MPS PA Workbook - · The MPS ®PA learning system ...

548591 EN 12/06 MPS ® PA Workbook

Transcript of MPS PA Workbook - · The MPS ®PA learning system ...

Page 1: MPS PA Workbook - · The MPS ®PA learning system ...

548591 EN 12/06




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2 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


The Festo Didactic Learning System has been developed and produced solely for

vocational and further training purposes in the field of process automation and

technology. The company undertaking the training and/or the instructors is/are to

ensure that trainees observe the safety precautions specified in this workbook.

Festo Didactic herewith excludes any liability for damage or injury caused to

trainees, the training company and/or any third party, which may occur if the system

is in use for purposes other than purely for training; unless the said damage/injury

has been caused by Festo Didactic deliberately or through gross negligence.

Order No.:



Editorial team:




J. Helmich, ADIRO

H. Kaufmann

M. Linn

V. Xhemajli, C. Green, T. Schwab, ADIRO

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG, 73770 Denkendorf, Germany, 2013


e-mail: [email protected]

The purchaser shall receive a single right of use which is non-exclusive, non-time-

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© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA 3

Preface ___________________________________________________________ 7

Introduction__________________________________________________________ 8

Safety and operating instructions ________________________________________ 9

Learning system for process automation _________________________________ 10

Training aims and project work _________________________________________ 12

Allocation of training aims and exercises _________________________________ 14


PA components _________________________________________________ 22

Allocation of components and exercises __________________________________ 27

Methodological training aid for the instructor______________________________ 31

Methodological structure of the exercises_________________________________ 32

Designation of equipment _____________________________________________ 33

Basic definition ______________________________________________________ 33

Electrical components_________________________________________________ 33

Pneumatic components _______________________________________________ 35

Process-engineering components _______________________________________ 36

CD-ROM contents ____________________________________________________ 40


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Fundamentals of closed-loop control technology __________________________ 41

1. What is a system? _____________________________________________ 43

2. Open and closed-loop control technology __________________________ 44

3. Basic terminology of closed-loop control technology _________________ 46

4. Controlled systems ____________________________________________ 48

5. Identification of the controlled system ____________________________ 49

5.1 Dynamic behaviour ____________________________________________ 50

6. Characterisation of the response behaviour ________________________ 51

6.1 Order of a system______________________________________________ 52

6.2 Time constant ________________________________________________ 52

6.3 The inflectional tangent model ___________________________________ 53

7. The controller_________________________________________________ 55

7.1 Control response ______________________________________________ 55

7.2 The two-position controller _____________________________________ 56

7.3 The time response of a controller ________________________________ 58

7.4 Technical details of controllers ___________________________________ 60

8. Mode of operation of various controller types_______________________ 61

8.1 The P-controller _______________________________________________ 61

8.2 The I-controller _______________________________________________ 62

8.3 The PI controller ______________________________________________ 63

8.4 The PD controller ______________________________________________ 64

8.5 The PID controller _____________________________________________ 65

9. Optimisation method for controller settings ________________________ 66

9.1 Manual tuning of control parameters without knowledge of the system

behaviour ___________________________________________________ 68

9.2 Tuning rules according to Ziegler/Nichols __________________________ 69

9.3 Tuning rules according to Chien/Hrones/Reswick____________________ 70

9.4 Tuning method according to the rate of rise ________________________ 71

10. Summary ____________________________________________________ 73

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PA 5

Part A – Filtration station

Exercise 1.1: System analysis and appraisal

Exercise 1.1.1: Designation of process components_________________________A-5

Exercise 1.1.2: Completing the P&I diagram _______________________________A-7

Exercise 1.1.3: Completing the pneumatic circuit diagram____________________A-9

Exercise 1.1.4: Determining the technical data of a system __________________A-11

Exercise 1.1.5: Drawing up the allocation list _____________________________A-13

Exercise 1.2: Measurement and open-loop control

Exercise 1.2.1: Characteristics of the prop. pressure valve/filter system _______A-17

Exercise 1.2.2: Logic operation ________________________________________A-21

Exercise 1.2.3: Operating range and operating point of a controlled system ____A-29

Exercise 1.2.4: Identifying a controlled system ____________________________A-33

Exercise 1.2.5: Ramped pressure stages ________________________________A-37

Exercise 1.3: Closed-loop control

Exercise 1.3.1: Two-position controller __________________________________A-39

Exercise 1.3.2: Closed-loop control using conti.-action controllers (P, I, PI) _____A-41

Exercise 1.3.3: Optimisation method according to Ziegler-Nichols ____________A-46

Part B – Mixing station

Exercise 2.1: System analysis and appraisal

Exercise 2.1.1: Designation of process components_________________________B-5

Exercise 2.1.2: Preparing a P&I diagram __________________________________B-7

Exercise 2.1.3: Completing the pneumatic circuit diagram____________________B-9

Exercise 2.1.4: Determining the technical data of a system _________________ B-11

Exercise 2.1.5: Drawing up the allocation list ____________________________ B-13

Exercise 2.2: Measurement and open-loop control

Exercise 2.2.1: Characteristics of the piping-pump system _________________ B-17

Exercise 2.2.2: Logic operation _______________________________________ B-24

Exercise 2.2.3: Operating range and operating point of a controlled system ___ B-33

Exercise 2.2.4: Identifying a controlled system ___________________________ B-36

Exercise 2.2.5: Mixing according to quantity_____________________________ B-40

Exercise 2.3: Closed-loop control

Exercise 2.3.1: Two-position controller _________________________________ B-43

Exercise 2.3.2: Closed-loop control using conti.-action controllers (P, I, PI) ____ B-45

Exercise 2.3.3: Manual tuning of controller parameters ___________________ B-50

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Part C – Reactor station

Exercise 3.1: System analysis and appraisal

Exercise 3.1.1:Designation of process components _________________________C-5

Exercise 3.1.2: Completing the P&I diagram _______________________________C-7

Exercise 3.1.3: Not applicable – no pneumatic components

Exercise 3.1.4: Determining the technical data of the system _________________C-9

Exercise 3.1.5: Drawing up the allocation list _____________________________C-11

Exercise 3.2: Measurement and open-loop control

Exercise 3.2.1: Characteristics of the heating system medium _______________C-15

Exercise 3.2.2: Logic operation ________________________________________C-22

Exercise 3.2.3: Operating range and operating point of a controlled system ____C-29

Exercise 3.2.4: Identifying a controlled system ____________________________C-32

Exercise 3.3: Closed-loop control

Exercise 3.3.1: Two-position controller __________________________________C-36

Exercise 3.3.2: Closed-loop control using conti.-action controllers (P, I, PI) _____C-38

Exercise 3.3.3: Tuning method according to the rate of rise _________________C-42

Part D – Bottling station

Exercise 4.1: System analysis and appraisal

Exercise 4.1.1: Designation of process components________________________ D-5

Exercise 4.1.2: Completing the P&I diagram ______________________________ D-7

Exercise 4.1.3: Completing the pneumatic circuit diagram___________________ D-9

Exercise 4.1.4: Determining the technical data of a system _________________ D-11

Exercise 4.1.5: Drawing up the allocation list ____________________________ D-13

Exercise 4.2: Measurement and open-loop control

Exercise 4.2.1: Characteristics of the metering tank/pump system___________ D-17

Exercise 4.2.2: Logic operation _______________________________________ D-22

Exercise 4.2.3: Operating range and operating point of a controlled system ___ D-29

Exercise 4.2.4: Identifying a controlled system ___________________________ D-33

Exercise 4.2.5: Inlet and outlet behaviour of the metering tank______________ D-37

Exercise 4.3: Closed-loop control

Exercise 4.3.1: Two-position controller _________________________________ D-43

Exercise 4.3.2: Closed-loop control using continuous-action controllers (P, I, PI) D-45

Exercise 4.3.3: Optimisation method according to Chien-Hrones-Reswick (CHR) D-50

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© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA 7

The Festo Didactic Learning System for process automation and technology is

designed to meet a number of different training and vocational requirements. The

systems and stations of the modular production system for Process Automation


PA) facilitate vocational and further training in line with industrial practice.

The hardware is comprised of didactically prepared industrial components.

The MPS®

PA stations provide you with an appropriate system whereby the following

key qualifications can be taught in a practice-related form

• Social competence

• Technical competence

• Methodological competence

In addition to this, team work, willingness to cooperate and organisational skills can

also be practised.

Actual project phases can be taught in training projects which include:

• Planning

• Assembly

• Programming

• Commissioning

• Operation

• Optimisation of control parameters

• Maintenance

• Fault finding


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This workbook is a component part of the learning system for process automation

and technology of Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG. The system represents a sound

basis for practice-oriented vocational and further training and facilitates a quick and

practice-related introduction to the technologies such as measuring and open and

closed-loop control of process-related variables.

First comes „learning by doing“ and understanding the effective relationships within

a control loop. Based on this you will gain the necessary knowledge regarding

formulas and calculation.

The control loops and control functions of the MPS®

PA stations replicate actual


Mixing, tempering, filtration and bottling as performed in industry.

The MPS®

PA learning system meets the multifaceted training requirements in a wide

range of different branches of industry, e.g.:

• Water supply and

• Waste water disposal

• Food industry

• Bulk material industry

• Chemical and petrochemical industry

• Bio/Pharmaceutical industry

• Paper industry

Reducing process costs, improving system reliability, preventing component wear

and tear, e.g. process-optimised operation of pumps, evaluating diagnostic data,

these are current topics which can be optimally pursued with the MPS®

PA learning


• Modular – suitable for use as individual stations or in combination in the form of

a complete system.

• Safe – learning and working in a safe environment.

• Flexible – convertible in the blink of eye for different control variants.




Clear trend:

From open to closed-loop


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PA 9

In the interest of your own safety you should follow the safety instructions in the

manuals of the MPS®

PA stations.


• Trainees must only work on the MPS®

PA stations under the supervision of an


• Observe the data sheets referring to the individual components, in particular all

notes regarding safety!

Safety and operating instructions

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The learning system for process automation is comprised of a wide range of

individual training media and courses.

• Assembled and adjusted MPS®

PA station

• Control

– Simulation box, digital/analogue with connecting cables

– Software Fluid Lab®

-PA with EasyPort digital/analogue PC interface,

connecting cable and PC

– PLC board or EduTrainer with touch panel

• PC with installed PLC programming software

• Power supply unit

• Optional training media

• Tools

• Complete laboratory installations

Training documentation

Textbooks Fundamentals of pneumatic control technology

Maintenance of pneumatic devices and systems

Programmable logic controllers, basic level

Workbooks Programmable logic controllers, basic level

Regulation of temperature, flow and fill level

Optional teachware WBT Fundamentals of electropneumatics

FluidSIM® 4.0 Pneumatics

WBT Fundamentals of open and closed-loop control

Learning system for process automation

Important elements of



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Learning system for process automation

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA 11


P111 Introduction to pneumatics

P121 Advanced pneumatic

MCR Fundamentals of closed-loop control technology

E311 Introduction to programmable logic controllers

Venues, dates and prices can be found in the current course planner.

Further training media is detailed in our catalogues and on the Internet. The learning

system for process automation is continually updated and expanded. The

transparency sets, films, CD-ROMs and DVDs as well as technical books are available

in several languages.

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Training contents from the following areas can be carried out:

• Mechanics

– Mechanical construction of a station

• Process engineering

– Reading and preparation of flow diagrams and documentation

– Piping up of process engineering components

– System analysis

• Pneumatics

– Piping up of pneumatic components

• Electrotechnology

– Correct wiring of electrical components

• Sensor technology

– Correct use of sensors

– Measurement of non-electrical, process engineering and closed-loop control


• Closed-loop control technology

– Fundamentals of closed-loop control technology

– Expansion of measuring chains into closed control loops

– Analysis of controlled systems

– Use of controllers


– Programming and use of a PLC

– Structure of a PLC program

• Commissioning

– Commissioning of a process engineering system

– Commissioning of a control loop

• Fault finding

– Systematic fault finding on a process engineering system

– Inspecting, maintaining and servicing of process engineering systems

Training aims and project tasks

Training contents

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Training aims and project tasks

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA 13

Project tasks covering the following topics can be carried out:

• Closed-loop control technology

– Controlled system for pressure control

– Flow rate control

– Temperature control

– Controlled system with compensation and large time constant

– Level control

• Safety monitoring of containers

– Use of a float switch

• Sensor technology

– Pressure measurement with pressure sensor and pressure gauge

– Flow sensor and display of fluids

– Use of level sensors

– Connection of a temperature sensor, signal conversion

– Level sensor for level detection

• Planning, implementing and documenting conversions

The hardware is comprised of didactically prepared industrial components and


The didactic methodological format of the teachware is harmonised for use with the

training hardware. The teachware includes the following:

• The workbook (with practical exercises, supplementary notes and solutions)

• The textbook (with fundamentals)

The tuition and training media is available in several languages and is designed both

for use in the classroom and self-tuition.

In terms of software, computer training programs and programming software are

available for programmable logic controllers.

A comprehensive range of courses covering the contents of the technology packages

completes the range of vocational and further training programmes.

Topics for project tasks

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PA Filtration station

Training aims Ex






























System overview and components

To familiarise yourself with the

design and mode of operation of the

filtration station.

To be able to evaluate information

from data sheets • • • •

Functional description

To be able to read and amend flow

diagrams. •

To be able to read electrical circuit

diagrams. • • • • •

To be able to read and amend

pneumatic circuit diagrams. •

To familiarise yourself with the

design and mode of operation of a


• • • • • • • • •

To familiarise yourself with the

design and mode of operation of a

pressure sensor.

To familiarise yourself with the

design and mode of operation of

process valves.

• • • • • •

To familiarise yourself with the

design and mode of operation of limit


• • • •

To be able to establish the allocation

of the sensors and actuators of the

station and represent these in an

allocation list.

• •

Allocation of training aims and exercise

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© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA A-1

Part A – Filtration station _____________________________________________A-1

Exercise 1.1: System analysis and appraisal

Exercise 1.1.1: Designation of process components_________________________A-5

Exercise 1.1.2: Completing the P&I diagram _______________________________A-7

Exercise 1.1.3: Completing the pneumatic circuit diagram____________________A-9

Exercise 1.1.4: Determining the technical data of a system __________________A-11

Exercise 1.1.5: Drawing up the allocation list _____________________________A-13

Exercise 1.2: Measurement and control

Exercise 1.2.1: Characteristics of the prop. pressure regulator/filter system ____A-17

Exercise 1.2.2: Logic operation ________________________________________A-21

Exercise 1.2.3: Operating range and operating point of a controlled system ____A-29

Exercise 1.2.4: Identifying the controlled system __________________________A-32

Exercise 1.2.5: Ramped pressure stages ________________________________A-36

Exercise 1.3: Closed-loop control

Exercise 1.3.1: Two-position controller __________________________________A-39

Exercise 1.3.2: Closed-loop control using conti.-action controllers (P, I, PI) _____A-41

Exercise 1.3.3: Optimisation method according to Ziegler-Nichols ____________A-46


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A-2 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


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© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA A-3

• To familiarise yourself with the design and mode of operation of the filtration


• To be able to read and amend flow diagrams.

• To be able to read and amend pneumatic circuit diagrams.

• To familiarise yourself with the design and mode operation of a filter.

• To familiarise yourself with the design and mode of operation of a pump.

• To familiarise yourself with the design and mode of operation of a pressure


• To familiarise yourself with the design and mode of operation of a process valve

• To familiarise yourself with the design and mode of operation of a limit switch.

• To be able to establish the allocation of the sensors and actuators of the station

and represent these in an allocation list.

• To be able to plot and analyse characteristic curves.

• To be able to create a program.

• To be able to determine the operating range and operating point of a controlled


• To be able to identify a controlled system and determine the order of a system.

• To be able to configure a two-position controller and evaluate the control


• To be able to configure continuous-action controllers (P, PI, PID) and evaluate the

control response.

• To be able to parameterise continuous-action controllers (P, PI, PID) according to

the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method.

The filtration station is to be used for the partial automation of a production process

in your company. In order to commission the station at a later stage, you are to

familiarise yourself with the functioning of the station and the most important

process components.

• For the analysis of the station you can use the digital/analogue simulation box;

digital/analogue EasyPort with FluidLab®

PA or PLC with touch panel.

• You will find information regarding the station and process components in the

station manual, operating instructions and data sheets.

1. Answer the questions and solve the exercises regarding the fundamentals of the

training contents mentioned.

2. Analyse and amend the circuit diagrams.

3. Draw up the allocation list.

4. Determine the characteristics of the components and then evaluate the


5. Create the logic program.

6. Check the circuit sequence.

7. Determine the operating point of the controlled system.

8. Identify the controlled system and determine the order of the system.

Exercises MPS• PA Filtration station

Training aims


Project assignment

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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

A-4 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


9. Set discontinuous-action and continuous-action controllers and evaluate their


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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA A-5

Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.1 Designation of process components Sheet 1 of 2

The filtration station filters a liquid which is pumped through the filter from the

waste water tank via a gate valve. The filtered liquid reaches the pure water tank via

a butterfly valve. The filter can be back-flushed by means of a flushing program. To

remove deposits, controlled compressed air is additionally blasted through the filter

to remove any particles.

You will find the necessary information in the manual of the MPS®

PA filtration


The component designations can be found in the electrical circuit diagram and in the

P&I diagram of the station.

– Determine and complete the designations of the process components in the

system photo below.





Designation of process components




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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

A-6 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


Exercise1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.1 Designation of process components Sheet 2 of 2

– Complete the table.

No. Designation Meaning or function


Pressure sensor

2 F101


Gate valve

4 V103


3-way ball valve

You will find two different inscriptions for the gate valve in the electrical circuit

diagram or P&I diagram.

– Explain the difference.

Comprehension questions

Designation of

process components


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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

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PA A-7

Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.2 Completing the P&I diagram Sheet 1 of 2

The P&I diagram is a technical drawing used in process technology. It represents the

process steps in schematic form. The P&I diagram expresses the geometric course of

the piping and also represents the open and closed-loop control components

according to DIN 10628. Measured variables are also referred to as

EMCS points in accordance with DIN 19227-1 (EMSR points).

You will find the necessary information in the manual of the MPS®

PA filtration


The designations and symbols of the components can be found in the workbook


– Collect the information regarding the correct designation and symbols and

complete the P&I diagram for the filtration station.

P&I diagram

The designation of components in the P&I diagram enables you to analyse the

functioning of the system.




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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

A-8 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.2 Completing the P&I diagram Sheet 2 of 2

– Complete the table.

– Describe the meaning or function of the designations below.

Designation Meaning or function




Digital pump


– State the difference between the designations of the measuring points

LA+ and LS+?

Comprehension questions

Functional description of



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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

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PA A-9

Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.3 Completing the pneumatic circuit diagram Sheet 1 of 2

The allocation of pneumatic components in a circuit diagram is the differentiating

factor for the allocation of these components into their respective component


You will find the necessary information in the manual of the MPS®

PA filtration


The circuit diagrams, designations and symbols of components can be found in the

workbook introduction, the technical documentation of the MPS®

PA station and in



– Collect the information regarding the correct designation and symbols of

pneumatic components and complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the

filtration station.




Pneumatic circuit diagram

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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

A-10 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.3 Completing the pneumatic circuit diagram Sheet 2 of 2

– Complete the table.

– Describe the meaning or function of the designations below.

Symbol Meaning or function

5/2-way valve

– What is the meaning of the 5/2-way valve designation?

– What is the function of an exhaust air flow control on a pneumatic cylinder?

Comprehension questions

Functional description of

pneumatic components


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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA A-11

Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.4 Determining the technical data of a system Sheet 1 of 2

Different process components are used in the MPS®

PA filtration station. The

technical data regarding the function of components within the station are of major


You will find the necessary information in the manual of the MPS®

PA Filtration


The data sheets and circuit diagrams of process components can be found in the

technical documentation of the MPS®

PA station.

– Look through the documentation and complete the table.

Component Designation in

flow diagram

Function Characteristics

Pump P201

Voltage [V] ______

Electric power [W] ______

Max. throughput [l/min]





Setpoint voltage [V] ______

Pressure range [bar] ______

3-way ball


Min. pneum. pressure [bar] ______

Max. current intensity [mA]




Pressure range [bar] ______

Sensor signal [V] ______

Limit switch


Filling amount up to contact [l] ______

Type (normally open/normally closed

contact) ______

Limit switch


Filling amount up to contact [l] ______

Type (normally open/normally closed

contact) ______




Technical data

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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

A-12 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.4 Determining the technical data of a system Sheet 2 of 2

– Describe the design and function of the proportional pressure regulator.

Comprehension questions


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Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA A-13

Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.5 Drawing up the allocation list Sheet 1 of 3

In order to analyse the function of the MPS®

PA filtration station, the station is to be

controlled by means of the digital/analogue simulation box; digital/analogue

EasyPort with FluidLab®

-PA or PLC with touch panel. This enables you to allocate the

output and input signals. The allocation list forms the basis of programming a

process sequence of the station.

You will find the necessary information in the manual of the MPS®

PA filtration


The data sheets and circuit diagrams of process components can be found in the

technical documentation of the MPS®

PA station.

– Fill the waste water tank with approx. 7 l of water.

– Connect the digital/analogue simulation box, digital/analogue EasyPort with


-PA or the PLC with touch panel to the I/O terminal and the analogue

terminal of the station.

– Operate the pumps and valve and observe the system and LED statuses on the

I/O terminal of the system.

– Complete the allocation lists.

Symbol EasyPort/

Simbox address

PLC address Description Check

1B1 DI 0 Air jet pressure

DI 1

DI 2

1B4 DI 3 Tank B102 top

DI 4

DI 5

DI 6

DI 7

Symbol EasyPort/



PLC address Description Check

1PV1 AI0 Actual value X (pressure)




Allocation list of

digital inputs

Allocation list of

analogue inputs

Page 28: MPS PA Workbook - · The MPS ®PA learning system ...

Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

A-14 © Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®


Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.5 Drawing up the allocation list Sheet 2 of 3

Symbol EasyPort/



PLC address Description Check

DO 0

1M2 DO 1 Pump P101 – waste water

DO 2

DO 3

DO 4

DO 5

DO 6

DO 7

Symbol EasyPort/



PLC address Description Check

1CO1 AO 0 Manipulated variable Y,

Proportional pressure regulator

Observe the status of all inputs and outputs and enter the result in the table.

Compare the input/output signal with the status displays on the digital/analogue

simulation box, digital/analogue EasyPort with FluidLab®

-PA or PLC with touch


Allocation list of digital


Allocation list of analogue



Page 29: MPS PA Workbook - · The MPS ®PA learning system ...

Exercises MPS® PA Filtration station

© Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG • MPS®

PA A-15

Exercise 1.1: Filtration station – system analysis and appraisal

Name: Date:

1.1.5 Drawing up the allocation list Sheet 3 of 3

– Describe the behaviour of the analogue final control element (proportional

pressure regulator) when actuated via analogue signal.

Comprehension questions
