Mother Sauces Family Tree - Chef Todd Mohr's Web Cooking Classes

Mother Sauces Family Tree Copyright 2010 Todd Mohr Unauthorized Bechamel Bechamel Bechamel Bechamel Milk + Roux Cream Cream Cream Cream Cream + Lemon Cheddar Cheddar Cheddar Cheddar Cheese, Worchesteshire, Mustard Mornay Mornay Mornay Mornay Gruyere, Cream, Butter Nantua Nantua Nantua Nantua Cream, Butter, Paprika, Diced Shellfish Soubise Soubise Soubise Soubise Sweat diced onion, simmered and strained Veloute’ Veloute’ Veloute’ Veloute’ Stock & Roux Bercy Bercy Bercy Bercy Fish Stock, Shallots, White Wine, Butter Allemande Allemande Allemande Allemande Veal Stock, Egg Yolk, Cream, Lemon Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Chicken Stock, Mushrooms, Cream Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Allemande, Tomato Paste, Butter Cardinal Cardinal Cardinal Cardinal Fish Stock, Cream, Cayenne, Lobster Espagnole Espagnole Espagnole Espagnole Brown Stock+Brown Roux Chausseur Chausseur Chausseur Chausseur Mushrooms, Shallots, White Wine, Tomatoes Chateubriand Chateubriand Chateubriand Chateubriand White Wine, Shallots, Lemon, Tarragon Bordelaise Bordelaise Bordelaise Bordelaise Red Wine, Shallots, Bay Leaf, Thyme Robert Robert Robert Robert Onion, Mustard, Sugar, Butter Duxelle Duxelle Duxelle Duxelle Onion, Mushrooms, White Wine, Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato+Vegetable Puree Creole Creole Creole Creole Onion, Celery, Garlic, Pepper, Thyme, Cayenne Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Creole Sauce, Mushrooms, Olives Milanaise Milanaise Milanaise Milanaise Mushrooms, Butter, Ham Neapolitan Neapolitan Neapolitan Neapolitan Garlic, Olives, Anchovy, Capers Bolognese Bolognese Bolognese Bolognese Mire Poix, Ground Meat, Red Wine, Oregano Hollandaise Hollandaise Hollandaise Hollandaise Butter + Egg Yolk Bernaise Bernaise Bernaise Bernaise Shallots, Tarragon, Re- duce in Vinegar Mousseline Mousseline Mousseline Mousseline Whipped Cream Maltaise Maltaise Maltaise Maltaise Orange Juice, Orange Zest Grimrod Grimrod Grimrod Grimrod Saffron Choron Choron Choron Choron Bernaise, Tomato Paste Heavy Cream Sauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspi Sauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspi Sauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspi Sauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspirations. rations. rations. rations. FREE Easy Sauces Webcast at

Transcript of Mother Sauces Family Tree - Chef Todd Mohr's Web Cooking Classes

Mother Sauces Family Tree

Copyright 2010 Todd Mohr Unauthorized


Milk + Roux

CreamCreamCreamCream Cream + Lemon

CheddarCheddarCheddarCheddar Cheese, Worchesteshire,


MornayMornayMornayMornay Gruyere, Cream, Butter

NantuaNantuaNantuaNantua Cream, Butter, Paprika,

Diced Shellfish

SoubiseSoubiseSoubiseSoubise Sweat diced onion,

simmered and strained


Stock & Roux

BercyBercyBercyBercy Fish Stock, Shallots,

White Wine, Butter

AllemandeAllemandeAllemandeAllemande Veal Stock, Egg Yolk,

Cream, Lemon

SupremeSupremeSupremeSupreme Chicken Stock,

Mushrooms, Cream

AuroraAuroraAuroraAurora Allemande, Tomato

Paste, Butter

CardinalCardinalCardinalCardinal Fish Stock, Cream,

Cayenne, Lobster


Brown Stock+Brown Roux

ChausseurChausseurChausseurChausseur Mushrooms, Shallots,

White Wine, Tomatoes

ChateubriandChateubriandChateubriandChateubriand White Wine, Shallots,

Lemon, Tarragon

BordelaiseBordelaiseBordelaiseBordelaise Red Wine, Shallots, Bay

Leaf, Thyme

RobertRobertRobertRobert Onion, Mustard, Sugar,


DuxelleDuxelleDuxelleDuxelle Onion, Mushrooms,

White Wine, Tomato


Tomato+Vegetable Puree

CreoleCreoleCreoleCreole Onion, Celery, Garlic,

Pepper, Thyme, Cayenne

SpanishSpanishSpanishSpanish Creole Sauce,

Mushrooms, Olives

MilanaiseMilanaiseMilanaiseMilanaise Mushrooms, Butter, Ham

NeapolitanNeapolitanNeapolitanNeapolitan Garlic, Olives,

Anchovy, Capers

BologneseBologneseBologneseBolognese Mire Poix, Ground Meat,

Red Wine, Oregano


Butter + Egg Yolk

BernaiseBernaiseBernaiseBernaise Shallots, Tarragon, Re-

duce in Vinegar

MousselineMousselineMousselineMousseline Whipped Cream

MaltaiseMaltaiseMaltaiseMaltaise Orange Juice,

Orange Zest

GrimrodGrimrodGrimrodGrimrod Saffron

ChoronChoronChoronChoron Bernaise, Tomato Paste

Heavy Cream

Sauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspiSauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspiSauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspiSauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces”. Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspirations.rations.rations.rations.

FREE Easy Sauces Webcast at