Mountain advocate (Barbourville, Ky. : 1904 : Weekly...

T- v The Mountain AdvocateSupplement v Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentucky Entered oa SecondClass Natter February 10th 1904 at tho Postofllco nt Unrbourville Ky VXv under Act of Congress of March 3rd 1879 I p D WILL CLARK EDITOR PND PUBLISHER Subscription Rates 100 per year in advance to Everybody 14 Is the number for those desiring to communicate with this olllce by phone RiiiR up Central and ask for number You will thou be connected direct with this olllco if you have The Camp Ground Telephone service II > The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox Connty A ftOANDtDATES ANNOUNCEMENTS > V For Circuit Judge t Wo nro authorized to announce ZION WILLIAM LEWIS of Luurol County iiusn candidate for CIRCUIT JUDGE of r It tills tho 27th Judicial District of Ken tucky subject to tho action of tho Re K publican party as expressed by primary election December Bth IPOS Tho vote and Influence of everyone Is + earnestly solicited For Commonwealths Attorney aA Wo arc authorized to iiniiouiico 1 J C CLOYD of Manchester q ass candidate for tho oilloo of Common wealths Attorney for this tho Twenty seventh Judicial District subject to tho > notion of the Republican primary election to bo hold December 5th 1I W T Your vote and Influence Is earnestly soil ¬ cited We are authorized to announce H A DYCHE of London as n candidate for the otlico of Common ¬ wealths Attorney for this tho Twenty seventh Judicial District subject to the action of time Republican primary election to bo held December 5th 100 Your vote and Influence Is earnestly soil ¬ cited For County Judge- We are authorized to announce J T STAMPER of Bnrbourville as n candidate for tho olllcu of Judge of time Knox CiirAy Court subject to time hwiuiTSl time Republican primary For County Attorney We are authorized to announce W B LAY of Barbourville B3 a candidate for reelection to tho otllce ot County Attorney of Knox County sub ¬ ject to the action of the Uepubllunn pri ¬ mary For Circuit Court Clerk We are authorised to announce 41 MAT HALE of lovllt- f ns R candidate for time otlico of Circuit Court Uierk of Knox County subject to tlfo notion of the Republican Primary The support and Influence of everyone U earnestly solicited To the Yours of Knox County I am n candidate for the otllee of Olroult Court Clerk subject to the action of tilt Ilapubllcan party I rust amy ono In your hands nil assuro you that I will do my whole duty 1 will arrays h found ut my pot If eleettdanti will do your work In IIltltntl1ll businesslike manner Yours truly w H MCDONALD We are authorized to announce GKOHOE K TINBLBY of Knrbourvillo as n candidate for the otllce of Clerk of tho Knox Circuit Court tubject to tho notion Of tho Republicans In primary For County Court Clerk- We are authorized to announce 00 8M1TII of UiirlMiurville as n candidate for reelection to the olllce of County Court Clerk of Kuox County ubjaot to the action of the Uupublluiin Primary We are authorized to announce LIEUT UEBD P ItLAOKof Bnrbourville as a candidate for the ottlee of County Court Clerk of Knox County subjeot lo time action of the Republican Primary IFOR SHERIFF Wo are authorized to announce JOHN W HELTON KMANURI ns n candidate for ShoritT of Knox County subject to time action of the Republican Primary We nre authorized to announce a H JONESoe UiKniiHK in n candidate for HhorltT of Knox County subject to the action of time Republican Primary rl- I Wo are authorized to announeu FIt AN F WAItUBN of Mills as a candidate for time oillce of UiierllT of Knox County subject to tint notion of the Republican Primary Ito solicits the Inv z nuance of everyone In his campaign To the Republicans of Knox County I nut H uandidivtu subject to tho no ¬ tion of tho Republican party for the duce of Sheriff of Knox county election 100- 0Trusting tlmt my cnmUdncy may Imve the approval of tho Ropuhll ¬ r cans of the county I plodgo to nil i if elected n faithful prompt and earnest discharge of all the duthisof f the office i L H JARViS t 7iv h FOR CORONER tt We mire authorized t HIRAM YBAIIY lln11JlifwuI t nn chndjirlnto for subject to the petty la Primary anI qj 14 For Jailer- We aro authorized to announce KLANERY HAM orGlumEK as candidate for Jailor of Knox County subject to tho notion of the Republican party in primary election W0 are authorized to announce BR1TE WILLIAMSON Of Dowltt as a candidate for Jailor of Knox County subject to time action of tho Republican party primary To tho Voters of Knox County I am n candidate for tho otlico of JAILER of Knox County subject to tho action of tho Republican party I rest my case In your hands nnd assure tho whole people of Knox county tint I will servo you rlKht at all times if elected and will fully dlsolmrne the duties of that otllce in every respect I am very truly yours THOMAS G HAMMONS We aro authorized to announce W II DAVIS of Artemus as a candidate for Tailor of Knox County subject to tho action of the Republican party In primary Your support and Influence solicited We nre authorized to announce W MATH KV MITCHELL- of Barbourvlllo as a candidate for time otllco of Jailor of Knox County subject to time action of time Republican party In primary We aro authorize to announce NELSON ME8SER of lilmble as a candidate for the olden of Jailor of Knox County subject to time action of time Republican party In primary Woaro authorized to announce C L HARBIN of Warren as a candidate for tho otllce of Jailer of Knox County subject to tho action of the Republican primary Yonr voto and In tluonco Is earnestly solicited For Superintendent of Schools Vo nro authorized to announce J II KORTNEY of nimble ns a candidate for Superintendent of Sohmols of Knox County subject to tho ac ¬ tion of the Republican purty in primary Your vote and influence Is ta mostly so Halted Wo are nutorlzod lo announce WALTER w BVANH as n candidate for Superintendent o- fSoholaof Knox County subject to action of tho Republican pity in primary Wo are authorized to announce II E AUK ER of llurbourvlllo as a candidate for tho nomination for roolcc tlon to tho milieu of Superintendent of Schools of Knox county subject to tIll no- tion ¬ of the Republican primary January 5th 1000 10111oltld For Assessor We are authorized to announce DANIEL GRACE OK BAILEY SWITCH asp candidate for tho ollice of Assessor of Knox County subject to time action of till Republican party In primary Wo are authorized to announce J W MoNAMARA of Hopper iisacandlilnte for the otllte of Assessor of Knox county subjubt to notion of time Republican primary Your vote and Influence Is earnestly HO United We are authorized to announce WILLIE G McDONALI of Cannon as a candidate for the oillce of Assessor of Ktiox Count y- Itopubliean subject to the notion ollho primary We are authorized to announce J S PATTERSON of lUrlMmrvlllo as a candidate for time ollloe of Assessor of Knox county snbjeot to time notion of the Republican primary Your vote and Influence is earnestly so Molted We are authorized to announce NASUY MK88KR of Scalf in a tmndldnte for thejionilnatlon of Asses ¬ sor of Knox COunty subject to time notion os the 1tepWdlunn party lie solicits time support of all We mite authorized to announce J C JOVBS of Grays nsa candidate for the ollitiO of fllqJIAAr of Knox county subject to tho lIoUm of tho Republican primary Tuesday Junniiry 6th- inc To The Republicans of Knox County After the Knpublicnn County Commit tee lots sot H time for holding thu primary on Jnmmry fitli IW 1 now make my iinnmintu munt jinblloly us a oundldntp for thu nom inntlon for County Assessor euhjout how ¬ ever to tho action of the Itepublloaii pri ¬ mary Your hdp ami support H onrnwtly fOiltH cd and hope you will give my claims duo considomtiiiii and hovorn yours Ivo aooonl niKly IlMptfutfiillj JOHN W HHMPHirU Artenum Ky For Surveyor Wn aro authorized to announce FRANCIS bL RKK8 OK BXHTIIA as n candidate for the otllno of County Httr voyor sublet tt the action of tho Repub ¬ lican primary tia 1t 11 j Qf1 7- Jr > rj 0 MO ROOSEVELTLAUDS I True Friend of Reform and Foe of AbaSeS NAMES HIM POLITICAL HEIR Republican Candidate Stando For j Same Policies as Present Adminis tration Can Be Trusted to Do Justice to Both Capital and laborA Cham ¬ pion of the Right and True Repre ¬ sentative of All the People In the following letter of IrcsilleutI Roosevelt to Mr Conrad Montana lie tells why voters t l1oulllI support William II Tuft ut the Mr Cournd Kohrs of Hclcnu Mont Is an old time Montana cattleman and one of the most prominent citizens of Montana He and the president came Into close relationship moro than twen ¬ ty years ago whoa they were both members of tho Montana Stock Grow- ers ¬ association the president being at that time the representative of the little Missouri stock growers In the association The Intimacy has been kept up ever since Mr Rotors Is one of the pioneer citizens of the northern Rocky mountain region and one of the well who has taken a leading port in Its great development Mr Kolirs letter was culled forth by Mr Bryans statement that he Mr Bryan was the presidents heir and natural successor Sagamore 11111 Oyster Buy N Y Sept lOS My Dear Mr I ohrsI have received your letter nbout the candidacy of Mr Taft tho man who I feel Is In an especial sense tho representative of nil that In which I most believe In political life Every good cltlicn should desire lo see both prosperity and justice prosperity and fair nUll righteous dealing as between man mind man obtain permanently In this Rroat republic As u people we are Justly proud of our business Industry of our en orgy and Intelligence In our work and II Is entirely rljn that we should ask our selvos us to any given course of conduct Will It bu profitable But It U also no less emphatically truo that tho built of our people tho plain people who founl In Abraham Lincoln their especial champion and spokesman regard the question Is this morally right as even more Impor tant than tho question Is this pronta blo1 when applied to tiny given course of conduct Indeed in the long run our pct pie uro sure to find that III ull dealings alike In tho business and political world what Is roaliy proJltablu Is that which Is morally right The last few years have I seen u great awakening of time public con ¬ science and Hie growtu of a stern deter mination to do anal with corruption and unfair dealing political economic social It is urgently necessary that this green reform movement should go on Put nff reform movement Is healthy If It Goes on by spasms If It Is marked by periods of frenzied advance followed ns such perl ode of frenzied advanco must always be followed by equally violent periods of rev action Tho revolutionary and the reac tionary realt1III1Y Into one anothers hands to time extent that each by Ills ex- cesses necessarily tends to arouse such disgust such a foiling of revolt In the minds of quiet people na temporarily to powerI our public at fairs to fall alternately Into time hands of revolutionaries and reactionaries of the extreme radicals of unrest and of the big oted conser atives who recognize no wrongs to remedy would merely moon that the nation had embarked on a fever ish course of violent oscillation which would lie fraught with great temporary trouble and would produce no ndeiuati I good In the end The true friend of re form the true too of abuses is the man who steadily perseveres In righting wrongs In warring against abuses but whoso character and training aro such that ho never promises what ho cannot perform that ho always a little more than makes good what ho does promise and that whllo steadily advancing ho never permits himself to be led into foolish ex ceases which would damage the very cnuso ho champions In Mr Taft we have tI man who combines all of these qualities to a degree which no other man In our public life since tho civil war has sur passed To a flaming hatred of Injustice to a scorn of all that Is base mind mean t l a hearty sympathY with the oppressed ho unites entire dlsIntDreetednossrcourago both moral and physical of the very high esttypo and u kindly generosity of nature which makes him feel that all of his fel- low countrymen nro In very truth his friends and brothers that their Interests are his ail that all his great qualities are to be spent with lavish freedom In their service Time honest man of means the honest and law abiding business man can fool mfo In las hinds becaupo of tho very fact that the dishor st man of great wealth the man who swindles or robs his fellows woo not KO much us dare to de- fend ¬ his evil doing In Mr Taftfl presence The honest wagewortcr time honest la- boring man the honest farmer tho honest mechanic or email trader or man of small means can foel that In a peculiar sense Mr Taft will bo his representative be cause of till very fact that he has tho same scorn for the demagogue that ho has for the rorruptlonlst and that he would front throats of personal violence from a mob with time umiualllng and lofty Indlf fernnre with which ho would front the blttur anger of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations Broad though his sympathies nre there Is In him not the slightest tine s of weakness No consider ¬ ation of port anal Interest any more than of fear for hs personal safety could make him swerve a hairs breadth frjm tho course which he regards na right and In tho Interest of the whole people i I have naturally a peculiar Interest In tho success of Mr Tuft and In seeing him backed by r majority In both houses of i congress which will heartily support his policies For tho last ten years while I have been governor of New York and theI have on every essential point stood In heartlestagreement shoulder to shoulder Wo havdthm samo views ns to what Is du- mantled by tho national Interest and hon or both wlitln our own borders and nil regards tho relations of this nation with other nation There Is no fight for de- cency and fair dealing which I have waged In which I have not had his heart test and mosi effective sympathy and Blip port nnd tl policies for which I stand are his policies an much as mine It U not possible In the spats of this letter to discuss nil time many and Inn nltely vane questions of moment with which Mr Taft as president would havo to deal ltd him be judged by what IIP has himself done and by what the admin i JrA ff 1 f j 0 IYOU CANT FRIGHTEN J ME ANY MORE ITS A JOKE Is II + Istrntlon In which he has played so con- spicuous ¬ a part has done But to Illus trate just what his attitude is let me touch on two matters now prominent In tho public mind Mr Taft can bo trusted to exact justice from the railroads for tho very reason that ho can bo trusted to do justice to the railroads The railroads aro tho chief In struments of Interstate commerce In tho country and they can neither bo held to a proper accountability on the one hand nor given proper protection on tho other save by tho affirmative action of time fed- eral ¬ government Tho law as laid down by tho federal courts clearly shows that the states have not anti cannot devise laws adequate to meet the problems caus ¬ ed by the great growth of tho railroads doing an Interstate commerce business for more than fourfifths of the business of the railroads Is Interstate nnd under the constitution of tho United Status only tho federal government can exerclso con trol thereover It Is absolutely necessary that this control should be affirmative and i thoroughgoingAll f business carried on by the I great corporations should In the Interest CIOSel1supervised the railroads which cannot exist at all save by the exercise of powers granted them on behalf of the people and which therefore should bo held to a peculiar ac countnblllty to the people It Is In the In terest of tho people that they should not be permitted to do Injustice and It Is no theyI purpose Is to carry the commodities of the farmers and the business men They could not bo built save for the money contrib- uted to them by their shareholders They could not he run at all save for the money paid out In wages to the railroad employ- ees ¬ and finally they could not bo run diciously or profitably to any ono JUI not for tho employment by them of some masterful guiding Intelligence whether of one man or of a group of men There are therefore several sets of Interests to be considered Each must receive proper con sideration and when any ono of them selfishly demands exclusive consideration the demand must bo refused Along cer- tain lines all of these groups havo the same Interests It Is to tho Interest of shipper farmer wogoworker business man honest shareholder and honest mnn ¬ ager nllke that there should be economy I honesty Intelllgcnco nnd fair treatment of all To put an effective step to stork wa tering would bo n benefit to everybody except tho swindlers who profit by stock watering It would benefit the honest shareholder because lionoit Investments would not bo brought Into with more paper It would wogoworker because when competitionI earned does not have to go to terest on watered capital left out of which to pay wages It would benefit the shipper because when only i honest stockholders hate to bo paId Inter ¬ est rates need not be Improperly raised It would benefit the pubic because there would bo ample money with which to give efficient service Similarly tho prevention of favoritism as among shippers does no damage to any one who Is honest and con ¬ fers great good upon the smaller business man and the farmer whom It relieves of oppressionAgain supervision of accounts and management as will prevent crookedness anti oppression works good directly or In ¬ directly to all honest people Thereforo everything that cnn bo done along nil these lines should bo done and no mans legitimate interest would thereby bo hurt But after this point has been reached great care must bo exercised not to work Injustice to one class In tho effort to show favor to another class nnd each class naturally tends to remember only Its own needs Tho stockholders must rev ceive an ample return on their invest- ments or the railroads cannot be built and successfully maintained and tho rates to shippers and the wages to em- ployees ¬ from the highest to the lowest must all bo conditioned upon this fact On tho other hand Hi a public service corporation we have no right to allow such excessive profits as will necessitate rates being unduly high and wages un duly low Again while In all proper ways rotes must be kept low we must always remember that we have no right and no justification to reduce them when the re ¬ suit Is tho reduction of the wages of the great army of railroad men A fair work Ing arrangement must bo devised accord Ing to the needs of the several cases so that profits wages and rates shall each be reasonable with reference to the other two and In wages I include the properly largo amounts which should always bo paid to those whoso masterful ability Is required for the successful direction of great enterprises Combinations which favor such an equitable arrangement should themselves bo favored and not forbidden by law although they should be strictly supervised by the government through the Interstate commcrco commls slum which should have tho power of passing summarily upon not only tho question of tho reduction but tho raising I ratesThis railroad problem Is Itself one of the phases of one of the greatest and most Intricate problems of our clvllUa tlon For Us proper solution we need not merely honesty und courage but Jtidff mont good sense and entire fair minded ness Demagogy In such n matter Is as certain to work evil us corruption Itself Tho man who promises to raise the wages of railroad employees to tho highest point and at the same time to reduce rates to tho lowest point Is promising what rel ¬ ther he nor any one else can perform nnd 11 tho fffort to perform It were at ¬ tempted disaster would result to both shipper and wa EC worker and ruin to the business Interests of the country The man to trust In such u matter as this la the map who like Judgo Taft does not promise too much but whooould not bu 1r + r t I l tJ L rl I < swayed from the path of duty by any argument by any consideration who will wage relentless war on the successful wrongdoer among railroad man as among all other men who will do nil that can be done to secure legitimately low rates to shippers and absolute evenness among tho rates tlvs secured but who will nei ¬ ther promise nor attempt to secure rates so low that the wage earner would lose his earnings und tho shareholder whose money built the road his profits Ho will not favor n ruinous experiment like t government ownership of railways He will stand against any kind of confisca ¬ tion of honestly acquired property but ho will work effectively for the most cf ficlent type of government supervision and control of railways so as to secure Just and fair treatment of tho people as u whole Whet In hero said as to his attitude on tho railway ueston applies to the whole question of he trusts He will nothing on this subject unless promiseI believes ho can male his fie will go Into no chimerical io destroy nit great business mOrmflltI for this can only ho done by all modern business but he w tical fashion do everything se cure such efficient control on behalf of time people as a whole over these great roTiblrrUInns ns wlI dcprimr thrn of the power to worm evil Mr Tufts derision In tho Addystano pipe lino case while on tho bench Is proof by devils not by of tin firrlgiitod wisdom with ordlI servos tVto IrtiroRta of the whole oven when those of the most powerful corporations are hostile thereto I If hero Is ono body of men more than another wlov support I feel I have a rsil to chnlongo on behalf of Secretary Taft It Is the body of wugoworkuri the country A stnncher friend a ofI and truer representative they tho borders of the IIOWjcr Darin ton years my ac oiiunnno with him since I have ntysrll us governor and president been obliged to deal practically with labor problems IIP line been one of the men upon whose Judg- ment mina old 1 coud always rely In do Ing everything possible for the cam1 of tho wagcworkor of the man who wlih hU hands or with both ban worksI head Mr Taft has been attacked because tho Injunctions he delivered whllo on orI bench I am content to rest his case these very Injunctions I maintain they show why nil our people should be grateful to him and should feel it safe tI Intrust their dearest Interests to him urC I ho never has yielded and never yield to thrent or pressure of any Ins ax little If It comes from labor us If coTs from capital Ho will no more time violence of n mob than the- corruption and oppression send arrogance of n corporation or of u wealthy man He will not consent to limit the power of time courts to put a stop to wrongdoing whor mlicI In him He hns Incurred tho bitter hostl ity of foolish mind bigoted reactionaries by his frank criticism of tho abuse of the power of Injunction In Inbor disputes ami ho Is pledged to do all he can to put stop to the abuses In the exerclso of III power of Injunction He will never promI Iso anything that he will not do all power to perform He can always be trusted to do n little better than his word and time fact that before election ho will not promise the Impossible Is In Itself a guaranty that after election all that Is i possible will bo dono His record as a Judge makes time whole j country his debtor Ills actions and de ¬ cisions are part of the great traditions of tho bench They guaranteed and set forth In striding fashion the rights of the gun eral public ns against the selfish Interests of any class whether of capitalists or ofI laborers They set forth nnd stand by the j rights of the wagoworkerf to organize and to strike as unequivocally as they set forth and stand by the doctrlno that no conduct will be tolerated that would spell destruction to tho nation as a whole As for the attack upon his Injunctions In la bar disputes made while he was on trio bench I ask that the Injunctions be care- fully examined I ask that every respon slblo and fair minded Inbor leader every responsible nnd fair minded member of n labor organization read these Injunctions for himself It ho will do so Instead of condemning them he will heartily approve of them and will recognize this further astonishing fact that tho principles down by Judge Taft In these very In1u InldI lions which laboring people are naked condemn nro themselves tho very pies which aria now embodied In the laws or practices of every responsible labor or- ganization No responsible organization would now hesitate to condemn thcI abuses against which JUdge Tufts tlons wore aimed rho principles which ho therein so wisely and fearlessly laid down serve ns a charter of liberty for allI of us for wage workers for employers for the general public for they rest on the principles of fair deAling for nil of even- handed justice for nil They mark the Judgo who rendered them as standing for tho rights of the whole people As far ns dnvllgit In from drrkness so far is such a judge from the time server the truckler to the mob or the cringing toot of great corrupt and corrupting corporations Judge Tuft on the bench ns since In the Philippines In Panama in Cuba In the war department showed himself to be a wIse a fearless and an upright servant of I tho whole people whose services to the whole people were beyond all price Moo over let all good citizens remember that ho rendered these services not when Itf was easy to do so but when lawless boom was threatened whan malice de mestlc and civic disturbance threatened the whole fabric of our government ard of civilization Ills actions showed not 1 r < r > J < i fi f O I only the highest kind of moral courage but of physical courage as well for Kin life was tr eland violently threatened Let all fair minded men wageworkurs and capitalists alike consider yet an ¬ other fact In ono of his decisions upon tho bench Judge Taft upheld In the limoI Tafts sense of right his Indignation against oppression In any tarot against any attitude that Is not fair and just drove him to take n position which worms violently condemned by shortsighted cap Itnllsta and employers of labor which was so far In advance of tho time that It stntlI a a a pioneer on In the effort to get justice for the wage worker In jealous championship of his rights and all upright and farslghtcd la ¬ boring men should hold It to his credit that nt tho slime time he fearlessly stood against tho abuses of labor Just as ho fearlessly stood against the abuses of capital If elected he has shown by his deeds that he will be president of no class but of the people as a whole Ho can bo truiCcd to stand stoutly mmgast tho two real enemies of our deniocrncv against the man who to pleaso one class would undermine tho whole foundation of orderly liberty and against the man who In time interest of another class would se- cure business prosperity by nacrllleni every right of the working people 1pion the for I the ware 1itiller to do what I thought was against his In ¬ terest I ask his support fur Mr Tuft exactly as I Talc such support from cv ry fnrslgnted and right thinking Amorlcm citizen because I hollrvo with rl toy heart that nowhere within tho borders of our great country cnn there bo found an ¬ other mnn who will as vigilantly and ef- ficiently ¬ as Mr Taft support tho rights rlshtI 1I Ho will protect the just rights of both rich und poor and he will war relent ¬ lessly against lawlessness and injustice whether exercised on behalf of property labor v IOn the bunch Judge Waft showed the o qualities which make ft great Judge wisdom and moral courage They aro also The two qualities which make A great president Sincerely yours THEODORE ROOSEVELT Mr Conrad Kohrs Helena Mont tIWHY i Business Interests Working For Re publican Success The president of the ClalJIn company in nn nnnual stittemcut of that com- pany to stockholders sums up the busi < ness situation with much Accuracy and fairness He snld thnt after six months of severe depression In the dry goods Industry It recovery occurred In June and since then hns been well maintained but no great improvement t cnn be expected until the presidential A election is otier- Expressed or implied a marked re ¬ vival within the next few weeks J Is predicted by the most cautious business men In the country because of the inferential belles that Judge Tuft will be elected on Nov 3 Recent 1 accounts of the Iron trndo show that the gain of the early summer Is being held hank clearings and railway gross earnings tell a similar story To eVery one tbe evidence is unmistakable that It tbo election of Judge Taft was now 1 JI For this reason masterful minds ev- erywhere in Industrial nnd commercial activities are bending every energy for t the election of Taft InvI I 4 terestcd to note that although thirteen banks nUll trust companies closed their doors in consequence of tbo October I panic not one of the 51000 depositors will lose a dollar Some of these In ¬ stitutions bud been wickedly misman ¬ aged but in every case the men re < sponslble have been expelled some In dieted nnd sonic have committed sult i cede It hardly looks In these circum ¬ I stances as It wo needed federal guar antee of national bank deposits If thnt were provided as the Democrats propose one great agency for holding > bank officers up to u proper sense of Individual responsibility for the safe and proper conduct of their Institu ¬ lions would be removed Boston Transcript Bo fur as honorary degrees are cop corned Mr Bryan Is n doctor of laws t Monpurod by hi profession nnd prac ¬ tice he Is slujply a would be tinker of ttttutcs a yjii

Transcript of Mountain advocate (Barbourville, Ky. : 1904 : Weekly...

Page 1: Mountain advocate (Barbourville, Ky. : 1904 : Weekly · FRANCIS bL RKK8 OK BXHTIIA as n candidate for the otllno of County Httr voyor


v The Mountain AdvocateSupplement

v Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentucky

Entered oa SecondClass Natter February 10th 1904 at tho Postofllco nt Unrbourville KyVXv under Act of Congress of March 3rd 1879


Subscription Rates 100 per year in advance to Everybody

14Is the number for those desiring to communicate with thisolllce by phone RiiiR up Central and ask for numberYou will thou be connected direct with this olllco if youhave The Camp Ground Telephone service

II > The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox Connty



> V For Circuit Judget Wo nro authorized to announce


iiusn candidate for CIRCUIT JUDGE ofr It tills tho 27th Judicial District of Kentucky subject to tho action of tho Re

K publican party as expressed by primaryelection December Bth IPOS

Tho vote and Influence of everyone Is+ earnestly solicited

For Commonwealths AttorneyaA

Wo arc authorized to iiniiouiico1 J C CLOYD of Manchesterq ass candidate for tho oilloo of Common

wealths Attorney for this tho Twentyseventh Judicial District subject to tho

> notion of the Republican primary election tobo hold December 5th 1I W

T Your vote and Influence Is earnestly soil ¬


We are authorized to announceH A DYCHE of London

as n candidate for the otlico of Common ¬

wealths Attorney for this tho Twentyseventh Judicial District subject to theaction of time Republican primary electionto bo held December 5th 100

Your vote and Influence Is earnestly soil ¬


For County Judge-We are authorized to announce

J T STAMPER of Bnrbourville

as n candidate for tho olllcu of Judgeof time Knox CiirAy Court subject to time

hwiuiTSl time Republican primary

For County AttorneyWe are authorized to announce

W B LAY of Barbourville

B3 a candidate for reelection to tho otllceot County Attorney of Knox County sub ¬

ject to the action of the Uepubllunn pri ¬


For Circuit Court Clerk

We are authorised to announce41 MAT HALE of lovllt-

f ns R candidate for time otlico of CircuitCourt Uierk of Knox County subject totlfo notion of the Republican PrimaryThe support and Influence of everyone U

earnestly solicited

To the Yours of Knox CountyI am n candidate for the otllee of Olroult

Court Clerk subject to the action of tiltIlapubllcan party

I rust amy ono In your hands nil assuroyou that I will do my whole duty 1 will

arrays h found ut my pot If eleettdantiwill do your work In IIltltntl1ll businesslikemanner Yours truly


We are authorized to announce

GKOHOE K TINBLBY of Knrbourvillo

as n candidate for the otllce of Clerk of thoKnox Circuit Court tubject to tho notionOf tho Republicans In primary

For County Court Clerk-

We are authorized to announce

00 8M1TII of UiirlMiurville

as n candidate for reelection to the olllceof County Court Clerk of Kuox Countyubjaot to the action of the UupublluiinPrimary

We are authorized to announce

LIEUT UEBD P ItLAOKof Bnrbourville

as a candidate for the ottlee of CountyCourt Clerk of Knox County subjeot lotime action of the Republican Primary

IFOR SHERIFFWo are authorized to announce


ns n candidate for ShoritT of Knox Countysubject to time action of the RepublicanPrimary

We nre authorized to announcea H JONESoe UiKniiHK

in n candidate for HhorltT of Knox Countysubject to the action of time RepublicanPrimary


IWo are authorized to announeu

FItAN F WAItUBN of Millsas a candidate for time oillce of UiierllT ofKnox County subject to tint notion of theRepublican Primary Ito solicits the Inv

z nuance of everyone In his campaign

To the Republicans of Knox County

I nut H uandidivtu subject to tho no ¬

tion of tho Republican party for theduce of Sheriff of Knox countyelection 100-

0Trusting tlmt my cnmUdncy mayImve the approval of tho Ropuhll ¬

r cans of the county I plodgo to nil

i if elected n faithful prompt andearnest discharge of all the duthisof

f the officei L H JARViSt 7iv

h FOR CORONERtt We mire authorized t

HIRAM YBAIIY lln11JlifwuIt nn chndjirlnto for

subject to thepetty la Primary anI



For Jailer-We aro authorized to announce

KLANERY HAM orGlumEKas candidate for Jailor of Knox Countysubject to tho notion of the Republicanparty in primary election

W0 are authorized to announceBR1TE WILLIAMSON Of Dowltt

as a candidate for Jailor of Knox Countysubject to time action of tho Republicanparty primary

To tho Voters of Knox CountyI am n candidate for tho otlico of JAILER

of Knox County subject to tho action oftho Republican party

I rest my case In your hands nnd assuretho whole people of Knox county tint I

will servo you rlKht at all times if electedand will fully dlsolmrne the duties of thatotllce in every respect

I am very truly yoursTHOMAS G HAMMONS

We aro authorized to announceW II DAVIS of Artemus

as a candidate for Tailor of Knox Countysubject to tho action of the Republicanparty In primary

Your support and Influence solicited

We nre authorized to announceW MATH KV MITCHELL-

of Barbourvllloas a candidate for time otllco of Jailor ofKnox County subject to time action of time

Republican party In primary

We aro authorize to announceNELSON ME8SER of lilmble

as a candidate for the olden of Jailor ofKnox County subject to time action of time

Republican party In primary

Woaro authorized to announceC L HARBIN of Warren

as a candidate for tho otllce of Jailer ofKnox County subject to tho action of theRepublican primary Yonr voto and In

tluonco Is earnestly solicited

For Superintendent of SchoolsVo nro authorized to announce

J II KORTNEY of nimblens a candidate for Superintendent ofSohmols of Knox County subject to tho ac ¬

tion of the Republican purty in primaryYour vote and influence Is ta mostly so


Wo are nutorlzod lo announceWALTER w BVANH

as n candidate for Superintendent o-

fSoholaof Knox County subject to actionof tho Republican pity in primary

Wo are authorized to announceII E AUK ER of llurbourvlllo

as a candidate for tho nomination for roolcctlon to tho milieu of Superintendent ofSchools of Knox county subject to tIll no-


of the Republican primary January5th 1000

10111oltldFor Assessor

We are authorized to announceDANIEL GRACE OK BAILEY SWITCH

asp candidate for tho ollice of Assessor ofKnox County subject to time action of tillRepublican party In primary

Wo are authorized to announceJ W MoNAMARA of Hopper

iisacandlilnte for the otllte of Assessor ofKnox county subjubt to notion of time

Republican primaryYour vote and Influence Is earnestly HO


We are authorized to announceWILLIE G McDONALI of Cannon

as a candidate for the oillce of Assessor ofKtiox Count y-

Itopublieansubject to the notion ollho


We are authorized to announceJ S PATTERSON of lUrlMmrvlllo

as a candidate for time ollloe of Assessor ofKnox county snbjeot to time notion of theRepublican primary

Your vote and Influence is earnestly soMolted

We are authorized to announceNASUY MK88KR of Scalf

in a tmndldnte for thejionilnatlon of Asses ¬

sor of Knox COunty subject to time notionos the 1tepWdlunn party lie solicits time

support of all

We mite authorized to announceJ C JOVBS of Grays

nsa candidate for the ollitiO of fllqJIAAr ofKnox county subject to tho lIoUm of thoRepublican primary Tuesday Junniiry 6th-


To The Republicans of Knox CountyAfter the Knpublicnn County Commit tee

lots sot H time for holding thu primary onJnmmry fitli IW 1 now make my iinnmintumunt jinblloly us a oundldntp for thu nominntlon for County Assessor euhjout how ¬

ever to tho action of the Itepublloaii pri ¬

maryYour hdp ami support H onrnwtly fOiltH

cd and hope you will give my claims duoconsidomtiiiii and hovorn yours Ivo aooonlniKly IlMptfutfiillj


For SurveyorWn aro authorized to announce


as n candidate for the otllno of County Httrvoyor sublet tt the action of tho Repub ¬

lican primary

tia 1t 11 j Qf17- Jr





True Friend of Reform and

Foe of AbaSeS


Republican Candidate Stando For j

Same Policies as Present Administration Can Be Trusted to Do Justiceto Both Capital and laborA Cham ¬

pion of the Right and True Repre ¬

sentative of All the People

In the following letter of IrcsilleutIRoosevelt to Mr ConradMontana lie tells why voters tl1oulllIsupport William II Tuft ut the

Mr Cournd Kohrs of Hclcnu MontIs an old time Montana cattleman andone of the most prominent citizens ofMontana He and the president cameInto close relationship moro than twen ¬

ty years ago whoa they were bothmembers of tho Montana Stock Grow-ers


association the president being atthat time the representative of thelittle Missouri stock growers In theassociation The Intimacy has been keptup ever since Mr Rotors Is one ofthe pioneer citizens of the northernRocky mountain region and one of thewell who has taken a leading port inIts great development

Mr Kolirs letter was culled forth byMr Bryans statement that he MrBryan was the presidents heir andnatural successor

Sagamore 11111

Oyster Buy N Y Sept lOSMy Dear Mr I ohrsI have received

your letter nbout the candidacy of MrTaft tho man who I feel Is In an especialsense tho representative of nil that Inwhich I most believe In political life

Every good cltlicn should desire lo seeboth prosperity and justice prosperityand fair nUll righteous dealing as betweenman mind man obtain permanently In thisRroat republic As u people we are Justlyproud of our business Industry of our enorgy and Intelligence In our work and IIIs entirely rljn that we should ask ourselvos us to any given course of conduct

Will It bu profitable But It U also noless emphatically truo that tho built ofour people tho plain people who founl InAbraham Lincoln their especial championand spokesman regard the question Isthis morally right as even more Important than tho question Is this prontablo1 when applied to tiny given course ofconduct Indeed in the long run our pctpie uro sure to find that III ull dealingsalike In tho business and political worldwhat Is roaliy proJltablu Is that which Ismorally right The last few years have I

seen u great awakening of time public con ¬

science and Hie growtu of a stern determination to do anal with corruption andunfair dealing political economic socialIt is urgently necessary that this greenreform movement should go on Put nffreform movement Is healthy If It Goes onby spasms If It Is marked by periods offrenzied advance followed ns such perlode of frenzied advanco must always befollowed by equally violent periods of revaction Tho revolutionary and the reactionary realt1III1Y Into one anothershands to time extent that each by Ills ex-

cesses necessarily tends to arouse suchdisgust such a foiling of revolt In theminds of quiet people na temporarily topowerI our public atfairs to fall alternately Into time hands ofrevolutionaries and reactionaries of theextreme radicals of unrest and of the bigoted conser atives who recognize nowrongs to remedy would merely moonthat the nation had embarked on a feverish course of violent oscillation whichwould lie fraught with great temporarytrouble and would produce no ndeiuati I

good In the end The true friend of reform the true too of abuses is the manwho steadily perseveres In rightingwrongs In warring against abuses butwhoso character and training aro suchthat ho never promises what ho cannotperform that ho always a little more thanmakes good what ho does promise andthat whllo steadily advancing ho neverpermits himself to be led into foolish exceases which would damage the very cnusoho champions In Mr Taft we have tI

man who combines all of these qualitiesto a degree which no other man In ourpublic life since tho civil war has surpassed To a flaming hatred of Injusticeto a scorn of all that Is base mind mean tla hearty sympathY with the oppressedho unites entire dlsIntDreetednossrcouragoboth moral and physical of the very highesttypo and u kindly generosity of naturewhich makes him feel that all of his fel-

low countrymen nro In very truth hisfriends and brothers that their Interestsare his ail that all his great qualities areto be spent with lavish freedom In theirservice Time honest man of means thehonest and law abiding business man canfool mfo In las hinds becaupo of tho veryfact that the dishor st man of greatwealth the man who swindles or robs hisfellows woo not KO much us dare to de-


his evil doing In Mr Taftfl presenceThe honest wagewortcr time honest la-

boring man the honest farmer tho honestmechanic or email trader or man of smallmeans can foel that In a peculiar senseMr Taft will bo his representative because of till very fact that he has thosame scorn for the demagogue that ho hasfor the rorruptlonlst and that he wouldfront throats of personal violence from amob with time umiualllng and lofty Indlffernnre with which ho would front theblttur anger of the wealthiest and mostpowerful corporations Broad though hissympathies nre there Is In him not theslightest tine s of weakness No consider ¬

ation of port anal Interest any more thanof fear for hs personal safety could makehim swerve a hairs breadth frjm thocourse which he regards na right and Intho Interest of the whole people i

I have naturally a peculiar Interest Intho success of Mr Tuft and In seeing himbacked by r majority In both houses of

i congress which will heartily support hispolicies For tho last ten years while I

have been governor of New York andtheIhave on every essential point stood Inheartlestagreement shoulder to shoulderWo havdthm samo views ns to what Is du-

mantled by tho national Interest and honor both wlitln our own borders and nilregards tho relations of this nation withother nation There Is no fight for de-cency and fair dealing which I havewaged In which I have not had his hearttest and mosi effective sympathy and Blipport nnd tl policies for which I standare his policies an much as mine

It U not possible In the spats of thisletter to discuss nil time many and Innnltely vane questions of moment withwhich Mr Taft as president would havoto deal ltd him be judged by what IIP

has himself done and by what the admini

JrAff 1f j




II +

Istrntlon In which he has played so con-


a part has done But to Illustrate just what his attitude is let metouch on two matters now prominent Intho public mind

Mr Taft can bo trusted to exact justicefrom the railroads for tho very reasonthat ho can bo trusted to do justice to therailroads The railroads aro tho chief Instruments of Interstate commerce In thocountry and they can neither bo held toa proper accountability on the one handnor given proper protection on tho othersave by tho affirmative action of time fed-


government Tho law as laid downby tho federal courts clearly shows thatthe states have not anti cannot deviselaws adequate to meet the problems caus ¬

ed by the great growth of tho railroadsdoing an Interstate commerce businessfor more than fourfifths of the businessof the railroads Is Interstate nnd underthe constitution of tho United Status onlytho federal government can exerclso control thereover It Is absolutely necessarythat this control should be affirmative and

i thoroughgoingAllf business carried on by theI great corporations should In the Interest

CIOSel1supervisedthe railroads which cannot exist at allsave by the exercise of powers grantedthem on behalf of the people and whichtherefore should bo held to a peculiar accountnblllty to the people It Is In the Interest of tho people that they should notbe permitted to do Injustice and It Is notheyIpurpose Is to carry the commodities of thefarmers and the business men They couldnot bo built save for the money contrib-uted to them by their shareholders Theycould not he run at all save for the moneypaid out In wages to the railroad employ-ees


and finally they could not bo rundiciously or profitably to any ono JUInot for tho employment by them of somemasterful guiding Intelligence whether ofone man or of a group of men There aretherefore several sets of Interests to beconsidered Each must receive proper consideration and when any ono of themselfishly demands exclusive considerationthe demand must bo refused Along cer-tain lines all of these groups havo thesame Interests It Is to tho Interest ofshipper farmer wogoworker businessman honest shareholder and honest mnn ¬

ager nllke that there should be economy I

honesty Intelllgcnco nnd fair treatment ofall To put an effective step to stork watering would bo n benefit to everybodyexcept tho swindlers who profit by stockwatering It would benefit the honestshareholder because lionoit Investmentswould not bo brought Intowith more paper It wouldwogoworker because when competitionIearned does not have to go toterest on watered capitalleft out of which to pay wages It wouldbenefit the shipper because when only i

honest stockholders hate to bo paId Inter ¬

est rates need not be Improperly raisedIt would benefit the pubic because therewould bo ample money with which to giveefficient service Similarly tho preventionof favoritism as among shippers does nodamage to any one who Is honest and con ¬

fers great good upon the smaller businessman and the farmer whom It relieves ofoppressionAgain supervision of accounts andmanagement as will prevent crookednessanti oppression works good directly or In ¬

directly to all honest people Thereforoeverything that cnn bo done along nilthese lines should bo done and no manslegitimate interest would thereby bo hurtBut after this point has been reachedgreat care must bo exercised not to workInjustice to one class In tho effort toshow favor to another class nnd eachclass naturally tends to remember onlyIts own needs Tho stockholders must revceive an ample return on their invest-ments or the railroads cannot be builtand successfully maintained and thorates to shippers and the wages to em-ployees


from the highest to the lowestmust all bo conditioned upon this factOn tho other hand Hi a public servicecorporation we have no right to allowsuch excessive profits as will necessitaterates being unduly high and wages unduly low Again while In all proper waysrotes must be kept low we must alwaysremember that we have no right and nojustification to reduce them when the re ¬

suit Is tho reduction of the wages of thegreat army of railroad men A fair workIng arrangement must bo devised accordIng to the needs of the several cases sothat profits wages and rates shall eachbe reasonable with reference to the othertwo and In wages I include the properlylargo amounts which should always bopaid to those whoso masterful ability Isrequired for the successful direction ofgreat enterprises Combinations whichfavor such an equitable arrangementshould themselves bo favored and notforbidden by law although they shouldbe strictly supervised by the governmentthrough the Interstate commcrco commlsslum which should have tho power ofpassing summarily upon not only thoquestion of tho reduction but tho raising


ratesThisrailroad problem Is Itself one of

the phases of one of the greatest andmost Intricate problems of our clvllUatlon For Us proper solution we need notmerely honesty und courage but Jtidffmont good sense and entire fair mindedness Demagogy In such n matter Is ascertain to work evil us corruption ItselfTho man who promises to raise the wagesof railroad employees to tho highest pointand at the same time to reduce rates totho lowest point Is promising what rel ¬

ther he nor any one else can performnnd 11 tho fffort to perform It were at ¬

tempted disaster would result to bothshipper and wa EC worker and ruin to thebusiness Interests of the country Theman to trust In such u matter as this lathe map who like Judgo Taft does notpromise too much but whooould not bu1r+ r

t I ltJ LrlI


swayed from the path of duty by anyargument by any consideration who willwage relentless war on the successfulwrongdoer among railroad man as amongall other men who will do nil that can bedone to secure legitimately low rates toshippers and absolute evenness amongtho rates tlvs secured but who will nei ¬

ther promise nor attempt to secure ratesso low that the wage earner would losehis earnings und tho shareholder whosemoney built the road his profits Howill not favor n ruinous experiment like t

government ownership of railways Hewill stand against any kind of confisca ¬

tion of honestly acquired property butho will work effectively for the most cfficlent type of government supervisionand control of railways so as to secureJust and fair treatment of tho people asu whole

Whet In hero said as to his attitude ontho railway ueston applies to the wholequestion of he trusts He willnothing on this subject unless promiseIbelieves ho can male hisfie will go Into no chimericalio destroy nit great business mOrmflltIfor this can only ho done byall modern business but he wtical fashion do everything secure such efficient control on behalf oftime people as a whole over these greatroTiblrrUInns ns wlI dcprimr thrn of thepower to worm evil Mr Tufts derisionIn tho Addystano pipe lino case while ontho bench Is proof by devils not byof tin firrlgiitod wisdom with ordlIservos tVto IrtiroRta of the wholeoven when those of the most powerfulcorporations are hostile thereto I

If hero Is ono body of men more thananother wlov support I feel I have arsil to chnlongo on behalf of SecretaryTaft It Is the body of wugoworkurithe country A stnncher friend a ofIand truer representative they

tho borders of the

IIOWjcrDarin ton years my acoiiunnno with him since I have ntysrllus governor and president been obliged todeal practically with labor problems IIPline been one of the men upon whose Judg-ment mina old 1 coud always rely In doIng everything possible for the cam1 oftho wagcworkor of the man whowlih hU hands or with both ban worksIhead

Mr Taft has been attacked becausetho Injunctions he delivered whllo on orIbench I am content to rest his casethese very Injunctions I maintainthey show why nil our people should begrateful to him and should feel it safe tIIntrust their dearest Interests to him

urC I ho never has yielded and neveryield to thrent or pressure of any

Ins ax little If It comes from labor us IfcoTs from capital Ho will no more

time violence of n mob than the-corruption and oppression send arroganceof n corporation or of u wealthy man Hewill not consent to limit the power of timecourts to put a stop to wrongdoing whormlicIIn him He hns Incurred tho bitter hostlity of foolish mind bigoted reactionaries byhis frank criticism of tho abuse of thepower of Injunction In Inbor disputes amiho Is pledged to do all he can to putstop to the abuses In the exerclso of IIIpower of Injunction He will never promIIso anything that he will not do allpower to perform He can always betrusted to do n little better than his wordand time fact that before election ho willnot promise the Impossible Is In Itself aguaranty that after election all that Is

i possible will bo donoHis record as a Judge makes time whole j

country his debtor Ills actions and de ¬

cisions are part of the great traditions oftho bench They guaranteed and set forthIn striding fashion the rights of the guneral public ns against the selfish Interestsof any class whether of capitalists or ofIlaborers They set forth nnd stand by the j

rights of the wagoworkerf to organize andto strike as unequivocally as they setforth and stand by the doctrlno that noconduct will be tolerated that would spelldestruction to tho nation as a whole Asfor the attack upon his Injunctions In labar disputes made while he was on triobench I ask that the Injunctions be care-fully examined I ask that every responslblo and fair minded Inbor leader everyresponsible nnd fair minded member of nlabor organization read these Injunctionsfor himself It ho will do so Instead ofcondemning them he will heartily approveof them and will recognize this furtherastonishing fact that tho principlesdown by Judge Taft In these very In1uInldIlions which laboring people are nakedcondemn nro themselves tho verypies which aria now embodied In the lawsor practices of every responsible labor or-ganization No responsible organizationwould now hesitate to condemn thcIabuses against which JUdge Tuftstlons wore aimed rho principles whichho therein so wisely and fearlessly laiddown serve ns a charter of liberty for allIof us for wage workers for employersfor the general public for they rest on theprinciples of fair deAling for nil of even-handed justice for nil They mark theJudgo who rendered them as standing fortho rights of the whole people As far nsdnvllgit In from drrkness so far is such ajudge from the time server the trucklerto the mob or the cringing toot of greatcorrupt and corrupting corporationsJudge Tuft on the bench ns since In thePhilippines In Panama in Cuba In thewar department showed himself to be awIse a fearless and an upright servant of I

tho whole people whose services to thewhole people were beyond all price Mooover let all good citizens remember thatho rendered these services not when Itfwas easy to do so but when lawlessboom was threatened whan malice demestlc and civic disturbance threatenedthe whole fabric of our government ardof civilization Ills actions showed not


r < r> J <

ifi f



only the highest kind of moral couragebut of physical courage as well for Kinlife was tr eland violently threatened

Let all fair minded men wageworkursand capitalists alike consider yet an ¬

other fact In ono of his decisions upontho bench Judge Taft upheld In the

limoITafts sense of right his Indignationagainst oppression In any tarot againstany attitude that Is not fair and justdrove him to take n position which worms

violently condemned by shortsighted capItnllsta and employers of labor whichwas so far In advance of tho time that ItstntlI a

a a pioneer onIn the effort to get justice for the wageworker In jealous championship of hisrights and all upright and farslghtcd la ¬

boring men should hold It to his creditthat nt tho slime time he fearlessly stoodagainst tho abuses of labor Just as hofearlessly stood against the abuses ofcapital If elected he has shown by hisdeeds that he will be president of noclass but of the people as a whole Hocan bo truiCcd to stand stoutly mmgasttho two real enemies of our deniocrncvagainst the man who to pleaso one classwould undermine tho whole foundation oforderly liberty and against the man whoIn time interest of another class would se-cure business prosperity by nacrlllenievery right of the working people1pionthe for I the ware

1itillerto do what I thought was against his In ¬

terest I ask his support fur Mr Tuftexactly as I Talc such support from cv ryfnrslgnted and right thinking Amorlcmcitizen because I hollrvo with rl toyheart that nowhere within tho borders ofour great country cnn there bo found an ¬

other mnn who will as vigilantly and ef-ficiently


as Mr Taft support tho rightsrlshtI 1I

Ho will protect the just rights of bothrich und poor and he will war relent ¬

lessly against lawlessness and injusticewhether exercised on behalf of property

labor v

IOn the bunch Judge Waft showed theo qualities which make ft great Judge

wisdom and moral courage They aroalso The two qualities which make A

great president Sincerely yoursTHEODORE ROOSEVELT

Mr Conrad Kohrs Helena MonttIWHYiBusiness Interests Working For Re

publican SuccessThe president of the ClalJIn company

in nn nnnual stittemcut of that com-pany to stockholders sums up the busi <

ness situation with much Accuracy andfairness He snld thnt after sixmonths of severe depression In the drygoods Industry It recovery occurred InJune and since then hns been wellmaintained but no great improvement tcnn be expected until the presidential Aelection is otier-

Expressed or implied a marked re ¬

vival within the next few weeks JIs predicted by the most cautiousbusiness men In the country becauseof the inferential belles that JudgeTuft will be elected on Nov 3 Recent 1accounts of the Iron trndo show thatthe gain of the early summer Is beingheld hank clearings and railway grossearnings tell a similar story To eVeryone tbe evidence is unmistakable thatIt tbo election of Judge Taft was now 1JIFor this reason masterful minds ev-erywhere in Industrial nnd commercialactivities are bending every energy for tthe election of TaftInvI I 4

terestcd to note that although thirteenbanks nUll trust companies closed theirdoors in consequence of tbo October Ipanic not one of the 51000 depositorswill lose a dollar Some of these In ¬

stitutions bud been wickedly misman ¬

aged but in every case the men re <

sponslble have been expelled some Indieted nnd sonic have committed sult i

cede It hardly looks In these circum ¬ I

stances as It wo needed federal guarantee of national bank deposits Ifthnt were provided as the Democratspropose one great agency for holding >bank officers up to u proper sense ofIndividual responsibility for the safeand proper conduct of their Institu ¬

lions would be removed BostonTranscript

Bo fur as honorary degrees are copcorned Mr Bryan Is n doctor of laws tMonpurod by hi profession nnd prac¬

tice he Is slujply a would be tinker ofttttutcs a
