MoStep Two Presentation, By Sarah Cress

Knowing Your Intellectual, Social and Personal Student Graduate Teaching Assistant, Sarah Cress Art Ed 4273



Transcript of MoStep Two Presentation, By Sarah Cress

Page 1: MoStep Two Presentation, By Sarah Cress

Knowing Your Intellectual, Social and Personal Student

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Sarah CressArt Ed 4273

Page 2: MoStep Two Presentation, By Sarah Cress

MoStep Madness Agenda…• MoStep One Video Unveiling!

– GO Katharine!!• Sketchbook Prompt• Sketchbook Discussion• Student Artwork Investigation• Class Discussion• MoStep Two, Can I Have a

Volunteer?• Review of Artistic

Development• Break• The Art of Scaffolding• Scaffolding Exercise• Student Motivation 101• Artifact Brainstorm Session

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Sketchbook Prompt…

Consider your intellectual, social and personal self. How do you learn? How do you socialize? What are your personal hopes and dreams? How do all of these elements that make up YOU influence and intertwine with one another? How do all of these elements influence how you learn?

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Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty…Choose an image in front of you that you find

particularly striking. After reviewing it for some time, consider the following:

• Who is that student intellectually?• Who is that student socially?• Who is that student personally?• What art instruction preceded this creation?• What art lessons should follow in order to

strengthen the observed learning?

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MoStep Two…

1.2.2 The preservice teacher understands how students learn and develop, and provides learning opportunities that support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students.

• Performance Indicators: The preservice teacher – knows and identifies child/adolescent

development; – strengthens prior knowledge with new ideas; – encourages student responsibility; – knows theories of learning.

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MoStep Two Rubric…

The pre-service teacher strongly applies knowledge of how students learn and develop to create developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that not only strengthen prior knowledge and encourage student responsibility, but also support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students.

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Artistic Development…

Viktor Lowenfeld’s Creative and Mental Growth

• Scribbling Stage

• The Preschematic Stage

• The Schematic Stage

• The Gang Stage: The Dawning Realism

• The Pseudo-Naturalistic Stage

• The Period of Decision

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The Art of Scaffolding Learning…

• Building upon prior knowledge

• Long-term goals

• Short-term goals

• Regular assessment

• Regular reflection

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The Art of Scaffolding Learning…

• Motivate the child’s interest

• Simplify the task to make it manageable and achievable

• Provide some direction in order to help the child focus

• Clearly indicate differences between the child’s work and the standard or desired solution

• Reduce frustration and risk

• Model and define the expectations of the activity to be performed

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The Benefits of Scaffolding Learning…

• Educators anticipate problems that students might encounter and then develop step by step instructions.

• Helps students understand why they are doing the work and why it is important.

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The Benefits of Scaffolding Learning…

• Students make decisions about which path to choose or what things to explore along the path.

• Expectations are clear from the beginning of the activity since examples of exemplary work, rubrics, and standards of excellence are shown.

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Ways to Ensure a Scaffolded Experience…

• Know your child psychology• Reference state and national

standards• Reference district and school standards• Reference what has been done in the past• Assess and evaluate the skills inherent in your students• Reference other experts within the field

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A Scaffolding Challenge…

As a class you will be split up into pairs. Each pair will be provided a specific subject area. One of you will be in charge of the beginning content area class and the other will be in charge of the advanced. Together, you must devise a sequenced and scaffolded curriculum that demonstrates your understanding of adolescent development.

What you will present: (1) A list of lesson ideas for each of your two courses that demonstrate a continuous sophistication of knowledge and skills. (2) Details regarding how YOU will scaffold the experience.

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Student Motivation…

• Make it real

– Create learning activities that are based on topics that are relevant to your students' lives.

• Provide choices

– Students have increased motivation when they feel some sense of autonomy in the learning process.

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Student Motivation…

• Balance the challenge

– Students perform best when the level of difficulty is slightly above their current ability level. If the task is too easy, it promotes boredom. A task that is too difficult may be seen as unattainable, may undermine self-efficacy, and may create anxiety.

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Student Motivation…

• Seek role models

– If students can identify with role models they may be more likely to see the relevance in the subject matter.

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Student Motivation…

• Use peer models

– Students can learn by watching a peer succeed at a task. In this context, a peer means someone who the student identities with, not necessarily any other student.

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Student Motivation…

• Establish a sense of belonging

– Research shows that students who feel they 'belong' have a higher degree of intrinsic motivation and academic confidence.

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Student Motivation…

• Adopt a supportive style

– A supportive teaching style that allows for student autonomy can foster increased student interest, enjoyment, engagement and performance.

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Artifact Brainstorm…

Now, let’s brainstorm some ways we can demonstrate our newfound knowledge.