Colds. Wee. la Lungs. Coughs. VVeak Throats. Ayer 9 S Cherry Pectoral Sold for 70 years. Ask Vont. Doctor. a MOST ANY BANK CAN RANDLE YOUR BUSINESS AFTER A FASHION, WHEN TIMES ARE GOOD AND MONEY EASY. WHEN TIMES ARE HARD AND MONEY TIGHT YOU NEED THE BUSINESS CONNECTION WITH A BIG, STRONG AND RE- LIABLE BANK. DO YOUR BANKING BUSINESS AND MAKE YOUR CREDIT GOOD WITH THE STRONGEST BANK IN LIVINGSTON COUNTY. THE BANK OF CAMPUS WALSH BROS, Props. CAMPUS ILLINOIS JAMES READY Dealer In "Original" Missouri Mules CLOSING 011T w wi. d!..—,1. 1", ".:::".".ing .'` PAIRS $275 'UP fernis cash or bankable note. Mail or phone. address ODELL, ILL. REDDICK RACKET ,....•••••■■CARDIFF CLIPPINGS CAMPUS CHATTERINGS MRS. SOHN BARBER, OF ROSELAW N, IND., IS VISITING RELATIVES JOE HOSICK AND FAMILY MOVE ON FARM NEAR LEHIGH SATURDAY.- HERE THIS WEE K.-MRS. ANNA McCULLY WENT TO KAN- OTHER BRIEF ITEMS OF THO SE WHO ARE COMING AND HAKEE WEDNESDAY TO VISIT RELATIVES. MRS. MENTON, OF FRANKLIN PARK, VISITED HER PARENTS HERE TH/S WEER.-E. V LAWLESS WENT TO BLOOMINGTON FRI- DAY TO ATTEND *FUNERAL OF A RELATIVE. GOING VISITING DURING THE PAST WEEK. E. J. Johnson was a Kankakee call, Chas. Christopher is very ill at this Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and con- sumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers.-Adv. 0 0* GO 0 0 "i UNION 0 000000000000000000 Jess Pauli. lost a good horse last week from colic. The wedding bells are ringing in this neighborhood . Orval Haines, of Pontiac, was a caller here last week. The Misses Cassiday moved to their new home in Pontiac last week. A few from this neignborhood at- tended the Hanson sale near Odell Fri- dayr: Julius Diemer moved into the new house that was built on his farm Fri- day. *********00000o*** ODELL *****b************ Charlie Brennen was a Joliet pas- senger Sunday. Aliss Lyons, of Pontiac, is spending a few days in town. Air. and Airs. H. Benson were visit- ing in Pontiac Aionday. Charlie Moore spent Sunday in Jo- liet with Fred Cheatham. Airs. Ed Nowottny is spending a few days with friends in Pontiac. J. C. Sumner, of Pontiac, was in town Tuesday atttending to legal mat- ters. Air. and Mrs. Bert Grimes visited his mother and brother in Chenoa Sunday. J. Bancroft, of Pontiac, is visiting his sister, Mrs. James Donahue, for a few days. Sylvester Savage. of Little Rock, Holleran & Tyrrell shipped a car of hogs Wednesday night. Mr. and Airs. Nels Christenson are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Saturday. Mrs. Menton, of Franklin Park, Ill., spent a few days here with her par- ents, Patrick O'Brien and wife. E. V. Lawless went to Bloomington Friday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Annie Lynch, who died in El- gin Thursday. Albert Miller loaded his car and shipped it to Piper City Wednesday, where he will clerk on a farm which lie recently purchased. Ben Sheehan and family spent Monday at Will O'Neill's. Alr. and Airs. Albert Korts visited relatives in Ransom Saturday. Orville Gillett and sister, Pearl, were Dwight callers Saturday. Bat Alurphy moved his household goods up to Peanut Hill Alonday. Olof Carlson moved over on the Geiger place near Dwight Tuesday. John and Hugh Phelan, of Alorris, spent a few days with their mother. Air. and Airs. Henry Voight called on the former's parents in Streator Thursday. Little Johnnie Comisky, who has been very. sick the past week, is much improved. Herman Bonness and family attend- ed the funeral of his mother near Ran- som Saturday. Mr. and Airs. Jno. McCormack and daughter, Aliss Mae, visited at Dave Linton's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Anslment, Mrs. Neil Coughlin and daughter, Helen, visited with Walter Hanley near Ve- rona Tuesday. Monday and Tuesday. Miss Alary Weimer was a Dwight caller one day last week. Miss Anna O'Reilly returned from Dwight Wednesday morning. Wear Weis made a business trip to Kankakee Wednesday gfternoon. Richard Schradrow, of Symerton, was a pleasant caller here Friday. Alr. and Airs. Jno. Dooling were writing. L. C. Badgley went to Decatur Mon- day forenoon. Joe Kelly spent several days in Kan- kakee visiting friends. Airs. Ambrose was a Dwight visitor Wednesday between trains. Airs. Jno. Barber, of Roselawn, Ind., is here visiting her relatives. Geo. Grob, of Herscher, was seen on 'W. Al. Hayes was in town Saturday on business. Mr. McCleish was a Campus pas- senger Friday. Dr. Heinen, of Campus, was in town last Wednesday. Ray Fleischaur, of near Cabery, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Johnson was in Campus between trains Monday. Hugh Walsh was in Campus one day last week between trains. J. E. Mullen, of Chicago, was in town on business last Wednesday. Air. Matalitch, of Alichigan, returned Tuesday to visit with friends and rela- tives. George Chapple, of Round Grove, was in town doing some shopping Aionday. Joe Hosick and family moved on a farm two and a half miles southeast of Lehigh, Ill., Saturday. Frances AlcGinnis moved his house- hold goods on .the farm one-quarter mile west of Cardiff recently vacated by Joe Hosick. Aiajor Schott, who has been attend- ing school at Ottawa, returned home Tuesday. Will Schott, who has been attend- ing college in Lansing, Mich., returned home Friday. Auatn Comer and Will Schott were business callers in Buckingham Sat- urday morning. Aliss Marie Alysworth spent Satur- day and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jessie Colman. Air. and Airs. Geo. Berger and daugh- ter spent from Saturday until Monday with friends in South Bend. Air. and Airs. Percy Cook spent one day of the week with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Harry Cooper, of Essex. Geo. McDugel moved his household goods to the Buckman place, better known as the Chas. Bosswell place. Airs. Emile Dornburg and daughter Miss Elsie, and Airs. G.. Van Voorst and son George, were Kankakee pas- sengers Saturday. Aliss Belle Houghton returned home last Tuesday after a week's visit with her sister, Airs. E. T. Grabill, and family, of Zearing. Two bobsled loads of young people of this neighborhood attended the hardtime social at Miss Violet Schott's school Friday evening. Mr. and Airs. Harvey Miller, of north of Essex, were callers in our vil- lage last Thursday. Airs. Miller was a passenger to Kankakee on the after- noon train. ****************** * EMINGTON ****************** Dr. Richardson was a Pontiac caller Thursday. A. Brown was in Chicago ,on busi- ness Wednesday. V. Ehrhardt was a Chicago passen- ger Tuesday morning. Liveryman W. Brown was a Campus caller Saturday forenoon. A. Brown and family entertained company of near Cullom Aionday. Blitstein & Hinkel shipped a car load of horses to Chicago Saturday. C. Robinson, of Dwight, called on relatives and friends in tovvn Aionday. Air. and Airs. I. Gallup visited Mrs. Gallup's parents at Reddick Thursday. O. F. Avery, of Pontiac, was a busi- ness caller in town Saturday after- noon. Jake Drew, of Kempton, was in town on a business mission Friday afternoon. Mrs. George Tjardes entertained her brother, R. Sniter, of near Derby, on Thursday and Friday. J. F. Johnson and wife left for their home in La Salle county Saturday after visiting friends here the past week. Are Yon Constitpated? If so, get a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear. They will stimulate the liver, improve your digestion and get rid of all the poisons from your system. They will surely get you well again. 25c at John A. O'Malley's Drug Store.-Adv. Alichael O'Keefe was iu town Mon- day. C. Guest, of Reddick, was in town Saturday. Henry Weikum was iu town Monday on business. Wm. Adams came home from Spar- laud Saturday. Dr. Smith was in town on business one day last week. Pete Testa, of near Cabery, was in town one day last week. Chas. Wagner and wife spent Fri- day and Saturday in Campus. Dick Loyd, of Rend, Ill., is here vis- iting with his wife and family Mrs. Fred Johnson and family spent a few days in Campus with her folks. Howard Richie and brother Lee were in town transacting business Aionday. Mrs. Louise returned from Staunton where she was visting relatives the past week. Jim, John and Toni Murphy and families left for Iowa this week, where they will make their future homes on their farms. CI 00 I:* 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO ROUND GROVE * 0 **********00****** m. N. Alathison spent last Wed- nesday at Dwight. Miss Orpha Pettitt spent Wednes- day with Airs. M. K. Mathison. Messrs. F. E. and T. W. Lydigsen spent last Saturday at Gardner. Air. T. W. Lydigsen and son and daughter spent Thursday with Airs. A. Drechel. Air. Seymour Warren came down from Joliet last Friday to spend a few days with J. T. Powell. You can say goodbye to constipa- tion with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For sale by all dealers.-Adv. 0******* 01 1:k HIGHLAND 000000000000000000 Ted Isham is on the sick list this week. Ray Smith is laid up with the grip this week. Arthur Jepsen made a trip to Pon- tiac Aionday. Claud Ratcliff made a business trip to Verona Aionday. Emery Baker is slowly improving from an attack of the lung fever. Airs. Jerry Curtin and daughter, Aiollie, were Dwight callers Saturday. Anna Jepsen was operated on at the Pontiac hospital Thursday for appen- dicitis. Ella Jepsen went to Pontiac Sun- day to visit her sister, Anna, who is there in the hospital. We were sorry to hear of the sud- den death of Sherman Bunch, which occurred one day last week. Mrs. Rosa Wilkinson and daughter, Thelma, spent fliursday and Thurs- day night with Airs. Wilkinson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook. Ed Constantine is in the Streator hospital' at this writing, where he un- derwent an operation for appendicitis. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Ed Cook and family, who have been living on the Baker farm, moved on a farm south of Dwight last week. Fred Sinclair and family will occupy the place which Air. Cook recently va- cated. WEST HIGHLAND. Dr. Harwood called in this vicinity Thursday. Wm. O'Neill was a Dwight passen- ger Friday. Ben Sheehan visited. his father in Ottawa Saturday. Aliss Anna Ryan is the guest of Aliss 'Murphy this week. Geo. Lowery and Dan Sullivan spent Thursday in Dwight. Geo. and Arthur Funk were Strea- tor shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John McCormack were Dwight shoppers Friday. Mr. Flood, from .Aiazon, called on Jno. AlcCormack 'Monday. Airs. J. A. McGoey, of Kinsman, vis- ited her father this week. State of 011,18. o,s Cjotyu,n(t)yr. Toledo, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for, each and every case of Catarrh that, cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S FRANK J. CHENEY. CATARRH CURE. Sworn to before me and subscribed In. erg(ace, th is 6t1i.dv. cji.,petcAn„),,,,‘r, (Seal) Notary Pubile. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal- ly and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testirrwrilals, free. F. .f. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- ' tion.-Adv. Joseph Aiiller, Sr., of Piper gity, spent a few days here with his sons. Airs. M. Linton, of Kankakee, is here helping her mother get fixed up in her new home. A. E. Steger, of Dwight, was here Wednesday on business and called on his sister, Mrs. T. M. Walsh. Leo Kiely came home from St. Bedes colege Wednesday to attend the fu- neral of his uncle, Daglin Flynn, held here Thursday. Aliss Carrie Christenson returned home last Thursday accompanied by her sister, Airs. W. Ai. Siedentop and son Donald, after visiting a few days in Streator with relatives. Ark., is spending a few days with his folks here. Airs. Charles McClellan was up from Pontiac Tuesday visiting her mother, Aim. Leonard. Airs. Ed Shepherd is spending a few days in Kinsman with her mother, who is very ill. Mrs. Teressa Watson and daughter, Loretta, were passengers to Chicago Wednesday morning. F. L. Edson, E. P. Church and H. C. Barber left early Monday morning for their homes in North Dakota. • Miss Florence Spaniol, of Pontiac, has returned home after spending a few days here with Misses Nellie and Margaret Condon. Aliss Nora Solon returned from Chicago Wednesday evening, where she spent a couple of days buying her millinery supplies. Air. and Mrs. Meech arrived here Tuesday from Manchester, Tenn., and will spend the summer with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. William McCloud. Dr. Al.zy's brother, from South Dakota, and sister, from Ohio, who have been visiting him here for a few days, left for their homes Monday. O 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 PONTIAC ****************** Charles Wilson returned to his home at Lockport Tuesday morning after a short visit here with friends. O. D. Davis, of Fairbury, was in this city a short while Tuesday morn- ing atttending to some business mat- ters. Herbert Powell, of Fairbury, was in this city several hours Tuesday morn- ing looking after some business mat- ters. Airs. George Raridon returned Mon- day evening from Fairbury, where she had been the guest of relativ. and friends. John Mitchell, of Corwith, Ia., ar- rived in this city last week to visit with his daughter, Airs. Minnie Solma, and his brother, Dr. Mitchell. Aliss Alortimore, who is studying (Continued on Page 3) ARE YOUR mummys vmmaa Many Dwight People Know the Import- ance of Healthy Kidney.. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. Well kidneys remove impurities. Weak kidneys allow impurities to multiply. No kidney ill should be neglected. There is possible danger in delay. If you have backache or urinary troubles, If you are nervo., dizzy or worn out, Begin treating your kidneys at once; Use a proven kidney remedy. None endorsed like Doan's Kidney Pills. Recommended by thousands. Proved by grateful testimony. Mrs. Harry DeMoss, 816 W. Howard St., Pontiac, Ill., says: "I freely rec- ommend Doan's Kidney Pills. I, and other members of my family have been greatly benefited by them. Last fall I was suffering from backache and pains across my kidneys. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and theY gave me prompt relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other.--Adv. 12 Cambus callers Friday between trains. our streets Wednesday morning. Clarence Hulbert was ill with au at-- L. H. Weis was transacting business tack of the la grippe a few days of in Kankakee Thursday afternoon. last week. Mrs. Elmer Clover, of Gardner, was Aiany new eases of the measles have calling on her friend, Airs. S. G. Smith, develoved since Aionday, making about Friday. thirty cases in all. Miss Alayme Johnson, of Kaukakee, Fred 13arber, of Chicago, Ill., was was here visiting her father and here Friday visiting his grandmother, brother, Saturday. Airs. AI. J. AlcNeil. Airs. Jno. Hunt, of Buckingham, Rev. Hayes and wife are spending spent Wednesday in Reddick visiting two weeks with Rev. Hayes' mother, relatives and friends. Airs. Rigney, of Shelburn, Ind. Airs. Geo. Forbes, of Essex, spent Air. Roy Wilson, of Strawn, Ill., is M°11daY, between trains, with her spending several days in Reddick vis. daughter, Airs. Harry Guest. iting his sisters, Alesdames Hulbert R. D. Shelly has purchased the and Somers. Thos. Chapple farm, and his son Eu Airs. Miller, of Delavan, Kan., re- will move on the farm this spring. turned to her home Aionday after a Mrs. Anna AlcCully went to Kanka- month's visit with her daughter, Airs. kee Wednesday afternoon to visit with Walter Hulbert. her brother, Ed Kelly and family, for N. J. Peterson has purchased the several days. Reilly Brotber's building, now occu- Verne Alunnis, who has been teach- pied by the Neilson Restaurant, and ing the school one mile direct west of expects to run same in the near fu- Reddick, closed his school Aionday on ture. account of so many of the children Airs. Thos. Chapple, of Dwight, at- having mea.sles. tended the Royal Neighbors lodge W. Bertrand moved his family and held Wednesday evening in the lodge household goods into one of Mrs. hall. Three new members mere ad- Grant's nouses, Alonday. Wm. Oesterle mitted into the lodge. will then move into the house vacated Air. Cecil Miller,' of Pennsylvania, by Air. Bertrand. who has been visiting relatives in Mr. Cal Fetter, of Kansas City, Kan., Kansas the past month, expects to who has been visiting relatives in In- spend tho summer with Walter Hul- dianapolis, Ind., stopped at Reddick bert and assist him with the farm on his return to his home and spent work. last week with his sister, Mrs. Chas. Fred Kluchhohn, one of the Reddick Guest. boys who is attending the University Mr. James Nugent, of North Ritchie, at Naperville, Ill., played basket ball Ill., and Myles Nugent, of Campus, with the Naperville boys vs. Bourbon- called on their brother Frank, Wed- nais boys, defeating the Bourbonnais nesday morning, who has been seri- lads with a score of 30 to 16, on Fri- ously ill, since last Alonday, but is day evening, of last week. slightly improved at this writing. -- 0***0 0 000 0 Chas. Grundler and John Alfter O were Streator passengers Aionday. NEVADA 0 1 Air. and Airs. Fisher entertained company from Alunster, Ill., Sunday. 01:10 0000 ****1 Airs. F. Dougherty and Mrs. Dunbar John Alfter lost a horse one day this were business callers in Pontiac Fri- week. day. Ellen Burns is very ill with pneu- Mrs. Ed Carroll returned to her monia. home in Alinesota Aionday after sev- Elmer De Boer was an Odell caller eral weeks' visit here with relatives. Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Mowray, of Fairbury, Wm. Grundler was a caller in our visited at the home of his sister, Airs. town Tuesday. Henry Brust, several days the past Mr. Wm. Wassom, of Pontiac, call. week. in town Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Jim Leach were Odell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has shoppers Monday. won' its great reputation and extensive John Aioran lost one of his horses sale by its remarkable cures of coughs, Saturday evening. colds and croup. It can be depended Jas. Deegan, of Dwight, visited rela- upon. Try it. Sold by all dealers.- tives here Tuesday. Adv. Miss Clara Corrigan visited in Dwight Wednesday.' 000000000000000000 Frank Alfter visited in Pontiac sev- eral days this week. Gordon Johnson returned to hi:- 0 c' UNION HILL home near Pontiac Sunday. 000000000000000000 John Apple and Clarence Corrigan Oliver Bossert, of Reddick, called left for Canada Wednesday. on his father, Chas. Bossert. Misses Laura and Irene Daugherty Pat Lonergan, of Kankakee, spent visited in Dwight Saturday. a few days with his son, James. Chas. Grundler accepted the position Supt. S. D. Saltzgiver, of Kankakee, as clerk in Joe Johnson's store. was a caller in town last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grundler visited Geo. Flolome, of Reddick, called on at the Corrigan home this week. bis uncle, Thos. Houghton, Saturday. August Krieg has moved into the You judge a man not by what he Smith place, vacated by Geo. McDu- promises to do, but by what he has gel. done. That is the only true test. Air. and Airs. Chas. Cook spent Mon- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judged day with their son, Will Cook and by this standard has no superior. wife. . People everywhere speak of it in the Air. and Airs. Chas. Cook called on highest terms of praise. For sale by their daughter, Airs. Harry Cooper, all dealers.-Adv. of Essex. Best Known Cough B,emedy. For forty-three years Dr. King's New Discoverey has been known throughout the world as the most re- liable cough remedy. Over three mil- lion bottles were used last year. Isn't this proof? It will get rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J. J. Owens, of Allendale, S. C., writes the way hundreds of others have done: "After twenty years, I find that Dr. * King's New Discovery is the best *I remedy for coughs and colds that I I have ever used." For coughs or colds and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal. 50c and $1.00 at John A. O'Alalley's Drug Store.-Adv.

Transcript of MOST ANY BANK Ayer9 READY


Colds. Wee. la Lungs. Coughs. VVeak Throats.

Ayer9S Cherry Pectoral

Sold for 70 years. Ask Vont. Doctor.













Dealer In

"Original" Missouri Mules

CLOSING 011T wwi.d!..—,1.1", ".:::".".ing.'` PAIRS $275 'UP fernis cash or bankable note.

Mail or phone. address ODELL, ILL.

REDDICK RACKET ,....■•■•••••■■•■








E. J. Johnson was a Kankakee call, Chas. Christopher is very ill at this

Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and con-sumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Rem-edy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers.-Adv.

0 0* GO 0 0 "i UNION 0 000000000000000000

Jess Pauli. lost a good horse last week from colic.

The wedding bells are ringing in this neighborhood .

Orval Haines, of Pontiac, was a caller here last week.

The Misses Cassiday moved to their new home in Pontiac last week.

A few from this neignborhood at-tended the Hanson sale near Odell Fri-dayr:

Julius Diemer moved into the new house that was built on his farm Fri-day.


ODELL *****b************

Charlie Brennen was a Joliet pas-senger Sunday.

Aliss Lyons, of Pontiac, is spending a few days in town.

Air. and Airs. H. Benson were visit-ing in Pontiac Aionday.

Charlie Moore spent Sunday in Jo-liet with Fred Cheatham.

Airs. Ed Nowottny is spending a few days with friends in Pontiac.

J. C. Sumner, of Pontiac, was in town Tuesday atttending to legal mat-ters.

Air. and Mrs. Bert Grimes visited his mother and brother in Chenoa Sunday.

J. Bancroft, of Pontiac, is visiting his sister, Mrs. James Donahue, for a few days.

Sylvester Savage. of Little Rock,

Holleran & Tyrrell shipped a car of hogs Wednesday night.

Mr. and Airs. Nels Christenson are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Saturday.

Mrs. Menton, of Franklin Park, Ill., spent a few days here with her par-ents, Patrick O'Brien and wife.

E. V. Lawless went to Bloomington Friday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Annie Lynch, who died in El-gin Thursday.

Albert Miller loaded his car and shipped it to Piper City Wednesday, where he will clerk on a farm which lie recently purchased.

Ben Sheehan and family spent Monday at Will O'Neill's.

Alr. and Airs. Albert Korts visited relatives in Ransom Saturday.

Orville Gillett and sister, Pearl, were Dwight callers Saturday.

Bat Alurphy moved his household goods up to Peanut Hill Alonday.

Olof Carlson moved over on the Geiger place near Dwight Tuesday.

John and Hugh Phelan, of Alorris, spent a few days with their mother.

Air. and Airs. Henry Voight called on the former's parents in Streator Thursday.

Little Johnnie Comisky, who has been very. sick the past week, is much improved.

Herman Bonness and family attend-ed the funeral of his mother near Ran-som Saturday.

Mr. and Airs. Jno. McCormack and daughter, Aliss Mae, visited at Dave Linton's Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Anslment, Mrs. Neil Coughlin and daughter, Helen, visited with Walter Hanley near Ve-rona Tuesday.

Monday and Tuesday. Miss Alary Weimer was a Dwight

caller one day last week. Miss Anna O'Reilly returned from

Dwight Wednesday morning. Wear Weis made a business trip to

Kankakee Wednesday gfternoon. Richard Schradrow, of Symerton,

was a pleasant caller here Friday. Alr. and Airs. Jno. Dooling were

writing. L. C. Badgley went to Decatur Mon-

day forenoon. Joe Kelly spent several days in Kan-

kakee visiting friends. Airs. Ambrose was a Dwight visitor

Wednesday between trains. Airs. Jno. Barber, of Roselawn, Ind.,

is here visiting her relatives. Geo. Grob, of Herscher, was seen on

'W. Al. Hayes was in town Saturday on business.

Mr. McCleish was a Campus pas-senger Friday.

Dr. Heinen, of Campus, was in town last Wednesday.

Ray Fleischaur, of near Cabery, was in town Wednesday.

Mrs. Fred Johnson was in Campus between trains Monday.

Hugh Walsh was in Campus one day last week between trains.

J. E. Mullen, of Chicago, was in town on business last Wednesday.

Air. Matalitch, of Alichigan, returned Tuesday to visit with friends and rela-tives.

George Chapple, of Round Grove, was in town doing some shopping Aionday.

Joe Hosick and family moved on a farm two and a half miles southeast of Lehigh, Ill., Saturday.

Frances AlcGinnis moved his house-hold goods on .the farm one-quarter mile west of Cardiff recently vacated by Joe Hosick.

Aiajor Schott, who has been attend-ing school at Ottawa, returned home Tuesday.

Will Schott, who has been attend-ing college in Lansing, Mich., returned home Friday.

Auatn Comer and Will Schott were business callers in Buckingham Sat-urday morning.

Aliss Marie Alysworth spent Satur-day and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jessie Colman.

Air. and Airs. Geo. Berger and daugh-ter spent from Saturday until Monday with friends in South Bend.

Air. and Airs. Percy Cook spent one day of the week with the former's sis-ter, Mrs. Harry Cooper, of Essex.

Geo. McDugel moved his household goods to the Buckman place, better known as the Chas. Bosswell place.

Airs. Emile Dornburg and daughter Miss Elsie, and Airs. G.. Van Voorst and son George, were Kankakee pas-sengers Saturday.

Aliss Belle Houghton returned home last Tuesday after a week's visit with her sister, Airs. E. T. Grabill, and family, of Zearing.

Two bobsled loads of young people of this neighborhood attended the hardtime social at Miss Violet Schott's school Friday evening.

Mr. and Airs. Harvey Miller, of north of Essex, were callers in our vil-lage last Thursday. Airs. Miller was a passenger to Kankakee on the after-noon train.

****************** *

• EMINGTON ******************

Dr. Richardson was a Pontiac caller Thursday.

A. Brown was in Chicago ,on busi-ness Wednesday.

V. Ehrhardt was a Chicago passen-ger Tuesday morning.

Liveryman W. Brown was a Campus caller Saturday forenoon.

A. Brown and family entertained company of near Cullom Aionday.

Blitstein & Hinkel shipped a car load of horses to Chicago Saturday.

C. Robinson, of Dwight, called on relatives and friends in tovvn Aionday.

Air. and Airs. I. Gallup visited Mrs. Gallup's parents at Reddick Thursday.

O. F. Avery, of Pontiac, was a busi-ness caller in town Saturday after-noon.

Jake Drew, of Kempton, was in town on a business mission Friday afternoon.

Mrs. George Tjardes entertained her brother, R. Sniter, of near Derby, on Thursday and Friday.

J. F. Johnson and wife left for their home in La Salle county Saturday after visiting friends here the past week.

Are Yon Constitpated?

If so, get a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear. They will stimulate the liver, improve your digestion and get rid of all the poisons from your system. They will surely get you well again. 25c at John A. O'Malley's Drug Store.-Adv.

Alichael O'Keefe was iu town Mon-day.

C. Guest, of Reddick, was in town Saturday.

Henry Weikum was iu town Monday on business.

Wm. Adams came home from Spar-laud Saturday.

Dr. Smith was in town on business one day last week.

Pete Testa, of near Cabery, was in town one day last week.

Chas. Wagner and wife spent Fri-day and Saturday in Campus.

Dick Loyd, of Rend, Ill., is here vis-iting with his wife and family

Mrs. Fred Johnson and family spent a few days in Campus with her folks.

Howard Richie and brother Lee were in town transacting business Aionday.

Mrs. Louise returned from Staunton where she was visting relatives the past week.

Jim, John and Toni Murphy and families left for Iowa this week, where they will make their future homes on their farms.

CI 00 I:* 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO

• ROUND GROVE * 0 **********00******

m. N. Alathison spent last Wed-nesday at Dwight.

Miss Orpha Pettitt spent Wednes-day with Airs. M. K. Mathison.

Messrs. F. E. and T. W. Lydigsen spent last Saturday at Gardner.

Air. T. W. Lydigsen and son and daughter spent Thursday with Airs. A. Drechel.

Air. Seymour Warren came down from Joliet last Friday to spend a few days with J. T. Powell.

You can say goodbye to constipa-tion with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For sale by all dealers.-Adv.

0******* 01 1:k

• HIGHLAND 000000000000000000

Ted Isham is on the sick list this week.

Ray Smith is laid up with the grip this week.

Arthur Jepsen made a trip to Pon-tiac Aionday.

Claud Ratcliff made a business trip to Verona Aionday.

Emery Baker is slowly improving from an attack of the lung fever.

Airs. Jerry Curtin and daughter, Aiollie, were Dwight callers Saturday.

Anna Jepsen was operated on at the Pontiac hospital Thursday for appen-dicitis.

Ella Jepsen went to Pontiac Sun-day to visit her sister, Anna, who is there in the hospital.

We were sorry to hear of the sud-den death of Sherman Bunch, which occurred one day last week.

Mrs. Rosa Wilkinson and daughter, Thelma, spent fliursday and Thurs-day night with Airs. Wilkinson's par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook.

Ed Constantine is in the Streator hospital' at this writing, where he un-derwent an operation for appendicitis. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.

Ed Cook and family, who have been living on the Baker farm, moved on a farm south of Dwight last week. Fred Sinclair and family will occupy the place which Air. Cook recently va-cated.


Dr. Harwood called in this vicinity Thursday.

Wm. O'Neill was a Dwight passen-ger Friday.

Ben Sheehan visited. his father in Ottawa Saturday.

Aliss Anna Ryan is the guest of Aliss 'Murphy this week.

Geo. Lowery and Dan Sullivan spent Thursday in Dwight.

Geo. and Arthur Funk were Strea-tor shoppers Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. John McCormack were Dwight shoppers Friday.

Mr. Flood, from .Aiazon, called on Jno. AlcCormack 'Monday.

Airs. J. A. McGoey, of Kinsman, vis-ited her father this week.

State of 011,18.o,s Cjotyu,n(t)yr. Toledo,

ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he

Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State afore-said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for, each and every case of Catarrh that, cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S


Sworn to before me and subscribed In. erg(ace, th is 6t1i.dv. cji.,petcAn„),,,,‘r,

(Seal) Notary Pubile. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal-

ly and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testirrwrilals, free.

F. .f. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- '


Joseph Aiiller, Sr., of Piper gity, spent a few days here with his sons.

Airs. M. Linton, of Kankakee, is here helping her mother get fixed up in her new home.

A. E. Steger, of Dwight, was here Wednesday on business and called on his sister, Mrs. T. M. Walsh.

Leo Kiely came home from St. Bedes colege Wednesday to attend the fu-neral of his uncle, Daglin Flynn, held here Thursday.

Aliss Carrie Christenson returned home last Thursday accompanied by her sister, Airs. W. Ai. Siedentop and son Donald, after visiting a few days in Streator with relatives.

Ark., is spending a few days with his folks here.

Airs. Charles McClellan was up from Pontiac Tuesday visiting her mother, Aim. Leonard.

Airs. Ed Shepherd is spending a few days in Kinsman with her mother, who is very ill.

Mrs. Teressa Watson and daughter, Loretta, were passengers to Chicago Wednesday morning.

F. L. Edson, E. P. Church and H. C. Barber left early Monday morning for their homes in North Dakota. •

Miss Florence Spaniol, of Pontiac, has returned home after spending a few days here with Misses Nellie and Margaret Condon.

Aliss Nora Solon returned from Chicago Wednesday evening, where she spent a couple of days buying her millinery supplies.

Air. and Mrs. Meech arrived here Tuesday from Manchester, Tenn., and will spend the summer with the lat-ter's sister, Mrs. William McCloud.

Dr. Al.zy's brother, from South Dakota, and sister, from Ohio, who have been visiting him here for a few days, left for their homes Monday.

O 0 0 # 0 0 0 0

• PONTIAC ******************

Charles Wilson returned to his home at Lockport Tuesday morning after a short visit here with friends.

O. D. Davis, of Fairbury, was in this city a short while Tuesday morn-ing atttending to some business mat-ters.

Herbert Powell, of Fairbury, was in this city several hours Tuesday morn-ing looking after some business mat-ters.

Airs. George Raridon returned Mon-day evening from Fairbury, where she had been the guest of relativ. and friends.

John Mitchell, of Corwith, Ia., ar-rived in this city last week to visit with his daughter, Airs. Minnie Solma, and his brother, Dr. Mitchell.

Aliss Alortimore, who is studying

(Continued on Page 3)

ARE YOUR mummys vmmaa

Many Dwight People Know the Import-

ance of Healthy Kidney..

The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. Well kidneys remove impurities. Weak kidneys allow impurities to

multiply. No kidney ill should be neglected. There is possible danger in delay. If you have backache or urinary

troubles, If you are nervo., dizzy or worn

out, Begin treating your kidneys at

once; Use a proven kidney remedy. None endorsed like Doan's Kidney

Pills. Recommended by thousands. Proved by grateful testimony. Mrs. Harry DeMoss, 816 W. Howard

St., Pontiac, Ill., says: "I freely rec-ommend Doan's Kidney Pills. I, and other members of my family have been greatly benefited by them. Last fall I was suffering from backache and pains across my kidneys. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and theY gave me prompt relief."

For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States.

Remember the name-Doan's-and take no other.--Adv. 12

Cambus callers Friday between trains. our streets Wednesday morning.

Clarence Hulbert was ill with au at-- L. H. Weis was transacting business tack of the la grippe a few days of in Kankakee Thursday afternoon. last week. Mrs. Elmer Clover, of Gardner, was

Aiany new eases of the measles have calling on her friend, Airs. S. G. Smith,

develoved since Aionday, making about Friday. thirty cases in all. Miss Alayme Johnson, of Kaukakee,

Fred 13arber, of Chicago, Ill., was was here visiting her father and here Friday visiting his grandmother, brother, Saturday. Airs. AI. J. AlcNeil. Airs. Jno. Hunt, of Buckingham,

Rev. Hayes and wife are spending spent Wednesday in Reddick visiting

two weeks with Rev. Hayes' mother, relatives and friends. Airs. Rigney, of Shelburn, Ind. Airs. Geo. Forbes, of Essex, spent

Air. Roy Wilson, of Strawn, Ill., is M°11daY, between trains, with her spending several days in Reddick vis. daughter, Airs. Harry Guest. iting his sisters, Alesdames Hulbert R. D. Shelly has purchased the

and Somers. Thos. Chapple farm, and his son Eu

Airs. Miller, of Delavan, Kan., re- will move on the farm this spring. turned to her home Aionday after a Mrs. Anna AlcCully went to Kanka-month's visit with her daughter, Airs. kee Wednesday afternoon to visit with Walter Hulbert. her brother, Ed Kelly and family, for

N. J. Peterson has purchased the several days. Reilly Brotber's building, now occu- Verne Alunnis, who has been teach- pied by the Neilson Restaurant, and ing the school one mile direct west of expects to run same in the near fu- Reddick, closed his school Aionday on ture. account of so many of the children

Airs. Thos. Chapple, of Dwight, at- having mea.sles. tended the Royal Neighbors lodge W. Bertrand moved his family and held Wednesday evening in the lodge household goods into one of Mrs. hall. Three new members mere ad- Grant's nouses, Alonday. Wm. Oesterle mitted into the lodge. will then move into the house vacated

Air. Cecil Miller,' of Pennsylvania, by Air. Bertrand. who has been visiting relatives in Mr. Cal Fetter, of Kansas City, Kan., Kansas the past month, expects to who has been visiting relatives in In-spend tho summer with Walter Hul- dianapolis, Ind., stopped at Reddick bert and assist him with the farm on his return to his home and spent work. last week with his sister, Mrs. Chas.

Fred Kluchhohn, one of the Reddick Guest. boys who is attending the University Mr. James Nugent, of North Ritchie, at Naperville, Ill., played basket ball Ill., and Myles Nugent, of Campus, with the Naperville boys vs. Bourbon- called on their brother Frank, Wed-nais boys, defeating the Bourbonnais nesday morning, who has been seri-lads with a score of 30 to 16, on Fri- ously ill, since last Alonday, but is day evening, of last week. slightly improved at this writing.

-- 0***0 0 000 0 Chas. Grundler and John Alfter O were Streator passengers Aionday.

• NEVADA 0 1 Air. and Airs. Fisher entertained company from Alunster, Ill., Sunday.

01:10 0000 ****1 Airs. F. Dougherty and Mrs. Dunbar John Alfter lost a horse one day this were business callers in Pontiac Fri-week. day.

Ellen Burns is very ill with pneu- Mrs. Ed Carroll returned to her monia. home in Alinesota Aionday after sev-

Elmer De Boer was an Odell caller eral weeks' visit here with relatives.

Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Mowray, of Fairbury, Wm. Grundler was a caller in our visited at the home of his sister, Airs.

town Tuesday. Henry Brust, several days the past Mr. Wm. Wassom, of Pontiac, call. week.

in town Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Jim Leach were Odell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has

shoppers Monday. won' its great reputation and extensive John Aioran lost one of his horses sale by its remarkable cures of coughs,

Saturday evening. colds and croup. It can be depended Jas. Deegan, of Dwight, visited rela- upon. Try it. Sold by all dealers.-

tives here Tuesday. Adv. Miss Clara Corrigan visited in

Dwight Wednesday.' 000000000000000000 Frank Alfter visited in Pontiac sev-

eral days this week. Gordon Johnson returned • to hi:- 0

c' UNION HILL home near Pontiac Sunday. 000000000000000000

John Apple and Clarence Corrigan Oliver Bossert, of Reddick, called left for Canada Wednesday. on his father, Chas. Bossert.

Misses Laura and Irene Daugherty Pat Lonergan, of Kankakee, spent visited in Dwight Saturday. a few days with his son, James.

Chas. Grundler accepted the position Supt. S. D. Saltzgiver, of Kankakee,

as clerk in Joe Johnson's store. was a caller in town last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grundler visited Geo. Flolome, of Reddick, called on at the Corrigan home this week. bis uncle, Thos. Houghton, Saturday.

August Krieg has moved into the You judge a man not by what he Smith place, vacated by Geo. McDu-

promises to do, but by what he has gel. done. That is the only true test. Air. and Airs. Chas. Cook spent Mon- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judged day with their son, Will Cook and by this standard has no superior. wife.

. People everywhere speak of it in the Air. and Airs. Chas. Cook called on highest terms of praise. For sale by their daughter, Airs. Harry Cooper, all dealers.-Adv. of Essex.

Best Known Cough B,emedy.

For forty-three years Dr. King's New Discoverey has been known throughout the world as the most re-liable cough remedy. Over three mil-lion bottles were used last year. Isn't this proof? It will get rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J. J. Owens, of Allendale, S. C., writes the way hundreds of others have done: "After twenty years, I find that Dr.

* King's New Discovery is the best *I remedy for coughs and colds that I

I have ever used." For coughs or colds and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal. 50c and $1.00 at John A. O'Alalley's Drug Store.-Adv.