Mrs. Fields Cookies Presentation

Mrs. Fields Cookies Brian Albaugh, Joey Dubs, Matt Grimm, Steve Panek, Alex Poppen

Transcript of Mrs. Fields Cookies Presentation

Page 1: Mrs. Fields Cookies Presentation

Mrs. Fields Cookies

Brian Albaugh, Joey Dubs, Matt Grimm, Steve Panek, Alex


Page 2: Mrs. Fields Cookies Presentation

Background Debbi Fields opened her first store in Palo Alto, California in 1977

Today, Mrs Fields enjoys the highest aided brand awareness in the industry and sells products at over 300 retail locations globally and online.

It is based in Broomfield, Colorado with a production and distribution facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Research ObjectivesConduct a focus group to obtain and assess

qualitative measures

Create and distribute a survey to assess quantitative measures

Collect, analyze, and interpret data

Use the data to determine methods of increasing sales based on foot traffic in the mall

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Qualitative Research MethodFocus Group made up of 5 people

Asked participants 25 questions based on 4 topicsIntroductory questions, Quality Control, Location of Mrs. Fields in Eastland Mall and

How to increase sales based on foot trafficRihanna 21 Female Senior Special Ed

Sheldon Cooper

19 Female Sophomore Graphic Design

George Clooney

21 Male Junior Marketing

Jack Sparrow 19 Male Sophomore Marketing

Phoebe Buffay 20 Male Junior Accounting

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Introductory QuestionsIntroductory Questions consisted of basic questions relating to the

participants previous knowledge of the store.

Example:Have you heard of Mrs. Fields Cookies?

How often do you visit Eastland Mall?

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Quality ControlQuality Control questions based off your experience and preference of

Mrs. Fields

Example:Why do you prefer Mrs. Fields over other cookies?

What would compel you to come to Mrs. Fields on a regular basis?

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Location in Eastland MallQuestions about the location of Mrs. Fields at Eastland Mall

Example:Where do you shop when you are in Eastland Mall?

If the location of Mrs. Fields in Eastland Mall cannot change, what would draw you to go visit the store more often?

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Increase sales based on foot trafficQuestions about how to increase sales based on foot traffic in

Eastland Mall

Example:What are some local businesses that you visit often?

What kind of promotions/events would bring you into Mrs. Fields?

Would a sample draw your interest or change your mind in purchasing from Mrs. Fields?

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Quantitative Research MethodSurvey of 29 questions

396 participants took the survey

200 males

196 females

Large majority of survey takers were between the ages of 19-25 (85.9%)

Other age groups:Younger than 18: 2.5%

26-29 years old: 3.5%

30-39 years old: 3.8%

40+ years old: 4.3%

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Quantitative Findings86.4% of the 396 survey participants have heard of Mrs. Fields cookie

store located in Eastland mall.

The largest majority of people have heard of the Mrs. Fields in Eastland Mall by walking past the store. (63.3%)

Slightly more people have purchased a cookie from Mrs. Field in Eastland Mall (58.6% have purchased a cookie)

Mrs. Fields is not a frequent purchase, with people generally making purchases only once a year (31.8%)

Main reasons people decided to purchase Mrs. Fields Smell from store: 44.9%

Quality of cookie: 29.3%

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Quantitative FindingsMain factors keeping people from purchasing Mrs. Fields

Distance: 44%

Price: 46%

Mrs. Fields at EastLand Mall is easy to locate with a large majority responding with

Easy to find: 38.4%

Neutral: 39.4%

When asked how to increase foot traffic to Mrs. Fields the biggest responses we got were

Free samples: 47.2%

Coupons/discounts: 27%

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Implications and RecommendationsFree samples



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