Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster By Phil Pearce #MeasureCamp @PHILPEARCE London 25 th March 2017

Transcript of Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Page 1: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

By Phil Pearce

#MeasureCamp @PHILPEARCE

London 25th March 2017

Page 2: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Warning / Disclaimer

1. GA is design for audience measurement (not affiliates tracking)

2. Run this on a parallel GA account (not your main GA account) as it will report very different numbers and use _ga2 cookie.

3. This is not a simple process…

Page 3: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Pls Download and import this GTM file: Or use this generic login: username: [email protected] password: philrulesgtm7 Select "Affiliate Monster container"

Working Demo

Page 4: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

…but, I like to push the boundaries of what`s possible

(with GA)…

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…and I`m a slightly Mad Analytics Scientist!

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Note: It has taken lots of <body>s to get to this point…

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GTM <body>`s from the past...

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But it worked! and… the data came alive :)

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Before vs After

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Page 11: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Agenda 1. Define the problem

– Business Alignment (custom business logic in affiliate industry)

– 1st party vs 3rd party cookies

– GA is whitelisted on Adblocker plus

– Existing affiliateId=123 params ignored by GA (and utm_id not used by affiliates)

2. Solution

– Mapping affiliateId to utm_id

– Overwriting setLocation & setReferral

– DimensionWidening via CSV upload of affiliateId >> source/medium/campaign

3. Learnings/Mistakes

– Enabling utm campaign cookie to prevent session reset on 2nd page

– Accounting for #utm vs ?utm

4. Future improvements

– Organic and Social organic cookie

– Cross-domain tracking of source and affiliateId ( pigybacking)

– GoogleSheet for affiliateId DimensionWidening

5. Questions

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This is the story of one such mad Analytics Experiment…

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So, new super-affiliate client just signed!

• GA classic >> GA universal migration via GTM • 5 CMS environments

(Desktop, New Mobile, Old mobile site, Tablet, Campaign Site) • utm tags only used on email and banners • Affiliates 90% of traffic but missing utm tags. Hence, Direct was 80% of traffic! • Marketing Channel Analysis not possible in GA!!

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5 CMS platforms: Desktop, New Mobile, Old mobile site,

Tablet and Campaign Site.

Cleaning & Standardise Equipment before the

big operation

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Testing on Mice

1. Parallel Tracker 2. Unit Tests & Sinario Tests 3. Query Time utm_id widening

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Alive indefinitely

Unit Test / Mice Test

Code Refinements

1 day Live test

Standardise GTM Setup Affiliate


Project Timeline 3 months bring the beast to life

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In Reality…

It was really hard!

Insert Picture of - Phil with no hair

and - lots of dead mice

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But we did get there :)

But about those dead mice…

Page 19: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Why not use native GA?

1. setSource utm field (rather than setLocation)

2. Custom Multi-channel funnels

3. BigQuery sessionisation [GA Prem. feature]

4. GA 6 mth sessions setting changed to 30days

5. utm_nooveride=1 not used

Page 20: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Recipe for a Affiliate Monster 1. Have GTM on all pages 2. Declare affiliateTracker name 3. Declare ga2 object 4. Declare ga2 cookie 5. setLocation override in pageview 6. setReferral override in pageview 7. Be on SSL (or enable meta always send referral)

Page 21: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Mistakes to Avoid

1. cleaning/removing existing utm params

2. Accounting for the order of params

3. #utm vs ?utm or both

4. removing double-quotes

5. JS logic: gclid/dclid >> utm >> affiliateId >> organic >> social referral >> referral

Page 22: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Pls Download and import this GTM file: Or use this generic login: username: [email protected] password: philrulesgtm7 Select "Affiliate Monster container"

Working Demo

Page 23: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

part1: jsv_pageHostnameTLD function(){

var domain={{Page Hostname - www removed}};

var rootDomain = undefined;

if (domain) {



if (domain.substring(0,4)=="www.") {



var domParts = domain.split('.');

for(var i=1;i<=domParts.length;i++)


document.cookie="gtmtestcookie1=1; path=/; domain="+domParts.slice(i*-1).join('.');

if(document.cookie.indexOf("gtmtestcookie1") != -1){

var rootDomain = domParts.slice(i*-1).join('.');

document.cookie="gtmtestcookie1=1; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/; domain="+domParts.slice(i*-1).join('.');




return rootDomain;


Page 24: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

part2: setCookie for utm_id setTrackingSessionCookie


function setTrackingSessionCookie(trackingCookieName, cookieValue, cookieDaysDuration) {

var pageHostnameTLD = {{jsv_pageHostnameTLD}};

var cookieExpires = "";

if (cookieDaysDuration) {

var date = new Date();

date.setTime(date.getTime() + (cookieDaysDuration *24*60*60*1000) );

cookieExpires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); // If not provided, it will be a session cookie.


// Session SetCookie

if (trackingCookieName && cookieValue) {

document.cookie = trackingCookieName + '=' + cookieValue + cookieExpires + '; domain=' + pageHostnameTLD + '; path=/';



// Set Based on URL or URL Hash

setTrackingSessionCookie("gclid", {{Page URL Query tracking gclid}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("dclid", {{Page URL Query tracking dclid}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_id", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_id}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_source", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_source}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_medium", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_medium}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_campaign", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_campaign}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_content", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_content}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_keyword", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_keyword}} , "30");

setTrackingSessionCookie("utm_userid", {{Page URL Query tracking utm_userid}} , "30");


Page 25: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

part3: setLocation


function setTrackingLocation() {

var pageProtocol = {{Page URL Protocol}};

var pageHostname = {{Page Hostname}};

var pagePath = {{Page Path}};

var pageQuery = {{Page URL Query}};

var referrerHostname = {{Referrer Hostname - www removed}};

var countryCode = {{Lookup CountryCode from Country1 - PP reminder to check DE SH or DESH or SH}};

var deviceType = {{Lookup bespokeDeviceCategory from ContainerID}};

var cookieGoogleClickid = {{cookie gclid}};

var cookieDoubleClickId = {{cookie dclid}};

var cookieUtmId = {{cookie utm_id}};

var cookieUtmSource = {{cookie utm_source}};

var cookieUtmMedium = {{cookie utm_medium}};

var cookieUtmCampaign = {{cookie utm_campaign}};

var cookieUtmContent = {{cookie utm_content}};

var cookieUtmKeyword = {{cookie utm_keyword}};

var cookieAffiliateId = {{cookie affiliateId}};

var cookieIsLandingPageHit = {{cookie session gtm_isLandingPageHit}};

cookieIsLandingPageHit = ( cookieIsLandingPageHit == undefined ) ? "true" : "false";

// 0. Remove double-quote within utm tags... ""textlink"/adcash" to "textlink/adcash"

// 0. Change undefined to empty string so no risk of "utm_source=undefined"

pageQuery = (typeof pageQuery !== 'undefined') ? pageQuery.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieAffiliateId = (typeof cookieAffiliateId !== 'undefined') ? cookieAffiliateId.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieUtmId = (typeof cookieUtmId !== 'undefined') ? cookieUtmId.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieUtmSource = (typeof cookieUtmSource !== 'undefined') ? cookieUtmSource.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieUtmMedium = (typeof cookieUtmMedium !== 'undefined') ? cookieUtmMedium.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieUtmCampaign = (typeof cookieUtmCampaign !== 'undefined') ? cookieUtmCampaign.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieUtmContent = (typeof cookieUtmContent !== 'undefined') ? cookieUtmContent.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

cookieUtmKeyword = (typeof cookieUtmKeyword !== 'undefined') ? cookieUtmKeyword.replace(/["]+/g, '') : "";

// 1. Remove internal utm tag that is RESETTING the sessions

cookieUtmSource = (cookieUtmSource === "Internal link") ? "" : cookieUtmSource;

cookieUtmMedium = (cookieUtmMedium === "Internal link") ? "" : cookieUtmMedium;

cookieUtmCampaign = (cookieUtmCampaign === "Internal Campaign") ? "" : cookieUtmCampaign;

cookieUtmCampaign = (cookieUtmCampaign === "Internal Campaign") ? "" : cookieUtmCampaign;

pageQuery = (pageQuery === "utm_source=Internal link&utm_medium=Internal link&utm_campaign=Internal Campaign") ? "" : pageQuery;

pageQuery = (pageQuery === "utm_source=Internal link&utm_medium=Internal link&utm_campaign=Internal Campaign") ? "" : pageQuery;

pageQuery = (pageQuery === "utm_source=Internal%20link&utm_medium=Internal%20link&utm_campaign=Internal%20Campaign") ? "" : pageQuery;

pageQuery = (pageQuery === "utm_source=Internal%20link&utm_medium=Internal%20link&utm_campaign=Internal%20Campaign") ? "" : pageQuery;

// 3. Removed existing utm_source tags in URL - so they are NOT appended TWICE

var cleanPageQuery;

if( pageQuery ) {

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 01. pageQuery: " + pageQuery);

var myRegEx = /^(.*?)([?&#]?(utm_source|utm_medium|utm_campaign|utm_content|utm_keyword|utm_id)=.*?){0,6}([?&#](.*))?$/i;

if(myRegEx.test(pageQuery)===true ) {

var part1 = myRegEx.exec(pageQuery)[1];

var part2 = myRegEx.exec(pageQuery)[5];

part1 = (part1 === undefined) ? "" : part1; // change undefined to empty string

part2 = (part2 === undefined) ? "" : part2; // change undefined to empty string

part2 = (part1 && part2) ? "&" + part2 : part2; // If both part1 and part2 populated - then preappend "&" to part2

cleanPageQuery = part1 + part2;

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 02. cleanPageQuery: " + cleanPageQuery);

} else {

cleanPageQuery = pageQuery;

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 03. cleanPageQuery: " + cleanPageQuery);



// 4. Declare output variable

var output = undefined;


// BEGIN landing page hits


if(cookieIsLandingPageHit == "true") {

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - isThisLandingPage: " + cookieIsLandingPageHit);

// 4a. If Adwords gclid OR dclid present dont send utm tags OR utm_id as it is not needed

if(cookieGoogleClickid || cookieDoubleClickId) {

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 04. cookieGoogleClickid: " + cookieGoogleClickid);

output = pageProtocol + '://' + pageHostname;

if (cleanPageQuery) {

output = output + pagePath + "?" + cleanPageQuery;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 05x. gclid output: " + output);

} else {

output = output + pagePath;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 06x. gclid output: " + output);


return output;

// 4b. If existing utm tag present send these (with OR without the utm_id=cookieAffiliateId)

} else if(cookieUtmSource) {

output = pageProtocol + '://' + pageHostname;

if (cleanPageQuery) {

output = output + pagePath + "?" + cleanPageQuery +

"&utm_id=" + cookieAffiliateId +

"&utm_medium=" + cookieUtmMedium +

"&utm_source=" + cookieUtmSource +

"&utm_campaign=" + cookieUtmCampaign +

"&utm_content=" + cookieUtmContent +

"&utm_keyword=" + cookieUtmKeyword;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 07x. cookieUtmSource query output: " + output);

} else {

output = output + pagePath +

"?utm_id=" + cookieAffiliateId +

"&utm_medium=" + cookieUtmMedium +

"&utm_source=" + cookieUtmSource +

"&utm_campaign=" + cookieUtmCampaign +

"&utm_content=" + cookieUtmContent +

"&utm_keyword=" + cookieUtmKeyword;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 08x. cookieUtmSource noquery output: " + output);


return output;

// 4c. If affiliateId is present and no utm tags found then construct fake utm tags

} else if(cookieAffiliateId) {

// Remove internal referrals from referrerHostname and change to lowercase

if( referrerHostname ) {

referrerHostname = referrerHostname.toLowerCase();

var myRegEx = /(^|.+\.)(ClientName\.(com|at|de|be|dk|it|sh)|tipdev\.com|local\.dev|localhost|local|nblz\.ru|wbprx\.com|([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})$/i;

if(myRegEx.test(referrerHostname)===true ) {

referrerHostname = undefined;



// If referrerHostname is empty change to "aff" + cookieAffiliateId

referrerHostname = (referrerHostname == undefined || referrerHostname == null || referrerHostname === "") ? "aff" + cookieAffiliateId : referrerHostname; // If referrerHostname is empty output cookieAffiliateId

countryCode = (countryCode === "COM") ? "INT" : countryCode; // Replace "COM" with "INT"

deviceType = (deviceType == undefined) ? "" : deviceType; // If utm_content is empty output an empty string

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 09. referrerHostname: " + referrerHostname);

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 10. countryCode: " + countryCode);

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 11. deviceType: " + deviceType);

output = pageProtocol + '://' + pageHostname;

if (cleanPageQuery) {

output = output + pagePath + "?" + cleanPageQuery +

"&utm_id=" + cookieAffiliateId +

"&utm_medium=affiliate" +

"&utm_source=" + referrerHostname +

"&utm_campaign=" + countryCode + "-" + cookieAffiliateId +

"&utm_content=" + deviceType;

// + "&utm_keyword=";

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 12x. AffiliateId query output: " + output);

} else {

output = output + pagePath +

"?utm_id=" + cookieAffiliateId +

"&utm_medium=affiliate" +

"&utm_source=" + referrerHostname +

"&utm_campaign=" + countryCode + "-" + cookieAffiliateId +

"&utm_content=" + deviceType;

// + "&utm_keyword=";

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 13x. AffiliateId noquery output: " + output);


return output;

// 4e. Default

} else {

output = pageProtocol + '://' + pageHostname;

if (cleanPageQuery) {

output = output + pagePath + "?" + cleanPageQuery;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 14x. default query output: " + output);

} else {

output = output + pagePath;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 15x. default noquery output: " + output);


return output;



// BEGIN Second page hits


} else {

output = pageProtocol + '://' + pageHostname;

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - isThisLandingPage: " + cookieIsLandingPageHit);

if (cleanPageQuery) {

output = output + pagePath + "?" + cleanPageQuery;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 16x. secondPage - default query output: " + output);

} else {

output = output + pagePath;

dataLayer.push({"location": output, "event":"donewith_affIdScript"});

console.log("GTM2 utm_id testing - 17x. default noquery output: " + output);


return output;


// On HitCallback...

// setTrackingSessionCookie("gtm_isLandingPageHit", "false");




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Part4: isLandingPage cookie check

Page 27: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

part5: isLandingPageHit

function() {

return function() {

setTrackingSessionCookie("gtm_isLandingPageHit", "false");



Page 28: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Part5: Bring it all together

Scripts activated here

{{jsv_setLandingPageHit - TRUE}}

Page 29: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster


1. No need to email 1000 Affiliates to re-tag links!

2. No IT dept involvement (all done in GTM)

3. Better cookie retention vs Affiliate cookies (esp. on Safari)

4. Better internal trust & actionability in GA data

5. Free!

Page 30: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Next iteration

1. Engagement scoring per AffilaiteID

2. utilise affiliateId/gaClientId cross-domain tracking and better affiliateId retention

3. CRM integration (similar to utmz method)

4. MeasurementProtocol 4 qualified affiliate sales

5. utm_userid respawn on mailchimp email

Page 31: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster

Questions & Prizes Phil Pearce Senior Web Analyst and GTM specialist

[email protected]





750 GA

questions answered Tracking



Free Prize for the best question(s).

Page 32: Morphing GA into an Affiliate Analytics Monster (free) Prize: GTM developer guide
