Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the ... · Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the...

Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the classification of emotion in faces Matthew R. Moore 1 & Elizabeth A. Franz 1 Published online: 4 November 2016 # Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2016 Abstract The mirror neuron system (MNS) has been mooted as a crucial component underlying human social cognition. Initial evidence based on functional magnetic resonance im- aging (fMRI) suggests that the MNS plays a role in emotion classification, but further confirmation and convergent evi- dence is needed. This study employed electroencephalogra- phy (EEG) to examine modulations in the mu rhythm associ- ated with the inference of emotions from facial expressions. It was hypothesised that mu suppression would be associated with classifying the emotion portrayed by facial expressions. Nineteen participants viewed pictures of facial expressions or emotion words and were asked to either match the stimulus to an emotion word or to passively observe. Mu activity follow- ing stimulus presentation was localised using a 3-D distributed inverse solution, and compared between conditions. Subtractive logic was used to isolate the specific processes of interest. Comparisons of source localisation images be- tween conditions revealed that there was mu suppression as- sociated with recognising emotion from faces, thereby supporting our hypothesis. Further analyses confirmed that those effects were not due to activity associated with the motor response or the observation of facial expressions, offering fur- ther support for the hypotheses. This study provides important convergent evidence for the involvement of the MNS in the inference of emotion from facial expressions. Keywords Mu suppression . Mirror neuron system (MNS) . Emotion . Facial expressions . Electroencephalography (EEG) Modulation of mirror neuron activity by inference of emotion from facial expressions The mirror neuron system (MNS) is purported to comprise a network of neurons that respond both when one performs an action and when one observes performance of that same ac- tion (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). Almost all direct evi- dence for mirror neurons stems from intracranial recordings of macaques (Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, & Rizzolatti, 1992). Based on slightly less direct evidence, the MNS has been mooted as an important part of the system by which humans infer the intentions of others based on their actions (Gallese & Goldman, 1998). It has been suggested that the activation of mirror neurons at premotor sites during action observation allows humans to simulatethe action in their own minds (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004 ). Neural networks associated with performing the observed action are activated in the observer, including networks associated with the state of mind that would result in the performance of that action. By this ac- count, the ability of humans to attribute mental states to others (i.e., theory of mind) is inherent, and specialized subconscious neural circuits perform the bulk of the work (Gallese, 2009). Activity in a human MNS has been inferred from function- al magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results. Researchers have found action-observation congruent blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) activation in a complex network of areas distributed across the brain. This bilateral network is typically described as including the posterior part of the infe- rior parietal lobule (IPL), the lateral precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex), and the posterior section of the inferior frontal * Matthew R. Moore [email protected] * Elizabeth A. Franz [email protected] 1 Department of Psychology, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2017) 17:224234 DOI 10.3758/s13415-016-0476-6

Transcript of Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the ... · Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the...

Page 1: Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the ... · Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the classification of emotion in faces Matthew R. Moore1 & Elizabeth A. Franz 1 Published

Mu rhythm suppression is associated with the classificationof emotion in faces

Matthew R. Moore1 & Elizabeth A. Franz1

Published online: 4 November 2016# Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2016

Abstract The mirror neuron system (MNS) has been mootedas a crucial component underlying human social cognition.Initial evidence based on functional magnetic resonance im-aging (fMRI) suggests that the MNS plays a role in emotionclassification, but further confirmation and convergent evi-dence is needed. This study employed electroencephalogra-phy (EEG) to examine modulations in the mu rhythm associ-ated with the inference of emotions from facial expressions. Itwas hypothesised that mu suppression would be associatedwith classifying the emotion portrayed by facial expressions.Nineteen participants viewed pictures of facial expressions oremotion words and were asked to either match the stimulus toan emotion word or to passively observe. Mu activity follow-ing stimulus presentationwas localised using a 3-D distributedinverse solution, and compared between conditions.Subtractive logic was used to isolate the specific processesof interest. Comparisons of source localisation images be-tween conditions revealed that there was mu suppression as-sociated with recognising emotion from faces, therebysupporting our hypothesis. Further analyses confirmed thatthose effects were not due to activity associatedwith the motorresponse or the observation of facial expressions, offering fur-ther support for the hypotheses. This study provides importantconvergent evidence for the involvement of the MNS in theinference of emotion from facial expressions.

Keywords Mu suppression .Mirror neuron system (MNS) .

Emotion .Facial expressions .Electroencephalography(EEG)

Modulation of mirror neuron activity by inferenceof emotion from facial expressions

The mirror neuron system (MNS) is purported to comprise anetwork of neurons that respond both when one performs anaction and when one observes performance of that same ac-tion (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). Almost all direct evi-dence for mirror neurons stems from intracranial recordingsof macaques (Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, &Rizzolatti, 1992). Based on slightly less direct evidence, theMNS has been mooted as an important part of the system bywhich humans infer the intentions of others based on theiractions (Gallese & Goldman, 1998).

It has been suggested that the activation of mirror neuronsat premotor sites during action observation allows humans to‘simulate’ the action in their own minds (Rizzolatti &Craighero, 2004). Neural networks associated withperforming the observed action are activated in the observer,including networks associated with the state of mind thatwould result in the performance of that action. By this ac-count, the ability of humans to attribute mental states to others(i.e., theory of mind) is inherent, and specialized subconsciousneural circuits perform the bulk of the work (Gallese, 2009).

Activity in a human MNS has been inferred from function-al magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results. Researchershave found action-observation congruent blood oxygenlevel-dependent (BOLD) activation in a complex network ofareas distributed across the brain. This bilateral network istypically described as including the posterior part of the infe-rior parietal lobule (IPL), the lateral precentral gyrus (primarymotor cortex), and the posterior section of the inferior frontal

* Matthew R. [email protected]

* Elizabeth A. [email protected]

1 Department of Psychology, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56,Dunedin, New Zealand

Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2017) 17:224–234DOI 10.3758/s13415-016-0476-6

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gyrus (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). There is, however, ev-idence of mirror activity outside of these classically definedmirror neuron areas (Molenberghs, Cunnington, &Mattingley, 2009; Mukamel, Ekstrom, Kaplan, Iacoboni, &Fried, 2010).

The human MNS has also been studied using EEG. Thecurrent standardmethod of detectingMNS activity using EEGis to investigate muwave activity at central electrodes. Mu is asubcategory of the alpha frequency band and is present duringthe absence of movement or somatosensory input (Kuhlman,1978). Mu is typically recorded from the sensorimotor regionsand encompasses the frequency range of approximately 7.5–11.5 Hz, although the precise range varies slightly across stud-ies (e.g., Arroyo et al., 1993; Cochin, Barthelemy, Roux, &Martineau, 1999; Oberman, Ramachandran, & Pineda, 2008;Salenius, Schnitzler, Salmelin, Jousmäki, & Hari, 1997). Muis also associated with activity in the beta range (Pfurtscheller& Lopes da Silva, 1999). One particular property of mu ac-tivity that has been interpreted as implicating involvement ofthe human MNS is its attenuation during action observation(Cochin, Barthelemy, Lejeune, Roux, & Martineau, 1998).This association has led to mu wave activity to be used as aproxy measurement for MNS function (Fu & Franz, 2014;Muthukumaraswamy & Johnson, 2004; Oberman et al.,2005). Studies combining fMRI and EEG recordings haveindicated that EEG mu suppression is associated with patternsof the fMRI BOLD signal that are recognized asMNS activity(Arnstein, Cui, Keysers, Maurits, & Gazzola, 2011;Braadbaart, Williams, & Waiter, 2013).

Building from the originalMNS experiments of grasping inmacaques (Rizzolatti, Fadiga, Gallese, & Fogassi, 1996), bothfMRI and EEG in human studies have demonstrated clearevidence for similar activity in humans (Iacoboni et al.,2005; Muthukumaraswamy, Johnson, & McNair, 2004).More recent studies have demonstrated the effects of facialstimuli on MNS activity. For example, Buccino andcolleagues (2004) found fMRI evidence of MNS activationin response to ingestive and communicative facial actions.

The recognition that theMNSmight provide a basis for howhumans recognise the emotional content of facial expressionswas made relatively early (Gallese &Goldman, 1998). It seemslogical that a system that infers state of mind from actions couldbe brought to bear on facial expressions. The speed and auto-maticity with which facial expressions are typically processed(Dimberg, Thunberg, & Elmehed, 2000) is also consistent withthe canonical function of the MNS. Furthermore, an MNS the-ory of emotion perception (and broader social cognition, forthat matter) could parsimoniously explain some disorders ofsocial functioning, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Indeed, ASD has been found to be associated with atypicalMNS function by studies using a variety of methodologies(Dapretto et al., 2006; Hadjikhani, Joseph, Snyder, & Tager-Flusberg, 2006; Oberman et al., 2005).

Evidence for MNS involvement in human emotion infer-ence from facial expressions has been provided by a numberof studies. Dapretto and colleagues (2006) used fMRIto investigate MNS activity in children (mean age 12 years),with a focus on ASD. Participants were shown imagesof facial expressions (anger, fear, happiness, sadness,plus neutral), and either imitated or observed. Fixation periodswere included as a control. It was found that during bothimitation and observation, neurotypical participantsexhibited activation in areas associated with facialprocessing and the MNS; however, a comparison betweenthe two conditions was not presented.

In another fMRI study, van der Gaag, Minderaa, andKeysers (2007) presented participants with videos of actorsperforming facial expressions associated with three emotions(happiness, disgust, and fear), or a neutral expression.Participants were asked to merely observe the expression forone block of trials, to match the expression to another in thefollowing block, and to imitate the expression in the finalblock. It was found that simple observation of the facial ex-pression video resulted in comprehensive activation of areasin the MNS that were also activated while the expression wasimitated. These areas included the inferior frontal gyrus andsensorimotor areas. Furthermore, greater activation was foundas the task became more active: imitation elicited the mostMNS activation, and observation the least. Matching theexpression to a picture of another expression evoked an inter-mediate amount of MNS activity.

Using EEG,Moore, Gorodnitsky, and Pineda (2012) inves-tigated mu suppression during observation of facial expres-sions. EEG was recorded from participants while they viewedstatic images of facial expressions (happiness and disgust),buildings, or visual noise (as an additional control).Recordings from the visual noise condition were not analysed,as they included substantial noise from posterior alpha, likelydue to differences in attentional demands between conditions.Independent components analysis (ICA) was applied to assessleft and right mu components for each participant in theremaining conditions. The primary finding was that activityin the mu components was significantly less powerful whenparticipants viewed facial expressions compared to when theyviewed buildings, thereby providing evidence for MNS in-volvement in facial expression processing

Although studies have provided initial evidence that theMNS is involved in functions related to facial expression pro-cessing, no study has yet demonstrated mu suppression duringthe classification of emotion from facial expressions. Such afinding would provide important evidence for MNS involve-ment in emotion perception, convergent with the fMRI litera-ture. In fact, a study by Pineda and Hecht (2009) did not findevidence of mu suppression during classification of emotionfrom images of eyes; thus, a study using classification of emo-tions from whole face expressions is necessary.

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The present experiment employed the mu suppressionmethod using EEG to test whether the MNS is involved inthe classification of emotion from still images of emotionalfaces. Participants viewed images of a wide range of facialexpressions and were instructed to either passively observethe expression or to match the associated emotion to one offour textually presented options. As a control task, emotionwords were presented, and participants either observed themor matched them to the same word.

It was hypothesised that the matching task for both facesand words would evoke more mu suppression than the corre-sponding observation tasks due to, at least in part, the effect ofthe motor response. Furthermore, given that matching facialexpressions to an emotion word would require participants toprocess the depicted emotion, it was hypothesised that moremu suppression would be involved during the emotion classi-fication task in comparison to the simple matching task posedin the word condition. Such a result would indicate that MNSactivity is elicited by the inference of emotions from facialexpressions, especially if we assume that the cognitive processof matching a word does not particularly use the MNS.



Nineteen volunteers (12 female, seven male) from theUniversity of Otago community volunteered for the experi-ment. Participants were partially reimbursed for their time.There were 18 right-handed participants and one left-handed.Participants ranged in age from 18 to 25 years (M =21.25 years) and had normal or corrected-to-normal visionand hearing. They were screened for mental health disordersand other conditions that might contraindicate EEG.



Experiments were administered using twoWindows XP com-puters. One computer presented the stimuli and recorded re-sponses (the stimulus computer), and another recorded theparticipant’s electroencephalogram (the EEG computer).Participants were comfortably seated on a computer chair ap-proximately 60 cm from the stimulus computer monitor. EEGwas recorded in a safety-tested body-protected electrical areaby a trained experimenter. Images from the stimulus computerwere presented to the participant using an Asus VG248QE61 cm (24-in.) WLED/TN monitor with 144 Hz refresh rateand advertised 1 ms grey-to-grey response time (ASUSTeKComputer Inc., 2014).

Responses were recorded using a custom-made input de-vice (the response box) to obtain precise reaction times (inms). It consisted of two identical ambidextrous computermouses, each with left and right microswitches connected di-rectly to an Arduino Uno microcontroller. Four options werepresented; the participant responded with the middle and in-dex fingers of both hands.

Triggers were sent from the stimulus computer to the EEGcomputer via a parallel port connection. EEG was recordedusing a 32-channel Ag/AgCl sintered Advanced NeuroTechnology (ANT) WaveGuard cap in the standard 10–20configuration, connected to an ANT Refa8 32-channel ampli-fier. Conductive gel was used to couple the electrodes to thescalp, and impedance was kept below 5 kΩ at all electrodes.The ground electrode was located halfway between Fpz andFz. EEG data were continuously recorded at 1024 Hz usingANT Advanced Source Analysis (ASA) software, Version4.7.3.1.


The experiment was presented by a program written inMATLAB using Psychtoolbox (Version 3.0.10; see Kleineret al., 2007). This toolbox provides an interface betweenMATLAB and low-level graphics procedures, facilitating thehigh-precision presentation of visual stimuli. The experiment-er monitored the participant using a live video feed and sec-ondary monitors in a conjoining room.

Most processing of EEG data was performed usingEEGLAB (Delorme & Makeig, 2004). EEGLAB is an open-source MATLAB toolbox for analysing and manipulatingEEG data. Source analyses were undertaken using the exactlow resolution electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA)function of the LORETA-KEY software package (Version20150415), the latest development in the LORETA familyof inverse solutions. This software was developed by theKEY Institute at the University of Zurich and is freely avail-able online. Using eLORETA, the scalp EEG is assembledinto a 29 × 34 × 24 matrix of cortical generators containing6,239 5-mm3 voxels. Localisation by eLORETA is theoreti-cally exact, albeit with low spatial resolution. Technical detailscan be found in Pascual-Marqui (2007). The eLORETAsource localisation images presented in this article representwhere differences in the generation of mu activity occurred.

Statistical comparisons between source localisations wereundertaken using an implementation of statistical non-parametric modelling (SnPM) programmed in MATLAB.This software was created to combine some of the options inthe eLORETA software with some of those of the SnPM13toolbox for SPM12. The principles of SnPM are described inNichols and Holmes (2002). Essentially, SnPM is apermutation-based approach that can be used to compare

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voxel images with minimal assumptions, while implicitlycorrecting for multiple comparisons.


Still images from the Amsterdam Dynamic Facial ExpressionSet (ADFES) were used. The ADFES is a validated (van derSchalk, Hawk, Fischer, & Doosje, 2011) stimulus set thatcontains both video and still images of 22 actors (10 female,12 male) portraying facial expressions associated with nineemotions: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, con-tempt, pride, and embarrassment, plus a neutral expression.The ADFES is freely available for academic use from thePsychology Research Unit at the University of Amsterdam.Our experiment used the full complement of 216 still images(four images are missing), presented at a size of 720 × 576pixels. Names of the 10 expressions contained in the ADFESwere used in control trials.


Written informed consent was first obtained. The experimentwas approved by the University of Otago Human EthicsCommittee and conducted in full conformance with the prin-ciples of the Declaration of Helsinki. The experiment waspresented as a choice reaction time (RT) task. The basic taskinvolved participants observing an image or word on each trial(depending on experimental condition: described below), andthen either producing a four-choice RT response based on theexpression depicted in the picture (or named by the word), orto merely observe the stimulus without responding.Participants were asked to respond as quickly and correctlyas possible where responses were required. Thus, there weretwo key manipulations, referred to as trial task (observe vs.match), and stimulus medium (word vs. picture), resulting infour different experimental conditions that were manipulatedwithin subjects: observe-text, observe-picture,match-text, andmatch-picture. The basic procedure is illustrated in Fig. 1.

On each trial, the participant was first presented with thefour response options (or a cue to observe) near the bottom ofthe screen (the prompt period). After 4 seconds, the stimulusappeared in the centre of the screen and remained for 6 sec-onds (the stimulus presentation period). The options werepresented before the stimulus to familiarise participants withtheir content and locations and minimise the need for eyemovements after stimulus presentation. During matching tri-als, participants responded using the response box. The par-ticipant’s response was then highlighted in blue on the displayscreen and was unable to be changed.

Trials and stimuli were fully randomised and presented in15 four-trial blocks with a 10 second fixation period betweeneach block. Consecutive trials were separated by a fixationperiod with a random duration averaging 3 seconds (SD =

0.75 s). Eight practice trials (two of each condition) werepresented at the start of the experiment with instructions.


EEG recordings from the stimulus presentation period werethe primary focus of this study, but behavioural responsesfrom valid trials were also analysed for RT and accuracy.The latter measures were averaged for each participant andcompared using paired t tests. No distinction was made be-tween correct and incorrect trials for these analyses.

EEG data were epoched between 250 and 1,000 ms afterstimulus presentation, resulting in a 750-ms long epoch. The250–1,000-ms poststimulus period was meant to capture onlythe early activity associated with perception and classificationof the stimulus. The 250-ms start point was chosen to reducethe presence of eye-blink artefacts associated with stimuluspresentation. The 1,000-ms end point was chosen because itoccurred prior to the average response in both conditions andincluded enough of the period after stimulus presentation tocapture the activity of interest.

EEG preprocessing

All EEG data were rereferenced to linked mastoid electrodesand downsampled to 512 Hz for analysis. The continuous datawere then low-pass filtered at 40 Hz and high-pass filtered at0.01 Hz. Continuous data were epoched, and the average volt-age for each channel and epoch combination was subtracted asa baseline. An independent components analysis (ICA) wasthen performed (using the ‘extended’ option in EEGLAB).Epochs were then rejected on the basis of the ICA data.Trials with clear paroxysmal artefacts were rejected, as weretrials with noise that was highly correlated across independentcomponents (ICs; indicating a poor decomposition). Trialswere also rejected if the response occurred before 812.5 mspoststimulus (i.e., three quarters of the way through the epoch,250 + 750 × 0.75) to reduce the chances of capturing non-task-related activity and to eliminate erroneous or thoughtless re-sponses. ICA was then performed again to obtain a cleanerdecomposition, and artefactual ICs were subtracted from theEEG data with the help of the ADJUST plugin for EEGLAB(Mognon, Jovicich, Bruzzone, & Buiatti, 2011). EliminatedICs were reflective of eye movements, blinks, neck and jawmuscle activity, and general noise.

Timestamps for events from the stimulus computer werealgorithmically compared to those from the EEG computer.Minute adjustments were made to most of the EEGtimestamps to account for variable delay associated with thetransmission of the timestamp event. A faulty T7 electrodeduring one participant’s session necessitated the removal ofthat channel from that data set; data were interpolated fromsurrounding electrodes.

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Source localization

In the past, mu suppression has been operationalised as aver-age mu spectrum activity recorded at central electrodes duringexperimental conditions compared to a resting baseline fixa-tion (e.g., Moore et al., 2012; Pineda & Hecht, 2009). Themain disadvantage of this approach is that electrodes do notrecord activity exclusively from the brain directly below them(Michel & Murray, 2012). The potential impact of theattentionally moderated posterior alpha rhythm is of particularconcern (Oberman et al., 2008). To mitigate these limitations,this experiment localised the sources of mu activity to ensurethat only alpha of a sensorimotor origin was categorised asmu. Another departure from past methods was that the controltask for this experiment was the observation of the stimulus(observe trials) rather than viewing of a fixation stimulus. Theliterature suggests that resting fixation is not an inherentlyneutral control task; an abundance of complex EEG activityoccurs during rest (Barry, Clarke, Johnstone, Magee, &Rushby, 2007; Newman, Twieg, & Carpenter, 2001).Calculating mu suppression during the matching task relativeto an observation task subtracted the potentially confoundingeffect of the participant observing the stimulus. Eliminatingthe resting baseline also simplified within-subjects compari-sons while keeping them mathematically equivalent to thetraditionally used approaches.

The analysis approach in this experiment began with theproduction of a three-dimensional array of mean spectral gen-erators for each participant and each condition using theLORETA-KEY software package. This analysis followedthe spectral analysis method. First, an eLORETA transforma-tion matrix was derived for the standardised electrode loca-tions of the ANT WaveGuard cap. Next, each participant’srecording was rereferenced to the average signal, and the mu(7.5–12.5 Hz) cross-spectrumwas calculated at each electrodefor valid epochs across each condition using the defaultLORETA method (i.e., a discrete Fourier transform withboxcar windowing; Chavanon, Wacker, & Stemmler, 2011),effectively decomposing the data to the frequency domain forthe poststimulus period. Mu activity in the beta range was notinvestigated. Effects in the alpha band are usually stronger,and the beta band is regularly excluded from mu investiga-tions (Horan, Pineda, Wynn, Iacoboni, & Green, 2014;Muthukumaraswamy & Johnson, 2004; Oberman et al.,2005; Singh, Pineda, & Cadenhead, 2011). The cross-spectrawere localised using the transformation matrix, resulting in afrequency-space domain voxel image of mu activity for eachcondition, for each participant.

Source localisations were compared between conditionsusing statistical nonparametric mapping (SnPM). A double-subtraction analysis was used to test the main experimentalhypothesis. Briefly: mu suppression during the matching task

Fig. 1 Flow diagram of the procedure. (a) A 10-s fixation control periodtrial was presented at the start of each block of four trials. Each trial thenstarted with a 4-s prompt cueing the participant to the trial task: either (b)the four options for a matching trial, or (c) a prompt to observe. After theprompt period, the stimulus appeared (the cue remained on screen). The

stimulus was either (d) a picture or a (e) word, varying independently ofthe trial task. (f) After each trial (except for at the end of a block), afixation cross was displayed for a period of randomly generated length(normally distributed,M = 3 s, SD = 0.75 s). Words are expanded in thisfigure to increase legibility

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relative to the observation task was compared between pictureand word trials. This procedure is, in essence, similar to thesimple subtractive method often used in fMRI research(Brown, Perthen, Liu, & Buxton, 2007). First, SnPMwas usedto calculate the difference between the observe-picture andmatch-picture conditions, and between the observe-word andmatch-word conditions. The statistic of interest for these com-parisons was the difference between the log transformed av-eraged images for each condition. These comparisonsassessed the difference inmu activity associatedwith selectingan option separately in response to facial expressions andemotion words, and were called the observe-match ratio.Observe-match ratios were calculated for each participant aswell as across all participants. This comparison effectivelysubtracted the effect on mu activity of observing the stimulus.

Because the observe-match ratios capture mu suppressionrelated to both classification of the stimulus and the motormovement associated with selecting the option, the observe-match ratio images for the picture and word trials for eachparticipant were compared using SnPM with a paired t testas the statistic of interest, initially restricted to MNS-relatedregions of interest (ROIs). This ROI was constructed using theLORETA-KEY software package and included bilaterally allvoxels in the precentral and postcentral gyri, the parsopercularis of the inferior frontal gyri (Brodmann Area 44),and the inferior parietal lobule (illustrated in Fig. 2). Awhole-brain analysis was also undertaken to assess whether alphageneration was affected outside of MNS regions. The t testcomparing observe-match ratio images effectively subtractedthe effect on mu activity of the button press.

A further analysis was undertaken to investigate the poten-tial for a confounding effect of motor response and/or motorreadiness differing between picture- and word-matching trials.In short, the difference in average reaction times betweenmatch-picture and match-word was calculated for each partic-ipant. Additionally, a single eLORETA source localisationimage representing the difference in observe-match ratio be-tween picture and word trials was calculated for each partici-pant (i.e., the individual comparisons that composed the aver-age illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6). The difference in reaction time

was then permuted between subject images and the maximumcorrelation from each permutation used to generate a proba-bility distribution.

All SnPM comparisons were performed using 10,000 per-mutations. Each image was normalised by dividing all valuesby the mean for that image. For all t tests, the variance of eachimage was smoothed to mitigate the effect on the comparisonof variance spikes associated with low degrees of freedom.This was accomplished by combining half the variance at eachvoxel with half the mean variance for the image (equivalent toa smoothing parameter value of 0.5 in the LORETA-KEYsoftware package).


Behavioural responses

Reaction times (RTs) for the emotion classification task weresignificantly longer (2.234 s vs. 1.289 s; p < .0001), and thepercentage of correct responses was significantly lower(71.2 % vs. 90.9 %; p < .001) than the word-matching task.Although it was likely that accuracy in both tasks was degrad-ed by the instruction to respond as quickly as possible, perfor-mance was well above chance (25 %) for both conditions.These behavioural data indicate that the picture-matching taskwas more difficult than the word-matching task, which was tobe expected. During the picture-matching task the displayedemotion had to be perceived, then translated to a word, thenmatched to one of the options. Conversely, the word-matchingtask could have been accomplished purely by matching thevisual aspects of the stimulus to one of the options (although,presumably, participants did read the word, given theautomaticity of reading; Kahneman & Chajczyk, 1983). Theepoching strategy used in this study aimed to capture only theearly parts of this process. Additionally, MNS activity hasoften been analysed in the presence of differing RTs acrossconditions (e.g., Molnar-Szakacs, Kaplan, Greenfield, &Iacoboni, 2006; Perry, Troje, & Bentin, 2010).

Fig. 2 Illustration of ROIs (for left, top, and right views) used forassessing differences in observe-match ratio between conditions. ThisROI was generated by the LORETA software package and included

(bilaterally) the pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus (BrodmannArea 44), precentral and postcentral gyri, and the inferior parietal lobule

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Electrophysiological measures

Differences between observation and match trials perstimulus type

Differences in distribution of mu activity between observe andmatch trials during the 250–1,000-ms poststimulus periodwere compared separately for picture and word trials, resultingin two observe-match ratio images. As outlined in the Methodsection, these comparisons were made using SnPM with themean log ratio between conditions as the statistic of interest.For both levels of stimulus medium, there was significant musuppression during match trials relative to observe trials. Musuppression associated with the matching task was more ex-tensive in response to picture stimuli (illustrated in Fig. 3)compared to word stimuli (illustrated in Fig. 4).

Peak mu suppression in both conditions was localised tothe subgyral area just below the junction between thepostcentral gyrus and parietal lobe in the left hemisphere (pic-ture: f = 0.675, one-tailed p < .0001; word: f = 0.441, one-tailed p < .01). There was an equivalent maximum in the righthemisphere for both conditions that was somewhat weakerthan that of the left hemisphere (picture: f = 0.620, one-tailed p < .001; word: f = 0.386, one-tailed p < .01).

Observe-match ratio differences between stimulus types

To assess the difference between the data presented in Figs. 3and 4, the observe-match ratios for each participant were com-pared using SnPM with the paired t value as the statistic ofinterest, restricted bilaterally to the pars opercularis of theinferior frontal gyrus (Brodmann Area 44), precentral andpostcentral gyri, and the inferior parietal lobule (see Fig. 2).This comparison effectively subtracted activity associatedwith the button press (assumed to be constant across the twoexperimental conditions). This double subtraction (illustratedin Fig. 5) highlights areas of significantly greater mu suppres-sion associated with the emotion classification component ofthe picture-matching task compared to the word classification

component of the word-matching task. There was significant-ly more mu suppression associated with the picture-matchingtask compared to that during the word-matching task.

Peak mu suppression associated with the emotion classifi-cation component of the picture-matching task was localisedto the right precentral gyrus (t = 3.55, one-tailed p < .02), andalso encompassed some of the adjacent postcentral gyrus (il-lustrated in Fig. 6a). Another maximum of similar peak mag-nitude was localised to the left inferior parietal lobule (t =3.54, one-tailed p < .02). This locus of mu suppression wasmore extensive, spreading through the postcentral gyrus, andinto the precentral gyrus (illustrated in Fig. 6b). Expanding theanalysis to the whole brain indicated no additional areas ofsignificant alpha suppression differences.

Correlation between reaction time differences and differencein observe-match ratio

The difference in observe-match ratio between picture andword trials (i.e., Figs. 5 and 6) was found not to be signifi-cantly correlated with the difference in RT between picture-and word-matching trials. The peak correlation (r = .23, two-tailed p > .85) occurred in the superior frontal gyrus, and thecorrelation coefficient did not exceed 0.2 at any voxel in ourregions of interest.


These findings support both the first hypothesis that mu sup-pression would be associated with the matching task, and thesecond hypothesis that the suppression would be more pow-erful when matching facial expressions to emotion words thanwhen merely matching words. This demonstration that musuppression is associated with classification of emotions fromfacial expressions is consistent with the theory that mu sup-pression reflects MNS activity, and that the MNS is employedin emotion processing. Thus, the study provides new evidencefor the role of the MNS in emotion perception based on facial

Fig. 3 Orthogonal slice view of areas of significant mu suppression(observe-match ratio) associated with the matching task in response topicture stimuli (one-tailed p < .05; contrast: picture-observe minus

picture-match). The left hemisphere peak is at MNI coordinates: (-35, -30, 40); the right hemisphere peak is at MNI coordinates: (35, -30, 40)

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expressions, and complements previous work using bothfMRI and EEG.

This study also further clarifies the fMRI research whichprovided its foundation. Using fMRI, van der Gaag and col-leagues (2007) foundmore activity inMNS areas during facialexpression classification compared to observation. This studyprovides corroborating evidence while using double subtrac-tion to control for the potential effect on MNS activity asso-ciated with both the motor action involved in selecting a re-sponse option and the observation of the facial expression.Specifically, the subtraction of activity during the matchingtask from that during observation (the observe-match ratio)theoretically eliminated mu suppression associated with ob-servation of the stimulus (either facial expression or word).The comparison between those two difference images thentheoretically eliminated the effect of selecting a response op-tion. Thus, the final comparison reflects the difference be-tween classifying an emotion and matching a word. It isperhaps fair to assume that matching a word purely on itsvisual characteristics should not elicit MNS activity, and thatthe final contrast image only shows the mu suppressionassociated with classifying an emotion from a facialexpression.

This study also supplements existing fMRI research byproviding important temporal information. Our analyses iso-lated a short period during the early stages of emotion pro-cessing with a temporal resolution that would be difficult toachieve with metabolic neuroimaging techniques.

The subtractive method used in this study is not without itslimitations. As Friston and colleagues (1996) note, the puresubtraction of cognitive processes may produce erroneousconclusions where interactions are present. For instance, thereexists the risk that the matching task of this study focusedattention on the stimulus, thereby eliciting more mu suppres-sion from observing that stimulus during matching comparedto passive observation. Nevertheless, the subtraction approachof this study provided more control than the electrode-wisecomparisons typically used in mu suppression experimentsand allowed for the simple application of relativelyassumption-free permutation-based comparisons.

Another strength of this study is that the sources of muactivity were localised, rather than relying on mu activity asrecorded at central electrodes. This mitigated the potentialproblem that central electrodes do not reliably record activityfrom only central areas. Localising the sources of alpha activ-ity allows the more definitive identification of the mu rhythm,

Fig. 5 Left hemisphere, top view, and right hemisphere perspectivesshowing significantly greater mu suppression following doublesubtraction method. Depicts areas of mu suppression associated withthe emotion classification component of the picture-matching taskconditions compared to word matching (one-tailed p < .05; contrast:

[picture-observe minus picture-match] minus [word-observe minusword-match]). Peaks occurred in the left hemisphere at MNIcoordinates: (50, -10, 55) and in the right hemisphere at MNIcoordinates: (-45, -55, 40)

Fig. 4 Orthogonal slice view of areas of significant mu suppression(observe-match ratio) associated with the matching task in response toword stimuli (one-tailed p < .05; contrast: word-observe minus word-

match). The left hemisphere peak is at MNI coordinates: (-35, -30, 40);the right hemisphere peak is at MNI coordinates: (35, -30, 40)

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especially in terms of differentiating mu from the posterioralpha rhythm. The absence of posterior alpha differences be-tween conditions found by this inherent coanalysis suggeststhat there were not strong attentional differences between con-ditions. It is the hope that this localisation will eventually beimproved by the use of a denser electrode array. Simulated datahave shown that denser arrays, especially on the inferior headareas, can improve the localisation properties of sLORETA (theprecursor to eLORETA). Nevertheless, we could reasonablyexpect average localisation error on the order of 1 cm (i.e.,two voxels) with a 32-electrode setup (Song et al., 2015).Moreover, similar equipment has been used to successfullylocalise activity in previous studies (Costa et al., 2013).

It should be noted that although eLORETA generates im-ages visually similar to those of metabolic techniques, thebasis of the value at each voxel differs. Source localisationimages represent areas of large-scale oscillatory activity,which does not necessarily coincide with the BOLD signal.For instance, we would not expect to localise alpha activitydifferences to face areas; such a finding would not be consid-ered mu suppression and could not be interpreted as MNSactivity. The eLORETA images are best viewed as a moreprecise version of the scalp maps of spectral activity often seenin EEG research.

A potential methodological limitation of this study is thatthe reaction time (RT) for the word matching was significantlyfaster than that of the emotion classification task. This would

have made it more likely that the button press (or associatedmotor planning) would occur during the 250–1,000-ms post-stimulus epoch during word matching trials. Mu suppressionassociated with motor planning and movement is well-documented (Pfurtscheller, Brunner, Schlögl, & Lopes daSilva, 2006).

It is fair to assume that the effect of response-associated musuppression on our analyses was not inordinate for severalreasons. First, we would expect more response-associatedmu suppression during the word-matching trials due to theepochs containing more responses on average, yet our find-ings are in the opposite direction. Second, our stimulus-lockedepochs were for a brief enough period after the stimulus thatthey did not often encompass the response, even during theword-matching task. Thus, it is likely that most of the activityduring that epoch was associated with the more instantaneousperceptual processes that we were interested in. Perhaps mosttellingly, the results from our supplementary analysis indicatethat the difference in observe-match ratio between picture andword conditions was not significantly correlated with the dif-ference in RT between the two conditions at any voxel.Nevertheless, future studies might do well to investigate dif-ferences between tasks with more closely matched tasks. Thedifficulty of a word-matching control task could be increasedby visually obfuscating the stimulus to some degree, or adifferent control task could be created using an image process-ing task thought not to engage the MNS.

Fig. 6 Orthogonal slice view of (a) left hemisphere and (b) righthemisphere areas of significantly greater mu suppression associatedwith the emotion classification component of the picture matching taskcompared to wordmatching (one-tailed p < .05; contrast: [picture-observe

minus picture-match] minus [word-observe minus word-match]). Peakdifference in the left hemisphere occurred at MNI coordinates: (50, -10,55) and in the right hemisphere at MNI coordinates: (-45, -55, 40)

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Although research on the MNS originally focused on itsassociation with hand actions, this study provides further sup-port that the MNS is intimately involved in the processing(and classification) of emotion. This supports the notion thatthe MNS plays a crucial role in social cognition, as proposedby Gallese and Goldman (1998), and echoed by others(Oberman & Ramachandran, 2007). The occurrence of musuppression in the very early stages poststimulus indicates thatengagement of the MNS, when processing facial expressionsoccurs rapidly and likely automatically upon perception of thefaces.

In sum, the this study provides electrophysiological sup-port for the idea that the MNS is involved in social perception.Mu suppression was demonstrated using a novel combinationof techniques that go some way to control for potential con-founding factors that can intrude on MNS research in general,and EEG research in particular. The findings presented hereare consistent with the idea that the development of the MNShas played a crucial role in our social functioning.

Compliance with ethical standards

Funding This project was funded in part by the University of Otago.


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