M*s;>Y;,r,.;rix?h,^>,',^','MS** - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov … · -. vcr il v ls.f Itrnl iu... ur...

THK STATE AT LAME. PEIERSIURG AND VD I.MTY. A Saaff Mtamtt Barae-1 l.naa aad lo- 8BB*B***e- l-alldcal *lote»-"rlertl<_«f 4"redl- H .«tet|,.»4<*'ce of the Rlcbmoal nispstcb.i I uri:... V v.. Oi'tsi'tt-r lo. I-*1!. HcCAciii it uni U o'clock ,n Situr.l.v niirh! thc *t:-if" f.vtorv l.ehin.iriv.' 11 Me---- ( tuiip', ell A i'o.. hvosteil in Din wi,I- tile .'.nit t> sIkuiI ono n.ilo wes! of thc ni), tnt *ei fin- t.i by rasas* unkn.iivn nat** B i" t.iia'lv .lost roi cd, with allot .tenta. Tbe Brat Intimation tbs wa m»n bel <f Ibe bro wm tba "s\**bt at tbe balMlag in tame*. Tb* M.-**r*. Uanp* lull sr. j.iuni; En-r.i»li"icu. BB* bB** lx-cn | i.i i I ft)** ic ii-.. ii i bail rovnily Mtarfed tbatr tailor-., ini introduce,l ni iv gam bamntaei ii'Si-hui'n . '! heir li** (Mi Ito. k ls a* fol¬ io***: :'.,".*! pomade kal toaaaast vtiiuci st f's.T.'t': 80,000 pound* of around sa off, iv. nh tl. "MUBttl of -'"iii", ..ls iliv.iruii."-. * !'': !. -il on ul.lob lhere is no in- i i ulidia* aad aaaebiaery on theo there la *n rasnraaee ol 1750 on Hi" huddle** In i f L-oad ii fl., it ii Ibe ms. bint rv in thc ( .muller -i.il I i :. !,, of E,ir..i"ii. Within Ibo pas) few un.i :!,s Me aa ibbI of lasaraaoa on tbe faaperI; ba t bees reilu.-i-.l. Tbe kisi sboic ii'«i I.'»."''. Tito fe,-! .ry uoephmei tenaty bana*. tt will be rebuilt Bl . ll". -. vcr il v ls .f Itrnl iu ... ur loss (Katani linin 1 .I nt uiu*tion -ninia*., bul Hie (iiircs bit) were not * ere a i' bdraira. 'lb. lb public,p* ot tm Km Iv faetlon -. !'i p. IS ni |] sm i-s nu 1 ute n hiv aadlenee for .¦.ol Mr. (Sabooaattk.) r on \l . M" - .I-;!.!. Th*** .... b'llii.i; ni'-et- Mo of Ibo vviinl- in uiy iV.IV t. ."! I. *l!'l Ibo View of I.Ci -pin.' -ilive Hu lat. r**st in tis IhiBft, tm l nu re* ve ;h v, t v ii":" ¦;>*!,ii roten to li. .r r SJ al-' r-. Wi'' rsl ss" is;- thn e (lav* l)'li:i- ts r of lb ii." ut J" 111 mblinx h. !.aa. nbllsbed for « P siiti M 1 t"-!ii."i! a: lc tbc'ilc win! i' or n it i ;,||>:'>V"'I a k abo ;i*s.- S il.- Int mts -.f th "ii ldc ii -feel -. e All the iployi ,-. ill e\- t in .- t there ,-t j ¦>. i,." rje»- -ba I ol' tint tho di- .'I,' I'¬ ll!. Iii t!,'» .n .. '. s I']! I* ind r,tn Pu- io- I' J ttl .-.!'¦ it "ti the .". oh- :l!ll-.|l.' . I t 111 I- lign .nt ly pe, noil ib. !. are ' a 'ins, ,1 - ll" . tl ''iii -it tin- ippii'i' Mn.' U ii .1 tl- '1 I- imp >-.->! of a -. of Vvll.tt" : ¦loll. I.- Uah:. .vi . H'I.stvI LT RI l- '. 1984 lb i r bis broth ;. ¦. -. Mc .Hiv. in this i were pliyii with ¦ 4 it al E. my, ii (Darking I. ."', "ii" I si, :, hui li vv ls at hi« l i- M i; f- t. svi'h bis brain* blown out. An i- Sill .. -i i\ ' taOLI.VA BAILI! MP. - \ .'-. r 13. I .t. In il I, - f ti p. , i. Fifty ,"l ..I thi ¦ to bi .1 .. .h.- righi of illtling rn iran v ; let tor rn ul -t.uth from Tin nt n- only seri ty-foiir tbe i. I i. r pill . -;\- t ti- onb in 1 of tl. 111 li'i I'. "I roll at this in th "itv Wo,lol if lt* was ib , ni. for e msultation idi! b.-tii'irrovv ii. _rlit. The uni.; discussion in f..r tare!ve month* ami th" i i th" i iib it. own ] io).,.-,ti di .it.ii-of tbe Kl inter*sod ! l t .-iii.Mi! P. .'i-i'l r t. m ploy mg conns, i M . i tlornev In pi.>-. .-. I with riminal "llnilv sttended, and ad . G0HD0NSVILL ' I), .lo il l. nu tt I » Mo lu I I; ur. tl 1 hr Ut,nu III. ¦' |l:s|,s-c!,.| (ii roana i*". 1881. i" .-bur,"li b* re. e .ru.-i- ii i (bureb sti .:-. u ,v m.- been r. ,.,ii -. ,i wi -,! 1 V lt gt IOU ll of .MHlltrV "se|lt, Hon tt> tb n ftiiaished t i ti., toa hue, ol v\ un nt rn, who will bal* .li. "1 tl aa ¦ r .t- bouse i*n« u mi md in -h. ind i- .ly prtity rt uabl) f.iiiii"l:"<l willi nil : iiiihe uii. i,ii- of a (alb..li'- cburcb. Men worshipping for 111 lb ti.iv ti bill, aim it i- a ii, Ri .lilli i- I, andi ' awi. \i in i ! raia very aadly. 'i h pastur . WI I'S'. -,."I tl i.e. n ..I,-,'¦' il '.... Mil. Many lari: -i i an detenala 'I la walt for a ** sos* son-' Infill- .oil io.- W In a', killi "I-, rt dn I. p iitin,- o tbe tptasmi .u.«i trimim? to tuturi-ruin*. H. \ .i MBRMOND. Thr 4 sm-ta 4.<e_r an.! Martball Address a basan Mtatsaa. sim isl tt'eiriain t the Iflsoal - frat e. v .. . r i .. ubi, Tba lsn.'.-t ami ino-i eBlbiislastlc blair,- .t iMm.-rab ever beld in --i'l >!K asi.tcl ex-Beaator B. E. Withers. Hon. John (.....tl., atul K. L*. Marshall.cai i ,i i onajem, la-dsr. sn.i i Brand flaj M .Ant for the lieiu'iorioi Bf Nau-ciuonil. .Viibou'.'li imnior.ius ~-aat**~s bad bara tat- i niall d thal 0Barral Mahon.-. Kn.wu Al¬ lon, ami ..tb.r Ke|)iibiio*n 8|*eaker« would sjH»k la day, (.emmi Blabnar sad Allaa miatamti a'rrowd Bl univ thr.-.- bBB-t***d ol lest, Ibnu Illly ve bites. Tb* serat* of aNariM-uiond are aroused. WU.LIAMSIIUEG. SisJei Baker P. Le* Ad.trr.tr, aa faibasl- astir tiaiut, fau-' lifinu, |S|*rt»! vrl-arain io Ibe Ulipateii.] QCBBBBB ld. '--I Tbis mo) lilli,' Major Baker V. I..- s|n>ke an hour and s ball to as larife snd enllmsl- sat ie au aadlenee ol Demoerati ns ever Raibcred In Ibis place*. A larg* number ol *.<"UBtf j people were; preaeut, aud a band- Bbfl^PMB.MMSt tlaa; wa, fl,,-- . Ul, i.nti!7v!^muVf;l,knrwn,n,,'u»«'',»'>''* ix, 1* i Mreiii, l> ivoptilar with ,ulr ,..OI)Lv mdtt^leadltn^ n wv I .-iii' ^'"""T-iis -vere I,,.,,-,I (0 -,-,. H will ,|0 , Ure., ,|,.,| of , .. \Xe ..ceil, ti a man like Lee ta, *,,? .',,.r peormup. l,vo,y wnmtmtTcd &&£ M*s;>Y;,"r,.;rix?h,^>,',"^','MS** .M.*p'l Lu* ,t, s.|, ,| ..,..., f h| iimngniionlbejiooplenis,,, ,r. .,, fotfar.ffBd said tba, . |,.., i,., cauarO our ,«,,.,. ,,.,.,.J.,,, ' ' . It ....ll re.,i..e. for |.e D.,n.,.*,.'r r' ami \ iririma would !,<-.-..,. ' ' T " * A nml.ei- graad nita ,vi,| ^ j,,^ , ,,_..,., 1....I.V '.(.n.-plce, of the Clev.liniJ m,J 11* titir 1, ks ( IUD, rita. Ll liri; rr fire. Il.l, ibe BBtlnri* lvr... ,,r ,h<.Tewn Df. ttrolrd- Losses aad Insursorr H'**-'-*!*"'!1"1'. nei;.....i,., ,,.,>.,.,,., LiBSBTTi Oetober LL issi. Ti.i*..'vvT.sv*.ii1,,,j,,V:1(lj^I1.,i^<,;t|. n,iLTr.timi;.( .in .,,rls hour yesterday room¬ ing. Which (lestios,,! .,|,0|l, ,.,,, fliI-a , t-1(. irtlniai peitiiin »f the place 'I Le lin. vv hi,!. vv*,,.;i,1(.('m)i.,r? ,..;_..., Basatattea lafffrataestorebous, ouBrldiro strret,occupiedb) .1. N. Barty, abott J \ B . BBd -vv.pt uss ay fourteen In; ...is, - end L.-.'ilv lian ,K,-,\ others i..f,)r(. i( ¦topped by tbe btawt&g np of a boase iv nil pi wilt r. Tbe (nllnSVIP. i* . NM nt losses iiml j|,. .i.i h. s m i-i ii' ia ir obtsiaed .limit* U, I r.i'.l. r eX SOB. "a!.inC-miker* amii.-iii,n e. IsO_s,f8,0OD-TtoiM0nne*. Buford Brothers, general merchandlte I....". ff/j *: n m c'T.'m. Insured in tbs Ntw Xml ii, lt rvv nt, r*' Agency for tl . Niagara Lr 91.000, Virginia State for Imperial <*( London tor 11,000, ll.Tit'i i -1 -i. nidi for |1,S00. .1. N. Luiy. cnit r.ii un rcliatnli-se. , ,.. ate,li 1*6.000; in-'Hiil iu S oj ti*tl 1 nimi .111*1 Nut.* Ital for fJ500,P(*ertsraoat_ foi .*;:,», lion cf Philadelphia Ior*t2,000, "ia Fire sud Marine for 11,-50- and .sit Ain.ttc;. for 11,008, A. xx. BoberttoB I Co., genera] msr- rbandlsr. Limb sboul 92,000; aboul 91.509 sn.rn. o( stork saved; Insured ia tba Liv¬ en ,.>! and London and Globe i ir 91,600. ¦!:.:.,-( ippt oin im. bar-room. Loss, ---7<>-1; Innired in Eire Inaurancc Association ol ti tor taco. Meroe] H. tin*, sad Mrs. Bu*b. Imured In tbe Bocbeiter (iermao li si.:, io, I", li. Abbott, general Merchandise. I- stock snd luul.lin shout 96.000 or insured In tho Ni w Vork Under- -itv tor ;.;7ti'; I* utan .nth (>r wifli R. Pollard ft Co. agency of I si a hi I.. Oppenheim, taloon. Loss, 12,500; iiisi.la ,i in il,,. .". ntti-l, L'nion :nitl National 1.500. B. 1). Buford, snail raero! store. Lots --. u. R. ti. t lay-tor A Co.,generalnercbandl«e. ling from |12, Oto (si; Insured in thc N a \ ort L'ndcr- Der for il 600, Ucrinania f >r .\ ndM i-i; (oril.5 M), 1,250, X 11-¦ii,11 -1 91.250, xv -: In; ton 1 Shrauklin. Campl I ».,g*ner_l mer- i-l 910,0 I': In- I in l .¦;,.I and Lon lon id I lor 91.250, Port*.utblorfj i00, Eire iiiO, Vlr- lion p for ll si it* for Ire nnd Marini lol n foi h2,00ii. lt. 1 n, (rained Imllding, ni .1. I*. MC :i it!,. I>ai -i ri,, lota - or .*-!<¦ 0; ii" ina, M. v> olf, in- sin, ,l In N. w X mk Undera lier* lor v x\. I. .'.' ni'iii.-. general merchandise. '¦00; no Insurai :. *it»r_r owned by t'aptnlo William B. Ms it r, it ** about t-2,6 : ¦¦ ll Ins.I. **. lin h, lothler, lons 1*3,000; insurod iit lii jo iial t Lon lon tor 91,50 for -t 00. Dr. ll- C. Hopkins, druggitt, los* from insured lo lue (lera mi 1 2.600, probably |],00 nor William ls.-ri*,. L*i ni ral nu ich indi**; In** I, st. k .imi ldii!.: p irtlally In- s'lt. tl. T. .1. Matthews, framed afore; In**. Insured In tbe New V-.t K tinder- wiiters' Agene; Ior8500, S'lrginia Fire and f. r 91,250. Bo '¦_*.- Matthews** framed storehouse. Inaured In tbe Hamburg and Bremen lui 9"*0, other inaurance not t'tti. nitl Presbyterian parson -... I. .ss, I., lured. Dr. ( A. I', ard, dentist, nnd Dr. T. M. Bowyer, physician.office* In above build- 1, ^'.1 :. injured, the (ormer ni ii. Virginia si its* for 92 Wand the bitter in Hie xv. sichcBter for 9S75, xv. T. I ItzpaUick, framed building. I.. --. 82.(100; in*.ir.-.l tn th* Bl iti--1 An n- 1, nu.. ti. tn for 9900, X'ir- liinia st dc lor 1250. 1*. ti. Burk*, framed slorehouse, Loss, it 1-11r. 11. Wi.liam ll. Mein", brick building. ¦-., 1: Insure I. .', Mandi, /- Loss, Intuit ,| (or --.' I W. Kai ia 1. unoccii] i< ¦! store. I. .*-. -l,'.Nu insured In 1 ." Portsmouth (ur Hi v. .Ii.Im B. Ti/"!'* library. Lo*a i 11 II,. I*.d'st.|th (Ol V, Brotl 11-. boti bera. Loss small, .1. B. Pollard, framed storehouse. I.'..* inaured. -. v. .-I t,f ihe above DStn, il hive secured i, and will resume business al once. Among them are S, Hirsb, A. XX". Itobert- -.! k Co., lt. B. Claytor A Co., Kbanklin, ii iV , 11.. x\'. .1. Jennings, and J. ly. APPOMATP0 V COUNTY, tba I'e-oplr Ititiiou.lily Arntlsiil-Ht-. I in k- ri's CaBTSflfl. ;. I |.-|h''Ti-I r.vvii-i.iN Cn v. Va.. <>- ;.,i. r ll. ls*l. I i,e Ddii.tTi.i v oj t-itl Appomattox bru I-* en thoroughly*arou_ed from their *nini- bers this week. <»n bud Thuraday (vourt* di.i) the Hon. J. Bbb. Tucker, William M. tia ii. I.sip, ami Captain Camm Patti. 111 *id. r. a 'iii. --. lal ii'-" and attent 1 il the e lurt-bodse. Xlr. .1. P. I.. Flesbman, Beting county li ib> man, Inanes! and praceful speech Intro¬ duced ,'n tain Pattes.wbo sp .kc (oran li .ur and a half In his usual hoi land forcl- . Al ,ii" ci.i*"!ii-i"!i "i" Li* -;. li H.. ll 11. William M. 1 ii-ll. ol Bucking- ss; Introduced, and In ¦ iborl and :. ,1 ip,, ch -li'iss".! to Hi" good )¦'¦ 'i'i \, m ibUoX, iii a millner p tCUll ir to Buckingham'* trlftod *"n, imir tb* whit* f Hi" soul!) had ic "ii .1 "ATi-tro.l- lim L> Hi" Republican party, wltb J. O. Bl line, ibe hi.Iy-*blrter, ts .i* teador. .1. Ban, Tucker wai Introduced bi ,. T. 8. Bocock. II" held the audi- ouad r re ai ly tw aad 1 L.iif limn*, i lu cr idler cheer sv.iit on ..- "Bini." pouted bot *l."l inf .flic polltic-il (.( ide I'll.!!..-.1 Kulgoi .*( Maine. iii!!.' In Ul" C.TU". Mr, Y',*-t. opponent, and Captain Bia r. sm. addressloj* 1 crowd ol |n '.tu- Li-.-ni",,t. (a proposi¬ tion to divide lime having been declined bj Hie ji. ii,,.rir.d.' Wben 1 tay a erowd 11* your 1. "Lt* (ul! well wli.it l .t'dui-viz.. I. n nus il,-Tn* and other o_*eer*. ofl,.ecker*, fte., .Ve., .V". ll lin. lu- well 10 *.(V Hui i 1bes. fl < * ne I., ld Ly ths poor down-trodden colored man of tblseouoty. dn ¦. Mr, -i i| die for three Lmls'al lliis pia,a- tn ri CTOWll Ol l"'ir ll'lll- dnd people. Then were a few wbtte B*- 1 ul,in an* ind 1 (. iv colored people pr. seat, (rom the nervouanes* androst- ,,in il by Uiiiii. th. y fell aho- mn!, itant. Doe mid bo! fail to il between tl. erowd on tl,i. occasion and tbecrowd tbat aasemblc I 1,1 linn iii. .L bo -. xx ive gi uri* lil'..'" "ti ii -jnh ..( -1 pn>mber--tin latter erowd, about "ne liutulr.-ii all told, ineluding some Democrat* wbo weal Io* hutt- Bartoslty, bavlaa beard bo noefa nix*.ii. Mr. Wlaeln Hu-Ibiiville 11 tl ct*.-. Yon mtv conni un oki \p|Hiiiftitov doing h* r full iliity oa the ltd ni Nov em! er, *i- B.OTBTOURT COI xv ). Meath i>r Ide Mayor ut' I iui attic-lluusr III. lt "*S lt oirt-.|i'iiilii" i- "I Hi* L.cliii.oiid lllvi>at.*ri.l t is ia-1 ir:. Ootobof Ht. 1- Mr. K.« . Klggatt, win*. ¦<. w.t* reported in Hu- pAmntch tgvt ni mxyt tgo, (< ll baati a.. iijifHr wiml'iss iii Iii- li'tit-o "ii tba ttb ltisiiint ami rt. dst :| sci imi* Injurtea, iii''! v. sit nial MSffalng .Mr. Fi..'ntl lind '"'"' it*r .pnte a nuuiL. r ni t.ai* :t prominent n.aiL.r ol Hu- lioh-lixirt Lnr. and Bl tut Hine ot In* ileulli waa 1.11..or.»( ifhi.**i*fl'. 'lin ilwellini*-liii.isi- of a MM iniiii'I (.lim, llviaf aboutsorfffliBHssnrrl ol bsro, slit- tit at roy ed Lv fin- one tlav last week. Tlie lin-isMi| used to have wauk purol* necldetiUl. The (amily were in tim bOUM a, the time mid Lardy (scaped. N-i lurni* tine wa* tuved, and (be pffBfBfft. mi* not lao.red Jue li** Len rfliring in lin- inminLtin- wi*( ol l-Tnc.iv.le tor BSffSSal day*. Tlie tieonlc ti tbe surrounding comHiunlty bare lieeii tl.lilii'.* K>e ll nm *. mul it ls ho|H*d that no ureut dsaisgc, except to t»rol>er, will be done. TuoafforKB. 1'IG EIRE IN PETERSBURG. I! arni ne ar *arka.w's Kariah -la*** BIM,!****** Other llullrllnat Deatrofrd PtMlslktaassaiBSswS iii«paieti.i 1'niKiisiurno, Octolier 14. Is*1!- Thc In rue loiinceo-faetorjf of Mclsr*. C. A. .Iscltson ,v (.. % oll(> .- thf in-.....t and most .on.ph to in nlP rku*Jb. wns ..-.tilly B> "ti-ovc.lbv fir* bal B*-*bts The ilirm wi* stum,let ab,.it hslf-past 10 o'clock, snd slthoiiKh liio tir,. orli-inabd i" » remote patt Of Un building, and was a smill .ifln 1 r Bl b"t, i;t ||.. fl tim-s spi'fii'l so rapidly I hui a|| effort* to isv Co¬ if (..ii w, re wen- without aval!. Thc rac t.di In.l bet n inlsrp'd in thc pa*' several Tear*, sn.l \\ .*.«.,, ,. the new building, in ll (' " -I. lin:,, rT.ro,iin."tli*t th«-lin-.t irt rd. 1 be f .et ,;s araa *Bmdad on lliir!) street in the nii.l.si,,( . ojaaalj |>*|Bi1 lied section of lb* l..ii n, uni Bl tba time sn brisk s bro BM wss ir, vi tilla*- that fcur* wen) citertiined af a it rn ml ci nll:i";rsllcn. Th" st-eplc of Ol ie* Kplscopal church took Ire. but v. ry Iii He domsffe was doae. A frame realilaaea sdjointag tba taobxty was _aatrera_. In t'¦¦ r ir ,*-. Inrxcr.'.vof shintic., in which a! out twa (liv M"gTO familial liv. Al tbil writing (1 A. M.) tho fir- Ind ¦..dltcii niotti: them, nnd thc probability 1* Hui u'l will h.* (lest roved. b1r*8~~s. CA JaeIson *% Ort. badoaaaad tra tbair bwk** in- nb. nt !,',.'.'*'0 pOUndl "f lo in.ba. aad ti v.ty Baas ninotint of tsaautaotott ,i- ba.-co .4 suet ty how rnnch, lio.vi-v"-r. csn- nol now be i-c.-rt tin.-.l. Thc factory asa supplied wiiti tba mo*t inipi-.iv,-1 ii, .-.'.uniy and iva. tlnolv equipped. 'i'"- lom aili i"- veiy near*-* s'i7.">.'>"ii. Tho linn bad in -iirnnc l to tho am mut of -"tot',!*)". Wbiefa i* Ix I.l la noarlv ev.-rv ct in;.any n iir.'sontod hore. Tli lino of et iii|i.iiin* it| n-.n'oii her.- br tba Pt~t_r**- bcrsj Savin*** sud Instiranee Company are :i'iion_ tho chief los ts. Tb* 11*1 Mn ion of lac lari ry will b* Mrerely fall bera laaoag tba working popula¬ tion, (tattoos* bad opeaed wei', and di,j.h.i in,-nt was ~~ivefl to n Very Urgenumber of bandi. Owing t. th" drouirbi Ibe water tupply boro i* rory tester, and il 1- Inr.clv due i thi* eiiise flint th. factory foll lochan essy prey (otho il mes. When a stream waa gotten oa tbe titirnin-' bollding it iv:'.- obtalfiod fr.ni th eanal. NORTH CAROLl " I. V Tall. Willi (br Druin, ratio ( antlplotr the I.ir u', onnt (.esrrnor. |B| IB tile lli.n.ie|| | .N'fiiiitti.K, Oclobi r 13, 1984, ¦ ad i ebal >. -t.-ni iy a ith Major Charles M. Stet maa, Democratic eandidste for i.i, mi nant-Governor on tbe Nortb Caro¬ lina ticket, ntnl be gare a in >st encouraging n i "ri of Hie political situation In thal .tate. ra th it !!.. re i> no s,,rt of doubt Hut ib ' Sn lina will aire ¦ handsome l> 'tn >- majority, aad langbsBl recent efforts '¦¦ tin- .-. ntrary, .. IV hy, lu ni si "Vpublieaa* do uni pre- ml lo claim Mn muc," Mid tbe >l ijor. T!,. Major ba* stamped tba State from .. i in r.-'ki" lo ( uni'!: k." and ba* no beal- latlon in raying thal the Democrat! will ai: v vi-, district In Ihe -iiti se pt th First, Yolk', magnetism was snotbersub. Ject of aiiiii-.-nu-iii foi tl"- Major, f-.r be -ays tbe Bepubllcan .1 s?tor snd it h - ntli iii uh 1 to make anj id fav, rai I" Impn -sion on thc white I-¦' lt ot the -'.'* . while deners! -'¦ab - Ins bi. ii arousing bb :ni- iiiiiids whererer ne bas lieen. That gen* th ini'ii j. ,:.,'.! m overed fr un iii t ai ld nt .¦uni i" iu the held lajor wai si--.i_.-is: bi» that tbe Bepubllcan* ihiuldtalk -' ullin mom v into thc **t tte, an I -ail million doll ir- would not change the n -i: :. "Thc white pe >ple of !¦. are aol for tale," be said, Indignaatl] : " v\.- contd carry tbi mu. without any organization at all, .. ut (ur party i- weil orgai Vance and Hansom and all the res' o', them sre In il iii bl. wai litt.lt curious !¦> know tbe line of srgumenl followed bi the Ki i m.ii.'in ipi .is- ri. .. Well.*' said tbe .-:;.> say tbe Bepuhllc in party i- n.e p.uiy ol 'linaiiees ami tbe frien of tb n 1. in.in anil i 111 Ile s,di eil-, an I try !" produce tbe impression tbsl Ibo l>t int.-ral- ni" oppoi 1 ! th ir. "ho"! system. Tbe Demricrsti tali! I limilpally of tttste Issues, shon uptoeBe- publlcsn record, and point t" the present count* goverumenl itstaem, instuiuratead bv tbe I''¦in.tcr.ii". aiui which tbe resderi ol tbe Dispatch know was tbe saltation id Hu- a--t.dil .'"ililli. .. C. A BOBBBBEIX I'li'Hi. imo m.: niii-ini hms CABF.TBI i:\I-ii-ITIiis. i-i., ¦. ii letesraphto Uie i'i pstel .1 Balbiob. S.e.. October 13..To-day Fol Haas, general freltbt- and passenger- a_-*"iit nf tin A--0. tai..| Beltways, reducearj the rate to tbe Exposition fron all point* in North < arolina ..nc cut per mlle eaeh wav. Thin Bill lim- mi iiiinu-iii.ite iffeetin ::: the atti ndance. Tin letter of Dr. Eugene Qriasom rena, distina Dr. York, Bepubllcan eandidste fm (Iovernor. li Ibe greatesl bombshell tbsl bsa yd bes n Bred Into the Badical camp, (iii..un ia supenntendenl of the Slate In-ane Asylum, and the letter prove* an effective campaign dooumi di. General Scali i's work In tbe east* rn conn- ti'- i- aeeompllsblBR gresl good, rix- H. mocrsli aw making vote* in every c inn- ... A.U reports are ol s gratifying charac- tl r. To-morrow nlghl ilu- State Exposition ii -iini'iat il by tin- electric, light. The (iiaii.l Commander] of Knight! Ti mi" n-1 f North i hi Ina a ;l! as* lo re Wednesday, and there will b a grand '! iiij-l il ! -ilatb WEST VIRGINIA i lie ( katmai oi iiie Uwaeratlc *»i». t-\- e, llllir ( llllHlllltee I liololclll ol I lie I lum. -and De.ncri.-ilio Haioriiy. l-p dil I. '"i--i.ini t., tin- Dispatch.) Mnii.iiM.. W. Va., Octolier 18..Il any one li ul lor a momenl doul.ted the i in.-ind n st In tbe Weal Vlrginls election, aglsncesl the streets to_si would bare dissipated all lucb thoughts. Erom one .mi ol tbe city to another group* "f in.-ii have -.il day long c-arneetly snd i'i S4>m in¬ stances pugnaciouslr dtseussed thi iltua* indi. Tl i- viirioii- sjnakcr* who hare ben in tte State aro gatberlng bar* and Bli brina -nod np..it- irns|.<!ivo of party. In fact, both political oi":uii/!itioiis bare bad extra¬ ordinary m.a tings. Tlieio h i- been i iii*- 1 mitton lo bear "iii sides. A Republic in parade ol 4,000 uniformed men i* marching ibo -ir.-, n ti.-iii'.'h!, and tbe enthusiasm i, unbounded, bul throagb ll 'il the I'oiiii.erni- maintain tlnir confldence and sivtlnv an- safe, ami lhere i- BO attempt lo deny Ibal the resull will be dose. Tbe im -1 sanguine I >. n:<"-rnr i- contenl with tbe hope ol ole tin.- bb tickel by 5,000, while tbe majoiBy ssy 3,000 will be th.- maximum. Tbe />'-' Repub- luau) will sm iii the morning: "The lalor put upon tbe State bj tbe porty nnd to. return* re-retted jn-titi - the clsim Rn publican victory arlll be won. If a fair conni is had inch will bc tho re- u .. opinloaa i.l. -.-ripli.-il t > this dty fran Bscoreol country editors are all to the .IT-et that oo accurate predict! m* can be made, with cbrtacei illghtly Infstorol the Hepublicans. Bo far ns caa be foretold t. -night thal view li catrect, \ tn us rote will be e rat. lt li boped thsl the ii sull w ill be known by midnight t >-mor* row." Tbe cbalrman ol tbe Dem .eratic -: u, l.'eeiitive i '..ininitt.-'- teleffiaphl Bl follows from beadqiisrters si l»srkersl .. We will cu ri Ibe Malo by l".'i"' m.i- Jorily,and bateagood working BBiJortty in loth rsacbesol the Legislature. s,.,..,|] ..!). II. Em's ..ni'. "1 hainnall Hi lil''fi'.i'i'' Evccil'iv. lt i- lnittoi .." The Register predicts tbe election "f tbe enttrt D*m*)<Tatlc tl ile M'Im-i. exe pl Su- 11. tn.* 'udgrs, by Irom its toeigbt ibou* ¦BBd n.nji.1 iii. iv..i. w. Cowden, ctalnaan -1 the B** publlcaa State Execrative (***mmlttee, ian .. vv,- have a Is-btlag cbaace, sud I believe w. vvill win." "ITO* Driinslit In ld*' ***»ulli. Illy IBSBISIlB U- Hu |iipatcl..| ('iiiTTAMiH.i.i, tictob.-r I**..Slnee July Hu-nth thc iiroip.'lii in* prevailed In lower l.'n-t Tenn.-ss,.. North GeorRta. sad North Ahibaiiia,!!).. r.-Mon of which < hatUiMioga is ibo c. ntr". "-iioeiuls to tbe 7',/s.,- indi- cale Ihat all Un farming inb "I- ttO -'- riou-ly limn lilli e". nml UnRSH Hi'1'' '*. ran. Mum tho r.-iil'. ivoil be th* i-lr dis. QiastBf lantis ara barned np, aad tba lin ks an- drv. Tin- T*BBe*Bee I ivor it tliis [mint is willilu throe iBCbee tin low. .1 |>..iiii. ov.r kii'ivvn. UHshiiiun.n llama. IHy t.-l._ra|.li lo (lie ll|,|.al' lil BTlWIIUIIIB. Da Cs, Oclobol bi. .Tin- Mnnnc Bospttsl Huroati is inform.-.I that tho hark Winiam Fisher, from .\"i'invvall. is iii tputriii'iii e al ."ship Island, and thal ene of her crew is sick In thc lio-pit'ii then- aith yellotv-foTer. Tho Intel nulli uni Prime .Meridian COB* f. nnce to-duy adopicd tho Bf-sridlaa ol t.i.i nw bb. ThcrepiesenlAtlvc* of France and Itrszil did not vote*, and thc r.-pi.-- "oiitniivo of *san Ibunlua;" voted a. h"-' ''¦ Coughs, colds, and sore-tbn.it yield resdily I. B. H. Douglass ft tons' C'apii- mm Cough Drota. LATEST FROM OHIO. TDK EVE OF A GREAT BATTLE. Tala ia -_*._*_, riBflBli BJIiflB ¦». fTff irrffflT-Boih I'nrtir. ( lalnttaa ibe Stair br a anal, -Hajari,y. ,i.-ur.e XV. Atlano. proprietor o( the Vv i-tubington star. lelrgiopK to his paper from ( oluinl,!,*, ,in(i.r ,,..., ., .Mt<,rjty. a* follows: The la>l .hy .f ,J1P ,lmpatr- develop* ionic chance*, tbottgb cae,, party ¦*« cl..,ni* to Ii-ivi- organized victory The re- ineeliveeomniillret^jv., .,,, ,,,.<j-,- ,iuie (t:itiasloesHniu(ed mai .;,, .,_ ,.il. ivhll" el.iitnlnir .1* a nile ti, ,t nnri, ,-,,.., .,-,,. .rr- wi linn to luliuit thal ||,ry emSffffBStSBMff Misplaced. Tlie Democratic »,,mtnlU*e foo| np a majority of :,.-_¦_ j, Tbs IL* pu blur in Committee un* not aulte *,, axoet,bttsd- licre to the yellerai c:*i., n( S.O-s) to 10,0.x) iii.-.J.int* . I hiv commH-,.,. MnT,. deemed lt univ I-, ie, majrp p,||,ij, fiurtr Baal eillmati, tut Hu* bet ,. tbslr actual Igarasaukaa t if ns, r ls,'*;n majority, and all over I'UHm. Uk y cape . to f.irnisti In Hie way of Wbal th. y cull .-ti,,, .Ma.n.. surprise " over again. Tiny bars eadoarorad to keep thi* rat* quiet, but it i, ,i,.. nstimsts th.*v bare -.Lt Lt Mr. I tl:-, ir*--, timi which Hun- WW -land Ly, and wbteb they el itu will bs v endd! before i!.- .un eats 'to-nmrr.ov. oaoi \id ron rarri ra_r<ua wnriJMUBflJ. Th.-t li-urea were all mail* on Satur- dar, but Rlasrs Hun the committee in* rr- "iv.ai inr.tiTii.-iiiiui wbleh irive* them gt ester mbMbbos in their ssUn-rrda, one of the ressoni for tali it 1 rarlBtoaol tbs wool-growere* rpso,whrcb gives tin* lt- publican* Hi'1 l'didi! ul :i iiufc iIcc'lIcI change tbsa hail Leen anticipit.-d. In a Idler received from a proMlB :it woot-grrwer, bs Mys: .* We mjatob- cd Hie irpul'licall* fm* re lucin. H.- duty (li svnol. ami mi.v sve ure gOlflLg to 111 iii- ii tba D. moil it* fm not restoring it." Anotli' r rc.sun fnrth.-ir rattored BO 1- ti*.- ure i. advices (miii thc Western |',.. serve that itu* (nil BepoMieaa rote i* going to Hu* jx.ll.t, While advice* ri'Scivcil tilis morning are quita rocoursging la soul* (juarters rata lb* fJeraaaa rote. These (mis bareeertalalrgiven the i.epiii.ii.-.-ifn much more conldenee Hui (bey ind on sniiittiiiy. They de-bus thi, Birthing bal money and frau can d. leal fe ra. an alli ui I. cobbi mn nm, A (ci _'i.Hil (ir:,i th" Nitioti il Dem Cob tniu¦¦!. that a fund of 9(30.0 tu ii i- ie ea mo! from New York -in e Saturdaj for dittrlbut! di In * I'Vi uni. Columbus, an I Cincinnati t" .--.i.t toe Bepubllcan i- pro¬ nounced a falsehood lu , bail-San Oglerle. i'i, D'Li'icrriiic ehairman, however, baa mis is. t] thc Denim Tatic n .ne.'.r- In those t ii i, * io lo k outfor such a corruption fuou, : l.W.'i irs ii" t.LA.'l.irsi COXnOflflT Of CABBT- IV) OHIO, lM*If, s. vm- 8BW rilBK. Ootiidi of tin-lit in ra'le Committee tbs li ni. I. ol tbe party lu re are conldenl be¬ ll nd qi* -t'"i: of n r,iitui[*li in nlii... indi- N< u X'..,!,. Gov, rnor H, ndi; !.* lell this in .rnlng for Parkmburg, Weal Virginia, where be makes bi* last speech In tbe Oetober cam- In .¦' ic dion be said th il h rs i* it that tbe DemoeraU would corry Ohio, nf Indiana he had b doubt whit- ever,and tbereanH In November,be prc- I be th .' lion "f tbe Dcm .- Iii k-1. ll" wa* not, however, ¦ ron- li.lt ii, nf niuo a. nf lu liana. Even il Ohio ti:.I go K.; ui Hean now, it it did in l*7u. be iih'.iai thal Sew York would goforCleve- ,ai il in N..v"inl. r. jus, aa il did (o' Tilden 1170, Ile was not enthusiastic, bul quiet and tu ni ll In bb pre llctlon*. Il -a.-* thi*I*the greateil and bardesteam- paten be "Vcr wa* In, bul (hal ll ha* im- i roved ls 1 ¦¦ ilth vt ry much, iii* speech in Par! i rsl nra to-nlgbl i* to be a |oinl ons with (Minni Woodford, ofXcw York. 01 BOTH LvliriL- IN PgTKCn-VU Bli !'. 'lin- itternoon there wa* a meeting "f citizen* denlgnrted by the Bepubllcan siin- mmlitee with n committee appointed by Hu- ( loveland and IL rtdricki ( lui. to e »¦ operate in detecting (raud t.f (be polls t>- morrow. Tbe Bepubllcan , onmutee hi>- II .' ,n th,- hiuia.iii'-u I th" entire Stat to close their1 in, "* ol i"i*iii"*s to-morrow and to devote tbs day to organization in th.- Interest ol tbe purity ol tbe ballot-boa. irma kbvbb was boca i cbs or nura In tbe history ol politics In this State, sad wbli la rel j.arty i* (L leatcd i* going n> run to cover under it. Tharne ballot*, comb!- -,..-linn lickei*. frauduleul votet and vo, r* nie nil named in Itigbtlul array, one ol Hu-thai - brought into tbe Republican i .ii,nun b I,,-,Ms was ibat twenty«alx li, moeratli newapap, T-meu nnvv here were tn tn-von il. xvii, ii iii, latterbeai*dof Bthey were very iiiueh amuaed, nu nn IL Ml kits.,-- in TBH HUBCBBB. Tl'.1 interest il) tl e close ,,( tin* ."iinji li'ti i* shown iii Hie (sci last *iiii"**( thc churebes sre thrown open (or political meeting*, lieu, ral Brag, ol I! il ti more, ad- dr. ssh il th< Republic m* Iron tbs pulpit ol a Bal tts! church in London, < ifalo, on Satur¬ day i vi 11i11_r. IL ssyi lhere was ¦ banner la front of tbe church Inaerlbed: ''Loudon, England, i* forGrovcr levekad: London, nh.... i* for .land* (.. I'.laiii"." A large mana-meeting sras lu Ll in tl"1 Bov. Mr. \ti i'* church le re la*t evening. Professor ILT. Greener, ol Washington,* wa* among tbe np iker*. Be said that 10,- i-i tn- lored voters in Ohio were all in line Ol Li,til". BBd declared Hilt ill-'.a'l ol inquiring bow tbe colored m. n were _ >- Irg to vote tbe Bepublicans ougbl to - nd nlorcd minion ni"* Int tbe sshii.- ,-, narrgatlon* to pn sch tbe salvation ol the nation, Tl e m, (lng losed Lv tbe eb ilr -in-iii;-. "Surely the « aptain atty Depend c;i M.." or the white cl.tirche* tb Journal tbi* norning say*: "The leading, prayers In the «inn .lo-- vc-tenlav were proforma n |-ai'ti*air. ii "l!" lilas speak 0 "( til-Ill, bul as :t matter "f fad the Republican iii-Hip n found ll exceedinglj eaay to re> oi d wiih earneil amens to lhe *;>irit ol ii,. 11 titiont.'' i iniTiir-ijii: i*i:it. ti:-:* "i i'll' vvn-iius. WOMBS AMI lllIII'ILN MIMILI: IN THK One ol Hu- int-ri-tim leoturea ¦.( tbe ma.-met tim.'* of Saturday sfternoon la*t sn;, ii,i ap]' in ¦¦ "i ladies on hoi'*.-'tack. At "ii" place there were 200 of tie-in, with Saga, streamlets, sad banner*, i.i tingle lunns, fronl [ace, betweea which the speakers of tbe da) were escorted. Thirty- .-Lt little children were dressed to repre- tenl tb, -Mat. -. while two young ladies ai ...lil...¦* of (".berty tupported tbe *l*eakera' stands.sa "Ohio oa (MM aide iiml Maine mi thc Other." This I* hut mic td litany of the picturesque jar,* sf ihi* mo*l li nuuk*.!.li ciinp.ti.ll. A LABOB V'.ll. l.'.IT'a THO. Both cniiiniitiii - noa agree thal iii" i tte will be alarms! a* lull .:- tbs presidential i,, ti,,il I In lb ni" inti" commit].itr* msteavoteol 705,000 while tbe Bepubll- alis place it in mund numbers at laOO.OOO. Large as tbie vote ls, and *iua!i a- Hi" raar- -in ol result* promises to be tither ts ii when eonpared vsi:'n ti.i- UBBMBaetotal, complete Brrsngementa bavs l" ni rn. le to receive the full returns hun. Two lu-'' haifa, b -vc been tined up with telegrapblc Instruments, and every return will ti is ni ami compared irttb the von* ol two stars i|o atitl th ii immediately annoiin in the country. TBB lll.sl"..' Bl BS Off TBS TWO STITT* COB- BtTTBBS were uiiitc (I-*, iii al ihi- sfternoon. Mr. 1-illey wa* ullin.- at Bepubllcan l.eadquar- i. ra. Ile ».ii.l tbe bmII aad '¦!i -''""*' r''* nist il since nu,rnli!!.'wen-nf ile1 ni"' te* sssuring character, bul tint tbe wo Ibe campaign was orel sad thal lhere wai tn,thin, lett but to rota ami wat i. n ' t rs, Ile ail.ldl that thc DOUW HS had t.intrt.l of Itty-four of tb* eighty- uh! counties of lbs Stats and mlgbl roiinl th""" tit ket in. At tin- D BMcratie Comnitt. they ito" claidi Uni all they bad saw iva- (resh ad¬ vices from Bouillon county promising bb increase of the estimated IMBi-ieraH-' BM* jority: muli iiiininm Balgar addi I',''**1 Banilton 4*ouaty ao goe* Ohio.' Nl United Malts marshal- Iran- h t 0 IPP ';n:' dib. re sad none will f.c, is tbe eleetlon 11..mi.e* to br . peaceful one. There will e i sSaMpesaJufl n( all bosloess In rn >*' "f Hu cito * iii tbs Btalff UMBorrow. Twa Men tall THronuti » IIhIc'i."*-** nu.I ar* Killed. lily t.-lrirrai'li l- lin I)'-|.i''li-l (IMINMII, Otloher Lt..XV.Ul I''' ': TbnSSSS. an all BB (Baal in Un ( loelnn-U Ho..|.itiil. while drawtai s troik coatain- int; ('bli*, i'lidhorsi, a jiiiti. nt. upon » elevator to tabs him totba Bnpbltb. alu i ot a clinical ..-Cure, Ml tunm-h U" MtCB- wnv. BBlllai thc truck aller bim. t"'1 "*** were kilhd. Tbs Bt*f**rsto* hui been taaoa u|) witimut hi* knowledi,'!'. l-i.l (eillisi.tii an Ih* wmnUnXftsmtum Baa4. Illy trlt|ir*|d) to ibe I)i-|itlrH.I ' on.:..-.. **,*, J., Octolier Kl.-A (.ecnrreil bile tietween two Penn ollisloa riyal, ia railroad train* thia mornint,'- '"r'1 ,' nJ mun. engineer ot one train, wv* sill '''. a flu* liretnan ol thc other train (it'iln " J J tired, bavlti. both lega cut ott. *'*e. jmiaengcr* were hurt. Both -flMTB« "' " smashed. The Weat Jemey raUrcdbl UM" wa* going over the cros*-*wii''b l" ' stnet Just sa the norning tnin trout our- "ngton wsa snout to iiass. Itefore the *.*llchmsn bsd tim.* to warn either train the crash rame. Ennlnccr (arman, who .ile* at nurlinirton. was drags;. .1 out from the ruins r.( his engine dead and his body ternhlr msnsled. Ill* fireman iva* also 1 silly hurt. The tin-man of the sther f rain had Irfdh |c_s broken nnd wa* nadly s al.Iel. ¦nd it i* ih,,iubi h>- cannot live, gi 1*8*1 paascntf.-r! were hint by la-Ins- thrown from th. lr seats snd hy broken fla**, hut so fir as is known none were seriously In¬ jun.I. Ilesitlrteka I he.-r.-ci iviihin Matae's If-.art-**. lit* Irliirinph lr. tit* ni.isstefi.l <<'iisnis.October 13.-Mr. Hninr left E.-iicistr at s little after h o'clock for To¬ ll tb. ufa i 'i.luni'.in. .lust a* ba «»art.'d tbe Urdu if'iin-r down on lin- IlooMn.-Viiltcv rtiliosil o.-,rrylnif Mr. Hendrick-, tie Dem- *_ralie oiiniiiiiic for Vii-i-I'ivsiilont. ar¬ rival -u Lancii-lcr. Thc crowd at tba ib'l ot .1,. croil Mr. Hendricks winn h<-ap¬ peared OB thc rear phifortu of Hip train, sud In returned thanks in ii very B*"h*f .peeeh, in tb* course of which bs BU. "If Ohio lo-ni<.rr .a shalt support thc Eon-.-eratic eaese, tb*Barbi I* aver; bal if . 'iii', b -morrow »baBBol do thal, thea in lodlana nd in Ohio tba Stat. N tl _; I*t is nn'u tooti i.' Ai (ohuii!.tn .\--(, rm sar tom tor and ii-, ti tn ni ()"iovie. of tba Bbsbj****** o.sii Stat* (oinmiticc, sad Oommhrstoaer Dudley, i- arded Mr. li!sine's «. ir. Tber* wss -i,,| ben ol aver aa hoar.bal tbe '¦ni was bf; on thc outskirts of tba etty, and Hill Bot ga fata tba depal at ail. nrlsliloii-lteuch Haeea. l-.r-iih (a tin- lil.int.-li.l KtW V.,uk. October in.-At I!ri','!il..n ibach todsy tba fust race wai for a tmr." of fSSO, ihroo qaarlara at a mil.*. Corde- lia won: Enun.t rae. n.1. Tim.-. i-.H. Second rac.-am.' jin/.-, .mi'ni;!.- uni an eighth. Harriet won: Cbrsace le-coad. 'I in e. ll".!). Tiiirti rnoi.purse pMo, baadieap, one mile. Iini1.' Faa wea bys length; Moataak second. Tillie, lld. Eoiiriii rac..pura* *>-jv. serra eixbtb* of a mil.--H. .Monet- won; Henry H. .I. Time. l:.::i. Fifth mee.aarae irizi*. for Brighton ni'iid. n. seven (Hghths of a mlle.Freida vu ii Nttal toenail, tuan, ti-'.l Tltcl.ovcrniuciit Wacliliii-ry ul Work Arr*?*,! ol Spotter*. f Iv t. learsph tollu" DispStChtl ' is. ism i.i idol,, i- pi _ Dote'tivo Il'iih- bone, of tbe United States Seeret Serries, lo»nigbl arr. ited twelte men on the ch age ol conspiring t" tis-- fratidi st pleetl >n. Th. nun an-all while. They sar thst thor esme In ie undi ti"- diree'roo of tbe bl. I Ol iMilii" Of l.evin.I m. Ky.. tO " ci.li,i,il rip, tits fruin thal plaee. Their railroad tickets were prorldod by the mayor of lexington, snd wore g.I t . re- turn until Wc.lins,I,v morning, Their heard bili ii.- ab paid up Mi re si ri iii ire rneete to-nbrbt, id I oiled States Commissioner Harper will 11..! Liv remain up all night lo li :isi s. Thc IleccIiiT-Jriy l'«iti(rov«'r«y. Bl *. V ;. lb r lil.l I'- -A--' in'-l'ii. an vi. R, Andrew* lol I a tltrold porter y< iterday that Mr. Midi h. president ol tbe) in ron and ir m.. "i.t un i.t .I 'irui .|... ti-1 n Company, tu liv ci Minnel the ital, un nts rn "I hy tbe Kev. Il* my Ward Beecher bs to the latter, ton- v. i-atioii vv itb Mr. .1 u.i- - E. Joy n lng nu offer on tin- part of Mr. 1; ii ike an a; poiiitu:. ni on a cnngres*lonal .-. iniiiii'ee iii ti,,. I-,' :..i ,,f .i ralina in which Mr. .loy was concerned, provided Mr. .lev took oil" llr. Blaine's h in t mi tl, predated railr "I b ind*. Mi. v, drewssddrd tba! Mr. Smith was presenl at ;i,i- c.uv.'r- iii .n and remeuili tn d pt1- I. c'.l.T il- ('ll!, ort, l.ii.i r.ir Inl.iriiiutioji. Itv trlo-Ttipli ta BM Iii-ia'-lid (ji ni-.-, October IS. Tbe (lon ri menl ba* Int'KBstd the reward offered for in* formatloa which will bail io th.' arr"*- ai' con viet ion of tho ant hoi-of m! un! av's out¬ rage to-?'.t" i', i" which Cbariebois, the "i- trsclor. adds i-Viim, .Ml th., ollie.-- in the departmental building* were open to-daj and tbe clerks were al their desks. Il i- ibongbl thst tin Infernal machine was placed iii iho building* Kn.lav night. Pour mt n wiro ".tn banging around In tha' vi¬ cinity on thal nL'ht aetin.' in a IBSplcloU* manner. st nt «li r III Iii uri Cornily. Illy Iel. "t-S|li lo Hie |)l,psi.a..| DABV1-LB, Va., lletolier ld. IS-1. A day or Iwo ago End, Hallston (inion d), employed bv a maa usaled Monro (also col* ondjio c.irs harii-tt.bicco in Henry county, i.' ailie enregi d bi cause Moon- complained of bia manner nf doini; lt ntnl kn i,-ki d him di wn willi :, itii k. A* Moon- was in tbe act of gettlag oa Iii- feel agaia Halraton struck liim anotber blew and kllte 1 bim. Halraton bal been arrested sad lodged in Jail i! IIi-lily ( oiiit'ioiiso. lt*. < l.ii.'i. lo HeKnt-t'iicy, (he Suspect. fB] tl t.'a'llll "' ti, Hie l)l-|l.tlell.| Nsw V..un. October UL.A oumber o' Ii'ish-Anioiican citizeas mel al the New Tort Hotel to-nlgbt snd appointed Erldsy evening snd tbe Acatlem) ol Musics* the tillie and place for n public n.pti"ti I'ii ii vp -.v.,, nej. th.- Irish suspect, who srrited in New York yi s-, rdsy. ¦mah MBBtaao la ba Tltai lor lei.my. Hr Ii.rii h l.i.netcli.l r.'Pi si i.liii. October 18..Thc grand jun to-diy i' nnd true billi igsinat Pres!* ti. ni Biddle and ashli r lb iber, of the de- funot Penn Hank for conspiracy snd tbe nita //loin, ut of - l.-.'on. ... and against T. .1. M elson, mi broki r, for conspiracy to .1. Maud the Penn Hank depositors. "'.np un Assignment. Hi let. .:i ipa io the lii.i.iit.'li.l inn isiii.t; t. Ta****., Octolter 13..Eu* ne lian.incl, dealer in ! tolea' and gcntle- H i's fninlshlng .'omi-, his made an is- slgnment. His lisbihtl. - sre tl**,000 an his a.-its 810,000. Mi" assignment was uinilo to ..I t.un ii extension Ol time, and I. vv ill retlpen. tetra! Beela*. I'miti* in hartman. Illy Ulnirai'l: lu Ibo III ,,.-, 1,.| ( iMiss.ni. October IS.* -. 8. Dstl* io., pi i-tu- banker*, Blade aa assignment to-day lo T. C. Campbell. Tlnir Iii are istiiii.ti. d al WO.000: assets, |*> '."'*'. V: oag the liabilities are a number of trust finnis <if benevolent.sod -.> n-t-s n-i.-'y or* ganlzatloBs. _ I onif;r< sai.to tl \oiiilnntloii*. Uv reli.rspii I" Iii- nisiaten.l W a-liiNi. 11>-4. I Ictober l?L.Congressional Dominations: Deiaocrati Tenth Pennsyl* rania, William ll. Sowdet DeaKscrtiti Twenty-fourth Pennsylvania, Job* il. Stockdale; Republicaas Eighth Mbiouri, WillUn M. Ecole-. Ittre-clur lo *spcak. lin t. l.m nih i" Un- In pm u.i {ftm Yobr, ottobcr i.e..lt is said thal lb i)iv"iV:ird Heechor ht-t-oii-oiMoil ti de* Itrerat tevetaad-rad-HradinteRS ineeeh io tbs Hrookiyn besdemy of Music Tbe dale i- bo! vi t announced. V o \\ ll I lt E. MIND MU VI li -AV ITIlKl.llllh'l i- tiii id: vmiviium: ni:vi: i- MtrcH NKW BTOCK IB i ll l bin: KN'- -lil- rt) St- lill ii:.ni Al HEBB. WK -1'. nkw BtOI k "TOR THI RBABOB Ul» I fifi m.I.n-us Fin: - muk- ko:: -a ¦ rBomr" BAXIMTIUT VI INV liol SK* ll IV. M*OI~_- RO A(tl vu i. vu- LOTS OB OLD 8TO .. TO WUK ll TIIKV .Vt)!)" V KUI NKW OBBSi PBBBBBTUia A PP Ali kat I.V v LABOR STIX K. 1IKUK, Al HKVIli'lVKl'l '.:«. IMF. sim K is ai.I, Nnw. orr THOMABD1 ..) -PIT** BOT A CABBJRO ll lt TO W )W, A- WK. V.I.ll ALL WI lill.! (.KKIKD io **___S_S,WaOWBBI iNM.H I FOB iliKM. Al" A I OM'FS.-li.N IB PBIt'B. wiiknivm: yoi: ark ***___. r" t-OOffc. vu: RBI AMXtOtJt TO MOW. l.iK tlir. I.AKt.KU KOI.K*. WK ll tl I k.VKI!YTIIl.N(i IN TtssBWAT Of 4"I.<) r 11 n-*, THIS WFATIIKIl RRIUBO* OBI Of THK NRCE88ITY Of HWIN.. A fAIX 'IVER- (OAT. WK I1AVK TlTrVI IV slZKi F1K.M ii T0 88-IN) ll 111 K.A-.T ttaUBVMBB, AND KKoVI .10 TO 140. Mm*t*bT~*. OOOI) RANliE TO BIM MOts. A. BABB A so I.KAI1KU. IN ( I.OTIIING, RTC. 1018 BAIN STBKKT. (orroairs rosT-orncB). 18*141 Paac-M-tll T**it*r-Uv I Br b Intraph tn Uta IMiptli h. I Buffalo: Buffalo, 2; Ilotion, 2. Ten in¬ ning* ; cniecallrd on account o( darkne**. m. l.oul*: St. Lom* (Union*), lt; St. raaf, i. New York Me*.ro|>ollt:in, .1; Imllanapo- lia, 1. Six Innlnt'v; il ir-T>. *<. cincinnati: Cincinnati (Union*), If j Hol¬ ton (I'nteiD*), ll. Frooklyn : Cincinnati, Ij llrooklyn, J. HalHrnore; St. Louis, ft; Ballimore, 4. Seven inning*: darknesi. Phllailelplda Columbus. :l; Athletic*, J. I'lttsiiiirjrh- Provldame,!.; All-.beni..). K j, dilution traine. Dur, il: Dr,ni'. .1; New Vork. t. A Mon Down. H'y tidi.initli loth,- !)t-|.at 1, * PiTTsii iti,K. I'.t., October 13.-The Standard Nut ( oiniuiiy BBMffd d *wn it* work* In-day BffaflBBN the en.pins.:* refused lo iiccejr a'reduction ot ¦ BBB cent. In Wflgee, The works are controlled Ly Oliver Brol-rafffai ftltlepo. fatal limier i:*. plosion. ( ns MflflBBBI I* M BM _*flflfl*flbsl Atlanta. (Ja.. netoLei lr!..X BBW-nlll imiiercNjl.iilitl iii liarsweat aunty t~-lii. killing J.C Bogers, thc proBtiatar, Jaatss K. K--i.il. nui Kuti l'ir.l.hi, aud injiirinj* ..s- ivi otters. lit," ll t nillir Ut-pori. |S|.-l ll 1- a-KT-on 1.- lin- ll' -;. XVasi]im;t<'n. October 14.1*11 .1. M- Por »l*.e Middle Atlantic -I tte*, deft,ie.Hy .nillir, northeasterly wind*, dlr sviiithei*. nh p. nu thee 'a.-. Increasing cle»udia**s and probable llgbl wad iain*, bigborbfls t'tliiter: Por the smith Atbmtia Btatas, farr sraa* n t-r, northeasterly wind*, slight fall in 't mpcrature Ib northern portloa, MatloBai* temperature in southern portion. lui' ssisni.Ti v lLiiusv ssa, Icu-and wann. TBBB-K)M-TT-B y_-TBBBA1 I A. M., lil; A. M.. Tl; boob, 17; I P. M., BI j-I P. .Xl -I mi.liii.-lit. -o. Xi' aa i* '-iii" i":'.!!'-, 78 I. Tlie J! c ., a .. ,t IBrM, Mr. Harri-'* Dramatic ,'.uni un '. Wblcl, nnlng a tour thr .ugh the South ( ir Ihe I* nedi ol Ibe c..anal, m - ¦; li--rs* Heme,gav. .ts ininti perfornruice at tbe Richmond Theatre last evenina in Watti I'ltillii *'* romantic drama entitled "Dead Heart." The (act thal Ki" public were ni tally a"|U un!, d with tbe *t i- tu* i tbi company, ind noon mhal condition tl" y nave rec* i\.-,1 tin- en- di i-i " it -1 Ibe oommlUee under u!.(.-.- autpice* iles are uls.-iii- td, may In a meaaun tccounl tor the verv small audi- ia' in-itt'ml u;ia burt evening, The prop- nt lon ft' in Mr. Il mi-, as an 'pte ¦ ",nini!,, . s sv,- muli r-ttiti'l it. i- th it i-i- (.iiniatis will |lvc a aeries "f idly*, heir ..I! "\| "ines. ;iil| i, ci Ive one I: ill -<1 th money fr"in all li-'k rt* sold by the c immit- I, * of th. rai lou* camp* and posts ii r. in . Ibe matter in charge In Ihe different cities where lb. j, a,.p. ar, the rec i;'!, ni the box- office ol the theatre* to ero to thecompaar. Tl proj ottti ¦!. i* a I ur ":.", ind the com¬ pany inn I i i, do i*. a tirm pay \p. n-i * 'eil look to thc pi'"-; ¦. fi" in iii" a.in nit'i.atit wbleh thc project may (Toid. '11..- publl wbo eire their patr to¬ re only i" 'l" with the dmr 1.1 roi the i i .ts. n and th. lr desire to nd tb. coi . named. In critlcl.lng Inti night's perfortnance Hi" fa, t (Jial it wa* (he tir-i public presen- t Hon ..( .. IA "i IL ir, " '... a corni i ... lat. Iv roughl log. tb. r mut! Ik borne in ind. The uii-ii -* ii -s. iii- and Invar" -s incidcQl to iuch a llrM an. -i n'atii ii mu i. ir ¦.. ri ¦'- i. Tb, stn ii.it tb* .mp inj considered, thc performance «>f last ei *. bing h"! I".m.s point* ol merit, and to li* ol m lo-dram i ss ho *ai ih play through an eva Ding nf much . njoym iii s. ia afforded. In ibe rt of --:: ibert Landry " Mr. Han i- -as-, ditiifui Imperaonatlon. Il" -,- vsiii. ase and a .pit-it tba! n ver do- generates int,* rui!. ii,- i* a pleasing ind 1 ainstaklng actor. .x* .. Bertraad, lhe ALL,* Latoar," Mr. Ia ss i* Morrtton lttv<¦ a (orelhie and flnltbed piece of acting throughout. We lusa- sel¬ dom stan a morn clever and faithful Im¬ personation ol a writer'i creation. In mir Klaiiratlon of theodor** »tudv and p .rtraj I ol Hu- part we do not -rive count -nance to tbe Injustice wblcb inch .a fancy creation doe. to any religion, nm- to th" munni teaching wblcb thi* character ami riper- us malign, i- have ("r ag, i im¬ puted to tbe ("Howers ol one af tin* imrct , iiri-'i.ui philosophers, Mr, Morrison is a finished nm! (orcible actor. He somehow reminds one <>f Edwin Booth. Xii-- i.i. H. :..* *. < atii.-rine Dural." and .xii-. (.I-nr.t-v, as "Jaques,' were Loth accepta¬ ble in their respective rotes. for the real the company i* light. A detacbn, nt ol tbe Bicbmood Light Infantry Bim - gave valu¬ able awistancc through tbe different -' ti' -. ¦. Il ai! Iltart " aili lie repeated to-night and to-morrow night, Those who wish to aid the .* Contederate "soldiers' ll .me " would I" w. I! lo pm. lia-" ticket*.,f the commit1.e. 1 ney arc on sale In every quar- "I ol th' Itv. IViseiiialt'iiliU Uriel's. The Pair here is "ii tbs thi, S3d, sn I 2fth "f Octob. i'. ILh. A. xi. Kell. > wi it.* h i" (rom <M>i ;: ii i." think* Hi" D' mocrsta will c in v thal -tale tn-iliv. Any i-"ii accepting appointment of United stat. - supervisor.tber federal position va. ii-* any place "f profit, tru*t, ni- emolument I,,- mai bold un or any municipality or county tber -i. S pag, l-l. .ids "i- i-.:-'*i. lt quickly beal* wounds, St. Jacob* Oil, thc ie*, reined) known !'* mankind. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Sw. Yous, Octolser KL.Tbe mirk-t. .uti i at. Irregular opening, became tirm, mul ailv.iii'. il |a|, but'thi* was followed by i decline of fal ¦ Beading. Lsekswanna. Northwest, iiml Lake Sbon beiog tbe wiais.'st -i;.t- i, Reading told dowa ll, Lackawanna i Northwett [.LikeShore i. N.sv Xi.nv i iiiinl j. N'.> *p-i-iii reason ss riven for the sharp decline, an.I roora- tiadi i* were Uk vtoui conipicuou* seller*. Alter mldds] tb. re wa* a complete lunge for tbe better, and tbs marital gradually ails an-'i il to the cloie. The improvement in prices ran--* il (ron t to l: with the r-t figures icenerall) current on tbs final transaction*. Union Pacific, Laekawaaaa, Northwest, snd vL Pani led tbs upward lei'veim nt. Offerings of stock were light and (hs- bean lound very little opportunity ol evelin.' their sborl lines. Compared witti Saturday'i cloning, prioea ure iii, higher except for Louisville md Nashville md il.uiiii.'. tvhici. ar* lower, -ii"-. 203.000 -hares. .v. e,,I..Mufi,, i,nu t and steady. Money, lal pct t'tii. Exchange.Long. ISlatSl kbOrt, ttttAtUL (inVeliiilielit* ililli. *>t i'e* Brm. Bteaino..Exchange, 4*1. Money, lal pt r nut. MiL-Treisuiv balance* -Gold, I1S0.4.M; currency, |0,1_0. Qoveranenti inm: i p.-r e. nts, llOj: ;: per ci ats, 100 Lht. (Mate bonds rtcady. rta -( .as* .. .x." i to 8. 7. "ti." .'.'*. small.100 Qeorgial'i.(bid) .ngia 7'-. raortgagt.(bid) 103 < arolina's.ibid) it .*>.lilli , ia,lina'*, msy.(hid) ls Nm lld un il ina funding.(hid) '.) South Carolina Brown conaors..^bld) 106 Ti iii.'-ss-.- (j -.(Lill) 39j \ IrgiuM Vt.(bid) 10 Virginia eouaota.(Lid) -;-r bes peake and Ohio. il .n ami Soitbwettera. ro and NortbweMara p't'd. 1-6, Denver and Bb Oraads. lu En*. ll l-.a*t Tctitit..(e Railroad. ii I .uk.- Shore. 7e_aJ l.t'ilisvilleaiid Nashville. Hi Memphis and f.karita!ira. -*.* XL il* ile and (linn. !l Nashville and Cli:i,t_no.._.i. IS .NT vs Orleans l'acilii- L-t mort. ftj New Yolk Cclllr.il. !»l, BsffaOk and Western pref. IO Northeni PaetOc. Il .NuiUn-iii l'atitic piefcirad. ttl i'a.-itic Mall. ."ill Baot.ag. ii. I.ichtiii'i'd and AUegbaaf. *Ji Kicliniidid and DaavtUff.(bid) 'Mi Bkbooad and XVi*t I'tiint renaiiul.. I,; Kink Island.lil St l'aiil. ",<i\ st. Poul profaned.loxi TSXSS I'aciile. ll I'liiun Kiicili--. Mil XV.ii.ash Piieilic. 5 Watusi l'acitii prcicrnrd. 10 Western Tuioi,. lit BALTIMOBK. Baili Bm:-, October 13..Vlrsrinla ,J't consolidiied. li-*-; past-due couiions, 'ii Hid to-day. HICIIMOND STOCK KXCH-XJiGE. Mon ii av. October 13, lint. Seti.stv- Fibmt 11ii.uui.-s i ahirei Virglni lit mi* Iiuunuioc Coiupmiy at 20; 1.1WJ Vu alni* mw S's at Git; B4o0 Blcbmotid City A's st 1311. stats sBf-imrriRH. Rid. Asknd. Vlrnlnls Hi-lo**. Tl Virginia consols. .Bl .. Virulina par-tera..17 .. North Carolina 4's. sj Nortl* Carotins (J's. ck int....IO.". 108 int Boxna. Iticliniond cltv ITs.Elli Kiohiiiond city 6**.Ill ll* l'ctcr*biir-r eily (i's.ino I'.i. rsliur'.'city ?-.s,*|*c4*liax.ll7 Pt-tcriburg dlr 8*i.Ul Hill IIOID BUM'S!. (hes. and Ohio fi'*. HMM. "tot Ta. sb Tenn, cxti ixion "i's. ll Ta. I Tl BB. ttl mort. M's....1 El (ol. and (.ic. tivill-Istfi's.,.. 81 Virginia Midland Income (J's., f.7 (JO rifdinont itailroad 1st ti's....HU ".». ;*. R. itt mort, mat, 9*0....itt S. B, K. |d tu,,ii. prof. (i**....101 b,B. lt. M mort, prat l's....M l'oicr«hur.' i.t :,'«, ( kid* A.... !)l Pet. M ra, « its- H. ex Int.... 8'*> 81 E.. v. B.J ( hesaaeaka ***.... MB UBI E. alni A. ls! BMrtgagS T's. ... M Atlanta and ( l.arloUo T's.HIT"' HW A. mid C. incline b's, ox Int.. 77 81 < ., . mid ,\. I-- mort. ft....Ita* North » aioliiiiK. K. O'*.Ul.') Western North L'ai-oUm *(V..1QI (.c. r-ria Ea. ila l-l (,'s. BJ| HT) KAii.ito.in aracBa far. lt.. E. and 1'. COI.,1.1.Ul_I'S) 51 l.'lohtiion.lai'i! i'i I.T.'iiirir l'"l "fl MD Peters! nra toll-road.no V,\ 171 Biebmon t ami Dhu lb* ...Ls) .. 4". C., c. .pd A.t'H) ni ll Atlsniii uni ( harlot'.'. ...lt!) "BU .\..if.!k and Western p,cf HS) ti .*:,' IV Ms*. Mon!.ai lsd I'l-u.bis. J.*. Bl N OEMS AND (..PION B__UHA***~Hb. En imoxn. Va.. Octolier I.t, UBI "cftnfi""***, -rat..White. S96 bushel*, lt. d, .1. tvt b; -1.:-. Toi .1. :;.7!)H husheh. Cobb..White, ..it bus'.i.i". Wami, Ml I llsll. || i'ii*, .1,600 b i.-li.-N. lALRa asruMRa th bbtbbiibi Wu: h. 'i> pe. 111 b-.is'i.-ls pririi.-..I) |i to 11.10. Bed, l,in- bushel* prime 11 r, \ ,,:: privet, terms; 130 bushell II imo Longtx ri y a' UV.; .".I I bushels e .lil¬ li ..ti to prime Shortb. rrj il 70 to We. Cobb..White, li buabeta eomama bal "ii .nd at ii" to i'.V. I t.n P lt. We quote: Pine. .',"-".">!; supertitle, «-.' J" |3; "Mia. St "-l..'-; f.indi. l'ati nf family, country, tg?,.i:,,t t~..T.~>. Market v. rv dull. MA ER ETS RY TELEGRAPH. .NEW YO WK. Nnv "Torr, lictoher IS..Coltaa iraak; -..'¦ ia,, -; up] mds, I"-.; Orlesn*. li ,..; consolidated Bel receipts, 51.311 bait-: exports- to Great Britain, I".-;-.-! l-il.s; to the ooiuim nt. -.i,n,~, bil... Southern flour steady: oomama to fair \t, I, -'.. ::,':-!..,ti; :,',,..il !-, ,-hoiee. wi..ai- -pot in e. tower, closing tm -ia bil red, B- 'Die un m h I v. lot,', *.i.....-.-.: No. -J ntl. Octob r, I ill; "|.'l '- J '. I,, ill' 1. Closing 1'ipi: .rt.h.I. .".Table.: No. 1,65c,: Oe* lois r. 6__ lille. Oats a shade lowe.-: No. i. :-,"¦.' .-. Ilotaslow and nominal. Ct or: mn (bill it ."-Mil.-.: No. T Bio, -I ot,. - 63; Oi i"'' t. -s..~,ii. Sugar dull sn 1 '. I, un;..I; fdr to R.I rt lit.in.'. Italie. J e. iou tl, si. aker;C, Halie; extraC, (artie.; white extrs » , 5|o; '. How. I!*1V.; .-'I A. ',".; ni' ni i A,oi .; -i rodan) A, Mc; ooa- ,is' v, .'..ni-.. cut-loal .ind crushed, OWdl I"!.' " -. 'Htlll'ile.l.i; l-l. .: eui '-.Ul '!¦? .. .Mil.t-si a Hiiebatl.ed. Bice si. adv. Coltoa-secd oil, 3Sb36c. for crude, ni- c. torn lined. Kosindull*U|l."»s|l.80. Tiirpenttnc dull ni B"i."."1. II. 1 . itea ly New Orlesn* sad Tess* selected, llOaSll. linell alp.', tt. Pork dull: new Ul *-: *?1T: m. sales reposted. Middles dull. imi--: clear. Ole, Eard ,"nT-. lower; closing iv. ak: western "tenn:. sj.,t, 17.19; OctO* .T.i " eT.Tn. Freight* sf adv. HA MIMI IKE. H.lI.TIllliIIH. (I. lober I.!..I'lolir <|lli.'t sud -i.a.ii; Howard-tree* aad weal. ,in superfine, ~_."i.",a|2.7.">; extra, -?J. d* "J3.50: fsmlly. I8.75alt.75; City Mills superfine, |2..T.alS.73; .mi i, ?:-.ir~.!.'.T: Bis brand*, *?l.i;"i*?I.T.>. Win at.¦southern Ina* er; western lower sad dull, closing east; southern rod, SObbBc.; tinb.-r. fMafHe. j No. 1 .Marv land.-'.,.-. t.i I; Bo. t western winter iel, spot sn.l October, StktBiAc. Cora.¦ -iiuihtin about stesdy; western, aaotfor- im:, no bbl: Muthern whit.-, SSiUOc,; yel¬ low, .'Hiii".. nat, quiet; * millern, 81a western wbite.SSa&l..; mixed,otxll.-.-. 85c.; Pennsylvania. 31s34c. Provlrioa* Beady. Mos. pork, (MT..Vi. Hulk-iiioiiis.Shoulders ¦nd dear-rib sides, flacked, 7Jc. and lOJe. Bacon.Sh miders, -\.-. ekar-rib side*. 11 ,".; hams. l.*,'a!i;'o. Lard.Kotined. :.'... ( Ibo ip,i,t and -toiily: Hio oar.oo", nrdl- nv to fair. BtslOfc. ' Bugarfairly steadi: A "Off, 61C Whiskey silt-lily :il «¦ 1.1 *-"»? I. I ¦-». Freights dull. CINCINNATI. CiBCKUATt, c. October I'L.Flour dall and veoak.r. Wheat firmer: Ni. ..' red, -ja-::.-. ( ,,ni dull .ml tower; N .. -.' mlxe I. .~s~,c. Oat* quiet; No. | mixed, 2s'o. Hork steady rd 116.50, Lard osier at I7.55. I'nk-ii.i .is bim ; -H. nlil. I-, ii.-.; abo -,e. Bacon ia fair demand; shoulders 7c; short iib. b |c.; short eli ir. 1 Dc. Whiskey st, ;i,iy at 91.11. Hogs easier; common and light, J 'i pu kin,- md butchers'. .". 65. I.ol'l.-Vll.l E. I.oi i -. ii 11. October ld.-Wheat .|iii.t; N... i nd, 76c. (..rn st,-a,ly mid Ira; No. i while, .*,*..: mis d. ."¦ »bil- dull and nominal it _.-. Plovillon* steady. Mess pork, -.IT. Bulk-ineats. Shoulders, 16.25; dear rlh. ir'1 T~.: deal rides, B'0.25. Bacon.Shoulden, ..-T: H-tr rib, 110.50. Hains- Sugar-! i.rod. iii. Lard.I hoi".-, kettie, 19.50. IT. LOUIS. Br. Lot ts.ii, intel 18..Flourunchsngsd. Wheal.Fair demand aad towra*: NH. 1 1..!. TTja-i' ¦. tab, T-iT-'-- October. Eora opened tinner; closed at laje, below -iltur.lay .'iii:..,.'.-. t'a*h an I lu-to'. er. (nts lowir: '.'i;::i_i:'c. cash. Whiskey quiet si -1 ll li "vi-ioiis -tror.L' .nd little doing. Pork.Jobbing, Iil.0te916.7o. Bulk* Bleats- Long clear,fl...*>: ibort rik "" ».-*,: clear, -,i".i". Bacon higher; ton| clear, lll.12f-~BU.85; -hornill. .I1.S5; clear, -I !.t -.'M Lard liolniiia! al ;sT..'l>. CHICAGO. (ph .nio, Octal* r 18. Flour ii-- chai L'i.1. Wheat weak; eta-sad if. un ir Sat unlay October, 7So761c.; Notember, il iT-e.; Ko. z.t bleago spline. 75s75 ¦-. (om uiisctii.ti: closed |e. tower: task, r.e.: Octobot-. ,~,"ni.,TJ.-. n.i's d ..lind |ale.; esta. YteXHe.', Borember, I'.'l'nc; Pork in fair demand and weak; casb. "Mt,..","; October, ".i'i.".'.. Lard la* I-.1'.-, lower; rash, I7.40bB7.50; o-i-.'-.r. 17.45. r.iiik-in.ais du!!; iboulders, 's-,;..Mi; -hort ii'.. KL87|; "ir. cilu.i".. ~iVbi-!siv amt lUfK -ttady and un- cbanxed. MILWAUKEE. Mn.wai kin. October If,.Eh.ur dull iilld li. ;-!. Mi .1. Mb:,! -Mady: No. J, cash lind October, T-t--. Cora weaker anj re- j.c.il st 51a5Se. Oats firm; No. Sa I'rovlsions lower. Mesa puk. BlOcasb, october, iin.l .November. Lard. Prims ai. am, iflAD. o*s'.i and October. Bweel-pickled bam* timi at Hali.". 1! sj** IdWcr at i4.Tt'ii-..V-i.*). NORFOBB l-EVNl i HARKET. IIiiM,iii d for the l)i,|iatcli.| N'('i:)i i.s. Vi., October IB,.Baal liand- plcked, .ijaTc. pet pound: BBBoasI grads, ic per pound; otbergnB**, tarmer*ar**>Mla, "la.'itc. parpooad, Mark, t tixui. B*l*s,150 kai's at S|sJMe. LIV E -KKK M A Eli. ET**. lilt IlliilMi. Ot-ni;)a: 1.:. .Erics this week rang.-J a. follow* Beef ('attic -V. rv bait, MjaBga. \ tn-diutn to rood. Hale.; oaarsBBB to fair. Halie. sbeepi o.t!'-.. "ro**.; luuiie, :*t i.'i,"., .(ross. lb gs, (JiaTic.. net; ( \trn, Tfc Tlicre vv.rc ;;k; beni ol IBBB* iBttla, BIB l-i't.'*, and 410 sin i ii ami lambs aa UM u ll kel lill! iii _r She W'-oK. BALTOBBBR, Illl.l'lVloRK, Oi lober 111..Hoe! ."lille. - md biller grades ni bulcher*' callie fairly "clive and UBebanged, quality noa* ltdertd; otlior -rrui.-s |*(c. lovvar; v. ry i:.-*t. i:;c ; limt -.tiilttv. I|:i5|c.; raedlum, .Iadc.; ordinary. Halle, Most s.vlci nj to .".Jc; recciptt, .1.1!)*. head; sale*. I.1M -il. 8WBS« L*_bl supply; f iii to-;o'id thiniind: icciipts, l.i'i'.f lo.ul; t|iiota- Hons: (*|:i.**c. Iteci ipU ,f st.ccpsntl limb*, Mil lund ; .lUiatatioita: *h.*i*|i, ..'l*l(c.: lamb*, 'li*,.,,-, lill el'i»l I'll! i. Wkst Viii! .ii)i;i.)-Hii.ocii)!.cr I;;.- (ailie in fair dtuiand; rec in*. :t..!is) hiad; |RlB|*.l|aT'" 18ondJh*flf|r ; medium.,*»''..; comoion. 10*18*11 TaXBB. 4 i'"_f. Shee-p in fair di mand; reei'lpt-., lU.ooo tK*ad; ox- t.-a st,, k. i huh.-r; prime, llul.c : cood, la I ic; ii.odium, ..::.¦(..; common, ll p*ir heaU to BK jver poBBd; lambs, 3a6'c. Hot-sin fair demand; receipt-, l.-X) hoad; Yt islini, ts.-*-4>s-" i counujr, ?-_*.-. ti* .arl KB At.UhUAf -OcroOffS ll. ItflSff^ ,. .!_-,. B-*-ff 1 Umbi Tans. IS SS!::::::::.: 1$ j-wa.**....-.t**a ..ni ria**. iaHl.v>aB»qa........... titi POBToi, BICBMOfllbt'otoBaa 18, 1884. lasrvflo. Ktritne-r old is.-filfiias. bi'llh. N*wT^,sB*B*s .url-, snd u*u*i'*e-ra. li. W. AlbM a Oa, swimer laldttT,. IMnnlll. P1i,ltd*lnbla, mar. ,it<ii ami ,«is_tai»*.* J. *'. Mc tarries, afl""*. .',. I.,,m,j. (BB*"!. (Ur.-m.iat, frrl__t tel rsvsrii.-i* W.>. WleMlllnMbutt- *m,»i,.r UootSfl flaviflftr, M«riill, Kraal -*«, *. Mr- Jane h. tit. .. ._.,. ..... .*. Iwaisser K.-rl.st**, l.'acl.". rhllaebdpl)'*. Mar-it. I.HSsl D (-troll. BffffUBssa Htenn-rr tn.1. OlOaaff, fl.rf.u. Hnlt**J stiita ».r. tr-rn iisii<i_i». and Ps-e-nt-r*. lt, fl. WI*, letti. 1-., oevae r ll. A 1liini.|!ue-kt,.*o. MillvfsiBlrirfr. i bud m o'ar w..ul r..r lt Human,*; VM**l.t,flr» sB I'll*'r -..l,.-r lier Vtl". Stprtsj*,, taaVlB, SSSSj BBBBBB i-sli* nt d iii-In arel IBU* It.ulwiy. Bcbaaotr Wat*.lag radi. V*n«*'*"!id rtrer.ta «>, btv. -I Lt I'! ilAdv-.-iiliia; rassf ,i urtu ff P*T- r !.. -I 1 1th) lilllie .e"h.ei|,*f» re-rve,r're, Sgnelv* m»rtl!«* (Mt iring atrivni ll.e eli- lr Yu. lilied,, Later Istra rvs. ti led ai.ilrd. OUT O)' NKWPoRV.-t Xl-W*, IV v. 18. I Hy Te>le-#r4pb.| ABBIVKIt. s-Utn.iT (.it,andona*, brill. Srm Tarfe Ute,I to, W.-.t |'o Bl *'..i vt ltd I.'.'",' tl«(4Mt- IV . fl rta. IV'.XN ILL. Ml LL-. -I WILL I'AT VV a lair prc* icr tn . ( .r TWO ll Hil* HT CS So *f.r*i (BI mi lin,i r r -in* eir tty* lontba; ti'iri'ltnf or b-«t I's.i i-i-t ,.ii(tn nd .uit.-niioii _--iipe1. i,I ,fl(lB WATT. IS. IB, BOd Jd Kr*'.i*(liii stn-*-. rn- i4Tii.T1ia*iarM_ li ¦ IV AN IUD. A 1TR-I (T. tss IllJirit Ainlv al th* c-,4-n, aureateaw (arirais. IV A KK 1 !'. KV KUY ItnD Y-SI'S DJ tv Must -im tu-.:.. *..,, , i.,.ii,..isi.i' vsi'LHT'.nsiT.iir. st. 7 r* di ..'( vsill.'vTi- ii *. '. i?:.:. c. Sttpoandtiill vm l ti, n s, ,,ak, il.l.. N«'dlir, K'-.tilsIertatwio-iaUy. ('»-*.-tl,, eailv i indi Hiv nu, . 'l_!¦ Lirh'-, uti, ur-et. flt W* -XN'I I I>. «»M" lUNDUKD MnitK TV l'!':-o\s a i il- M*SL-Kl (TU JU Mil i.o'iiiiM. ri n-i, >.*: r.Msu. s. s y t, v orri n.i lur.B, ... 14 li* 1 111 Main street. \Y T A N T B D. lt, I'., MT.'.r.tlt TE BBarl a I.-:!, ai id. Airily iiyi*4l«e ncnia.* il if \ttl: tvu. . 11 ,i ¦¦ 1 1 ..' '.V.tl lt_I'- Vi _|7AN I'KD. 11 -ll ILL ll H st's IV Ul Hi Mil la I- UTOVS. Wi as, c a. .' ii for II.IITRS al ". ','jrl!.., kOnOff Itfh tel li i 111 plea.* Bite u. III.SNK fl. HILL t in. lt_1 - <li .tts.I. A FAMILY ni' THI.LK I'KUMOBtl di in ir" " nn n: usn: n, ..i.-ti- * r r d hr '. v* ,-i tii-ti.-B. ¦, lui i-; i. i.l lui VIKI li ttl- li -se. Il La- ll s UV Mit," rv-t* 4 III.-T-' l.\-** I ¦'A UM KB AMU. Xlt- lY I ll- N li I t- TIS S,- ,-.¦ v|l. ri-'f. [tl fl >l'd«fl. -r stn, si -I, e ni ",, I I, ,|-.rs.uti al lei .ap*, i's, i-.v l-l-:r tat ff. *' 1714 _QC li *H» S I'Xl'l B1KNCED BA L B8M AN a X ti«)r.(i l'Ki. MON lil. -XI.A ¦?*)*-Ii »< ..vivi;-*! *s. l"N o II AV LL in V-.rll. tl.a c - r. i t *< . s ., i.,. ,ur- ll, .¦! I!... ti. I'll it ..'¦ r. Charl s WANTED, Bf) ABD FOB ff. LADY IN 11 is ii ino:* or i-'L.u-h m.--. Mu.l l.-In it !. vs -1,11.11,. ol Milli uni |tr >.isl tlr-.s-u. |i V\" I** i'i. i woe \n ro .v. It VV SM' ASH IK'iN. I*, r. r ¦*. t., r-t. * .ll r of uid«u. _ ALABY AND ..lent liL-tl- N!** fl V\ l.,lll I -I ll.'l aVa-.IB.-y. I., -i out.lile ritapany lia*!n*_t ; r-etloallr a atu- rivalling tb* te' 11, ¦,i, fit)., cash re- ,r Bl.OOO sjit,,,l, ...irSi. >l.i|*le .msU. I r particular* ad,tr.-sa.. with r*r*r- ri.cts, rilK MI kin tl. C.'Ml'AflV. Bl '-sst !. urn.*,i'll .r,., ,. Vf- V..ri rttv._oe- jO-lm POUND** UP nl'MAO ri*, tildi"', i.:-.-- ittid ud. pa I. in atfllBBsai oe Man. U. >. i. a A I'. bllOTWr.Lt. a cu.. 1 .1 ai_Maoeheilrr. Va. \l* XVIII*. 600,000 BICBOBT lious- ly invinitioi***. NaM-an*flbmaffaia*BB1f -i ii- I. md 14 luet liiiif. I'm la-.-l frsu, mern iib- lu tl I. I--I. I r l,.-tl,-r Lifol-.n ill.lil BD| IV lo V. n. i.l. ll! Il t V ih- I-'Jw 1 14 vs .it., i. Ci, I,,,end. Va. WANTED, I.ADIK*- AND (IKNTLK- yV MEN IN (ITV nl'-liiI'VIIIV I. Uk* laiiii st, ik iii ii,cir oar* ii"""-.; lt t > ll t dav i--,!y na Wort MBit bj uti!!; in an, ls.,ti*. M-Tuo'-.'l ti-inan-l r-.r our stork, and ru rn I-b .- ,.ls .-ii,, l-vu ,.... Vldnss, salli -11*1% e L-'S N ti isl 1- A' ITTUM. I'USITM iM II ¦¦ 'te.-ldan-Tt.nall.O. , .. Jd 1,(1 l*i5OO,000sK! 1,000 1, stLirli I ss,!! Kuirauii-e- din ld(Uett market .trier lu I WI. Hm1. Im. lt rile tor .,ii<tt«l|,itit. li toltol T. KIMI. 3400 to lief. \* illiaiu-ii.tr. ar-uae. ne IP lo- 1* I.'icfiin.iii.,. Va. OICIIMOND IV. HAM.K holt XVO- Jls XIAN* VVOKIi. KILL nl'IVIM,, T c i strolls and ,rl.*tvW tli» RICUMOBO r.X- l lfVS.,1 . o.r lt OMA fl** IVolIK ara rrsis-ci- in-s-inn'.i ., attend a kim. o"i mm; .**. I'ClDV)." .'i.r ITT., hetwera Iii In.ur* ufO A. VI. utel ."¦ P. VI. Hive an I btautlfal » I lt*tit I "f i. iiie ma-,n, en to .1 irtlctfs ara mov nu ul* .' ,,. i rall Li,, ,.f bi nain.* HollK.-M vni-: I'ABB, IT.-! >) CM ll and lint MU! I. I lt ll TH, (Ti Kl I - ". I,. pubUt- ir-i.ivit.--l lo ti. t Uh- rooina If . .rinfv Blhrra w.-- _I i it ni rn.';, ni 1 iku, li i i i.i:. I vet :*>.*ir; till Lilli TKR: I n lo i. ,: -I ...|,,,li your* (vet, Nnliu >r tesl 1*111 K lil ITT I: niel eeo mi Iuds, liny lb* larccal Hes 1. nf KIN I. Ul r I ic lu Ms* -.-.uri nully, i.loci.i k itiiKTl, icc -t-li- S 1 ci i. I.r-t VlarkBt. X'.INi.Tn TIIK l'l-\*nt(K* FaF- ! Ol 1 ll! I'KolT.II I vt- ll Ult lear- tnriiad sr.ini-lt.-l to t'KAKi.K. lo,. I»K« (¦l vet ..i a;.. (t lt DALLON nut vin.;.., ,_,- "( TOBI l- Urn I.l. BLANTON, ( x. KCKMTI. . s. HOODWIN, l. II. V st.lt n: .11, ll, B. il. LIC !. H. V UiKv, Vt Il.l (AM (.. U '.(*. ' ll. IV ll IHTtN, H. (i. MANAHAN, IMt.lt i-r .t i I, I lui TUB. ( LIBbl'CLaD. .-. 1 ¦.*¦»!. O CIKssOVlU li th.*'.-,,". *k or/ .Lii-i l. II itnu.KM.sj A t ,.., J. Nn S *t'i ii stun 1.1, nt im.ihk. ll... y \\Y HWY. HWY. tilt ||\ J.|) MlllM IT l......! 'i Britt BnliSaailaa Hat mir Mr. T. OW SCH ll t.ML.I lill Illa. IS.lt :ll.|e-l,nlfl| a .i ii Iiii>. iiii iiii rr ..f l.n Vit.iiiia . ..linell ot |. ri (en |',.mill!.:¦:. i -. Ile will In- !..ii-i v lu fur- t* -1* ,ny luf iii.*!....i roi'.-, rniuiar Hie i-i-iKT.'t* ot t'.c .'iiisii -tut*, and i-.sri.t-oly np|ieal M Us- ( uf V USOtfl IA ,'o-sNH.s url Hl-t.i'aUi unite sill; timi ouncll af V.xt :*u Boadbnlffan l.y :is-i-i'i ¦ n>. iu iu unir ta leavow i.»;h.-i ib* "Uiit i.f \nBtutii io on.*, moir reedy* eoaa a* r«f tsxi-. Tba L'a.lrel is'tie, ( In-int ( euri lia. di .1 'est it ii .iii> nini..t> io taoffara_a- t lb* toa-parar bl lli.r.t*y r^,.*a.**d rrntai all .ti-lli/ali.ai lo pay lu nani.') : ti, o lb* eoUartar, if in- -b,-aid si. /.. i|.- tax parara. BeaflflBt!, '. t*"-~- senally I lld* t r dauiaiet s. Hr still lu* .''ad ... i-.trra-i'ai -I vtitii Mx-patet. d. -iro'.- >.f ava "ns' ir ni-risc of Uir-dvanf-eC* of l<u>n »r in er.aiii--.ii-v. oe it___-"'iis x n vmuli.ii.s t .-... \..| j. L~l> HI.HI.HY GIVEN THAT .1 «>N 1,11! -..* I'll i" OCIolIKH, 1HH4. I sn. duly i|,|.,llitt I t... mill ul CI. IK A I.Cl'.IA- Ll i.i...,! I Idrt/--. I'L. to cn lu a (tic vilanf Kl ,|)Y.KS|1,; (LfilllM. SM) Il i* M t-ir- l\t. ni Hills nt lin- itt ,,( ... i.i, I. t t and aaa r»BaUtutad bar im* and l.i*fi,t all itraaf r,ir i, ar nani I d-i aud ivrrformall n ni** rt.iiund ni said ImaJBIBI Tb* li.-fruic. ut .if willi,,,, ui ililli th* ->f-rasa..I i;.;. ilnttut-iil and 7 jniii--rcy,hat ix-eti rt*--rd -1 ii, Hie tit tv's Itli-r nf Ihr ( I B.tci-ry 4'uuit nf Kirb- uioiil. .1. . itKI M-l RU, .. ii tiw ffaaatrcri lantire-Bbata-> M IIOAItDIM. BS. FALKINKU BAB < HXM.KD nu: ittticiuMi nm *i: rct'M iaitn:ic -TCI.Kl lo 687 KA* l Mv;\. Ilati<iw>:ae front c.-.in, nil e. ii-I and Hurd il- m ,, lui ulilieei .* *B- Lirni.litd, s iii 1-iALTi. -- l.'-ata JI-LEGANT BOOMS, CON N ECTIS-Q J OB slNT.i.f'.i.n arti aad _*r md rtisir*. «iih l.rsLle; al... TAIlLf IIOALH, al 401 it .rtl* Kit st a, ii s,-,,,.,, rm t I Vai-Jitll MlftflM. eu" 0-'i.» WSSMIO ANO s 1*1.. |)ERrE< i Pl-EPii^TIOIir^rAMI- I Lill* COB li-' -til Piled nilli IsilANTKHTTK (oaI.. nit »'* s, -,: lt se,..t prim, aid perfectly- sen,mel. I BOWN HILL -"I'LIN 1. Ht- |- l*4B e-.*il lur o|*rn rr»U* KollRsT KINK Wiall), -isvcl imi ipili. --.v. LA lill, tl' a ni., ne IO_**i tsiitevnllt .tr*, e st Draw tri-Mr. tym: bk-t am ula, uk and 1 *1'LINT (OIL In n.* . TV. BBd is-rrrst-tly >ai. flo, t ll Ml' I'll IL.8S.7_; Wo*.'!*. ioa». .asid, aud kim1:1ns'. al mwe.l iirlres fur elah. Ili*d of Kron! »Uvd, rirurr N--it.ui. aud 11400 ( ary suiii. oe 1 C. M. PAOB. ft fl MKMTAM - Jt'sKLi: XV. I ll ,i!, taoa ht CNlrHIM.-l NHKKTAKBR.'^I COB*t*B»TH*r INO ItBi'vOaTBBaTt, lit. HtS'.Mi, V t. WOOll AND MK I' ALLIC IIIKIAL-4»'i Hollit**. HK.AKSB, HACKS, ar-j*i> in i u** reen, tiI.- at s^sivr a tra*. Ti- riai... aad cauatrv urdtri toUetiad. _a-nSs***] LT. CIIKIST1AS, ga s t-CKNC-Hl-vJIi ( Sl.r«riKCK> bo. lilA asst Ba ian * tuaar, BICHMOND. VA., t_!ilar*ea»en.,ltiiru,»r Wool, and MBTSLLIO ('AMU, ( Ai.Jf.KT>, "sltBOt'D*, CLOTH CAB* li ITS, S c. al tow urie,*. Ounlry and ulaarapb ordtra praaptlv a tu da* ur a! «til W 1 Vf. B1LLUPS _ SON. li* Kl K MM, I M. tNDKKTtKKKsl,** 1008 bait Mam "tmttt |,.u,.st st. Lt ItstUi). HlltlAI. rtsrie. SIIKOl'D**, aud Kl N Kit AU CONN..! AN( r* fumUWrd al .1. h.*arsa. Trltf-raih orders allagib-d lo dar or alaSd. aaTo-aoi BOOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY rx kcvt-d th tbs DiarA-vaBt nuBTtifat MOBIB

Transcript of M*s;>Y;,r,.;rix?h,^>,',^','MS** - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov … · -. vcr il v ls.f Itrnl iu... ur...



A Saaff Mtamtt Barae-1 l.naa aad lo-

8BB*B***e- l-alldcal *lote»-"rlertl<_«f 4"redl-

H .«tet|,.»4<*'ce of the Rlcbmoal nispstcb.iI uri:... V v.. Oi'tsi'tt-r lo. I-*1!.

HcCAciii it uni U o'clock ,n Situr.l.vniirh! thc *t:-if" f.vtorv l.ehin.iriv.' 11 Me----

( tuiip', ell A i'o.. hvosteil in Din wi,I-tile .'.nit t> sIkuiI ono n.ilo wes! of thcni), tnt *ei fin- t.i by rasas* unkn.iivn nat**

B i" t.iia'lv .lost roi cd, with allot.tenta. TbeBrat Intimation tbs wa

m»n bel <f Ibe bro wm tba "s\**bt at tbebalMlag in tame*. Tb* M.-**r*. Uanp*lull sr. j.iuni; En-r.i»li"icu. BB* bB**lx-cn | i.i i I ft)** ic ii-..

ii i bail rovnily Mtarfed tbatrtailor-., ini introduce,l ni iv gam bamntaeiii'Si-hui'n . '! heir li** (Mi Ito. k ls a* fol¬io***: :'.,".*! pomade kal toaaaast vtiiucist f's.T.'t': 80,000 pound* of around sa off,iv. nh tl. "MUBttl of -'"iii",

..ls iliv.iruii."-. * !'': !. -ilon ul.lob lhere is no in-

i h« i ulidia* aad aaaebiaeryon theo there la

*n rasnraaee ol 1750 on Hi" huddle** Ini f L-oad ii

fl., it ii Ibe ms. bint rv in thc ( .muller -i.ilI i :. !,, of E,ir..i"ii. Within Ibo pas) fewun.i :!,s Me aa ibbI of lasaraaoa on tbefaaperI; ba t bees reilu.-i-.l. Tbe kisisboic ii'«i I.'»."''. Tito fe,-! .ryuoephmei tenaty bana*. tt will be rebuiltBl . ll".

-. vcr il v ls .f Itrnl iu... ur loss (Katani

linin 1 .I nt uiu*tion-ninia*., bul Hie (iiircs bit) were not

* ere a i' bdraira.'lb. lb public,p* ot tm Km Iv faetlon

-. !'i p. IS ni |] sm i-s nu 1ute n hiv aadlenee for

.¦.ol Mr. (Sabooaattk.) r on\l . M" - .I-;!.!. Th*** .... b'llii.i; ni'-et-

Mo of Ibo vviinl- in uiyiV.IV t. ."! I. *l!'l Ibo View of I.Ci -pin.' -iliveHu lat. r**st in tis

IhiBft, tm l nu re*ve ;h v, t v ii":"

¦;>*!,ii rotento li. .r r SJ al-' r-.Wi'' rsl ss" is;- thn e (lav* l)'li:i-

ts r of lb ii." ut J" 111mblinx

h. !. aa.nbllsbed for «

Psiiti M

1 t"-!ii."i! a:

lc tbc'ilc win! i' or n iti ;,||>:'>V"'I


k abo ;i*s.-


il.- Int mts -.f th"ii ldc

ii -feel-. e

All theiployi

,-. ill e\-

t in

.- t there

,-t j ¦>.

i,." rje»-

-ba I ol'

tint tho di-

.'I,' I'¬ll!. Iii t!,'» .n


'. s I']!

I* ind r,tn Pu- io-I'

Jttl .-.!'¦ it "ti the .".

oh- :l!ll-.|l.'. I t 111 I-

lign .nt ly pe, noil ib. !. are' a 'ins, ,1


ll" . tl ''iii -it tin- ippii'i' Mn.' U ii

.1 tl- '1 I- imp >-.->! ofa -. of Vvll.tt": ¦loll.

I.- Uah:.

.vi . H'I.stvI LT RIl-

'. 1984lb i r bis broth ;.

¦. -. Mc .Hiv. in thisi were pliyii with ¦

4 it alE. my, ii (Darking I. ."', "ii"

I si, :, huili vv ls

at hi«l i- M i; f- t. svi'h bis brain* blown out.An i-

Sill.. -i i\


\ .'-. r 13. I .t.In il

I, -

f ti p.

, i. Fifty,"l ..I thi ¦ to bi .1 ..

.h.- righi ofilltlingrn iranv

; let torrn ul -t.uth from

Tin nt n- only serity-foiir tbe

i. I i. r pill . -;\-t ti- onb

in 1of tl. 111 li'i I'.

"I roll at this inth "itv Wo,lol

if lt*was ib , ni.

for e msultationidi! b.-tii'irrovv ii. _rlit. The

uni.; discussion inf..r tare!ve month* ami th"

i i th" i iibit. own ] io).,.-,ti di

.it.ii-of tbe Kl inter*sod! l t .-iii.Mi! P. .'i-i'l r

t. mploymg conns, i

M . i tlornev In pi.>-..-. I with riminal

"llnilv sttended, and ad.


I), .lo il l. nu tt I »Mo lu I I; ur. tl 1 hr Ut,nu III.¦' |l:s|,s-c!,.|

(ii roana i*". 1881.i" .-bur,"li b* re. e .ru.-i-

ii i (bureb sti .:-. u ,v m.- been r.

,.,ii -. ,i wi-,! 1 V ltgt IOU ll of .MHlltrV

"se|lt,Hon tt> tb n ftiiaished

t i ti., toahue, ol v\ un nt rn, who will

bal* .li. "1 tl

aa ¦ r .t- bousei*n« umi md in -h.

ind i- .ly prtityrt uabl) f.iiiii"l:"<l willi nil :

iiiihe uii. i,ii- of a (alb..li'- cburcb.Men worshipping for

111 lbti.iv ti bill, aim it i- a ii, Ri .lilli i-

I, andi' awi.

\i in i ! raia very aadly. 'i h pastur .

WI I'S'. -,."I tli.e. n ..I,-,'¦' il '.... Mil. Manylari: -i i an detenala 'I la walt for a ** sos*son-' Infill- .oil io.- W In a', killi "I-,

rt dn I. p iitin,-o tbe tptasmi .u.«i trimim? to

tuturi-ruin*. H.


Thr 4 sm-ta 4.<e_r an.! Martball Address a

basan Mtatsaa.sim isl tt'eiriain t the Iflsoal

- frat e. v .. . r i .. ubi,Tba lsn.'.-t ami ino-i eBlbiislastlc

blair,- .t iMm.-rab ever beld in --i'l >!Kasi.tcl ex-Beaator B. E. Withers. Hon.John (.....tl., atul K. L*. Marshall.caii ,i i onajem, la-dsr. sn.i i Brand flaj M.Ant for the lieiu'iorioi Bf Nau-ciuonil..Viibou'.'li imnior.ius ~-aat**~s bad bara tat-i niall d thal 0Barral Mahon.-. Kn.wu Al¬lon, ami ..tb.r Ke|)iibiio*n 8|*eaker« wouldsjH»k la day, (.emmi Blabnar sad Allaamiatamti a'rrowd Bl univ thr.-.- bBB-t***d

ol lest, Ibnu Illly ve bites. Tb*serat* of aNariM-uiond are aroused.

WU.LIAMSIIUEG.SisJei Baker P. Le* Ad.trr.tr, aa faibasl-

astir tiaiut, fau-' lifinu,

|S|*rt»! vrl-arain io Ibe Ulipateii.]QCBBBBB ld. '--I

Tbis mo) lilli,' Major Baker V. I..- s|n>kean hourand s ball to as larife snd enllmsl-sat ie au aadlenee ol Demoerati ns everRaibcred In Ibis place*. A larg* number ol*.<"UBtfj people were; preaeut, aud a band-

Bbfl^PMB.MMSt tlaa; wa, fl,,-- . Ul,

i.nti!7v!^muVf;l,knrwn,n,,'u»«'',»'>''*ix, 1* i Mreiii, l> ivoptilar with ,ulr ,..OI)Lvmdtt^leadltn^nwv I .-iii' ^'"""T-iis -vere I,,.,,-,I(0 -,-,. H will ,|0 , Ure., ,|,.,| of , ..

\Xe ..ceil, ti a man like Lee ta, *,,? .',,.rpeormup. l,vo,y wnmtmtTcd&&£M*s;>Y;,"r,.;rix?h,^>,',"^','MS**.M.*p'l Lu* ,t, s.|, ,| ..,..., f h|iimngniionlbejiooplenis,,, ,r. .,,fotfar.ffBd said tba, . |,.., i,.,cauarO >¦ our ,«,,.,. ,,.,.,.J.,,, ' ' .

It ....ll re.,i..e. for |.e D.,n.,.*,.'r r'ami \ iririma would !,<-.-..,.' ' T " *

A nml.ei- graad nita ,vi,| ^ j,,^ , ,,_..,.,1....I.V '.(.n.-plce, of the Clev.liniJ m,J11* titir 1, ks ( IUD,

rita. Ll liri; rr fire.Il.l, ibe BBtlnri* lvr... ,,r ,h<.Tewn Df.

ttrolrd- Losses aad InsursorrH'**-'-*!*"'!1"1'. nei;.....i,., ,,.,>.,.,,.,

LiBSBTTi Oetober LL issi.Ti.i*..'vvT.sv*.ii1,,,j,,V:1(lj^I1.,i^<,;t|.n,iLTr.timi;.( .in .,,rls hour yesterday room¬ing. Which (lestios,,! .,|,0|l, ,.,,, fliI-a , t-1(.irtlniai peitiiin »f the place'I Le lin. vv hi,!. vv*,,.;i,1(.('m)i.,r? ,..;_...,

Basatattea lafffrataestorebous, ouBrldirostrret,occupiedb) .1. N. Barty, abott J \B . BBd -vv.pt ussay fourteen In;...is, - end L.-.'ilv lian ,K,-,\ others i..f,)r(. i(

¦topped by tbe btawt&g np of a boaseiv nil pi wilt r.Tbe (nllnSVIP. i* . NM nt losses iiml j|,.

.i.i h. s m i-i ii' ia ir obtsiaed.limit* U, I r.i'.l. r eX SOB. "a!.inC-miker*

amii.-iii,n e. IsO_s,f8,0OD-TtoiM0nne*.Buford Brothers, general merchandlte

I....". ff/j *: n m c'T.'m. Insured in tbsNtw Xml ii, lt rvv nt, r*' Agency for tl .

Niagara Lr 91.000, Virginia State forImperial <*( London tor 11,000,

ll.Tit'i i -1 -i. nidi for |1,S00..1. N. Luiy. cnit r.ii un rcliatnli-se. , ,..

ate,li 1*6.000; in-'Hiil iu S oj ti*tl 1 nimi.111*1 Nut.* Ital for fJ500,P(*ertsraoat_ foi .*;:,»,

lion cf Philadelphia Ior*t2,000,"ia Fire sud Marine for 11,-50- and

.sit Ain.ttc;. for 11,008,A. xx. BoberttoB I Co., genera] msr-

rbandlsr. Limb sboul 92,000; aboul 91.509sn.rn. o( stork saved; Insured ia tba Liv¬en ,.>! and London and Globe i ir 91,600.

¦!:.:.,-( ippt oin im. bar-room. Loss, ---7<>-1;Innired in Eire Inaurancc Association ol

ti tor taco.Meroe] H. tin*, sad Mrs. Bu*b. Imured

In tbe Bocbeiter (iermao li si.:, io,I", li. Abbott, general Merchandise.

I- stock snd luul.lin shout 96.000 orinsured In tho Ni w Vork Under-

-itv tor ;.;7ti'; I* utan .nth (>rwifli R. Pollard ft Co. agency of

I si a hiI.. Oppenheim, taloon. Loss, 12,500;

iiisi.la ,i in il,,. .". ntti-l, L'nion :nitl National1.500.

B. 1). Buford, snail raero! store. Lots--. u.

R. ti. t lay-torA Co.,generalnercbandl«e.ling from |12, Oto

(si; Insured in thc N a \ ort L'ndcr-Der for il 600, Ucrinania f >r

.\ndM i-i; (oril.5 M),1,250, X 11-¦ii,11 -1

91.250, xv -: In; ton 1

Shrauklin. Campl I ».,g*ner_l mer-i-l 910,0 I': In-

I in l .¦;,.I and Lon lon id Ilor 91.250, Port*.utblorfj i00, Eire

iiiO, Vlr-lion p for ll si it* for

Ire nnd Marini loln foi h2,00ii.

lt. 1 n, (rained Imllding, ni

.1. I*. MC :i it!,. I>ai -i ri,, lota - or.*-!<¦ 0; ii" ina,

M. v> olf, in-sin, ,l In N. w X mk Undera lier* lor

vx\. I. .'.' ni'iii.-. general merchandise.

'¦00; no Insurai:. *it»r_r owned by t'aptnlo William B.

Ms it r, it ** about t-2,6 : ¦¦ ll Ins.I.**. lin h, lothler, lons 1*3,000; insurod

iit lii jo iial t Lon lon tor 91,50for -t 00.

Dr. ll- C. Hopkins, druggitt, los* frominsured lo lue (lera mi 1

2.600, probably |],00 norWilliam ls.-ri*,. L*i ni ral nu ich indi**; In**

I, st. k .imi ldii!.: p irtlally In-s'lt. tl.

T. .1. Matthews, framed afore; In**.Insured In tbe New V-.t K tinder-

wiiters' Agene; Ior8500, S'lrginia Fireandf. r 91,250.

Bo '¦_*.- Matthews** framed storehouse.Inaured In tbe Hamburg and

Bremen lui 9"*0, other inaurance nott'tti.

nitl Presbyterian parson -... I. .ss,I., lured.Dr. ( A. I', ard, dentist, nnd Dr. T. M.

Bowyer, physician.office* In above build-1, ^'.1 :. injured, the (ormerni ii. Virginia si its* for 92 Wand the bitterin Hie xv. sichcBter for 9S75,

xv. T. I ItzpaUick, framed building.I.. --. 82.(100; in*.ir.-.l tn th* Bl iti--1 An n-

1, nu.. ti. tn for 9900, X'ir-liinia st dc lor 1250.

1*. ti. Burk*, framed slorehouse, Loss,it 1-11r. 11.

Wi.liam ll. Mein", brick building.¦-., 1: Insure I.

.', Mandi, /- Loss,Intuit ,| (or --.'

I W. Kai ia 1. unoccii] i< ¦! store. I. .*-.

-l,'.Nu insured In 1 ." Portsmouth (ur

Hi v. .Ii.Im B. Ti/"!'* library. Lo*ai 11 II,. I*.d'st.|th (Ol

V, Brotl 11-. boti bera. Loss small,.1. B. Pollard, framed storehouse. I.'..*

inaured.-. v. .-I t,f ihe above DStn, il hive secured

i, and will resume business al once.Among them are S, Hirsb, A. XX". Itobert--.! k Co., lt. B. Claytor A Co., Kbanklin,

ii iV , 11.. x\'. .1. Jennings, and J.ly.APPOMATP0 V COUNTY,

tba I'e-oplr Ititiiou.lily Arntlsiil-Ht-. I in k-

ri's CaBTSflfl.;. I |.-|h''Ti-I

r.vvii-i.iN Cn v. Va.. <>- ;.,i. r ll. ls*l.I i,e Ddii.tTi.i v oj t-itl Appomattox bru

I-* en thoroughly*arou_ed from their *nini-

bers this week. <»n bud Thuraday (vourt*di.i) the Hon. J. Bbb. Tucker, William M.

tia ii. I.sip, ami Captain Camm Patti.111 *id. r. a 'iii. --. lal ii'-" andattent 1 il the e lurt-bodse. Xlr..1. P. I.. Flesbman, Beting county li ib>man, Inanes! and praceful speech Intro¬duced ,'n tain Pattes.wbo sp .kc (oranli .ur and a half In his usual hoi land forcl-

. Al ,ii" ci.i*"!ii-i"!i "i" Li* -;. liH.. ll 11. William M. 1 ii-ll. ol Bucking-

ss; Introduced, and In ¦ iborl and:. ,1 ip,, ch -li'iss".! to Hi" good )¦'¦ 'i'i\, m ibUoX, iii a millner p tCUll ir to

Buckingham'* trlftod *"n, imir tb* whit*f Hi" soul!) had ic "ii .1 "ATi-tro.l-

lim L> Hi" Republican party, wltb J. O.Bl line, ibe hi.Iy-*blrter, ts .i* teador.

.1. Ban, Tucker wai Introduced bi,. T. 8. Bocock. II" held the audi-

ouad :¦ r re ai ly tw aad 1 L.iiflimn*, i lu cr idler cheer sv.iit on ..-

"Bini." pouted bot *l."l inf .flic polltic-il(.( ide I'll.!!..-.1 Kulgoi .*( Maine.

iii!!.' In Ul" C.TU".

Mr, Y',*-t. opponent, and CaptainBia r. sm. addressloj* 1 crowd ol

|n '.tu- Li-.-ni",,t. (a proposi¬tion to divide lime having been declinedbj Hie ji. ii,,.rir.d.' Wben 1 tay a erowd

11* your 1. "Lt*

(ul! well wli.it l .t'dui-viz.. I. n nusil,-Tn* and other o_*eer*. ofl,.ecker*,

fte., .Ve., .V". ll lin. lu- well 10 *.(V Huii 1bes. fl < * ne I., ld Ly ths poor

down-trodden colored man of tblseouoty.dn ¦. <¦ Mr, -i i| die for three

Lmls'al lliis pia,a- tn ri CTOWll Ol l"'ir ll'lll-dnd people. Then were afew wbtte B*-1 ul,in an* ind 1 (. iv colored people pr. seat,

(rom the nervouanes* androst-,,in il by Uiiiii. th. y fell aho-

mn!, itant. Doe <¦ mid bo! fail toil between tl. erowd on

tl,i. occasion and tbecrowd tbat aasemblc I1,1 linn iii. .L bo -. xx ive gi uri* lil'..'" "ti

ii -jnh ..( -1 pn>mber--tin latter erowd,about "ne liutulr.-ii all told, ineluding someDemocrat* wbo weal Io* hutt- Bartoslty,bavlaa beard bo noefa nix*.ii. Mr. WlaelnHu-Ibiiville 11 tl ct*.-. Yon mtv conni un

oki \p|Hiiiftitov doing h* r full iliity oa theltd ni Nov em! er, *i-


Meath i>r Ide Mayor ut' I iui attic-lluusrIII. lt "*S

lt oirt-.|i'iiilii" i- "I Hi* L.cliii.oiid lllvi>at.*ri.lt is ia-1 ir:. Ootobof Ht. 1-

Mr. K.« . Klggatt, win*. ¦<. w.t* reportedin Hu- pAmntch tgvt ni mxyt tgo, (< ll baatia.. iijifHr wiml'iss iii Iii- li'tit-o "ii tba ttbltisiiint ami rt. dst :| sci imi* Injurtea, iii''!v. sit nial MSffalng .Mr. Fi..'ntl lind '"'"'it*r .pnte a nuuiL. r ni t.ai* :t prominentn.aiL.r ol Hu- lioh-lixirt Lnr. and Bl tutHine ot In* ileulli waa 1.11..or.»( ifhi.**i*fl'.

'lin ilwellini*-liii.isi- of a MM iniiii'I(.lim, llviaf aboutsorfffliBHssnrrl ol bsro,slit- tit at roy ed Lv fin- one tlav last week.Tlie lin-isMi| used to have wauk purol*necldetiUl. The (amily were in tim bOUMa, the time mid Lardy (scaped. N-i lurni*tine wa* tuved, and (be pffBfBfft. mi* not

lao.redJue li** Len rfliring in lin- inminLtin-

wi*( ol l-Tnc.iv.le tor BSffSSal day*. Tlietieonlc ti tbe surrounding comHiunlty barelieeii tl.lilii'.* K>e ll nm *. mul it ls ho|H*dthat no ureut dsaisgc, except to t»rol>er,will be done. TuoafforKB.

1'IG EIRE IN PETERSBURG.I! arnine ar *arka.w's Kariah -la*** BIM,!******

Other llullrllnat DeatrofrdPtMlslktaassaiBSswS iii«paieti.i

1'niKiisiurno, Octolier 14. Is*1!-Thc In rue loiinceo-faetorjf of Mclsr*. C.

A. .Iscltson ,v (.. % oll(> .- thf in-.....t andmost .on.ph to in nlP rku*Jb. wns ..-.tilly B>"ti-ovc.lbv fir* bal B*-*bts The ilirm wi*stum,let ab,.it hslf-past 10 o'clock, sndslthoiiKh liio tir,. orli-inabd i" » remotepatt Of Un building, and was a smill .ifln 1 rBl b"t, i;t ||.. fl tim-s spi'fii'l so

rapidly I hui a|| effort* to isv Co¬if (..ii w, re wen- without aval!. Thc ract.di In.l bet n inlsrp'd in thc pa*' severalTear*, sn.l \\ .*.«.,, ,. the new building, inll (' " -I. lin:,, rT.ro,iin."tli*t th«-lin-.t irt rd.1 be f .et ,;s araa *Bmdad on lliir!) street inthe nii.l.si,,( . ojaaalj |>*|Bi1 lied section oflb* l..ii n, uni Bl tba time sn brisk s bro BMwss ir, vi tilla*- that fcur* wen) citertiinedaf a it rn ml ci nll:i";rsllcn. Th" st-eplc ofOl ie* Kplscopal church took Ire. but v. ryIii He domsffe was doae. A frame realilaaeasdjointag tba taobxty was _aatrera_. Int'¦¦ r ir ,*-. Inrxcr.'.vof shintic., in whicha! out twa (liv M"gTO familial liv.

Al tbil writing (1 A. M.) tho fir- Ind¦..dltcii niotti: them, nnd thc probability 1*Hui u'l will h.* (lest roved. b1r*8~~s. CAJaeIson *% Ort. badoaaaad tra tbair bwk**in- nb. nt !,',.'.'*'0 pOUndl "f lo in.ba.aad ti v.ty Baas ninotint of tsaautaotott ,i-

ba.-co .4 suet ty how rnnch, lio.vi-v"-r. csn-nol now be i-c.-rt tin.-.l. Thc factoryasa supplied wiiti tba mo*t inipi-.iv,-1ii, .-.'.uniy and iva. tlnolv equipped.'i'"- lom aili i"- veiy near*-* s'i7.">.'>"ii.Tho linn bad in -iirnnc l to tho am mut of-"tot',!*)". Wbiefa i* Ix I.l la noarlv ev.-rvct in;.any n iir.'sontod hore. Tli lino ofet iii|i.iiin* it| n-.n'oii her.- br tba Pt~t_r**-bcrsj Savin*** sud Instiranee Company are:i'iion_ tho chief los ts. Tb* 11*1Mn ionof lac lari ry will b* Mrerely fallbera laaoag tba working popula¬tion, (tattoos* bad opeaed wei', anddi,j.h.i in,-nt was ~~ivefl to n VeryUrgenumber of bandi. Owing t. th"drouirbi Ibe water tupply boro i* rorytester, and il 1- Inr.clv due i thi* eiiiseflint th. factory foll lochan essy prey (othoil mes. When a stream waa gotten oa tbetitirnin-' bollding it iv:'.- obtalfiod fr.ni theanal.


V Tall. Willi (br Druin, ratio ( antlplotr theI.ir u', onnt (.esrrnor.

|B| IB tile lli.n.ie|| |.N'fiiiitti.K, Oclobi r 13, 1984,

¦ ad i ebal >. -t.-ni iy a ith Major CharlesM. Stet maa, Democratic eandidste fori.i, mi nant-Governor on tbe Nortb Caro¬lina ticket, ntnl be gare a in >st encouragingn i "ri of Hie political situation In thal .tate.

ra th it !!.. re i> no s,,rt of doubt Hut.¦ ib ' Sn lina will aire ¦ handsome l> 'tn >-

majority, aad langbsBl recent efforts'¦¦ tin- .-. ntrary,

.. IV hy, lu ni si "Vpublieaa* do uni pre-ml lo claim Mn muc," Mid tbe >l ijor.

T!,. Major ba* stamped tba State from.. i in r.-'ki" lo ( uni'!: k." and ba* no beal-latlon in raying thal the Democrat! willai: v vi-, district In Ihe -iiti se pt th

First, Yolk', magnetism was snotbersub.Ject of aiiiii-.-nu-iii foi tl"- Major, f-.r be-ays tbe Bepubllcan .1 s?tor snd ith - ntli iii uh 1 to make anjid fav, rai I" Impn -sion on thc whiteI-¦' lt ot the -'.'* . while deners!-'¦ab - Ins bi. ii arousing bb :ni-iiiiiids whererer ne bas lieen. That gen*th ini'ii j. ,:.,'.! m overed fr un iii t ai ld nt.¦uni i" iu the held lajor waisi--.i_.-is: bi» that tbe Bepubllcan* ihiuldtalk

-' ullin mom v into thc **t tte, an I -ailmillion doll ir- would not change

the n -i: :. "Thc white pe >ple of!¦. are aol for tale," be said,

Indignaatl] : " v\.- contd carry tbimu. without any organization at all,.. ut (ur party i- weil orgaiVance and Hansom and all the res' o', themsre In il <¦ iii bl. wai litt.lt curious !¦>know tbe line of srgumenl followed bi theKi i m.ii.'in ipi .is- ri. .. Well.*' said tbe

.-:;.> say tbe Bepuhllc in party i-n.e p.uiy ol 'linaiiees ami tbe frien of tb

n 1. in.in anil i 111 Ile s,di eil-, an I

try !" produce tbe impression tbslIbo l>t int.-ral- ni" oppoi 1 ! thir. "ho"! system. Tbe Demricrsti tali!I limilpally of tttste Issues, shon uptoeBe-publlcsn record, and point t" the presentcount* goverumenl itstaem, instuiuratead bvtbe I''¦in.tcr.ii". aiui which tbe resderi oltbe Dispatch know was tbe saltation idHu- a--t.dil .'"ililli. .. C.A BOBBBBEIX I'li'Hi. imo m.: niii-ini hms

CABF.TBI i:\I-ii-ITIiis.i-i., ¦. ii letesraphto Uie i'i pstel .1

Balbiob. S.e.. October 13..To-dayFol Haas, general freltbt- and passenger-a_-*"iit nf tin A--0. tai..| Beltways, reducearjthe rate to tbe Exposition fron all point*in North < arolina ..nc cut per mlle eaehwav. Thin Bill lim- mi iiiinu-iii.ite iffeetin

::: the atti ndance.Tin letter of Dr. Eugene Qriasom rena,

distina Dr. York, Bepubllcan eandidstefm (Iovernor. li Ibe greatesl bombshelltbsl bsa yd bes n Bred Into the Badicalcamp, (iii..un ia supenntendenl of theSlate In-ane Asylum, and the letter prove*an effective campaign dooumi di.General Scali i'swork In tbe east* rn conn-

ti'- i- aeeompllsblBR gresl good, rix-H. mocrsli aw making vote* in every c inn-... A.U reports are ol s gratifying charac-tl r.To-morrow nlghl ilu- State Exposition

ii -iini'iat il by tin- electric, light.The (iiaii.l Commander] of Knight!

Ti mi" n-1 f North i hi Ina a ;l! as*lo re Wednesday, and there will b a grand'! iiij-l il ! -ilatb

WEST VIRGINIAi lie ( katmai oi iiie Uwaeratlc *»i». t-\-

e, llllir ( llllHlllltee I liololclll ol I lie I lum.

-and De.ncri.-ilio Haioriiy.

l-p dil I. '"i--i.ini t., tin- Dispatch.)Mnii.iiM.. W. Va., Octolier 18..Il any

one li ul lor a momenl doul.ted the i

in.-ind n st In tbe Weal Vlrginls election,aglsncesl the streets to_si would baredissipated all lucb thoughts. Erom one

.mi ol tbe city to another group* "f in.-ii

have -.il day long c-arneetly snd i'i S4>m in¬

stances pugnaciouslr dtseussed thi iltua*indi.

Tl i- viirioii- sjnakcr* who hare ben intte State aro gatberlng bar* and Bli brina-nod np..it- irns|.<!ivo of party. In fact,both political oi":uii/!itioiis bare bad extra¬ordinary m.a tings. Tlieio h i- been i iii*-1 mitton lo bear "iii sides. A Republic in

parade ol 4,000 uniformed men i* marchingibo -ir.-, n ti.-iii'.'h!, and tbe enthusiasmi, unbounded, bul throagb ll 'il theI'oiiii.erni- maintain tlnir confldence andsivtlnv an- safe, ami lhere i- BO attempt

lo deny Ibal the resull will be dose.Tbe im -1 sanguine I >. n:<"-rnr i- contenlwith tbe hope ol ole tin.- bb tickel by5,000, while tbe majoiBy ssy 3,000 will beth.- maximum. Tbe />'-' Repub-luau) will sm iii the morning: "Thelalor put upon tbe State bj tbe porty nndto. return* re-retted jn-titi - the clsim

Rn publican victory arlll be won.If a fair conni is had inch will bc tho re-

u .. opinloaa i.l. -.-ripli.-il t > this dtyfran Bscoreol country editors are all tothe .IT-et that oo accurate predict! m* can

be made, with cbrtacei illghtly Infstorolthe Hepublicans. Bo far ns caa be foretoldt. -night thal view li catrect, \ tnus rote will be e rat. lt li boped thsl the

ii sull w ill be known by midnight t >-mor*

row." Tbe cbalrman ol tbe Dem .eratic-: u, l.'eeiitive i '..ininitt.-'- teleffiaphl Bl

follows from beadqiisrters si l»srkersl.. We will cu ri Ibe Malo by l".'i"' m.i-

Jorily,and bateagood working BBiJorttyin loth rsacbesol the Legislature.

s,.,..,|] ..!). II. Em's ..ni'.

"1 hainnall Hi lil''fi'.i'i'' Evccil'iv. lt i-

lnittoi .."The Register predicts tbe election "f tbe

enttrt D*m*)<Tatlc tl ile M'Im-i. exe pl Su-11. tn.* 'udgrs, by Irom its toeigbt ibou*¦BBd n.nji.1 iii.

iv..i. w. Cowden, ctalnaan -1 the B**publlcaa State Execrative (***mmlttee, ian.. vv,- have a Is-btlag cbaace, sud I believew. vvill win."

"ITO* Driinslit In ld*' ***»ulli.Illy IBSBISIlB U- Hu |iipatcl..|

('iiiTTAMiH.i.i, tictob.-r I**..Slnee JulyHu-nth thc iiroip.'lii in* prevailed In lowerl.'n-t Tenn.-ss,.. North GeorRta. sad NorthAhibaiiia,!!).. r.-Mon of which < hatUiMiogais ibo c. ntr". "-iioeiuls to tbe 7',/s.,- indi-cale Ihat all Un farming inb "I- ttO -'-

riou-ly limn lilli e". nml UnRSH Hi'1'' '*.

ran. Mum tho r.-iil'. ivoil be th* i-lr dis.

QiastBf lantis ara barned np, aad tbalin ks an- drv. Tin- T*BBe*Bee I ivor ittliis [mint is willilu throe iBCbee "¦ tinlow. .1 |>..iiii. ov.r kii'ivvn.

UHshiiiun.n llama.IHy t.-l._ra|.li lo (lie ll|,|.al' lil

BTlWIIUIIIB. Da Cs, Oclobol bi..Tin-Mnnnc Bospttsl Huroati is inform.-.I thattho hark Winiam Fisher, from .\"i'invvall.is iii tputriii'iii e al ."ship Island, and thalene of her crew is sick In thc lio-pit'ii then-aith yellotv-foTer.Tho Intel nulli uni Prime .Meridian COB*

f. nnce to-duy adopicd tho Bf-sridlaa olt.i.i nw bb. ThcrepiesenlAtlvc* of Franceand Itrszil did not vote*, and thc r.-pi.--"oiitniivo of *san Ibunlua;" voted a. h"-' ''¦

Coughs, colds, and sore-tbn.it yieldresdily I. B. H. Douglass ft tons' C'apii-mm Cough Drota.

LATEST FROM OHIO.TDK EVE OF A GREAT BATTLE.Tala ia -_*._*_, riBflBli BJIiflB ¦». fTffirrffflT-Boih I'nrtir. ( lalnttaa ibe Stairbr a anal, -Hajari,y.,i.-ur.e XV. Atlano. proprietor o( the

Vv i-tubington star. lelrgiopK to his paperfrom ( oluinl,!,*, ,in(i.r ,,..., ., .Mt<,rjty.a* follows:The la>l .hy .f ,J1P ,lmpatr- develop*

ionic chance*, tbottgb cae,, party ¦*«cl..,ni* to Ii-ivi- organized victory The re-ineeliveeomniillret^jv., .,,, ,,,.<j-,- ,iuie

(t:itiasloesHniu(ed mai .;,, .,_ ,.il. ivhll"el.iitnlnir .1* a nile ti, ,t nnri, ,-,,.., .,-,,. .rr-wi linn to luliuit thal ||,ry emSffffBStSBMffMisplaced. Tlie Democratic »,,mtnlU*e foo|np a majority of :,.-_¦_ j, Tbs IL* pu blur inCommittee un* not aulte *,, axoet,bttsd-licre to the yellerai c:*i., n( S.O-s) to 10,0.x)iii.-.J.int* . I hiv commH-,.,. MnT,. deemed ltuniv I-, ie, majrp p,||,ij, fiurtr Baal eillmati,tut Hu* bet ,. tbslr actual Igarasaukaat if ns, r ls,'*;n majority, and all overI'UHm. Uk y cape . to f.irnisti In Hie way ofWbal th. y cull .-ti,,, .Ma.n.. surprise " overagain. Tiny bars eadoarorad to keep thi*rat* quiet, but it i, ,i,.. nstimsts th.*v bare-.Lt Lt Mr. I tl:-, ir*--, timi which Hun- WW-land Ly, and wbteb they el itu will bsv endd! before i!.- .un eats 'to-nmrr.ov.

oaoi \id ron rarri ra_r<ua wnriJMUBflJ.Th.-t li-urea were all mail* on Satur-

dar, but Rlasrs Hun the committee in* rr-"iv.ai inr.tiTii.-iiiiui wbleh irive* themgt ester mbMbbos in their ssUn-rrda, oneof the ressoni for tali it 1 rarlBtoaol tbswool-growere* rpso,whrcb gives tin* lt-publican* Hi'1 l'didi! ul :i iiufc iIcc'lIcIchange tbsa hail Leen anticipit.-d. Ina Idler received from a proMlB :itwoot-grrwer, bs Mys: .* We mjatob-cd Hie irpul'licall* fm* re lucin. H.-duty (li svnol. ami mi.v sve ure gOlflLgto 111 iii- ii tba D. moil it* fm not restoringit." Anotli' r rc.sun fnrth.-ir rattored BO 1-ti*.- ure i. advices (miii thc Western |',..serve that itu* (nil BepoMieaa rote i* goingto Hu* jx.ll.t, While advice* ri'Scivcil tilismorning are quita rocoursging la soul*

(juarters rata lb* fJeraaaa rote. These(mis bareeertalalrgiven the i.epiii.ii.-.-ifnmuch more conldenee Hui (bey ind onsniiittiiiy. They de-bus thi, Birthing balmoney and frau can d. leal fe ra.

an alli ui I. cobbimn nm,A (ci _'i.Hil (ir:,i th" Nitioti il Dem

Cob tniu¦¦!. that a fund of 9(30.0 tu ii i- ie eamo! from New York -in e Saturdaj fordittrlbut! di In * I'Vi uni. Columbus, an ICincinnati t" .--.i.t toe Bepubllcan i- pro¬nounced a falsehood lu , bail-San Oglerle.i'i, D'Li'icrriiic ehairman, however, baamis is. t] thc Denim Tatic n .ne.'.r- In thoset ii i, * io lo koutforsucha corruption fuou,: l.W.'i irs ii" t.LA.'l.irsi COXnOflflT Of CABBT-

IV) OHIO, lM*If, s. vm- 8BW rilBK.Ootiidi of tin-lit in ra'le Committee tbs

li ni. I. ol tbe party lu re are conldenl be¬ll nd qi* -t'"i: of n r,iitui[*li in nlii... indi-

N< u X'..,!,.Gov, rnor H, ndi; !.* lell this in .rnlng

for Parkmburg, Weal Virginia, where bemakes bi* last speech In tbe Oetober cam-

In .¦' ic dion be said th il h rs i*it that tbe DemoeraU would corry

Ohio, nf Indiana he had b doubt whit-ever,and tbereanH In November,be prc-

I be th .' lion "f tbe Dcm .-

Iii k-1. ll" wa* not, however, ¦ ron-li.lt ii, nf niuo a. nf lu liana. Even il Ohioti:.I go K.; ui Hean now, it it did in l*7u. beiih'.iai thal Sew York would goforCleve-,ai il in N..v"inl. r. jus, aa il did (o' Tilden

1170, Ile was not enthusiastic, bulquiet and tu ni ll In bb pre llctlon*. Il-a.-* thi*I*the greateil and bardesteam-paten be "Vcr wa* In, bul (hal ll ha* im-i roved ls 1 ¦¦ ilth vt ry much, iii* speechin Par! i rsl nra to-nlgbl i* to be a |oinl onswith (Minni Woodford, ofXcw York.

01 BOTH LvliriL- IN PgTKCn-VUBli !'.

'lin- itternoon there wa* a meeting "fcitizen* denlgnrted by the Bepubllcan siin-

mmlitee with n committee appointed byHu- ( loveland and IL rtdricki ( lui. to e »¦

operate in detecting (raud t.f (be polls t>-morrow. Tbe Bepubllcan , onmutee hi>-II .' ,n th,- hiuia.iii'-u I th" entire Statto close their1 in, "* ol i"i*iii"*s to-morrowand to devote tbs day to organization inth.- Interest ol tbe purity ol tbe ballot-boa.irma kbvbb was boca i cbs or nura

In tbe history ol politics In this State, sadwbli la rel j.arty i* (L leatcd i* going n> runto cover under it. Tharne ballot*, comb!--,..-linn lickei*. frauduleul votet and vo, r*

nie nil named in Itigbtlul array, one olHu-thai - brought into tbe Republicani .ii,nun b I,,-,Ms was ibat twenty«alxli, moeratli newapap,T-meu nnvv here weretn tn-von il. xvii, ii iii, latterbeai*dof Btheywere very iiiueh amuaed,nu nn IL Ml kits.,-- in TBH HUBCBBB.Tl'.1 interest il) tl e close ,,( tin* ."iinji li'ti

i* shown iii Hie (sci last *iiii"**( thcchurebes sre thrown open (or politicalmeeting*, lieu, ral Brag, ol I! il ti more, ad-dr. ssh il th< Republic m* Iron tbs pulpit ola Bal tts! church in London, < ifalo, on Satur¬day i vi 11i11_r. IL ssyi lhere was ¦ banner lafront of tbe church Inaerlbed: ''Loudon,England, i* forGrovcr levekad: London,nh.... i* for .land* (.. I'.laiii"." A largemana-meeting sras lu Ll in tl"1 Bov. Mr.

\ti i'* church le re la*t evening.Professor ILT. Greener, ol Washington,*wa* among tbe np iker*. Be said that 10,-i-i tn- lored voters in Ohio were all in lineOl Li,til". BBd declared Hilt ill-'.a'lol inquiring bow tbe colored m. n were _


Irg to vote tbe Bepublicans ougbl to - ndnlorcd minion ni"* Int tbe sshii.-

,-, narrgatlon* to pn sch tbe salvation ol thenation, Tl e m, (lng losed Lv tbe eb ilr-in-iii;-. "Surely the « aptain atty Dependc;i M.."or the white cl.tirche* tb Journal tbi*

norning say*: "The leading, prayers Inthe «inn .lo-- vc-tenlav were proforma

n |-ai'ti*air. ii "l!" lilas speak 0 "( til-Ill,bul as :t matter "f fad the Republicaniii-Hip n found ll exceedinglj eaay to re>

oi d wiih earneil amens to lhe *;>irit olii,. 11 titiont.''i iniTiir-ijii: i*i:it. ti:-:* "i i'll' vvn-iius.WOMBS AMI lllIII'ILN MIMILI: IN THK

One ol Hu- int-ri-tim leoturea ¦.( tbema.-met tim.'* of Saturday sfternoon la*tsn;, ii,i ap]' in ¦¦ "i ladies on hoi'*.-'tack.At "ii" place there were 200 of tie-in, withSaga, streamlets, sad banner*, i.i tingle,¦ lunns, fronl [ace, betweea which thespeakers of tbe da) were escorted. Thirty-

.-Lt little children were dressed to repre-tenl tb, -Mat. -. while two young ladies ai

...lil...¦* of (".berty tupported tbe*l*eakera' stands.sa "Ohio oa (MM aideiiml Maine mi thc Other." This I* hut mic

td litany of the picturesque jar,* sf ihi*mo*l li nuuk*.!.li ciinp.ti.ll.

A LABOB V'.ll. l.'.IT'a THO.

Both cniiiniitiii - noa agree thal iii" i ttewill be alarms! a* lull .:- tbs presidential

i,, ti,,il I In lb ni" inti" commit].itr*msteavoteol 705,000 while tbe Bepubll-alis place it in mund numbers at laOO.OOO.Large as tbie vote ls, and *iua!i a- Hi" raar--in ol result* promises to be tither ts iiwhen eonpared vsi:'n ti.i- UBBMBaetotal,complete Brrsngementa bavs l" ni rn. le toreceive the full returns hun. Two lu-''haifa, b -vc been tined up with telegrapblcInstruments, and every return willti is ni ami compared irttb the von* ol twostars i|o atitl th ii immediately annoiinin the country.TBB lll.sl"..' Bl BS Off TBS TWO STITT* COB-

BtTTBBSwere uiiitc (I-*, iii al ihi- sfternoon. Mr.1-illey wa* ullin.- at Bepubllcan l.eadquar-i. ra. Ile ».ii.l tbe bmII aad '¦!i -''""*' r''*

nist il since nu,rnli!!.'wen-nf ile1 ni"' te*

sssuring character, bul tint tbe woIbe campaign was orel sad thal lhere waitn,thin, lett but to rota ami wat i. n '

t rs, Ile ail.ldl that thc DOUW HS hadt.intrt.l of Itty-four of tb* eighty- uh!counties of lbs Stats and mlgbl roiinl th"""tit ket in.

At tin- D BMcratie Comnitt. they ito"claidi Uni all they bad saw iva- (resh ad¬vices from Bouillon county promising bb

increase of the estimated IMBi-ieraH-' BM*

jority: muli iiiininm Balgar addi I',''**1Banilton 4*ouaty ao goe* Ohio.' Nl

United Malts marshal- Iran- h t 0 IPP ';n:'

dib. re sad none will f.c, is tbe eleetlon11..mi.e* to br . peaceful one. There wille i sSaMpesaJufl n( all bosloess In rn >*' "f

Hu cito * iii tbs Btalff UMBorrow.

Twa Men tall THronuti » IIhIc'i."*-**nu.I ar* Killed.

lily t.-lrirrai'li l- lin I)'-|.i''li-l(IMINMII, Otloher Lt..XV.Ul I''' ':

TbnSSSS. an allBB(Baal in Un ( loelnn-UHo..|.itiil. while drawtai s troik coatain-int; ('bli*, i'lidhorsi, a jiiiti. nt. upon »elevator to tabs him totba Bnpbltb. alu i ot

a clinical ..-Cure, Ml tunm-h U" MtCB-wnv. BBlllai thc truck aller bim. t"'1 "***

were kilhd. Tbs Bt*f**rsto* hui been taaoa

u|) witimut hi* knowledi,'!'.

l-i.l (eillisi.tii an Ih* wmnUnXftsmtumBaa4.

Illy trlt|ir*|d) to ibe I)i-|itlrH.I' on.:..-.. **,*, J., Octolier Kl.-A

(.ecnrreil bile tietween two Pennollisloariyal, ia

railroad train* thia mornint,'- '"r'1 ,' nJmun. engineer ot one train, wv* sill '''. a

flu* liretnan ol thc other train (it'iln " JJ tired, bavlti. both lega cut ott. *'*e.

jmiaengcr* were hurt. Both -flMTB« "' "

smashed. The Weat Jemey raUrcdbl UM"

wa* going over the cros*-*wii''b l" '

stnet Just sa the norning tnin trout our-

"ngton wsa snout to iiass. Itefore the*.*llchmsn bsd tim.* to warn either trainthe crash rame. Ennlnccr (arman, who.ile* at nurlinirton. was drags;. .1 out fromthe ruins r.( his engine dead and his bodyternhlr msnsled. Ill* fireman iva* also1 silly hurt. The tin-man of the sther f rainhad Irfdh |c_s broken nnd wa* nadly s al.Iel.¦nd it i* ih,,iubi h>- cannot live, gi 1*8*1paascntf.-r! were hint by la-Ins- thrownfrom th. lr seats snd hy broken fla**, hutso fir as is known none were seriously In¬jun.I.Ilesitlrteka I he.-r.-ci iviihin Matae's

If-.art-**.lit* Irliirinph lr. tit* ni.isstefi.l

<<'iisnis.October 13.-Mr. Hninr leftE.-iicistr at s little after h o'clock for To¬ll tb. ufa i 'i.luni'.in. .lust a* ba «»art.'d tbeUrdu if'iin-r down on lin- IlooMn.-Viiltcvrtiliosil o.-,rrylnif Mr. Hendrick-, tie Dem-*_ralie oiiniiiiiic for Vii-i-I'ivsiilont. ar¬rival -u Lancii-lcr. Thc crowd at tbaib'l ot .1,. croil Mr. Hendricks winn h<-ap¬peared OB thc rear phifortu of Hip train,sud In returned thanks in ii very B*"h*f.peeeh, in tb* course of which bs BU."If Ohio lo-ni<.rr .a shalt support thcEon-.-eratic eaese, tb*Barbi I* aver; bal if. 'iii', b -morrow »baBBol do thal, thea inlodlana nd in Ohio tba Stat. N tl _; I*t is nn'utooti i.' Ai (ohuii!.tn .\--(, rmsar tomtor and ii-, ti tn ni ()"iovie. of tba Bbsbj******o.sii Stat* (oinmiticc, sad OommhrstoaerDudley, i- arded Mr. li!sine's «. ir. Tber*wss -i,,| ben ol aver aa hoar.bal tbe'¦ni was bf; on thc outskirts of tba etty,and Hill Bot ga fata tba depal at ail.

nrlsliloii-lteuch Haeea.l-.r-iih (a tin- lil.int.-li.l

KtW V.,uk. October in.-At I!ri','!il..nibach todsy tba fust race wai for a tmr."of fSSO, ihroo qaarlara at a mil.*. Corde-lia won: Enun.t rae. n.1. Tim.-. i-.H.Second rac.-am.' jin/.-, .mi'ni;!.- uni an

eighth. Harriet won: Cbrsace le-coad.'I in e. ll".!).

Tiiirti rnoi.purse pMo, baadieap, onemile. Iini1.' Faa wea bys length; Moataaksecond. Tillie, lld.

Eoiiriii rac..pura* *>-jv. serra eixbtb*of a mil.--H. .Monet- won; Henry H.

.I. Time. l:.::i.Fifth mee.aarae irizi*. for Brighton

ni'iid. n. seven (Hghths of a mlle.Freidavu ii Nttal toenail, tuan, ti-'.l

Tltcl.ovcrniuciit Wacliliii-ry ul WorkArr*?*,! ol Spotter*.

f Iv t. learsph tollu" DispStChtl' is. ism i.i idol,, i- pi _ Dote'tivo Il'iih-

bone, of tbe United States Seeret Serries,lo»nigbl arr. ited twelte men on the ch ageol conspiring t" tis-- fratidi st pleetl >n.Th. nun an-all while. They sar thst thoresme In ie undi ti"- diree'roo of tbe bl. IOl iMilii" Of l.evin.I m. Ky.. tO "

ci.li,i,il rip, tits fruin thal plaee. Theirrailroad tickets were prorldod by themayor of lexington, snd wore g.I t . re-

turn until Wc.lins,I,v morning, Theirheard bili ii.- ab paid upMi re si ri iii ire rneete to-nbrbt, idI oiled States Commissioner Harper will11..! Liv remain up all night lo li:isi s.

Thc IleccIiiT-Jriy l'«iti(rov«'r«y.Bl *. V ;. lb r lil.l

I'- -A--' in'-l'ii.an vi. R, Andrew* lol I a

tltrold porter y< iterday that Mr.Midi h. president ol tbe) in ron and ir m.."i.t un i.t .I 'irui .|... ti-1 n Company, tu liv

ci Minnel the ital, un nts rn "I hy tbe Kev.Il* my Ward Beecher bs to the latter, ton-v. i-atioii vv itb Mr. .1 u.i- - E. Joy n

lng nu offer on tin- part of Mr. 1;ii ike an a; poiiitu:. ni on a cnngres*lonal.-. iniiiii'ee iii ti,,. I-,' :..i ,,f .i ralina inwhich Mr. .loy was concerned, providedMr. .lev took oil" llr. Blaine's h int mi tl, predated railr "I b ind*. Mi. v,drewssddrd tba! Mr. Smith was presenlat ;i,i- c.uv.'r- iii .n and remeuili tn d pt1-I. c'.l.T il- ('ll!, ort,

l.ii.i r.ir Inl.iriiiutioji.Itv trlo-Ttipli ta BM Iii-ia'-lid

(ji ni-.-, October IS. Tbe (lon ri menlba* Int'KBstd the reward offered for in*formatloa which will bail io th.' arr"*- ai'

con viet ion of tho ant hoi-of m! un! av's out¬rage to-?'.t" i', i" which Cbariebois, the "i-

trsclor. adds i-Viim, .Ml th., ollie.-- in the

departmental building* were open to-dajand tbe clerks were al their desks. Il i-

ibongbl thst tin Infernal machine wasplaced iii iho building* Kn.lav night. Pourmt n wiro ".tn banging around In tha' vi¬cinity on thal nL'ht aetin.' in a IBSplcloU*manner.

st nt «li r III Iii uri Cornily.Illy Iel. "t-S|li lo Hie |)l,psi.a..|DABV1-LB, Va., lletolier ld. IS-1.

A day or Iwo ago End, Hallston (inion d),employed bv a maa usaled Monro (also col*ondjio c.irs harii-tt.bicco in Henry county,i.' ailie enregi d bi cause Moon- complainedof bia manner nf doini; lt ntnl kn i,-ki d himdi wn willi :, itii k. A* Moon- was in tbeact of gettlag oa Iii- feel agaia Halratonstruck liim anotber blew and kllte 1 bim.Halraton bal been arrested sad lodged in

Jail i! IIi-lily ( oiiit'ioiiso.

lt*. < l.ii.'i. lo HeKnt-t'iicy, (he Suspect.fB] tl t.'a'llll "' ti, Hie l)l-|l.tlell.|

Nsw V..un. October UL.A oumber o'Ii'ish-Anioiican citizeas mel al the NewTort Hotel to-nlgbt snd appointed Erldsyevening snd tbe Acatlem) ol Musics* thetillie and place for n public n.pti"tiI'ii ii vp -.v.,, nej. th.- Irish suspect, whosrrited in New York yi s-, rdsy.

¦mah MBBtaao la ba Tltai lor lei.my.Hr '¦ Ii.rii h l.i.netcli.l

r.'Pi si i.liii. October 18..Thc grandjun to-diy i' nnd true billi igsinat Pres!*ti. ni Biddle and ashli r lb iber, of the de-funot Penn Hank for conspiracy snd tbenita //loin, ut of - l.-.'on. .¦ ... and against

T. .1. M elson, mi broki r, for conspiracy to.1. Maud the Penn Hank depositors.

"'.np un Assignment.Hi let. .:i ipa io the lii.i.iit.'li.l

inn isiii.t; t. Ta****., Octolter 13..Eu*ne lian.incl, dealer in ! tolea' and gcntle-

H i's fninlshlng .'omi-, his made an is-

slgnment. His lisbihtl. - sre tl**,000 anhis a.-its 810,000. Mi" assignment was

uinilo to ..I t.un ii extension Ol time, andI. vv ill retlpen.

tetra! Beela*. I'miti* in hartman.Illy Ulnirai'l: lu Ibo III ,,.-, 1,.|

( iMiss.ni. October IS.* -. 8. Dstl*io., pi i-tu- banker*, Blade aa assignmentto-day lo T. C. Campbell. Tlnir Iiiare istiiii.ti. d al WO.000: assets, |*> '."'*'.V: oag the liabilities are a number of trustfinnis <if benevolent.sod -.> n-t-s n-i.-'y or*

ganlzatloBs. _

I onif;r< sai.to tl \oiiilnntloii*.Uv reli.rspii I" Iii- nisiaten.l

W a-liiNi. 11>-4. I Ictober l?L.CongressionalDominations: Deiaocrati Tenth Pennsyl*rania, William ll. Sowdet DeaKscrtitiTwenty-fourth Pennsylvania, Job* il.Stockdale; Republicaas Eighth Mbiouri,WillUn M. Ecole-.

Ittre-clur lo *spcak.lin t. l.m nih i" Un- In pmu.i

{ftm Yobr, ottobcr i.e..lt is said thallb i)iv"iV:ird Heechor ht-t-oii-oiMoil ti de*Itrerat tevetaad-rad-HradinteRS ineeeh iotbs Hrookiyn besdemy of Music Tbedale i- bo! vi t announced.

V o \\ ll I lt E.

MIND MU VI li -AV ITIlKl.llllh'l

i- tiii id: vmiviium: ni:vi: i- MtrcH

NKW BTOCK IB i ll l bin: KN'- -lil- rt) St-

lill ii:.ni Al HEBB. WK -1'. nkw


m.I.n-us Fin: - muk- ko:: -a ¦ rBomr"


RO A(tl vu i. vu- LOTS OB OLD 8TO ..



STIX K. 1IKUK, Al HKVIli'lVKl'l '.:«. IMF.

sim K is ai.I, Nnw. orr 0» THOMABD1..) -PIT** BOT A CABBJRO ll lt TO W )W,A- WK. V.I.ll ALL WI lill.! (.KKIKD io

**___S_S,WaOWBBI iNM.H IFOB iliKM.

Al" A I OM'FS.-li.N IB PBIt'B. wiiknivm:

yoi: ark ***___. r" t-OOffc. vu: RBI

AMXtOtJt TO MOW.l.iK tlir. I.AKt.KU KOI.K*. WK ll tl I

k.VKI!YTIIl.N(i IN TtssBWAT Of 4"I.<) r 11 n-*,




T0 88-IN) ll 111 K.A-.T ttaUBVMBB, AND KKoVI

.10 TO 140. Mm*t*bT~*. OOOI) RANliE TO




(orroairs rosT-orncB).18*141

Paac-M-tll T**it*r-UvI Br b Intraph tn Uta IMiptli h. I

Buffalo: Buffalo, 2; Ilotion, 2. Ten in¬

ning* ; cniecallrd on account o( darkne**.m. l.oul*: St. Lom* (Union*), lt; St.

raaf, i.New York Me*.ro|>ollt:in, .1; Imllanapo-

lia, 1. Six Innlnt'v; il ir-T>. *<.

cincinnati: Cincinnati (Union*), Ifj Hol¬ton (I'nteiD*), ll.

Frooklyn : Cincinnati, Ij llrooklyn, J.HalHrnore; St. Louis, ft; Ballimore, 4.

Seven inning*: darknesi.Phllailelplda Columbus. :l; Athletic*, J.I'lttsiiiirjrh- Provldame,!.; All-.beni..).

K j, dilution traine.Dur, il: Dr,ni'. .1; New Vork. t.

A Mon Down.H'y tidi.initli loth,- !)t-|.at 1, *

PiTTsii iti,K. I'.t., October 13.-TheStandard Nut ( oiniuiiy BBMffd d *wn it*work* In-day BffaflBBN the en.pins.:* refusedlo iiccejr a'reduction ot ¦ BBB cent. InWflgee, The works are controlled Ly OliverBrol-rafffai ftltlepo.

fatal limier i:*. plosion.( ns MflflBBBI I* M BM _*flflfl*flbsl

Atlanta. (Ja.. netoLei lr!..X BBW-nlllimiiercNjl.iilitl iii liarsweat aunty t~-lii.

killing J.C Bogers, thc proBtiatar, JaatssK. K--i.il. nui Kuti l'ir.l.hi, aud injiirinj*..s- ivi otters.

lit," ll t nillir Ut-pori.|S|.-l ll 1- a-KT-on 1.- lin- ll' -;.

XVasi]im;t<'n. October 14.1*11 .1. M-Por »l*.e Middle Atlantic -I tte*, deft,ie.Hy.nillir, northeasterly wind*, dlr sviiithei*.nh p. nu thee 'a.-. Increasing cle»udia**s

and probable llgbl wad iain*, bigborbflst'tliiter:Por the smith Atbmtia Btatas, farr sraa*

n t-r, northeasterly wind*, slight fall in't mpcrature Ib northern portloa, MatloBai*temperature in southern portion.

lui' ssisni.Ti v lLiiusv ssa, Icu-andwann.

TBBB-K)M-TT-B y_-TBBBA1 I A. M., lil;!» A. M.. Tl; boob, 17; I P. M., BI j-I P..Xl -I mi.liii.-lit. -o.

Xi' aa i* '-iii" i":'.!!'-, 78 I.

Tlie J! c ., a .. ,t IBrM,Mr. Harri-'* Dramatic ,'.uni un '. Wblcl,

nnlng a tour thr .ugh the South ( irIhe I* nedi ol Ibe c..anal, m - ¦; li--rs*Heme,gav. .ts ininti perfornruice at tbeRichmond Theatre last evenina in WattiI'ltillii *'* romantic drama entitled "DeadHeart." The (act thal Ki" public were

ni tally a"|U un!, d with tbe *t i-

tu* i tbi company, ind noon mhalcondition tl" y nave rec* i\.-,1 tin- en-di i-i " it -1 Ibe oommlUee underu!.(.-.- autpice* iles are uls.-iii- td, may Ina meaaun tccounl tor the verv small audi-ia' in-itt'ml u;ia burt evening, The prop-nt lon ft' in Mr. Il mi-, as an 'pte

¦ ",nini!,, . s sv,- muli r-ttiti'l it. i- th it i-i-(.iiniatis will |lvc a aeries "f idly*, heir..I! "\| "ines. ;iil| i, ci Ive one I: ill -<1 thmoney fr"in all li-'k rt* sold by the c immit-I, * of th. rai lou* camp* and posts ii r. in .

Ibe matter in charge In Ihe different citieswhere lb. j, a,.p. ar, the rec i;'!, ni the box-office ol the theatre* to ero to thecompaar.Tl '¦ proj ottti ¦!. i* a I ur ":.", ind the com¬

pany inn I i i, do i*. a tirm pay\p. n-i * 'eil look to thc pi'"-; ¦. fi" in iii"

a.in nit'i.atit wbleh thc project may(Toid. '11..- publl wbo eire their patr to¬

re only i" 'l" with the dmr 1.1 roithe i i .ts. n and th. lr desire to

nd tb. coi .

named.In critlcl.lng Inti night's perfortnance

Hi" fa, t (Jial it wa* (he tir-i public presen-t Hon ..( .. IA "i IL ir, " '... a corni i ...

lat. Iv roughl log. tb. r mut! Ik borne in!¦ ind. The uii-ii -* ii -s. iii- and Invar"

-s incidcQl to iuch a llrM an.-i n'atii ii mu i. ir ¦.. ri ¦'- i.Tb, stn ii.it tb* .mp injconsidered, thc performance «>f last ei *.

bing h"! I".m.s point* ol merit, and toli* ol m lo-dram i ss ho *ai ih play

through an eva Ding nf much . njoym iiis. ia afforded.In ibe rt of --:: ibert Landry " Mr.

Han i- -as-, ditiifui Imperaonatlon. Il"-,- vsiii. ase and a .pit-it tba! n ver do-

generates int,* rui!. ii,- i* a pleasing ind1 ainstaklng actor.

.x* .. Bertraad, lhe ALL,* Latoar," Mr.Ia ss i* Morrtton lttv<¦ a (orelhie and flnltbedpiece of acting throughout. We lusa- sel¬dom stan a morn clever and faithful Im¬personation ol a writer'i creation. In mir

Klaiiratlonoftheodor** »tudv and p .rtraj Iol Hu- part we do not -rive count -nance totbe Injustice wblcb inch .a fancy creationdoe. to any religion, nm- to th" munniteaching wblcb thi* character ami riper-us malign, i- have ("r ag, i im¬

puted to tbe ("Howers ol one aftin* imrct , iiri-'i.ui philosophers, Mr,Morrison is a finished nm! (orcible actor.He somehow reminds one <>f Edwin Booth.Xii-- i.i. H. :..* *. < atii.-rine Dural." and .xii-.(.I-nr.t-v, as "Jaques,' were Loth accepta¬ble in their respective rotes. for the realthe company i* light. A detacbn, nt ol tbeBicbmood Light Infantry Bim - gave valu¬able awistancc through tbe different-' ti' -.

¦. Il ai! Iltart " aili lie repeated to-nightand to-morrow night, Those who wish toaid the .* Contederate "soldiers' ll .me


would I" w. I! lo pm. lia-" ticket*.,f thecommit1.e. 1 ney arc on sale In everyquar-"I ol th' Itv.

IViseiiialt'iiliU Uriel's.

The Pair here is "ii tbs thi, S3d, sn I2fth "f Octob. i'.

ILh. A. xi. Kell. > wi it.* h i" (rom <M>i;: ii i." think* Hi" D' mocrsta will c in v thal-tale tn-iliv.Any p¦ i-"ii accepting appointment of

United stat. - supervisor.tber federalposition va. ii-* any place "f profit, tru*t,ni- emolument I,,- mai bold unor any municipality or county tber -i. Spag, l-l. .ids "i- i-.:-'*i.

lt quickly beal* wounds, St. Jacob* Oil,thc ie*, reined) known !'* mankind.


Sw. Yous, Octolser KL.Tbe mirk-t..uti i at. Irregular opening, became tirm,mul ailv.iii'. il |a|, but'thi* was followed byi decline of fal ¦ Beading. Lsekswanna.Northwest, iiml Lake Sbon beiog tbewiais.'st -i;.t- i, Reading told dowa ll,Lackawanna i Northwett [.LikeShorei. N.sv Xi.nv i iiiinl j. N'.> *p-i-iii reasonss riven for the sharp decline, an.I roora-tiadi i* were Uk vtoui conipicuou* seller*.Alter mldds] tb. re wa* a complete lungefor tbe better, and tbs marital graduallyails an-'i il to the cloie. The improvementin prices ran--* il (ron t to l: with ther-t figures icenerall) current on tbs final

transaction*. Union Pacific, Laekawaaaa,Northwest, snd vL Pani led tbs upwardlei'veim nt. Offerings of stock were lightand (hs- bean lound very little opportunityol evelin.' their sborl lines. Comparedwitti Saturday'i cloning, prioea ure iii,higher except for Louisville md Nashvillemd il.uiiii.'. tvhici. ar* lower, -ii"-.203.000 -hares.

.v. e,,I..Mufi,, i,nu t and steady. Money,lal pct t'tii. Exchange.Long. ISlatSlkbOrt, ttttAtUL (inVeliiilielit* ililli. *>t i'e*

Brm.Bteaino..Exchange, 4*1. Money, lal

pt r nut. MiL-Treisuiv balance* -Gold,I1S0.4.M; currency, |0,1_0. Qoveranentiinm: i p.-r e. nts, llOj: ;: per ci ats,100 Lht. (Mate bonds rtcady.

rta -( .as* .. .x." i to 8. 7."ti." .'.'*. small.100

Qeorgial'i.(bid).ngia 7'-. raortgagt.(bid) 103

< arolina's.ibid) it.*>.lilli , ia,lina'*, msy.(hid) lsNm lld un il ina funding.(hid) '.)

South Carolina Brown conaors..^bld) 106Ti iii.'-ss-.- (j-.(Lill)39j\ IrgiuM Vt.(bid) 10Virginiaeouaota.(Lid) -;-rbes peake andOhio. il

.n ami Soitbwettera.ro and NortbweMara p't'd. 1-6,

Denver and Bb Oraads. luEn*. lll-.a*t Tctitit..(e Railroad. iiI .uk.- Shore. 7e_aJl.t'ilisvilleaiid Nashville. HiMemphis and f.karita!ira. -*.*XL il* ile and (linn. !lNashville and Cli:i,t_no.._.i. IS.NT vs Orleans l'acilii- L-t mort. ftjNew Yolk Cclllr.il. !»l,BsffaOk and Western pref. IONortheni PaetOc. Il.NuiUn-iii l'atitic piefcirad. ttli'a.-itic Mall. ."illBaot.ag. ii.I.ichtiii'i'd and AUegbaaf. *JiKicliniidid and DaavtUff.(bid) 'MiBkbooad and XVi*t I'tiint renaiiul.. I,;Kink Island.lilSt l'aiil. ",<i\st. Poul profaned.loxiTSXSS I'aciile. llI'liiun Kiicili--. MilXV.ii.ash Piieilic. 5Watusi l'acitii prcicrnrd. 10Western Tuioi,. lit

BALTIMOBK.Baili Bm:-, October 13..Vlrsrinla ,J't

consolidiied. li-*-; past-due couiions, 'iiHid to-day.

HICIIMOND STOCK KXCH-XJiGE.Mon ii av. October 13, lint.

Seti.stv- Fibmt 11ii.uui.-s i ahirei Virglnilit mi* Iiuunuioc Coiupmiy at 20; 1.1WJ Vu

alni* mw S's at Git; B4o0 Blcbmotid CityA's st 1311.

stats sBf-imrriRH. Rid. Asknd.Vlrnlnls Hi-lo**. TlVirginia consols. .Bl ..

Virulina par-tera..17..

North Carolina 4's. sjNortl* Carotins (J's. ck int....IO.". 108

int Boxna.

Iticliniond cltv ITs.ElliKiohiiiond city 6**.Ill ll*l'ctcr*biir-r eily (i's.inoI'.i. rsliur'.'city ?-.s,*|*c4*liax.ll7Pt-tcriburg dlr 8*i.Ul


(hes. and Ohio fi'*. HMM. "totTa. sb Tenn, cxti ixion "i's. llTa. I Tl BB. ttl mort. M's....1 El(ol. and (.ic. tivill-Istfi's.,.. 81Virginia Midland Income (J's., f.7 (JOrifdinont itailroad 1st ti's....HU".». ;*. R. itt mort, mat, 9*0....ittS. B, K. |d tu,,ii. prof. (i**....101b,B. lt. M mort, prat l's....Ml'oicr«hur.' i.t :,'«, ( kid* A.... !)lPet. M ra, « its- H. ex Int.... 8'*> 81E.. v. B.J ( hesaaeaka ***.... MB UBIE. alni A. ls! BMrtgagS T's. ... MAtlanta and ( l.arloUo T's.HIT"' HWA. mid C. incline b's, ox Int.. 77 81< ., . mid ,\. I-- mort. ft....Ita*North » aioliiiiK. K. O'*.Ul.')Western North L'ai-oUm *(V..1QI(.c. r-ria Ea. ila l-l (,'s. BJ|HT)

KAii.ito.in aracBa far.lt.. E. and 1'. COI.,1.1.Ul_I'S) 51l.'lohtiion.lai'i! i'i I.T.'iiirir l'"l "fl MDPeters! nra toll-road.no V,\ 171Biebmon t ami Dhu lb* ...Ls) .. 4".C., c. .pd A.t'H) ni llAtlsniii uni ( harlot'.'. ...lt!) "BU.\..if.!k and Western p,cf HS) ti .*:,'

IV Ms*.

Mon!.ai lsd I'l-u.bis. J.*. Bl N

OEMS AND (..PION B__UHA***~Hb.En imoxn. Va.. Octolier I.t, UBI

"cftnfi""***,*¦ -rat..White. S96 bushel*, lt. d, .1. tvt

b; -1.:-. Toi .1. :;.7!)H husheh.Cobb..White, ..it bus'.i.i". Wami, Ml

I llsll. ||i'ii*, .1,600 b i.-li.-N.

lALRa asruMRa th bbtbbiibiWu: h. 'i> pe. 111 b-.is'i.-ls pririi.-..I)|i to 11.10. Bed, l,in- bushel* prime

11 r, \ ,,:: privet, terms; 130 bushellII imo Longtx ri y a' UV.; .".I I bushels e .lil¬

li ..ti to prime Shortb. rrj il 70 to We.Cobb..White, li buabeta eomama bal

"ii .nd at ii" to i'.V.

I t.n P lt.

We quote: Pine. .',"-".">!; supertitle,«-.' J" |3; "Mia. St "-l..'-; f.indi.

l'ati nf family, country, tg?,.i:,,tt~..T.~>. Market v. rv dull.


.NEW YOWK.Nnv "Torr, lictoher IS..Coltaa iraak;

-..'¦ ia,, -; up] mds, I"-.; Orlesn*.li ,..; consolidated Bel receipts, 51.311bait-: exports- to Great Britain, I".-;-.-!l-il.s; to the ooiuim nt. -.i,n,~, bil...Southern flour steady: oomama to fair\t, I, -'.. ::,':-!..,ti; :,',,..il !-, ,-hoiee.

wi..ai- -pot in e. tower, closingtm -ia bil red, B- 'Die un m h I

v. lot,', *.i.....-.-.: No. -J ntl. Octob r,I ill; "|.'l '- J '. I,, ill' 1. Closing

1'ipi: .rt.h.I. .".Table.: No. 1,65c,: Oe*lois r. 6__ lille. Oats a shade lowe.-: No. i.:-,"¦.' .-. Ilotaslow and nominal. Ct

or: mn (bill it ."-Mil.-.: No. T Bio,-I ot,. - 63; Oi i"'' t. -s..~,ii. Sugar dull sn 1'. I, un;..I; fdr to R.I rt lit.in.'. Italie. Je. iou tl, si. aker;C, Halie; extraC, (artie.;white extrs » , 5|o; '. How. I!*1V.; .-'I A.',".; ni' ni i A,oi .; -i rodan) A, Mc; ooa-

,is' v, .'..ni-.. cut-loal .ind crushed,OWdl I"!.' " -. 'Htlll'ile.l.i; l-l. .:

eui '-.Ul '!¦? .. .Mil.t-si a Hiiebatl.ed. Bicesi. adv. Coltoa-secd oil, 3Sb36c. for crude,ni- c. torn lined. Kosindull*U|l."»s|l.80.Tiirpenttnc dull ni B"i."."1. II. 1 . itea lyNew Orlesn* sad Tess* selected, llOaSll.

linell alp.', tt. Pork dull: new Ul *-:

*?1T: m. sales reposted. Middles dull.imi--: clear. Ole, Eard ,"nT-. lower; closingiv. ak: western "tenn:. sj.,t, 17.19; OctO*

.T.i " eT.Tn. Freight* sf adv.HA MIMI IKE.

H.lI.TIllliIIH. (I. lober I.!..I'lolir <|lli.'tsud -i.a.ii; Howard-tree* aad weal.,in superfine, ~_."i.",a|2.7.">; extra, -?J. d*"J3.50: fsmlly. I8.75alt.75; City Millssuperfine, |2..T.alS.73; .mi i, ?:-.ir~.!.'.T: Bisbrand*, *?l.i;"i*?I.T.>. Win at.¦southern Ina*er; western lower sad dull, closing east;southern rod, SObbBc.; tinb.-r. fMafHe. j No.1 .Marv land.-'.,.-. t.i I; Bo.t western winteriel, spot sn.l October, StktBiAc. Cora.¦-iiuihtin about stesdy; western, aaotfor-im:, no bbl: Muthern whit.-, SSiUOc,; yel¬low, .'Hiii".. nat, quiet; * millern, 81awestern wbite.SSa&l..; mixed,otxll.-.-. 85c.;Pennsylvania. 31s34c. Provlrioa* Beady.Mos. pork, (MT..Vi. Hulk-iiioiiis.Shoulders¦nd dear-rib sides, flacked, 7Jc. and lOJe.Bacon.Sh miders, -\.-. ekar-rib side*.11 ,".; hams. l.*,'a!i;'o. Lard.Kotined. :.'...( Ibo ip,i,t and -toiily: Hio oar.oo", nrdl-nv to fair. BtslOfc.


Bugarfairly steadi:A "Off, 61C Whiskey silt-lily :il «¦ 1.1 *-"»? I. I ¦-».Freights dull.

CINCINNATI.CiBCKUATt, c. October I'L.Flour dall

and veoak.r. Wheat firmer: Ni. ..' red,-ja-::.-. ( ,,ni dull .ml tower; N .. -.' mlxe I..~s~,c. Oat* quiet; No. | mixed, 2s'o. Horksteady rd 116.50, Lard osier at I7.55.I'nk-ii.i .is bim ; -H. nlil. I-, ii.-.; abo-,e. Bacon ia fair demand; shoulders 7c;short iib. b |c.; short eli ir. 1 Dc. Whiskeyst, ;i,iy at 91.11. Hogs easier; common andlight, J 'i pu kin,- md butchers'.

.". 65.I.ol'l.-Vll.l E.

I.oi i -. ii 11. October ld.-Wheat .|iii.t;N... i nd, 76c. (..rn st,-a,ly mid Ira;No. i while, .*,*..: mis d. ."¦ »bil- dulland nominal it _.-. Plovillon* steady.Mess pork, -.IT. Bulk-ineats. Shoulders,16.25; dear rlh. ir'1 T~.: deal rides, B'0.25.Bacon.Shoulden, ..-T: H-tr rib, 110.50.Hains- Sugar-! i.rod. iii. Lard.I hoi".-,kettie, 19.50.

IT. LOUIS.Br. Lot ts.ii, intel 18..Flourunchsngsd.

Wheal.Fair demand aad towra*: NH. 11..!. TTja-i' ¦. tab, T-iT-'-- October.Eora opened tinner; closed at laje, below-iltur.lay .'iii:..,.'.-. t'a*h an I lu-to'. er. (ntslowir: '.'i;::i_i:'c. cash. Whiskey quiet si-1 ll li "vi-ioiis -tror.L' .nd little doing.Pork.Jobbing, Iil.0te916.7o. Bulk*Bleats- Long clear,fl...*>: ibort rik "" ».-*,:clear, -,i".i". Bacon higher; ton| clear,lll.12f-~BU.85; -hornill. .I1.S5; clear,

-I !.t -.'M Lard liolniiia! al ;sT..'l>.

CHICAGO.(ph .nio, Octal* r 18. Flour ii--

chai L'i.1. Wheat weak; eta-sad if. un irSat unlay October, 7So761c.; Notember,il iT-e.; Ko. z.t bleago spline. 75s75 ¦-.

(om uiisctii.ti: closed |e. tower: task,r.e.: Octobot-. ,~,"ni.,TJ.-. n.i's d

..lind |ale.; esta. YteXHe.', Borember,I'.'l'nc; Pork in fair demand and weak;casb. "Mt,..","; October, ".i'i.".'.. Lard la*I-.1'.-, lower; rash, I7.40bB7.50; o-i-.'-.r.

17.45. r.iiik-in.ais du!!; iboulders,'s-,;..Mi; -hort ii'.. KL87|; "ir. cilu.i"..

~iVbi-!siv amt lUfK -ttady and un-

cbanxed. MILWAUKEE.Mn.wai kin. October If,.Eh.ur dull

iilld li. ;-!. Mi .1. Mb:,! -Mady: No. J, cashlind October, T-t--. Cora weaker anj re-j.c.il st 51a5Se. Oats firm; No. Sa

I'rovlsions lower. Mesa puk.BlOcasb, october, iin.l .November. Lard.Prims ai. am, iflAD. o*s'.i and October.Bweel-pickled bam* timi at Hali.". 1! sj**IdWcr at i4.Tt'ii-..V-i.*).

NORFOBB l-EVNl i HARKET.IIiiM,iii d for the l)i,|iatcli.|

N'('i:)i i.s. Vi., October IB,.Baal liand-plcked, .ijaTc. pet pound: BBBoasI grads,ic per pound; otbergnB**, tarmer*ar**>Mla,"la.'itc. parpooad, Mark, t tixui. B*l*s,150kai's at S|sJMe.

LIV E -KKK M A Eli. ET**.lilt IlliilMi.

Ot-ni;)a: 1.:..Erics this week rang.-Ja. follow*

Beef ('attic -V. rv bait, MjaBga. \ tn-diutnto rood. Hale.; oaarsBBB to fair. Halie.

sbeepi o.t!'-.. "ro**.; luuiie, :*t i.'i,".,.(ross.lb gs, (JiaTic.. net; ( \trn, Tfc

Tlicre vv.rc ;;k; beni ol IBBB* iBttla, BIBl-i't.'*, and 410 sin i ii ami lambs aa UMu ll kel lill! iii _r She W'-oK.

BALTOBBBR,Illl.l'lVloRK, Oi lober 111..Hoe! ."lille.

- md biller grades ni bulcher*' calliefairly "clive and UBebanged, quality noa*ltdertd; otlior -rrui.-s |*(c. lovvar; v. ryi:.-*t. i:;c ; limt -.tiilttv. I|:i5|c.; raedlum,.Iadc.; ordinary. Halle, Most s.vlci nj to

.".Jc; recciptt, .1.1!)*. head; sale*. I.1M-il. 8WBS« L*_bl supply; f iii to-;o'id

thiniind: icciipts, l.i'i'.f lo.ul; t|iiota-Hons: (*|:i.**c. Iteci ipU ,f st.ccpsntl limb*,Mil lund ; .lUiatatioita: *h.*i*|i, ..'l*l(c.:lamb*, 'li*,.,,-,

lill el'i»l I'll! i.

Wkst Viii! .ii)i;i.)-Hii.ocii)!.cr I;;.- (ailiein fair dtuiand; rec in*. :t..!is) hiad;|RlB|*.l|aT'" 18ondJh*flf|r ; medium.,*»''..;comoion. 10*18*11 TaXBB. 4 i'"_f. Shee-pin fair di mand; reei'lpt-., lU.ooo tK*ad; ox-

t.-a st,, k. i huh.-r; prime, llul.c : cood,la I ic; ii.odium, ..::.¦(..; common, ll p*irheaU to BK jver poBBd; lambs, 3a6'c.Hot-sin fair demand; receipt-, l.-X) hoad;Yt islini, ts.-*-4>s-" i counujr, ?-_*.-.

ti* .arl KB At.UhUAf -OcroOffS ll. ItflSff^,. .!_-,. B-*-ff 1 Umbi Tans.IS SS!::::::::.: 1$ j-wa.**....-.t**a..ni ria**. iaHl.v>aB»qa........... titiPOBToi, BICBMOfllbt'otoBaa 18, 1884.

lasrvflo.Ktritne-r old is.-filfiias. bi'llh. N*wT^,sB*B*s.url-, snd u*u*i'*e-ra. li. W. AlbM a Oa,

swimer laldttT,. IMnnlll. P1i,ltd*lnbla, mar.

,it<ii '¦ ami ,«is_tai»*.* J. *'. Mc tarries, afl""*..',. I.,,m,j. (BB*"!. (Ur.-m.iat, frrl__ttel rsvsrii.-i* W.>. WleMlllnMbutt-*m,»i,.r UootSfl flaviflftr, M«riill, Kraal -*«,*. Mr- Jane h. tit. .. ._.,. .....

.*. Iwaisser K.-rl.st**, l.'acl.". rhllaebdpl)'*. Mar-it.I.HSsl D (-troll. BffffUBssa

Htenn-rr tn.1. OlOaaff, fl.rf.u. Hnlt**J stiita».r. tr-rn iisii<i_i». and Ps-e-nt-r*. lt, fl. WI*,letti.1-., oevae r ll. A 1liini.|!ue-kt,.*o. MillvfsiBlrirfr.i bud m o'ar w..ul r..r lt Human,*; VM**l.t,flr»sB I'll*'r-..l,.-r lier Vtl". Stprtsj*,, taaVlB, SSSSj BBBBBBi-sli* nt d iii-In arel IBU* It.ulwiy.Bcbaaotr Wat*.lag radi. V*n«*'*"!id rtrer.ta«>, btv. -I Lt I'! ilAdv-.-iiliia; rassf ,i urtu ff P*T-r !.. -I 1 1th)lilllie .e"h.ei|,*f» re-rve,r're, Sgnelv* m»rtl!«* (Mtiring atrivni ll.e eli- lr Yu. lilied,, Later Istra rvs.ti led ai.ilrd.

OUT O)' NKWPoRV.-t Xl-W*, IV v. 18.I Hy Te>le-#r4pb.|

ABBIVKIt.s-Utn.iT (.it,andona*, brill. Srm TarfeUte,I to, W.-.t |'o Bl*'..i vt ltd I.'.'",' tl«(4Mt-

IV . fl rta.

IV'.XN ILL. Ml LL-. -I WILL I'ATVV a lair prc* icr tn . ( .r TWO ll Hil*HT CS So *f.r*i (BI mi lin,i r r -in* eir tty*lontba; ti'iri'ltnf or b-«t I's.i i-i-t ,.ii(tnnd .uit.-niioii _--iipe1. i,I ,fl(lB WATT.

IS. IB, BOd Jd Kr*'.i*(liii stn-*-.rn- i4Tii.T1ia*iarM_ li¦

IV AN IUD.A 1TR-I (T. tss IllJirit

Ainlv al th*c-,4-n, aureateaw (arirais.IV AKK 1 !'. KV KUY ItnDY-SI'S DJtv Must -im tu-.:.. *..,,, i.,.ii,..isi.i' vsi'LHT'.nsiT.iir. st.7 r* di ..'( vsill.'vTi- ii *. '. i?:.:. c.

Sttpoandtiill vm l ti, n s, ,,ak, il.l..N«'dlir, K'-.tilsIertatwio-iaUy. ('»-*.-tl,, eailv i

indiHiv nu,. 'l_!¦ Lirh'-, uti, ur-et. flt

W* -XN'I I I>. «»M" lUNDUKD MnitKTV l'!':-o\s a i il- M*SL-Kl(TUJU Mili.o'iiiiM. ri n-i, >.*: r.Msu.

s. s y t, v orri n.i lur.B,... 14 li* 1 111 Main street.

\YT A N T B D.lt, I'., MT.'.r.tlt TEBBarl a I.-:!, ai id. Airily iiyi*4l«e

ncnia.* il if \ttl: tvu.. 11 ,i

¦¦ 1 1 ..' '.V.tl lt_I'-Vi

_|7AN I'KD.11 -ll ILL ll H st's

IV Ul Hi Mil la I- UTOVS.Wi as, c a. .' ii for II.IITRS al

". ','jrl!.., kOnOff Itfh telli i 111 plea.* Bite u.

III.SNK fl. HILL t in.lt_1 - <li .tts.I.

A FAMILY ni' THI.LK I'KUMOBtldi in ir" " nn n: usn: n, ..i.-ti-

* r r d hr '. v* ,-i tii-ti.-B.¦, lui i-; i. i.l lui VIKI li ttl- li -se.

Il La- ll s UV Mit," rv-t*

4 III.-T-' l.\-** I ¦'A UM KB AMU. Xlt-lY I ll- N li I t- TIS S,- ,-.¦ v|l. ri-'f.

[tl fl >l'd«fl.-r stn, si -I, e ni ",, I I, ,|-.rs.uti al lei

.ap*, i's, i-.v l-l-:r tat ff. *' 1714_QC li *H»


ti«)r.(i l'Ki. MON lil. -XI.A¦?*)*-Ii »< ..vivi;-*! *s.

l"N o II AV LL in V-.rll. tl.a c - r. i

t *< . s ., i.,. ,ur-ll, .¦! I!... ti. I'll it ..'¦ r.

Charl s

WANTED, Bf)ABD FOB ff. LADY IN11 is ii ino:* or i-'L.u-h m.--. Mu.l

l.-In it !. vs -1,11.11,. ol Milli uni |tr >.isl tlr-.s-u.|i

V\" I** i'i. i woe \n ro .v.It VV SM' ASH IK'iN. I*, r. r ¦*. .¦ t., r-t.

* .ll r of uid«u._

ALABY AND..lent liL-tl-

N!** fl V\ l.,lll I -I ll.'l aVa-.IB.-y.I., -i out.lile ritapany lia*!n*_t ; r-etloallr a atu-

rivalling tb* te' 11, ¦,i, fit)., cash re-,r Bl.OOO sjit,,,l, ...irSi. >l.i|*le .msU.

I r particular* ad,tr.-sa.. with r*r*r-ri.cts, rilK MI kin tl. C.'Ml'AflV. Bl '-sst!. urn.*,i'll .r,., ,. Vf- V..ri rttv._oe- jO-lm

POUND** UP nl'MAOri*,

tildi"', i.:-.-- ittid ud. pa I. in atfllBBsai oeMan. U. >. i. a

A I'. bllOTWr.Lt. a cu..1 .1 ai_Maoeheilrr. Va.

\l* XVIII*. 600,000 BICBOBT lious-ly invinitioi***. NaM-an*flbmaffaia*BB1f

-i ii- I. md 14 luet liiiif. I'm la-.-l frsu, mern iib-lu tl I. I--I. I r l,.-tl,-r Lifol-.n ill.lil

BD| IV lo V. n. i.l. ll! Il t Vih- I-'Jw 1 14 vs .it., i. Ci, I,,,end. Va.


laiiii st, ik iii ii,cir oar* ii"""-.; lt t > ll t davi--,!y na Wort MBit bj uti!!; in an, ls.,ti*.M-Tuo'-.'l ti-inan-l r-.r our stork, and ru rn I-b.- ,.ls .-ii,, l-vu ,.... Vldnss, salli -11*1%

e L-'S N ti isl 1- A' ITTUM. I'USITM iMII ¦¦ 'te.-ldan-Tt.nall.O. ,

.. Jd 1,(1


1,000 1, stLirli I ss,!! Kuirauii-e- din ld(Uettmarket .trier lu I WI.Hm1. Im. lt rile tor .,ii<tt«l|,itit.

litoltol T. KIMI.3400 to lief. \* illiaiu-ii.tr. ar-uae.

ne IP lo- 1* I.'icfiin.iii.,. Va.



T c i strolls and ,rl.*tvW tli» RICUMOBO r.X-l lfVS.,1 . o.r lt OMA fl** IVolIK ara rrsis-ci-in-s-inn'.i ., attend a kim. o"i mm; .**.I'ClDV)." .'i.r ITT., hetwera Iii In.ur* ufOA. VI. utel ."¦ P. VI. Hive an I btautlfal » I lt*tit I "fi. iiie ma-,n, en to .1 irtlctfs ara mov nu ul*.' ,,. i rall Li,, ,.f bi nain.* HollK.-M vni-: I'ABB,IT.-! >) CM ll and lint MU! I. I lt ll TH,(Ti Kl I - ". I,. pubUt- ir-i.ivit.--l lo ti. t Uh-rooinaIf . .rinfv Blhrra w.--

_I i it

ni rn.';, ni 1 iku, li i i i.i:.

I vet :*>.*ir; till Lilli TKR:I n lo i. ,: -I ...|,,,li your* (vet, Nnliu >r tesl1*111 K lil ITT I: niel eeo mi Iuds, liny lb*larccal Hes 1. nfKIN I. Ul r I ic lu Ms* -.-.uri

nully, i.loci.i k itiiKTl,icc -t-li- S 1 ci i. I.r-t VlarkBt.

X'.INi.Tn TIIK l'l-\*nt(K* FaF-! Ol 1 ll! I'KolT.II I vt- ll Ult lear-

tnriiad sr.ini-lt.-l to t'KAKi.K. lo,. I»K«(¦l vet ..i a;.. (t lt DALLON nut vin.;.., ,_,-

"( TOBI l- UrnI.l. BLANTON, ( x. KCKMTI.

. s. HOODWIN, l. II. V st.lt n: .11,ll, B. il. LIC !. H. V UiKv,Vt Il.l (AM (.. U '.(*. ' ll. IV ll IHTtN,H. (i. MANAHAN, IMt.lt i-r .t i I,I lui TUB. ( LIBbl'CLaD.

.-. 1 ¦.*¦»!.


CIKssOVlUli th.*'.-,,". *k or/

.Lii-i l. II itnu.KM.sj A t ,.., J.Nn S *t'i ii stun 1.1, nt im.ihk. ll... y

\\Y HWY. HWY. tilt ||\ J.|) MlllMIT l......! 'i Britt BnliSaailaa Hat mir Mr. T.OW SCH ll t.ML.I lill Illa. IS.lt :ll.|e-l,nlfl| a.i ii Iiii>. iiii iiii rr ..f l.n Vit.iiiia . ..linell ot

|. ri (en |',.mill!.:¦:. i -. Ile will In- !..ii-i v lu fur-t* -1* ,ny luf iii.*!....i roi'.-, rniuiar Hie i-i-iKT.'t* ott'.c .'iiisii -tut*, and i-.sri.t-oly np|ieal M Us-

( uf VUSOtflIA ,'o-sNH.s url Hl-t.i'aUiunite sill; timi ouncll af V.xt :*u Boadbnlffan l.y:is-i-i'i ¦ n>. iu iu unir taleavow i.»;h.-i ib*"Uiit i.f \nBtutii io on.*, moir reedy* eoaa a*r«f tsxi-. Tba L'a.lrel is'tie, ( In-int ( euri lia.di .1 'est it ii .iii> nini..t> io taoffara_a-

t lb* toa-parar bl lli.r.t*y r^,.*a.**d rrntaiall .ti-lli/ali.ai lo pay lu nani.') : ti, o lb* eoUartar,if in- -b,-aid si. /.. i|.- tax parara. BeaflflBt!, '. t*"-~-senally I lld* t r dauiaiet s.

Hr still lu* .''ad ... i-.trra-i'ai -I vtitii Mx-patet.d. -iro'.- >.f ava "ns' ir ni-risc of Uir-dvanf-eC* ofl<u>n »r in er.aiii--.ii-v.oe it___-"'iis x n vmuli.ii.s t .-...

\..| j. L~l> HI.HI.HY GIVEN THAT.1 «>N 1,11! -..* I'll i" OCIolIKH, 1HH4. Isn. duly i|,|.,llitt I t... mill ul CI. IK A I.Cl'.IA-Ll i.i...,! I Idrt/--. I'L. to cn lu a (tic vilanfKl ,|)Y.KS|1,; (LfilllM. SM) Il i* M t-ir-l\t. ni Hills nt lin- itt ,,( ... i.i, I. t t andaaa r»BaUtutad bar im* and l.i*fi,t all itraaf r,ir

i, ar nani I d-i aud ivrrformall n ni**rt.iiund ni said ImaJBIBI Tb* li.-fruic. ut .ifwilli,,,, ui ililli th* ->f-rasa..I i;.;. ilnttut-iil and

7 jniii--rcy,hat ix-eti rt*--rd -1 ii,Hie tit tv's Itli-r nf Ihr ( I B.tci-ry 4'uuit nf Kirb-uioiil. .1. . itKI M-l RU,

.. ii tiw ffaaatrcri lantire-Bbata->



nu: ittticiuMi nm *i: rct'M iaitn:ic-TCI.Kl lo 687 KA* l Mv;\. Ilati<iw>:ae frontc.-.in, nil e. ii-I and Hurd il- m ,, lui ulilieei .* *B-

Lirni.litd, s iii 1-iALTi. -- l.'-ata

JI-LEGANT BOOMS, CONNECTIS-QJ OB slNT.i.f'.i.n arti aad _*r md rtisir*. «iih

l.rsLle; al... TAIlLf IIOALH, al 401 it .rtl*Kit st a, ii s,-,,,.,, rm t I Vai-Jitll MlftflM.

eu" 0-'i.»

WSSMIO ANO s 1*1..

|)ERrE< i Pl-EPii^TIOIir^rAMI-I Lill* COB li-' -til Piled nilli IsilANTKHTTK(oaI.. nit »'* s, -,: lt se,..t prim, aid perfectly-sen,mel. I BOWN HILL -"I'LIN 1. Ht- |- l*4Be-.*il lur o|*rn rr»U* KollRsT KINK Wiall),-isvcl imi ipili. --.v. LA lill, tl' a ni.,ne IO_**i tsiitevnllt .tr*, e st Draw tri-Mr.

tym: bk-t am ula, uk and1 *1'LINT (OIL In n.* . TV. BBd is-rrrst-tly>ai. flo, t ll Ml' I'll IL.8S.7_; Wo*.'!*. ioa».

.asid, aud kim1:1ns'. al mwe.l iirlres fur elah.Ili*d of Kron! »Uvd, rirurr N--it.ui. aud 11400( ary suiii.

oe 1 C. M. PAOB.

ft flMKMTAM-

Jt'sKLi: XV. I ll ,i!, taoaht CNlrHIM.-l NHKKTAKBR.'^I

COB*t*B»TH*r INO ItBi'vOaTBBaTt,lit. HtS'.Mi, V t.


ar-j*i> in i u** reen, ti I.- at s^sivr a tra*.Ti- riai... aad cauatrv urdtri toUetiad.

_a-nSs***]LT. CIIKIST1AS, ga

s t-CKNC-Hl-vJIi ( Sl.r«riKCK>bo. lilA asst Ba ian * tuaar,

BICHMOND. VA.,t_!ilar*ea»en.,ltiiru,»r Wool, and MBTSLLIO('AMU, ( Ai.Jf.KT>, "sltBOt'D*, CLOTH CAB*li ITS, S c. al tow urie,*.Ounlry and ulaarapb ordtra praaptlv a

tu da* ur a! «til W

1 Vf. B1LLUPS _ SON.li* Kl K MM, I M. tNDKKTtKKKsl,**1008 bait Mam "tmttt |,.u,.st st. Lt

ItstUi).HlltlAI. rtsrie. SIIKOl'D**, aud Kl N KitAU

CONN..! AN( r* fumUWrd al .1. h.*arsa.Trltf-raih orders allagib-d lo dar or alaSd.aaTo-aoi

BOOK AND JOB WORK NEATLYrx kcvt-d th tbs DiarA-vaBt nuBTtifat