Much ado about nothing review

Much Ado About Nothing Review Aneeka Ishaq

Transcript of Much ado about nothing review

Much Ado About Nothing Review

Aneeka Ishaq

How many pages are devoted to the reviews? What does this suggest?

The magazine has 97 pages. This particular review has only half a page devoted to it. The Much Ado About Nothing review is on page 61 which is relatively in the middle.

This may suggest that it is perhaps an independent film. They may not have enough money to pay for the extra magazine pages unlike the ‘Man of Steel’ and ‘Populaire’ review. Also that it may not be a big block buster film aimed at a large number of people.

The reviews are seen as chapters in the magazine? What does this tell you?

The fact the reviews are seen as chapters in the magazine highlights the move to the digital age. People no longer will have to buy a magazine they can just read it online, on their own comfort and on may platforms like mobile phones, ipad, and laptop.

What do you notice about the general style and layout?

The style and layout is slightly different here as it is only half a page for the review.


Firstly on the right hand side there is the title with director and stars underneath.

On the left hand side on the same line there is image form the film which is smaller as it is only on half a page.

Then there are two and a bit columns of text about the film with the rating underneath


The image is different than ‘Populaire’. As this image is in pink which is the magazines colors. Where as the fill page reviews have their pictures in colors and at the top on its own and then the title at the bottom.


The main colors of this review are pink and white.

The pink and white may have been used to keep the color scheme simple, they have also put the picture in pink.

The pink may have been used to portray some themes of the film as there is romance in it which is aimed at females therefore that’s why the pink may have been used.

The pink colored text make it slightly hard to read on paper therefore the audience can read it online.


For the font Serif and San Serif have been used.

The title is in San Serif making it easier to read and stand out it is also in bold.

The ‘directed by’ and ‘starring’ are in italics and the names are in bold showing their importance.

The text starts with a bold indent letter and the text is in San serif .


The review starts of with some historical context of the film.

Then is goes on to say where it was shot and a bit about the actors.

The next paragraph goes on to describe it as a ‘teen drama’ and how you would feel during the film.

It then goes on to talk about the director and how well he has done by making this film, lastly it generally sums up what they thought which was mostly positive and praises the actors.

Rating system

The unique thing about Little White Lies magazine is that it has like side column in chronological order including anticipation, enjoyment and retrospect, this also what the Much Ado About Nothing review has.

Language style

Long sentences are used to explain the films.

It’s quite humorous when talking about the actors.

It uses adjectives like ‘witty and charming’.

The mode of address is formal. They also use informal words like ‘


How effective do you think the review is

I think the review is quite effective as it tells us about the film and what it is about. The image used also gives a clue and raises questions about the film.

However they give an opinion which is quite biased maybe they should let the people decide for them selves.

How does the review reflect the magazine?

The review highlights the identity of the magazine as, it is quirky and chatty and informal. Just like the magazine with the very unique front covers.

And it also offers interviews and sell magazines online giving their audience more information.

How will it be to emulate the style of the review.

I personally think in terms of the layout, in a magazine style will be quite easy to layout on the page along with the rating system.

However I think the actual language of the review will be a bit difficult as everyone has their own style, therefore it may prove difficult to stick to that.