Mother Teresa b

MOTHER TERESA Mother Teresa was born in Albania in 1910, and died in 1997. Her real name is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. he be!ame "amous the world o#er "or starting the Missionaries o" $harit% in $al!utta, &ndia. he began this wor' in 19(0 and "or o#er "ort% %ears, she loo'ed a"ter the )oor, si!', or)haned, and d%ing. he won the *obel +ea!e +rie in 1979 "or her humanitarian wor'. Agnes de#elo)ed an interest in hel)ing the less "ortunate at a #er% %oung age. he was "as!inated b% stories o" )eo)le who dedi!ated their li"e to hel) others. he de!ided to be!ome a nun when she was

Transcript of Mother Teresa b

8/12/2019 Mother Teresa b 1/5



Mother Teresa was born in Albania in 1910, and died in 1997. Her

real name is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. he be!ame "amous the world

o#er "or starting the Missionaries o" $harit% in $al!utta, &ndia. he

began this wor' in 19(0 and "or o#er "ort% %ears, she loo'ed a"ter

the )oor, si!', or)haned, and d%ing. he won the *obel +ea!e +rie

in 1979 "or her humanitarian wor'.

Agnes de#elo)ed an interest in hel)ing the less "ortunate at a #er%

%oung age. he was "as!inated b% stories o" )eo)le who dedi!ated

their li"e to hel) others. he de!ided to be!ome a nun when she was

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1-. he joined the isters o" oreto as a missionar% when she was

1/. he initiall% went to &reland, to learn nglish.

he arri#ed in &ndia in 19-9 and be!ame a nun two %ears later. The

)o#ert% and su""ering she saw around her in $al!utta dee)l%

disturbed her. A "amine in 192 'illed thousands and worsened the

situation. &n 193 she re!ei#ed a !all "rom God. 4& was to lea#e the

!on#ent and hel) the )oor while li#ing among them. &t was an

order,5 she said.

he was an international s%mbol o" !harit%, #isiting man% !ountries

to hel) )oor !hildren. At the time o" her death, her organiation was

o)erating in 1-2 !ountries. A"ter she died, the +o)e started the

)ro!ess that might one da% ma'e her a saint. An international

sur#e% ran'ed her as the 4most admired )erson o" the -0th


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 Match the words from the article on the left with their synonyms on the right. Are

your answers the same as other students’?

Paragraphs 1 and 2

1. the world o#er a. lu!'%

- loo'ed a"ter b. )ubli!6s)irited

2. humanitarian c. s)ellbound

. "ortunate d. at "irst

(. "as!inated e. worldwide

3. initiall% f. !ared "or

Paragraphs 3 and 4

7. )o#ert% g. i!on

/. disturbed h. need

9. among i. troubled

10. s%mbol  j. thought highl% o" 

11 o)erating k  with

1- admired l  wor'ing

Match the following phrases from the article.

1. he be!ame "amous the a. li"e to hel) others

- humanitarian b. o)erating in 1-2 !ountries

2. de#elo)ed an interest in hel)ing c. world o#er

. )eo)le who dedi!ated their d. to learn nglish

(. he initiall% went to &reland, e. 'illed thousands

3. A "amine in 192 f. wor'

7. hel) the )oor g. )erson o" the -0th $entur%

/. her organiation was h. the less "ortunate

9. the )ro!ess that might one i. while li#ing among them

10. the most admired  j. da% ma'e her a saint

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"elete the wrong word in each of the pairs of italics.

Mother Teresa was born in Albania in 1910, and dead / died  in 1997. Her real name is

 Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. he be!ame "amous the world around / over  "or starting the

Missionaries o" #harit$ in #al!utta, %ndia. he began this wor& in 19'0 and "or o(er "ort$

$ears, she loo&ed a"ter the )oor, sick / sickness, or)haned, and d$ing. he won the

*obel +ea!e +rie in 1979 "or her human / humanitarian wor&.

 Agnes de(elo)ed an interested / interest  in hel)ing the less fortunate / fortune at a

(er$ $oung age. he was "as!inated b$ stories o" )eo)le who dedi!ated their life / lives

to hel) others. he de!ided to be!ome a nun when she was 1-. he joined the isters

o" oreto as a missionar$ when she was 1/. he initially / initials went to %reland, to

learn nglish.

he arri(ed in %ndia in 19-9 and be!ame a none / nun two $ears later. The )o(ert$ and

suffering / suffered  she saw around her in #al!utta dee)l$ disturbed her. A "amine in

192 &illed thousands and worst / worsened  the situation. %n 193 she re!ei(ed a !all

"rom God. 4% was to lea(e the !on(ent and hel) the )oor while li(ing among those /

them. %t was an order,5 she said.

he was an international symbolic / symbol  o" !harit$, (isiting man$ !ountries to hel)

)oor !hildren.  At / In  the time o" her death, her organiation was o)erating in 1-2

!ountries. A"ter she died, the +o)e started the )ro!ess that might one / a da$ ma&e her

a saint. An international sur(e$ ranked / banked  her as the 4most admired )erson o"

the -0th #entur$.4

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$%T THE TE&T 'AC( TO)ETHE *um+er these lines in the correct order.

8 "ort% %ears, she loo'ed a"ter the )oor, si!', or)haned, and d%ing.he won the *obel +ea!e +rie

8 in 1979 "or her humanitarian wor'.

8 he arri#ed in &ndia in 19-9 and be!ame a nun two %ears later. The)o#ert% and su""ering she saw around her in $al!utta

8 he was an international s%mbol o" !harit%, #isiting man% !ountries

to hel) )oor !hildren. At the

8 as a missionar% when she was 1/. he initiall% went to &reland, to

learn nglish.

8 dee)l% disturbed her. A "amine in 192 'illed thousands andworsened the situation. &n 193 she re!ei#ed a !all "rom

8 Agnes de#elo)ed an interest in hel)ing the less "ortunate at a #er%

%oung age. he was "as!inated b% stories o" 

8 time o" her death, her organiation was o)erating in 1-2 !ountries.A"ter she died, the +o)e started the

8 God. 4& was to lea#e the !on#ent and hel) the )oor while li#ing

among them. &t was an order,5 she said.

8 )eo)le who dedi!ated their li"e to hel) others. he de!ided to

be!ome a nun when she was 1-. he joined the isters o" oreto

8 the 4most admired )erson o" the -0th $entur%.4

8 the world o#er "or starting the Missionaries o" $harit% in $al!utta,

&ndia. he began this wor' in 19(0 and "or o#er

1 8 Mother Teresa was born in Albania in 1910, and died in 1997. Her

real name is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. he be!ame "amous

8 )ro!ess that might one da% ma'e her a saint. An internationalsur#e% ran'ed her as