Mrs. French's Website · Web viewUrbanization began in the 1800s in the countries of Europe and...

Name_______________________________________ AP HG 3.8 Date_____________ POPULATION & MIGRATION Why do people migrate within the United States? DO NOW: Predict which states or regions of the US have high net-in and net-out migration?

Transcript of Mrs. French's Website · Web viewUrbanization began in the 1800s in the countries of Europe and...

Name_______________________________________AP HG 3.8



Why do people migrate within the United States?

DO NOW: Predict which states or regions of the US have high net-in and net-out migration?


Internal migration for most people is less disruptive than international migration

· Interregional: __________________________

· Intraregional: __________________________


The most famous large-scale internal migration is the ____________________________.

Early Settlement of the West

· Began after 1790

· Encouraged by opportunity for land at a low price & lured by___________________

· Helped by transportation – especially canals (________________)

· Population _______________________ rapidly

· Got stuck at Great Plains –couldn’t farm the land

Settlement of the Great Plains

· New agricultural technologies: _________________________________

· ___________________________ promoted westward development by selling land

Recent Growth of the South

· Population center moved sharply south during _________________________

· Net migration into Southern States

· Economic reasons (_____________) & Environmental reasons (_____________)

· Opposite migration for ____________________________ – many migrated from South to Northeast, Midwest and West

Changing center of population in the United States. The center has consistently shifted westward, although the rate of movement has varied in different eras. In recent decades, the center has also started to shift southward, a reflection of recent migration to the South.



Forced people to migrate _________________________________________________________________

Later provided incentives (_____________________________________) to induce voluntary migration

Many migrated back – _____________________________________.


To encourage internal growth, ____________________________________________.

Thousands of people have migrated____________________________________.

In a country with ________________________________________, many move for __________________.


Government has paid for people to move from __________ to __________________________________.

Families receive 5 acres, materials to build a house, seeds, and pesticides to farm

Movement has slowed, ___________________________________________.


Most migrate for _____________________________.

Italy – _____________________.

UK – _______________________.


Need a visa to migrate to the northeast region – ______________________________.

Want to protect __________________________________________________________________.


Although interregional migration attracts considerable attention, far more people move within the same region, which is intraregional migration. Since 1800, the most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world has been from rural to urban areas. Less the 5% of the world’s people lived in urban areas in 1800, compared to nearly half today.

Migration from Rural to Urban Areas

Urbanization began in the 1800s in the countries of Europe and North America, which were undergoing rapid industrial development. Migration from rural to urban areas has skyrocketed in recent years in less developed countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Studies conducted in a variety of less developed countries show that migration from rural areas accounts for nearly half of the population growth increase in urban areas. Worldwide, more than 20 million people are estimated to migrate each year from rural to urban areas.

Like interregional migrants, most people who move from rural to urban areas seek economic development. They are pushed from rural areas by declining opportunities in agriculture and pulled to the cities by prospect of work in factories or in service industries.

Migration from Urban to Suburban Areas

In most developed countries, most intraregional migration is from central cities out to suburbs. Twice as many Americans migrate from central cities to suburbs each year than migrate from suburbs to central cities. Comparable rates of suburbanization are found in Canada, United Kingdom, and other Western European countries.

The major reason for the large-scale migration to the suburbs is not related to employment, as was the case with other forms of migration. For most people, migration to suburbs does not coincide with changing jobs. Instead, people are pulled by a suburban lifestyle (detached house, private yard, garage or driveway, better schools, etc.)

Migration from Metropolitan to Nonmetropolitan Areas

During the late 20th century, the more developed countries of North America and Western Europe developed a new trend. For the first time, more people in these regions immigrated into rural areas than emigrated out of them. Net migration from urban to rural areas is called counterurbanization.

Counterurbanization results in part from very rapid expansion of suburbs. The boundary where suburbs end and the countryside begins cannot be precisely defined. However, most counterurbanization represents genuine migration from cities and suburbs to small towns and rural communities.

Like suburbanization, people move from urban to rural areas for lifestyle reasons. People are lured to rural areas by the prospect of leaving the frantic pace of urban life. With modern communications and transportation systems, no location in a more developed country is truly isolated, either economically or socially.





Name the region or countries where it occurs most

(include the time period when necessary)

Describe the reasons stated for this type of migration and/or changes that led to this migration

Rural to Urban

Urban to Suburban

Metropolitan to nonmetropolitan