MPICH2 Code::Blocks IDE

Denny Hermawanto 2011 MPICH2 Parallel Computing using Code::Blocks C++ IDE Here is the installation procedure of MPICH2 parallel computing library on CodeBlock C++ IDE: 1. Download and install MPICH2 library from 2. Dont forget to add MPICH2 PATH to your user environment variable. 2. Open your CodeBlock C++ IDE 3. Point to "Settings" menu and select "Compiler and debugger" 4. Go to "Linker settings" tab, in the Link Library box click "Add". From the pop-up windows browse to MPICH lib directory and select mpi.lib then click OK to return to compiler setting window.


the installation of MPICH2 parallel computing library on Code::Blocks C++ IDE

Transcript of MPICH2 Code::Blocks IDE

Page 1: MPICH2 Code::Blocks IDE

Denny Hermawanto 2011

MPICH2 Parallel Computing using Code::Blocks C++ IDE Here is the installation procedure of MPICH2 parallel computing library on CodeBlock C++ IDE: 1. Download and install MPICH2 library from 2. Don’t forget to add MPICH2 PATH to your user environment variable.

2. Open your CodeBlock C++ IDE 3. Point to "Settings" menu and select "Compiler and debugger" 4. Go to "Linker settings" tab, in the Link Library box click "Add". From the pop-up windows browse to MPICH lib directory and select mpi.lib then click OK to return to compiler setting window.

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Denny Hermawanto 2011

5. Go to "Search Directories" tab. In the "Compiler" option click Add and point to your MPICH2 include folder path. Usually, it located in C:\Program Files\MPICH2\include

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Denny Hermawanto 2011

6. Now you can test your MPICH based program. 7. Create new project (File->New->Project->Console Application) 8. In the main.cpp write this code: #include <iostream>

#include "mpi.h"

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


int my_rank;

int size;

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /*START MPI */


MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);


MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);

printf("Hello world! I'm rank (processor number) %d of %d processor \n",

my_rank, size);

MPI_Finalize(); /* EXIT MPI */

return 0;


9. Build the code (Ctrl-F9) and your executable program result will be in folder bin/Debug of your project folder. To run your parallel program, you must launch it using mpiexec.exe if you use Windows Operating System. Follow these steps: 1. Open console and change directory to the executable file in your project path. For example, my program is located in this folder: E:\My Documents\C++ Project\MPI\bin\Debug

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Denny Hermawanto 2011

2. Suppose you want to execute your parallel program named MPI.exe using 2 nodes locally (in your computer only), the script to execute program will look like this: E:\My Documents\C++ Project\MPI\bin\Debug>mpiexec -n 2 -localonly MPI 13. Then the correct output will be like this: Hello world! I'm rank (processor number) 0 of 2 processor Hello world! I'm rank (processor number) 1 of 2 processor

14. Then you are ready to code using MPICH2 using CodeBlocks C++ IDE...

Happy parallel computing!!! :)