mtwh;t «tht mtkattrjt;t >> CttJtvtqKto mbthKttksrjt >> ;tt...


Transcript of mtwh;t «tht mtkattrjt;t >> CttJtvtqKto mbthKttksrjt >> ;tt...

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017


`e htbtfcteh mtkvt{'tgt Ct³;t |ttr;tltt htbtfcteh btkr'h x[mxmtwh;t «tht mtkattrjt;t

;tk*te & hext btrltMt Ct³;t

JtMto & 4 11-04-2017 ykf & 37

_rbtftmJt. "tehsjttjt hKtAtuzB Ct³;t..................

mJt. ~HtbtKtectult "tehsjttjt Ct³;t................

;tk*te m:ttltu:te.........................................

Translet Editorial Artical........................

htbtltJtbte btntu;mtJt-ytuhKtt.......................

'tlt mtbttatth.........................................


Alphabet For Action...............................

fcteh & yuf yltuhtu btNttjtate....................

ratk;tt:te ratk;tlt ;thV...............................

vt::th vtqksu nrh rbtjtu btI vtqkswk vtntz..............

hkft Jtkft ltu ftjtq fuJtjt fqctt.....................

ykdt{uB rJtCttdt......................................















Owner :Shree Ramkabir Mandir Trust

Publisher and Printer :Karshanbhai L. BhaktaEditor :

Rita Manish Bhakta

Printing Press :Ronak Printers

Sakina chamber, surati jakat nakaBARDOLI

Place of Publication :Shree Ramkabir Mandir Trust

Begampura, SURAT

mtkfjtlt & sgt`e yubt. Ctf;t-Dtjtwzt

vtejtu vgttjtt ntu bt;tJttjtt, vgttjtt lttbt ybtehmt ft hu,vttvt vtwKgt Ctwdt;tlt ftu ytgtt, ftilt ;tuht ytuh ;tq rfmtft hu,sntk jtdt #tmt lttbt jtu vt{Ctwft "tlt gttiJtlt mtvtltt rltrNtft hu,cttjtvtlt mtct Ftujt dtJttgtu ;thwKt Ctgttu ltthe JtNt ft hu,Jt]""t Ctgttu ;tlt ftkvtlt jttdtu rVh lt Sgt f;tnw mthft hu,lttrCt fbtjt btu ni fm;tqhe Jtlt Jtlt rVhu rbthdt Cthft hu,rctlt mt'dtwhw E;tltt 'w&Ft vttgttu fimtu Cthbt rbtxu vtNtwft hu,slbt bthKt mtu ctatltt attntu ;ttu Atuztu ftrbtlte atmtft hu,fnu fctehmttnuct mtwlttu CttE mtt"tw ltFtrNtFt vtqh hnt rJtFtft hu.

>> CttJtvtqKto mbthKttksrjt >>slbt &;tt. 01-08-1916

mJtdtoJttmt &;tt. 18-07-2010

mJt. "tehsjttjt hKtAtuzB vtxujt-~vtJttzt/ybturhft

Making many sacrifices through the journey of life Fruiting into

happiness for others. You touched so many hearts with your love and

kindness during your lifetime. You really knew the purpose of life. We will

always remember your smiling face and loving nature. We are very proud

to have had you us our father.

Please forgive us if we caused you any pain. May God shower his love

upon you. May you be in bliss and peace always wherever you are. Our

Koti Koti Pranam...

"Jai Sat Chit Anand"

rjt. ytvtltt dtwKttltwhtdte vtrhJtthsltturjt. ytvtltt dtwKttltwhtdte vtrhJtthsltturjt. ytvtltt dtwKttltwhtdte vtrhJtthslttu

%;tuhe yuf ctwk' fu vgttmtu nbt, ;twk vgtth ft mttdth ni...^

fcteht sct vti't nwJtt, sdt nmtu nbt htugt >yimte fhlte fh atjttu fu nbt nmtu ytih sdt htugt >> 99095 94237

Yogendra Dhirajlal Patel-Rupwada/USA

Rajendra Dhirajlal Patel- Rupwada/USA

Bharatiben Indravadan Bhakta-Sydla/USA

Suchitaben Pravinbhai Patel-Sarai/USA

Nayantara Mohanbhai Bhakta-Vav/USA

Sushila Yogendra Patel-Rupwada/USA

Sneha Rajendra Patel- Rupwada/USA

Indravadan Maganbhai Bhakta-Sydla/USA

Pravinbhai Parbhubhai Patel-Sarai/USA

Mohanbhai Bhagubhai Bhakta-Vav/USA

(Meeta, Mitesh, Manish, Chandni, Kaitin, Jayna, Miren, Roshni, Sajan)

Yogendra Dhirajlal Patel-Rupwada/USA

Rajendra Dhirajlal Patel- Rupwada/USA

Bharatiben Indravadan Bhakta-Sydla/USA

Suchitaben Pravinbhai Patel-Sarai/USA

Nayantara Mohanbhai Bhakta-Vav/USA

Sushila Yogendra Patel-Rupwada/USA

Sneha Rajendra Patel- Rupwada/USA

Indravadan Maganbhai Bhakta-Sydla/USA

Pravinbhai Parbhubhai Patel-Sarai/USA

Mohanbhai Bhagubhai Bhakta-Vav/USA

(Meeta, Mitesh, Manish, Chandni, Kaitin, Jayna, Miren, Roshni, Sajan)

ytvtlttu rlt&mJtt:to mJtCttJt, nkbtuNtt cteSlte bt'' bttxu ;tigtth yltu %yr;tr:t 'uJttu CtJt^ yubtKtu yubtltt BJtltbttk mtt:tof fhe ct;ttJgtwk.

su vtrhrm:tr;tbttk hnuJttltw ytJgtwk, ;tubttk BJtltmtkdtelte ctlteltu, yltwfqG ctlteltu hÏt. ;tbtu bt];gtwltu B;te dtgtt yltu ct"ttltu yGdtt fhe yufjtt vt{Ctw vtk:tu rJt'tgt :tE dtgtt.

"tlgtJtt', ctt ! ;tbtu ybtltu slbt ytvte bttuxt fgtto ;tulttu ÒKt ybtu ltrn atqfJte Ntfeyu. ybttht vt{Kttbt... ;tbtthw mbthKt Ç'gtbttk mtatJttE hnuNtu...

ybttht btlt, Jtatlt, ftgtt:te SKtu-ySKgtu ;tbttht r'jtltu 'wCttJgtwk ntugt ;ttu ybttultu Htbtt fhNttu ! ;tbtthwk BJtlt vt{uhKtt'tgte ctlttu...

ybtu ytvtltu yt;btCttJtu ltbtmfth fhe vt{Ctwltu vt{t:toltt fheyu Aeyu fu, %nu vt{Ctw ! ;tbtthe f]vtt yltu f~Kttlttu Jthmtt' rlthk;th yubtltt Wvth Ègttk ntugt ;gttk JthmttJt;tt hnuSu. yubtltu vt{Ctw rath Nttkr;t yltu bttuHt vt{tv;t fhtJtSu... Ó Nttkr;t& Nttkr;t& Nttkr;t&

rjt. ytvtltt dtwKttltwhtdte vtrhJtthsltturjt. ytvtltt dtwKttltwhtdte vtrhJtthsltturjt. ytvtltt dtwKttltwhtdte vtrhJtthslttu

CttJt - mJtCttJt.... bttltmtlbttlt....;tk*tem:ttltu:te....

yt'hKtegt fctehJttKte JttatfJt]k'....mttiltu vt{Kttbt... htbtfcteh... sgt ̀ ehtbt...

fctehJttKte yurvt{jt-2017 ykf ltk. 510 mJt.`e "tehsjttjt hKtAtuzB vtxujt-

~vtJttzt/ybturhft ;t:tt mJt.`e ~HtbtKtectult "tehsjttjt vtxujt-~vtJttzt/ybturhftlte vtwKgtgtt'bttk

;tubtlttk vtrhJtthslttultt 'tltltt mt:tJtthu vt{ftrNt;t fhe hÏt Aeyu... mJt mJtdtom:tltt vtwKgtt;bttlte

Nttkr;t bttxu vt{Ctw Jtk'ltt.... Ó Nttkr;t& Nttkr;t& Nttkr;t& mtt:tu s vtrhJtthslttultt 'tltmtngttudt bttxu

;tubtlttu r'jt:te ÒKt mJtefthe ytCtth vt{dtx fheyu....

mtbtdt{ ct{Ítkzltw Jtt;ttJthKt vtjtxtE hÏwk Au. Ctth;tbttk bttato btrnltt:te s 40 :te 45

zedt{e xubvtuhuath:te jttuftu *tm;t :tE hÏt Au. BJtlt SKtu mtJtthu 11 :te mttksu 5 mtw"te m:trdt;t :tE

Sgt Au. ;ttu rJt'uNttubttk fgttkf cthV, ;ttu fgttkf bttuxtk fht vtze hÏtk Au... djttuctjt Jtturbtodtlte

ymth:te mt]rMxltw ctujtulmt FttuhtE hÏwk Au... yt ;ttu hne Jtt;ttJthKtlte Jtt;t, vtKt bttKtmttultt btltltw

ctujtulmt ytltt:te vtKt Jt"tw Ctgtkfh he;tu FttuhtE hÏwk Au...

rbt*ttu, DtKttct"tt vt{mtkdttuyu yufcteSltu btGeyu Aeyu ;gtthu SuEyu Aeyu fu ct"ttltt

JttKte-Jt;tolt JgtJtnth yattltf s ct'jttE Sgt Au. ct"ttltu vttu;tvttu;ttltwk s JtatomJt y:tJtt btn@Jt

SGJte htFtJtwk Au yltu "tthtu fu ;tbtltu bttlt btGe vtKt Sgt ;ttu yu btÉgtt vtAe su mt'TCttJt -

ytCtthCttJt Ntc'tu fu Jt;tolt:te ct;ttJtJttu SuEyu ;tu ;ttu fgttkgt ltshu lt:te sz;ttu... ctmt, nwk btntlt

Awk, btuk DtKte rmtr""tytu btuGJte Au ;ttu btltu bttlt btGJtwk s SuEyu... yltu ytJte Jgtr³;tytultu vttAt

xuftu ytvtlttht vtKt vtwMfG btGe hnu...'huf Jgtr³;t vttu;tvttu;ttlte he;tu mtHtbt-mtctG ;t:tt btnult;tw ntugt Au... yltu BJtltbttk

;tuytu fkEf ltu fkEf rmtr""t btuGJt;tt s hnu Au. nt ! vthk;tw ;tf mtVG;tt yltu bttlt-mtlbttlt ct"ttltu btG;tt lt:te. DtKte JtFt;t ;ttu zemthJt¾dt Jgtr³;tlttu rJt#tmt vtKt ftuE fh;tw lt:te... rbt*ttu, yultt DtKtt fthKttu Au... ftuE Jgtr³;t ftuE Htu*tbttk Ftqct Âatt rJtrJt"t ntuÚtytu "thtJt;tt ntugt vthk;tw yu ntuÚt FthuFth fE he;tu btÉgtt yu bttKtmt lt SKtu vthk;tw vthbtt;bttltu ;ttu ct"tw s Ftcth Au. ;ttu vtujte ;tf yltu mtVG;tt ;t:tt bttlt-mtlbttlt yultu s btGu sultt Wvth vt{Ctwltt mttatt ytNteJtto' ntugt... fthKt fu BJtltbttk Âatt rNtFthu ctumtJtw ;ttu mtns Au, vthk;tw yu rNtFth Wvth vtntukatJtt bttxu ;tbtu btnult;t y:tJtt mttr@Jtf;ttlttu hm;ttu yvtlttJttu Atu fu htsfthKt:te y:tJtt 't'tdtehe:te ;tbtu yu rNtFth Wvth vtntukattu Atu...

;tbtu ftuEvtKt Jgtr³;tltu ltwfNttlt fgtto rJtltt, rlt&mJtt:to CttJtu V³;t yltu V³;t vttu;ttltt ;t:tt

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017


fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017


slbt &;tt. 05-03-1937

mJtdtoJttmt &;tt. 21-01-2017

mJt. ~HtbtKtectult "tehsjttjt vtxujt-~vtJttzt/ybturhft

Ç'gtCtelte `""ttksrjt

%fubt fhe ybtu atwfJte Ntfeyu ;tbtthe btbt;ttltt btwjt ?ctt ! ;tbtthu athKtu "theyu `""ttksrjtltt Vqjt...^

fnltt :tt mttu f' r'gtt, yct fwA fnt lt Sgt >yuf hnt 'wS dtgtt, 'rhgtt jtnh mtbttgt >>

"Jai Sat Chit Anand"

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte

5 6


cteSltt rJtftmt bttxu ftbt fhtu ;ttu vtAe bttlt - mtlbttlt fw'h;te he;tu s btGe sNtu yltu yu btÉgtt

vtAe vtKt ;tbtu yu rNtFth Wvth:te cteSltt nt:t Ltjteltu Wvth QXtJtJtt vt{gt;ltNtejt ctlttu ;ttu

cttfeltw ct"tw ;tbtltu fw'h;te he;tu btGe sNtu... yultt bttxu ;tbtthu ftuE vt{gt;lt lt:te fhJttlttu...

%%bttlt^^ ytvtbtuGu btG;te rmtr""t Au. yu bttkdtJte fu AeltJte jtuJte yu fw'h;tltt rmt""ttk;ttulte

rJthw""t Au.

DtKtt bttKtmttu V³;t yltu V³;t vttu;tu BJtltbttk fkEf fhJtwk Au. ftuE rmtr""t btuGJte zkftu

JtdttzJttu Au y:tJtt ;ttu 'uNt-rJt'uNtbttk jttuftultt bttuZu mttkCtGJtw Au fu VjttKtt VjttKtt ;ttu Ftqct s

bttuxt ntuÚt vth rcthtsu Au... yulte vttmtu ;ttu DtKte mt@ttt Au... :ttuCttu !!! yt rNtFth Wvth vttu;ttltt

rJtftmtlte Jtt;t ;ttu 'qh hne ;tbtu cteSltu rJtfmttJtJttlte fu cteSltt BJtltbttk vttu;ttlte btnult;t:te

FtwNteytu VujttJtJttlte ;ttu Jtt;t s lt:te... V³;t ftuEvtKt Cttudtu ;tu mtthtu ntugt fu Fthtct, ctmt vttu;tu

fkEf btuGJtJtwk Au lttu CttJt Au... yltu ytvtKtltu Ftcth s Au. sulttu %CttJt^^ mtthtu ;tulttu %%vt{CttJt^^ mtthtu s hnuJttlttu... ftuE Jgtr³;t yultu zdttJte lt Ntfu. fthKt fu Ègtthu ytNtgt NtwCt ntugt vttu;ttltt fu cteSltt rJtftmtlttu rlt&mJtt:to CttJt ntugt ;gtthu rmtr""t bttlt-mtlbttlt ct"tw ;twaA ctlte Sgt Au.

yt CttJt lte mtt:tu %%mJtCttJt^^ mtthtu ntuJttu vtKt s~he Au. bttKtmttulte lttbtltt rmtr""t bttuxu Cttdtu mJtCttJtltt fthKtu s Jt"t;te ntugt Au. mttiltt rvt{gt fu yrvt{gt ctltJtw yu mJtCttJtlte 'ult Au. fuxjttf jttuftu Ftqct ;tusmJte-ctwr}NttGe, vt{r;tCttJttlt ntugt vtKt mJtCttJt y;tztu, ;teFttu, ytFttcttujttu ntugt ;ttu jttuftu ;tultt:te 10 Vqx 'qh s hnu Au. fuxjttflttu mJtCttJt W""t;t ;t:tt ;ttuAztu ntugt sultu ftuElttu vt{ubt lt btGe Ntfu... fuxjttflttu mJtCttJt zkFtejttu ntugt Au. su fgtthu ftultu fgttk Jtdttze vttzu yu lt²e lt:te... Ègtthu fuxjttf jttuftulttu mJtCttJt bteXtu, fqkLhtu, Jnubtejttu ntugt Au. sultt Wvth ftuE rJt#tmt btwfe Ntfu yubt s lt:te...

Ègtthu fuxjttf jttuftulttu mJtCttJt vthtuvtfthe, W'th, ytltk'e rltFttjtmt ntugt Au sultu

%%mtÈslt^^ Jgtr³;t fnuJttgt... rbtjtltmtth... bttuxe mtVG;tt vtAe vtKt "th;te Wvth vtdt htFte su

bttlt btÉgtw Au ;tulttu ytCtth CttJt htFtltth mJtCttJt htFteNtw ;ttu %%mttiltw mtlbttlt vttbteNtw.^^

ftuE bttKtmt vttmtu vt{r;tMXt, Waat vt' fu yZGf "tlt ntugt vthk;tw mJtCttJt Ntqlgt ntugt ;ttu yulte rfkbt;t ftuzelte vtKt lt:te... ;tbtu Fttuxt hm;tu rNtFth Wvth vtntukattu ;ttu Xtufhtu FttJtt ;tigtth hnuJttltwk... bttKtmt vttmtu yZGf "tlt ntugt vthk;tw yrCtbttlte ntugt ;ttu ;tultw 'huf 'tlt mttr@Jtf fnuJttgt... f btltu y:tJtt fkftmt:te fhujt 'tlt yu Fthtct mJtCttJtltwk 'wMfbto fnuJttgt... 'tlt ltn¾...

;tk*te`eltu Vtult fheltu s 'tlt ytvtJtt ytJtJtwk.mtbtgt V³;t & 11-00 :te 1-00ftulxu³x ltk. 99095 94237Email : [email protected]

;tu rmtJttgt mtwh;t btkr'hu 'tlt 'hhtus mJteftgto hnuNtu,sulte lttuk"t jtuNttu.

hext btrltMt Ct³;t

;tk*te`e - ctthztujteM.A., B.Ed. Eng/Sans.

yt"twrltf gtwdtbttk BJtlt JgtJtnth atjttJtJtt vtimtt yltu ntuÚtltwk s btn@Jt Au... vthk;tw vt{ubt y:tJtt Ntw} mJtCttJt Jtdthltt vtimtt fu ntuÚtu fkE ftbtlttu lt:te... jttuftultt r'jttubttk hnuJtw s~he Au. r'bttdtbttk hnuJtwk s~he Au... %%mttatwfjtt lttltt^^ bttKtmttu s vt{Ctwlte ltBf m:ttlt btuGJtu Au... BJtltbttk mttatt hm;tt Wvth btnult;t fhe vttu;ttltt rJtftmtlte mtt:tu cteSltt rJtftmtbttk mtnCttdte :tJtt:te s ytvtKtu Nttkr;t y:tJtt mtwFtltu yltwCtJte NtfeNtwk...

BJtltbttk mtVG;tt bttxu btnult;t fhJte vthk;tw mtVG;tt bttxu bttlt lt btGu ;ttu mJtatftmtKte fhtu, ;tbtthtu CttJt atftmttu sttct btGew s sNtu... ylt uf'tat bttlt btGu ;ttu yulte f'h htFttu yultt:te Fttuxe vtcjtemexe fhJttlte sdgttyu yulttu ytCtth CttJt mt'iJt ;tbttmt JttKte-Jt;tolt JgtJtnthte 'NttoJttu.... yu s mttate rmtr} y:tJtt mtVG;tt...

fctehJttKte JtuctmttEx &

Email : [email protected]

Sentiments Nature…. Respects...From the Editorial deskRespected Kabirvani Readers groups

Salutations are all… Ramkabir… Jay Shriram

Kabirvani April 2017 issue No. 510 is being published with kind help of their

family members in the righteous recollections of Late Shri Dhirajlal Ranchhodji Patel-

Rupvada/USA and Late Smt. Rukhamaniben Dhirajlal Patel-Rupvada/USA. The

God's prayers for the entenal peace of Late's righteous recollections… Aum Shanti:

Shanti: Shanti: with thanks of their family members for their kind help accepting its

debt by heart.

All the cosmetic atmosphere is being changed. In India the people are worried

from the month of March with 40° to 45° C. temperature. The life is being standstill as if

morning 11 to evening 5 O'clock. In abroad there is ice snow falls or some where Hail-

stones ! The Global warming is but scattered the Natures Balance wheel : This is but

the story or atmosphere the balance of Human mind is but being scattered very badly.

Friends, as we meet on occasions, then what is seen that the other party's

speech-behaviour-practices are suddenly changed. All have to keep on their own

brilliance or importance and suppose that you get the proper respects, but after it, the

good conduct which is shown by good words, thanks etc. That behavior is not seen at

all. O.K. I am the great, I have many a successes in my cap, then I must deserve to get

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017


the honour… and there are many supporters, to such persons, he can get their


Everyone according to one's capacity is quite capable, full of energy

and industrious… and they get some kind of success in life, yest, but everyone

does not get the opportunity, success and honours !! Many a times, it is seen

that the deserving person could not get even the belief. Friends, it has many

reasons… Some persons may have many posts in a specific field, but he does

not know the real thing, but only God knows. So, that he is worthy for the real

blessings of God, for that opportunity success and respects. Becouse it is easy

to sit on a top most sunmit in life, But the way you accept up the peak is hard

and pure one or you reach up the peak by politics and ruffianism.

If you work with any one's injury, but only with the unselfish attitude and giving

any harm to any one, for the welfare of other and other only, then you will get on the

respect and honour naturally and after getting it from the peak you are trying to give

your hand to araise him, you will get the other remaining naturally. You will not have to

attempt any… Honour is the success getting automatically. To demand for it or to

snatch it is against the laws of Nature.

Many a people are apt to do something in life only. They have to get some

success and acclaim for victory or to get around the people saying that such a one is

ranking on very great office… He has an ample power… But wait a little !!! On this peak

is away the developmental thing, there is no story of developing others or the thing to

spread pleasures with our efforts in their life. Not at all but he may be good or bad at

any price, O.K. to receive something is only sentiment… and we know that, those who

have good sentiments will have the good impressions… No one can fatter it because

when the intention is good, there is unselfish attitude of the self or other

development, then the victory, honour-respect etc. all become trifling.

With this sentiment, Nature must be good. The reputation, victory is

being increased greatly due to Nature. To become Dear to all or the Devil is the

gift of the Nature. Some people are brilliant, intelligent and genius but if they

belong to the Nature, reserved, acrid and outspoken the people will be away ten

feet from him. Some belong to the Nature rude and impudent who do not get

love from anyone… Some have malicious Nature, it is uncertain to harm the

others. Some people have sweet, remained undeveloped and some have

superstious Nature. On who nobody could have faith.

Where as some people have the benevolent, generous, cheerful, frank

Nature, they will be called gentleman. Social and affable. After getting big victory, it we

have our legs on Earth and the Nature to the thanks giving, then “We can get the

honours by all.”

M.A., B.Ed. Eng/Sans.

Rita Manish Bhakta

Editor : Bardoli

Contact on Phone : 99095 94237

Time only 11-00 a.m. to 1-00 p.m.

If a person has reputation, high posts or plentiful money but by nature

he is Nil. If you have reached the peak by a wrong way then be ready to have

stumbling. If a person has plentiful money, but proud-haughty by Nature

then his every donation can be called pure one ? With hesitating mind or by

quarrel some donations it could be a improper Nature's ill-work not a

donation !

In modern age for livelihood money and post play an important role…

but money or post have no use unless they are with love or pure nature… To

be in the hearts of people is significant even in intelligence. “The real short.”

Persons are always near to God… We can enjoy the peace or happiness

unless and other wise we do hard work on true ways in life and developing

ourselves when we share with other body's development.

To get success in life hard-work is needed, but unless we get perhaps

no honour then make self analysis, then examine your sentiments. You will

get the answer… And if perhaps you would receive the respect them

appreciate it, so that it won't take place the wrong publicity but thanks to it by

your speech behavior practices. That is the real success or victory.

Email : [email protected]

>> htbtltJtbte btntu;mtJt - ytuhKtt >>`e htbtfcteh btkr'h x[mx, mtwh;t mtkattrjt;t ;t:tt btrnjttvttkFt «tht ytgtturs;t CtdtJttlt

`ehtbt slbttu;mtJtlte WsJtKte Ftqct s W;mttn Wbtkdt:te mtbtdt{ mtbttsbttk bttuxe mtkFgttbttk vt"tthujt Ct³;ttulte ntshebttk ytuhKtt ntEmfqjtltt ltgtlthbgt Jtt;ttJthKtbttk mtkvtllt fhtE...

ytuhKtt ntEmfqjtlttu vt{t:toltt ntujt mtJtth:te s mtwmtÈs he;tu mtwNtturCt;t :tE SKtu Ct³;tslttulte htn SuJttE hne n;te. ytX Jttdgtt:te mtbttsltt rJtrJt"t btrnjttbtkzGtultw ytdtbtlt Jt"te hÏw n;tw. yjvttnthlte mtt:tu s mtti ctnulttu ;t:tt CttEytu vt{t:toltt CtJtltbttk Wbtkdt:te vt"ttgttO. ytuhKtt dttbt vtrhJtth ;t:tt btrnjttbtkzG mtJtthu 7-30 Jttdgtt:te s mttiltu nMto:te ytJtfthe hÏt n;tt...

htbtltJtbte W;mtJtltt yt vttJtlt yJtmthlte NtwCtNt~yt;t mtbtdt{ mtbttsbttk:te vt"tthujt Jtzejt ctnulttu «tht 'evtvt{tdtxTgt:te fhJttbttk ytJte. ytuhKtt btrnjttJt]k' «tht Ftqct s mtwbt"twh yJttsu vt{t:toltt:te ftgto_bt Nt~ :tgttu... ytuhKttlte cttrjtftytultt mJttdt;tlt];gt ;t:tt btrnjttJt]k'ltt Ctr³;tdte;t ctt' vt"tthujt mtti vtrhJtthslttultw Vqjttu:te mJttdt;t fhe `ehtbt ;t:tt fctehBltt

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

9 10

athKttubttk mtbtrvto;t fhtgtt...btrnjttvttkFtltt vt{btwFt`eyu Ntc'tu:te mttiltu ytJtftgtto... mtbttsltt vt{btwFt`e

nmtbtwFtCttEyu ctnulttultu mtrnMKtw;tt fuGJtJttlte ntkfjt fhe htbtltJtbte WsJtKteltu mtt:tof fhJtt mttiltu ytNteJtoatlttu vttXJgtt...

Ct³;tmtbttsltt fwjt 16 btrnjttbtkzGlte ctnulttu rJtNttG mtkFgttbttk WsJtKte bttxu mtnCttdte ctlte... NtwCtthkCt ytuhKtt btrnjttJt]k'u dtKtuNtJtk'ltt Ctslttu:te fhe... ;gtthctt' yltw_btu Dtjtwzt btrnjttbtkzG, fvtwht btrnjttbtkzG, ;thmttze btrnjttbtkzG, hts(ltu*tkdt)btkzG, 'uhtu' btrnjttbtkzG, "ttbtKt btrnjttbtkzG, ytmtwk'h btrnjttbtkzGlte rJtrJt"t mtsoltNtejt, htbt yJt;tthltu ytjtuFt;te W@tbt Ctsltf]r;tytu mttiyu hsw fhe. subttk ctnulttuyu CtdtJttlt htbt-mte;tt-jtHbtKt-nltwbttlt-Ntcthe-ynjgtt suJtt rJtrJt"t vtt*ttulttu z[umt yvt fhe ytuhKttdttbtltu SKtu ygttu"gtt ctlttJte htbtslbtlttk Jt"ttbtKtt fgttO... cthtcth 12 Jttdgtu vt{Ctw`e htbtltt slbt mtbtgtu 'huf btkzGltt vt{btwFt`e ;t:tt Jtzejt ctnulttuyu yth;te W;tthe... Ctr³;thmtltt rnjttuGu mtti ctnulttuyu SKtu mttHtt;t vt{Ctw slbtltu s yltwCtJgttu... yth;te-vt{mtt' ctt' mtti mJttr'Mx Cttuslt bttKgtw... Ftqct s ymtÏ dthbte ntuJtt A;ttk mtbttslte ctnulttulte ntshe ytkFtu Qzeltu JtGdtu yuJte n;te... btntvt{mtt' ctt' Ctsltgtt*ttltwk ctesw athKt Nt~ :tgtwk. ltJttltdth btrnjttbtkzG ctt' (ytuhKtt) ltu*tkdt btrnjttbtkzGlte ctnulttuyu Ctslttulte hbtLx cttujttJte...

btrnjttvttkFtltt vt{btwFt ̀ ebt;te ;tthtctnult hbtuNtCttE JtNte jtdtCtdt 16 JtMto:te ;tubtlte mtuJtt ytvte hÏt Au. ;tubtKtu gtwJttlt ctnulttultu ftgtoCtth jtuJtt rJtltk;te fhe... ;tubtlte jttkcte mtuJtt bttxu ;tubtltw Vwjt ytvte mtbtts ;thV:te mtlbttlt fhtgtwk... mtt:tu s mtbttsltt ltJttltdth-vtltJtujt rltJttmte `ebt;te rnhjtctult ysgtCttE Ct³;tltu ;tubtlte htsfthKtbttk btGujt mtVG;tt bttxu yrCtltk'lt vttXJte Vwjttu:te mtlbttlt fhtgtwk... vtq. ;tthtbttmteyu mttiltu ytCtth Jgt³;t fgttuo... dt'Tdt'e;t :tE mttiltt mtnfth bttxu "tlgtJtt' vttXJgtt... `ebt;te rnhjtctultu vtKt ctnulttu «tht fhtgtujt mtlbttltltu r'jt:te mJtefthe mtbttslte ctnulttultu bt''~vt :tJttlte btnuaAt 'NttoJte... Vhe:te Ctsltgtt*tt bttxu JttJt btrnjttbtkzG, fujJtefqJtt btrnjttbtkzG, mgtt'jtt btrnjttbtkzG, jttuxhJtt btrnjttbtkzGltt Ctslttulte hbtLx Sbte... yk;tu ltltmttz dttbt «tht mtwk'h Ctth;t lttxTgtbt f]r;t «tht `ehtbtatkY yth;te hsw :tE... mttiltu btk*tbtwd"t ctlttJgtt... yk;tu vt:thtrzgtt btkzGu ;tubtlte ztlmtf]r;t:te mttiltu yt\gto mtt:tu yvtth FtwNteytulte jtnuhfe ctnulttultt btwFt vth vt{mthtJte...

vthkvthtdt;t Ctslttulte dttgtefe mtt:tu su ;tu Ctsltltt Ntc'tultu yltw~vt htbttgtKtltt s vtt*ttulttu yrCtltgt 'NttoJte ctnulttulte yrCtltgt Ntr³;t ;t:tt mtsoltNtejt;tt mtt:tu Ctslttu «tht Ctr³;thmt bttKtJttlte, yltwCtJtJttlte yuf rJtrNtMx ;tf mttiltu btGe. mtti btrnjttbtkzGlte ctnulttu ;tbtthe btnult;t ;t:tt mtbtts bttxu fkEf ltJtwk vtehmtJttlttu CttJt bttxu mttiltu mtjttbt ;t:tt vt{Kttbt mtn

yrCtltk'lt... yt s he;tu ytvtKtu Jtth-;tnuJtthu vt{CtwCtr³;tlte mtt:tu mttiltu vt{ubt:te btG;tt hneNtw...%%mJt rJtatthNtr³;tltu cteS Wvth :ttuvtJttlte sdgttyu mttiltu yltw~vt rJtatthNtr³;t

rJtfmttJteyu ;ttu BJtlt "tlgt ctltNtu.^^ftgto_bt yk;tu htMx[dte;t dttlt ctt' CtuGlttu lttm;ttu fhe mtti fctehÈgtk;te WsJtJttltt Jtt't

mtt:tu Aqxt vtzgtt... ftgto_btltw mtkattjtlt ;tk*te `ebt;te hextctnult ;t:tt rnhjtctult, mtebttctult, vtqltbtctult, mtwntltectult «tht Ftqct s mtwk'h vt{gt;lt:te vtqKto fhtgtw... ̀ e Cth;tCttE, ̀ e atu;tltCttE, ytuhKtt gtwJtfbtkzG, ;ttht bttmte, hksltctult ;t:tt ytuhKtt btrnjttbtkzGlte btnult;t ct'jt yrCtltk'lt... "tlgtJtt'...

>> 'tlt :tfe ÒKt mJtefth fheyu... >>>> btkr'h 'tlt >>



E#hCttE JttjttCttE Ct³;tmtrJt;ttctult, rfhltCttE, fjvtlttctultyumx[tult-ybturhftJttjttCtE 'wjttCttE Ct³;tr'Jtthctult JttjttCttE Ct³;tmtrJt;ttctult, rfhltCttE, fjvtlttctultyumx[tult-ybturhft

>> fctehJttKte 'tlt >>

>> fctehJttKte mbt]r;tykf 'tlt >>

3,250-00 cttdttCttE bttuhthbtKtectult, vttJto;tectult, mtrJt;ttctult, rfhltCttEfjvtlttctult, yumx[tult, ;twjtmtthe



5,000-00rvt;tt &btt;tt &ctnult &ctnult &CttE &CttE &


vtw*t &vtw*tJt"tq &

vtw*t &vtw*t &vtw*te &

ltehJtltt NtwCtjtdltvt{mtkdtu-Dttxt/ybturhftnmtbtwFtCttE ltt:twCttE Ct³;tjtumxh btrnjttbtkzG-jtumxh/gtw.fu.n.dtk.mJt. htbtectult htbtCttE Ct³;t -jtumxh/gtw.fu.

mJt. atkrYftctult r*tjttuatlt Ct³;t-rVlteHt/USA

CtqjttCttE Ctr³;tCttE Ct³;t-WJtt/USA

hksltctult CtqjttCttE Ct³;t-ateFtjte/USA

ltgtlttctult ltxJthjttjt Ct³;t-"ttbtKtmtt"tlttctult btlteMtjttjt Ct³;t-WJtt/USA

yltejtCttE CtqjttCttE Ct³;t-WJtt/USA

vthuNtCttE CtqjttCttE Ct³;t-WJtt/USA

21,111-00 mJt. mtrJt;ttctult bttunltCttE Ct³;t-vt:thtrzgtt/USA

n. bttunltCttE dtturJtk'CttE Ct³;t-vt:thtrzgtt/USA

htswCttE bttunltCttE Ct³;t-vt:thtrzgtt/USA

y.mtti. mtk"gttctult htswCttE Ct³;t-vt:thtrzgtt/USA

NteJtbtTCttE htswCttE Ct³;t-vt:thtrzgtt/USA

mJt. Ègtkr;tCttE mte;tthtbtCttE Ct³;t-LebcttctumJt. ltehwvtbttctult Ègtkr;tjttjt Ct³;t-Lebcttctuctumxlt Ègtkr;tjttjtCttE Ct³;tWMttctult ctumxltCttE Ct³;t"tbtuoNtCttE Ègtkr;tjttjtCttE Ct³;tyB;tCttE Ègtkr;tjttjtCttE Ct³;trltjtebttctult Ct³;t-IONES

yHtgt, rvt{gtt, rvt{gtkft, mtturVgtt, bttgtt



dtk.mJt. fbtGtctult btdtltCttE vtxujt ;t:ttrlthksltCttE btdtltCttE vtxujt-jtumxh/gtw.fu.mJt. mtrJt;ttctult bttunltCttE Ct³;tbttunltCttE vthCtwCttE Ct³;t-mte;ttvtwh/USA

Nttkr;tjttjtCttE vthCtwCttE Ct³;t-btltvtwh/USA

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017


gttudtulYCttE "tehsjttjt vtxujt-~vtJttzt/USA

htsulYCttE "tehsjttjt vtxujt-USA

Ctth;tectult ElYJt'ltCttE Ct³;t-mgtt'jtt/USA

mtwNtejttctult vt{JteKtCttE vtxujt-mthE/USA

ltilt;ttht bttunltCttE Ct³;t-JttJt/USA

mJt. hbtuNtCttE CtdttCttE Ntqht-U.K.

mJt. mtwrJt$tctult hbtuNtCttE Ntqht-U.K.

dtk.mJt. lte;ttctult lthuNtCttE Ntqht-U.K.

r"tjtltCttE lthuNtCttE Ntqht-U.K.

'trltftctult lthuNtCttE Ntqht-U.K.

'rJtlttctult lthuNtCttE Ntqht-U.K.

btelttHtectult Cth;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.S.A.

rltrFtjt Cth;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.S.A.

rfNtlt Cth;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.S.A.

mtwbtr;tctult nubtk;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.K.

rvtltgt nubtk;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.K.

mttJtlt nubtk;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.K.

rJtNtt nubtk;tjttjt Ct³;t-U.K.

mtwNtejttctult gttudtulYCttE vtxujt-~vtJttzt/USA

mltunt htsulYCttE vtxujt-USA

ElYJt'ltCttE btdtltCttE Ct³;t-mgtt'jtt/USA

vt{JteKtCttE vt{CtwCttE vtxujt-mthE/USA

bttunltCttE CtdttCttE Ct³;t-JttJt/USA

mJt. "tltBCttE CtdttCttE Ntqhtdtk.mJt. "tltwctult "tltBCttE Ntqht-ltu*tkdtbtgtwhCttE "tltBCttE Ntqht-ltu*tkdtjtnhectult btgtwhCttE Ntqht-ltu*tkdtrltMXt btgtwhCttE Ntqht-ltu*tkdt;tlJte btgtwhCttE Ntqht-ltu*tkdtftNbtehtctult atk'wjttjt Ct³;t-~vtJttztCttrJtftctult rltjtuNtjttjt Ct³;t-jttuxhJtt

mJt. rn;tulYCttE CtdttCttE Ntqht-U.K.

dtk.mJt. btkswctult rn;tulYCttE Ntqht-U.K.

htsuNtCttE rn;tulYCttE Ntqht-U.K.


bte;tt, bte;tuNt, btlteMt, attk'lte, fuE;telt, sgtltt, bteltt, htuNtlte, ytsjt

ybttht VtuE - fbtwctult E#hjttjt Ct³;t-U.K.

mttiltu htbtfcteh Ntqht vtrhJtth-U.K., ltu*tkdt, INDIA

mJt. "tehsjttjt hKtAtuzB vtxujt-~vtJttzt/USA

mJt. ~HtbtKtectult "tehsjttjt vtxujt-~vtJttzt/USA

21,000-00 mJt. lthuNtfwbtth hbtuNtCttE (mttubttCttE) CtdttCttE Ct³;t-ltu*tkdt/U.K.

n. dtk.mJt. lte;ttctult lthuNtCttE Ntqht-U.K.

>> `e htbtltJtbte rltrbt@tu ytJtujt 'tlt - ;tt. 04-04-2017 >>2,500-00



mJt. lthuNtfwbtth hbtuNtCttE Ntqht-jtkzltltt mbthKtt:tuolte;ttctult lthuNtfwbtth Ntqht-jtkzltr'jtltfwbtth lthuNtfwbtth Ntqht-jtkzltCttltwctult ctGJtk;tCttE Ct³;t-U.S.A.

xelttctult rltfwksCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt/U.S.A.

vt{er;tctult Cth;tCttE Ct³;t-ltu*tkdt/U.S.A.

rltjtbtctult nubtk;tjttjt-mgtt'jttsgt`ectult fltigttjttjt-htsvthtmJt. ztÏtCttE mte;tthtbt Ct³;t-ytuhKtt ;t:ttmJt. dttu'tJthectult ztÏtCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt ;t:ttmJt. mtwCttMtCttE ztÏtCttE Ct³;tltt mbthKtt:tuohbtuNtCttE ztÏtCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt;tthtctult hbtuNtCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt

















`e ytuhKtt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:teCttltwctult BJtKtCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKttmtwrbt*ttctult cte. Ct³;t-ytuhKtt/U.K.

mtw"ttctult mtlbtwFtCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt/U.S.A.

dte;ttctult Cth;tCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt'uJtectult rJtltwCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt/U.S.A.

lte;ttctult hKtB;tCttE Ct³;t-btjtufvttuhmtwhuNtCttE ftGe'tmtCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKttmtw"ttctult mtlbtwFtCttE Ct³;t-fvtwht/U.S.A.

`e fvtwht btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:temte;ttctult AtuxwCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKttbt"twctult dttuh"tltCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKttbteltwctult btltnhCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt

Erl'htctult Cth;tCttE Ct³;t-fujJtefqJttmtrJt;ttctult yB;tCttE Ct³;t-fujJtefqJttNtfwk;tjttctult nmtbtwFtCttE Ct³;t-fujJtefqJttltgtlttctult bttunltCttE Ct³;t-JtumbttmtrJt;ttctult CtqjttCttE Ct³;t-'uhtu'"tltwctult vt{ftNtCttE Ct³;t-'uhtu'mtwrbt*ttctult btwfwk'CttE Ct³;t-'uhtu''uhtu' btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:te;thmttze btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:tehtultf rvt{lxmto-ctthztujte ;thV:temttubtectult dttuvttGCttE Ct³;t-JttJtbtkswjttctult ytu"tJtCttE Ct³;t-ytm;tt'udttbtt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:tehbtejttctult hKtAtuzCttE vtxujt-ytuhKttmtwNtejttctult vt{JteKtCttE Ct³;t-btZemgtt'jtt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:teNttk;ttctult mtlbtwFtCttE Ct³;t-WJtt/U.S.A.

jttuxhJtt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:te

ytmtwk'h btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:tebtwfuNtCttE btdtltCttE vtxujt-ytuhKttvt{JteKtCttE jtjjtwCttE Ct³;t-ytuhKtt/U.S.A.

JteKttctult y;twjtCttE Ntqht-ytm;tt/U.S.A.

ltu*tkdt-hts btkzG ;thV:teltJttltdth btkzG ;thV:teltgtlttctult sdtr'NtCttE Ct³;t-ltJttltdthCttltwctult hbtuNtCttE Ct³;t-ltJttltdth(ykCtuxe)JttJt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:teltu*tkdt JtuhtE btkzGltltmttz btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:teNttk;ttctult mtlbtwFtCttE Ct³;t-ltu*tkdtyhrJtk'CttE "tehsCttE Ct³;t-'udttbttrfhexCttE ztÏtCttE Ct³;t-'udttbttfujJtefqJtt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:teJttkmt't btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:tevt:thtrzgtt btrnjttbtkzG ;thV:te

>> Ctqjt mtw"tthtu >>fctehJttKte rzmtubcth-2016 %%btwkctE btkr'h ltJtrltbttoKt rJtNtuMttkf^^ bttk vttlt ltk. 8 Wvth

`e htbtfcteh btkr'h x[mx, mtwh;t., btwkctE btkr'h ltJtrltbttoKt %ytvtKtw Dth^ bttxu 18 yurvt{jt 2010ltt htuscttBvtwht btwftbtu btGujt Ct³;t vtrhJtth 'tlt-lttuk"t ;tubts vth'uNt:te Ctth;t ytJte 'tlt ytvtltth 't;ttytultegtt'ebttk _bt ltkcth 38 `e h;tltCttE btt"tJtCttE Ct³;t-fvtwht 1,00,000 lte sdgttyu `e h;tltctult btt"tJtCttE Ct³;t-fvtwht 1,00,000 JttatJtw.


(This is the final of five chapter promoting ideas of a Vegetarian diet especially

prepared for researched Kabirvani readers).



The concept of vegetarianism can be traced to the very origin of ancient Indian

philosophy. Indian philosophy propagates vegetarianism as a way of life. It stems from

the basic concept of non violence which is one of the guiding principles of the religion,

for to consume meat, fish, fowl or eggs is to participate directly in acts of cruelty and

violence against other life forms. The abhorrence of injury and killing of any kind leads

quite naturally to a vegetarian diet, also termed as 'shakahari'.

Meat eating, it is argued, contributes to a mentality of violence, for with the

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

13 14

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

chemically complex meat injested into the system, one absorbs the slaughtered

creature's fear, pain and terror. The qualities are nourished within the meat eater,

perpetuating a cycle of cruelty and confusion.

Ancient texts further clarify that when the individual attains a transcended state of

consciousness, a natural offshoot of which is abhorrence towards violence, he will not

be able to digest non-vegetarian food, as these are the results of torture and inflicted

violence. This view is condoned by saints and ancient seers too, who hold the opinion

that true compassion comes only with respect of life including all other forms of life.

Recent years have witnessed an increasing awareness about vegetarianism and

this movement is rapidly gaining momentum globally. India however is no stranger to

this concept as even the ancient texts contain directives urging vegetarianism. The

Dharmic directives which implore Ahimsa or non-injury of life forms and propagates

this as the individuals first religious obligation to the Almighty. It finds mention in the

Vedic scriptures.The Karmic directive which reasons that all actions, including the

choice of food, have Karmic consequences. Involving oneself in the cycle of inflicting

injury, pain or death of other life forms, one must also undergo an equal amount of

suffering and misery in future.

The spiritual directive which propounds that food being the source of body

chemistry, the kind of food ingested also affects the individual's consciousness and

experience patterns. Hence, ingestion of the grosser elements into the psyche.

Conversely, higher consciousness, peace and happiness can be achieved by a strictly

vegetarian diet.Shree A. Kumar

TOWARDS VEGETARIANISM….There are three main and primary reasons for becoming a vegetarian, namely,

religious, health and compassion for all living things. In modern day life, it is not difficult

to find vegetarian food anywhere in the world. One should try a meatless day, then a

week, month, year and then if your wisdom permits, for the rest of your life. Here's

some tips towards vegetarianism…

1. READ about vegetarianism on the internet, in libraries and join your local

vegetarianism society or club or subscribe to the nearest one. Get your facts

right and see that it matches with your own logic.

2. THINK about the need to slaughter animals which are first nurtured then

consumed as food when everything you need to sustain your body in good

health can be had from a vegetarian diet.

3. TALK to other vegetarians and non-vegetarians and share thoughts without wishing to be critical and confrontational about the subject. Make a conscious

choice and it would be helpful to club together with like minded people to gain more enlightenment on this way of life, without being fanatical.

4. PREPARING vegetarian food is just not a tradition, it is also a good social activity. Develop trust and strength in your belief. You will be sufficient in your body requirements, the largest and most powerful animals are vegetarian?

5. DECIDING and taking the plunge takes courage. If you cannot avoid attending dinners, parties or lunches, avoid eating non-vegetarian dishes. Show your friends that you are deeply happy doing this.

6. COOKING AND RESEARCHING how to cook can be exciting. There are more plant products than meat products in the world, the culinary possibilities are endless. Use of spices make for tasty meal preparations.

7. EATING habits can be modified in a home environment by having special vegetarians days in a week. It depends on how creative one is with garnishing and decorating using special cutlery and crockery. You can broaden the experience by inviting friends now and then.

8. LISTEN to what your body tells you after every meal. Vegetarian food is easy to digest and you can easily have one good and two light meals everyday. You will notice that food can affect your moods, emotions, concentration and sleep. Vegetarian food will give you wonderful experiences.

9. EXPERIMENTING with quality food intake is indeed rewarding, now try fasting on selected days just consuming raw foods, herbs, juices, fruits and extracts. You will enjoy a whole new experience.

10. CELEBRATE your new lifestyle and experience by encouraging your family, friends and community around you. People are receptive especially if you speak from the heart about your experience.

ANONYMOUS(to be conti....)

Chhaganbhai B. Bhakta

I found an amazing forward regarding clapping. Seven Amazing

Benefits of Clapping :

"Clapping" a Simple Striking of Hands but it's much more than you

Think. Normally People clap to Appreciate others for their Good works and

achievements or when they are in mood of Joy. People also Clap while Singing

Alphabet For Action

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

15 16

songs, Bhajans and Prayers at Holy places.

It is Scientifically proved that Clapping is very effective Exercise to cure

many Human Diseases.

Clapping activates the Receptors in the Palms and cause activation of

the large area of the Brain which leads the improvement in Health.

There are 39 different Acupressure points for almost all Organs on our

Palm which are activated by Clapping and this action improves, Your Health

slowly but effectively.

Daily 10-20 minutes of Clapping in morning keeps You Fit and Active.

1 Clapping is an effective Medicine for the Person who suffers from

Digestive Disorder.

2 Best Cure for Back pain, Neck pain and Joint pain.

3 Gout is a common problem with Old age People and can be easily

cured by Clapping.

4 Helpful for Patient of Low Blood Pressure.

5 If someone is suffering from any Heart and Lung related disease then

Clapping plays important role in curing these diseases also. Clapping

removes the obstacles from the Main and Collateral Channels and

keeps You Fit and Healthy.

6 Children that practice clapping exercise daily make only few Spelling

mistake and are Hard worker than others. It improves their

Handwriting. The whole abstract of above given points is, Clapping

sharpen the Brain of the Children.

7 Clapping increase the Immunity of the Person which provides the

Strength to the Human body to fight against Diseases.

fcteh & yuf yltuhtu btNttjtatedtk.mJt. mtwhuFttctult hKtAtuzCttE Ct³;t-JttJt

fctehlttk vt'tultw rJtJthKt fh;tt %ytuNttu^ yu su vt{Jtatlttu ytvgttk Au, ;tubttk fctehB «tht

Ctth;tegt ;t@Jt|ttltltt vttgttltt rmt}tk;ttultu fuxjte ÂattE ytvtJttbttk ytJte Au, ;tulte rJt«@ttvtqKto

yltu hmtvt{' atatto fhe Au. fcteh rJtNtu ytuNttu fnu Au fu, %%mtk;ttu ;ttu nShtu :tgtt Au, vthk;tw fcteh

yuxjtu ;ttu SKtu vtqrKtobttlttu atkY, ySuz yltu rJthjtlttbt. SKtu fu yk"tfthbttk ftuE 'evtf yattltf

vt{ÈsJtrjt;t :tE Sgt.^^ nwk fctehltt Ntc'tulttu y:to ltn¾ fnwk. Ntc'tu ;ttu mte"tt mtt't Au. CttMtt ;ttu

fctehlte ;tqxeVqxe Au. CttMtt vth yxfNttu ;ttu atqfe sNttu. CttJt vtfzNttu ;ttu vtntukate sNttu.

fctehtlte JttKte attux'th Au, ;tulttu ;tfo "tth'th Au. ;tultwk rltheHtKt ytdtJtwk Au yltu ;tulte vt{m;twr;tbttk fgttkf Jgtkdt Au ;ttu fgttkf dtqZt:to Au. fgttkf mttnrsf;tt Au, ;ttu fgttkf yxvtxwk Au. W'thnKt ~vtu BJtltlte HtKtCtkdtwh;tt fcteh fuxjte mtattux he;tu JtKtoJtu Au.

vttKte fuht ctw'ctw't, ymt btltws fe S;t >'uFt;t ne Aevt Sgtudtt, Ègttuk ;ttht vt{Ctt;t >>

vttKtelttu vthvttuxtu fuxjttu lttswf, fuxjttu yjvtBJte ntugt Au. ;tubt btltwMgtBJtlt vtKt ytkFtltt vtjtfthtbttk vtqhwk :tE Ntfu Au. BJtltltwk mttatwk btqjgt mtbtsJtt bttxu bt];gtwlttu btrnbtt SKtJttu s~he Au. ltCttubtkzGbttk jttFttu ;tthtytu xbtxbt;tt ntugt, yk"tthe ht;tu ytftNtlttu atk'hJttu ydtrKt;t ytCtjttytu:te Cthujttu 'uFtt;ttu ntugt vtKt mtqhslttu WSmt ytJt;ttk s mtbtdt{ ;tthtbtkzG yjttuvt :tE Sgt Au. fcteh yufcttsw ct{Ítkzlte Wvtbttk ;ttu cteB cttsw vthvttuxt:te hbt;tt cttGfltwk rat*t Ftzwk fheltu BJtlt yltu bt];gtwkltwk btn@Jt yuf mtt:tu mtbtSJtu Au.

yuf s rJtatthltu fcteh yltuf he;tu Dtqkxe Ntfu Au. W'tnhKt ;thefu BJtlt vth LLqbt;ttu ftGlttu vtkSu ytvtKtltu 'uFtt;ttu lt:te.

fcteh dttrVjt fgtt fhu, ytgtt ftjt ltBf >ftlt vtfrh fu jtu atjtu, ysgtt rn Ftxef >>

Ftxef Ntc'bttk fuJte dtr;t yltu ;tulttu yk;t 'NttoJtu Au. ftuEf ctfheltu fmttE ftlt:te vtfzeltu njttjt fhe lttFtu ;gtthu ctfhelte jttatthe, Jgt:tt, rlt&mtntgt;ttltt CttJttu f'tat ctuk... ctuk... ltt yJttsbttk Jgt³;t :tEltu Nttk;t vtze Sgt Au. ytvtKte vth mt;t;t Dtwbtht;ttu bttu;tlttu vtzAtgttu Su ltsh mtbtHt hnu ;ttu mtkCtJt Au fu bttltJte yltuf 'wMfbtobttk:te ctatu.

BJtlt yltu mtkmtthbttk ytu;tvt{tu;t bttKtmtltt r'Jtmttu yltu ht;t, mtbtdt{ mtbtgt |ttlt, mtbtsKt yltu mt'tatth rJtltt Jte;te Sgt Au. ;tu bttxu fcteh fnu Au &

ht;t dtkJttE mttugt fu, r'Jtmt dtJttgttu Fttgt >neht sltbt ybttujt :tt, ftize ct'jtu Sgt >>

mttbttlgt slt Jt]r@tytu, ytJtuNttu, s~rhgtt;ttu yltu EaAtytultt vt{Jttnbttk Ftukatt;ttu hnu Au. htursk'wk BJtlt ;ttu ytJtwk s ntugt ! FttJtwk, vteJtwk, mtqJtwk yu ;ttu 'unlte yrltJttgto ytJtNgtf;tt Au. vtNtwytu yltu bttKtmttu Jtaatu ytnth, Ctgt, rltkYt yltu bti:twlt ;ttu mttbttlgt Au. btltwMgt slbt yKtbttujt Au. yt slbtbttk s vt{|tt Sdt{;t fhe ytvtKtu ytvtKttbttk hnujte atu;tlttltu ytuGFte Ntfeyu Aeyu. ytbt lt fheyu ;ttu slbt Jgt:to Au. nehtu mttJt ftuzelte rfkbt;tu JtuatJtt subt Fttuxlttu "tk"ttu :ttgt Au.

fcteh ytJte rsk'dte bttxu yVmttumt Jgt³;t fh;ttk fnu Au &btI yvtht"te sltbt ft, ltFtNteFt Ctht rJtfth >

;twbt 't;tt 'w&Ft Ctksltt, btuhe fhtu Wctth >>

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

17 18

ytslttu gtwdt Cttudt «tht mtwFtlttk mtbtefhKtlttu Au, ;tu:te ytvtKtu ~kJttzu ~kJttzu rJtfth (su 'qrMt;t, ltwfmttltfthf Au) Jgttvte dtgttu Au. ;gtthu fcteh ;ttu vt{Ctw vt{t:toltt fhu Au. nu 'elt'gttGw ! btthtu W""tth fhtu ! yt:te ytvtKtu, fneyu Aeyu fu btltwMgt gt;lt yltu E#hf]vtt BJtltltu mtt:tof fhJtt bttxu mtSdt he;tu vt{gt;lt fhJtt ;tu ytvtKttu "tbto Au. fuxjte mtVG;tt ftultu yltu fgtthu btGNtu ;tu ;ttu E#hltt ykfwNtbttk Au, ;tuJttu CttJt mtuJtJtt:te btlt mJtm:t yltu Nttk;t hnu Au.

ytsu ytvtKte 'tuz vtimtt-"tltvt{trv;t bttxu Au. ytvtKtltu dthecttElttu zh jttdtu Au. dttk"teByu fÏwk ;tubt fcteh, lttltf, ;twjtmte, btehtk Jtdtuhu mtk;ttuyu mtbtB-rJtattheltu dthecte mJtefthe n;te. yvtrhdt{nlte sdgttyu btqzeJtt' yZGf mtkvtr@t yuf*t fhJttltu mtVG;ttlttu bttvt'kz dtKtu Au. fcteh mtkvtr@tltt bttunlttu Au' QztzJtt fnu Au &

mttnuct mttu "tlt rmtkategtu, Su ytdtu ftu ntugt >NteNt atZtgtu, dttkXhe, S;t lt 'uFtt ftugt >>

Vhe yufJtth rsk'dtelte yjvt;tt WSdth fhe, 'wlgtJte mtkvtr@tlttu bttun Atuzeltu mt;fbttuo «tht vtwKgtlte fbttKte fhJtt fctehB fnu Au.

dtwhw lttltfltt BJtltlttu yuf bttrbtof vt{mtkdt Au. "tbtogtt*tt fh;ttk fh;ttk lttltf'uJtB yuf dttbtztbttk ht*te btwftbt fhu Au. ;tu yuf dthectlttk Dthu Cttuslt bttxultwk rltbtk*tKt mJtefthu Au. ytltt:te nuhtlt-vthuNttlt :tEltu dttbtlttu "trltf NtuX 'wjteatk' lttltfBltu btGeltu fnu Au fu & %nwk mtkvtr@tJttlt Awk, ytvtlte mtuJtt fhJtt W;mtwf Awk. ytvt ytJtt fkdttGltwk ytbtk*tKt mJtefthtu ;tultt fh;ttk btthe mtkvtr@tbttk:te 'tlt mJtefthe btthe nJtujteyu Cttuslt fhtu ;tu NttuCtu.^ 'wjteatk'lttu ynbtT vtthFteltu lttltfByu fÏwk fu, %CttE ! nwk ;ttu Jtihtdte Awk. bttht bttxu ;tthe mtkvtr@tlttu Ftvt lt:te vtKt ;tthu btlt bt'' fhJte s ntugt ;ttu nwk bttkdtKte fhwwk.^ 'wjteatk'u ;ttu nhFttEltu fÏwk fu, %btnthts, ytvtKte bttkdtKte mtk;ttuMtJttltwk bttht bttxu btwNfujt lt:te.^ dtwhw lttltf'uJtu 'wjteatk'ltu yuf lttltfze mttugt ytvte yltu fÏwk fu, %yt btthe ylttbt;t ytvt mttatJtNttu ?^ 'wjteatk'u fÏwk fu, %s~h, vtKt ytvtltu btthu yt mttugt fgttk yltu fgtthu vth;t ytvtJttlte Au ?^ dtwhw lttltfu fÏwk fu, %bt];gtw ctt' ytvtKtu mJtdtobttk btGeyu ;gtthu ytvt yt mttugt btltu ytvtSu. ;gtthu btthu ;tulte s~h vtzNtu.^ 'wjteatk' btwkLtgttu. ;tuKtu fÏwk fu, %yt ;ttu f'e Nt³gt lt:te. bt];gtw ctt' ftuE ates mtt:tu ;ttu fubt jtE sE Ntftgt ?^ dtwhwByu ybteªrMx:te Su;ttk fÏwk fu, %su ates lttNtJtk;t Ntheh vtAe mtt:tu lt:te hnu;te ;tultwk btqjgt Ntwk ?^ 'wjteatk'u lttltf'uJtltwk rNtMgtvt' mJtefthe mtkvtr@t mt'Tftgtobttk JttvthJttlte Nt~yt;t fhe. yn¾ fctehB yu s Jtt;t yt\gto mtt:tu fnu Au fu, ftuE bthKtvt{mtkdtu bttjtmttbttlt, "tlt-'tujt;tlte dttkmtze cttk"teltu mtt:tu jtE s;ttu lt:te. rmtfk'hu vtKt ;tu:te s mbtNttltgtt*ttbttk Fttjte Ftwjjtt nt:t hFttJte rJt#ltu mtk'uNt ytvgttu n;ttu fu mtDtGwk Atuzeltu sJttltwk Au. btt*t yltu btt*t mt;fbttuo mtt:tu ytJtNtu. BJtlt ym:ttgte ntuJttltwk mtbtSgt ;ttu s mt;gt jtt"gtwk ;tubt fne Ntftgt.

fctehB btltwMgt ykdtu su rJtatthtu Jgt³;t fhu Au ;tubttk 'un lttNtJtk;t Au yltu bttltJt ;thefu Ntwk fhJtt gttudgt Au, ;tulttu Wvt'uNt ytvtu Au. fctehB fnu Au &

rnk'w fnwk ;ttu btI ltn¾, btwmtjtbttlt Cte lttn¾ >vttkat ;t@Jt ft vtw;tjtt, dticte Ftujtu bttrn >>

fctehB cteB mttFtebttk fnu Au &vttkat ;t@Jt ft vtw;tjtt, bttltwMt "thegtt lttbt >r'lt atth fu fthKtu, rVh rVh htufi Xtbt >>

120 JtMtoltwk 'e"ttogtwMgt CttudtJtltth fctehu BJtltCth JtKttx fhe mtt'dteCtgtto BJtltbttk lttlttbttk lttlte cttct;tltwk s;tlt fgtwO. mtkmtthlte rlth:tof;ttltu mtt:tof;ttbttk vtrhJtr;to;t fhJtt bttxu y:ttf vt{gttmt fgttuo.

Jtihtdgtlttu Wvt'uNt ytvt;ttk fÏwk fu &hnltt ltn¾ 'umt rcthtltt nI,gtn mtkmtth ftdt' fe vtqrzgtt, ctwk' vtzu "tqjt Sltt ni,gtn mtkmtth ftkxu fe Jttze, WjtL WjtL bth Sltt ni,gtn mtkmtth Ltzyti LtkFth, ytdt jttdtu ctrh Sltt ni,fn;t fcteh mtwlttu CttE mtt"ttu, mt;tTdtwhw lttbt rXftltt ni.

mtkmtthlte WjtLlt Jtaatu vtKt fctehlttu swmmttu-Subt y'TCtw;t Au. bthKtlttu Ctgt rltJtth;tt fnu Au &

btlt btwyt, bttgtt btwE, mtkNtgt btwyt Ntheh >yrJtlttNte Su ltt bthu, ;ttu fgttuk bthu fcteh ?

yltu ;tultt:te ytdtG Jt"teltu vtKt fcteh mt@JtNtejt BJtltlte ctwjtk'eltu ªZ rJt#tmt:te dtwks;te fhu Au.

fcteh btlt rltbtojt Ctgtt, simtu dtkdtt lteh >vttAu vttAu nrh rVhu, fn;t fcteh, fcteh !

fctehlte hatlttytu dttZ yk"tfthbttk yxJttgtujte bttltJtSr;t bttxu vt{ftNt ytvt;tt btNttjtatelte Ctqrbtft rltCttJtu Au.

btgtwh Ct³;t-ltu*tkdt%%ctwr}bttlt Jte;tujte Jtt;tlte yltu CtrJtMgtbttk ytJtltth Jtt;tlte ratk;tt fh;ttu lt:te. ;tu

Jt;tobttlt mtbtgtltu mtw"tthJtt bttxu s vt{gt;lttu fhu Au.^^

rat;tt yltu ratk;ttbttk yltwmJtthlttu s Vuh Au. ctkltultwk ftbt yufmthFtwk Au - cttGJttltwk. rat;tt

bthujtt bttKtmtltu cttGu Au, Ègtthu ratk;tt BJt;ttltu cttGu Au.

>> ratk;tt:te ratk;tlt ;thV >>

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

19 20

fnu hrnbt ratk;tt ctwhe, fnwk rat@t ;tq atu;t<rat;tt 'nr;t rltBoJtfwk, ratk;tt BJt mtbtu;t.

ytr"t, Jgttr"t yltu Wvttr"t 'huf vt{fthlte ratk;tt bttKtmtltu mt;ttJtu Au. ftuE bttKtmt yuJttu ltrn ntugt sultu ratk;tt lt ntugt. Ctgt, jttuCt, jttjtmtt yltu ytmtr³;t ytxjttltu fthKtu ratk;tt QCte :ttgt Au.

FthuFth ;ttu bttKtmt ytslte ratk;tt fh;ttk Jt"tthu CtrJtMgtlte ratk;tt jtEltu Vhu Au. CtrJtMgtbttk, btthwk Ntwk :tNtu ! bttht vtrhJtthltwk Ntwk :tNtu ! btthe vtuZeltwk Ntwk :tNtu ! btthe bttjtrbtjtf;tltwk Ntwk :tNtu ! ytJte fthKt Jtdthlte ratk;ttytu jtEltu bttKtmt Jt"tthu 'w&Fte :ttgt Au. lttlte cttct;ttultu bttuxwk mJt~vt ytvte 'Eltu ;tu mttbtu:te ratk;ttlttu rNtfth ctlte Sgt Au. yuxjtu su bttKtmt Jt;tobttltltu ltsh mtbtHt htFteltu BJtlt BJtu Au ;tultu y;te;t fu CtrJtMgtlte ratk;tt mt;ttJt;te lt:te. ytvtKtu 'w&Fte Aeyu ;tultwk fthKt ytvtKte ltsh yts fh;ttk ftjt vth Au bttxu.

BJtltbttk vtrhdt{n yu s Ctgt Au, yu s ratk;tt Au. "tbto ytvtKtltu Ctgthrn;t ctltJttltwk NteFtJtu Au. bttKtmtltu BJtltbttk mtk;ttuMt lt:te yuxjtu Ctgt Au. ;tultt Wvth "tlt mttatJtJttlte ratk;ttlte mtt:tu Jt"tthu btuGJtJttlte ratk;tt mtJtth :tE Sgt Au. %ytNtt rn vthbtk 'w&FtbtT, ltihtNgtk vthbtk mtwFtbtT.^ "tbtoNttm*tltwk yt Jtt³gt ratk;tthrn;t ctltJttlttu W@tbt Wvttgt ct;ttJtu Au.

bttKtmt ftbt:te :ttf;ttu lt:te. ratk;tt ;tultu :tfJte 'u Au. Fttuxe "tthKttytu, Fttuxe yvtuHttytu yltu Fttuxe fjvtlttytu fheltu su bttKtmt lttnfltt 'w&Fte :t;ttk ntugt ;tultu lteatulttk mtq*ttu gtt' htFtJtt suJttk Au.

] ytvtKtu rltrbt@tbtt*t Aeyu. yt sdt;t ytvtKtu lt n;tt ;gtthu vtKt attjt;twk yltu ytvtKtt rJtltt vtKt attjtJttltwk Au. ;tulte rVfh fhJttlttu ftuE y:to lt:te. ytvtKtu JgtJtrm:t;t fheltu sENtwk ;ttu vtKt mtbtgt, mtkSudttu ;tultu ct'jte lttFtJttltt Au.

] cteS vth rJt#tmt htFttu. ct"ttu cttuSu S;tu Âatfeltu lt Vhtu. mtk;ttlttultu ;ttjtebt ytvte ct"twk ;tultt vth Atuze 'tu.

] DtKttk ftbttu yuf mtt:tu fhe lttFtJttlte fturNtNt lt fhtu. ;tultt:te ;tlttJt QCttu :tNtu ltu ftuE ftbt mthFtwk ltrn :ttgt.

] yuf ftbt y"tqhwk htFteltu cteswk ftbt Nt~ lt fhtu. su ftbt nt:tbttk jte"twk ;tu vtqhwk fhtu. ytsltwk ftbt ytsu s fhtu, ftjt vth lt Atuztu.

] ct"tt ;tbttht suJtt ctltu yuJte ytNtt lt htFttu. mttilte vt{f]r;t ltu mJtCttJt sw'tk ntugt Au.

mtkmtthlte Fttuxe ratk;ttytu Atuze CtdtJttltltt ratk;tltbttk btlt Suztu. CtdtJttlt

mJttrbtltthtgtKt fnu Au, %CtdtJttltlte btqr;to ratk;ttbtrKt ;tqjgt Au. CtdtJttltlte btqr;tobttk sultt btltlte

Jt]r@t yFtkz hnuJtt jttdtu ;tultu ;tu:te ftuE bttuxe vt{trv;t lt:te.^ CtdtJttltltt ratk;tlt:te ytvtKtu mt'iJt

vt{Vwrjjt;t hne NtfeNtwk. CtdtJttltltwk ratk;tJtlt fhltthlte ratk;tt CtdtJttlt fhu Au.

>> vt::th vtqksu nrh rbtjtu btI vtqkswk vtntz >>nubtk;tCttE btt"tJtCttE Ct³;t-ybturhft

`e ati;tlgt btntvt{Ctw sdtlltt:tvtwhebttk n;ttk ;gtthu yubtltt rlt;gt rmt} Ct³;ttubttk yltuf vt{fthu r'Jgt jtejttytulttu rJtm;tth fheltu yltuhtu ytltk' bttKt;tt. yuf JtFt;t ltefxltt Ct³;t vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te yubtltu btGJtt bttxu ytJtu Au, yuJtwk |ttlt :tgtwk ltu cttujtJtt jttdgtt, %%vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te ytJte hÏtk Au^^ ltu :ttuzeJtthbttk s ;tuytu ;gttk ytJgtt. ati;tlgt btntvt{Ctw vttu;ttltt Ct³;tltu SuEltu ctnwk ytltk'bttk ntmgt fhJtt jttdgtt yltu cttujgtt, %%bttht rvt;ttB ytJgtt, bttht rvt;ttB ytJgtt, bttht rvt;ttB ytJgtt.^^ vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"teltwk cteswk lttbt vt{ubtrlt"te n;twk. yuytu DtKteJtth r'JgtCttJtbttk hnu;tt. btntvt{Ctw yubtltu Ctuxgtt yltu ytjt¾dtlt ytvgtwk yltu vttu;tu hzJtt jttdgtt. yt SuEltu ylgt JtiMKtJt Ct³;ttulte ytkFtbttk vtKt nMtoltt ytkmtw ytJte dtgtt. ct"tt s Ct³;ttu SKtu JtifwkXlttu ytltk' yltwCtJtJtt jttdgtt. ati;tlgt btntvt{Ctwltt rltfxltt cteS Ct³;t mJt~vt 'tbttu'h yubtlte ltBfbttk s QCtt n;ttk. su vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"teltu mtthe he;tu ytuGFt;tt n;ttk. ctlltu swltt rbt*ttu ntuJtt:te yufcteSltu SuEltu ytltk'bttk ytJte nMto:te Ctuxgtt yltu vtAe yufcteSltt athKtlte hs jtuJtt vt{gt;lt fhJtt jttdgttk, ;tubttk ctt:tkctt:t:te hs jtE Nt³gtt ltrn. ytJttu vt{ubtCttJt SuEltu ati;tlgt btntvt{Ctwltu ytltk' :tgttu. ;tubtltu Nttk;t vttzgtt yltu vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"teltu btntvt{Ctwyu fÏwk, %%;tbtu :ttuztk r'Jtmt yrnkgtt rltjttatjtbttk s hntu.^^ yt mttkCtGeltu rJt$trlt"teltu ctnwk s ytltk' :tgttu ltu ;tubtKtu btntvt{Ctwlte ltBfbttk s vttu;ttltu hnuJtt bttxulte sdgtt Nttu"te ftZe. sdtlltt:tvtwheltt ylgt lttbttu vtKt Au. subtfu vtwhe"ttbt, ̀ e Htu*t, ltejttatjt, btntvt{Ctwjtejtt"ttbt, sdtlltt:t "ttbt Jtdtuhu...

atth-vttkat r'Jtmtbttk s yuf bttuxtu ;tnuJtth ytJtJttlttu n;ttu. sultu ytuzlt mtMxe fnuJttbttk ytJtu Au. ytuzlt yuxjtu vtnuhJtwk yltu mtMxe yuxjtu 6:tu r'Jtmtu. yt r'Jtmtu CtdtJttlt sdtlltt:tltu ltJtt ftkBJttGt Jtm*ttu vtnuhtJtJttbttk ytJtu Au. Avvtlt Cttudt, Ctslt-fe;tolt, lt];gt yltu S;tS;tltt JttBk*ttu Jtdttze sdtlltt:tltu ytFttu r'Jtmt ytltk' ytvtJtt Ct³;ttulte atzmttatzmte vt{ubtCttJt:te :t;te hnu Au ltu mttksu bttuzu mtw"te Ctslt-fe;tolt fhe ct"tt vttu;tvttu;ttltt Dtuhu sJtt jttdgtt. Aujjtu vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te yltu yubtltt swltt rbt*t mJt~vt 'tbttu'h vtKt FtCtu nt:t htFteltu vttu;ttltt btwftbt ;thV sJtt jttdgtt. vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"teltt btltbttk fkEf Ntkft n;te. yultwk mtbtt"ttlt fhJtt vttu;ttltt ykdt;t rbt*t mJt~vt 'tbttu'h ytdtG atatto fhJtt jttdgtt.

vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te cttujgtt, %%CtdtJttlt sdtlltt:tltu yt ;tnuJtth rltrbt@tu yt Ct³;ttu ftkBJttGt, "ttugtt rJtlttltt Jtm*ttu Ntt bttxu vtnuhtJtu Au ?^^

mJt~vt 'tbttu'h cttujgtt, %%btthe Jtt;t mttkCtGtu, yrnk vthkvthtdt;t yt vt{Kttjte vt{bttKtu CtdtJttltltu ftkBJttGt s Jtm*ttu vtnuhtJtJttbttk ytJt;tt nNtu. yuxjtu yu btwsct ytsu ftkBJttGt s Jtm*ttu vtnuhtJtJttbttk ytJgtt Au.^^

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vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te cttujgtt, %%ct"te rJtr"tytu Nttm*tltt rltgtbt vt{bttKtu :ttgt Au yltu Nttm*tltt rltgtbt vt{bttKtu ftkBJttGt, "ttugtt rJtlttltt Jtm*ttu yzfJttlte btlttE fhJttbttk ytJte Au, ;ttu vtAe CtdtJttlt sdtlltt:tltu ftkBJttGt Jtm*ttu Ntt bttxu vtnuhtJtu Au ?^^

mJt~vt 'tbttu'h cttujgtt, %%;tbtu fntu Atu ;tu cthtcth Au, vtKt btthe Jtt;t mttkCtGtu... ytbttk ftkE Ctqjt :t;te lt:te. yrnkgtt yt he;tlttu rhJtts Au. yuxjtu 'h JtMtuo yt he;tu s W;mtJt WsJttgt Au yltu yu vt{bttKtu s ct"tt Jt;tuo Au. CtdtJttlt sdtlltt:tlte EaAt:te s yt vt{:tt attjtw Au. Su yubt lt ntu;t ;ttu htS vttu;tu Ntt bttxu yt vt{:tt yxftJt;tt lt:te ? Nttm*ttultt rltgtbttu yrnkgtt SuJttltt ltrn.^^

vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te cttujgtt, %%CtdtJttlt vttu;ttlte EaAt btwsct Jt;tuo vtKt yubtltt Ct³;ttu yltu lttufhtuyu yulte ltfjt fhJte SuEyu ltn¾. Wvt'uNt ytvtlttht, CtdtJttltltt mtuJtftu, vtwSheytu yltu yr"tftheytuyu ytJtt "ttugtt rJtlttltt Jtm*ttu yzfJtt SuEyu ltrn, Nttm*ttu ytlte btlttE fhu Au. CtdtJttlt sdtlltt:t ct"ttltt f;tton;tto Au yubtltu bttxu ftkEvtKt yNt³gt lt:te. vtKt cteS BJttuyu yulte ltfjt fhJte SuEyu ltrn. CtdtJttltltt yt ftkBJttGt Jtm*ttu W;mtJtltt yk;tu W;ttheltu ct"tt Ct³;ttultu vt·e Vtzeltu ytvtJttbttk ytJtu Au, ;tultu Ct³;ttu bttk:tt vth, nt:t Wvth cttk"tu Au. yt Jtm*t ftkBJttGt ntuJtt:te Nttm*ttu ;tultu yzfJttlte btltt fhu Au, sultu htS, yr"tftheytu, Ct³;ttu, lttufhtu ct"tt SKtu vttu;tu s CtdtJttlt ntugt ;tubt Jt;tuo Au. yt vt{bttKtu Ct³;ttultu htS, yr"tftheytu, vtwSheytulte Ctqjttulte atatto fh;tt fh;tt ;tuytu vttu;tvttu;ttltt btwftbtu ytJte dtgtt ltu :ttfujtt Nttkr;t:te mtq;tt.

ht*tu mJtvlttbttk vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"teltu ̀ ef]MKt yltu ;tubtltt CttE ctjthtbtB ytJgtt. ctlltu CttEytu ctu cttswyu QCtt hÏtk ltu yuf yuf nt:t vtfze JtthkJtth vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"teltu _tu"tbttk ;tbttatt btthJtt jttdgtt. Suhbttk ;tbttatt jttdtJtt:te dttjt Wvth ytkdtGtltt rltNttlt vtzgtt ltu ctlltu dttjt mtqLe dtgtt. btth mtnlt lt :tJtt:te vtdtbttk vtze dtgtt ltu fÏwk fu, %nu f]MKt ! btltu bttV fhtu, bttht yvtht"tlte Htbtt bttkdtw Awk. nu CtdtJttlt ! btuk Ntwk yvtht"t fgttuo Au su bttxu ;tbtu btltu btthtu Atu ? CtdtJttltu fÏwk, %%;tbttht yvtht"tlte ftuE mtebtt lt:te. nwk ftuE lgtt;t S;tlttu lt:te yltu btthtk Ct³;ttu vtKt btthe subt ftuE ltt;tS;tlttk lt:te yltu yt S;tlte SKtfthe yrnkgtt hntu ;gttk mtw"te htFtJttlte. yrnkgttltt W;mtJttu, vt{mtkdttu btuk s ctlttJtujtt Au yltu yt vt{:tt btkr'hlte m:ttvtltt mtbtgt:te s attjte ytJtu Au. ytbttk cthtcth :t;twk lt:te yu fuJte he;tu ;tbtu rJtatthe Ntftu ? ;tbtu btltu CtdtJttlt, vthbtt;btt ;thefu mJtefthtu Atu ltu btthtk Ct³;ttu btltu ftkBJttGt, "ttugtt rJtlttltt Jtm*ttu vtnuhtJtu Au ;tubttk Ctqjttu ftZtu Atu ? btltu su mtuJtt bttlgt ntugt ;tubttk ftuE 'tuMt SuJttltt lt ntugt.^^

vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te ctnw Ctgt vttbte vttu;ttltwk btt:tw CtdtJttltltt athKtfbtGbttk htFte hzJtt jttdgtt yltu cttujgttk, %yt bttuxtu yvtht"teltu bttV fhtu, nwk nthe dtgttu Awk. nwk bttVe bttkdtw Awk. nu CtdtJttlt ! yt bttuZt:te ;tbttht Ct³;ttultu nmgttu, lt¾'t fhe su ct'jt ;tbtu yt bttuZtltu cthtcth rNtHtt fhe Au. NtwCt NtfltJtk;t r'Jtmtlte yts:te Nt~yt;t :tE fu ;tbttht nm;tfbtGlttu bttht fvttG yltu dttjtltu mvtNto :tgttu.^^

CtdtJttltu fÏwk, %%btthtu Ct³;t bttlteltu btuk ytxjte rNtHtt fheltu ;tbttht Wvth f]vtt JthmttJte Au.^^ ytxjtwk fheltu ctlltu CttEytuyu f]vtt ªrMx fhe vttu;ttltt btkr'hbttk attjgtt dtgtt, Ègttk ;tuytu mtJto Ct³;ttultu mtwCtYtB mtt:tu 'Ntolt ytvtu Au.

yt he;tu mJtvltw SuE Jnujte mtJtthbttk vtwkzhef rJt$trlt"te Sdte dtgtt ltu dttjtu nt:t VuhJte SuJtt jttdgtt. ctu cttswytu ;tbttatt vtzJtt:te ctlltu dttjttu mtqLe dtgtujtt ltu ytkdtGelte Atvttu Wvtmte ytJtujte, jttjt dttjttu 'w&Ft'tgtf jttdtJtt:te CtdtJttltltu gtt' fhe hzJtt jttdgtt. :ttuzeJtthbttk yt s 'w&Ft Ctqjte sEltu nmtJtt jttdgtt ltu cttujgtt, %%yt ctnw mtthwk :tgtwk fu bttht yvtht"tlte btltu f]vttGw CtdtJttltu S;tu ytJteltu :ttuzef s rNtHtt fheltu btltu mJtnm;t fbtG:te mvtNto fgttuo. 'Ntolt ytvte ySuz f]vtt JthmttJte Au.^^ ytxjtwk cttujteltu vttu;ttltt rlt;gt fbtobttk vt{Jt]@t :tgtt. (_btNt&)

Cth;tCttE rJt¸jtCttE Ct³;t-Dtjtwzt`e htbtfcteh Ct³;t Ctsltmtkdt{n - ;tulte mtw"tthujte ytJt]r@t %%ltt'ct{Í^^bttk ftVe htdtltt

vt'tu vtife vt' ltk. 178lte A¸e vtkr³;tbttk %hkft Jtkft ltu ftjtq fuJtjt fqctt^ -lttu WjjtuFt fhJttbttk ytJgttu Au. yt hkft ltu Jtkft ftuKt n;ttk ? Ntwk fh;ttk n;ttk ? yubtltwk BJtlt fuJtwk n;twk ? fctehmttnuctu Ntt bttxu yt vt'bttk yubtlttu WjjtuFt fgttuo Au ? Jtdtuhu cttct;ttu:te ytvtKttbttkltt DtKttk jttuftu y|tt;t-ySKt ntugt yu nfef;t Au. hkftJtkftltt BJtltfJtlt:te mtti Jttatftultu JttfuV fhJttlttu btthtu yt rJtltbt{ vt{gttmt Au. hkft ltu Jtkftltwk f:ttltf ctu ykftubttk vt{ftrNt;t :tNtu. ;ttu yu ctkltu f:ttltftu JttkatJtt s hÏt. ;ttu nJtu SuEyu hkft Jtkftltwk BJtltfJtlt.

hkft frXgtthtlttu "tk"ttu fh;ttu n;ttu< vtKt vtimtt fbttJttltt nu;tw:te yu jttfztk ftvtJtt s;ttu n;ttu yubt Cttdgtu s ftuE fne Ntfu. vttu;ttlte ytBrJtft bttxu ytuAtbttk ytuAtk ybtwf ylltJtm*tlte ;ttu 'hufltu s~h vtzu Au. 'huf sKtu S;tu s btnult;tbtsqhe fheltu yu btuGJte jtuJttk SuEyu, yubt hkft bttlt;ttu. yuxjtu s yu skdtjtbttk sE, jttfztk ftvte jttJte, Ctthtu Jtuat;ttu ltu vttu;ttltwk dtwshtlt atjttJt;ttu. yulttu cttfelttu ct"ttu JtFt;t CtdtJttltltt lttbtltwk hxKt fhJttbttk s;ttu. yu jttfztk ftvt;ttu ntugt ;gtthu vtKt yultwk Ç'gt ;ttu CtdtJttltltt lttbtlte hxKtt fgtto fh;twk.

hkftlte mtt"tw;ttlte jttuftu Wvth Âze Atvt vtze n;te. jttuftu yultu DtKtwk bttlt ytvt;tt ltu yultu S;t S;tlte ateSu ytvt;tt ytJt;tt. bttkdtu ;ttu yu JtiCtJtbttk hnu yuxjtwk YJgt ytvte s;ttk jttuftu vttu;ttltu "tlgt bttltu yubt n;twk, vtKt hkft yu jtuJttlte ltbt{;ttvtqJtof ltt vttz;ttu. vttu;ttlte btnult;tbtsqhe vth s yu dtwshtlt atjttJt;ttu ltu W@tbt attrh*gtCtgtwO BJtlt BJt;ttu n;ttu. mtt'tbttk mtt'e he;tu hnuJttbttk yultu mttatt JtiCtJtlttk 'Ntolt :t;ttk. ftuE fkEvtKt yvtoKt fhJtt ytJtu ;ttu yultu yu fnu;ttu fu vt{Ctwltt lttbt~vte mvtNtobtrKtltu vttbgtt vtAe bttxeltt ZuVtlte ftuE EaAt fhu Fthwk fu ? yubt fne, ytJtltthltu vtKt yu vt{Ctwltt bttdtuo JttGe 'u;ttu.

ytbt, jttuftu hkftltu bttxu cteswk ;ttu Ntwk fhe Ntfu ? vtKt yuKtu ftvte ytKtujttk jttfztklttu Ctthtu

>> hkft Jtkft ltu ftjtq fuJtjt fqctt-1 >>

fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017 fctehJttKte yuvt{ejt-2017

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Fthe'Jtt bttxu Ctthu vtztvtze :t;te. mtti ftuE yultt Ctthbttkltt vt{;gtuf jttfztltu vtrJt*t mtbts;tt ltu yultt ct'jttbttk Jt"twbttk Jt"tw 'tbt ytvtJtt EaAt htFt;tt. vtKt hkftyu Ctthtu JtuatJtt cttct;tbttk vtKt yuf rltgtbt htFgttu n;ttu. vttu;tu Âatfe Ntfu yuxjttk Jt"twbttk Jt"tw jttfztk yu ftvte jttJt;ttu ltu yultt Fthe'tltth vttmtu:te vttu;ttltu yrltJttgto ntugt yuxjttk ytuAtbttk ytuAtk 'tbt yu bttkdt;ttu. ytJtt rlt&mvt]ne mtt"twsltltu bt'' fhJttlte attnltt htFtltth jttuftu fuJtG jttatthe s yltwCtJt;tt.

hkftlte vt;lte Jtkft vtKt vtr;tltu ct"te he;tu yltwfqG n;te. vtr;tlte mtt:tu yu vtKt skdtjtbttk sE jttfztklttu Ctthtu jtE ytJt;te. 'wrltgttltt HtrKtf JtiCtJt CttudtJtJtt fh;ttk vtr;tltu vtdtjtu attjtJttbttk yultu Jt"tw ytltk' ytJt;ttu n;ttu. dttbtlte m*teytultu ftuE Jtth :t;twk, %yt Jtkftltu ytbt dthecttEbttk s hnuJtwk Ctjtwk dtbtu Au !^^ vtKt Jtkftlttu atnuhtu ;ttu Ègtthu swytu ;gtthu nmt;ttu s ntugt. vtr;tlte mtuJttbttk ltu CtdtJttltlte Ctr³;tbttk ;tjjtelt hnu;twk yultwk btlt HtwY Jtm;twytubttk jttuCttgt yubt lt n;twk. jttfztkltt Cttht JtuatJtt:te s~h vtqh;twk btGe hnu;twk n;tkw yltu E#hCtsltbttk r'Jtmttu Jte;t;tt n;tt. hkft vttu;ttltu ytJte vtr;tvthtgtKt vt;lte btGJtt ct'jt vt{Ctwlttu vttz bttlt;ttu. Jtkft vttu;ttltu ytJttu vt{CtwvthtgtKt vtr;t btÉgttu n;ttu ;tu ct'jt vt{Ctwlttu ytCtth bttlt;te. vtr;t-vt;lte ctlltu vtqhtk mtwFte n;ttk.

fnu Au fu yuf JtuGt ltth'btwrlt r*tjttufbttk Vh;tt Vh;tt yt ctkltu hnu;tt n;tt ;gttk ytJte vtntukagtt. hkftJtkftlte fer;tolte mtwJttmt ;ttu ³gtthltegt yubtltt mtw"te vtntukate dtE n;te. vtKt yt 'kvt;telttk vt{;gtHt 'Ntolt yubtKtu fgttO lt n;ttk. yu HtKtlte LkFtltt fh;tt fh;tt yu yubtlte Lqkvtzeyu sEltu QCtt hÏt. yk'h ltsh fhu Au ;ttu Vtxe;tqxe atxtE ltu s~h vtqh;ttk bttxelttk JttmtKt rmtJttgt cteSu fkE s mthmttbttlt lt:te. yltts CthJttlte ftuXe mthFte lt:te. Jt"tujte hmttuE ZtkfJttltu Nt¾fwk mthFtwk jtxf;twk lt:te.

btwrlt Lqkvtzebttk:te ctnth ltefGe dttbtlte CtdttuGu sE hkftJtkftlte vt{;teHtt fh;tt QCtt hÏt. mttks vtze dtE n;te. :ttuze s Jtthbttk hkftJtkft btt:tt vth jttfztkltt bttuxt Cttht atztJte vttAtk Vh;ttk sKttgttk. yubtltt mtt"tw;ttCtgtto vtrJt*t atnuht yltu btt:ttk vth jttfztkltt Ctth SuE btwrltltu DtKtwk 'w&Ft :tgtwk. %htus htusltwk yltts ytbt Jtuatt;twk jttJteltu dtwshtlt atjttJt;ttk jttdtu Au. ytFttu 'ntztu ftGe btsqhe fhu ;gtthu vtuxvtqh ylttslte rfkbt;tlttk jttfztk ftvte jttJtu. su CtdtJttltltwk lttbt mthFtwk jtu;ttk lt:te ;tu jttuf fuJttk mtwFte Au ? ltu yt rctatthtk CtdtJttltltu ytNthu attjtu Au ;gtthu yubtltu ytbt Cttht ÂatfJtt vtzu Au. Jttn, CtdtJttlt ! ;tbtthtu lgttgt vtKt ysct Au !^

ltth'btwrltltu CtdtJttlt vth atez atze ytJte. ;th;t yu hkftJtkft vttmtu sE cttujgtt, %su CtdtJttlt ;tbtltu htuxjttlte vtKt mthG;tt ytvt;ttu lt:te yulte vttAG ;tbtu Ntt bttxu ytbt dttkztk ctlte hÏtk Atu ?^

hkft fnu, %btwrlt btnthts, yrJtltgt Htbtt fhSu. vtKt CtdtJttltltt lttbt rmtJttgt cteS fNttbttk ybtthwk btlt lt:te. vtAe CtdtJttlt cteswk ftkEvtKt ybtltu Ntt bttxu ytvtu ? ybtltu yu zdttJt;ttu lt:te yu s yulte ybttht vth bttuxe 'gtt Au.^

ltth'btwrlt swyu Au ;ttu hkft fnu Au yu s CttJt Jtkftltt btwFt vth vtKt ;thJthe hÏtu n;ttu.

A;ttk yubtltt Ç'gtltwk mtbtt"ttlt :tgtwk ltn¾. ytJttk mtt"twsltltu vttu;ttlttu JgtJtnth atjttJtJtt ytxytxjtwk fMx QXtJtJtwk vtzu yu ;tu fuJtwk ? yu ;ttu dtgtt mte"tt CtdtJttlt vttmtu.

yubtltt atnuht vthlttu CttJt SuEltu CtdtJttlt Jtt;t fGe dtgtt ltu btwrltltu ytJtfth ytvte nmt;ttk nmt;ttk vtqAgtwk, %btwrlt, yts fkE htuMtbttk ntu yubt sKttgt Au.^

ltth' cttujgtt, %vt{Ctw ;tbtltu Fthu s dtwKtlte f'h lt:te. nrhNtatkY, hkr;t'uJt, rNtrct, ykctheMt, vttkzJttu mthFtt Ct³;ttultu ;tbtu vtthtJtth 'w&Ftlttu yltwCtJt fhtJgttu Au ltu suytu ;tbtthwk lttbt mthFtwk jtu;tt lt:te yubtltu ;tbtu jtejttjtnuh fhtJttu Atu yu ;tu fuJtwk ?^

%yu ct"te ;ttu SKte;te Jtt;ttu Au. y;gtthu btltu yu fne mtkCtGtJtJttltwk fkE fthKt ?^fthKt Au hkftJtkft. #tmtu #tmtu ;tbtthwk lttbt jtE, nt:tu fheltu yu 'w&Ftbttk vtze hÏtk Au.

ftuE yvtqJto CttJt:te Dtujttk ctlteltu yu ;tbttht lttbtltu hxe hÏtk Au, ;gtthu ;tbtltu yubtlte fkE s vtze lt:te. skdtjtbttk sEltu jttfztklttu Ctthtu ftvte jttJtu Au, ;gtthu jtqFttu htuxjttu FttJtt vttbtu Au. yubtlte Lqkvtzebttk ltsh fhtu ;ttu lthe 'rhY;tt !^

%;ttu yubtltu bttxu nwk Ntwk fhwk yubt ;tbtu EaAtu Atu ?^%yu btltu vtqAJttltwk ntugt ? yubtltu su ytvttu ;tu ytuAwk Au. Jt"tw ltn¾ ;ttu yubtlte 'rhY;ttltu ;ttu

nhtu s.^%ltth', yuJttkltu ytvtJtt bttxu ;ttu ct{Ítkzltt yltk;t fturx JtiCtJttu vtKt ytuAt vtzu. jttuftu btltu

jtHbtelttu vtr;t fnu Au, vthk;tw Ègtthu ytJttk rlt&mvt]n mtk;tslttultu fkEf ytvtJttlttu nwk rJtatth fhwk Awk, ;gtthu btthe rlt"tolt;ttlttu btltu mttattu yltwCtJt :ttgt Au. yubtltu fkE vtKt ytvtJtwk yu btthe Ntr³;t ctnthlte Jtt;t Au.^

%;tbtthe yt Ntc'attjttfe:te vtujttk rctatthtkltt Dthbttk btNt~lte ;tGtEytu ltu CttJt;ttk Cttuslt ltn¾ :tE Sgt, vt{Ctw !^

%ltth't, subtltu lttbtmbthKt rmtJttgt cteswk fkE s Ftvt;twk lt:te yubtltu nwk vtKt Ntwk ytvte NtfJttlttu n;ttu ?^

%xqkfbttk yubt fntultu fu ;tbtthu nsw vtKt yubtlte Jt"tthu vtheHtt fhJte Au.^%ltth', yubtlte vtheHtt nJtu cttfe lt:te hne. bttht vt{ubtbttk btm;t ctltujttk hkftJtkft Ègtthu

jttfztk ftvtJtt s;ttk ntugt Au ;gtthu yubtltt vt{ubtbttk Dtujttu ctltujttu nwk yubtlte vttAG vttAG attjtwk Awk< yu nu;tw:te fu yubtltt athKtlte Qz;te hs btltu mvtNtuo yltu nwk vtrJt*t :ttÁ.^

%CtdtJttlt, Jtt;ttu ;ttu ;tbtu mtthe fhe Ntftu Atu. vtKt yu rctatthtklttu JgtJtnth Nttkr;t:te ltCtu yuJtwk fkE fhe ytvttu ;ttu Xef.^ ltth' cttujgtt.

CtdtJttlt nmteltu fnu, %;tbtthtu ytdt{n Au, ;ttu attjttu, ytvtKtu yubtlte vttmtu sEyu. yubtltu btthe Nte bt'' fhJte yu ;tbtu s btltu ct;ttJtSu. cttfe btuk ;ttu btthe rlt"tolt;tt Snuh fhe s 'e"te Au.^ (Jt"tw nJtu vtAeltt ykfbttk....)


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25 26

Kabirji : 'Sheth, what 'Bat-leela' are you doing with this idol keeping

in front of you ?

Sheth : 'I am not doing any Bal-leela, I am worshiping my Thakorji.'

Kabirji retorted : 'Shethji, you are worshiping the idol very devotedly,

but your Thakorji does not seem to accept the 'prasad' you offer to him. He

doesn't speak anything. So, think over what you are doing in worship.'

The Sheth was Dharamdasji. He was very ascetic and had a deep

faith in idol worshiping. He had visited all four famous temples of religious

faith and had come to Mathura. He never drink water, not put a grain of food

in his mouth without routine ritual of 'Thakor-Pooja'.

He stared at Kabirji; who seemed to be a strange saint to him. He

did not reply anything.

Kabirji continued : 'Shethji, you are Sanatani Brahmin. God is all

pervasive, Omni present and shapeless. How can such a God be

accommodated in your bag that you carry ? This idol is non-living,

inanimate. The God. Parmatma is 'Chaitanya', Bhagatji, think for a while.

You are making a mistake somewhere…'

Dharamdas felt that there was a point in this Sadhu's talk. So he did

not get angry but asked the name and whereabouts of the saint. He bowed

his head down on knowing that the saint was Kabir !

Then onwards, Dharamdas engaged himself in religious

conversations with Kabirji and got many clarifications regarding many of

his misconceptions. He felt a real Guru in Kabirji and became his disciple.

Dharamdasji was a wealthy man, he renounced all his wealth and

followed Kabirji's preaching. His 'gaadi' is known as 'vansh-gaadi', situated

in Kharasiya village in the Bilaspur District.

Surat Gopal and Jagjivandas were also great devotees. They came

in touch with Dharamdasji, they went to Kabirji and became this discipline.

Bhagwandas was also a wellknown Vaishnav. He came to Kashi to see

Kabirji and became his disciple. All these four disciples have their 'gaadi',

maintained today by their heirs.

EDr. Chaitanya Desai-Surat

Dear Kabirvani Readers….

Ramkabir to you all….

One of the motives of Kabirvani, our community periodical, is to get

our roots enriched, to keep our association live with our cultural, religious

heritage. Our Guru Kabir Saheb, his life, his works and his contribution to

social up liftmen and even his religious preaching etc. must be known to us.

Kabirji's literary height was also commendable. We shall see about it in the

forth coming issues. In this issue we shall get acquainted with the important

disciples of Kabir Saheb. It is because the Guru has left his live heritage

through his disciples. The life incidents of these followers are also equally

inspiring. We may see and feel the throbs of the Guru in then. Main

Disciples of Kabir Saheb :

(1) Dharam Dasji :

It was the time of sun-rise. The atmosphere was filled with piety. A

pilgrim came over to Vishramghat, along with his wife. They seemed to be

wealthy. The Pandaji on the Vishramghat of Mathura helped them to

perform bathing ritual before the worship in the temple. They sat on the

sanday bank of the river and brought out the idol of Lord Krishna (Thakorji)

from his bag and started worshiping. At that time Kabirji came over there.

He saw this wealthy couple worshiping Thakorji and asked with ironical

curiosity :


27 28


Kabir Saheb travelled in the entire India, preached numerous

people and many of them became his disciples. He had come to Gujarat

also. On his way back from south Indai. Kabirji visited the bank of the river

Narmada and stayed at Shukla tirtha.

There were two Brahmin brothers Tatva and Jiva, living in the

nearby village to Shuklatirth. They had their religious education in Kashi

and were ascetic. They were in search of a proper Guru. They used to

attend 'Satsang' and 'Bhajans' where Various saints visit the Narmada.

They server them devotedly. However, they did not find any saint, whom

they could accept as their Guru. Both the brothers were very clever. They

had taken a vow that whoever saint's 'Charanamrut' would make a dry

banyan tree twig green with life, they would make him their Guru. They

used to wash the feet of the saints who visit the Narmada, and used to

sprinkle that water to the dry twig. But till then, no such saint was found

whose water could turn the dry twig into a living one.

When they heard about Kabirji's arrival at Shuklatirtha, they came

to serve him. They washed his feet and sprinkled the water on the dry

banyan twig.

And…. And… a miracle !! No sooner did the water touched the twig,

then the twig came a live, after some time small, tender leaves appeared.

The twig began to grow.

This proved that Kabirji was a real saint. Tatva and Jiva

immediately bowed their heads down to Kabirji's feet and begged him to

accept them as his disciple.

The said banyan twig has turned to be a very large tree at

Shuklateerth. Which is known as 'Kabirvad', our pilgrim place. Do visit the

same, with heart full of devotion.

Another legend about Kabir-vad says that Kabirji used the banyan

twig as a tooth-brush and threw it on the bank of the river. It grew into a big

banyan tree. Known as 'Kabirvad'.

(3) Jnaniji Maharaj :

There was a disciple named Khojiji Maharaj who was the disciple of

Ramanand Swami. This Jananiji Maharaj was the disciple of Khojiji


Jnaniji was always contemplating about God, which created many

doubts and puzzles in his mind. No saint had cleared his doubts. Ultimately

he met Kabir Saheb at Kabir-vad and discussed the spiritual matters which

puzzled him. He started living near Kabir-vad at Sanjapur village on the

bank of the river Narmada; and established his 'gaadi' (spiritual seat). He,

being disciple of Kabir Saheb, later on started preaching of Kabirji's

teachings and made other people Kabirji's followers. He made Gopaldas

his disciple and Gopaldas made Jivan Maharaj his disciple. Jivan Maharaj

established Uda-dharma, so his followers are known as 'Uda panthi',

thesedays they are known as 'Ram Kabira'.

(4) Sheikh Mansoor :

Sheikh Mansoor was born in Multan. In the very childhood, be had

left home to serch God. After twenty years of 'Tapasya', in the cave of a

mountain he had a vision of God. He had self-realization that he was a soul,

a part of the supreme soul. And that is the truth. He heard in his heart

'Anhalak' means I am khuda, the God. He roamed here and there calling

'Analhak', 'Analhak'… in the streets of Multan city; forgetting his own body.

People called him mad, insane and threw stones at him. But he did not

respond to them. People got irritated and considered him as 'Kafar' and

tried to kill him.

Mansoor was presented before the king, who asked him :

'Who are you, Mansoor ?'

'I am khuda Aanalhak.'

The king was surprised that how can a person claim that he was a

God. The king also thought him to be a mad man. Mansoor replied,

“Aadmi ko khuda na kaho, Aadam koi Khuda nahi,

Lekin Khuda ke or se, Adam Juda nahi.”

Nanak was of independent nature from his childhood. He loved

truth and serving saints. He preferred simple living and detachment from

worldly relations. He was not attracted to richness and wealth, luxury and

comfort. His gets married, his nature will be changed. So they got him

married. Nanak was keeping his family life from worldly point of view, but

internally he was always craving for a 'Satguru'. He had no interest in

worldly affairs. At the age of 28, his sense of renunciation got stronger. He

used to wake up at night and heard some voice telling him, 'Your legs are

bound by a rope and you are still sleeping ? You are breathing day and

night, it's a sort of journey, as if the drum is beating !'

Nanak was much perturbed with his yearning to attain self

realization, to find truth. When this craving reached its climax, Nanak

Saheb left home.

He came to the bank of the river vei; took bath and observed nature,

sat in silence for meditation. After sometime he saw an illumination and

found a vision of the Guru. It was Kabir Saheb.

“Nanak… O… Nanak ! you have forgotten something”. He said,


“Remember. You have descended on this earth to do something

great and still you are fumbling in the dark ?” A flash of light appeared.

Nanak Opened his eyes and bowed his head down. Then politely asked:

'May I know who you are ?'

“Kabir…” “I am from Kashi, but in fact, may original place is

satyalok. I have come to worn you and remind you of your original function

on this earth”.

Nanak devotedly uttered, “My inner being aspires to have a glimpse

of the light of truth.”

“Then come with me to a silent place.” Kabir took him to the hills

nearby. They reached a loneliness and Satguru Kabir Saheb

demonstrated Yoga, Bhakti, Samadhi etc. Nanak got himself into Samadhi.

The flash of light disappeared. Now he realized that someone had

come to show him the real path. It was 'Satguru'. He got emotional.


29 30

The king said, “Then, you yourself is God ? Do you claim so ?”

“Yes, I am Khuda, you are also Khuda. And your queen is also

Khuda !” Mansoor pointed out to the king's daughter and the king got highly

irritated and ordered his soldiers to beat him; to whip him. They began to

spill the skill off. But suddenly miracle happened, with the whipping. The

sound of 'Anahalak' cane from the whip's strike. The soldier's were

surprised. The people also talked about this miracle. Mansoor had realized

God. He had become the disciple of Kabir Saheb. He can never be

forgotten as a disciple of our Guru.

(5) Sheikh Shivli :

Sheikh Shivli also lived in Multan. He was the 'Gurubhai' of Sheikh

Mansoor. He had also 'realization' of God. When people used to throw

stones at Mansoor, Shivli was present there. Some said, 'Shivli you also

throw stone at Mansoor.'

Shivli said, “No, I can't do so. He is my Gurubhai.”

'But you have to throw stones at him. It is king's order.'

'It can never be done by me.' But people compelled him to throw

stones. At last Shivli picked up a small fruit and threw at Mansoor.

No sooner did the fruit touched Mansoor's body, he fell on the

ground with a scream. The people were surprised to see that stones could

not affect him, but a small fruit fell him down. Mansoor said, “The people

who threw stones at me, were ignorant, they could not know me, but when

my Gurubhai also joined them, his small fruit also hurt me the most. He

knew me well, he is self-realised, so I fell on the ground.”

Hearing this, Shivli repented a lot and took it to his heart. He left his

job and became a Fakir.

(6) Guru Nanak Dev :

The founder of Shikhism, great saint, Nanak Saheb was born in

Kshatriya family of Talvandi village of Sakkarpur, Lahore region. Today this

village is known as 'Nanka'.

Intensity and ran out calling…. “Satguru…. Satguru….” And repeated the

same word at each breath. He lost consciousness and fell down on earth.

He remained in this unconscious state amidst forest for some time. Then

Satguru inspired him, “Renounce this gloom !” But Nanak said, “You left me

alone. The voice replied, “Nanak, you look within. See, I am there in

person, “But I am restless to have you before me !”

“Get ready for your real function in this world. You will get me and

enjoy a lot.”

Now Nanak Saheb realized that he has to perform some unique

task in this world. I am not for family life. I have to get myself completely

detached from family and worldly life.

He left his village home and went to a large mango grove outside.

He set himself there in saintly attire. The people saw him in that state.

Family members rushed to him. But he convinced them and asked them to

go home. He never came back to worldly life and adopted saintly way of


Nanak Saheb travelled a lot and preached 'Satya naam'. Made

many disciples gave them 'Shikh' means training in spirituality, Later they

are known as 'Shikh'. Whenever Nanak wished to see Kabir Saheb, he

went to Kashi.

Some times Kabir and Nanak together set out for preaching 'Sat-

naam'. Once a moracle took place. They reached Macca-Sharif. Kabir

Saheb was a 'self-attained' saint. Nanak Saheb was also spiritually great.

They roamed a lot during the day and at night came to Kaba-Sharif of

Macca. The doors of the mosque were closed. They saw the door closed.

Cast a glance at the door and they got opened.

In the main mosque of Macca there is Kaba-Sharif. The most

sacred place. The Muslims visit this place for 'Haj' in a large number. Nanak

and Kabir slept keeping their feet towards Kaba-Sharif. The night passed.

In the morning Mulla, Kaji, Momin all came to the mosque, it was a time for

'Azan'. All of them saw Kabir and Nanak saw sleeping with their legs in the

direction of Kaba-Sharif. They got very angry. It was a great insult to Kaba-

Sharif. They all scolded the sleeping persons, asked them to get up, forced


31 32

them to leave the place. But Kabir and Nanak did not move.

The Kaji most angrily turned their legs into another direction, North.

And the miracle took place. The Kaba-Sharif changed its direction and

came to the North. Kaji once again turned their feet to other direction, but in

that very direction the Kaba-Sharif appeared situated. Kaji, Mulla and

everyone were surprised to witness this miracle.

Nanak Saheb said, “Why are you puzzled like this ?”

“You feet are in the direction of Kaba-Sharif.” “So what ? What is

wrong about it ! Why are you so upset with this matter ?' Nanak asked Kaji.

Satguru Kabir Saheb gave a suggestion, “O Kaji, O Mullaji ! We

request you to turn our feet in the opposite direction to your Kaba-Sharif,

So that your religious sentiments will not get hurt. Will it do ?”

Kaji and Mullaji agreed to do so, because they found it a Good

solution. They were highly irritated. And they began to turn the feet of

Kabirji and Nanak Saheb…

But what a miracle ! They turned the feet and found that Kaba-Sharif

also turned automatically in that direction. They tried all the directions but in

vain. Kaba-Sharif was found in all the directions !! They got perpetrated…

In the meantime, other Kajis, Hafiz, Aalim, Chief Mutavalli gathered there.

All saw this miracle and concluded that these two persons are not ordinary

men. They are the true saints and devotees of God. So they must not be

harassed. On the contrary, we are at fault, we have not recognized them.

They bowed down to the feet of Kabir and Nanak and asked for


Kabirji said, “Khuda is Omni present. His house is not in one

direction. He is every where. So don't be in a wrong impression and don't

be so rigid and fanatic. Let us improve our thinking. Help the poor and

server the God.”

Such was our Guru Kabir Saheb and there were many of his

disciples as we learnt from this article. Let us follow the preachings of

Satguru most devotedly and ardently.