MS-K22.1& K22.2 Clinical Pathology Examination

Diagnosa Lab. pd Metabolisme- KHO dan DM Prof.Iman Sukiman Sp.PK (KH)



Transcript of MS-K22.1& K22.2 Clinical Pathology Examination

  • Diagnosa Lab. pd Metabolisme- KHO dan DM Prof.Iman Sukiman Sp.PK (KH)

  • Met. KHOPemeriksaan UrinGlukosa darahHbA1c / Hb A1 totalFructosaminInsulinC-peptideBadan ketonAnalisa gas darah dll

  • PEMERIKSAAN URIN1.Pemeriksaan Reduksi a.tes Benedict b. tes Fehling 2. GOD paper a. Clinistix - red b. Tes-tape - yellow c.Diastix - brown

  • Pemeriksaan UrinUrinalisa a. protein ; albumin mikroalbuminuria < 60 mg/dl b. keton bodies c. pH urin dll

  • Interpretasi Pemeriksaan urineTes- tes Reduksi selain glukosa . Semua zat mempunyai gugus reduksi false positiveGlukosuria bila kadar glukosa darah > Tm ginjal Mikroalbumin , < 60 mg% sulit ok urine ditampung 24 jam, sekarang alb/creatin index ( n : < 3 a/c index)

  • GLUKOSURIA140901261651/212TMKGDWAKTU3

  • Glukosa darahOxydation reduction methodsEnzymmatik methodsPlasma, serum, whole blood ( conv.1.15Capiller, vena, arteri

  • Pemeriksaan glukosa darah1. oxidation-reduction methods a. Alkaline cupric reduction - Folin Wu- Benedict - Shaffer Hartmann- Samogyi - Nelson Somogyi b. Alkaline ferric reduction -Hagedoem-Jensen

  • Pemeriksaan glukosa darah2.Enzymatic methods a. Glucose Oxidase Colorimetric Kenetic b.Hexokinase

  • Normal Impaired DM

    GDP< 110 mg%110-125 mg% > 125 mg %2h GD< 145 mg%140-200 mg%>200mgAd-rendumSymptom poSitive > 200 mg/ dl

  • Interpretasi pem.glukosa darahHyperglicemia bila GDP > 125 mg/dlNormoglicemia 90 110mg/dlHypoglicemia < 60mg/dl GDP WHO sebelum 1997 DM > 140 mg/dParis Prospective Study, American Collect for Endocrinology GD 2 H PP > 140mg/dl

  • Hb A1 C atau Hb A1 totalTerkontrol /tak terkontrolHbA1c HbA1 total HbA1a, HbA1b, HbA1c< 8% < 9%HbA1c seumur eritrosit rigid/ tidak fleksibel ggn mikrosirkulasi

  • FructosamineTerikat pada proteinMasa paruh 3 bulan monitor jangka menengah 1-3 mingguPemeriksaan sulit

  • InsulinDibtk di sel beta pulau Langerhan pancreasPreproinsulin proinsulin insulin dan c-peptida sel target otot, hati, otak, syaraf, sel adiposa metode pemeriksaan RIA, Elisa, EIA

  • C-peptida1 mol. C-peptide = 1 mol.insulin masa paruh lebih lamaDilakukan utk mengetahui def. InsulinTidak terpengaruh dengan insulin exogen

  • Badan keton dan Analisa Gas DarahMet. katabolisme lemak dominanPada urinPada darah ( Dune - Shipney )AGD ( Analisa Gas Darah ) Acidosis metabolik .Pernapasan Kussmaull

  • DMDM tipe IGenetikSejak anakSering keto asidosisInsulin rendah 0C.peptida rendah->0DM tipe 2Predisposisi> 30 tahunHyperinsulinismRespon obat hypoglicemik oral

  • DM type 2Epidemiologi meningkat pd popul. pacific. developing countries, afrika dan spanish america, pend aborigin, asia2010 2025 150 250 juta

  • GenetikSex, Umur dan etnikBehavior dan lifestyleMet.determination , intermediate risk category of type DM

  • GenetikMonogenik / poligenikAss. Insulin resisten Mutasi gen insulin receptor Type A insulin resisten, Leprechaunism, Rabson-Mendelhall sind. Liproatrophy DM Mutasi PPAR y genAss. Defek insulin sekresi Mutasi gen insulin/proinsulin, Mutasi gen mitochondria, Maturity Onset Diab.of the Young ( MODY ) MODY 1 ( HNF-4a), 2 (Glucokinase, 3 (HNF-1a), 4( IPF-1), 5 (HNF-1 b) , 6 ( NeuroD1/ beta2 )

  • Model sel beta pankreasNucleus glukosa tranp HNF-4a GlukosaHNF- 1a iIPF-1 i GlukokinaseHNF-1b , NeuroD1 G6PD Mitochondria i glykolisis Krebs cycle ATP ATPintracellularCa store

    Ins granule

    Insulin sekresi Ca++

  • DemografiSex wanita > laki lakiUmur >, DM > etnik/ ras

  • Behavior dan lifestyleObesitasAktivitas FisikDiet StressWesternisasi, urbanisasi, modernisasi

  • Met determinasi dan intermediate kategori DMImpaired Glucose ToleranceInsulin resistenKehamilan related varitas, gestasi,intra uterin malnutrition, overnutrition

  • Managemen DM type 2ProblemScreening dan diagnosaGuideline Intervensi lifestyleFarmakopiPencegahanprognosa

  • DM tipe 1DM type IA (Immune mediated )Anti-islet autoantibody ( RIA )Risk factors DM, obesitas, HLA Cpeptide, HbA1c, DM Type IB ( with severe insulin deficiency)

  • HLA class 2, HLA class 1Monogenic form of type IA AIRE ( AutoimmumPolyendocrine Synd.) Scurvy gene, X linked polyendocrinopathy,immume dysfuction and diarrhoeIdiopathic type IA

  • KomplikasiAkut Kronik coma neuropathy hiperglikemia retinopathy hipoglikemia nepropathy dehidrasi ganggren ketoacidosis


  • Gangguan Metabolisme LemakIman Sukiman

  • Meth LemakProfil Lemak Total Cholesterol Trigliserida HDL LDL

  • Total CholesterolMakin tua kadar chol makin tinggiBad chol dan good cholTotal chol meningkat ~ MCI, Stroke dan peny. periferal-vaskular

    Rekomendasi hati-hati resiko < 200 mg% 200 220 > 220

  • TrigliseridaNormo hati-hati resiko< 200mg% 200- 300 mg% > 300 Hypertriglyceridemia ~ LDL small particle >Meningkat pada Chylomicron dan VLDL

  • HDLSecara ultra centrifuge HDL- 1 HDL - 2 HDL - 3Good chol.Normo hati-hati risikoLk > 55 < 45 < 35 mg/dlPr > 45 < 35

  • LDLRumus Friedewarl Tg < 400mg%Enzymatik

    Normo hatihati resiko< 150 150 190 > 190 mg%LDL receptor

  • Ultra centifuge / elektroporesisChylomicronVLDL, I - VLDLHDL 1, 2 dan 3LDL : dense particle LDL low particle LDL

  • Lain-lainTotal lipidphospholipidApoprotein BApoprotein AApoprotein ELipoprotein a

  • Hiperlipidemia Familiar

    TypePredom > lipoproteinPredom. >lipid contoh I IIa IIb III IV VChylomicronLDLVLDL/LDLBeta VLDLVLDLChylo./ VLDLTrigliseridaCholesterolTRI./CholTri/CholTriTri/ chol LPL def.Fa hyp-cholFa com hypTipe3 hypFa hyp triApo CII def