Most Heartbreaking Harry Potter Deaths - MS....


Transcript of Most Heartbreaking Harry Potter Deaths - MS....





Most Heartbreaking

Harry Potter Deaths

Published at Petitcodiac Regional School

May 2016



#5 – Hedwig

A small snowy owl who seeks adventure.

#4 – Sirius Black

A dangerous godfather who came out of “hiding”.

#3 – Albus Dumbledore

An amazing headmaster at Hogwarts with a couple of

tricks up his sleeve.

#2 – Dobby

A free elf.

#1 – Severus Snape

Good or Bad?

I Thought…

What do you think?

Don’t you just love having a favorite character for

things? Now, do you like it when they die? NO, OF

COURSE NOT!! Well that’s what happens here. We see

a lot of our favorite characters go in Harry Potter. We

all know it sucks! It feels like someone ripped out your

heart and used the killing curse on it. We would feel

like this about the main characters because we “grow

up” with them. We create a connection with these

characters. Even though we feel this way, we need to

accept the fact that they’re gone. Until then, let’s see

which were the most heartbreaking characters in

Harry Potter.


WHO DIED: Hedwig WHICH MOVIE: Deathly Hallows WHAT WERE THEY: Snow Owl

The idea seemed simple enough, Simple

enough for trying not to die while being

chased, by Voldemort, and a bunch of death

eaters. All they wanted to do was drink Poly

Juice Potion and turn into Harry. Over 7

people put they’re life in danger… plus

Hedwig. Read to find out why Hedwig is

number 5 on my list!






Hedwig was killed by a death

eater while Harry and Hagrid

were on Sirius’s flying motor

bike. Harry (the real Harry) and

Hagrid were soaring through

the air in the night sky. Hedwig

was beside them. Suddenly, a

death eater shot up in front of

them and immediately hit

Hedwig with the killing curse. A

flash of green light went across

and hit Hedwig who began to

fall. The death eater flew back

down as soon as he shot the



As Hedwig fell, Harry, with a loud yell

of terror and hope yelled “NO!

HEDWIG!”. Once they returned to the

ground there wasn’t much time to talk

about Hedwig. Hagrid (who also

witnessed the death) tried to keep

Harry’s mind off of it by saying “Well,

never mind”. Either than Harry, Hagrid

should feel the most pain because he

bought little Hedwig for Harry for

Harry’s 11th birthday. Once people

found out they were quite sad, but

none as sad as Harry.


Hedwig was an important part of this

story because she really developed a

relationship with Harry. Once Harry

was brought up into this whole other

world that he never even heard about

before, Hagrid bought Hedwig for

Harry! He was amazed. He was amazed

that someone cared enough about him

to do that for him. Harry took such

wonderful care of Hedwig. Harry had

# 5 4 3 2 1


Her from when he was 11 to when he

was 17! Hedwig was a messenger owl

also. So it was exciting to see what

type of cool wizerding gadgets he

would get. Of course Harry didn’t

expect anything though. Hedwig was

very important to Harry, so seeing her

go really hurt.

When Harry had to go back to his Aunt and Uncle Dursley’s

house, he wasn’t very happy. He didn’t want to see either of

them or his cousin Dudley. They made him feel like nothing.

Now that he had Hedwig, he didn’t know how they were going

to react. They were 100% AGAINST magic! It wasn’t going to be

pleasant. He finally arrived, his family not very happy to see

him. Harry and Hedwig were up in Harry’s room. Hedwig was

being just a little too loud. Uncle Vernon heard Hedwig and got

VERY angry! He rushed up the stairs where Harry’s room was,

fumed with anger! He nearly kicks out Harry and the owl, but

didn’t. It was defiantly a close call!

7 owls played Hedwig throughout the movies.

Quick Fact

Sirius Black

WHO DIED: Sirius Black WHICH MOVIE: The order of the phoenix WHAT WERE THEY: previously in Azkaban, Harry’s godfather, wizard

Sirius Black is Harry’s only hope at a happy

family… or so Harry thought. Their plans to

live together and spend time together were

just fantasies, or that’s what they seem like



Sirius Black


Sirius Black died when Bellatrix (a

death eater) hits him with the killing

curse” AVADA KADAVRA”. He dies

right before passing through the veil.


Harry was very sad and all over the

place when Sirius died. He was not

prepared for Sirius to die and did not

like it.


Sirius Black was the only family Harry

had left in the magic world. Sirius was

very important to Harry.

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STORY TIME! When Sirius goes in the tree Harry, Ron and Hermione are there with Ron’s rat

Scabbers. Sirius starts being all crazy like and was after Scabbers. It looked like

he was after Harry but he wasn’t!

J.K Rowling was originally going to kill off Arthur Weasley, but killed Sirius instead!

Quick Fact


WHO DIED: Albus Dumbledore WHICH MOVIE: Deathly Hallows WHAT WERE THEY: Headmaster/ Greatest wizard of his time

Headmaster. HOORAY!!!! His dream came

true. Everything was working out in his favor.

He was getting through the horecruxes and

he j8ust felt on top of the world… until he fell

off of it.


Albus Dumbledore


Albus was on the watch tower. Harry

was hiding below to make sure that

Malfoy wouldn’t do anything. There

were a lot of death eaters. Malfoy was

attempting to kill Albus, and right

when Harry was about to yell “STOP!”

a hand covered his mouth. It was

Snape. He tells Harry to be quite by

using hand gestures. Snape goes

where Dumbledore is. He kills



While Malfoy was trying to ill

Dumbledore, they’re conversation was

quite interesting. Albus: “Draco, years

ago, I knew a boy, who made all the

wrong choices. Please, let me help

you.” Draco:” I don’t want you’re help!

Can’t you see?! I have to do this! I have

to kill you…or he’s go (Voldemorte)

gonna kill me!


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian

Dumbledore. He was a very important

character. He was headmaster at

Hogwarts, he was the only person who

Voldemorte was afraid of. Albus knew

Harry when he was a baby and looked

forward for him to go to Hogwarts.

# 5 4 3 2 1

In Deathly Hallows Albus and Harry go to a cave to get a

horecrux. It was stuck in this water type stuff and the only

way to get rid of the water was drink it. So Albus said to give

the water to himself. Of course Harry did not agree with this,

but he ended up giving it to him anyways. It was awful to

watch. Albus was slowly dying.

Ri Richard Harris (Albus Dumbledore) during the making of the films. So they replaced him with Micheal Gambon who played Albus in the rest of the movies.

Quick Fact


WHO DIED: Dobby WHICH MOVIE: Deathly Hallows WHAT WERE THEY: House Elf

Dobby is a simple house elf. He did what his

master said to do. Therefore, he was a good

house elf. Until one day, he was no longer a

house elf. He was a free elf!





Sweet, sweet Dobby. It was tragic

when he died! He was a hero! When

Hermione was being tortured and Ron

and Harry were in a dungeon, Dobby

saved all three of them! But when

they were all about to magically snap

away, Bellatrix threw her knife and it

went through the portal. It hit Dobby

and he passed. Harry, Ron and

Hermione then buried him without

out magic and on his gravestone

wrote “Dobby, A free elf”.


Harry was very, very sad and in tears

when he saw that Dobby had passed.

Ron and Hermione were very sad also1

they were especially sad because

Dobby had just saved their lives.


Dobby was a house elf to the Malfoy

family. Harry secretly gave Dobby a

sock making it look like it was from

Lucius Malfoy. From that day Dobby

was a free elf!

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In the second movie, “Chamber of secrets”, is the first time we

see Dobby. Dobby appeared in Harry’s bedroom telling him not

to return to Hogwarts that year. Dobby even took his letters

from his friends making it look like no one missed him. Harry

figured this out and ended up going to Hogwarts for his second


Dobby is 3 feet tall.

Quick Fact

Severus Snape

WHO DIED: Severus Snape WHICH MOVIE: The Deathly Hallows WHAT WERE THEY: Wizard, potions teacher

Severus Snape was the guy who you couldn’t

tell if he was good or bad. One minute you like

him, the next you don’t!


Severus Snape


Severus Snape died from a

deatheater. He killed him. Right after

Severus killed Albus, a deatheater

killed Severus.


Harry ran up to Severus who as he was

dying was crying and said “You have

your mother’s eyes” right before he



Severus Snape was the type of person

who you couldn’t tell if he was good or


# 5 4 3 2 1

STORY TIME! In the first movie, while Harry was playing Quidditch, Professor Quirrell

was making Harry’s broom go all wonky so he would fall off. So Severus

did a counter spell. Hermione saw Severus mumble something and

thought he was doing it. So she set his robe on fire making both Snape

and Quirrell look away.

Here are the criteria I used in ranking the most heartbreaking Harry Potter deaths. The movie:


Still cried over

I thought…

1. Do you agree with my ranking? If you don’t, try ranking them yourself. Justify your ranking with data. You may use my criteria or you may use your own. 2. Here are others to consider: Fred Weasley and Professor Lupin. Find out more about them. Should they have made my list? Are there others that should be considered?

What do you think?