Movement:10 years of testimonials

1 The things people say… ® comms + brands + planning + research 10 years of client feedback

Transcript of Movement:10 years of testimonials


The things people say…

® comms + brands + planning + research

10 years of client feedback


10 years of client feedback

® 10 years of movement

What do they think?


Here’s Wordle’s take on 10 years of client testimonials…



But Wordle is just words.

Analyse 10 years of client testimonials more closely, and what do we find?


5 clear themes…



movement is:




Sensitive to creativity




movement interrogates client briefs to identify the genuine and achievable objectives


movement communicates hard truths at debriefs ®


If you're brave enough to want to hear the truth I'd recommend them.


… unafraid of revealing simple (even painful) truths – refreshingly, there are no elephants left in the debrief room.

… a unique ability to cut through and tell what needs to be said.

Graham will freely challenge us to make sure we get the maximum from the research.

… sharp intellect and refreshing honesty.

You’ve given us serious food for thought and kick-started a debate that needed to happen sooner rather than later!

When you commission movement, you don’t get what you ask for, you get what you need.

… challenged us and highlighted the scope for great improvements in a campaign that is already  commercially successful.

You make great challenges to our thinking and that really sets you apart.

I wanted to thank you again for your honesty (as always greatly appreciated!).

movement don't give you the ‘easy’ answer but they do challenge you and help you make the tough choices you need to make coming out of research.


Sensitive to creativity

movement separates strategy from idea from execution


movement understands the role of creativity in delivering powerful communications


movement gains the trust of agencies and creative teams



… insight combined with creative latitude. Most researchers parrot and you analyse. I can't tell you what a difference that makes.

… moderate, analyse and debrief research with the experience of someone who's actually briefed a creative team and made an ad.

… excellent debrief… intelligent, strategic, directional and sensitive to both the comms objectives and creative expression.

… sensitivity in separating creative idea from execution. Not everyone does.

… explored our work sensitively and with a real awareness of how consumers relate to advertising in the real world, to help us all understand what’s working and where there are issues.

… help in creative development has been invaluable… a real appreciation for the creative vision and specific role of communications. That's always important, but even more so with creative work designed to take consumers out of their comfort zone.

… only a handful of agencies really understand how advertising works… well-considered intelligent and useful findings which cultivate ideas rather than strip them down and take them apart.

… consistently proven ability to sift the idea from the execution means client/agency groups can move advertising projects forward with confidence and a shared understanding.

I have never come across a research agency with a better understanding of creative work.

Sensitive to creativity



movement brings clarity to apparently complex issues


movement provides clear development guidance



Thanks so much for the recent work you’ve done helping us untangle our seemingly intractable communications problem.


You did a great job on reporting and explaining the conflicting views, without this getting in the way of exploring how the core strategic communication and creative idea worked.

… concise, precise and straight at the heart of the matter.

… brilliant insights that were clear and actionable.

I thought your presentation this morning was excellent: really clear and concise (so refreshing!)

Graham’s analysis and feedback has always been extremely clear… delivered a clear future direction for the brand.

The team was very impressed with your clarity of analysis and insights.

… it has brought the project to life for us. It has reinvigorated us.

I was pleased that we were able to get some clear results in the end that will definitely shape our strategy this year.



movement is always constructive ®

movement provides highly actionable recommendations



Graham uses what he hears to make intelligent and insightful strategic leaps, making his debriefs both valuable and actionable.


… relentlessly constructive and positive in finding ways forward.

It is the way Graham takes recommendations and brings them to life, with thoughts and provocations on how to position the communication in the real world, that makes him stand out from other researchers.

High quality moderation and analytical skills underpin… compelling and actionable debriefs.

… objectivity and measured analysis that is always action oriented.

We managed to get what we needed from this piece of work and this is largely due to your guidance through the project.

... gave us some fundamental principles on which to develop our campaign into the future.

… identified areas both of strength and weakness in our creative approach, which allowed us to develop an outstandingly successful campaign.

Graham can be relied upon to bring back the true consumer insight, and land it within the business with great clarity and actionability.

… clear and commercially constructive feedback across all areas of the project.



movement commands respect at the most senior client level


movement manages ‘difficult’ audiences ®



I appreciated your calm and firm approach as when dealing with such a large group of stakeholders.

I have complete confidence that Graham will uncover the realities of what is required to succeed and confidence that he can communicate this effectively to all levels of management.

It was refreshing that the business was engaged and challenged throughout.

The whole team highly valued Graham’s approach and manner.

Graham is a true professional… gravitas with agency and clients.

I was impressed by your ability to communicate your research findings to a group of 60 Financial industry professionals. Yours was certainly the presentation that attracted most interest during this event, and this was largely because of the way you delivered it.

We were so impressed with your interpretation, in-depth knowledge of the brand, your strategic insight plus ability to bring in all of your learnings from the previous round of qual, whilst handling all of the questions being thrown at you very professionally.

You did a really great job, bought into by all involved and guiding us through many issues.


5 themes

10 years

1 communications development partner


Graham Booth

comms strategy + research comms+brands+planning+research

+44 (0)1935 816036+44 (0)7798 525013

movement websitemovement blogGraham Booth LinkedIn profileTwitter: @gthebashEmail: [email protected]