Moving Toward the Next Chinese Economy

www. japan Moving toward the next Chinese economy After more than 30 years of extraordinary growth, the Chinese economy is shifting onto a more conventional development path, and a difficult rebalancing is under way, affecting nearly every aspect of the economy. For starters, China’s current-account surplus has shrunk from its 2007 peak of 10 percent of GDP to just over 2 percent last year — its lowest level in nine years. In the third quarter of 2014, China’s external surplus stood at $81.5 billion and its capital and financial account deficits amounted to $81.6 billion, reflecting a more stable balance of payments. This shift can partly be explained by the fact that, over the last two years, developed countries have been pursuing re- industrialization to boost their trade competitiveness. In the United States, for example, manufacturing grew at an annual rate of 4.3 percent, on average, in 2011-2012, and growth in durable-goods manufacturing reached 8 percent — having risen from 4.1 percent and 5.7 percent, respectively, in 2002 and 2007. Indeed, America’s manufacturing industry has helped to drive its macroeconomic recovery. Meanwhile, as China’s wage costs rise, its labor-intensive manufacturing industries are facing increasingly intense competition, with the likes of India, Mexico, Vietnam, and some Eastern European economies acting as new, more cost- effective bases for industrial transfer from developed countries. As a result, the recovery in the advanced economies is not returning Chinese export demand to pre-crisis levels.


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After more than 30 years of extraordinary growth, the Chinese economy is shifting onto a more conventional development path, and a difficult rebalancing is under way, affecting nearly every aspect of the economy.For starters, Chinas current-account surplus has shrunk from its 2007 peak of 10 percent of GDP to just over 2 percent last year its lowest level in nine years. In the third quarter of 2014, Chinas external surplus stood at $81.5 billion and its capital and financial account deficits amounted to $81.6 billion, reflecting a more stable balance of payments.This shift can partly be explained by the fact that, over the last two years, developed countries have been pursuing re-industrialization to boost their trade competitiveness. In the United States, for example, manufacturing grew at an annual rate of 4.3 percent, on average, in 2011-2012, and growth in durable-goods manufacturing reached 8 percent having risen from 4.1 percent and 5.7 percent, respectively, in 2002 and 2007. Indeed, Americas manufacturing industry has helped to drive its macroeconomic recovery.Meanwhile, as Chinas wage costs rise, its labor-intensive manufacturing industries are facing increasingly intense competition, with the likes of India, Mexico, Vietnam, and some Eastern European economies acting as new, more cost-effective bases for industrial transfer from developed countries. As a result, the recovery in the advanced economies is not returning Chinese export demand to pre-crisis levels.These trends together with the continued appreciation of the renminbi have contributed to the decline of Chinese goods market share in developed countries.Indeed, Chinese exports have lost some 2.3 percent of market share in the developed world since 2013, and about 2 percent in the U.S. since 2011.Incipient trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and the Plurilateral Services Agreement will accelerate this process further, as they eliminate tariffs among certain countries and implement labor and environmental criteria.Add to that furtive protectionism, in the form of state assistance and government procurement, and Chinese exports are facing serious challenges.China is also undergoing an internal rebalancing of investment and consumption. As it stands, declining growth in fixed-asset investment from 33 percent in 2009 to 16 percent this year is placing significant downward pressure on output growth. Investments contribution to GDP growth fell from 8.1 percentage points in 2009 to 4.2 last year.One reason for the decline is that China has yet to absorb the production capacity created by large-scale investment in 2010-2011.Aside from traditional industries like steel, nonferrous metals, construction materials, chemical engineering and shipbuilding, excess capacity is now affecting emerging industries like wind power, photovoltaics and carbon fiber, with many using less than 75 percent of their production capacity.But the decline in investment is also directly correlated with that of capital formation. In 1996-2012, Chinas average incremental capital-output ratio the marginal capital investment needed to increase overall output by one unit was a relatively high 3.9, meaning that capital investment in China was less efficient than in developing countries experiencing similar levels of growth.Moreover, the cyclical increase in financing rates and factor costs has brought a gradual restoration of the price scissors of industrial and agricultural goods. As a result, industrial firms profits are likely to keep falling, making it difficult to sustain high investment.Meanwhile, the expansion of Chinas middle class is having a major impact on consumption. Last year, China surpassed Japan to become the second-largest consumer market in the world, after the U.S.To be sure, Chinese imports remain focused on intermediate goods, with imports of raw materials like iron ore having surged over the last decade. But in the last few years, the share of imported consumption goods and mixed-use (consumption and investment) finished products, such as automobiles and computers, has increased considerably. This trend will contribute to a more balanced global environment.The final piece of Chinas rebalancing puzzle is technology. As it stands, a lag in technological adoption and innovation is contributing to the growing divide between China and the Western developed countries, stifling economic transformation and upgrading, and hampering Chinas ability to move up global value chains.But as Chinas per capita income increases, its consumer market matures, and its industrial structure is transformed, demand for capital equipment and commercial services will increase considerably. Indeed, over the next decade, Chinas high-tech market is expected to reach annual growth rates of 20 to 40 percent.If the United States loosens restrictions on exports to China and maintains its 18.3 percent share of Chinas total imports, American exports of high-tech products to China stand to reach more than $60 billion over this period. This would accelerate industrial upgrading and innovation in China, while improving global technological transmission and expanding related investment in developed countries.Chinas economy may be decelerating, but prospects remain strong; its 2014 GDP may have reached $10 trillion. Once it weathers the current rebalancing, it could well be stronger than ever.

Bergerak menuju perekonomian Cina berikutnyaSetelah lebih dari 30 tahun pertumbuhan yang luar biasa, perekonomian Cina bergeser ke jalan pembangunan yang lebih konvensional, dan rebalancing sulit di bawah jalan, mempengaruhi hampir setiap aspek ekonomi. Sebagai permulaan, Cina-rekening surplus telah menyusut dari puncaknya 2007 10 persen dari PDB hanya 2 persen tahun lalu-tingkat terendah dalam sembilan tahun. Pada kuartal ketiga tahun 2014, Cina eksternal surplus berdiri di 81.5 milyar dan rekeningnya modal dan finansial yang defisit sebesar 81.6 milyar, mencerminkan neraca pembayaran lebih stabil.Pergeseran ini sebagian dapat dijelaskan oleh fakta bahwa, selama dua tahun terakhir, mengembangkan negara telah mengejar Re-industrialisasi untuk meningkatkan daya saing perdagangan mereka. Di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, manufaktur tumbuh pada tingkat tahunan 4.3 persen, rata-rata, tahun 2011-2012, dan pertumbuhan tahan lama-barang manufaktur mencapai 8 persen meningkat dari 4,1 persen dan 5,7 persen, masing-masing, pada tahun 2002 dan 2007. Memang, industri manufaktur Amerika telah membantu untuk mendorong pemulihan ekonomi makro. Sementara itu, sebagai Cina upah biaya meningkat, industri manufaktur padat karya menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat, dengan orang-orang seperti India, Meksiko, Vietnam, dan beberapa negara Eropa Timur yang bertindak sebagai basis baru, lebih efektif untuk industri transfer dari negara maju. Akibatnya, pemulihan di negara-negara maju tidak kembali permintaan ekspor Cina ke tingkat pra-krisis.Tren ini bersama dengan apresiasi terus renminbi telah berkontribusi terhadap penurunan pangsa pasar barang-barang Cina di negara-negara maju. Memang, ekspor Cina telah kehilangan beberapa 2,3 persen pangsa pasar di negara maju sejak 2013, dan sekitar 2 persen di AS sejak 2011.Perjanjian baru jadi perdagangan seperti Trans-Pacific Partnership, perdagangan Trans-Atlantik dan kerjasama investasi, dan perjanjian layanan Plurilateral akan mempercepat proses ini selanjutnya, karena mereka menghilangkan tarif antara negara-negara tertentu dan menerapkan tenaga kerja dan lingkungan kriteria. Tambahkan ke bahwa proteksionisme sembunyi, dalam bentuk bantuan negara dan pengadaan pemerintah, dan ekspor Cina menghadapi tantangan serius. Cina juga mengalami rebalancing internal konsumsi dan investasi. Seperti berdiri, menurunnya pertumbuhan investasi Aktiva tetap dari 33 persen pada tahun 2009 untuk 16 persen tahun ini menempatkan tekanan penurunan yang signifikan pada pertumbuhan output. Investasi kontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan PDB turun dari 8.1 poin persentase dalam 2009 untuk 4.2 tahun lalu.salah satu alasan penurunan adalah bahwa Cina belum menyerap kapasitas produksi yang dibuat oleh skala besar investasi di 2010-2011. Selain industri tradisional seperti baja, nonferrous logam, bahan konstruksi, teknik kimia dan galangan kapal, kelebihan kapasitas sekarang mempengaruhi industri yang sedang berkembang seperti tenaga angin, fotovoltaik dan serat karbon, dengan menggunakan banyak kurang dari 75 persen dari kapasitas produksi mereka. Tetapi penurunan investasi juga secara langsung berkorelasi dengan pembentukan modal. Pada 1996-2012, Cina rata-rata inkremental modal-output rasio marjinal modal yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan keseluruhan output satu unit adalah 3,9 relatif tinggi, berarti bahwa investasi modal di Cina adalah kurang efisien daripada di negara-negara berkembang yang mengalami tingkat pertumbuhan yang samaSelain itu, peningkatan siklus pembiayaan tarif dan biaya faktor telah membawa pemulihan bertahap gunting harga barang industri dan pertanian. Hasilnya, keuntungan perusahaan industri cenderung tetap jatuh, sehingga sulit untuk mempertahankan investasi yang tinggi. Sementara itu, perluasan kelas menengah Cina memiliki dampak besar pada konsumsi. Tahun lalu, Cina melampaui Jepang untuk menjadi pasar konsumen terbesar kedua di dunia, setelah Amerika Serikat Yang pasti, impor Cina tetap fokus pada barang-barang menengah, dengan impor bahan baku seperti bijih besi memiliki melonjak selama dekade terakhir. Tetapi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, berbagi barang-barang konsumsi impor dan serba guna (konsumsi dan investasi) selesai produk, seperti mobil dan komputer, telah meningkat pesat. Tren ini akan memberikan kontribusi untuk sebuah lingkungan global yang lebih seimbang.Bagian akhir dari teka-teki rebalancing Cina adalah teknologi. Seperti berdiri, lag dalam adopsi teknologi dan inovasi memberikan kontribusi kepada tumbuh kesenjangan antara Cina dan Barat dikembangkan negara, mencekik transformasi ekonomi upgrade dan menghambat kemampuan Cina untuk bergerak ke atas rantai nilai global. Tapi ketika Cina pendapatan per kapita meningkat, pasar konsumen yang matang dan struktur industri berubah, permintaan untuk peralatan modal dan Jasa komersial akan meningkat jauh. Memang, selama dekade berikutnya, Cina berteknologi tinggi pasar diharapkan mencapai tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan sebesar 20 sampai 40 persen.Jika Amerika Serikat melonggarkan pembatasan ekspor ke Cina dan memelihara 18.3 persen pangsa Cina total impor, ekspor Amerika produk berteknologi tinggi Cina berdiri untuk mencapai lebih dari $60 milyar selama periode ini. Ini akan mempercepat upgrade industri dan inovasi di Cina, sementara meningkatkan transmisi teknologi global dan memperluas terkait investasi di negara-negara maju. Ekonomi Cina mungkin decelerating, tetapi prospek tetap kuat; PDB 2014 telah mencapai $10 triliun. Setelah itu cuaca rebalancing saat ini, itu juga bisa lebih kuat daripada sebelumnya