Movie Review

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Directed by Cecille B. Demille Rosemay T. Aquino ZPD III CE1


Ten Commandments by Cecille B. Demille

Transcript of Movie Review

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Directed by Cecille B. Demille

Rosemay T. Aquino


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Scene 1: The Pharaoh, whom they call

as „Divine One‟ commanded the head

of his army to kill all the newborn

babies because of the prophecy that a

deliverer will lead the Hebrew slaves to

be free of their bondage.

Discussion: This shows that any man with high – position, especially in the politics, can

kill anyone just for them to stay in their current situation. This has happened during the

reign of Ferdinand E. Marcos as the president of the Philippines. He was the primary

suspect to the assassination of Benigno Simeon “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr. who is his number

one rival but his death was not given justice. Thus, this scene in the movie is very

relevant and very real in life.

Scene 2: When Moses, the son of

Pharaoh, hear the cry of the water girl

about the old woman being trapped

between two big granite stones and

released Joshua, a stonecutter, from

striking an Egyptian.

Discussion: We need this kind of leader who is willing to take risks and is willing to help

especially to this kind of people, a leader who will stand of what he know is right no

matter how big the conflicts might be, and a leader who has open ears and heart to

listen to the people‟s scream.

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Scene 3: When Moses permitted Joshua to bring the push – pole men and some

women with baskets to get granaries from the temple.

Discussion: This demonstrates that

a good leader means giving your

workers the things they deserve to

have. In this scenario, the Hebrew

slaves was given the opportunity to

earn what was the leaders of Egypt

has not given to them, not until

Moses stand up for them.

Scene 4: When Rameses confronted

the Chief overseer Hebrew about the

death of Baka, an Egyptian.

Discussion: In this setting, the Chief

overseer told Rameses about what and

who Moses is – a Hebrew and the

Deliverer. It illustrated that Rameses is willing to pay the Chief overseer for what he saw

and what he knew. Nowadays, this picture is happening in the government, or any other

organizations that are big enough to buy accusations whether it is true or a lie. It is a

sad truth that many of us are living in the way God was not designed for us.

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Scene 5: When the time came that Moses met and talked to God at the Holy Ground.

Discussion: In this moment, Moses acknowledged that God is God and he is more than

willing to do what God instructed him to do – to free the Hebrews from the hands of

Egypt. For me, it is necessary that a leader of a nation is God – fearing, a servant and a

follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because a person set his eyes on Jesus will never go

wrong. Not that I‟m saying of being perfect for everyone fall – short for the Glory of God

<for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23 (NIV)>. Failures are

designed for God‟s glory for all things have their own purposes. Nothing in this world

happens by accident. God has planned it for us before we may imagine it happening. As

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says, <11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.>

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How important is it for the Philippines to have leaders who have

qualities of a servant leader?

Servant Leadership is the focus on the growth of the individual, that they might

flourish and achieve their full potential and not primarily the growth and potential of the

organization that distinguishes servant leadership from other leadership styles. The

primary concern of the servant leader is service to their followers.

From the teaching and example of Jesus Christ, we learn that being a servant leader

in the most general sense means being:

A voluntary servant, who submits themselves to a higher purpose, which is

beyond their personal interests or the interests of others,

A leader who uses the power that is entrusted to them to serve others,

A servant who, out of love, serves others needs before their own,

A teacher who teaches their followers, in word and deed, how to become servant

leaders themselves. (

Having the qualities of Jesus Christ while He is a man in Earth and a servant leader is

the most ideal and relevant that an aspiring leader must have. It is important because

Jesus is the best model of a servant leader. He is God yet He has not come to the world

to be serve, but to serve. All leaders must know and bury in their hearts that they not

desired a position in the government because of the money they will get, but because

they are passionate enough to help and serve their fellowmen, their country and above

all, God. Also, all leaders should not abuse the power they are entitled to. We, leaders

and followers, must be reminded of Colossians 3:17 (NIV) which says, “And whatever

you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks

to God the Father through him.” So that we are always on the right track.