Motivation letter.docx

Motivation letter to justify my participation in the student conference in Durham, UK discussing the topic Employability Skills and Cultural Aareness In the following I listed the most crucial arguments concerning my wish to participate in the student conference taking place from 21 st to 25 th March in Durham, UK. irst of all it is undenia!le, that a participation in a conference where students get the chance to e"change their opinions a!out the topic is an important gain of knowledge and perception on the di#ersity of opinion and e"perience for e#ery student taking part in the conference. urther more, this conference is not only to gain e"perience in the confrontation with people from di$erent countries, !ut a!out discussing and forming an opinion a!out an important issue in a fast% changing world, too. &lso, I am tremendously interested in the opinions of others and like to challenge their #iew of the world. 'alking a!out di#ersity while ha#ing to deal with it seems like a (uite interesting occasion. )o, why do I consider myself worthy to participate in the conference and to represent the *)+ of 'rier I !elie#e that my *nglish skills will ena!le me to communicate freely with the other participants and to !e part of good discussions. I am not only interested in the topic !ut ha#e made research concerning *mploya!ility )kills and -ultural &wareness, as well. I consider myself as well%informed and a!le to form my own opinion. *#en more, I ha#e !een part of the &genda21 +/0 Internet -onference for se#eral times, where similar topics were discussed and therefore not only ha#e learned important discussion manners !ut also gained a wide%range knowledge a!out di#ersity of e#ery kind. ours truly, )anta ensone

Transcript of Motivation letter.docx

Motivation lettertojustify my participationinthe student conference in Durham, UKdiscussing the topicEmployability Skills and Cultural Awareness

In the following I listed the most crucial arguments concerning my wish to participate in the student conference taking place from 21st to 25th March in Durham, UK.

First of all it is undeniable, that a participation in a conference where students get the chance to exchange their opinions about the topic is an important gain of knowledge and perception on the diversity of opinion and experience for every student taking part in the conference.

Further more, this conference is not only to gain experience in the confrontation with people from different countries, but about discussing and forming an opinion about an important issue in a fast-changing world, too.

Also, I am tremendously interested in the opinions of others and like to challenge their view of the world. Talking about diversity while having to deal with it seems like a quite interesting occasion.

So, why do I consider myself worthy to participate in the conference and to represent the ESO of Trier?

I believe that my English skills will enable me to communicate freely with the other participants and to be part of good discussions.

I am not only interested in the topic but have made research concerning Employability Skills and Cultural Awareness, as well. I consider myself as well-informed and able to form my own opinion.

Even more, I have been part of the Agenda21NOW! Internet Conference for several times, where similar topics were discussed and therefore not only have learned important discussion manners but also gained a wide-range knowledge about diversity of every kind.

Yours truly,

Santa Bensone