru

memberikan umpan balik dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, melakukan

refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan

dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa

mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.

3. Kegiatan Akhir (10 Menit)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi

pelajaran yang kurang dipahami.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa terkait materi pelajaran yang telah


Guru menutup pelajaran.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku English Texts in Use jilid XI, English For Better Life XI

2. Teks Otentik

3. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

I. Penilaian

Penilaian meliputi :

Teknik : Tes membaca dan menulis

Bentuk Instrument : Menjawab pertanyaaan berdasarkan isi teks

Instrument : Narrative text

Pedoman Penilaian

4. Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4

5. Jumlah skor maksimal yaitu jumlah soal kali 4

6. Nilai siswa :


x 10 = ...

Rubric Penilaian

No Criteria Score

1. The meaning and grammar are correct 4

2. The meaning is correct and some errors of grammar 3

3. Some errors of meaning and grammar 2

4. The meaning and grammar are incorrect 1

5. No answer 0




THE 1th


Narrative Text

The purpose of narrative text is to entertain, to tell a story or to provide an

esthetic literacy experience. Narrative text is based on life experience and is

person oriented using dialogue and familiar language.

Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning

point of some kind (climax), which in turn finds a resolution. Someone tells a

narrative text in order to entertain, stimulate emotion or to teach. A narrative

text uses simple past tense.

A narrative is a story containing the setting, the characters, the problems,

and solutions. The middle of a narrative is organized round a plot. The plot

includes a series of episodes that are written by the author to hold our attention

and build excitement as the story progresses.

Text Organization:


Introducing the characters of the story, the setting (the time and place the

story happened (Who/What, When, and Where).


A series of events or problems (a series of problems) was faced by the

main character and he/she was trying to overcome it in which the main

character attempts to solve the problem.


The ending of the story containing the solution of the problem.

Grammatical Features:

The use of noun phrases, such as a beautiful princess, a huge temple

The use of connectives, such as first, before that, then, finally

The use of adverbial phrases, such as in the garden, two days ago

The use of simple past tense, he walked away from the village

The use of action verbs (walk, sleep, wake up)

The use of saying verbs (say, tell, ask)

Read the text quickly and answer the question!

The Broken Egg

“I have no eggs for breakfast, Mr. Brown,” said Mrs. Brown to her

husband early one morning, “so if you want your egg today, you‟ll have to go

over to our neighbour and ask for two eggs, one for you and one for me.”

“Yes my dear,” said Mr. Brown and he went next door and got two

eggs. Since it had been raining, the path was wet. On his way back to his

house, he slipped and fell, breaking one of the two eggs.

When he got home, he said to his wife, “I had an accident. I‟m sorry

my dear, but I broke your egg!”

From Casy Corner I, p. 22.

The use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses (she felt hungry,

she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning)

Focus specific and usually individually participants

Use of material processes, behavioral and verbal processes

Use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumstances.





Historical fiction

Mystery, science fiction, realistic fiction




A. Answer the questions below based on the text above!

1. Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

2. What is the problem of Mrs. Brown faced?

3. Where did hey look for eggs?

4. Did he find the eggs?

5. How is your prediction outcomes of the text above?

6. Write down the list of chronological on the story!

7. Make the conclusion of the text above based on your own word!

THE 2nd



Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang

telah terjadi pada masa lampau dan tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali

dengan masa sekarang.

a. Bentuk Nominal

(+) S + To Be + Non Verb

(-) S + To be + Not + Non Verb

(?) To be + S + Non verb

Where To be here are was/were

Example :

1. She was in my house yesterday

2. She was not in my house yesterday

3. Was she in my house yesterday?

b. Bentuk Verbal

(+) S + V2 + O/C

(-) S + Did + Not + V1

(?) Did + S + V1

Example :

1. He went to school yesterday

2. He did not go to school yesterday

3. Did he go to school yesterday?


Read the text below carefully!

The Fox and The Bird

One day, a fox saw a bird sitting on the branch of a tree. In it

mouth the bird had some food. The fox wanted this food because he was

very hungry.

“You are a beautiful bird,” the fox said, “but can you sing?”

“Of course I can sing,” thought the bird, “this is a very stupid fox.”

He opened his mouth to sing and dropped the food. The fox caught the food

and said, “Yes you can sing, and you are very beautiful, but you are not very

smart.” And the fox ran away with the food.

True or false!

(…..) 1. The fox heard the bird sing.

(…..) 2. The fox not as clever as the bird.

(…..) 3. The bird said to the fox, “Of course I can sing!”

(…..) 4. The fox outsmarted the bird.

(…..) 5. The bird was sitting on a bench.

Answer the questions below based on the text above.

1. Why did the fox want the food ?

2. Why did the bird open its mouth ?

3. Why did the bird want to sing ?

4. Did the fox have any food at first ?

5. What did the fox do when the bird dropped the food ?

6. Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

7. Make the conclusion of the story by using your own word!

THE 3rd


Read the following narrative text carefully!


Long time ago there lived in West Sumatra a poor window with her

son called Malin Kundang. Everyday they went to the forest to look for

firewood to sell. Malin Kundang didn‟t satisfy with their life. He wanted to

become a rich man. He asked his mother to let him go abroad. His mother was

very sad. She let him go away, however she loved him much.

Day by day, year by year she waited by from him but she never got

any news from him.

One day a big ship cast anchor for the night. The owner of the ship

was a rich merchant called Malin Kundang. The poor window was very glad.

She went to the ship to see Malin.

Went Malin saw an old lady like a beggar come to see him, he refused

to meet her. He knew that the old woman was his mother, but he was ashamed

to confess her as his mother. He scolded her before his man and his beautiful


The old woman was very sad. She cried sorrowly and cursed him to be

a stone.

Finally the hand wind blew violently and the ship sack down not far

away from the beach. Suddenly it turned into a stone.

Now when we go to the beach not far away from Padang, we still can

see the stone shaped like a ship. People say, that is was Malin Kundang‟s ship.

Malin Kundang was really a sinful boy.

Practice 1

Answer the questions below!

1. Write down the main idea of each paragraph!

2. What are the story talking about?

3. Write down the chronological story of the text!

4. What is the main problem of the text?

5. Make the conclusion about the text?

THE 4th


Read the text below!


One day, a young wanderer got lost in a wood. Suddenly he saw a light

from an old hut. He knocked on the door, and an old woman opened it. She

was crying. She said that the devil had stolen her magic candle. The candle

could grant anything she asked. The wanderer asked her where the devil lived.

“In a castle not far from here,” said the old woman. The wonderer went to the

castle. There she found the devil, but he was old and weak.

Therefore when the wanderer grabbed the magic candle from the devil‟s

table and ran a way, he couldn‟t chase him.

But the wanderer was not a kind man. He didn‟t return the candle to the

old woman, but kept it for himself he lit the candle and made a wish, “I want

to go far away from here.” Suddenly the genies appeared and took him to a

beautiful palace. There was party in the palace. The wanderer wanted to make

some money. So he lit the candle again and wished for some jewelry. He sold

them to the guests and was soon making a lot of money. Then the princess

came to buy the jewelry, but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love

with her and asked her to marry him. The kind princess said yes, and they got

married the next day. In his happiness, the wanderer told the princess about his

adventure and the magic candle. Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At

night she lit the candle and wished that the wanderer disappear.

In the morning the wanderer a woke and found himself back in his ugly

house in the village.

Answer the questions below!

1. a. Who got lost in a wood?

b. Why was the old woman crying?

c. Did the wanderer return the candle to the old woman?

2. What are the story talking about?

3. Write down the main idea of each paragraph?

4. Make the conclusion of the story by using your own word?


THE 1st


Practice 1

Read the text below carefully !


Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived

with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.

One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in

the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn‟t have

enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this so she decided it

would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home

when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.

She was very tired and hungry.

Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she

went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went

inside. There they found Snow White slipping. Then Snow White woke up.

She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow White said,

„My name is Snow White‟.

Doc said, „if you wish, you may live here with as”. Snow White said, „oh

could? Thank you‟. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story. She

and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Practice 2

Write down the meaning of the words below!

a. Snow White d. Cottage g. Work

b. Castle e. Dwarfs h. Aunt

c. Woods f. Uncle i. Sleeping.

Practice 3

Answer the questions below based on the text above!

1. What are the text talking about?

2. Why did Snow white ran away?

3. Who helped her into the woods?

4. Write down the main idea of each paragraph!

5. Write down the conclusion of the story!

THE 2nd



Read the text below carefully!


A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have

been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that

his wife was not strong enough to do the digging, although she could manage

to do the planting. He also knew that none of his friends or neighbours would

be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife saying,

“Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there”.

Ten days later, he got a letter from his wife saying, “I think somebody

must have read your letter before it left the prison. Some policemen came two

days ago and dug up the entire potato field. What should I do now?”

The prisoner wrote back at once, “Plant the potatoes of cource.”

Answer the questions below based on the text above!

1. Who is the “prisoner”?

2. Who dug the potato field?

3. When was the Potato farmer sent to prison?

4. Would his wife be strong enough to do the digging?

5. Was she strong enough to do the planting?

6. Did he have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to help?

7. Write down the main idea of each paragraph?

8. Make the conclusion of the story by using your own word?

THE 3rd


Read the text carefully!


One day, a rat walked past a lion sleeping ina deep for est. just then, the

lion woke up and saw the rat. He caught it with his paw.

“What a tasty meal!” he said.

“Mr. Lion, King of the Forest,” cried the rat, “please have a pity on me.

I‟m too small to make a good meal for you. If you let me go, I‟ll always be

grateful to you. Perhaps one day I shall be able to repay you for your


The lion laughed, “How can you ever repay me?”

But since he was not feeling very hungry, he let the rat go.

The next day, the rat heard a loud noise in the forest. He ran to see what it

was. It was the lion. He had falled into a hole in the ground and was caught in

a rope net.

The lion looked up and saw the rat. “Mr. Rat,” he called out, “Mr. Rat,

please jump down and help me.”

The rat jump down into the hole and started to bite through the rat. The

lion was soon able to climb out of the hole.

“Mr. Lion,” said the rat, “yesterday you were very proud. You thought I

was small and helpless. Today, I was able to save your life. I hope you will

never forget that, although you are big and strong, even someone as small as I

can help you.”

Answer these Questions below:

4. What did the lion say when he caught the rat?

5. Did the lion let the rat go because he took a pity on him or simply because

he wasn‟t hungry?

6. Write down the main ideas of each paragraph?

7. What was the lion caught in?

8. Make a conclusion of the story by using your own word?

THE 4th


Practice 1

Read the text carefully!

The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Once the re was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Rara

Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the

daughter of Prabu Baka, an evil King.

One day, a handsome young man with supernatural power named Bandung

Bondowoso defeated and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara

Jonggrang‟s beuty, Bandung Bondowoso felt in love with her and wanted to

marry her.

Meanwhile, Rara Jonggrang felt sad due to her death father. She did not

want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also

afraid of Bandung. So to refuse politely, she made a condition.

“I will marry with you but you have to build one thousand temples in one

night as a wedding gift.” Requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung agreed with the


Helped by the spirit of the demos, Bandung started building the temples.

Approaching midnight the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew

and thought. “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I. I would lose against


Suddenly she God an idea. She woke up all the women in the place and

ordered them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the roosters

thought it had already been dawn Bandung Bondowoso got fristated because

he failed completing the thousandth temple.

“The Princess has deceived me!”

Following his anger, he cursed Rara Jonggrang, “You have been cheated.

Now the thousandth temple is you!”

At once, the Princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung

Bondowoso regretted and the went away into a far land. From then people

called it the Prambanan Temple and princess statue as Rara Jonggrang statue.

Practice 2

Write down the main idea of each paragraph!

Practice 3

Make the conclusion of the story above!






Literal Interpretive



Main Idea Detail
















1. CINDI 12 6 12 6 11 5.5 5.8

2. FINI 10 5 9 4.5 11 5.5 5

3. HERRY 12 6 13 6.5 8 4 5.5

4. IRENDA 11 5.5 11 5.5 11 5.5 5.5

5. KARINA 10 5 10 5 8 4 4.6

6. DETA 11 5.5 10 5 11 5.5 5.3

7. FUAD 9 4.5 12 6 10 5 5.1

8. NATASIA 13 6.5 13 6.5 10 5 6

9. FIAN 11 5.5 10 5 10 5 5.1

10. ANISA 12 6 11 5.5 10 5 5.5

11. AYU 10 5 11 5.5 9 4.5 5

12. ILHAM 9 4.5 10 5 10 5 4.8

13. NANDA 11 5.5 12 6 11 5.5 5.6

14. AVIS 9 4.5 12 6 8 4 4.8

15. CHIATA 12 6 11 5.5 10 5 5.5

16. GIOVANI 11 5.5 11 5.5 10 5 5.3

Total 173 86.5 178 89 158 79 84.4

Mean Score 10.8 5.4 11.12 5.5 9.8 4.9 5.2

Scoring the Students’ correct answer :

Mean Score of Students in Diagnostic-Test

1. Mean Score for Literal Reading Comprehension

a. Mean Score of Main Idea b. Mean Score of Detail Information

5.4 5.5

2. Mean Score for Interpretive Reading Comprehension

Mean score of Drawing Conclusion


3. Total Means Score for Reading Comprehension

Mean score of students‟ reading comprehension





Literal Interpretive



Main Idea Detail
















1. CINDI 13 6.5 16 8 13 6.5 7

2. FINI 12 6 13 6.5 12 6 6.1

3. HERRY 11 5.5 14 7 11 5.5 6

4. IRENDA 12 6 15 7.5 12 6 6.5

5. KARINA 12 6 14 7 12 6 6.3

6. DETA 11 5.5 12 6 11 5.5 5.6

7. FUAD 11 5.5 14 7 11 5.5 6

8. NATASIA 15 7.5 15 7.5 14 7 7.3

9. FIAN 12 6 14 7 11 5.5 6.1

10. ANISA 14 7 13 6.5 12 6 6.5

11. AYU 12 6 13 6.5 12 6 6.1

12. ILHAM 11 5.5 13 6.5 11 5.5 5.8

13. NANDA 13 6.5 15 7.5 13 6,5 6.8

14. AVIS 10 5 13 6.5 11 5.5 5.6

15. CHIATA 13 6.5 13 6.5 12 6 6.3

16. GIOVANI 11 5.5 14 7 11 5.5 6

Total 193 96.5 221 110.5 189 94.5 100

Mean Score 12 6.0 13.8 6.9 11.8 5.9 6.25

Scoring the Students’ correct answer :

Mean Score of Students in Cycle I

1. Mean Score for Literal Reading Comprehension

a. Mean Score of Main Idea b. Mean Score of Detail Information

6.0 6.9

2. Mean Score for Interpretive Reading Comprehension

Mean score of Drawing Conclusion


3. Total Means Score for Reading Comprehension

Mean score of students‟ reading comprehension





Literal Interpretive



Main Idea Detail
















1. CINDI 15 7.5 16 8 16 8 7.8

2. FINI 14 7 14 7 13 6.5 6.8

3. HERRY 13 6.5 14 7 14 7 6.8

4. IRENDA 15 7.5 14 7 14 7 7.1

5. KARINA 13 6.5 14 7 13 6.5 6.6

6. DETA 14 7 13 6.5 14 7 6.8

7. FUAD 14 7 14 7 14 7 7

8. NATASIA 16 8 17 8.5 16 8 8.1

9. FIAN 14 7 14 7 14 7 7

10. ANISA 13 6.5 14 7 14 7 6.8

11. AYU 14 7 15 7.5 13 6.5 7

12. ILHAM 13 6.5 14 7 13 6.5 6.6

13. NANDA 15 7.5 15 7.5 15 7.5 7.5

14. AVIS 14 7 13 6.5 13 6.5 6.6

15. CHIATA 15 7,5 13 6.5 14 7 7

16. GIOVANI 13 6.5 14 7 14 7 6.8

Total 225 112.5 228 114 224 112.5 112.3

Mean Score 14 7.0 14.25 7.1 14 7.0 7.0

Scoring the Students’ correct answer :

Mean Score of Students in Cycle II

1. Mean Score for Literal Reading Comprehension

a. Mean Score of Main Idea b. Mean Score of Detail Information

7.0 7.1

2. Mean Score for Interpretive Reading Comprehension

Mean score of Drawing Conclusion


3. Total Means Score for Reading Comprehension

Mean score of students‟ reading comprehension



No CODE/NAME The Students’ Score

DT Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1. CINDI 5.8 7 7.8

2. FINI 5 6.1 6.8

3. HERRY 5.5 6 6.8

4. IRENDA 5.5 6.5 7.1

5. KARINA 4.6 6.3 6.6

6. DETA 5.3 5.6 6.8

7. FUAD 5.1 6 7

8. NATASIA 6 7.3 8.1

9. FIAN 5.1 6.1 7

10. ANISA 5.5 6.5 6.8

11. AYU 5 6.1 7

12. ILHAM 4.8 5.8 6.6

13. NANDA 5.6 6.8 7.5

14. AVIS 4.8 5.6 6.6

15. CHIATA 5,.5 6.3 7

16. GIOVANI 5.3 6 6.8

Total 84.4 100 112.3

Mean Score 5.2 6.25 7.01

Mean Score of Students Reading Comprehension

1. Mean Score of the Students’ Diagnostic Test


2. Mean Score of the Students’ Test of Cycle 1


3. Mean Score of the Students’ Test of Cycle 2




1. The Increase of the Students’ Literal Comprehension

a. The increase of Main Ideas

1). Diagnostic Test → Cycle I 3). Cycle I → Cycle II

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 11.11 % P = 16.66 %

2). Diagnostic Test → Cycle II

P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 %

P = 30 %

b. The increase of Detail Information

1). Diagnostic Test → Cycle I 3). Cycle I → Cycle II

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 25.45 % P = 2.89 %

2). Diagnostic Test → Cycle II

P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 %

P = 29.45 %

2. The Increase of the Students’ Interpretive Comprehension

The Increase of Drawing Conclusion

1). Diagnostic Test → Cycle I 3). Cycle I → Cycle II

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 20.40 % P = 18.64 %

2). Diagnostic Test → Cycle II

P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 %

P = 43.46 %

3. The Increase of the Students’ Reading Comprehension

a. The Increase of Literal Comprehension

1). Diagnostic Test → Cycle I 2). Diagnostic Test → Cycle II

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 18.34 % P = 29.35 %

3). Cycle I → Cycle II

P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 %

P = 9.30 %

b. The Increase of Interpretive Comprehension

1). Diagnostic Test → Cycle I 2). Diagnostic Test → Cycle II

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 20.40 % P = 42.85 %

3). Cycle I → Cycle II

P =

x 100 %

P =

x 100 %

P = 18.64 %




No Code/Name

Literal Mean

Score Classification Main




1. CINDI 6 6 6 Fair

2. FINI 5 4.5 4.75 Poor

3. HERRY 6 6.5 6.25 Fair

4. IRENDA 5.5 5.5 5.5 Poor

5. KARINA 5 5 5 Poor

6. DETA 5.5 5 5.25 Poor

7. FUAD 4.5 6 5.25 Poor

8. NATASIA 6.5 6.5 6.5 Fair

9. FIAN 5.5 5 5.25 Poor

10. ANISA 6 5.5 5.75 Fair

11. AYU 5 5.5 5.25 Poor

12. ILHAM 4.5 5 4.75 Poor

13. NANDA 5.5 6 5.75 Fair

14. AVIS 4,5 6 5.25 Poor

15. CHIATA 6 5.5 5.75 Fair

16 GIOVANI 5.5 5.5 5.5 Poor

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

1). “FAIR” Score 2). “POOR” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 37.5 % P = 62.5 %


No Code/Name

Literal Mean

Score Classification Main




1. CINDI 6.5 8 7.25 Fairly Good

2. FINI 6 6.5 6.25 Fair

3. HERRY 5.5 7 6.25 Fair

4. IRENDA 6 7.5 6.75 Fairly Good

5. KARINA 6 7 6.5 Fair

6. DETA 5.5 6 5.75 Fair

7. FUAD 5.5 7 6.25 Fair

8. NATASIA 7.5 7.5 7.5 Fairly Good

9. FIAN 6 7 6.5 Fair

10. ANISA 7 6.5 6.75 Fairly Good

11. AYU 6 6.5 6.25 Fair

12. ILHAM 5.5 6.5 6 Fair

13. NANDA 6.5 7.5 7 Fairly Good

14. AVIS 5 6.5 5.75 Fair

15. CHIATA 6.5 6.5 6.5 Fairly Good

16 GIOVANI 5.5 7 6.25 Fair

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

1). “FAIRLY GOOD” Score 2). “FAIR” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 37.5 % P = 62.5 %


No Code/Name

Literal Mean

Score Classification Main




1. CINDI 7.5 8 7.75 Good

2. FINI 7 7 7 Fairly Good

3. HERRY 6.5 7 6.75 Fairly Good

4. IRENDA 7.5 7 7.25 Fairly Good

5. KARINA 6.5 7 6.75 Fairly Good

6. DETA 7 6.5 6.75 Fairly Good

7. FUAD 7 7 7 Fairly Good

8. NATASIA 8 8.5 8.25 Good

9. FIAN 7 7 7 Fairly Good

10. ANISA 6.5 7 6.75 Fairly Good

11. AYU 7 7.5 7.25 Fairly Good

12. ILHAM 6.5 7 6.75 Fairly Good

13. NANDA 7.5 7.5 7.5 Fairly Good

14. AVIS 7 6.5 6.75 Fairly Good

15. CHIATA 7.5 6.5 7 Fairly Good

16 GIOVANI 6.5 7 6.75 Fairly Good

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

1). “GOOD” Score 2). “FAIRLY GOOD” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 20 % P = 87.5 %




No Code/Name Interpretive

(Drawing Conclusion) Classification

1. CINDI 5.5 Poor

2. FINI 5.5 Poor

3. HERRY 4 Poor

4. IRENDA 5.5 Poor

5. KARINA 4 Poor

6. DETA 5.5 Poor

7. FUAD 5 Poor

8. NATASIA 5 Poor

9. FIAN 5 Poor

10. ANISA 5 Poor

11. AYU 4.5 Poor

12. ILHAM 5 Poor

13. NANDA 5.5 Poor

14. AVIS 4 Poor

15. CHIATA 5 Poor

16 GIOVANI 5 Poor

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

1). “POOR” Score

P =

x 100 %

P = 100 %


No Code/Name Interpretive

(Drawing Conclusion) Classification

1. CINDI 6.5 Fair

2. FINI 6 Fair

3. HERRY 5.5 Poor

4. IRENDA 6 Fair

5. KARINA 6 Fair

6. DETA 5.5 Poor

7. FUAD 5.5 Poor

8. NATASIA 7 Fairly Good

9. FIAN 5.5 Poor

10. ANISA 6 Fair

11. AYU 6 Fair

12. ILHAM 5.5 Poor

13. NANDA 6.5 Fair

14. AVIS 5.5 Poor

15. CHIATA 6 Fair

16 GIOVANI 5.5 Poor

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

1). “FAIRLY GOOD” Score 2). “FAIR” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 6.25 % P = 50 %

3). “POOR” Score

P =

x 100 %

P = 43.75 %


No Code/Name Interpretive

(Drawing Conclusion) Classification

1. CINDI 8 Good

2. FINI 6.5 Fair

3. HERRY 7 Fairly Good

4. IRENDA 7 Fairly Good

5. KARINA 6.5 Fair

6. DETA 7 Fairly Good

7. FUAD 7 Fairly Good

8. NATASIA 8 Good

9. FIAN 7 Fairly Good

10. ANISA 7 Fairly Good

11. AYU 6.5 Fair

12. ILHAM 6.5 Fair

13. NANDA 7.5 Fairly Good

14. AVIS 6.5 Fair

15. CHIATA 7 Fairly Good

16 GIOVANI 7 Fairly Good

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

1). “GOOD” Score 2). “FAIRLY GOOD” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 12.5 % P = 56.25 %

3). “FAIR” Score

P =

x 100 %

P = 31.25 %



No Code/


The Students’ Classification Score

Diagnostic-Test Cycle I Cycle II

Score Classification Score Classification Score Classification

1. CINDI 5.8 Fair 7.1 Fairly Good 7.8 Good

2. FINI 5 Poor 6.3 Fair 6.8 Fairly Good

3. HERRY 5.5 Poor 6.1 Fair 6.8 Fairly Good

4. IRENDA 5.5 Poor 6.8 Fairly Good 7.1 Fairly Good

5. KARINA 4.6 Poor 6.5 Fair 6.6 Fairly Good

6. DETA 5.3 Poor 5.6 Fair 6.8 Fairly Good

7. FUAD 5.1 Poor 6.1 Fair 7 Fairly Good

8. NATASIA 6 Fair 7.3 Fairly Good 8.1 Good

9. FIAN 5.1 Poor 6.1 Fair 7 Fairly Good

10. ANISA 5.5 Poor 6.6 Fairly Good 6.8 Fairly Good

11. AYU 5 Poor 6.3 Fair 7 Fairly Good

12. ILHAM 4.8 Poor 6.1 Fair 6.6 Fairly Good

13. NANDA 5.6 Fair 7 Fairly Good 7.5 Fairly Good

14. AVIS 4.8 Poor 6.5 Fair 6.6 Fairly Good

15. CHIATA 5.5 Poor 6.6 Fairly Good 7 Fairly Good

16 GIOVANI 5.3 Poor 6.1 Fair 6.8 Fairly Good

Calculating the students‟ percentage of classification score :

A. Diagnostic Test

1). “FAIR” Score 2). “POOR” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 18.75 % P = 81.25 %

B. Cycle I

1). “FAIRLY GOOD” Score 2). “FAIR” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 37.5 % P = 62.5 %

C. Cycle II

1). “GOOD” Score 2). “FAIRLY GOOD” Score

P =

x 100 % P =

x 100 %

P = 12.5 % P = 87.5 %




School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 1

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : I

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 0 12 10 7

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

71012 0 Percentage

Percentage = 45 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 2

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : I

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 4 9 12 6

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

6129 4 Percentage

Percentage = 48 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/201

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 3

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : I

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 8 9 10 6

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

6109 8 Percentage

Percentage = 51 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 4

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : I

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 8 9 12 5

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

5129 8 Percentage

Percentage = 53 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 1

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : II

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 8 9 14 4

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

4149 8 Percentage

Percentage = 54 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuna 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 2

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : II

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 12 12 10 4

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

41012 12 Percentage

Percentage = 59 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 2014/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 3

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : II

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 12 12 12 3

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

31212 12 Percentage

Percentage = 60 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1



School : SMA Kartika Wirabuana 1 Makassar

Academic Year : 201/2015

Class/Semester : XII/1

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Meeting : 4

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Cycle : II

No Name/Code Activate

4 3 2 1











11 AYU






Jumlah 16 15 10 2

Pattern of the students‟ activeness:


P = --- x 100 %


% 100 x 16 x 4

21015 16 Percentage

Percentage = 67 %

Explanation :

The valuation of the students‟ activeness in teaching and learning process

Indicator The students

participation Score

Students respond the material very actively Very active 4

Students respond the material actively Active 3

Students respond the material just one or twice Fairly Active 2

Students just sit down during the activity without

doing something Not Active 1


Wahyudi Usman, was born on May 20th

, 1990 in

Makassar, South Sulawesi. He is the first child from two

brothers from the marriage of his parents Alm. Drs.

Usman Kunnu and Rosdani.

In 1996 the writer registered as student elementary

school at SD Inpres Tamalnrea 2 in Makassar and he

graduated in 2002. The next in the same year the writer registered as a junior high

scholar in SMP Negeri 30 Makassar and graduated in 2005. Then the writer

registered in senior high school, SMA Kartika Wirabuana I Makassar and

graduated in 2008. In 2008, the writer registered to study of English department in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.