Mportance of Business Etiquettes in International Business

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  • 8/4/2019 Mportance of Business Etiquettes in International Business


    mportance of Business Etiquettes in International Business

    Bhavesh KothariMay 2010Etiquette (pronounced [,eti\\\'ket]) is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to

    contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. In today\\\'s global business environment

    meetings are a fact of life especially in the world of the corporate business where boundaries have diminished and

    international transactions have been making headlines every day. Some people love meetings while some people

    hate meetings. No matter how you feel, you must agree that they are necessary for problem solving, information

    sharing and decision-making as well as they give you the opportunity to interact with your clients, your colleagues

    and others with whom you do business.

    They also offer the chance to build relationships, to improve your services and even to showcase your skills.

    However, if your meeting manners aren\\\'t impressive, you won\\\'t be either. Etiquette is about presenting yourself

    with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around

    people and making them comfortable around you.

    Here are some helpful tips while dealing with various people in today\\\'s corporate world locally as well as


    1. The most important thing to remember is to be courteous and thoughtful to the people around you, regardless of

    the situation. Consider other people\\\'s feelings, stick to your convictions as diplomatically as possible. Be polite in

    your conversations, avoid racial remarks or negative statements about anyone.

    2. Prepare for the meeting. Review the agenda and read any pertinent materials. The person who shows up

    unprepared will not be appreciated by the others who took the time to be informed. Arrive on time, not too early and

    certainly not late. When you arrive late, you risk creating a distraction and an interruption. Offer a brief apology and

    take your seat.

    3. It can be insulting to show a lack of concern about your appearance. Being wrinkled, unshaven, smelly or

    unkempt communicates (intentionally or not) that you don\\\'t care enough about the situation, the people or the

    company to present yourself respectably.

    4. It is always better to stand up while you are being introduced to some one when you are sitting in a meeting.

    Greet him/her with a smile or / and a hand shake. Men and women should shake hands with each other the same

    way as woman to woman or man to man. Offer your hand and don\\\'t hold just the fingers or try to crush the other

    person\\\'s hand with an iron grip. Whether you\\\'re a man or a woman, jobs can still be won or lost on the basis of a

    firm handshake.

    5. Always carry enough business cards while going for a meeting. Incase you are planning for an exhibition/

    conference visit carry extra bunch of cards. Make sure to avoid a situation where you have to put up an excuse of

    Unfortunately I have exhausted my business card type. It is considered unprofessional and rude and people may

  • 8/4/2019 Mportance of Business Etiquettes in International Business


    take you as an unprofessional business person.

    6. Make sure your Business card has valid contact information such as your Exact Name, Designation,

    Department, Company Name and Address, Telephone Numbers, Email ids, etc. Make sure your business card is

    simple, elegant, sauve and does not contain too much text where it looks like a mess.

    7. Follow proper table manners while eating lunch/dinner. The fork goes on the left. The spoon and knife go on

    the right. Food items go on the left, so your bread plate is on your left. Drinks, including coffee cups, should be on the

    right. During a cocktail hour, hold your drink in the left hand. Do this both to keep your right hand free, and so it is not

    cold and wet from holding a glass.

    8. Make proper eye contact every time a person begins talking to you. Look them in the eye and smile first, then

    get on with the conversation. Also, when you enter a room for a meeting smile and look around at everyone. If you

    want to start talking to one person or a group of people - come up to them and smile.

    9. While visiting overseas for business doing your homework before you visit any country is essential. Know the

    name of their president or prime minister, their political system, language spoken, official name of the country, cultural

    facts about the country, famous places, food items, etc. It is very important to be culturally sensitive while dealing with

    people of diverse culture.

    10. Don\\\'t be aggressive in your business negotiations as it can be interpreted as a sign of disrespect. Be up to

    the point and specific while talking about your company and the products / services it offers. Do not argue at any

    point of time or say anything negative about competitors.

    Modern business is global and demands people travel to foreign countries and mix with foreign clients, colleagues or

    customers. Each one of those cultures will also have their own etiquette rules. Analysing, understanding andimplementing the above will help you recognize what business etiquette is and how it should be employed within the

    business world.

    Business etiquette acts as a key as it locks the doors of poor communication and misunderstandings and opens

    doors to successful business relationships.

    There is no accomplishment so easy to acquire as politeness, and none more profitable.