Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Efflux in … · receptor antagonist atropine ... Memphis...

Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Efflux in Mice: Role of M 5 Muscarinic Receptors and Cholinergic Inputs to the Ventral Tegmental Area by Stephan Steidl A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Psychology University of Toronto © Copyright by Stephan Steidl (2008)

Transcript of Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Efflux in … · receptor antagonist atropine ... Memphis...

Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Efflux in Mice: Role of M5 Muscarinic Receptors

and Cholinergic Inputs to the Ventral Tegmental Area


Stephan Steidl

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Psychology

University of Toronto

© Copyright by Stephan Steidl (2008)


Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Efflux in Mice: Role of M5 Muscarinic Receptors

and Cholinergic Inputs to the Ventral Tegmental Area

Stephan Steidl

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Psychology

University of Toronto, 2008

M5 muscarinic receptors are associated with dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area

(VTA) and substantia nigra, and provide an important excitatory input to the mesolimbic

dopamine system. Here, I studied locomotion induced by systemic morphine (3, 10, 30 mg/kg,

i.p.) in M5 knockout mice of the C57Bl/6 (B6) and CD1 x 129SvJ (129) background strains. M5

knockout mice of both strains showed reduced locomotion in response to 30 mg/kg morphine,

while only B6 M5 knockout mice showed reduced locomotion in response to 10 mg/kg

morphine. In B6 wild-type mice VTA pre-treatment with the non subtype-selective muscarinic

receptor antagonist atropine (3 μg per side), but not the non subtype-selective nicotinic receptor

antagonist mecamylamine (5 μg per side), reduced locomotion in response to 30 mg/kg (i.p.)

morphine to a similar extent as systemic M5 knockout, suggesting that the reduced morphine-

induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice was due to the loss of M5 receptors on VTA dopamine

neurons. By contrast, in M5 knockout mice, either intra-VTA atropine or mecamylamine alone

increased locomotion by almost 3 times relative to saline, and potentiated morphine-induced

locomotion. Therefore, in M5 knockout mice, more clearly than in wild-type mice, blockade of

either VTA muscarinic or nicotinic receptors activated locomotion.

Infusions of morphine (50 ng) into the VTA increased nucleus accumbens dopamine efflux in

urethane-anesthetized wild-type mice. Either M5 knockout or pre-treatment with VTA

scopolamine (50 ug) in wild-type mice blocked accumbal dopamine efflux in response to VTA

iiimorphine. Therefore, M5 receptors are critical for excitation of dopamine neurons by intra-VTA

morphine, suggesting that the reduced locomotion produced by systemic morphine in M5

knockout mice was, in part, due to loss of M5-mediated excitation of VTA dopamine neurons by

opiates. The locomotion data also show that in the absence of M5 receptors, cholinergic afferents

to mesolimbic dopamine neurons are inhibitory. This supports and extends the conclusions from

many studies that non-M5 muscarinic receptors inhibit, and M5 receptors excite, dopamine

neurons. Loss of M5-mediated excitation results in reduced acute effects of opiates.


I would first like to thank my advisor, Dr. John Yeomans, for all his support during my

Ph.D. years as well as the years I worked in his laboratory as an undergraduate student. His

boundless and unconditional enthusiasm for Science has been, and continues to be, a true source

of inspiration. I am also very grateful to Dr. Yeomans for his willingness to take a chance on me,

a middle of the road sort of student, when I first approached him about trying my hand at

research many years ago.

I thank my thesis committee members, Dr. Derek van der Kooy and Dr. Suzanne Erb, for

their many suggestions for improvements over the years that really helped make this dissertation

better. Both were sensitive to the time pressure I was under and very promptly commented on

my thesis, which made things much easier for me. I thank Dr. Paul Vezina for serving as the

external appraiser and making the trip from Chicago to be present at my defense, undoubtedly

one of the most significant days in my life thus far. Finally, I thank Dr. Paul Fletcher for also

reading the many pages of this thesis and serving as an examiner.

I am also indebted to Dr. Charles Blaha and Dr. Tony Miller at the University of

Memphis for teaching me Electrochemistry and allowing me to bring the technique back to

Toronto, and thus answer some the questions I was asking in this thesis.

I am fortunate to come from a very supportive family, both immediate and extended, and

for this I am, and always will be, very grateful. In particular I want to thank my mother and

father who never stopped supporting and believing in me, even during that long period of

“difficult years” that included most of my adolescent and early adult years. You taught me the

value of hard work and that it pays off in the end.

Above all, I want to thank my beautiful wife Ann, without whom I am not really sure

what I would do. You are everything to me, my partner, confidant and best friend. You stuck

with me unconditionally over my years in graduate school, both through the good and the

vfrequent bad times. No matter how down and frustrated I felt you always made me see the

brighter side of things and for this I thank you. You never stopped believing in my ability to

succeed and this, more than anything else in my life, allowed me to keep believing in myself.

Table of Contents

Abstract …………………………………………………… ii

Acknowledgements …………………………………………………… iv

Table of Contents …………………………………………………… vi

List of Figures …………………………………………………… xi

List of Tables ……………………………………………………. xvi

List of Abbreviations …………………………………………………… xvii

General Introduction …………………………………………………… 1

1. Overview …………………………………………………… 1

2. Drug-induced Locomotion …………………………………… 6

3. Dopamine …………………………………………………… 8

4. Afferent Control of the Mesencephalic Dopamine System …… 9

4.1. GABA ……………………………………………. 9

4.2. Glutamate ……………………………………………. 10

5. Acetylcholine …………………………………………….. 10

5.1. Anatomy of Cholinergic Systems …………………… 10

5.2. Cholinergic Receptors ………………………………. 17

6. PPT and LDT projections: Functional Considerations …………. 25

6.1. Ascending cholinergic control of mesencephalic dopamine

systems ……………………………………………. 25

6.2. Arousal ……………………………………………… 32

6.3. Superior Colliculus Activation ………………………. 32

7. Muscarinic Receptors and Reward ………………………………. 33

8. Opiate Reward and Dopamine ………………………………. 33

vii 8.1. Opiate-induced Locomotion in Rats …………………… 36

8.2. Opiate-induced Locomotion in Mice …………………. 43

9. Objectives of the current thesis ………………………………… 44

References …………………………………………………………. 46

General Methods for Chapter 1-4 Experiments ……………………………….. 72

Chapter 1: Morphine-induced locomotion is reduced in M5 receptor knockout

mice or by VTA atropine in wild-type mice …………………………………… 75

Introduction ….……………………………………………………… 76

Experiment 1: Morphine-induced locomotion in M5 muscarinic receptor

knockout mice ………………………………………………………… 77

Materials and Methods …………………………………………. 77

Results ………………………………………………………… 79

Experiment 2: Effects of naltrexone pre-treatment on morphine-induced

locomotion in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …………………… 107

Introduction …………………………………………………… 107

Materials and Methods ………………………………………….. 107

Results ………………………………………………………….. 108

Chapter 1 Discussion ……………………………………………………. 115

Chapter 1 References …………………………………………………… 128

Chapter 2: Role of cholinergic input to the ventral tegmental area in systemic

morphine-induced locomotion ……………………………………………….. 134

Introduction ………………………………………………………….. 135

Materials and Methods ………………………………………………… 137

Results ………………………………………………………………….. 141

Histology ………………………………………………….. 141

viiiEffects of VTA pre-treatment with atropine in B6 wild-type and

M5 knockout mice …. …………………………………………... 141

Effects of VTA pre-treatment with mecamylamine in B6 wild-type

and M5 knockout mice …………….…………………………… 156

Effects of combined VTA pre-treatment with atropine and

mecamylamine in M5 knockout mice …………………………… 165

Chapter 2 Discussion ……………………………………………………. 171

Chapter 2 References ……………………………………………………. 192

Chapter 3: Electrochemical measurement of dopamine in M5 knockout mice ….. 197

Introduction …………………………………………………………….. 198

Experiment 4: Striatal dopamine efflux in response to electrical stimulation

of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus is M5 knockout mice …….. 200

Materials and Methods ………………………………………… 200

Results …………………………………………………………. 204

Discussion ……………………………………………………… 216

Experiment 5: Accumbal dopamine efflux in response to intra-VTA

morphine in M5 knockout mice ……………………………………… 223

Materials and Methods ……………………………………… 223

Results ………………………………………………………. 224

Discussion …………………………………………………… 237

Chapter 3 References ………………………………………………… 245

Chapter 4: Morphine conditioned-place preference in M5 knockout mice …… 251

Introduction …………………………………………………………… 252

Experiment 6: Morphine Conditioned Place Perference in 129 and B6

Wild-type and M5 knockout mice ……………………………………. 255

ixMaterials and Methods ………………………………………….. 255

Results ………………………………………………………….. 257

Discussion ………………………………………………………. 271

Chapter 4 References ……………………………………………………. 280

General Discussion ……………………………………………………………. 283

Summary of Chapter 1-4 Findings ……………………………………. 284

Implications of Current Findings …………………………………….. 285

Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Dependence ……………. 286

VTA morphine may affect accumbens dopamine efflux via a cholinergic

feedback loop involving the PPT and M5 muscarinic receptors …………. 289

The absence of VTA M5 receptors may affect the excitability of dopamine

neurons ………………………………………………………………….. 293

M5 and Reward …………………………………………………….. 295

Conclusions and Future Directions ………………………………………. 295

References ……………………………………………………………….. 299

Appendix A: In vivo measurement of dopamine ………………………………… 306

1. In vivo Microdialysis ………………………………………………….. 307

1.1. Advantages of Microdialysis ……………………………….. 308

1.2. Limitations of Microdialysis ………………………………... 309

2. In vivo Electrochemistry ………………………………………………. 310

2.1. Basic Principles of in vivo Electrochemistry ………………… 313

2.2. Types of Electrodes ………………………………………….. 314

2.3. Selectivity for Dopamine …………………………………….. 317

3. Electrochemistry Methods ………………………………………………. 318

3.1. Voltammetry ………………………………………………….. 319

x 3.2. Amperometry …………………………………………………. 320

Appendix A References …………………………………………………… 323

xiList of Figures

General Introduction

Figure 1: The central projections of cholinergic cells …………………. 14

Figure 2: Localization of muscarinic receptor sub-types in the

mesopontine tegmental nuclei, the midbrain tegmentum, and the

striatum/accumbens …………………………………………………… 21

Figure 3: Nucleus accumbens dopamine efflux measured by

chronoamperometry in rats and mice after electrical stimulation

of the LDT ……….…………………………………………………… 28

Figure 4: Pharmacological dissociation of three phases of nucleus

accumbens or striatum dopamine efflux following electrical stimulation of

the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus or pedunculopontine tegmental

nucleus ……………...……………………………………………. 30

Figure 5: Dopamine-dependent and dopamine-independent pathways

involved in opiate –reward ……………………………………………… 38

Chapter 1:

Figure 1.1.: Spontaneous exploration in B6 and 129 wild-type mice …… 82

Figure 1.2.: Spontaneous exploration in 129 and B6 wild-type and M5

knockout mice …………….………………………………………………. 83

Figure 1.3.: Saline-induced locomotion in 129 and B6 wild-type and M5

knockout mice …………….………………………………………………. 86

Figure 1.4.: Total morphine-induced locomotion across two hours

following three doses (3, 10, and 30 mg/kg, i.p.) of morphine in 129

and B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice ………………………………..... 88

Figure 1.5.: Dose response curves for 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg (i.p.)

xiimorphine-induced locomotion in 129 and B6 wild-type mice …………….. 91

Figure 1.6.: Locomotion time course in 5-min time bins in 129 and B6

wild-type mice following saline or 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine …. 94

Figure 1.7.: 30 mg/kg (i.p) morphine-induced locomotion in 129 and

B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …………………………………….. 97

Figure 1.8.: 10 mg/kg (i.p) morphine-induced locomotion in 129 and

B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …………………………………….. 101

Figure 1.9.: 3 mg/kg (i.p) morphine-induced locomotion in 129 and

B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …………………………………….. 104

Figure 1.10.: Peak locomotion in 129 and B6 wild-type and M5

knockout mice ……………………………………………………………. 106

Figure 1.11.: Effects of naltrexone pre-treatment (1 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) on

30 mg/kg (i.p.) total morphine-induced locomotion over two hours in

B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …………..………………………….. 110

Figure 1.12. Time course of 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine-induced locomotion

following pre-treatment with 1 mg/kg (i.p.) or 10 mg/kg (i.p.) naltrexone

in B6 wild-type and B6 M5 knockout mice ………………………………. 114

Chapter 2:

Figure 2.1.: VTA injection sites in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice

used in Experiments 3-5 ………………………………………………… 143

Figure 2.2.: Total locomotion following 3 μg bilateral VTA atropine or

0.3 μl VTA saline prior to systemic morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) or

saline in B6 mice and B6 M5 knockout mice ……………………………. 146

Figure 2.3.: Time course of locomotion following 3 μg bilateral VTA

atropine or VTA saline prior to systemic morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.)

xiiior saline in B6 and M5 knockout mice …………………………………… 150

Figure 2.4.: Effects of 3μg bilateral atropine in B6 mice that had

cannulae placements dorsal to the VTA ………..………………………… 152

Figure 2.5.: Effects of VTA treatment with 3 μg bilateral atropine in B6

and M5 knockout mice ……………………………………………………. 155

Figure 2.6.: Total locomotion following 5 μg bilateral VTA mecamylamine

or VTA saline with systemic morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) and/or saline in

B6 mice and M5 knockout mice ………………………………….………. 158

Figure 2.7.: Time course of morphine-induced (30 mg/kg, i.p.)

locomotion in B6 and M5 knockout mice following 5 μg mecamylamine

bilateral VTA treatment with or saline …….…………………………… 161

Figure 2.8.: Effects of VTA treatment with 5 μg bilateral mecamylamine

in B6 and M5 knockout mice …………………………………………… 164

Figure 2.9. Total locomotion following bilateral VTA saline, atropine

(3 μg), mecamylamine (5 μg), or combined atropine (3 μg) and

mecamylamine (5 μg) treatment in M5 knockout mice ………………… 167

Figure 2.10. Locomotion time course following bilateral VTA saline,

atropine (3 μg), mecamylamine (5 μg), or combined atropine (3 μg)

and mecamylamine (5 μg) treatment in M5 knockout mice …………….. 170

Figure 2.11.: A comparison of 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine-induced

locomotion in B6 M5 knockout and B6 wild-type mice following 3 μg

bilateral VTA pre-treatment with atropine ……………………………… 175

Figure 2.12. Stimulant effects of VTA atropine in B6 M5 knockout

mice ……………………………………………………………………… 182

xivFigure 2.13. Stimulant effects of VTA mecamylamine in B6 M5 knockout

mice ……………………………………………………………………… 186

Chapter 3:

Figure 3.1.: Representative examples of an in-vitro calibration and in-vivo

test of a stearate-modified carbon paste electrode ……………………… 206

Figure 3.2.: Sagittal sections of the mouse brain showing placements of

PPT stimulating electrodes in 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …… 209

Figure 3.3.: Coronal sections of the mouse brain showing placements of

striatal recording electrodes in 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice …… 211

Figure 3.4.: Striatal dopamine efflux following electrical stimulation of the

PPT in wild-type and M5 knockout mice ………………………………… 214

Figure 3.5.: M5 receptor contribution to PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux

in 129 mice ……………………………………………………………… 219

Figure 3.6.: VTA injection sites (A) and corresponding nucleus accumbens

recording sites (B)use in Experiment 7 ..…………………………………. 227

Figure 3.7.: Changes in nucleus accumbens dopamine efflux produced by 50 ng

intra-VTA morphine in 129 wild-type mice………………………………. 230

Figure 3.8. Effects of pre-treatment with naltrexone (1 mg/kg, i.p.) 5 min prior

to 50 ng intra-VTA morphine in 129 wild-type mice …………………….. 233

Figure 3.9. Effects of pre-treatment with 50 μg intra-VTA scopolamine on

accumbal dopamine efflux produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine

in 129 wild-type mice …………………………………………………… 236

Chapter 4:

Figure 4.1.: Morphine conditioned place preference in B6 wild-type

and M5 knockout mice at 1, 3, and 10 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine using

xvthe van der Kooy Apparatus …….……………………………………… 259

Figure 4.2.: Baseline preferences of B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice

used in morphine place preference experiments collapsed across doses

using the van der Kooy Apparatus …………………………………….. 262

Figure 4.3.: Morphine-induced place preference (3 mg/kg, i.p) in B6

wild-type and M5 knockout mice using the Steidl Apparatus ………….. 265

Figure 4.4.: Morphine-induced place preference (10 mg/kg, i.p) in 129

wild-type and M5 knockout mice using the Steidl Apparatus …………. 267

Figure 4.5.: Morphine-induced place preference (10 mg/kg, i.p) in 129

wild-type and M5 knockout mice using the Steidl Apparatus with

30-min conditioning trials ……………………………………………… 270

Figure 4.6.: Apparatus bias in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice in

the van der Kooy Apparatus and Steidl Apparatus …………………….. 277

General Discussion

Figure 6: How opiates disinhibit PPT cholinergic neurons to produce

dopamine activation …….……………………………………………… 292

Appendix A:

Figure A1: Examples of electroactive compounds that can be detected in the

ECF of the brain using in vivo electrochemistry ……………………… 312

Figure A2: Schematic diagrams of carbon fiber and carbon paste electrodes

used for the in vivo measurement of dopamine efflux …………………. 316

xviList of Tables

Table 1: Order of intra-VTA and systemic treatment combinations used in

Experiments 3-5 ………………………………………………………… 139

Table 2: Effects of PPT stimulation on dopamine oxidation current recorded

from the striatum of 129 wild-type (WT) and M5 knockout (KO) mice

before and after administration of systemic scopolamine ………………… 215

xviiList of Abbreviations

3-MT 3-methoxytyramine 6-OHDA 6-Hydroxy Dopamine AA ascorbic acid ATR atropine CC chronocoulometry CV cyclic voltammetry DA dopamine DAG diacylglycerol DAGO 125I-Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NMe-Phe-Gly-ol DALA D-Ala2-Met5-enkephalinamide DAMGO Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NMePhe-Gly-OH DOPAC 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid DOQ dopamine-o-quinone DVP differential pulse voltammetry DNVP differential normal pulse voltammetry ECF extracellular fluid FPA fixed potential amperometry FSCV fast-scan cyclic voltammetry GABA gamma-amminobutyric acid GAD glutamic acid decarboxylase HPLC high performance liquid chromatography HSC high-speed chronoamperometry HVA homovanillic acid IP3 D-myo-inositol 1, 4, 5-triphosphate LDT laterodorsal tegmental nucleus LSV linear sweep voltammetry LSV-SD linear sweep voltammetry with semidifferentiation MEC mecamylamine PAG periaqueductal gray PPT pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus PCR polymerase chain reaction PKC protein kinase C PPT-d pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus – pars dissipatus PPT-pc pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus – pars compacta SAL saline SN substantia nigra SNpc substantia nigra – pars compacta TRPC transient receptor potential channel TTX tetrodotoxin VACHT vesicular acetylcholine transporter VGLUT vesicular glutamate transporter VTA ventral tegmental area

1General Introduction

1. Overview

Opiates, like morphine and heroin, comprise a class of drugs known as narcotic

analgesics, and are defined by their common pharmacological action on opiate receptors. Opiates

produce many psychological, behavioral, and physiological effects, but their principle action is

pain reduction.

Although opiates serve as powerful analgesics they are also highly addictive, and this

may be the most detrimental effect associated with long-term use. Here, the drug becomes the

users’ primary objective in life, with the affected individuals spending most of their time and

energy on obtaining and using the drug. This leads to devastating disruptions in the workplace,

family, and schools. The high demand for illegally supplied opiates leads to crime and violence,

both from addicts seeking to procure more of an expensive drug, and criminal organizations

battling to dominate supply. Together, these have impacts on society that cost billions of dollars

every year.

Opiates produce two notable acute psychological effects, analgesia and euphoria.

Although very effective as pain killers, continued use of opiates is undesirable due to the rapid

development of tolerance. The euphoria produced by opiates is a powerful reinforcer of drug-

taking behavior, and is intimately linked to the development of addiction. Thus, an understanding

of the brain mechanisms through which opiates produce their acute effects is critical.

Opiate Receptors

Several major breakthroughs occurred during the 1970s, including the discovery of opiate

receptors in brain tissue in 1973 (Pert & Snyder, 1973), and the discovery of endorphins (Hughes

et al., 1975), endogenous peptides that act as ligands for opioid receptors. To date four subtypes

of opioid receptors have been isolated and their genes cloned. These include the μ (mu), κ

(kappa), δ (delta), and, more recently, nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor. (Evans, Keith, Morrison,

2Magdenzo, & Edwards 1992; Meunier et al., 1995; Pert & Snyder, 1973; Yasuda et al., 1993).

These receptors can be activated either by endorphins (e.g. enkephalins in the case of δ,

dynorphins in the case of κ, and endomorphins in the case of μ), or by exogenously administered

opiate drugs, such as morphine and heroin. Generally, agonists selective for μ and δ receptors are

rewarding, while those selective for the κ receptor induce dysphoria (Bals-Kubik, Herz, &

Shippenberg, 1989; Bals-Kubik, Shippenberg, & Herz, 1990).

The μ, and to a lesser extent the δ and κ, receptors are widely spread throughout the brain

(Mansour, Khachaturian, Lewis, Akil, & Watson, 1987; Mansour et al., 1994; Mansour, Fox,

Akil, & Watson, 1995). The μ receptor is of particular functional relevance in that many of the

behavioral consequences of opiates, including analgesia, hyperlocomotion, respiratory

depression and constipation, are eliminated in μ receptor knockout mice (Matthes et al., 1996;

Sora et al., 1997; Loh et al., 1998). The widespread distribution of receptors also means that

opioids can affect the brain in many different places. This is well illustrated in the study of

opioid analgesia, which can be produced at multiple levels, including the spinal cord, midbrain

periaqueductal gray (PAG) descending pain modulating systems (Fields, 1993), as well as the

forebrain (Khachaturian, Schaefer, & Lewis, 1993).

Dopamine, Opiates and Reward

The discovery of endogenous opioid receptors paved the way for studying the site of

opiate reward in the brain starting in the 1980s. During this time, the predominant view was that

the rewarding effects of natural reinforcers (e.g. food, water, and sex) and drugs of abuse are due

to their ability to increase the activity of the mesolimbic dopamine system (Wise, 1982). Opioid

receptors in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) were shown to be particularly important, as intra-

VTA morphine produced conditioned place preference in rats (Bals-Kubik, Ableitner, Herz, &

Shippenberg, 1993; Nader & van der Kooy, 1997; Olmstead & Franklin, 1997; Phillips &

3LePiane, 1980) and supported self-administration (Bozarth & Wise, 1981; David & Cazala,

1994). However, opiates could also produce rewarding effects in other brain areas, notably the

nucleus accumbens, where opiates supported self-administration through their action on opioid

receptors independent of dopamine (Goeders, Lane, & Smith, 1984; Olds, 1982). On the other

hand, place preference data suggested that opiates in the nucleus accumbens were not rewarding

(Bals-Kubik et al., 1993; Olmstead & Franklin, 1997; Schildein, Agmo, Huston, Schwarting,

1998; Zangen, Ikemoto, Zadina, & Wise, 2002).

Early studies used mainly the conditioned place preference paradigm to measure the

rewarding properties of opiates (van der Kooy, Mucha, O’Shaughnessy, & Bucenieks, 1982). In

this paradigm morphine (the primary reinforcer) is repeatedly paired with a particular

environmental context. The contextual stimuli acquire secondary reinforcing properties and

when the animal is subsequently exposed to the contextual stimuli in a drug-free state, they elicit

approach responses. When this occurs the animal has, by definition, acquired a conditioned place

preference (see Chapter 4 for a more detailed discussion). Place preference for VTA morphine

infusion could be blocked by systemic dopamine antagonists (Bozarth & Wise, 1981). With

systemic injections of morphine (Acquas & Di Chiara, 1994; Leone & Di Chiara, 1987) or

heroin (Spyraki, Fibiger, & Philips, 1983), which can affect many brain areas simultaneously,

place preference was also blocked by systemic dopamine antagonists, indicating a dependence

on dopamine neurotransmission. More recently however, systemic morphine place preference

has been demonstrated despite pre-treatment with systemic (Bechara, Harrington, Nader, & van

der Kooy, 1992; Nader & van der Kooy, 1997) or nucleus accumbens (Laviolette, Nader, & van

der Kooy, 2002) dopamine antagonists. Furthermore kainic acid lesions of the entire ventral

striatal area attenuated, but did not block, systemic morphine place preference (Olmstead &

Franklin, 1996).

4One factor that distinguishes early studies that showed a dependence of morphine CPP on

dopamine from those of Bechara and colleagues is side preferences associated with CPP

apparatus (see Chapter 4 for a detailed discussion). For example, in the study by Leone and Di

Chiara (1987) baseline preferences for the two chambers of the CPP apparatus were not equal.

Their conditioning procedure involved pairing of morphine with the initially less preferred side,

so that morphine may have alleviated the initial aversion to the drug-paired side, rather than

inducing a preference for the drug-paired side. When baseline preferences are found, it is

difficult to determine whether dopamine blockade interfered with opiate place preference or

attenuated aversion to the non-preferred environment. By contrast, Bechara and colleagues

established equal side preferences in pre-testing, and in their case dopamine antagonists did not

affect morphine CPP.

Dopamine neurotransmission is not necessary for opiate self-administration either, as pre-

treatment with systemic dopamine antagonist (Ettenberg, Pettit, Bloom & Koob, 1982) or

destruction of nucleus accumbens dopamine terminals (Pettit, Ettenberg, Bloom, & Koob, 1984)

did not affect heroin self-administration, but did affect cocaine self-administration.

Thus, the relationship between the rewarding effects of opiates and dopamine is complex

and remains controversial.

Cholinergic Effects on Dopamine and Opiate Reward

Cholinergic neurons of the pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei (PPT) and laterodorsal

tegmental nuclei (LDT) provide a major source of afferent input to the VTA (Oakman, Farris,

Kerr, Cozzari, & Hartman, 1995; Omelchenko & Sesack, 2006). In rats, accumbal and striatal

increases in dopamine produced by systemic morphine critically depend on the PPT (Miller,

Forster, Metcalf, & Blaha, 2002) and the LDT (Foster, Falcon, Miller, Heruc, & Blaha 2002),

and on muscarinic receptors in the VTA and substantia nigra (SN) (Miller, Forster, Yeomans, &

5Blaha, 2005). Thus, it appears that cholinergic mechanisms also contribute to opiate-induced

dopamine activation.

The PPT is also critical for the rewarding effects of opiates in drug-naïve animals, as

lesions of the PPT block morphine place preference (Bechara et al., 1992). By contrast, in drug

dependent/withdrawn animals, opiate reward is dopamine, but not PPT, dependent (Bechara et

al., 1992; Dockstader, Rubinstein, Grandy, Low, & van der Kooy, 2001; Laviolette et al., 2002;

Nader & van der Kooy, 1997).

The pathways through which the PPT mediates the acute rewarding effects of opiates and

dopamine activation (i.e. via descending or ascending projections) are not clear, but cholinergic

mechanisms are important. For example the cholinergic antagonists atropine and mecamylamine

in the VTA dose-dependently reduced morphine place preference in drug-naïve rats (Rezayof,

Nazari-Serenjeh, Zarrindast, Sepehri, & Delphi, 2007). In drug-naïve rats, the acute rewarding

effects of morphine do not, however, depend on dopamine (Nader & van der Kooy, 1997).

Together, the data suggest that ascending cholinergic inputs from the PPT to the VTA and SN

are important in mediating dopamine activation, and contribute to, but are not necessary for, the

rewarding effects of opiates.

My dissertation is designed to understand the role of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors

in the VTA on opiate-induced locomotion and dopamine activation in mice. Basile and

colleagues (2002) previously demonstrated that drug-naïve M5 muscarinic receptor knockout

mice showed strongly reduced morphine place preference. In the VTA, M5 muscarinic receptors

are associated with (Vilaro, Palacios, & Mengod, 1990; Weiner, Levey, & Brann, 1990), and

excite dopamine neurons (Forster et al., 2001), so are hypothesized to also be involved in

mediating cholinergic inputs important for the effects of opiates on dopamine.

62. Drug-induced locomotion

In a rat or a mouse, acute administration of a low dose of a stimulant drug (e.g. cocaine

and amphetamine) induces behavioral activation upon first exposure. Stimulant drugs generally

increase locomotion in rodents at short latencies (3-10 min). At higher doses of stimulants

animals show stereotypy, characterized by more narrowly focused, repetitive movements (e.g.

head bobbing, circling, sniffing, and licking in rats). Essentially, stereotypy consists of

movements that are part of the animals’ normal behavioral repertoire, but occur at frequencies

that are not normal. When drug-induced stereotypy dominates the animal’s behaviour, there is a

concurrent decrease in forward locomotion, as the two are not compatible.

In the case of opiates, however, locomotion in rats has been reported as bi-phasic

(Babbini & Davis, 1972). After drug administration the rat shows hypolocomotion for a few

minutes, which is followed by a delayed-onset period of hyperlocomotion. The locomotor effect

of opiates in mice have been described as a dose-dependent “running fit”, usually around the

perimeter of the cage, accompanied by an elevated, i.e. “Straub” tail (Lee & Fennessy, 1976;

Oliverio, 1975).

Drug-induced hyperlocomotion is reliable and easy to quantify in rodents, and has been

viewed as the “common denominator” of different drugs of abuse, including psychostimulants,

opiates, ethanol, and nicotine. Drug-induced locomotion is generally thought to reflect the

activation of neural circuits mediating approach behaviors, a necessary aspect of drug-seeking or

more generally goal-directed behavior (Wise & Bozarth, 1987). Indeed, forward locomotion is a

critical part of adaptive behaviors. A hungry or thirsty animal foraging for food or water must

move forward to arrive at the desired goal object. Similarly, a rat that has been trained to self-

administer a drug by bar-pressing or nose-poking also has to engage in some forward locomotion

to obtain more of the desired drug.

7Measurement of locomotor activation is generally thought to reflect activation of the

mesolimbic dopamine system. Accordingly, Tzschentke (2001) suggests that drug-induced

locomotor activity can be used as an index of the integrity and functioning of the dopamine

system. As such, locomotion produced by drugs of abuse can serve as a behavioural index that is

reflective of dopamine activation.

Perhaps more importantly, locomotor activation is also used as a means of assessing

whether past experiences (e.g. prior drug intake) can alter the mesolimbic dopamine system, as

reflected in locomotor sensitization, and increase in responsiveness to the locomotor effects of

drugs over time (for a review see Vezina, 2007; Vanderschuren & Kalivas, 2000).

Stimulant drugs produce their effects through interactions with biogenic amine

transporters. Cocaine blocks the activity of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin transporters,

while amphetamine also promotes the release of these biogenic amines by reverse transport

(Johnson, Contrary, & Nichols, 1991; Ritz, Cone, & Kuhar, 1990; Seiden, Sabol, & Ricuarte,

1993; Sulzer, Maidment, & Rayport, 1993). In the case of stimulant drugs in rats, nucleus

accumbens dopamine has been found necessary for both the locomotor activating and reward

associated with cocaine and amphetamine (Caine & Koob, 1994a; 1994b; Ettenberg et al., 1982;

Kelly, Seviour, & Iversen, 1975; Lyness, Friedle, & Moore, 1979; Pettit et al., 1984; Roberts,

Corcoran, & Fibiger, 1977; Sharp, Zetterstrom, Ljungberg, & Ungerstedt, 1987; Vaccarino,

Amalric, Swerdlow, & Koob, 1986). To what extent increased dopamine levels in the nucleus

accumbens are necessary for the rewarding and locomotor activating effects of opiates in rats is

less clear. Both dopamine-dependent and dopamine-independent mechanisms mediating both

opiate reward and locomotion exist, and so an understanding of the mechanisms that contribute

to dopamine-dependent and independent effects is important.

83. Dopamine

The mesencephalic dopaminergic cell groups are divided into the substantia nigra pars

compacta (SNpc; A9) and ventral tegmental area (VTA; A10). These cell groups give rise to the

nigrostriatal and mesolimbic systems, respectively (Fallon & Moore, 1978). The nigrostriatal

system projects from the SNpc to the caudate-putamen (called striatum in rodents), and plays an

important role in motor function. For example, degeneration of these SNpc neurons is one the

neuropathological hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease. Similar to patients with Parkinson’s disease,

animals with selective lesions of the nigrostriatal dopamine system also show deficits in the

initiation of movement (Carli, Evenden, & Robbins, 1985). The nigrostriatal system is also

important for the expression of drug-induced stereotypy, the display of repetitive (stereotyped)

movements following high doses of stimulant drugs (see below).

Medial to the SNpc is the VTA which gives rise to mesolimbic and mesocortical

projections. The mesolimbic system projects to the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle,

septum, amygdala, and hippocampus. The mesocortical system projects to cortical areas,

including prefrontal, cingulate, and perirhinal cortex.

The mesolimbic system, in particular, is implicated in emotional functions and motivated

behaviour (Wise, 2004). Lesions of the mesolimbic dopamine systems with 6-hydroxydopamine

induce a state of anhedonia, where animals lose interest in appetitive stimuli, such as food and

other rewards (Wise, 1982). Dopamine receptor blockade in the nucleus accumbens leads to an

attenuation of food reward (Wise & Schwartz, 1981), brain-stimulation reward (Fouriezos,

Hansson, & Wise, 1978; Fouriezos & Wise, 1976; Gallistel, Boytim, Gomita, & Klebanoff,

1982), and cocaine and amphetamine reward (Caine & Koob, 1994a; Ettenberg et al., 1982;

Pettit et al., 1984).

94. Afferent control of the dopamine system

The activity of the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine systems is under afferent

control of other neurotransmitter systems that affect the cell bodies in the VTA and SNpc. As a

complete discussion of all afferent inputs is beyond the scope of this paper (for a review see

Kalivas, 1993), only acetylcholine, GABA, and glutamate will be discussed. In particular, as the

current dissertation focuses on the role of M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, an

understanding of the cholinergic control of dopamine neurotransmission is of primary

importance. Thus the details of the cholinergic control of mesencephalic dopamine systems will

be discussed in a separate section.

4.1. GABA

Besides dopamine neurons, the neurons studied most extensively in the VTA are

GABAergic. Immunoreactivity for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) has shown the presence

of GABA cell populations in both the VTA and SN. In VTA approximately 20% of neurons

express messenger RNA (mRNA) for GAD. Tyrosine hydroxylase- and GAD-positive neuron

populations are intermixed. By contrast, in the SN greater than 60% of the neurons express GAD

mRNA and are found predominantly in the reticulata portion (Kalivas et al., 1992).

Many GABA neurons in the VTA and SN synapse onto dopamine neurons (van den Pol,

Smith, & Powell, 1985; Bayer & Pickel, 1991), but many also project outside the ventral

mesencephalon to forebrain areas including nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex

(Steffensen, Svingos, Pickel, & Henriksen, 1998; Van Bockstaele & Pickel, 1995), as well as to

the mesopontine regions including PPT and LDT (Semba & Fibiger, 1992; Steininger, Rye, &

Wainer, 1992). GABA neurons in the reticulata portion of the SN also give rise to the nigrotectal

pathway innervating the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (Hikosaka & Wurtz, 1983;

Rinvik, Grofova, & Otterson, 1976). GABA neurons are thought to provide a tonic inhibitory

input to VTA dopamine neurons (Johnson & North, 1992; Westerink, Kwint, & deVries, 1996).

10Opiate receptors in the VTA are predominantly associated with GABA neurons (Dilts & Kalivas,

1989; Garzon & Pickel, 2001) and GABA neurons are thought to be critical in the effects of

VTA opiates, by disinhibition of the mesolimbic dopamine system.

4.2. Glutamate

VTA dopamine cells receive glutamate afferents from the medial prefrontal cortex

(Sesack & Pickel, 1992; Smith, Charara, & Parent, 1996), the amygdala, the bed nucleus of the

stria terminalis (Hopkins & Holstege, 1978; Phillipson, 1979), and the pedunculopontine

tegmental nucleus (Charara, Smith, & Parent, 1996). Recently, neurons expressing the vesicular

glutamate transporter (vGluT) have also been identified in the VTA. Thus, in addition to

dopamine and GABA, there may also exist a population of glutamate neurons in the VTA

(Yamaguchi, Harvey, Liu, & Morales, 2007).

Dopamine neurons recorded in vivo typically show a distinct firing pattern characterized

by an irregular rate of single-spike firing at a frequency of 1-10 Hz (4 Hz on average), with

intermittent, brief periods of burst firing (Grace & Bunney, 1983). Functionally, extrasynaptic,

‘tonic’ levels of dopamine are mediated by the basal activity of dopamine neurons. The transient,

but large, ‘phasic’ increases in dopamine, which are generally considered functionally most

important, are mediated by burst firing of dopamine neurons (Grace, 1991). The transition from

low-frequency, irregular to burst-firing modes depends on glutamate, as activation of glutamate

afferents (Floresco, West, Ash, Moore, & Grace, 2003) or direct application of glutamate (Grace

& Bunney, 1984) induces burst firing.

5. Acetylcholine

5.1 Anatomy of Cholinergic Systems

Mesulam and colleagues (1983) have proposed a system where the clusters of cholinergic

projection neurons are named by the designation “Ch” followed by an identifying number. Using

11choline acetyltranferase (ChAT) as the marker for cholinergic neurons, eight cell groups, named

Ch1-8, have been identified (see Figure 1) as well as a population of large, aspiny, cholinergic

neurons found in all parts of the striatal complex (e.g. caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens,

olfactory tubercle, and islands of Calleja). The striatal cholinergic interneurons make most of

their synapses onto medium-sized, spiny GABAergic striatal output neurons (Phelps, Houser, &

Vaughn, 1985; Izzo & Bolam, 1988) and receive dopaminergic input from the midbrain (Chang,

1988; Kubota et al., 1987). Furthermore, these neurons have large and widespread dendritic

trees, making them capable of integrating synaptic inputs over large regions.

Four of these clusters, Ch1-4, are collectively referred to as the basal forebrain system.

These cell clusters are found in the ventral forebrain, and include, in rostro-caudal order, the cell

groups of the medial septal nucleus (Ch1), the vertical limb of the diagonal band (Ch2), the

horizontal limb of the diagonal band (Ch3), and the nucleus basalis, substantia inominata, and

nucleus reticularis (Ch4). These neurons have widespread ascending projections, innervating

hippocampus and limbic cortex (Ch1-3), olfactory bulbs and amygdala (Ch3), and virtually all of

the neocortex (Ch4). Basal forebrain cholinergic projections excite the cortex and hippocampus

(Woolf, 1991).

The Ch5 and Ch6 cluster are found more caudally in the brain at the midbrain/pons

border. These are the cell groups of the pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei (PPT, Ch5) and the

laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (LDT, Ch6). PPT and LDT are of particular relevance to the

current work, so their anatomy, afferent inputs, and efferent projections will be discussed in

greater detail in the following sections. Finally, two additional cholinergic clusters are found in

the medial habenula (Ch7) and the parabigeminal nucleus (Ch8).

Pedunculopontine and Laterodorsal Tegmental Nuclei

In the rat, the PPT is closely associated with the ascending limb of the superior cerebellar

peduncle as it passes through the rostral pons and midbrain. It extends caudally from the

12posterior pole of the substantia nigra to the lateral tip of the superior cerebellar peduncle, and

rostral parabrachial nucleus (Rye, Saper, Lee, & Wainer, 1987; Steininger et al., 1992). Dorsally

it is bordered by cuneiform nucleus and deep mesencephalic nuclei, and ventrally by the pontine

reticular nucleus (Inglis & Winn, 1995; Paxinos & Watson, 1998). With some variation this is

the position occupied by the PPT in all species studied to date, including human and non-human

primates (Winn, 2006).

Relative to the caudal PPT, the cells of the LDT are located more medially, largely within

the pontine central gray, and are bound anteriorally by the dorsal raphe. In terms of rostro-caudal

extent, the posterior portions of PPT correspond to the anterior portions of the LDT (Paxinos &

Watson, 1998).

Neurochemical characterization of PPT and LDT neurons

The PPT has been divided into pars dissipatus (PPT-d) and pars compacta (PPT-pc) subnuclei

(Steininger, Wainer, & Rye, 1997). The PPT-pc describes that portion of PPT that lies within the

caudal two-thirds of the PPT, characterized by densely clustered neurons lateral to the ascending

limb of the superior cerebellar peduncle, while the PPT-d describes an area that is more medial

and rostral, where neurons are relatively more diffuse (Steininger et al., 1997). The PPT-pc

contains approximately 40% of all PPT neurons, and approximately 90% of these neurons are

cholinergic. In the PPT-d, neurons are largely glutamatergic, with only 25-50% of neurons


The cholinergic neurons (Ch5) of the pars compacta portion are larger than non-

cholinergic neurons in the area (Steininger et al., 1997) and receive a greater number of synaptic

inputs (Honda & Semba, 1995). Among the non-cholinergic neurons at least some contain

GABA (Ford, Holmes, Mainville, & Jones, 1995).

It is believed that some cholinergic neurons in PPT are co-localized with other

neurotransmitters. Virtually all cholinergic neurons in the PPT also synthesize nitric oxide

13Figure 1. The central projections of cholinergic cells schematically represented on a parasagittal

section from rat brain. Cholinergic cell groups Ch1-8 are added (see text). This figure is adapted

from Woolf (1991).


Ch 1-4 Ch 5

Ch 6

Ch 7 Ch 8

Ch 1-4 Ch 5

Ch 6

Ch 7 Ch 8

15(Vincent & Kimura, 1992; Vincent et al., 1986), and some also contain glutamate (Bevan &

Bolam, 1995) or GABA (Charara et al., 1996). Furthermore, substance P (Vincent et al., 1986)

and arterial natriuretic peptide (Moga and Saper, 1994; Ryan & Grundlach, 1994) have been

detected in these neurons as well. The co-localization of acetylcholine with other transmitters

suggests that cholinergic neurons may co-release these various other transmitters along with

acetylcholine, complicating a clear understanding of post-synaptic effects. However, at this point

there is no systematic understanding of how the colocalization of cholinergic neurons with other

transmitters is organized and functions in the PPT (Winn, 2006).

In-situ hybridization shows that less than 1% of LDT neurons expressing ChAT also

express mRNA for the vesicular glutamate transporter or GAD. Thus, at least in the case of LDT,

this argues for separate populations of cholinergic, glutamatergic, and GABAergic neurons.

Estimates of the relative proportion of each population are 20% cholinergic, 22% glutamatergic,

and 58% GABAergic neurons (Wang, Tagliferro, & Morales, 2007).

Ascending Projections of PPT and LDT Cholinergic Neurons

Thalamic and Basal Forebrain Projections.

Cholinergic cells of the PPT and LDT heavily innervate the thalamus. Injections of

retrograde tracer into the thalamus resulted in labeling of close to 100% of ipsilateral cholinergic

neurons in the PPT, and 50% contralaterally, with the contralateral projecting cells evenly

distributed through PPT and LDT (Oakman, Farris, Cozzari, & Hartman, 1999). In addition the

PPT provides weaker innervation of the basal forebrain, but the majority of these inputs arise

from non-cholinergic neurons (Jones & Cuello, 1989).

Cholinergic Innervation of the VTA and SN.

Injections of retrograde tracers into either the SN (including both compacta and

reticulata) or the VTA showed labeling of ChAT-positive cells in both PPT and LDT. In the case

of VTA injections, most projection neurons originated from areas where ChAT-positive cells

16were most numerous, namely the LDT and PPT-pars compacta. VTA projections from PPT and

LDT were approximately equally distributed ipsi- and contra-lateral to the injection. In the case

of SN injections ChAT-positive projection neurons originated predominantly from the PPT, with

the densest areas of cholinergic projection neurons found in the rostroventral and medial portions

of the PPT (i.e. the dissipata region). In contrast to the VTA, SN-projecting neurons were

predominantly ipsilateral to the injection site, and there were only very few neurons originating

from the ChAT-positive LDT neurons (Oakman, Farris, Kerr, Cozzari, & Hartman, 1995). Thus,

the LDT and the caudal portions of PPT (i.e. the regions densest in cholinergic neurons) provide

bilateral cholinergic innervations to the VTA, and the anterior portions of the PPT, but not the

LDT, provide primarily ipsilateral cholinergic innervations to the SN.

Double-labeling studies have shown that cholinergic terminals are in close apposition to

dopaminergic neurons in the SNpc, forming asymmetric synapses predominantly with dendrites,

but also cell bodies (Bolam, Francis, & Henderson, 1991). Functionally, inputs from the PPT to

the SNpc have been shown to monosynaptically excite dopamine neurons through both nicotinic

(Clarke, Hommer, Pert, & Skirboll, 1987; Futami, Takakusaki, & Kitai, 1995) and muscarinic

cholinergic, as well as glutamatergic receptors (Futami et al., 1995).

Cholinergic terminals in the VTA terminate on cells that label positive for the dopamine

transporter as well as on cells that do not. This suggests that cholinergic inputs innervate both

dopamine and GABA neurons in the VTA, and is consistent with data showing that nicotinic

(Yin & French, 2000) and muscarinic (Grillner, Berretta, Bernardi, Svensson, & Mercuri, 2000)

receptors affect the activity of GABA neurons.

Approximately 50% of LDT inputs to the VTA form asymmetric synapses (Omelchenko

& Sesack, 2005). Additionally, VTA terminals that label positive for the vesicular acetylcholine

transporter (VAchT) asymmetrically synapse onto neurons immuno-positive for tyrosine

hydroxylase giving rise to mesoaccumbens projections approximately four times more than

17neurons giving rise to mesocortical projections. Furthermore, supporting cholinergic innervation

of both dopamine and non-dopamine VTA neurons, VAchT terminals in the VTA also synapsed

onto neurons immuno-positive for GABA, albeit to a lesser extent (Omelchenko & Sesack


5.2. Cholinergic Receptors

The effects of acetylcholine on mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine neurons are

mediated through fast, ionotropic nicotinic and slow, metabotropic muscarinic receptors.

Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Genes

Five different muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype genes have been cloned to date

(Bonner, Young, Brann, & Buckley, 1988; Bonner, Buckley, Young, & Brann, 1987). They all

belong to the super-family of seven-transmembrane receptors, and activate signal transduction

through coupling to G proteins. The M1, M3, and M5 subtypes are coupled to pertussis toxin-

insensitive G proteins (Gq/G11 family). Activation of these receptors by an agonist causes the

activation of phospholipase C. This in turn leads to the activation of diacylglycerol (DAG) and

D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3). DAG activates protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme

which can then regulate the function of other intracellular proteins, while IP3 releases

intracellular calcium stores by acting on IP3 receptors on the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(Eglen & Nahorski, 2000). In addition, M3 and M5 receptors can also activate so-called transient

receptor potential channels (TRPCs) which are transmembrane cation channels (Harteneck,

Plant, & Schultz, 2000). Both the effect of IP3 on calcium and TRPCs leads to an increase in

intracellular cation levels and thus an increase in cell excitability.

M2 and M4 receptors preferentially couple to pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins

(Gi/Go). Activation of these receptors by an agonist leads to the inhibition of adenylyl cyclase,

the enzyme that synthesizes cyclic AMP. These receptors decrease cell excitability.

18Muscarinic Receptor Distribution

The five muscarinic receptor subtypes have been localized through the use of in-situ

hybridization for mRNA and/or antibody labeling for receptor protein, depending on the receptor

sub-type investigated. Yasuda et al. (1992) provided estimates of the relative proportion of

muscarinic receptor sub-types in the brain, based on immunoprecipitation, indicating 30-40%

M1, 20-40% M2, 5% M3, 20-30% M4, <2% M5.

M1 Muscarinic Receptors.

The highest levels of M1 receptors are found in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and

striatum as shown by mRNA (Buckley, Bonner, & Brann, 1988; Wei, Walton, Milici, &

Buccafusco, 1994; Weiner & Brann, 1989; Weiner et al., 1990), protein immunoprecipitation,

and protein immunocytochemistry (Levey, Kitt, Simonds, Price, & Brann, 1991). Moderate

levels are found in the amygdala, and low levels in the thalamus. By contrast very low levels of

M1 protein are found in the brainstem (around 2-5%, Levey, 1993).

The absence of M1 mRNA in the SN and VTA (Weiner et al., 1990) suggests that this

muscarinic receptor sub-type does not play a significant role in mediating cholinergic inputs to

the ventral mesencephalon. On the other hand, in the striatum, where high levels of mRNA are

observed, M1 receptors are associated with several different neuron populations, including

medium spiny neurons and cholinergic interneurons (Figure 2) (Bernard, Norman, & Bloch,

1992; Hersch, Gutekunst, Rees, Heilman, & Levey, 1994). M1 receptor knockout mice showed

elevated striatal dopamine levels and an increased dopaminergic response to amphetamine,

suggesting that M1 receptors may be involved in a mechanism that inhibits dopamine release in

the striatum (Gerber et al., 2001).

M2 Muscarinic Receptors.

The highest levels of M2 receptors are found in the basal forebrain, the thalamus, the

mesopontine tegmentum (including PPT and LDT) and motor nuclei of cranial nerves, as shown

19by mRNA (Buckley et al., 1988; Wei et al., 1994), protein immunoprecipitation, and protein

immunocytochemistry (Levey et al., 1991). Moderate levels of M2 mRNA and receptor

proteinare found in the striatum and cortex, while low levels are found in the substantia nigra,

amygdala, and hippocampus (Figure 2). Based on the similarity between the distribution of M2

receptor protein and cholinergic neurons, Levey and colleagues (1991) suggest that M2 receptors

function as somatodendritic autoreceptors in these areas, inhibiting acetylcholine neurons. In the

striatum, M2 receptor protein is associated mainly with cholinergic interneurons (Hersch et al.,

1994). However, oxotremorine-enhanced striatal dopamine release in M2 knockout mice was not

significantly different relative to wild-type mice (Zhang, Yamada, Gomeza, Basile, & Wess,

2002). In the PPT and LDT, M2-like receptors mediate acetylcholine-mediated inhibition of

cholinergic neurons (Leonard & Llinás, 1994). However, M2 knockout mouse data indicate that

M2 receptors have little effect on basal VTA acetylcholine levels, basal nucleus accumbens

dopamine levels, or psychostimulant-induced increases in dopamine (Tzavara et al., 2004).

M3 Muscarinic Receptors.

Levey an colleagues (1991) showed the highest levels of M3 mRNA in cortex, hippocampus, and

the thalamus, but detected no mRNA in either the striatum or ventral midbrain. Wei et al. (1994)

did detect mRNA in the pons-medulla and striatum, where M3 mRNA was associated mainly

with axon terminals, but a small number was also associated with medium spiny cells (Hersch et

al., 1994). Binding studies indicated the presence of M3 receptors in the substantia nigra (Frey &

Howland, 1992; Zubieta and Frey, 1990). Finally, Michel, Robillard, and Trudeau (2004) have

shown the expression of M3 receptor protein in cultured mesencephalic GABA neurons.

Oxotremorine-enhanced striatal dopamine release in M3 knockout mice was increased relative to

wild-type mice, suggesting that in wild-type mice M3 receptors are involved in a mechanism that

inhibits striatal dopamine release (Zhang et al., 2002). In mesencephalic cell cultures cholinergic

agonists increased the firing rates of GABA neurons, and the excitation could be blocked by pre-

20Figure 2. Localization of muscarinic receptor sub-types in the mesopontine tegmental nuclei, the

midbrain tegmentum, and the striatum/accumbens. The localization of muscarinic receptors is

indicated according to both mRNA and receptor protein analysis. M3 receptors in the striatum

are mostly associated with axon terminals, but also a small set of medium spiny neurons (see

text). To indicate this, they are placed within the area of striatum. Various different nicotinic

receptors (indicated as ‘N’) in the midbrain tegementum are associated with both dopaminergic

and GABAergic neurons as well as afferent terminals (see text). To indicate this, they are placed

within the area of VTA/SN.











PPT/LDT VTA/SN Striatum/Accumbens





















PPT/LDT VTA/SN Striatum/Accumbens












22treatment with 4-DAMP, a preferential M3 receptor antagonist (Michel et al., 2004). Thus, the

M3-mediated increase in GABA neuron activity may, consequently, inhibit the activity of

neighbouring dopamine neurons.

M4 Muscarinic Receptors.

The highest levels of M4 receptors are found in the striatum, as assessed by mRNA (Wei

et al., 1994; Weiner et al., 1990) and protein immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry

(Levey et al., 1991), while lower levels are found in cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus. Others

have found M4 mRNA in PPT and LDT cholinergic cells (Sugaya, Clamp, Bryan, & McKinney,

1997). However, analysis of M4 receptor protein expression shows low levels in pons/medulla,

but moderate levels in the midbrain (Yasuda et al., 1992), suggesting that receptors are

associated with cholinergic terminals that excite dopamine neurons in VTA and SN. In the

striatum, M4 receptor protein is associated with medium spiny projection neurons, axon

terminals, and cholinergic intereneurons (Hersch et al., 1994; Sugaya et al., 1997).

Oxotremorine- enhanced striatal dopamine release in M4 knockout mice was completely absent

relative to wild-type mice, suggesting that M4 receptors play a key role in meditaing muscarinic

receptor-mediated increases in striatal dopamine release (Zhang et al., 2002). A role for VTA M4

receptors is suggested by the fact that M4 knockout mice have increased basal levels of VTA

acetylcholine, nucleus accumbens dopamine, and an enhanced dopaminergic response to

psychostimulants (Tzavara et al., 2004).

M5 Muscarinic Receptors.

Localization of M5 receptors in the mammalian brain has been more challenging than the

other receptor sub-types. This, in part, has been due to methodological limitations associated

with detecting very low levels of mRNA or protein. For example, immunoprecipitation of M5

protein in different brain areas estimates the proportion of M5 receptors as less than 2% overall

in the brain (Yasuda et al., 1992). Also, lack of available antibodies has made

23immunocytochemistry difficult, and the lack of selective pharmacological ligands has precluded

binding assays. To illustrate, several investigation of M5 mRNA distribution in the rat brain

show presence in only a limited number of brain areas. Notably, detection in the SN and VTA

has been consistent across studies (Levey et al., 1991; Vilaro et al., 1990; Wang et al., 2004; Wei

et al., 1994; Weiner et al., 1990), but most investigations do not report the presence of M5

mRNA in striatum, and cortex. However, maximizing the low levels of mRNA to facilitate

detection through the use of reverse transcriptase PCR, shows that mRNA can in fact be

detected, albeit at low levels, in all major brain regions, including cortex and forebrain areas (e.g.

striatum), midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord (Wang et al., 2004; Wei et al., 1994). There is

only one published immunoprecipitation study on the distribution of M5 protein, and it shows

significant levels in the midbrain, striatum and hippocampus (Yasuda et al., 1992). In both

striatum and midbrain the localization of M5 receptors by immunocytcochemistry is yet to be

determined. However, in situ hybridization showed an enrichement of autoradiographic grains

over dopaminergic cell bodies in the SNpc and 6-OHDA lesions completely abolished the

autoradiographic signal (Vilaro et al., 1990). Furthermore, in both VTA and SNpc, cells

expressing M5 mRNA and D2 mRNA are co-localized (Wang et al., 2004; Weiner et al., 1990),

further suggesting expression on dopamine neurons. A role for M5 receptors on striatal terminals

is suggested by the fact that oxotremorine-enhanced striatal dopamine release in M5 knockout

mice was reduced by 50% relative to wild-type mice (Yamada et al., 2001). A strong, excitatory

role for M5 receptors on dopamine cell bodies is shown by the fact that the third phase of

prolonged dopamine release evoked by electrical stimulation of the VTA is absent in M5

knockout mice (Figure 3b; Forster et al., 2001). This will be discussed in more detail later.

Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Genes

Nicotinic receptors are pentametric ion channels composed of various subunit

combinations that allow the passage of cations when activated, resulting in depolarizing post-

24synaptic currents. To date, 12 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits have been

identified, α2-α10, and β2-β4 (Gotti, Fornasari, & Clementi, 1997; Jones, Sudweeks, & Yakel,

1999; McGehee & Role; 1995; Role & Berg, 1996; Salamone & Zhou, 2000). Dopamine

neurons in the VTA and SN express the α2-α7 and β2-β4 subunits which combine to form either

α4β2 heteromeric receptors (e.g. α4α6α5(β2)2 or α4α5(β2)2) or homomeric (e.g. α7) receptors.

GABA neurons express less of the α3, α5, α6, and β4 subunits. and so likely also form α4β2

hetermomeric receptors as well as homomeric α7 receptors (Charpantier, Barnéoud, Moser,

Besnard, & Sgard, 1998; Klink, de Kerchove d’Exaerde, Zoli, & Changeux, 2001). However,

for both dopamine and GABA neurons, less than half express α7 mRNA (Klink et al., 2001),

indicating that receptors containing this subunit are less common than α4β2. Data from knockout

mouse studies indicate that receptors including the β2 subunit (Picciotto et al., 1998; Maskos et

al. 2005) or α4 subunits (Tapper et al., 2004) and are particularly important for nicotine-induced

increases in dopamine and nicotine reward.

α7 receptors have been localized to both somatodendritic areas (dopaminergic and non-

dopaminergic) and afferent terminals (both glutamatergic and non-glutamatergic). Among the

terminal α7 receptors, approximately 75% are associated with glutamate terminals, and not with

cholinergic terminals (Jones & Wonnacott, 2004). α7 receptors on glutamatergic terminals in the

VTA are in a prime position to affect excitatory glutamate transmission in the VTA.

Accordingly, Schilstrom and colleagues (1998) showed that VTA administration of the α7

receptor antagonist methyllycaconitine (MLA) reduced accumbal dopamine release by systemic

nicotine, suggesting that antagonism of pre-synaptic glutamate release resulted in less nicotine-

induced excitation of the mesolimbic dopamine system. Similarly, antagonism of α7 receptors

on dopamine neurons also leads to reduced nicotine-induced dopamine release. Nicotinic and

25glutametergic receptors together can activate dopamine neurons and nucleus accumbens

dopamine release quickly (Figure 3a).

6. PPT and LDT projections: Functional Considerations

The focus of this dissertation is on the cholinergic control of mesencephalic dopamine

neurons and the nature of this control will be discussed in detail first (section 6.1). However,

given the strong innervation of thalamic nuclei (see section 5.1), leading to activation of

thalamus and cortex, the role of the PPT as a cortical arousal system will also be briefly

discussed (sections 6.2 and 6.3).

6.1. Ascending cholinergic control of mesencephalic dopamine systems

Ascending PPT and LDT cholinergic inputs activate nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopamine

systems, as illustrated by the work of Blaha and colleagues (Blaha & Winn, 1993; Blaha et al.,

1997; Forster & Blaha, 2000; 2003). They have utilized chronoamperometry (see Appendix A)

to detect changes in accumbens or striatum dopamine efflux following nicotine or carbachol in

the VTA or SN, or electrical stimulation of the LDT or PPT in rats. In rats, electrical stimulation

of either PPT or LDT produces a characteristic tri-phasic pattern of dopamine efflux (see Figure

3a), and each of the three phases can be pharmacologically dissociated. The first phase has an

onset that is time-locked to the stimulation with a duration of 2-3 min in both PPT-evoked

striatal and LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in rats. The first phase (Figure 4 left) could

be selectively blocked by infusion of either nicotinic or ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonist

into the VTA (Forster & Blaha, 2000), or the SN (Forster & Blaha, 2003). The second phase

(Figure 4 middle) is characterized by a decline in oxidation current to below baseline levels, and

has a duration of 8-9 minutes in both PPT-evoked striatal and LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine

efflux. This phase is mediated by muscarinic receptors in LDT (Forster & Blaha, 2000) and PPT

(Forster & Blaha, 2003). Injections of scopolamine into the PPT and LDT attenuated the second

26phase of striatal and accumbal dopamine efflux, respectively. Furthermore, in each case, infusion

of the M2 selective antagonist methoctramine completely blocked the second phase, suggesting

that this second phase is due to activation of inhibitory M2 receptors expressed by cholinergic

cells of PPT and LDT (Buckley et al., 1988; Levey et al., 1991; Vilaro et al., 1990, 1994). The

third phase (Figure 4 right) is characterized by increases in dopamine oxidation current with a

slow onset at around 8-9 min, and a longer duration lasting between 36 min (LDT; Forster &

Blaha, 2000) and 46 min (PPT Forster & Blaha, 2003). This phase could be selectively blocked

by scopolamine infusion into the VTA (Forster & Blaha, 2000) and SN (Forster & Blaha, 2003),

suggesting mediation through muscarinic receptors in VTA and SN.

In 129 wild-type mice (Figure 3b) the duration of the first phase following LDT-evoked

accumbal dopamine efflux is on the order of 2-3 minutes. The duration of the second, inhibitory

phase is shorter than in rats, with oxidation currents returning to baseline within 4-5 min.

Furthermore, in mice, where the second inhibitory phase of LDT-evoked accumbems dopamine

efflux is found to be shorter, the subsequent third, excitatory phase, was found to have a faster

onset of about 8 min and a duration of approximately 40 min (Foster et al., 2001). The third

phase could be selectively blocked by systemic pre-treatment with scopolamine. Most

importantly, the third phase of accumbal dopamine efflux following electrical stimulation of the

LDT was absent in M5 knockout mice, while the first and second phases of dopamine release

were unaffected (Figure 3b). This suggests that specifically the M5 sub-type, associated with

dopamine neurons in the VTA, mediates the slow activation of dopamine neurons resulting in the

prolonged, third phase of accumbal dopamine efflux (Yeomans et al., 2001).

Electrophysiological recordings from dopamine neurons show that both LDT and PPT

importantly contribute to the control of VTA dopamine neuron activity. LDT activation by local

infusion of scopolamine produced an increase in the number of spontaneously active VTA

dopamine neurons (Lodge & Grace, 2006). Presumably, this effect was due to the blockade of

27Figure 3. Nucleus accumbens dopamine efflux measured by chronoamperometry in (A) rats and

(B) mice after electrical stimulation of the LDT. (A) Dopamine increased for 2 min, followed by

decreased dopamine efflux from 3–8 min. Then, dopamine efflux increased from 10–60 min

(Yeomans, Forster, & Blaha, 2001). (B) In 129 wild-type mice (left) dopamine increased for 2-3

min, followed by decreased dopamine efflux from 4-5 min. Then, dopamine efflux increased

from about 8-40 min. The third phase was selectively blocked by pre-treatment with systemic

scopolamine (5mg/kg, i.p.) in wild-type mice (left). In M5 knockout mice (right) the third phase

of increased dopamine efflux was absent, and was not further reduced by systemic scopolamine

(Figure adapted from Forster et al., 2001).



B 129 wild-type M5 knockoutB 129 wild-type M5 knockout

29Figure 4. Pharmacological dissociation of three phases of nucleus accumbens (A) or striatum (B)

dopamine efflux following electrical stimulation of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT) and

pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT), respectively. (A) The left panel shows the selective

effect of 5 μg intra-VTA mecamylamine (top), or 10 μg intra-VTA kynurenate on the first phase

of LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux. The middle panel shows the selective effect of 100

μg intra-LDT scopolamine (top), or 50 μg of the M2 selective antagonist methoctramine

(bottom) in the LDT on the second phase of LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux. The right

panel shows the selective effect of 5 mg/kg (i.p.) scopolamine (top) or 200 μg intra-VTA

scopolamine (bottom) on the third phase of LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux. This figure

is adapted from Forster & Blaha, 2000). (B) The left panel shows the selective effect of 5 μg

intra-VTA mecamylamine (top), or 10 μg intra-SN kynurenate (bottom) on the first phase of

PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux. The middle panel shows the selective effect of 50 μg of the

M2 selective antagonist methoctramine in the PPT (top) or 100 μg intra-PPT scopolamine

(bottom) on the second phase of PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux. The right panel shows the

selective effect of 5 mg/kg (i.p.) scopolamine (top), or 200 μg intra-SN scopolamine (bottom) on

the third phase of PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux. This figure is adapted from Forster &

Blaha, 2000).


A 1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd PhaseLDT → VTA → Nacc

A 1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd PhaseLDT → VTA → Nacc

B 1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd PhasePPT → SN → Striatum

B 1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd PhasePPT → SN → Striatum

31inhibitory M2-like autoreceptors in the LDT (Leonard & Llinás, 1994). Consistent with this,

LDT infusions of carbachol eliminated spontaneous activity of VTA dopamine neurons (Lodge

& Grace, 2006). Together these data suggest that tonic cholinergic input to the VTA is important

in maintaining the spontaneous baseline activity of dopamine neurons, and emphasize the

importance of understanding the receptors through which tonic cholinergic input is mediated.

PPT inputs are also important in the control of burst firing of VTA dopamine neurons.

Specifically, inactivation of the PPT by combined infusions of the GABAA agonist muscimol

and GABAB antagonist baclofen decreased dopamine neuron burst firing while having no effect

on the number or activity of spontaneously active dopamine neurons. Conversely activation of

the PPT by infusion of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline increased the burst firing of VTA

dopamine neurons (Floresco et al., 2003). This suggests that PPT inputs to the VTA, cholinergic

and/or glutamatergic, are necessary for the transition of dopamine neurons from spontaneous to

burst firing. Behaviourally this is supported by the evidence that the responses of dopamine

neurons to reward-predictive cues are suppressed following reversible PPT inactivation with

lidocaine (Pan & Hyland, 2005).

Finally, electrical stimulation of mesopontine areas elicits treadmill locomotion in

midbrain transected animals (Skinner & Garcia-Rill, 1984). This suggests that mesopontine areas

can activate treadmill locomotion, presumably via their innervation of neurons in the medial

medulla, which in turn innervate spinal cord central pattern generators (Steeves & Jordan, 1980).

Open-field locomotion produced by dopamine activation in nucleus accumbens may in part be

mediated through efferent connections to the PPT. For example, amphetamine-induced

locomotion was blocked by either reversible inactivation of the PPT with procaine (Brudzynski

& Mogenson, 1985) or irreversible ibotenate lesions (Bechara & van der Kooy, 1992). However,

others have since found that PPT ibotenate lesions did not affect locomotion by either systemic

amphetamine (Inglis et al., 1994a; Olmstead & Franklin, 1994) or intra-accumbens injection of

32amphetamine (Inglis, Dunbar, & Winn, 1994b), so on the whole the evidence is mixed, and the

pathways involved are not clearly understood.

A role for the LDT in open-field locomotion is suggested by the fact that lesions reduced

scopolamine- and, albeit only slightly, amphetamine-induced locomotion (Laviolette, Priebe, &

Yeomans, 2000). Furthermore, LDT lesions also blunted the locomotor response to nicotine and

reduced sensitization to nicotine (Alderson, Latimer, & Winn, 2005).

6.2. Arousal

Virtually all PPT, and most LDT, cholinergic neurons innervate the thalamus (Oakman et

al., 1992), which can activate thalamic neurons, particularly those that give rise to

thalamocortical projections, involved in arousing the cortex. For example, application of

acetylcholine to the cat dorsal lateral genicuclate nucleus shift cells from rhythmic burst-firing to

tonic, single-spike firing mode (McCormick, 1992), and the cells are consequently more

responsive to afferent senory input. Ascending cholinergic inputs also critically influence cortical

activation via both their effects on thalamocortical systems and the basal forebrain (Dringenberg

& Olmstead, 2003; Steriade, Datta, Pare, Oakson, & Curro Dossi, 1990). Descending projections

from the PPT and LDT to pontine areas where carbachol induces REM sleep (Baghdoyan,

Rodrigo-Angulo, McCarley, & Hobson, 1984) are thought to be important in the initiation of

REM sleep.

6.3. Superior Colliculus Activation

The intermediate layers of the superior colliculus receive cholinergic input from the PPT.

Analysis of single unit activity in monkey PPT has revealed a population of PPT neurons that

increased their firing rate preceding saccades, suggesting that PPT neurons may be involved in

the execution and preparation of saccades (Kobayashi, Saito, & Isa, 2001). Furthermore, the

cholinergic effects on saccades appear to be mediated through fast nicotinic acetylcholine

receptors in the superior colliculus (Aizawa, Kobayashi, Yamamoto, & Isa, 1999).

337. Muscarinic Receptors and Reward

Several lines of evidence support an important role for muscarinic receptors in reward in

rats. First, local infusion of carbachol infused into the VTA produced conditioned place

preference (Yeomans, Kofman, & McFarlane, 1985). Second, carbachol infusion, particularly in

the posterior VTA supports self-administration in rats, which could be blocked by the muscarinic

antagonist scopolamine and was dopamine-dependent (Ikemoto & Wise, 2002). Third, brain-

stimulation reward (BSR) was attenuated by the cholinergic agonist carbachol in the PPT

(Yeomans, Mathur, & Tampakeras, 1993), produced increases in VTA acetylcholine (Rada,

Mark, Yeomans, & Hoebel, 2000), and was reduced by muscarinic, and to a lesser extent

nicotinic, antagonists in the VTA (Yeomans & Baptista, 1997).

M5 receptors are particularly important in mediating muscarinic effects in BSR. Down-

regulation of M5 receptors by local infusion of M5 DNA antisense oilgonucleotides produced

right-ward shifts in BSR rate-frequency curves over days which returned to baseline upon

removal of the antisense (Yeomans et al., 2000). M5 receptor knockout mice also show reduced

sensitivity to several drugs of abuse including cocaine (Fink-Jensen et al., 2003; Thomsen et al.,

2005), amphetamine (Wang et al., 2004), and morphine (Basile et al., 2002) .

8. Opiate Reward and Dopamine

It is unclear to what extent dopamine output in the nucleus accumbens is necessary for

either the rewarding or locomotor-activating effects of opiates.

Intra-VTA morphine produced conditioned place preference in rats (Bals-Kubik et al.,

1993; Nader & van der Kooy, 1997; Olmstead & Franklin, 1997; Phillips & LePiane, 1980) that

was dependent on VTA opiate receptors (Phillips & LePiane, 1980). Intra-VTA morphine also

supported self-administration (Bozarth & Wise, 1981; David & Cazala, 1994), and caused

circling in rats indicating activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system (Holmes, Bozarth, &

34Wise, 1983). The long-term, continuous infusion of morphine into the VTA, unlike similar

infusion into the periacqueductal gray, did not lead to physical dependence (Bozarth & Wise,

1984). Furthermore, both μ and δ agonists were self-administered into the VTA (Devine & Wise,

1994), as was endomorphin-1, an endogenous ligand with high selectivity for the μ opioid

receptor (Zangen et al., 2002).

These data suggest that opiate receptors in the VTA are a sufficient brain substrate for

mediating the rewarding/reinforcing properties of opiates. Local VTA administration of opiates

increases the firing rate of dopamine neurons (Gysling & Wang, 1983; Matthews & German,

1984). In the VTA both μ, and to a lesser extent κ, opiate receptors are found (Mansour et al.,

1995; 1994; 1987), and infusion of μ-specific, but not κ-specific agonists, produced dose-

dependent increases in nucleus accumbens dopamine (Spanagel et al., 1992). Furthermore, μ

opioid receptor knockout mice show reduced increases in accumbens dopamine produced by

systemic morphine (Chefer, Kieffer, & Shippenberg, 2003). These data suggest that opiates

excite dopamine transmission in the VTA primarily through their action on μ opioid receptors,

which are predominantly associated with non-dopaminergic neurons (Dilts & Kalivas, 1989;

Garzon & Pickel, 2001). A small number of VTA dopamine neurons do, however, express μ

opiate receptors, and μ opioid receptors are also associated with terminals synapsing with both

dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons (Garzon & Pickel, 2001; Svingos, Garzon, Colago, &

Pickel, 2001) suggesting that opiates can also have a direct effect on dopamine neurons or

indirect effects via afferent terminals.

The excitatory effect of opiates on dopamine neurotransmission is attributed to the

disinhibition produced by inhibition of neighboring GABA neurons (Johnson & North, 1992).

Intra-VTA morphine decreases VTA levels of GABA but increases somatodendritic release of

35dopamine (Klitenick, De Witte, & Kalivas, 1992), and non dopaminergic neurons in the VTA are

hyperpolarized by μ-selective agonists (Johnson & North, 1992).

In mice a functional dopamine system is not necessary for the rewarding effects of

morphine. Zhou and Palmiter (1995) created a dopamine-deficient mouse incapable of producing

tyrosin hydroxylase due to two inactive alleles of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene. This mutation

resulted in almost a complete absence of dopamine in the brain, and these mice are severely

hypoactive and hypophagic. In fact, they require daily administration of L-hydroxyphenylalanine

(L-DOPA) to feed and remain alive. Hnasko, Sotak, and Palmiter (2005) showed that these mice

were able to acquire morphine place preference across a range of doses, only requiring dopamine

for the expression of place preference at the lowest dose tested (0.25, 2.5, 2.5, and 25 mg/kg,


According to one theory, the role of mesolimbic dopamine in opiate reward depends on

the animals’ prior experience with the drug (Bechara, Nader, & van der Kooy, 1998).

Specifically, opiate reward is independent of dopamine in drug naïve animals, but dependent on

dopamine in withdrawn/dependent animals (Bechara et al., 1992). Accordingly, systemic

dopamine antagonists blocked the rewarding effects of systemic morphine (Bechara et al., 1992)

as well as intra-VTA morphine (Nader & van der Kooy, 1997) in opiate-dependent, but not

opiate-naïve rats. Similarly, intra-nucleus accumbens dopamine antagonism blocked systemic

morphine place preference in opiate-dependent rats (Laviolette et al., 2002). Consistent with a

dissociation in the role of dopamine according to motivational state, D2 receptor knockout mice

showed normal acquisition of morphine place preference when trained drug-naïve, but did not

acquire morphine place preference when trained in a deprived/withdrawn state (Dockstader et al.,

2001). In opiate naïve animals, on the other hand, the rewarding aspects of opiates are mediated

through the PPT, as lesions of the PPT blocked morphine place preference in drug-naïve, but not

drug-dependent, rats (Bechara et al., 1992). Excitotoxic lesions of the PPT also blocked the

36acquisition of heroin self-administration, while similar lesions in rats already trained to self-

administer heroin had no effect (Olmstead, Munn, Franklin, & Wise, 1998). How the PPT

mediates the rewarding effects of opiates (i.e., via descending or ascending projections) is not

clear. In this regard it has been shown that cholinergic antagonists in the VTA reduced morphine

place preference in drug-naïve rats (Rezayof et al., 2007) and that drug-naïve M5 knockout mice

(Basile et al., 2002) showed strongly reduced morphine place preference. This suggests that

ascending cholinergic activation of dopamine neurons from the PPT may contribute to the

rewarding effects of opiates in drug-naïve animals (see Figure 5).

8.1. Opiate-induced Locomotion in Rats

The hyperlocomotion and stereotypy induced by amphetamine can to some extent be

distinguished in terms of underlying neurobiology. Kelly and colleagues (1975) used 6-

hydroxydopamine lesions of the nucleus accumbens or caudate nucleus in rats to show that the

mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine systems are involved in mediating amphetamine-induced

locomotion and stereotypy, respectively. Accumbens-lesioned rats, but not caudate-lesioned rat,

failed to show the hyperlocomotion normally observed following low doses of amphetamine (1

mg/kg). On the other hand, caudate-lesioned, but not accumbens-lesioned rats, failed to show the

stereotypy normally following high doses of amphetamine (5 mg/kg). Consistent with this

dissociation, Sharp and colleagues (1987) used microdialysis to monitor dopamine release in

striatum and nucleus accumbens following administration of a range of amphetamine doses.

While amphetamine increased dopamine in both brain areas, the intensity of stereotypic behavior

at high doses correlated with the amount of striatal, but not accumbal, dopamine increases, while

increased locomotion at lower doses correlated with the amount and time-course of accumbal,

but not striatal, dopamine increases. Thus, amphetamine-induced locomotion depends on activity

of the mesolimbic dopamine system.

Dopamine dependence of opiate-induced locomotion in rats is, however, more

37Figure 5. Dopamine-dependent and dopamine-independent mechanisms involved in opiate

reward. According to Bechara and colleagues (1992; 1998), the role of dopamine in opiate

reward depends on the animals’ prior experience with the drug. Opiate reward is independent of

dopamine in drug naïve animals, but blocked by PPT lesions, suggesting that descending GABA

projections from VTA to PPT are involved. By contrast, in drug-dependent/withdrawn animals,

opiate reward is dependent on dopamine and is not blocked by PPT lesions, suggesting that

GABAergic disinhibition of VTA dopamine neurons is relatively more important. In opiate naïve

animals, inhibition of descending VTA GABAergic efferents to PPT by opiates may lead to a

disinhibition of cholinergic neurons, resulting in excitation of VTA dopamine neurons via

ascending cholinergic projections.






Dopamine-independent pathway

- -Dopamine-dependent pathway



-+ DA




Dopamine-independent pathway

- -Dopamine-dependent pathway

Ach -+


39controversial. Kalivas and colleagues (1983) proposed the existence of dopamine-dependent and

dopamine-independent neural mechanisms in mediating the stimulant effects of opiates.

Injections of D-Ala2-Met5-enkephalinamide (DALA) into either the ventral tegmental or, to a

lesser extent, the nucleus accumbens induced locomotion. VTA injections increased DOPAC/DA

ratios and locomotion was reduced by nucleus accumbens pre-treatment with the dopamine

antagonist fluphenazine. On the other hand, locomotion induced by DALA injection into the

nucleus accumbens did not change accumbal dopamine levels, and was not reduced by either 6-

OHDA lesions or accumbens pre-treatment with a dopamine antagonist. These data are

consistent with the work by Kelley, Stinus, & Iversen (1980) showing similar VTA effects of

DALA. Therefore, the locomotor response to DALA applied locally in the VTA, but not the

nucleus accumbens, is dependent on mesolimbic dopamine activity.

Arguing for a complete independence from dopamine for systemic opiate-induced

locomotion in rats, Vaccarrino and colleagues (1986) showed that 6-OHDA lesions of the

mesolimbic dopamine system did not affect locomotion induced by systemic heroin, while

strongly attenuating locomotion induced by systemic amphetamine. Moreover, in non-lesioned

rats systemic, pre-treatment with a range of α-flupenthixol doses blocked systemic

amphetamine-induced locomotion, but hardly affected systemic heroin-induced locomotion.

The dopamine-independent component of morphine-induced locomotion involves the

nucleus accumbens, but postsynaptic to dopaminergic terminals, the ventral pallidum, and the

mediodorsal thalamus. A high density of μ, δ, and κ opioid receptors are expressed in the

nucleus accumbens of rats, as assessed by autoradiographic binding of radioactively labeled sub-

type specific ligands in rats and mice (Kitchen, Slowe, Matthes, & Kieffer, 1997; Mansour et al.,

1987). Amalric and Koob (1985) suggest that these forebrain opioid receptors are particularly

critical to the locomotion induced by systemic heroin in rats. Injections of the opioid antagonist

methylnaloxonium into the VTA, where moderate and low levels of μ and κ opioid receptors, are

40found (Mansour et al., 1987), slightly attenuated heroin-induced locomotion. Similar injections

into the nucleus accumbens blocked locomotion induced by systemic heroin.

In the nucleus accumbens, μ opioid receptors are expressed post-synaptically, as 6-

OHDA lesions did not reduce autoradiographic binding of 125I-Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NMe-Phe-Gly-ol

(DAGO) (Dilts & Kalivas, 1989). Striatal GABAergic medium spiny neurons that project to

pallidal areas use enkephalin as a co-transmitter (Kawaguchi, Wilson, Augood, & Emson, 1995),

suggesting that both GABAergic and enkephalergic inputs from the nucleus accumbens to the

ventral pallidum could be involved in mediating the locomotor activating effects of opioids in the

nucleus accumbens. In support of this, the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin and μ-opioid agonist

DALA in the ventral pallidum both induce locomotion in rats (Austin & Kalivas, 1990). Thus,

opiate effects on μ opioid receptors in the nucleus accumbens could conceivably inhibit

GABAergic projection neurons, which in turn would result in decreased inhibitory GABAergic

input to the ventral pallidum, and thus disinhibition of downstream brainstem targets, inducing

locomotion independent of dopamine. However, while dopamine is not necessary for opiate-

induced locomotion in rats, chronic blockade of dopaminergic transmission by either mesolimbic

6-OHDA lesions (Stinus, Winnock, & Kelley, 1985) or prolonged systemic neuroleptic drugs

(Stinus, Nadaud, Jauregui, & Kelley, 1986) results in supersentivity to locomotion induced by

nucleus accumbens injections of morphine, DALA, or β-endorphin. This suggests that a

functional dopamine system in fact reduces sensivity to nucleus accumbens opiate-induced


While nucleus accumbens injections of opiates induce locomotion that is dopamine

independent and involves the ventral pallidum, locomotion induced by opiate injections locally

into the ventral pallidum is not, strictly speaking, dopamine independent. Autoradiographic

mapping of opioid receptor subtypes has revealed low, but significant, levels of μ, δ, and κ

41subtypes in the globus pallidus of rats (Mansour et al., 1987). Injections of the μ opioid agonists

DAGO or Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NMePhe-Gly-OH (DAMGO) into the ventral pallidum induced

locomotion (Austin & Kalivas, 1991; Churchill, Austin, & Kalivas, 1992). Interestingly,

systemic haloperidol or nucleus accumbens fluphenazine, which did not significantly disrupt

saline-induced locomotion by themselves (i.e., no debiliatating motor impairments), attenuated

locomotion produced by DAGO injections in the ventral pallidum (Austin & Kalivas, 1991).

DAGO still induced locomotion following pre-treatment with either dopamine antagonist relative

to saline, but was reduced between 30 and 50 %. Furthermore, injections of DAGO into the

ventral pallidum increased levels of dopamine and its metabolites DOPAC and HVA in the

nucleus accumbens, as well as HVA in the prefrontal cortex. This suggests that ventral pallidum

opioid-induced locomotion can, at the least, be modified by dopaminergic manipulations. The

authors provided two possibilities through which this could occur, including the involvement of

direct ventral pallidum projections to either the ventral tegmental area or dopaminergic terminals

in the nucleus accumbens, or most interestingly from the perspective taken in this dissertation,

indirect ventral tegmental area projections via the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (Austin

& Kalivas, 1991). They argued in favour of pallidal to accumbens afferents, as feedback

activation of VTA dopamine cell bodies, direct or indirect, should have produced some

somatodendritic dopamine release, which was not observed. Regardless of the mechanism, taken

together the data suggest some role for dopamine in locomotion evoked by ventral pallidal

manipulations, but the fact that complete destruction of dopaminergic terminals in the nucleus

accumbens failed to antagonize locomotion induced by ventral pallidum injections of DAMGO

(Churchill et al., 1992) argues that dopamine is certainly not necessary.

Injections of the μ opioid receptor agonist DAMGO into the mediodorsal thalamus, a

major efferent target of the ventral pallidum (Vives & Mogenson, 1985; Young, Alheid, &

Heimer, 1984), also induced locomotion (Klitenick & Kalivas, 1994) that appeared to be

42independent from dopamine. First, DAMGO injections in the mediodorsal thalamus did not

increase nucleus accumbens dopamine, as assessed by measurement of DOPAC and HVA

metabolites. Second, systemic pre-treatment with haloperidol only very slightly reduced

locomotion induced by intra-mediodorsal thalamus DAMGO. Third, directly inhibiting ventral

tegmental area dopamine cell bodies by local injection of the GABAB agonist baclofen (Lacey et

al., 1988) did not significantly reduce locomotion (Klitenick and Kalivas, 1994).

With regards to dopamine-dependent opioid-induced locomotion, Kalivas and colleagues

have shown that injections of DALA and DAMGO into either the ventral tegmental area

(Kalivas et al., 1983) or the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (Klitenick & Kalivas, 1994)

induced dopamine-dependent locomotion. In the case of the VTA, DALA injections dose-

dependently induced locomotion that was blocked by pre-treatment with naloxone. Furthermore,

DALA injections in the VTA increased nucleus accumbens and striatum levels of DOPAC, as

well as the DA/DOPAC ratio. Finally, the locomotion induced by VTA DALA injection was

antagonized by nucleus accumbens pre-treatment with fluphenazine (Kalivas et al., 1983).

In the case of the PPT, local DAMGO administration also dose-dependently induced

locomotion that was blocked by systemic naloxone pre-treatment. PPT DAMGO injections also

increased extracellular dopamine concentrations in the nucleus accumbens, and locomotion was

antagonized by systemic haloperidol pre-treatment. Furthermore, inhibition of VTA dopamine

neurons by baclofen (Lacey, Mercuri, & North, 1988) antagonized locomotion, albeit to a lesser

extent (approximately 80% and 40% for haloperidol and baclofen, respectively). Thus,

locomotion induced by PPT injections of DAMGO appeared to require the mesolimbic dopamine

system (Klitenick & Kalivas, 1994). The most interesting question then is how μ opioid

injections in the PPT or VTA activate the mesolimbic dopamine system. As discussed earlier, in

the rat the PPT sends a strong ipsilateral projection to the substantia nigra pars compacta and the

more caudal portions of this nucleus bilaterally project to the VTA (Oakman et al., 1995). In the

43study by Klitenick and Kalivas (1994), the majority of DAMGO injection sites were on the

posteriolateral border of the superior cerebellar peduncle, a region roughly corresponding to the

PPT pars compacta, the lateral portion of the caudal two-thirds of the PPT (Steininger et al.,

1997). This suggests that the activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system and the locomotion

due to PPT DAMGO injections may have been due to cholinergic activation of VTA dopamine

neurons. The relative contribution of muscarinic and nicotinic in mediating cholinergic input to

systemic morphine-induced locomotion in mice will be assessed in Chapter 2.

8.2. Opiate-induced Locomotion in Mice

In mice, the relation between opiate-induced locomotion and accumbal dopamine levels

was recently addressed by Murphy, Lam, and Maidment (2001). In their study, microdialysis

was used to measure nucleus accumbens dopamine in response to systemic morphine (3 mg/kg,

s.c.) concurrently with locomotion. C57Bl/6 mice were more responsive than 129Sv mice and

DBA2 mice to the locomotor effects of morphine. In fact, DBA2 mice showed hardly any

locomotion in response to morphine. While all three strains show significant morphine-induced

elevations in ventral striatal dopamine levels relative to saline, C57Bl/6 mice show the largest

increases in ventral striatal dopamine levels. Furthermore, a comparison of the two temporal

profiles showed very clearly that variations in each of the parameters were related to one another,

and this was particularly clear in the more responsive C57Bl/6 mice. While this tentatively

suggested some relation between morphine-induced locomotion and accumbal dopamine levels,

a correlational analysis comparing peak and/or absolute locomotor levels across the three hour

testing period to peak and or/absolute dopamine levels was not significant.

Hnasko et al. (2005) tested systemic morphine-induced locomotion in dopamine deficient

mice across a range of doses (0.25, 2.5, 12.5, and 25 mg/kg, i.p.), showing that only the highest

dose tested (25 mg/kg) induced a little locomotion, reaching approximately 5% of controls, while

the other doses induced no locomotion. Pre-treating the dopamine deficient mice with a single

44dose of L-DOPA (30 mg/kg, i.p.) one hour prior to testing morphine-induced locomotion

restored locomotor responses to both the 12.5 and 25 mg/kg dose of morphine. Amphetamine

pre-treatment (3 mg/kg, i.p.), which should have purged any residual dopamine from terminals in

the dopamine-deficient mice, did not affect the small residual morphine locomotion that

remained. These data make a strong argument for dopamine dependence of morphine-induced

locomotion in mice, revealing that the non-dopamine component is smaller. However, these mice

are dopamine-deficient in their entire brains (Zhou & Palmiter, 1995), so it is unclear whether

the rescue of morphine-induced locomotion by L-DOPA pre-treatment was due to restoration of

dopamine somewhere other than the mesolimbic terminals in the nucleus accumbens.

9. Objectives of the current thesis

The PPT is important for morphine-reward in drug-naïve rats, but accomplishes this role

through non-dopaminergic means (Bechara et al., 1998). At the same time, increases in

dopamine produced by systemic opiates in drug-naïve rats critically depend on the PPT and

LDT. Lesions of the PPT (Miller et al., 2002) or LDT (Forster et al., 2002) in rats reduced

striatal and accumbal dopamine increases, respectively, in response to intravenous morphine by

approximately 80%. A role for muscarinic receptors in VTA and SN is suggested by the fact that

pre-treatment with scopolamine reduced accumbal dopamine increases by approximately 60%,

while completely blocking striatal dopamine increases in rats (Miller et al., 2005). Injection of μ-

opioid agonists in the PPT also produced dopamine-dependent locomotion (Klitenick & Kalivas,

1994) in rats, suggesting that cholinergic activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system may be

important in mediating locomotion produced by systemic opiates. M5 receptors have already

been shown to play an important role in activating the mesolimbic dopamine system in mice

(Forster et al., 2001), and M5 receptor knockout mice showed reduced accumbens dopamine

release in reponse to systemic morphine (Basile et al., 2002).

45 The goal of this thesis was to provide a better understanding of the role of M5 receptors

in morphine-induced locomotion and dopamine activation. The first objective was to test the role

of M5 muscarinic receptors in systemic morphine-induced locomotion through a combination of

gene knockout mice and pharmacology. Here it was hypothesized that if cholinergic input to the

VTA is important for the acute effects of morphine on dopamine, then M5 knockout mice should

show a reduction in morphine-induced locomotion. Further, pharmacological blockade of VTA

muscarinic receptors in wild-type mice should similarly reduce morphine-induced locomotion.

Second, to relate the hypothesized reduction in morphine-induced locomotion to dopamine,

morphine-induced dopamine release in response to intra-VTA morphine administration was

compared between wild-type and M5 knockout mice using chronoamperometry. Third, to test

whether changes in opiate-induced dopamine release due to M5 were functionally related to

morphine-induced reward, as suggested by Basile et al. (2002), morphine conditioned place

preference was tested in M5 knockout mice .


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72General Methods for Chapter 1-4 Experiments


M5 knockout mice were created by Takeuchi et al. (2002) using recombinant DNA

methods. Briefly, a large portion (0.5 kb) of the region encoding the mouse M5 gene was deleted.

Specifically, a region of 503 base pairs in the area of the gene encoding the third intracellular

loop of the M5 receptor was removed and replaced by insertion of a neomycin resistant gene

using restriction enzymes. The targeting vector (17 kb) was inserted by electroporation into

embryonic stem cells of a 129 SvJ mouse. The resulting embryonic stem cells were then

screened and selected for homologous recombination using both positive (neomycin resistance)

and negative (thymidine kinase) markers to ensure appropriate replacement of the wild-type M5

gene. ES cells showing the M5 mutation (tested by Southern blot analysis) were inserted into the

blastocyst from a CD1 mouse and then placed into a pseudopregnant CD1 mouse. Resulting

male chimeric offspring were bred to produce heterozygous F1 offspring. Subsequent F2 mice

(homozygous and wild-type) were used to maintain a breeding colony based on homozygous

breeding. Thus only homozygous M5 knockout and wild-type mice were used in all experiments,

precluding the use of littermates in all experiments. Instead litters of homozygous M5 knockout

and wild-type mice were age-matched (2-4 months at the time of testing) for individual


Subsequent to obtaining M5 knockout mice on a mixed 129 SvJ x CD1 background,

homozygous knockouts were backcrossed to C57Bl/6 mice over 6 generations in order to

achieve a C57Bl/6 background (Silva et al., 1997). Subsequent to backcrossing, a colony of these

mice was maintained through breeding of homozygous M5 knockout and wild-type controls.


The experiments described in this dissertation were conducted over 4 years. While

breeding pairs for individual groups of mice were initially genotyped using DNA extracted from

73tail snips (see below), periodically wild-type and M5 knockout mice were also randomly selected

for genotyping.

PCR method.

Genomic DNA was isolated from 8-10 mm pieces of mouse tail, cut under isoflurane

anesthesia. Mouse tails were then digested in lysis buffer (Tris-HCL 100 mM, EDTA 5 mM,

SDS 0.2%, NaCl 200 mM, proteinase K 0.1 mg/ml) at 50 °C for approximately 18 hours.

Solutions containing the digested tails were then treated with equal volumes of

phenol/chloroform and manually shaken for 3 minutes, before being centrifuged at room

temperature for 5 min at 12000 rpm. The top layer (containing genomic DNA) was removed and

about 10% the volume of 7M NH4Cl and twice the volume of 100% ethanol were added. Vials

were shaken until a DNA “pellet” was clearly visible. Following centrifugation (2 min at 4000

rpm), the supernatant was discarded and 1ml of 70% ethanol added. Following another

centrifugation (2 min at 4000 rpm), the supernatant was discarded and the DNA “pellet” left to

dry at room temperature for a few minutes. Finally, genomic DNA was dissolved with TE buffer

and stored at 4 °C. Primers used for PCR genotyping were: Primer 1 neoR-U and Primer 2 neoR-

D to amplify a 492 base pair fragment of the neomycin resistant gene, and Primer 3 MR-M5-U4

and Primer 4 MR-M5-D4 to amplify a 732 base pair fragment of the mouse M5 gene. These

primers were added to samples of gDNA (200 ng) before PCR amplification. Ten μl of the final

product were then resolved on 1% agarose gels containing 0.5 ug/ml ethidium bromide,

visualized under UV light, and then photographed (Polaroid, Cambridge, MA, USA).


Mice were housed in groups of 2-5 in opaque cages, with food and water available ad

libitum on a 12:12 LD cycle (lights on at 7 am). Testing always took place between the hours of

9am to 6pm (i.e. the inactive period of the cycle). A minimum of one week prior to initiation of

the experiment, mice were removed from the breeding colony and brought to a small housing

74room adjacent to the testing room. Both rooms had controlled temperature (20 ± 1 °C) and

humidity (approximately 55-60%).

In all subsequent Results and Discussion sections CD1x129SvJ mice will be referred to

as 129 mice, while C57Bl/6 mice will be referred to as B6.

Cautionary note on the use of gene knockout mice

M5 knockout mice do not show any apparent deficits in health, motor function or

behavioral vigor. Furthermore, there are no gross anatomical abnormalities in Nissl-stained brain

sections of M5 knockout mice (Takeuchi et al., 2002). However, as is the case for most systemic

gene knockout mice, these mice are missing functional M5 receptors throughout development.

Therefore, developmental changes in knockout mice may compensate for the missing gene and

its functions. In this regard, Basile and colleagues (2002) found no secondary changes in M4, D1,

or D2 receptor densities in the striatum or midbrain as a result of M5 deletion in 129 svEv x Cf1

mice. On the other hand, Wang and colleagues (2004) found increased levels of D2 mRNA in the

striatum, hindbrain, hypothalamus and tectum of 129SvJ x CD1 M5 knockout mice. Other

muscarinic receptor sub-types (e.g., M1, M2, and M3) or nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in M5

knockout mice have not been systemcatically investigated.


Chapter 1: Morphine-induced locomotion is reduced in M5 receptor knockout mice or by

VTA atropine in wild-type mice


Hnasko et al. (2005) showed that systemic morphine-induced locomotion was reduced in

dopamine-deficient mice to 5% of wild-type control levels. This is in contrast to rats where 6-

OHDA lesions did not significantly affect heroin-induced locomotion (Vaccarino et al., 1986).

Furthermore, while α-flupenthixol did not significantly reduce heroin-induced locomotion in rats

(Vaccarino et al., 1986), morphine-induced locomotion in ddY mice was dose-dependently

reduced by systemic haloperidol (Ito, Mori & Sawaguchi, 2008). Taken together, this indicates

that morphine-induced locomotion in mice may be more dependent on dopamine.

In rats, lesions of the PPT or LDT strongly reduced striatal (Miller et al., 2002) or

accumbal (Forster et al., 2002) dopamine efflux, respectively. Muscarinic receptors in VTA and

SN were critical for dopamine activation induced by systemic morphine (Miller et al., 2005),

suggesting that cholinergic input to the VTA is important in mediating morphine-induced

dopamine activation.

In mice, sustained activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system by electrical

stimulation of the LDT critically depends on M5 receptors (Forster et al., 2001). Thus, M5

muscarinic receptors may also be important in mediating morphine-induced excitation of

dopamine neurons, resulting in increased locomotion. To assess the contribution of M5,

Experiment 1 tested morphine-induced locomotion in wild-type and M5 knockout mice of both

129 and B6 background strains across a range of doses (3, 10, and 30 mg/kg; i.p.). Morphine-

induced locomotion, and particularly its underlying neurobiology, has been more extensively

investigated in rats than in mice, so these experiments 1) tested how 129 and B6 mice respond to

the stimulant effects of morphine, and 2) tested the contribution of M5 receptors in both

background strains. Experiment 2 tested whether the morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-

type and M5 knockout mice is mediated through opioid receptors. Locomotion produced by

systemic morphine in wild-type mice was challenged by pre-treatment with the non-specific

77opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone. Naltrexone also provided a test of the contribution of

endogenous opioids to locomotion in M5 knockout and wild-type mice.

Experiment 1: Morphine-induced locomotion in M5 muscarinic receptor knockout mice

Materials and Methods


A total of 114 mice were used in Experiment 1 (21 129 wild-type, 21 129 M5 knockout,

36 B6 wild-types, and 36 B6 M5 knockout mice).

Locomotion Testing Apparatus

Mice were tested individually in nine black chambers (31cm x 31cm x 31 cm)

constructed of Melamine-laminated plywood (University of Toronto, Department of Cell and

Systems Biology Workshop). In all experiments wild-type and M5 knockout mice were run

together in groups consisting of 4-5 wild-type and 4-5 M5 knockout mice, each randomly

assigned to a testing chamber. Mice were videotaped by a camera (Panasonic, Model # WV-

CP484, Osaka, Japan) mounted approximately 7 feet above the testing chambers. The testing

room was illuminated by two 40-watt red lightbulbs (approximately 2.5 lux) mounted on the

ceiling approximately 9 feet above the testing chambers.

Locomotion Testing Procedure

Locomotion testing took place across 3 consecutive days. Each day, mice were taken in

their home cages from the housing room, immediately adjacent to the testing room, weighed, and

then placed into the testing room 20 min prior to initiation of locomotion testing to allow for

acclimatization to the testing environment. On the first day, spontaneous locomotion was tested

in all mice over the course of 2 hours. For this, mice were individually removed from their cages

and placed in the center of their assigned testing chamber without receiving any injection. In 129

mice tested at the 3 or 10 mg/kg (i.p.) dose of morphine, saline was given on day 2 and the

78respective morphine dose on day 3, while saline and morphine administration was

counterbalanced for 129 mice tested at the 30 mg/kg (i.p.) dose of morphine. In B6 mice saline

and morphine administration was counterbalanced at all doses tested (3, 10, or 30 mg/kg, i.p.),

such that half the mice received morphine on day 2, and then received saline on day 3, while the

other half received saline on day 2 and then morphine on day 3.


Morphine sulfate pentahydrate and naltrexone hydrochloride were obtained from Sigma

(St. Louis, MO). All drugs were dissolved in sterile saline and injected at a volume of 10 ml/kg

body weight. Morphine doses were always calculated according to free base weight.

Data Acquisition and Analysis

Video records were analyzed using Noldus Ethovision (Groningen, Netherlands), which

provided a measure of total forward locomotion and was also able to quantify the amount of

vertical rearing. Data obtained for each dose of morphine were separately analyzed.

For total locomotion across the 2-hr period, data was analyzed using a mixed-measures

analysis of variance (ANOVA), with distance travelled as the dependent variable, genotype as

the between-subjects factor, and treatment (saline or morphine) as the within-subjects factor.

Unless otherwise stated, significant genotype x treatment interactions were further analyzed

comparing groups using Fisher’s least significant differences test (LSD).

Locomotion time course was analyzed using a mixed measures ANOVA, with distance

moved as the dependent variable, genotype as the between-subjects factor, and treatment (saline

or morphine) and time (time blocks: 0-10 min, 10-20 min, 20-30 min, 30-40 min, 40-50 min, 50-

60 min, 60-70 min, 70-80 min, 80-90 min, 90-100 min, 100-110 min, and 110-120 min) as

within-subjects factors. For each analysis, the sphericity assumption of a repeated-measures

ANOVA model was tested and when violated, the degrees of freedom for tests on the within-

subjects factors and those involving interactions with the within-subjects factor were corrected

79using Greenhouse-Geyser adjustment. Unless otherwise stated, significant three-way interactions

were further analyzed using Fisher’s LSD test to compare groups of mice at individual time



Spontaneous Exploration

Spontaneous exploration, as reflected by the distance travelled during first exposure to

the testing chambers, was higher in B6 than in 129 mice across the two-hour testing period

(Figure 1.1a). As there was an unequal number of mice in the two groups and significantly

different variances between groups (p<0.001), a Welch’s t-test was employed in place of a

standard independent samples t-test. B6 mice showed significantly greater overall locomotion

than 129 mice (t′(48) = 15.84, p<0.001). Throughout the two-hour period locomotion levels were

lower in 129 mice relative to B6 mice (Figure 1.1b). The strain difference was most evident in

the second hour of testing. While 129 mice showed a steady decline in locomotion over the first

90 min and then reached low asymptotic levels, B6 mice showed a decline in locomotion over

only the first 40 min, after which their asymptotic response levels were on average 3.1 (± 0.34)

times higher relative to 129 mice. Analysis of total locomotion in the first and second hours was

consistent with this conclusion. In 129 mice most of the total locomotion across 2 hrs occurred

during the first hour, while in B6 mice almost as much locomotion occurred in the second hour

as during the first (Figure 1.1a). In fact, B6 mice showed as much locomotion in the first hour as

129 mice during the entire two-hour period (13123.42 ± 954.43 cm vs 12507.73 ± 934.90 cm,

t(54) = 0.42, p>0.1). This suggests that habituation to the locomotion chamber did not occur at

the same rate and to the same extent in B6 mice as it did in 129 mice.

Figures 1.2a and 1.2b show total locomotion for wild-type and M5 knockout mice of each

strain. In neither case were there significant differences in total spontaneous exploration due to

genotype (t(39) = 1.41, p>0.1, and t(70) = 0.23, p>0.1 for 129 and B6 strains, respectively).

80Figure 1.1. Spontaneous exploration in B6 (n=36) and 129 (n=20) wild-type mice. (A)

Comparison of total spontaneous exploration in B6 and 129 wild-type mice between the first and

second hour of testing. ∗ p<0.001 total locomotion in B6 vs 129 mice. (B) Time course of

spontaneous exploration across the 2-hr testing period.




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





129 Bl/6








129 Bl/6



e Tr





0-60 min 60-120 min





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





129 Bl/6








129 Bl/6



e Tr





0-60 min 60-120 min



82Figure 1.2. Spontaneous exploration in 129 and B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-) mice.

Total locomotion across two hours (A) and locomotion time course across two hours (C) in 129

wild-type (n=20) and M5 knockout mice (n=23), and total locomotion across two hours (B) and

locomotion time course across two hours (D) in B6 wild-type (n=36) and M5 knockout mice












e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-










10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr















e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-










10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr








B129 B6










e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-










10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr















e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-










10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr










B129 B6

84Furthermore, Figures 1.2c and 1.2d show that for each background strain, the time course of

locomotion was very similar between wild-type and M5 knockout mice. Thus, there were no

differences in spontaneous exploration due to genotype.

Saline-induced Locomotion

Figures 1.3a and 1.3c show total saline-induced (10 ml/kg, i.p.) locomotion collapsed

across groups of different morphine doses for wild-type and M5 knockout mice of each

background strain. There were no significant differences in the total amount of locomotion as a

function of genotype for either strain (t(41) = 0.63, p>0.1, and t(70) = 0.73, p>0.1 for 129 and B6

mice, respectively). Thus, there was no difference in how genotypes of either strain responded to

the handling and injection associated with drug administration. Figures 1.3b and 1.3d further

show the time-course of saline-induced locomotion and illustrate that wild-type and M5

knockout mice of each strain showed similar saline-induced locomotion across the two-hour

testing period.

Morphine-induced Locomotion

Total Locomotion.

Figures 1.4a and 1.4b show total locomotion at all three morphine doses tested across the two-

hour testing period in 129 and B6 wild-type and knockout mice strains, respectively. In 129

wild-type and M5 knockout mice (Figure 1.4a), only the highest dose of morphine tested (30

mg/kg, i.p.) produced a significant increase in total locomotion relative to saline. More

importantly, at this dose total locomotion in M5 knockout mice was significantly lower relative

to wild-type mice. This was supported by a significant interaction between treatment (saline vs

morphine) and genotype (129 wild-type vs 129 M5 knockout), F (1, 17) = 13.15, p < 0.01. Post-

hoc analysis using Tukey’s HSD test for unequal sample sizes, confirmed that both 129 wild-

type (p < 0.001) and M5 knockout (p < 0.001) mice showed significantly greater total

locomotion in response to 30 mg/kg morphine relative to saline, and that total morphine-induced

85locomotion at this dose was significantly reduced in M5 knockout mice relative to wild-type

controls (p <

Figure 1.3. Saline-induced locomotion in 129 and B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-)

mice. Total locomotion across two hours (A) and locomotion time course across two hours (B) in

129 wild-type (n=20) and M5 knockout mice (n=23), and total locomotion across two hours (C)

and locomotion time course across two hours (D) in B6 wild-type (n=36) and M5 knockout mice













ce T




) / 2


+/+ -/-



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





+/+ -/-












e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





+/+ -/-



C129 B6











ce T




) / 2


+/+ -/-



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





+/+ -/-












e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





+/+ -/-














ce T




) / 2


+/+ -/-



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





+/+ -/-












e Tr




) / 2


+/+ -/-



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





+/+ -/-



C129 B6

87Figure 1.4. Total morphine-induced locomotion across two hours following three doses (3, 10,

and 30 mg/kg, i.p.) of morphine in 129 (A) and B6 (B) wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-)

mice. A: ∗ p<0.05, ∗∗ p<0.01. B: ∗ p<0.05, ∗∗ p<0.01, ∗∗∗ p<0.000001.





Sal 3mg Mor

Sal 10mgMor

Sal 30mgMor



e Tr




) / 2





Sal 3mg Mor

Sal 10mgMor

Sal 30mgMor



e Tr




/ 2h










Sal 3mg Mor

Sal 10mgMor

Sal 30mgMor



e Tr




) / 2





Sal 3mg Mor

Sal 10mgMor

Sal 30mgMor



e Tr




/ 2h








Sal 3mg Mor

Sal 10mgMor

Sal 30mgMor



e Tr




/ 2h





Sal 3mg Mor

Sal 10mgMor

Sal 30mgMor



e Tr




/ 2h







890.01). Neither the 10 mg/kg nor the 3 mg/kg dose of morphine produced significantly greater

locomotion relative to saline in either 129 wild-type or M5 knockout mice (main effect of

treatment at 10 mg/kg morphine: F (1, 11) = 1.16, p < 0.1, and main effect of treatment at 3

mg/kg morphine: F (1, 9) = 0.4, p < 0.1). In B6 mice (Figure 1.4b) all three doses of morphine

produced significantly greater total locomotion relative to saline in both wild-type and M5

knockout mice as indicated by a main effect of treatment at each dose (3 mg/kg : F (1, 22) =

17.32, p < 0.001; 10 mg/kg: F (1, 18) = 21.52, p < 0.001; 30 mg/kg: F (1, 26) = 52.39, p <

0.000001). The main effect of treatment was modified by an interaction with genotype at the 30

mg/kg dose, F (1, 26) = 5.04, p < 0.05, but not at the 10 or 3 mg/kg dose (p’s > 0.1). The

significant interaction at 30 mg/kg was further analyzed using Fisher’s LSD test. This showed

that both B6 wild-type (p < 0.000001) and M5 knockout (p < 0.01) mice showed significantly

greater total morphine-induced locomotion relative to saline, and that 30 mg/kg morphine-

induced total locomotion was significantly reduced in M5 knockout mice, relative to wild-type

controls (p < 0.05). At the 10 mg/kg there was a trend of reduced total locomotion in M5

knockout relative to wild-type mice, but this difference did not reach statistical significance (p =


Morphine Dose-Response Curve in Wild-type Mice.

Figure 1.5 compares total locomotion across the three doses of morphine tested in wild-

type mice of both background strains, showing that the dose-response profile of B6 mice was

shifted to the right relative to 129 mice, suggesting that the observed strain difference in

spontaneous exploration extends to their sensitivity to the stimulant effects of morphine. The

dose-response data were analyzed using planned orthogonal contrasts, which provided the

following conclusions: First, in 129 mice total locomotion in response to 30 mg/kg morphine

was significantly higher than in response to 10 mg/kg (F(5, 51) = 25.17, p<0.01), while in B6

mice total locomotion did not significantly differ between these two doses (F(5, 51)<0.1, p>0.1).

90Figure 1.5. Dose response curves for 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine-induced locomotion in

129 and B6 wild-type mice.




3 10 30

Morphine Dose (mg/kg)


l Dis


e Tr




/ 2

hr) 129


92This indicates that maximal locomotion levels were not achieved in 129 mice with the doses

used in this experiment. Second, total locomotion in response to 10 mg/kg morphine in B6 mice

was not significantly different from total locomotion in response to 30 mg/kg morphine in 129

mice. This last comparison provides the strongest support for a difference in sensitivity to

morphine locomotion between B6 and 129 mice.

Locomotion Time Course.

To qualitatively describe the time course of locomotion prior to detailed statistical

analysis, Figure 1.6 shows locomotion data grouped in 5-min bins. On average, across doses

locomotion gradually increased over the first half hour of testing, peaked around 40 to 60

minutes and then declined over the course of the second hour of testing.

30 mg/kg Morphine Locomotion.

While 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine produced robust locomotion relative to saline in all mice

tested, B6 wild-type mice showed slightly greater locomotion compared to 129 mice. Therefore,

the B6 strain not only showed greater spontaneous exploration but was also more sensitive to the

stimulant effect of morphine than the 129 strain.

Figures 1.7a and 1.7b show the time course of locomotion across the 2-hr testing period

in wild-type and M5 knockout mice of the 129 and B6 background strains, respectively. For each

strain, data were separately analyzed using a 3-way between-within repeated measures ANOVA,

with genotype as the between-subjects factor and treatment (saline vs 30 mg/kg morphine) and

time (10 min blocks) as the within-subjects factors.

For B6 mice a significant three-way interaction between genotype, treatment, and time

was found, F (2.75, 71.65) = 2.90, p < 0.05 (with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of

freedom). This indicates that the temporal profile of morphine-induced locomotion was not equal

across the 2-hr period in wild-type and M5 knockout mice. Indeed, while locomotion in wild-

93type mice peaked at approximately 40 min and then began declining (Figure 1.7b), M5 knockout


Figure 1.6. Locomotion time course in 5-min time bins in 129 (left) and B6 (right) wild-type

mice following saline (open squares) or 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine (solid squares).


129 Bl/630 mg/kg

3 mg/kg

10 mg/kg










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr














0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





129 Bl/630 mg/kg

3 mg/kg

10 mg/kg










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr














0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





95showed a more gradual locomotion onset that never reached a clear peak across the two-hour

period. In fact, locomotor levels were not decreasing even at the end of the 2-hr period.

Subsequent post-hoc comparisons of groups at individual time points showed that at each time

time point, 30 mg/kg (i.p) morphine produced significant locomotion relative to saline in both

wild-type and M5 knockout mice (WT and KO all p’s<0.000001). Most importantly, morphine-

induced locomotion was significantly lower in M5 knockout mice compared to wild-type mice

(p<0.05 at 10, 70-90 min, p<0.001 at 20-40 min, and p<0.01 at 50-60 min).

In 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice (Figure 1.7a) the data looked similar to what was

seen in B6 mice. However, the three-way interaction between time, treatment, and genotype did

not reach statistical significance (F (2.5, 42.7) = 2.1, p > 0.1, with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected

degrees of freedom). Indeed, while morphine-induced locomotion was consistently lower in M5

knockout mice compared to wild-type mice, the temporal profiles (i.e. onset of locomotion and

peak locomotion) were similar (Figure 1.7a). In support of this there was a significant main

effect of genotype, F (1, 17) = 10.08, p < 0.01, which was modified by an interaction between

genotype and treatment, F (1, 17) = 13.15, p < 0.01. Finally there was a significant main effect of

time, F (3.8, 65.6) = 17.37, p < 0.00001, that was modified by an interaction between time and

treatment, F (2.5, 42.7) = 20.99, p < 0.000001. The time-by-treatment interaction simply

indicates that the overall effect of drug treatment overall varied in all groups of mice tested

across the 2-hr period, so this interaction was not further analyzed. The significant treatment-by-

genotype interaction was of more interest, and was subjected to post-hoc analysis. This analysis

showed that at all time points (i.e. across the entire two-hour period) locomotion in response to

saline did not differ according to genotype (all p’s > 0.8), but, as expected, morphine increased

locomotion relative to saline in both genotypes (p<0.00001 in WT and p<0.0001 in KO).

Critically, morphine-induced locomotion was significantly lower in M5 knockout mice compared

to wild-type mice at all time points (p<0.001).

96Figure 1.7. 30 mg/kg (i.p) morphine-induced locomotion in 129 (A) and B6 (B) wild-type and

M5 knockout mice. Symbols for (A) and (B): open squares show saline locomotion (10 ml/kg,

i.p.) in wild-type mice, open circles show saline locomotion in M5 knockout mice, closed

squares show morphine locomotion (30 mg/kg, i.p.) in wild-type mice, closed circles show

morphine locomotion in M5 knockout mice. (A) Morphine-induced locomotion in 129 wild-type

(n=9) and M5 knockout mice (n=11); ∗ p < 0.00001 wild-type morphine vs. saline, † p < 0.0001

M5 knockout morphine vs. saline, # p < 0.001 wild-type morphine vs. M5 knockout morphine.

(B) Morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-type (n=14) and M5 knockout mice (n=14); ∗ p <

0.000001 wild-type morphine vs. saline, † p < 0.000001 M5 knockout morphine vs. saline, # p <

0.05 at 10, 70, 80, 90 min, and p<0.001 at 20, 30, 40 min, and p<0.01 at 50 and 60 min wild-type

morphine vs. M5 knockout morphine.











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr



















10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr




) ∗†#









∗† ∗



30 mg/kg Morphine



■ +/+morphine ● -/- morphine □ +/+ saline ○ -/- saline










10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr



























10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr



















10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr




) ∗†#









∗† ∗




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr




) ∗†#









∗† ∗



30 mg/kg Morphine



■ +/+morphine ● -/- morphine □ +/+ saline ○ -/- saline

9810 mg/kg Morphine Locomotion.

The two wild-type strains of mice responded differently to the stimulant effect of

morphine most clearly at the 10 mg/kg dose. While this dose of morphine produced some

locomotion in both 129 and B6 wild-type mice, B6 mice showed much greater locomotion in

response to this dose than 129 mice (Figure 1.8a and 1.8b).

Figures 1.8a and 1.8b show the time course of locomotion across the two-hour testing

period in wild-type and M5 knockout mice of the 129 and B6 background strains, respectively.

For each strain, data were separately analyzed using a 3-way between-within repeated measures

ANOVA with genotype as the between-subjects factor and treatment (saline vs 10 mg/kg

morphine) and time (10 min blocks) as the within-subjects factors.

For B6 mice (Figure 1.8b) this revealed a significant three-way interaction between

genotype, treatment, and time, F (2.5, 45. 5) = 3.31, p < 0.05 (with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected

degrees of freedom). Subsequent post-hoc comparisons of groups at individual time points

showed significantly greater locomotion following morphine compared to saline in both wild-

type and M5 knockout mice (WT p<0.01 at 20 min, and 90-120 min, and p<0.001 at 30-80 min;

KO p < 0.05 at 70-110 min). Thus, in M5 knockout mice 10 mg/kg morphine produced no

significant locomotion in the first hour of testing compared to saline. For most of the second

hour there were significant differences compared to saline, but the amount of locomotion in

knockouts within 10 min bins was similar across most of the testing period. At the time points

where significant differences were obtained, saline-induced locomotion decreased (i.e. declining

in knockouts across the second hour) rather than morphine-induced locomotion increasing. Most

importantly, morphine-induced locomotion was significantly lower in M5 knockout mice

compared to wild-type mice (p<0.05 at 30 min, 40 min, 70 min, 80 min, p<0.01 at 50 min, and

60 min, with a non-significant trend at 90 min, p=0.052).

99In 129 mice (Figure 1.8a), 10 mg/kg morphine did not add much locomotion relative to

saline. Statistical analysis revealed only a main effect of time, (F (2.5, 29.5) = 4.39, p < 0.05 with

Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom), that was modified by a significant interaction

between time and treatment, (F (3.1, 34.1) = 4.29, p < 0.05 with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected

degrees of freedom). The time-by-treatment interaction indicates that the effect of drug treatment

overall varied in all groups tested across the 2-hr period. To determine at what time points 10

mg/kg morphine produced significant locomotion relative to saline, post-hoc analyses showed

that morphine overall (across both genotypes) produced significantly greater locomotion

compared to saline at the following time points: p<0.05 at 30 min, 60 min, 110 min, p<0.01 at 50

min, 90 min, 100 min and p<0.001 at 40 min, 70 min, 80 min.

3 mg/kg Morphine Locomotion.

As at the 10 mg/kg dose, differences in the locomotor responses of the two strains to the

stimulant effect of morphine were evident at the 3 mg/kg dose. In this case, 3 mg/kg morphine

induced no locomotion compared to saline in 129 mice, but did add locomotion in B6 wild-type

mice relative to saline, especially in the second hour.

For B6 mice (Figure 1.9b) statistical analysis revealed a significant main effect of time, F

(5.1, 112.3) = 12.3, p<0.00001 (with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom), that was

modified by a significant interaction with treatment, F (5.1, 111.4) = 13.8, p<0.00001 (with

Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom). The time-by-treatment interaction indicates

that the effect of drug treatment overall varied in all groups tested across the 2-hr period. To

determine the time points at which 3 mg/kg morphine produced significant locomotion relative

to saline, post-hoc analyses showed that morphine overall (across both genotypes) produced

significantly greater locomotion compared to saline at the following time points: p<0.01 at 50

min, and 70 min, p<0.001 at 80 min, and p<0.00001 at 90-120 min.

100Figure 1.8. 10 mg/kg (i.p) morphine-induced locomotion in 129 (A) and B6 (B) wild-type and

M5 knockout mice. Symbols for both (A) and (B): open squares show saline locomotion (10

ml/kg, i.p.) in wild-type mice, open circles show saline locomotion in M5 knockout mice, closed

squares show morphine locomotion (10 mg/kg, i.p.) in wild-type mice, closed circles show

morphine locomotion in M5 knockout mice. (A) Morphine-induced locomotion in 129 wild-type

(n=7) and M5 knockout mice (n=6); • p < 0.05 •• p < 0.01 ••• p < 0.001 overall morphine

response (collapsed across wild-type and M5 knockout) vs. overall saline response (collapsed

across wild-type and M5 knockout). (B) Morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-type (n=10)

and M5 knockout mice (n=10); ∗ p < 0.01 ∗∗ p < 0.001 wild-type morphine vs. saline, † p < 0.05

M5 knockout morphine vs. saline, # p < 0.05 ## p < 0.01 wild-type morphine vs. M5 knockout











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time ( min)



e Tr





• •

•• •• ••••• ••• •••



10 mg/kg Morphine











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











# ∗† ∗

† ∗† ∗

■ +/+morphine ● -/- morphine □ +/+ saline ○ -/- saline









10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time ( min)



e Tr





• •

•• •• ••••• ••• •••



10 mg/kg Morphine











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











# ∗† ∗

† ∗† ∗









10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











# ∗† ∗

† ∗† ∗

■ +/+morphine ● -/- morphine □ +/+ saline ○ -/- saline

102In 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice (Figure 1.9a), 3 mg/kg morphine produced very

little locomotion. Statistical analysis revealed a significant main effect of time, F (4.8, 43.2) =

11.3, p < 0.00001 (with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom), that was modified by

a significant interaction with treatment, F (3.7, 33.5) = 3.6, p < 0.05 (with Greenhouse-Geyser

corrected degrees of freedom). The time-by-treatment interaction indicates that the effect of drug

treatment overall varied in all groups tested across the two-hour period. To determine at what

time points 3 mg/kg morphine induced significant locomotion relative to saline, post-hoc

analyses using Fisher LSD showed that morphine overall (across both genotypes) produced

significantly greater locomotion compared to saline at 110 and 120 min (p < 0.05).

Peak Locomotion.

To compare peak responses to morphine between genotypes at the three doses tested, 5-

min binned time-course data were used to determine the 5-min time bin with the highest amount

of locomotion for individual mice. In support of the above time course analysis, peak locomotion

(see Figures 1.9a and 1.9b) in response to 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine was reduced in M5 knockout

mice of each strain relative to their wild-type control (B6: t (26) = 2.39, p < 0.05, and 129: t (17)

= 3.42, p < 0.01). Furthermore, peak locomotion in response to 10 mg/kg (i.p) morphine was

reduced in M5 knockout mice of the B6 strain relative to wild-type (t (18) = 2.62, p < 0.05), but

not in M5 knockout mice of the 129 strain relative to their wild-type control (t (13) = 0.37, p >

0.1). Finally, peak locomotion in response to 3 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine was not reduced in M5

knockout mice of either strain relative to their wild-type control (B6: t (22) = 0.11, p > 0.1, and

129: t(9) = 0.83, p > 0.1). While peak locomotion was reduced in M5 knockout mice of both

background strains at one or two doses, the time following drug administration at which the peak

occurred was not significantly different in any case (all p’s>0.1; data not shown).

103Figure 1.9. 3 mg/kg (i.p) morphine-induced locomotion in 129 (A) and B6 (B) wild-type and M5

knockout mice. Symbols for both (A) and (B): open squares show saline locomotion (10 ml/kg,

i.p.) in wild-type mice, open circles show saline locomotion in M5 knockout mice, closed

squares show morphine locomotion (10 mg/kg, i.p.) in wild-type mice, closed circles show

morphine locomotion in M5 knockout (A) Morphine-induced locomotion in 129 wild-type (n=5)

and M5 knockout mice (n=6) • p < 0.05 overall morphine response (collapsed across wild-type

and M5 knockout) vs. overall saline response (collapsed across wild-type and M5 knockout). (B)

Morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-type (n=12) and M5 knockout mice (n=12); •• p <

0.01 ••• p < 0.001 •••• p < 0.00001 overall morphine response (collapsed across wild-type and

M5 knockout) vs. overall saline response (collapsed across wild-type and M5 knockout).




3 mg/kg Morphine





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











■ +/+morphine ● -/- morphine □ +/+ saline ○ -/- saline



3 mg/kg Morphine





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











■ +/+morphine ● -/- morphine □ +/+ saline ○ -/- saline

105Figure 1.10. Peak locomotion in (A) 129 and (B) B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-) mice.

Peak locomotion was determined by grouping locomotion data in 5-min bins and then

determining for each mouse individually the 5-min bin with the highest level of locomotion.∗





3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5


) +/+-/-


A 129

B B6



3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5m





3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5


) +/+-/-


A 129



3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5


) +/+-/-




3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5


) +/+-/-


A 129

B B6



3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5m



B B6



3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Morphine Dose




e Tr




/ 5m



107Experiment 2: Effects of naltrexone pre-treatment on morphine-induced locomotion in B6

wild-type and M5 knockout mice


The morphine dose that induced the most locomotion in Experiment 1 was 30 mg/kg

(i.p.). Is the locomotion observed at this dose due to the action of morphine on opioid receptors?

Compared to morphine-induced locomotion in rats, 30 mg/kg is a high dose and so it is possible

that opioid receptor binding is saturated and secondary binding to a non-opioid receptor may

occur, contributing to the overall effect observed in mice. To test this possibility the non-

selective opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone was administered prior to systemic morphine in

B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice.

Materials and Methods


Locomotion testing took place across 2 consecutive days. Each day, mice were taken

from their housing area in their home cages, weighed, and then placed in the testing room 20 min

prior to initiation of locomotion testing to allow for acclimatization to the testing environment.

On the first day, spontaneous locomotion was tested in all mice over the course of 2 hrs as

described for Experiment 1. On day 2, each group of B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice was

given 2 consecutive injections that involved combinations of the non-competitive opioid receptor

antagonist naltrexone (1 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.), saline (10 ml/kg, i.p.) or morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.).

Wild-type and M5 knockout mice were randomly assigned to the following groups (n=6 per

group): 1) saline then saline, 2) 1 mg/kg naltrexone then saline, 3) 1mg/kg naltrexone then 30

mg/kg morphine, 4) 10mg/kg naltrexone then saline, 5) 10 mg/kg naltrexone then 30 mg/kg

morphine, 5) saline then 30 mg/kg morphine. The 2 injections were given 5 min apart, during

which mice were returned to their home cages. In an effort to minimize the potential confound

associated with interference between drugs given at the same injection site, the two injections

108were made on opposite sides of the intraperitoneal cavity. Following the second injection, mice

were immediately placed into the testing chambers and locomotion was measured for a period of

2 hours.


Total Locomotion

Figure 1.11 compares total locomotion across the two-hour testing period following pre-

treatment with either 1 or 10 mg/kg (i.p.) naltrexone. The data were analyzed using a two-way

between-subjects ANOVA, with genotype, and treatment (i.e. the combination of

saline/naltrexone pre-treatment with saline/morphine treatment) as factors. Results showed a

significant interaction between genotype and treatment, F (5, 60) = 2.89, p < 0.05. Post-hoc

analysis revealed several effects. First, consistent with the previous locomotion experiment,

overall locomotion induced by 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine in M5 knockout mice was reduced

compared to wild-type mice (p < 0.001). Second, in both wild-type and M5 knockout mice both

doses of naltrexone (1 and 10 mg/kg) significantly reduced total morphine-induced locomotion

(p < 0.0001 for both doses and both genotypes). Third, in wild-type mice 10 mg/kg naltrexone on

its own did not reduce total locomotion relative to saline (p > 0.1), while 1 mg/kg naltrexone

reduced locomotion slightly relative to saline, approaching statistical significance (p = 0.066).

Fourth, in M5 knockout mice neither dose of naltrexone significantly reduced total locomotion

relative to saline (p > 0.1). Finally, while it appeared that total locomotion induced by 30 mg/kg

morphine was not blocked as strongly by pre-treatment with 1 mg/kg naltrexone in M5 knockout

mice relative to wild-type mice, this comparison was not statistically significant (p > 0.1).

Locomotion Time Course

In the previous experiment comparing locomotion across a range of morphine doses in

wild-type and M5 knockout mice, analysis of locomotion time course revealed differences in

sensitivity to the stimulant effect of morphine that were not necessarily reflected in the analysis

109Figure 1.11. Effects of naltrexone pre-treatment (1 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) on 30 mg/kg (i.p.) total

morphine-induced locomotion over two hours in B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-) mice

(n=6 per group). Injection combinations S/M = saline followed by morphine, N1/M = 1mg/kg

naltrexone followed by morphine, N10/M = 10mg/kg naltrexone followed by morphine, N1/S =

1 mg/kg naltrexone followed by saline, N10/S = 10 mg/kg naltrexone followed by saline, S/S =

saline followed by saline. ∗ p < 0.001 ∗∗ 0.00001.






+/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/-

S / M N1 / M N10 / M N1 / S N10 / S S / S




e Tr




/ 2h


∗ ∗∗








+/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/-

S / M N1 / M N10 / M N1 / S N10 / S S / S




e Tr




/ 2h


∗ ∗∗




111of total locomotion. Thus, naltrexone data were also analyzed by looking at changes in

locomotion across the 2-hr test period to assess whether the effect of naltrexone changed

over time (Figures 1.12a and 1.12b). Data were analyzed separately in wild-type and M5

knockout mice using two-way between-within ANOVA, with treatment (i.e. the combination of

saline/naltrexone pre-treatment with saline/morphine treatment) as the between-subjects factor

and time (i.e. 10-min intervals) as the within-subjects factor.

In wild-type mice, a significant interaction between treatment and time was obtained, F

(19.5, 117) = 4.85, p < 0.000001 (with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom). Post-

hoc analyses was used to compare the 6 treatment groups at each 10-min time point. As

expected, 30 mg/kg morphine produced significant locomotion relative to saline at every time

point (all p’s < 0.01). In wild-type mice, both 1 and 10 mg/kg naltrexone pre-treatment

significantly reduced morphine-induced locomotion relative to saline pre-treatment at all time

points tested (all p’s<0.000001 for both doses). In fact, pre-treatment with both doses of

naltrexone reduced morphine-induced locomotion to below saline levels over roughly the first

hour of testing (1 mg/kg naltrexone: p < 0.05 at 10 min, and p < 0.01 at 20, 30, 40, and 50 min;

10 mg/kg naltrexone: p < 0.05 at 20 min, and p < 0.01 at 30, 40, 50, and 60 min).

Furthermore, in B6 wild-type mice, 1 mg/kg naltrexone on its own significantly reduced

locomotion to below saline levels at several time points (p < 0.05 at 10, and 30 min, and p < 0.01

at 60, 70, 80, 90, and 110 minutes), and 10 mg/kg naltrexone reduced locomotion to below saline

levels early on during testing (p < 0.05 at 20 and 30 min, and p < 0.01 at 40 min).

In M5 knockout mice, 30 mg/kg morphine increased locomotion relative to saline at all

time points (all p’s < 0.01). As in wild-type mice pre-treatment with 10 mg/kg naltrexone

significantly reduced morphine-induced locomotion at all time points (all p’s < 0.000001), and to

below saline levels at 20, 30, and 40 min (p<0.01). Unlike wild-type mice, 10 mg/kg naltrexone

on its own did not significantly change locomotion relative to saline at any time point tested. Pre-

112treatment with 1 mg/kg naltrexone also reduced morphine-induced locomotion, but not to the

same extent as in wild-types, with significantly lower locomotion over the first 90 min (all p’s <

0.05) but not during the final 30 minutes of testing, and to below saline levels at only 20 minutes

(p<0.05). Unlike wild-types, and similar to the 10 mg/kg dose in M5 knockout mice, 1 mg/kg

naltrexone on its own did not reduce locomotion to below saline levels at any time point tested.

This suggests that M5 knockout mice are less sensitive to the effects of 1 mg/kg

naltrexone than wild-type mice. In fact, in wild-type mice morphine-induced locomotion

following pre-treatment with 1 mg/kg naltrexone was effectively reduced to below saline levels

for the first 50 minutes and then gradually increased until reaching above saline levels at 100,

110, and 120 minutes (p<0.01). By comparison, in M5 knockout mice morphine-induced

locomotion was reduced by pre-treatment with 1 mg/kg naltrexone to below saline levels at only

20 minutes, and then was above saline levels by sixty minutes (p < 0.01), no longer differing

from morphine-induced locomotion after 90 min.

113Figure 1.12. Time course of 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine-induced locomotion following pre-

treatment with 1 mg/kg (i.p.) or 10 mg/kg (i.p.) naltrexone in (A) B6 wild-type and (B) B6 M5

knockout mice (n=6 per group). ∗ saline vs saline/morphine p<0.000001; † 1 mg/kg

naltrexone/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.05; †† 1mgkg naltrexone/morphine vs

saline/morphine p<0.000001; # 10 mg/kg naltrexone/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.000001;

§ 1mg/kg naltrexone/saline vs saline/saline p<0.05; §§ 1 mg/kg naltrexone/saline vs saline/saline

p<0.01; ◊ 10 mg/kg naltrexone/saline vs saline/saline p<0.05; ◊◊ 10 mg/kg naltrexone/saline vs

saline/saline p<0.01; ƒ 10 mg/kg naltrexone/morphine vs saline/saline p<0.05; ƒƒ 10 mg/kg

naltrexone/morphine vs saline/saline p<0.01; • 1 mg/kg naltrexone/morphine vs saline/saline

p<0.05; •• 1mg/kg naltrexone/morphine vs saline/saline p<0.01.




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





ƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ◊ ◊ ◊◊ § § §§ §§ §§ §§ §§ §§ # # # # # # # # # # # # †† †† †† †† †† †† †† † † †† †† †† †† ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





ƒƒ ƒƒ ƒƒ • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• # # # # # # # # # # # # †† †† †† †† †† †† †† † † ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

saline then morphine

1 mg/kg naltrexone then morphine

10 mg/kg naltrexone then morphine

saline then saline

1 mg/kg naltrexone then saline

10 mg/kg nalltrexone then saline

saline then morphine

1 mg/kg naltrexone then morphine

10 mg/kg naltrexone then morphine

saline then saline

1 mg/kg naltrexone then saline

10 mg/kg nalltrexone then saline

115Chapter 1 Discussion

The results indicate that M5 muscarinic receptors play an important role in mediating the

stimulant effects of systemic morphine. In M5 knockout mice of both the 129 and B6 strains,

morphine-induced locomotion was reduced relative to their respective wild-type controls. Total

morphine-induced locomotion in B6 M5 knockout mice was reduced by 47 % at the 30 mg/kg

dose and 45 % at the 10 mg/kg dose. In 129 M5 knockout mice mice, morphine-induced

locomotion was reduced by 48 % at the 30 mg/kg dose. Thus, on average across strains, a

mechanism involving M5 receptors mediates approximately 45 to 48% of systemic morphine-

induced locomotion.

The 30 mg/kg dose of morphine was most effective for increasing locomotion in all mice

tested, regardless of genotype or background strain, and was also the dose for which the M5

receptor mutation reduced locomotion most in both background strains. Both strains of M5

knockouts showed reduced morphine-induced locomotion, relative to wild-type controls, evident

when comparing total locomotion (Figure 1.4), peak locomotion (Figure 1.10), or the time course

of locomotion (Figure 1.7). The reduction in morphine-induced locomotion due to M5 mutation

in B6 mice was statistically significant in the first, but not the second hour, consistent with the

observed reduction in peak locomotion. By comparison, in 129 mice morphine-induced

locomotion was reduced across the entire 2-hour period in M5 knockouts. Finally, locomotion at

the 30 mg/kg dose in B6 wild-type mice was dependent on opioid receptors, as pre-treatment

with either of two doses (1 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) of the non-specific opioid receptor antagonist

naltrexone effectively blocked locomotion.

At the 10 mg/kg (i.p.) dose of morphine a clear strain difference in sensitivity to the

stimulant effects of morphine was evident, with significantly greater locomotion in B6 mice than

129 mice. Total locomotion (Figure 1.4) or peak locomotion (Figure 1.10) was no different from

saline in 129 mice regardless of genotype, and more importantly there was no difference due to

116genotype. However, time course analysis (Figure 1.8) showed that more than 2/3 of 10-min time

bins were in fact characterized by overall greater locomotion across wild-type and mutant mice

relative to saline. In B6 mice, total locomotion was increased relative to saline, with a non-

significant reduction in M5 knockout mice. M5 knockout mice showed reduced locomotion

compared to wild-type mice across most of the first hour of testing and, consistent with this, peak

locomotion was also reduced.

Finally, 3 mg/kg morphine produced no significant locomotion in 129 mice. This was

evident when analyzing total locomotion (Figure 1.4), peak locomotion (Figure 1.10), and the

time course of locomotion (Figure 1.9). In B6 mice, total locomotion was greater relative to

saline, but there was no reduction in M5 knockout mice. Most of the difference in total

locomotion was due to greater locomotion relative to saline in the second hour of testing. In both

genotypes, saline treatment was characterized by a reduction in activity in the second hour of

testing, while morphine treatment sustained levels of activity over the second hour at levels

comparable to the first hour. M5 knockout mice did not show a reduction in locomotion at this


The failure to observe significantly reduced locomotion in 129 M5 knockouts at 10

mg/kg was most likely due to a floor effect. That is, locomotion was already so low in wild-type

mice that a reduction due to gene mutation (M5 or otherwise) could not be seen. At 30 mg/kg, a

higher dose that did produce significant locomotion in wild-type mice, the reduction in M5

knockouts of the 129 strain was clear. The dose-response curve for 129 mice was shifted to the

right, suggesting that reduced morphine-induced locomotion may further become apparent in this

strain when comparing activity at even higher doses (e.g., 50 mg/kg, i.p.). Similarly, at the

lowest dose, 3 mg/kg, where only very slight locomotion was elicited in B6 wild-type, and no

locomotion in 129 wild-type mice, no significant reduction to M5 knockout was observed. Thus,

the contribution of M5 to morphine-induced locomotion was most clear when looking at high

117doses (30 mg/kg or perhaps higher in 129 mice, and 10 mg/kg or higher in B6 mice) as this

provided the necessary levels of wild-type locomotion for hypolocomotion due to gene loss to

become apparent.

B6 mice show greater spontaneous exploration than 129 mice

The first exposure to the open-field chamber provides the mouse with a novel

environment, and thus provides a measure of exploration. Here, 129 wild-type mice showed

significantly less exploration than B6 wild-type mice. Specifically, B6 mice showed sustained

levels of high activity throughout the two hours of testing relative to their 129 counterparts, who

showed a steady decline in exploration across the same period. A survey of the literature reveals

differences in open-field locomotion between various commonly used inbred strains of mice

(e.g., Crawley et al., 1997). In general, C57 inbred mouse strains, which include the C57Bl/6

mice used here, show higher levels of open-field locomotion. One previous report directly

compared spontaneous locomotion in B6 and 129/SvJ mice, and is completely consistent with

the difference in basal locomotion observed in the current studies (Miner, 1997). The current

data in B6 wild-type mice provide additional support for this.

Several explanations could account for the strain difference in spontaneous exploration.

First, dysfunction in physical movement could underlie lower levels of exploration in 129 mice.

This is unlikely however, as 129 mice exhibit no obvious physical disability and perform

normally on a rotarod test (Wang et al., 2004).

Second, as anxiogenic factors decrease forward locomotion in an open field, it may be

that low levels of spontaneous locomotion are related to higher levels of anxiety in 129, relative

to B6, mice. In the current studies, efforts were made to minimize external anxiogenic factors.

To avoid a brightly lit testing apparatus and room, all testing was conducted under red-light

illumination, and the testing chambers had opaque, as opposed to the more commonly used

transparent walls. Nonetheless, there are behaviours that could be indicative of anxiety levels,

118such as rearing, defecation/urination, and thigmotaxis. Of these rearing is a common and easily

obtainable measure, with rearing frequency decreasing in an anxiogenic environment (Crawley et

al., 1997). Accordingly, a comparison of rearing frequency in 129 and B6 mice suggested there

may be an underlying difference in anxiety levels, with roughly a 2.5-fold increase in rearing

frequency in B6 compared to 129 mice (892.71 ± 85.2 in B6 and 323.2 ± 47.5 in 129, p < 0.001).

This is consistent with data showing less time spent and fewer entries into the open arms of an

elevated plus maze in 129 mice (Homanics, Quinlan, & Firestone, 1999). It is also consistent

with generally low levels of anxiety in B6 mice (Crawley et al., 1997). For example, in a

comparison of several strains of mice, Crawley and Davis (1982) showed that C57B6J mice

exhibit the largest number of transitions into the light compartment of a light-dark shuttle box. It

is interesting to note that anxiety has been shown to be important as a determinant of expressed

behaviour in 129 mice in other behavioural testing paradigms. Dockstader and van der Kooy

(2001) compared morphine conditioned place preference in B6 and 129 mice, showing that the

expression of place preference learning was masked by anxiety in 129 mice and could be

revealed by a variety of anxiolytic pre-treatments.

Finally, differences in the genetic make-up of the two mouse strains should also

contribute to the observed difference in spontaneous exploration. However, it is difficult to

determine whether the observed difference is due to different alleles of a gene(s) affecting open

field locomotion, anxiety, or a combination of both. Flint and colleagues (1995) have mapped

three quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on mouse chromosomes 1, 12, and 15 that impact both open

field activity and measures of ‘emotionality’ (e.g. defecation in an open field, open arms entries

in an elevated plus maze), such that QTLs that increased open field activity also decreased

‘emotionality’. This then suggests that a common set of genes is controlling open field activity

and anxiety levels, and is consistent with fewer open arm entries in an elevated plus maze in 129

mice (Homanics et al., 1999).

119B6 mice are more sensitive to the stimulant effects of morphine than 129 mice

Sensitivity to the stimulant effects of morphine was also different in the two mouse

strains, with the dose-response curve shifted rightward in 129 compared to B6 mice (Figure 1.5).

At all three doses tested, morphine-induced locomotion was higher in B6 than 129 mice. 129

mice required a dose of 30 mg/kg to achieve a level of total locomotion comparable to that seen

in B6 mice at 10 mg/kg.

Inbred mouse strains differ in their activity respones to morphine (Belknap, Noordewier,

& Lame, 1989; Cunningham, Niehus, Malott, & Prather, 1992). In particular, and consistent with

the current data, the C57Bl/6 strain stands out as a “runner” following morphine administration

in an open field (Crawley et al., 1997). The strain difference in morphine sensitivity seen in the

current study is consistent with a previous study, comparing 3 mg/kg (s.c) morphine-induced

locomotion in C57Bl/6 and 129Sv mice, showing approximately three-fold greater locomotion in

C57Bl/6 mice (Murphy et al., 2001).

What might account for this strain difference? First, there may be differences in the

bioavailability of morphine at the μ opioid receptor between the two strains. A comparison of

brain concentrations of morphine following systemic morphine (16 or 32 mg/kg, i.p.) showed no

difference between C57B6J and 129/J mice 30 minutes after injection (Belknap et al., 1998).

While differences in bioavailability of systemically administered morphine between 129 sub-

strains (i.e. 129/J vs the 129/SvJ used in the current study) cannot be ruled out, these data suggest

that differences in bioavailability of morphine are an unlikely explanation.

Second, as suggested by Murphy et al. (2001), differences in locomotor responses to

morphine may be related to differences in responsiveness of the mesolimbic dopamine system to

morphine. Murphy et al.’s (2001) microdialysis study was unique in that it measured accumbal

dopamine simultaneously with locomotion in different mouse strains. Basal dopamine levels did

not differ between mouse strains, but morphine-induced changes (3 mg/kg, s.c.) in dopamine

120were different between strains. C57Bl/6 mice showed the greatest increases with a clear peak

followed by a return of levels towards baseline, while 129Sv mice showed much smaller

increases and a less clearly defined peak.

Third, there may be qualitative and/or quantitative differences between 129 and B6 mice

in the μ opioid receptor, or other opioid receptor subtypes, that could affect their binding affinity

for morphine. In this regard, sequencing and comparing genomic regions surrounding the μ

opioid receptor gene in C57Bl/6 and 129/Sv mice have shown that while exons are conserved, a

2.3 % divergence in intronic regions surrounding exons 2 and 3 exists (Zhou et al., 2001). The

authors suggest that this difference in the intrionic sequence may lead to alternative splicing, in

turn leading to changes in either μ opioid receptor activity or distribution.

While the reason(s) for the strain difference in sensitivity to morphine locomotion cannot

be determined from the current data, it does illustrate a more general issue about the choice of

background strain when studying the effect of gene mutation on behaviour. As suggested by

Crawley and colleagues (1997), in the case of drug-induced activity, if the predicted effect of

gene knockout is to decrease activity then a background strain showing high levels of basal and

drug-induced activity is more appropriate. Conversely, if the predicted effect of gene knockout is

to increase locomotion, then a background strain with low basal and drug-induced activity is

more appropriate. Accordingly, as M5 knockout mice were expected to be less responsive to the

stimulant effects of morphine, the wild-type strain with the higher basal and drug-induced

locomotion, B6, would be the more appropriate choice. Indeed, the current data show that the

effect of M5 knockout on morphine-induced locomotion was more evident across a wider dose

range when testing knockouts of this strain.

Time Course of Morphine-induced Locomotion

Despite differences in the strength of responding due to strain, morphine-induced

locomotion, when it was observed in wild-type mice of both strains, followed a characteristic

121time course characterized by a gradual increase in locomotion over the first 30 min, a peak

between 30 and 60 min, and a gradual decline approaching pre-injection levels over the second

hour. There was no systematic relationship between dose of morphine and the time taken to

reach peak locomotion in wild-type mice, except perhaps a trend toward being slightly faster for

the highest dose. The magnitude of the peak response on the other hand clearly increased across

doses in wild-type and M5 knockout mice of both strains (main effects of dose p < 0.05 for wild-

types and knockouts of both strains). The temporal profile of morphine-induced locomotion has

been well described in rats, where higher morphine doses (≥ 10 mg/kg, i.p.) initially produce

hypolocomotion followed by delayed hyperlocomotion (Babbini & Davis, 1972). With repeated

morphine administration in rats, tolerance to the hypolocomotion develops, resulting in a net

increase of locomotion. With the current mouse data there was no indication of initial

hypolocomotion at either 10 or 30 mg/kg morphine. At the 3 mg/kg dose there appeared to be

some depression of locomotion relative to saline for the first few minutes, but these differences

were not statistically significant. At 10 and 30 mg/kg the more fine-grained analysis of

locomotion time course, with activity binned in 5-min rather than 10-min intervals, showed that

locomotion levels tended to begin rising immediately following the injection. Thus, the current

data are more consistent with the description of mouse morphine locomotion provided by Lee

and Fennessy (1976) and Oliverio (1975). Specifically, the mice tested in the current studies

showed what they describe as a “running fit” around the perimeter of the cage accompanied by

an elevated Straub tail.

Pharmacokinetics of Morphine.

In mice a 20 μmol/kg (approx 7.5 mg/kg) subcutaneous injection of morphine led to peak

whole-brain morphine levels at 45 min (Handal, Ripel, Aasmundstad, Skurtveit, & Morland,

2007). The locomotion observed in the current experiments showed a peak between 30 and 60

122minutes, so peak locomotor levels were consistent with peak brain morphine levels measured


Similarly, in rats intraperitoneal morphine administration (10 mg/kg), led to peak

morphine concentrations in hypothalamus and striatum extracellular fluid between 45 and 60 min

(Matos, Rollema, & Basbaum, 1992). Furthermore, following a subcutaneous injection of

morphine (10 mg/kg), morphine levels in brain extracellular fluid peak at 45 minutes, followed

by an exponential decay (Barjavel, Scherrman, & Bhargava, 1995).

In the experiments cited above, the peak in brain morphine was followed by a rapid

decline, accompanied by a rise in morphine metabolites. The main metabolic pathway for

morphine is glucuronidation resulting in the formation of morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) and

morphine-6-glucorinide (M6G). In mice, morphine is metabolized into M3G only, as there are no

detectable levels of either plasma or brain extracellular levels of M6G following morphine

administration (Handal et al., 2002). Levels of M3G in blood serum and brain rise quickly

following intraperitoneal morphine in mice, peaking at approximately 30 min, followed by a

decline over the next 2 hrs, indicating that morphine must be rapidly metabolized upon entering

the body. Most interestingly, pre-treating mice with M3G prior to morphine, effectively

increasing the M3G to morphine ratio, dose-dependently antagonized the locomotor activating

effects of both 20 and 60 μmol/kg morphine (approx. 7.5 and 11.3 mg/kg, respectively) (Handal

et al., 2007). Consistent with a rapid rise in M3G levels, the effect of M3G was most pronounced

in the first hour of locomotion testing. M3G pre-treatment did not alter brain levels of morphine,

suggesting that M3G was not antagonizing the central effects of morphine by affecting its

transport across the blood-brain barrier, but rather may be competing with morphine for access to

receptors. Although, M3G is said to have a low affinity for the μ opioid receptor, it has been

shown that the effects of M3G can be reduced by a μ selective antagonist (Halliday, Bartlett,

Colditz, & Smith, 1999). Thus, the decline that is observed in morphine-induced locomotion

123following the peak at 30-60 minutes in the present data was likely related to an accumulation of

the morphine metabolite M3G, and a concurrent increase in the M3G/morphine ratio.

The locomotor time course in B6 M5 knockout mice at 30 mg/kg morphine (the strain

and dose that will be used in Experiments 3-5, see Chapter 2) was different than for wild-type

mice at that dose or either B6 knockout or wild-type mice at the 10 mg/kg dose. Locomotion did

not decline over the testing period and still had not peaked by two hours. It is possible that

morphine metabolism is different in M5 knockout mice and that the M3G/morphine ratio is

consequently affected. Specifically, if M3G accumulates at a slower rate in the knockout, then

locomotion would not be antagonized to the same extent by rising metabolite concentration. In

this regard, it would have been of great benefit to measure 30 mg/kg morphine-induced

locomotion up to 3 or even 4 hrs, as this may have revealed an eventual, delayed decline in

locomotion relative to wild-type mice. However, even if this were true, it only would apply to

the 30 mg/kg dose, as the temporal profile of locomotion in B6 M5 knockout mice at 10 mg/kg

and 129 M5 knockout mice at 30 mg/kg, though reduced overall, was not obviously different

from wild-types.

Second, differences in pharmacokinetics of morphine between wild-type and M5

knockout mice cannot be ruled out. M5 muscarinic receptors are expressed in cerebral blood

vessels, specifically the endothelial cells of the circle of Willis (Tayebati, Di Tullio, Tomassoni,

& Amenta, 2003), and acetylcholine-mediated dilation of cerebral blood vessels is absent in M5

knockout mice (Yamada et al., 2001). In fact, M5 knockout mice show a constriction of cerebral

arteries and reduced blood flow in hippocampus, cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus (Araya et

al., 2006). It is unclear to what extent constriction of blood vessels could affect transport of

molecules across the blood-brain barrier, but the differences in cerebral blood flow could affect

the bioavailability of morphine at its various target sites related to locomotion (e.g. VTA, PPT,

ventral pallidum, and nucleus accumbens) in M5 knockout mice. To assess this possibility future

124work needs to study the pharmacokinetics of morphine in wild-type and M5 knockout mice,

comparing plasma and brain levels following systemic administration.

Morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-type mice is dependent on opioid receptors

Pre-treatment with both the 1 mg/kg and the 10 mg/kg dose of the non-selective opioid

receptor antagonist naltrexone reduced 30 mg/kg morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-type

mice, indicating a dependence on opioid receptors. The complete block of locomotion resulting

from systemic pre-treatment with 10 mg/kg naltrexone in wild-types indicates that both

dopamine-dependent and independent mechanisms were blocked. To assess dopamine-dependent

and independent contributions, nucleus accumbens and VTA naltrexone pre-treatment could be

compared. The 1 or 10mg/kg dose of naltrexone reduced morphine-induced locomotion to below

saline levels over much of the first hour of testing, followed by a gradual rise to above saline

levels for the last 30 min of testing. Thus, the inhibitory effect of naltrexone on morphine-

induced locomotion was reduced in the final 30 min. The slight increase in morphine locomotion

during this same time may reflect residual morphine levels in the brain extracellular fluid now

able to access opioid receptors. Two points argue against this however. First, at this time in the

2-hr testing period the M3G/morphine ratio should be at its highest, and the bioavailability of

morphine should be low. Second, the 1mg/kg dose of naltrexone on its own reduced locomotion

to below saline levels, but to a much greater extent in the second than the first hour of testing,

suggesting that naltrexone was still active at this time.

Morphine locomotion in B6 M5 knockout mice is less sensitive to naltrexone antagonism

M5 knockout mice were less sensitive to the antagonism of morphine locomotion by

naltrexone. While the 10 mg/kg dose completely blocked morphine-induced locomotion as in

wild-types, it reduced locomotion to below saline levels at only three time points during the first

hour of testing. More strikingly, while 1 mg/kg naltrexone effectively blocked morphine-induced

locomotion during the first hour in M5 knockout mice, unlike wild-type mice, locomotion

125increased over the second hour and 1mg/kg naltrexone was in fact not blocking morphine-

induced locomotion in the last half hour of testing.

Changes in μ-opioid receptor number in M5 knockout mice are an unlikely explanation

for this difference. Basile et al. (2002) reported that 129 SvEv x CF1 M5 knockout mice do not

show changes in μ-opioid receptor levels in cortex, hippocampus, striatum, cerebellum,

hypothalamus, spinal cord, or the entire brainstem. Alternatively, the possible changes in

bioavailability of centrally administered morphine could affect the bioavailability of naltrexone

in the brains of M5 knockout mice. Or, there may also be changes in the binding characteristics

of antagonists, or agonists, to opioid receptors in M5 knockout mice, or changes in the relative

numbers of opioid receptor sub-types.

Another way to interpret the difference in naltrexone antagonism gets back to the

different temporal pattern of morphine-induced locomotion in B6 M5 knockout mice seen at the

30 mg/kg dose. This is more apparent when looking at Figure 1.7b which shows the average of

14 B6 M5 knockout mice than it is from looking at Figure 1.12b which shows the average of 6

mice. Locomotion induced by 30 mg/kg in B6 M5 knockout was slightly different, as mice did

not show a clear peak across the two hour period, but rather showed locomotion that gradually

but continuously increased across the 2-hr testing period. By comparison, in wild-type mice

tested at this dose, activity declined across the second hour. Whatever may account for the

continuous rise in locomotion over the entire two hours, it was clearly not dependent on M5

muscarinic receptors. On the contrary, the process was only revealed by the complete absence of

M5 receptors. In other words, in the M5 knockout an alternate locomotor activating process may

be revealed that has a very slow onset between 60 and 120 minutes, causing a gradual but

significant increase in locomotion. Extending the measurement duration beyond two hours would

have been helpful in revealing the entire time course of this process. The fact that this process

was less sensitive to naltrexone antagonism between 60 and 120 minutes (i.e. locomotion during

126the first hour was blocked by both 1 and 10 mg/kg naltrexone, while locomotion during the

second hour was only blocked by the higher dose) suggests that it is only partially dependent on

opioid receptors.

M5 knockout mice are less sensitive to natrexone

In wild-type mice, unlike M5 knockout mice, 1mg/kg naltrexone on its own reduced

locomotion to below saline levels, particularly during the second hour of testing. Similarly, 10

mg/kg naltrexone on its own reduced locomotion to below saline levels between 20 and 40 min

in wild-type, but not in M5 knockout, mice.

Thus, both 1 and 10 mg/kg naltrexone on their own were sufficient to reduce basal open-

field locomotion in wild-type mice. This finding is consistent with previous data in mice

showing that systemic administration of the irreversible opioid antagonist β-chlornaltrexamine

reduced activity (Kozak, Conn, & Kluger, 1995). Conversely, systemic administration of RB 101

in mice, which reduces enzymatic degredation of endogenous enkephalin peptides, served to

increase open-field locomotion (Mas Nieto, Guen, Kieffer, Roques, & Noble, 2005). Similarly,

in rats central administration of μ, δ, or κ antagonists reduced total activity (Leventhal, Cole, &

Bodnar, 1996). Together, these data suggest that endogenous opioid activity contributes to

maintaining open-field locomotion. The reduction by naltrexone observed in wild-type mice may

have been due to the blockade of endogenous opioid input to the VTA, resulting in reduced

nucleus accumbens dopamine. Spanagel, Herz, & Shippenberg (1992) showed that μ opioid

receptor antagonists infused in the VTA, but not the nucleus accumbens, reduced nucleus

accumbens dopamine levels.

As M5 knockout mice were not only less sensitive to naltrexone antagonism of morphine-

induced locomotion, but also less sensitive to naltrexone antagonism of endogenous opioid

activity, the data suggest that M5 receptors are important in mediating the effects of both

exogenous morphine and endogenous opioids on locomotion.


First, total morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice was reduced between by

45-48%, depending on the strain and dose used. Thus, a mechanism involving M5 receptors

mediates approximately 45 to 48% of systemic morphine-induced locomotion.

The role of dopamine in systemic opiate-induced locomotion is controversial, with rat

studies showing a complete independence from dopamine (Vaccarino et al., 1986), and mouse

studies almost a complete dependence on dopamine (Hnasko et al., 2005). Given the association

between M5 receptors and midbrain dopamine neurons (Vilaro et al., 1990) and their critical role

in sustained activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system (Forster et al., 2001), it is most likely

that the observed reduction in morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice was due to

reduction of a dopamine-dependent mechanism. In dopamine-deficient mice, morphine

locomotion at 25 mg/kg was reduced to 5% of wild-type control levels suggesting that greater

than 90% of systemic morphine-induced locomotion in mice is dopamine-dependent in some

way (Hnasko et al., 2005). The mice used in those studies were of the B6 strain and so are

similar to the B6 strain used in the current study at the 30 mg/kg dose. By comparison then, this

suggests that the 47% reduction in locomotion seen in B6 M5 knockout mice at the 30 mg/kg

dose represent roughly one half of dopamine-dependent systemic morphine-induced locomotion

in mice.

Second, Experiment 2 showed that B6 M5 knockout mice were less sensitive to

naltrexone antagonism of morphine-induced locomotion as well as to natrexone blockade of

endogenous opioids. Together, this suggests that M5 receptors are important for mediating the

effects of both exogenous and endogenous opiates on locomotion.

128Chapter 1 References

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Chapter 2: Role of cholinergic input to the ventral tegmental area in systemic morphine-

induced locomotion.


Experiment 1 showed that morphine-induced locomotion was reduced by 45 to 48 % in

M5 knockout mice, depending on the strain and dose being studied. This reduction suggests that

M5 activation of dopamine neurons is somehow important for morphine-induced locomotion. M5

is the only muscarinic receptor sub-type for which mRNA is found in midbrain dopamine

neurons (Vilaro et al., 1990). M5 receptor loss has a powerful effect on dopamine release, as

evidenced by the fact that activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system by electrical

stimulation of LDT inputs is strongly reduced in M5 knockout mice (Forster et al., 2001). In rats,

a similar reduction in prolonged dopamine activation can be achieved by pharmacological

blockade of muscarinic receptors in VTA (Forster & Blaha, 2000). In combination, this suggests

that M5 receptors found on VTA dopamine cell bodies are mediating the excitation of dopamine

neurons. However, because the M5 knockout is systemic it is difficult to determine where in the

animal the loss of M5 receptors impacts behavior. M5 receptors are found, albeit at very low

levels, throughout the brain (Wang et al., 2004; Wei et al., 1994) and could affect dopamine-

dependent locomotion produced by systemic morphine via pathways not involving the VTA. For

example, Yamada et al. (2001) have shown that loss of M5 receptors can affect dopamine release

through their action on striatal terminals as well. In their experiment, KCl-induced dopamine

release was measured in striatal slices before or after incubation with the muscarinic agonist

oxotremorine, which in wild-type slices led to an increase in dopamine release. This facilitation

was reduced by approximately 50% in M5 knockout mice, suggesting that M5 receptors can

facilitate dopamine release at both cell bodies and terminals.

In either case, the observed reduction in morphine-induced locomotion is due a reduction

in a dopamine-dependent mechanism, but the study of locomotion in a systemic knockout does

not distinguish between the relative contributions of each site. Thus, how much M5 related

differences in morphine-induced locomotion are due to loss of the M5 receptor on dopamine

136neuron cell bodies, terminals, or a combination of the two is not clear from Experiment 1. To

address this question, I studied the effects of muscarinic antagonism in the VTA on morphine-

induced locomotion and then compared these data to data obtained from M5 knockout mice.

Unfortunately, there are no selective pharmacological agents for M5 muscarinic receptors, so the

non-selective muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine was chosen instead.

Dopamine neurons also express different sub-types of nicotinic receptors (Charpantier et

al., 1998; Klink et al., 2001), and activation of these receptors produces locomotion and

forebrain dopamine release. Both systemic nicotine (Goshima et al., 1996) and intra-VTA

nicotine (Goshima et al., 1996; Panagis, Nisell, Nomikos, Chergui, & Svensson, 1996) increased

locomotion, and in both cases increases in locomotion were blocked by intra-VTA pre-treatment

with the non-selective nicotinic receptor antagonist mecamylamine. Furthermore, systemic

(Sziraki, Sershen, Hashim, & Lajtha, 2002) or intra-VTA (Nisell, Nomikos, & Svensson, 1994)

nicotine increased nucleus accumbens dopamine, and these increases were blocked by VTA

mecamylamine pre-treatment. Also, increases in nucleus accumbens and striatum dopamine

efflux following electrical stimulation of the LDT and PPT, respectively, are in part mediated by

nicotinic receptors in the VTA and SN (Forster & Blaha, 2000; 2003).

These data show that cholinergic excitation of mesolimbic (and nigrostriatal) dopamine

systems is mediated through both muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors. In brain-

stimulation reward, mecamylamine pre-treatment in the VTA increased current threshold

required to elicit bar-pressing for lateral hypothalamus stimulation, albeit to a lesser extent than

muscarinic receptor blockade (Yeomans & Baptista, 1997). So, I first tested the effect of VTA

atropine on morphine-induced locomotion. Are VTA nicotinic receptors, important for nicotine-

induced locomotion, accumbal/striatal dopamine efflux, and brain-stimulation reward, also

important in mediating morphine-induced locomotion? To test this, I studied the effects of the

nicotinic receptor antagonist mecamylamine in the VTA on morphine-induced locomotion.

137Materials and Methods


Eight B6 wild-type and 6 B6 M5 knockout mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (3%

for induction and 1.5-2% for maintenance, O2 flow rate 1 L/min) and placed in a stereotaxic

device. Mice were treated locally with lidocaine prior to scalp incisions. Each mouse was

implanted with 26 gauge bilateral guide cannulae (Plastics One, Roanoke, VA) with the tip of the

guide cannula aimed 1mm above the ventral tegmental area. To avoid puncture of the sagittal

sinus, cannulae were angled 10° in the mediolateral plane. The stereotaxic coordinates used were

(relative to interaural zero): A/P +0.50, M/L ± 0.3, D/V +1.5 (Paxinos & Franklin, 2004). Guide

cannulae were fixed to the skull with dental acrylic cement anchored to three stainless steel skull

screws. Patency of guide cannulae was maintained by insertion of a dummy cannula. Mice were

allowed 10 days recovery before initiation of the experiment.

Intracranial Injections and Morphine Locomotion

Wild-type and M5 knockout mice were tested at different times. On the first day of the

experiment, spontaneous exploration was measured for a period of 2 hours, according to the

methods described for Experiments 1 and 2. On the following days, mice were given

combinations of intra-VTA muscarinic and/or nicotinic antagonists and systemic morphine (30

mg/kg) or saline (10 ml/kg).

Mice were gently restrained and the dummy cannulae were removed. Injector cannulae

(33 gauge, Plastics One, Richmond, VA) were bilaterally inserted and protruded 1 mm beyond

the tip of the guide cannulae. Injections were made using a 2 μl Hamilton microsyringe

connected to Tygon tubing (0.0075 in i.d., 0.080 in o.d., Cole-Palmer), and a syringe pump

(Harvard Apparatus Model 975, South Natick, MA). All injections were made at a volume of 0.3

μl and a rate of 0.5 μl/min. The success of each intracranial injection was always verified by

confirming that an air bubble in the Tygon tubing had moved an appropriate distance, as

138previously determined by calibration. Injectors were left in place for 45 sec before being gently

removed. Dummy cannulae were replaced, and the mouse was immediately given a systemic

(i.p.) injection (i.e., 10 ml/kg saline or 30 mg/kg morphine), and placed in the locomotor testing

box for a period of 2 hours.

As the role of muscarinic receptors was of primary interest, the effects of intra-VTA

atropine were tested first (Table 1). Mice were tested over 4 consecutive days. On each day one

of four possible combinations of intracranial and intraperitoneal injection was administered: 1)

VTA atropine then systemic saline, 2) VTA atropine then systemic morphine, 3) VTA saline

then systemic saline, 4) VTA saline then systemic morphine. To minimize order effects with

repeated treatment in the same animal the order of treatment combination across animals was

determined using a Latin Square design, resulting in four orders of treatment combination (Table

1). Atropine was given at a dose of 3 μg per side.

After a 2-day wash-out period, the effects of intra-VTA mecamylamine were tested in the

same mice over 2 days. As each testing day involved an intra-VTA injection of mecamylamine,

another day was added between tests. On each of the 2 days, mice were given one of two

possible combinations of intracranial and intraperitoneal injection: 1) VTA mecamylamine then

systemic saline, 2) VTA mecamylamine then systemic morphine. Order of presentation was

counterbalanced across mice, so that half the mice received VTA mecamylamine/systemic

saline on day 1 and the other half on day 2 (Table 1). Mecamylamine was given at a dose of 5 μg

per side. As the two control conditions (i.e. VTA saline then systemic morphine, and VTA saline

then systemic saline) were the same as for the atropine study, these were not run again. Instead,

the same control data obtained for each mouse during the course of atropine treatment was used

to compare to the effects of intra-VTA mecamylamine treatment. One B6 wild-type mouse died

during the period separating atropine and mecamylamine tests. Finally, after a 2-day washout

period the effects of combined intra-VTA atropine and mecamylamine (3 and 5 μg per side,

139Table 1: Order of intra-VTA and systemic treatment combinations used in Experiment 3. Atr

= 3 μg bilateral VTA atropine, Mec = 5μg bilateral VTA mecamylamine, Sal = 0.3 μl

bilateral VTA Saline (0.9%) and/or 10 ml/kg i.p. Saline (0.9%), Mor = 30 mg/kg i.p.

morphine, Atr + Mec = bilateral VTA 3μg atropine plus 5μg mecamylamine. The atropine

and mecamylamine doses used in the present study have previously been shown to reduce

systemic morphine conditioned place preference in rats (Rezayof et al., 2007).

Group A B C D Day 0 spontaneous

exploration spontaneous exploration

spontaneous exploration

spontaneous exploration

Day 1 VTA Atr/ip Mor VTA Sal/ip Sal VTA Atr/ip Sal VTA Sal/ip Mor

Day 2 VTA Sal/ip Sal VTA Sal/ip Mor VTA Atr/ip Mor VTA Atr/ip Sal Day 3 VTA Sal/ip Mor VTA Atr/ip Sal VTA Sal/ip Sal VTA Atr/ip Mor Day 4 VTA Atr ip Sal VTA Atr/ip Mor VTA Sal ip Mor VTA Sal/ip Sal Days 5-6 wash-out wash-out wash-out wash-out Day 7 VTA Mec/ip Mor VTA Mec/ip Sal VTA Mec/ip Mor VTA Mec/ip Sal Day 8 wash-out wash-out wash-out wash-out Day 9 VTA Mec / ip Sal VTA Mec/ip Mor VTA Mec/ip Sal VTA Mec/ip Mor Days 10-11 wash-out wash-out wash-out wash-out Day 12 VTA Atr+Mec/ip

Sal VTA Atr+Mec/ip Sal

VTA Atr+Mec/ip Sal

VTA Atr+Mec/ip Sal

140respectively) were tested in 5 M5 knockout mice.


At the completion of behavioural testing, mice were bilaterally injected with 0.3 μl of a

0.1 % safranin-O solution. This was done in attempt to better determine the injection site, as well

as to get an idea of the extent to which the injected fluid volume spread into tissue surrounding

the injection site. Mice were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg, i.p.) prior

to decapitation. Brains were removed and kept in a 10% formalin solution for several days prior

to sectioning on a Vibratome. Mounted sections were stained with cresyl violet using standard


Statistical Analysis

Data from wild-type and M5 knockout mice were separately analyzed. For each of the

two genotypes, total locomotion following atropine and mecamylamine pre-treatment was

analyzed using a one-way repeated-measures ANOVA, with treatment combinations (i.e. the

combination of intracranial pre-treatment and systemic treatment: sal/sal, sal/mor, atr/sal,

atr/mor, or sal/sal, sal/mor, mec/sal, mec/mor) as the within-subjects factor. Significant main

effects were followed up with multiple comparisons between treatment conditions at individual

time points using Fisher’s LSD test.

The time course of locomotion was also analyzed for each genotype using a two-way

repeated measures analysis of ANOVA with treatment combination (as above) and time (10 min

bins) as within-subjects factors. Significant interactions were followed up with multiple

comparisons between treatment conditions at individual time points using Fisher’s LSD test.

Finally, in a sub-set of M5 knockout mice the effect of combined VTA atropine and

mecamylamine was assessed. For this experiment the effect of combined VTA atropine and

mecamylamine was compared to the effects of VTA saline and VTA atropine or mecamylamine

alone. Total locomotion was analyzed using a one-way repeated-measures ANOVA with

141treatment as the within-subjects factor (sal/sal, atr/sal, mec/sal, or atr + mec/sal). The time course

of locomotion was analyzed using a two-way repeated-measures ANOVA with treatment (as

above) and time as within-subject factors. In both cases a significant interaction was followed by

multiple comparisons between treatment conditions at each time point using Fisher’s LSD.



Figure 2.1A shows VTA injection sites in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice. Injector

cannulae tips were determined to be within the anatomical boundaries of VTA, and only mice

that met this criterion were used for subsequent data analysis. Injection sites in both wild-type

and M5 knockout mice were spread along the rostro-caudal extent of the VTA, with a slight

tendency for the injection sites to be more caudal in knockout mice. In two wild-type mice, the

injection sites were dorsal to the VTA within the red nucleus. The entire rostro-caudal extent of

the VTA in mice is only 0.9 mm. As a 0.3 μl injection volume produces a fluid sphere with a ~

0.68 mm diameter, it encompasses most of the VTA, even for injection sites in the most rostral

or most caudal portions of the VTA. Indeed, there were no apparent differences between data

from mice in which muscarinic and/or nicotinic antagonists were injected in more rostral or more

caudal portions of the VTA. Up to 7 VTA injections were made in these mice. The damage

induced by repeated injections is illustrated in Figures 2.1 B and C. from a representative wild-

type and M5 knockout mouse, respectively.

Effects of VTA pre-treatment with atropine in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice

Total Locomotion

Figure 2.2 shows mean distance travelled across the 2-hr testing period in B6 wild-type

and M5 knockout mice. First, the mean distance travelled in response to 30 mg/kg (i.p.)

morphine in the B6 wild-type mice used in this experiment was similar to that observed in B6

142mice during Experiment 1 (74035 ± 9700 vs 68444 ± 10088 cm, t(18) = 0.333, p=0.7). Second,

the amount of

Figure 2.1. (A) VTA injection sites in B6 wild-type (solid circles, n=6) and M5 knockout mice

(asterisks, n=6). Inverted triangles show injection sites in B6 wild-type mice (n=2) that were

dorsal to the VTA. Numbers next to individual section indicate rostro-caudal distance from

bregma (Paxinos & Franklin, 2004). (B) and (C) show representative VTA injection sites from a

wild-type mouse (B) and a M5 knockout mouse (C). In each case the larger picture is at 4x

magnification while the area encompassed by the black square is magnified (10x) in the adjacent

smaller picture. These pictures illustrate the extent of damage produced by up to 7 VTA

injections. In each case, the arrow indicates the tip of the guide cannula, while the arrow head

indicates the tip of the injector cannula.


∗ ∗∗

•∗ ∗∗ ∗

-3.08 -3.52







•••• ••∗

∇ ∇∇

• ∗∗•



∗ ∗∗

•∗ ∗∗ ∗

-3.08 -3.52







•••• ••∗

∇ ∇∇

• ∗∗•


∗ ∗∗

∗∗ ∗∗

•∗ ∗∗ ∗•∗ ∗∗ ∗

-3.08 -3.52







•••• ••∗

∇ ∇∇

•••• ••∗

∇ ∇∇

•• ∗∗•∗∗ ∗∗•



144locomotion in response to 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine in M5 knockout mice was similar to the

amount of locomotion observed in M5 knockout mice during Experiment 1 (48582 ±4175 and

44487 ± 6736 cm respectively, t(18) = 0.379, p=0.7). Third, consistent with the data collected in

the previous experiments, total locomotion in M5 knockout mice was significantly lower

compared to wild-type mice (t(10) = 2.41, p<0.05).

Repeated-measures ANOVA on total locomotion data revealed a significant main effect

of treatment condition in both B6 wild-type (F (3, 15) = 23.53, p < 0.0001) and M5 knockout (F

(3, 15) = 9.75, p < 0.001) mice. Post-hoc analyses compared the four treatment conditions for

each genotype separately. This showed first, consistent with the data from previous experiments,

that the saline/morphine treatment produced significantly higher total locomotion than the

saline/saline treatment in both wild-type (p < 0.00001) and M5 knockout mice (p<0.01), and

second that pre-treatment with atropine (3μg bilateral in VTA) significantly reduced the

locomotion produced by 30 mg/kg morphine (p<0.001) in wild-type mice, but did not

significantly affect morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice (p>0.1). In both wild-

type and M5 knockout mice, atropine pre-treatment did not completely block morphine-induced

locomotion, as levels were still above those for the saline/saline condition (p<0.01 in wild-type

and p<0.001 in M5 knockouts). Most strikingly, atropine pre-treatment by itself did not change

total locomotion relative to saline in wild-type mice (p>0.05), but significantly increased

locomotion relative to saline in M5 knockout mice (p<0.001).

Locomotion Time Course

Separate analysis of the time course in wild-type and M5 knockout mice provided results

consistent with the above analysis of total locomotion. Figure 2.3a shows the time course of

locomotion in B6 wild-type mice. Repeated-measured ANOVA revealed a significant main

effect of treatment, F (3, 12) = 20.59, p < 0.0001, that was modified by a significant interaction

with time, F (33, 132) = 5.38, p < 0.000001. Post-hoc analyses comparing the 4 treatment

145Figure 2.2. Total locomotion following 3 μg bilateral VTA atropine or 0.3 μl VTA saline prior to

systemic morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline in (A) B6 mice (+/+, n=6) and (B) B6 M5 knockout

mice (-/-, n=6). ∗ p<0.01








Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Atr/Mor Atr/Sal




e Tr











Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Atr/Mor Atr/Sal




e Tr





A +/+

B -/-









Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Atr/Mor Atr/Sal




e Tr











Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Atr/Mor Atr/Sal




e Tr





A +/+

B -/-



147conditions separately at each time point showed that locomotion following the saline/morphine

treatment was significantly higher relative to the saline/saline treatment (all p’s<0.00001) at all

time points. Further, the atropine/morphine treatment significantly reduced locomotion relative

to the saline/morphine condition at all time points (p<0.01 at 10, 40, 50, 60, 80, 90, and 100 min,

and p<0.00001 at 20, 30, 70, 110, and 120 min). The analysis of time course revealed, over and

above the analysis of total locomotion, that VTA atropine completely blocked morphine-induced

locomotion for the first 40 minutes. During this time locomotion was not significantly different

from saline levels (p>0.05). However, subsequently locomotion gradually increased over the

next 70 minutes and remained above saline levels for the rest of the testing session (p<0.05 at 50,

60, and 70 min, and p<0.00001 at 80-120 min).

VTA atropine on its own slightly increased locomotion above saline levels between 50

and 70 min in wild-type mice. However, statistically the two conditions differed significantly

only at 60 min (p<0.05), and approached significance at 50 min (p=0.079) and 70 min (p=0.085).

Thus, in agreement with the analysis of total locomotion, the time course data showed that the

effect of intra-VTA atropine on its own in B6 mice was very slight. Finally, the atropine effect

observed in wild-type mice was anatomically specific to the VTA. Injection sites that were

outside the VTA (dorsal in both cases) produced no reduction of morphine-induced locomotion

(Figure 2.4). As this group contained only two mice a statistical analysis of the data is not


Figure 2.3b shows the time course of locomotion in M5 knockout mice. Repeated-

measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of treatment, F (3, 15) = 9.75, p < 0.001,

that was modified by a significant interaction with time, F (33, 165) = 7.67, p < 0.000001. Post-

hoc analyses comparing the 4 treatment conditions separately at each time point showed that at

most time points, locomotion following the saline/morphine treatment was significantly higher

relative to the saline/saline treatment (p<0.05 at 10, 20, 50, 60, and 70 min and p<0.0001

148between 80 and 120 min). Further, the atropine/morphine treatment reduced locomotion relative

to the saline/morphine condition for only the first 20 min of testing (p<0.05 at 10, and 20 min).

In fact, the atropine/morphine treatment increased locomotion relative to saline/morphine

condition thereafter up to 70 min (p<0.05 at 40, 50, 60, and 70 min). Atropine/morphine

locomotion was significantly higher relative to saline/saline at most time points tested (p<0.05 at

40 min, and p<0.00001 between 50 and 120 min). Consistent with the above analysis of total

locomotion, VTA atropine increased locomotion significantly in M5 knockout mice, with

locomotion at all time points, except for 10 min, significantly higher than the saline/saline

treatment (p<0.05 at 20, 30, and 110 min, and p<0.00001 between 40 and 100 min, and at 120


VTA atropine in wild-type and M5 knockout mice

B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice responded differently to VTA treatment with

atropine relative to saline. Locomotion following either VTA saline/saline treatment or

atropine/saline treatment are reproduced in Figure 2.5 from Figure 2.3. A separate analysis of

this data using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA with treatment (VTA saline vs atropine)

and time (10-120 min) as within-subject factors revealed a significant interaction of treatment

with time for both wild-type, F(11,44) = 2.96, p<0.01, and M5 knockout mice, F (2.11, 10.56) =

5.38, p<0.05 (with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom).

In wild-type mice, follow-up analysis using Fisher’s LSD test showed that this interaction

was due to significantly higher locomotion following VTA atropine relative to saline between 50

and 70 min (p<0.01). Also, immediately before and after this period, i.e. at 40 and 80 min, there

were trends of higher locomotion following VTA atropine (p= 0.048 and p=0.046, respectively).

Thus, atropine increased locomotion slightly in B6 wild-type mice between 40 and 80 min after

the injection, with a reliable peak effect at 50-70 min.

149Figure 2.3. Time course of locomotion following 3 μg bilateral VTA atropine or 0.3 μl VTA

saline prior to systemic morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline in (A) B6 (+/+, n=6) and (B) M5

knockout (-/-, n=6) mice. Open diamonds: VTA saline/systemic saline, solid circles: VTA

saline/systemic morphine, open circles: VTA atropine/systemic morphine, open triangles: VTA

atropine/systemic saline. (A) ∗ saline/saline vs saline/morphine p <0.00001; † atropine/morphine

vs saline/morphine p<0.01; †† atropine/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.00001; ◊

atropine/morphine vs saline/saline p <0.05 ◊◊ atropine/morphine vs saline/saline p < 0.00001; §

atropine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.05. (B) ∗ saline/saline vs saline/morphine p <0.05; ∗∗

saline/saline vs saline/morphine p<0.0001; † atropine/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.05; ◊

atropine/morphine vs saline/saline p <0.05; ◊◊ atropine/morphine vs saline/saline p < 0.00001; §

atropine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.05; §§ atropine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.00001.


A +/+







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr








∗†† †


∗†◊◊ ††







B -/-







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr

























● VTA saline/systemic morphine ○ VTA atropine/systemic morphine ∆ VTA atropine/systemic saline ◊ VTA saline/ systemic saline

A +/+







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr








∗†† †


∗†◊◊ ††







B -/-







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr

























A +/+







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











†† †∗†∗




∗†◊◊ ††












B -/-







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr









































● VTA saline/systemic morphine ○ VTA atropine/systemic morphine ∆ VTA atropine/systemic saline ◊ VTA saline/ systemic saline

151Figure 2.4. Effects of bilateral treatment with 3μg atropine in B6 mice (n=2) that had cannulae

placements dorsal to the VTA. Open diamonds: VTA saline/systemic saline, open triangles:

VTA atropine/systemic saline, solid circles: VTA saline/systemic morphine, open circles: VTA

atropine/systemic morphine.








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





● VTA saline/systemic morphine ○ VTA atropine/systemic morphine ∆ VTA atropine/systemic saline ◊ VTA saline/ systemic saline







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





● VTA saline/systemic morphine ○ VTA atropine/systemic morphine ∆ VTA atropine/systemic saline ◊ VTA saline/ systemic saline

153In M5 knockout mice, similar post-hoc analysis showed that the interaction was due to

significantly higher locomotion following VTA atropine relative to saline at all time points

except 10 min (p<0.01 at 20 min, and p<0.00001 at 30-120 min). Thus in agreement with the

analysis of total locomotion, but in contrast to B6 wild-type mice, atropine produced

significantly higher locomotion for most of the 2-hr testing period. In M5 knockout mice, the

atropine effect appeared to peak slightly earlier than in wild-type mice, around 40-50 minutes.

Therefore, blockade of VTA muscarinic receptors in M5 knockout mice strongly

increased locomotion. This suggests that non-M5 muscarinic receptors in VTA have a net

inhibitory effect on locomotion when M5 muscarinic rceptors are missing.

154Figure 2.5. Effects of VTA treatment with 3 μg bilateral atropine in (A) B6 (+/+, n=6) and (B)

M5 knockout (-/-, n=6) mice. The green line shows locomotion following VTA saline/systemic

saline, while the blue line shows locomotion following VTA atropine/systemic saline. * p< 0.01

** p < 0.00001.








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





∗ ∗∗







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120Time (min)



e Tr













A +/+

B -/-

VTA atropine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline

VTA atropine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





∗ ∗∗







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120Time (min)



e Tr













A +/+

B -/-







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





∗ ∗∗







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120Time (min)



e Tr



















10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120Time (min)



e Tr













A +/+

B -/-

VTA atropine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline

VTA atropine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline

156Effects of VTA pre-treatment with mecamylamine in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice

Total Locomotion

Figure 2.6 shows total locomotion across the two-hour testing period in B6 wild-type and

M5 knockout mice. The saline/saline and saline/morphine data for both wild-type and M5

knockout mice are the same as for the atropine experiment. Repeated-measures ANOVA on total

locomotion data revealed a significant main effect of treatment condition in both B6 wild-type (F

(3, 12) = 5.24, p < 0.05) and M5 knockout (F (3, 15) = 16.63, p < 0.0001) mice. Pre-treatment

with 5 μg bilateral VTA mecamylamine did not significantly reduce the locomotion produced by

30 mg/kg morphine in wild-type mice (p>0.9), while increasing it in M5 knockout mice


In wild-type mice mecamylamine pre-treatment in combination with morphine induced

locomotion that was significantly above saline levels (p<0.01). In M5 knockout mice, where

mecamylamine pre-treatment potentiated morphine-induced locomotion, levels were, of course,

also higher than saline (p<0.001). Similar to what was observed following atropine pre-

treatment, mecamylamine pre-treatment by itself did not change total locomotion relative to

saline in wild-type mice (p>0.5), but significantly increased locomotion relative to saline in M5

knockout mice (p<0.0001).

Locomotion Time Course

Separate analysis of locomotor time course in wild-type and M5 knockout mice provided

results consistent with the above analysis of total locomotion. Figure 2.7a shows the time course

of locomotion in B6 wild-type mice. Repeated-measured ANOVA revealed a significant main

effect of treatment, F (3, 12) = 15.53, p < 0.001, that was modified by a significant interaction

with time, F (33, 132) = 1.84, p < 0.01. Post-hoc analyses comparing the 4 treatment groups

separately at each time point showed that at all points locomotion following the saline/morphine

157treatment was significantly higher relative to the saline/saline treatment (all p’s<0.00001).

Further, the mecamylamine/morphine treatment significantly reduced locomotion relative to

Figure 2.6. Total Locomotion following VTA mecamylamine (5 μg bilateral) or VTA saline (0.3

μl) with systemic morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) and/or saline in (A) B6 mice (+/+, n=5) and (B) M5

knockout mice (-/-, n=6). For both wild-type and knockout mice, the saline/saline and

saline/morphine data are the same as shown in Figure 2.2. A: ∗∗ p<0.01. B: ∗ p<0.01 ∗∗









Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Mec/Mor Mec/Sal




e Tr




) ∗









Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Mec/Mor Mec/Sal




e Tr







A +/+

B -/-







Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Mec/Mor Mec/Sal




e Tr




) ∗









Sal/Sal Sal/Mor Mec/Mor Mec/Sal




e Tr







A +/+

B -/-

159saline/morphine only at 110 and 120 minutes (p<0.05), and thus was essentially ineffective in

blocking morphine-induced locomotion. Consistent with this, morphine-induced locomotion

following VTA pre-treatment with mecamylamine was increased relative to saline at all time

points (p<0.01 at 10 and 40 min, and p<0.00001 at 20, 30, and 50-120 min). VTA

mecamylamine also slightly increased locomotion above saline levels. However, statistically the

two conditions differed significantly only at 30 min (p<0.05), while showing only non-

significant trends at 60 min (p=0.058) and 70 min (p=0.056) and 80 min (p=0.069).

Figure 2.7b shows the time course of locomotion in M5 knockout mice. Repeated-

measured ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of treatment, F (3, 15) = 16.63, p < 0.0001,

that was modified by a significant interaction with time, F (3.89, 19.46) = 3.99, p < 0.05 (with

Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of freedom). Post-hoc analysis comparing the 4 treatment

groups separately at each time point showed that at most time points locomotion was

significantly higher following the saline/morphine treatment, relative to the saline/saline

treatment (p<0.05 at 10, 20, 50, and 60 min, and p<0.0001 between 70 and 120 min). Further,

VTA pre-treatment with mecamylamine increased morphine-induced locomotion in M5

knockout mice (p<0.05 at 20 min, and between 60 and 120 min, and p<0.00001 between 30 and

50 min). Consistent with the above analysis of total locomotion, VTA mecamylamine on its own

produced significant locomotion relative to saline across the entire two-hour testing period

(p<0.01 at 10, 30, 40, 50, 110, and 120 min, and p<0.00001 at 20 and between 60 and 100 min).

VTA mecamylamine in wild-type and M5 knockout mice

Similar to atropine, M5 knockout mice responded differently to VTA treatment with

mecamylamine relative to wild-type controls. To show this more clearly, Figure 2.8 reproduces

locomotion data following either VTA saline/saline treatment or mecamylamine/saline treatment

from Figure 2.7. Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA with treatment (VTA saline vs

mecamylamine) and time (10-120 min) as within-subjects factors revealed only a significant

160Figure 2.7. Time course of morphine-induced (30 mg/kg, i.p.) locomotion in (A) B6 (+/+, n=5)

and (B) M5 knockout (-/-, n=6) mice following bilateral VTA treatment with 5 μg

mecamylamine or saline. Open diamonds: VTA saline/systemic saline, solid circles: VTA

saline/systemic morphine, open circles: VTA mecamylamine/systemic morphine, open triangles:

VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline. Saline/saline and saline/morphine data are the same as

shown in Figure 2.3 (A) * saline/saline vs saline/morphine p<0.00001, †

mecamyalmine/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.05; ◊ mecamylamine/morphine vs saline/saline

p<0.01; ◊◊ mecamylamine/morphine vs saline/saline p<0.00001; § mecamylamine/saline vs

saline/saline p<0.05 (B) * saline/saline vs saline/morphine p<0.05, ∗∗ saline/saline vs

saline/morphine p<0.0001, † mecamylamine/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.05, ††

mecamylamine/morphine vs saline/morphine p<0.00001; ◊ mecamylamine/morphine vs

saline/saline p<0.0001; ◊◊ mecamylamine/morphine vs saline/saline p<0.000001; §

mecamylamine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.01; §§mecamylamine/saline vs saline/saline p









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e Tr





∗◊ ◊◊

∗∗◊ ◊◊
















10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr

















A +/+

B -/-

● VTA saline/systemic morphine ○ VTA mecamylamine/systemic morphine ∆ VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline ◊ VTA saline/ systemic saline







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





∗◊ ◊◊

∗∗◊ ◊◊
















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e Tr





∗◊∗◊ ◊◊


∗◊∗◊ ◊◊




















10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

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e Tr























10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr




























A +/+

B -/-

● VTA saline/systemic morphine ○ VTA mecamylamine/systemic morphine ∆ VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline ◊ VTA saline/ systemic saline

162main effect of time in wild-type mice, F(11,44) = 2.83, p<0.01, and significant main effect of

treatment, F(1, 5) = 28.45, p<0.01, and time, F(1.69, 8.48) = 8.39, p<0.05 (with Greenhouse-

Geyser adjusted degrees of freedom), but no interaction in M5 knockout mice. The time course

of the mecamylamine/saline and saline/saline locomotion, although different in magnitude, was

essentially parallel, which accounts for the lack of a statistically significant interaction. Despite

this, I compared the effect of VTA mecamylamine to VTA saline on locomotion in M5 knockout

mice a series of twelve Bonferroni corrected t-tests was used. This showed that at every time

point, VTA mecamylamine produced significantly greater locomotion relative to saline (p<0.01

at 30-90, and 110 min, and p<0.0001 at 20, 100, and 120 min). Thus, in agreement with the

analysis of total locomotion, but in contrast to B6 wild-type mice, mecamylamine produced

significantly greater locomotion for the entire two-hour testing period in M5 knockout mice.

Locomotion peaked earlier for mecamylamine (10-20 min) than for atropine (40-50 min).

163Figure 2.8. Effects of VTA treatment with 5 μg bilateral mecamylamine in (A) B6 (+/+, n=5)

and (B) M5 knockout (-/-, n=6) mice (reproduced from Figure 2.7). The green line shows

locomotion following VTA saline/systemic saline, while the red line shows locomotion

following VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline. * p<0.01 ** p<0.0001.








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

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e Tr











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

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e Tr





∗∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗

∗∗∗∗∗ ∗

A +/+

B -/-

VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline

VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr











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e Tr





∗∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗

∗∗∗∗∗ ∗







10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





∗∗∗∗ ∗∗ ∗

∗∗∗∗∗ ∗

A +/+

B -/-

VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline

VTA mecamylamine/systemic saline

VTA saline/systemic saline

165Effects of combined VTA pre-treatment with atropine and mecamylamine in M5 knockout mice

Both VTA atropine and mecamylamine strongly increased locomotor responses in M5

knockout mice, with much smaller effects in B6 wild-type mice. These data suggest that when

M5 receptors are removed, VTA dopamine neurons are inhibited by VTA muscarinic and

nicotinic receptors. Muscarinic and nicotinic antagonists in the VTA then have a net excitatory

(i.e. disinhibitory) effect on dopamine neurons (see discussion for a more detailed account). To

test the extent to which the two effects were independent, and thus additive with one another,

locomotion following a combination of bilateral VTA 3 μg atropine and 5 μg mecamylamine

was tested in a subset of the M5 knockout mice used in the atropine and mecamylamine alone


Total Locomotion

Figure 2.9 shows total locomotion across the two-hour testing period in M5 knockout

mice. The atropine/saline, mecamylamine/saline and saline/saline data are the same as for the

atropine and mecamylamine alone experiments.

Repeated-measures ANOVA of total locomotion data revealed a significant main effect

of treatment condition, F (3, 12) = 19.77, p < 0.001. Both VTA atropine (p<0.001) and VTA

mecamylamine (p<0.001) increased total locomotion significantly relative to VTA saline in this

subset of M5 knockout mice. The combination of VTA atropine and mecamylamine also

increased locomotion significantly relative to VTA saline (p<0.001). However, the locomotion

produced by combined VTA atropine and mecamylamine was not significantly different from

either treatment alone (p>0.1 relative to mecamylamine and p>0.2 relative to atropine). Thus, at

least in terms of total locomotion across the 2-hr testing period, the effect of combined VTA

atropine and mecamylamine on locomotion in M5 knockout mice was not additive.

166Figure 2.9. Total locomotion following bilateral VTA saline (0.3 μl), atropine (3 μg),

mecamylamine (5 μg), or combined atropine (3 μg) and mecamylamine (5 μg) treatment in M5

knockout mice (n=5). The saline/saline, atropine/saline, and mecamylamine/saline data are the

same as shown in Figures 2.2. and 2.6. ∗∗ p<0.001








Sal/Sal Mec/Sal Atr/Sal Mec+Atr/Sal




e Tr












Sal/Sal Mec/Sal Atr/Sal Mec+Atr/Sal




e Tr






168Locomotion Time Course

Figure 2.10 shows the time course of locomotion in M5 knockout mice. Repeated-

measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of treatment, F (3, 12) = 19.77, p < 0.0001,

that was modified by a significant interaction with time, F (33, 132) = 3.36, p < 0.000001. In this

subset of M5 knockout mice, consistent with data from the previous atropine experiment, post-

hoc analysis showed that at most time points locomotion following VTA atropine was

significantly higher relative to saline (p<0.05 at 110 min, and p<0.00001 at 20 to 100 min, and at

120 min). This effect peaked between 40 and 50 min. Further, consistent with data from the

previous mecamylamine experiment, VTA mecamylamine increased locomotion significantly

relative to VTA saline at all time points (p<0.01 at 10, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 90-120 min, and

p<0.00001 at 20, 70, and 80 min). This effect peaked between 10 and 20 min. Combined VTA

treatment with atropine and mecamylamine increased locomotion significantly relative to VTA

saline at all time points tested (p<0.01 at 10 and 20 min, and p<0.00001 at 30-120 min). While

the combination of VTA atropine and mecamylamine increased locomotion more than either

treatment alone at some time points, there was no consistent pattern in the data. Relative to VTA

atropine alone, the combination increased locomotion at 10, 40 (p<0.01), and 110 min (p<0.05),

and relative to mecamylamine alone, locomotion was reduced at 20 min (p<0.001) and then

increased at 40 (p<0.001), 50, 90 (p<0.05), 110 (p<0.001), and 120 (p<0.05) min. Interestingly,

visual inspection of the locomotion time course of the combined VTA atropine and

mecamylamine treatment suggests that it contains components of both treatments. The peak

occurred around 40 min, as it did for atropine alone, but the level of peak locomotion was higher

relative to both atropine (p<0.01) and mecamylamine (p<0.001). The fast onset of locomotion

seen following the combination is similar to what was seen with mecamylamine, but not

atropine, alone (i.e., significantly higher locomotion already at 10 min). The decline to baseline

(the full extent of which was again not observed), more closely resembled that of atropine alone,

169Figure 2.10. Locomotion time course following bilateral VTA saline (0.3 μl; green line), atropine

(3 μg; blue line), mecamylamine (5 μg; red line), or combined atropine (3 μg) and

mecamylamine (5 μg; black line) treatment in M5 knockout mice (n=5). The saline/saline,

atropine/saline, and mecamylamine/saline data are the same as shown in Figures 2.3 and 2.7.

∗ atropine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.05; ∗∗ atropine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.00001; †

mecamylamine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.01; †† mecamylamine/saline vs saline/saline

p<0.00001; ◊ atropine + mecamylamine/saline vs saline/saline p <0.01; ◊◊ atropine +

mecamylamine/saline vs saline/saline p<0.00001; § atropine + mecamylamine/saline vs

atropine/saline p<0.05; §§ atropine + mecamylamine/saline vs atropine/saline p<0.01; ƒ atropine

+ mecamylamine/saline vs mecamylamine/saline p<0.05; ƒƒ atropine + mecamylamine/saline vs

mecamylamine/saline p<0.001.








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

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e Tr




) ††◊ƒƒ







◊◊† ∗∗


























◊◊† ∗∗




















171with several time points during the second hour different from mecamylamine, but not atropine,


Chapter 2 Discussion

The data from Experiment 3 show first, that bilateral VTA pre-treatment with 3 μg

atropine reduced locomotion induced by 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine in B6 wild-type, but not in M5

knockout mice. Second, bilateral VTA pre-treatment with 5 μg mecamylamine did not alter the

locomotion induced by 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine in B6 wild-type mice, while significantly

potentiating morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice. Third, in M5 knockout mice

either intra-VTA atropine or mecamylamine strongly increased locomotion, while only slightly

increasing locomotion in wild-type mice.

Morphine-induced locomotion is blocked by intra-VTA atropine in wild-type but not M5

knockout mice

The time course of morphine-induced locomotion following VTA pre-treatment with

atropine showed that nonspecific muscarinic receptor antagonism in the VTA in B6 wild-type

mice was most effective in blocking the onset of morphine-induced locomotion. Morphine-

induced locomotion was reduced to saline levels for the first 40 min of testing, and thus

completely blocked. Thereafter, locomotion gradually increased to above saline levels, but

consistently remained below saline/morphine levels. Thus, as predicted, pharmacological

blockade of all VTA muscarinic receptors, including M5, blocked most morphine-induced

locomotion in wild-type mice. On the other hand, VTA mecamylamine did not reduce total

morphine-induced locomotion across two hours. In fact, VTA mecamylamine may have slightly

increased morphine-induced locomotion, particularly early on during testing, but this was not

supported statistically. Together, these data show that in B6 wild-type mice excitatory

cholinergic input to the VTA, thought to be important in mediating the acute locomotor effects of

morphine, is critically mediated by muscarinic, but not nicotinic receptors in VTA.

172The effects of VTA atropine (3-60 μg) treatment have been studied previously in the

context of brain-stimulation reward in rats (Kofman et al., 1990; Singh, Desiraju, & Raju, 1997;

Yeomans & Baptista, 1997). Kofman et al. (1990) reported that the effects of atropine on current

thresholds were evident within 5 min after the injection. Similarly, with a much higher dose of

atropine (100 ug), Singh et al. (2006) showed that relative to saline VTA atropine pre-treatment

reduced bar-pressing rates immediately. Both these studies are consistent with the complete

blockade of morphine-induced locomotion in the first 20 min observed here. Further, an

immediate onset effect is also what would be expected if the pharmacological agent is

administered directly into the site of action (i.e. a histologically verified VTA injection site). In

support of this, atropine injection sites dorsal to the VTA had no effect on morphine-induced


Forty min post-injection, locomotion induced by morphine started increasing to above

saline levels, suggesting that the blockade of VTA muscarinic receptors was becoming less

effective. This is again consistent with the work of Kofman et al. (1990) who reported peak

effects of atropine on current threshold within 15-50 minutes, depending on the injection site,

followed by a gradual decline over the course of the next two hours. In the current study it is

difficult to determine where exactly the peak inhibition of morphine-induced locomotion

occurred, as locomotion was equally inhibited over the first 40 min. However, the complete

blockade of morphine-induced locomotion for the entire time period is nonetheless consistent

with what Kofman et al. (1990) report.

Behaviour experiments utilizing VTA atropine in rats have previously been criticized

based on the fact that high doses of intracranial atropine may have local anesthetic effects

(discussed by Kofman & Yeomans, 1989). In these rat studies (summarized by Yeomans &

Baptista, 1997), considerably higher doses of atropine were used than in the current study (i.e.

10, 30 or 60 μg in rats vs 3 μg used here in mice), making local anesthetic effects less likely to

173account for the current results. A more convincing argument is that in wild-type mice, VTA

atropine on its own had no appreciable effect relative to saline. In fact, if anything there was a

trend of higher, albeit statistically non-significant, total locomotion following VTA atropine.

Perhaps the most convincing argument against this possibility is that in M5 knockout mice, the

same dose of VTA atropine induced very significant levels of locomotion.

Several pieces of evidence, previous to the current experiment, suggest an important role

for cholinergic inputs to the VTA in mediating the effects of morphine on dopamine. Lesions of

either the LDT (Forster et al., 2002) or PPT (Miller et al., 2002) reduced either accumbal and

striatal dopamine efflux in response to intravenous morphine in rats, and VTA scopolamine

strongly reduced accumbal dopamine efflux in response to systemic morphine (Miller et al.,

2005). Furthermore, PPT lesions blocked the expression of morphine conditioned place

preference in drug-naïve rats (Bechara et al., 1992; Nader & van der Kooy, 1997), and VTA

atropine, and to a lesser extent mecamylamine, dose-dependently reduced conditioned place

preference by systemic morphine in rats (Rezayof et al., 2007). In Experiment 1, M5 receptor

knockout mice showed significantly reduced morphine-induced locomotion suggesting that a

significant part of cholinergic input to the VTA is mediated through M5 receptors. Accordingly,

blocking VTA M5 muscarinic receptors in wild-type mice, which unfortunately can only be

accomplished with drugs like atropine or scopolamine, was expected to reduce morphine-

induced locomotion to a similar extent as systemic knockout of the M5 receptor. Indeed, this

prediction holds true when comparing the results from Experiments 1 and 3. To facilitate this

comparison, Figure 2.11 reproduces M5 knockout mouse data (Experiment 1) and morphine-

induced locomotion following VTA atropine pre-treatment in wild-type mice (Experiment 3).

This illustrates how similar the two effects are, both in terms of total locomotion (a) and in terms

of the time course of locomotion (b). The time course suggests that VTA atropine in wild-type

174Figure 2.11. A comparison on 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine-induced locomotion in B6 M5 knockout

(-/-) (n=14) and B6 wild-type (+/+) mice (n=6) following bilateral VTA pre-treatment with 3 μg

atropine. (A) Total locomotion across two hours. (B) Locomotion time course across 2 hrs. Solid

circles show B6 M5 knockout mice and open circles B6 wild-type mice with VTA atropine pre-













e Tr





-/-+/+ with VTA atropine




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (min)



e Tr





176mice reduced morphine-induced locomotion in the first 20 min more extensively than systemic

knockout of M5 receptors. This would indicate that atropine through its action on another

muscarinic receptor sub-type was further decreasing the onset of morphine-induced locomotion.

To confirm this statistically, the data were analyzed with a two-way between- (pharmacology in

wildtypes vs M5 knockouts) within-subjects (time block) ANOVA. This revealed a significant

main effect of time (F(2.89, 52) = 7.25, p<0.001, with Greenhouse-Geyser corrected degrees of

freedom) that was modified by an interaction with the group of mice (F(2.89, 52) = 3.74,

p<0.05). This interaction is not very revealing however, as it is likely due to the fact that the two

graphs cross over around 70 min. Follow-up analysis using Tukey’s HSD for unequal sample

size showed that the two groups did not differ at any of the individual time points. Therefore,

muscarinic mediation of excitatory cholinergic input to the VTA, thought to be important in

mediating the acute locomotor effects of morphine, is critically mediated by M5 muscarinic

receptors in the VTA.

Intra-VTA atropine does not reduce morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice

If cholinergic excitatory input to the VTA, involved in the acute stimulant effect of

morphine, is largely mediated by M5 receptors, then the locomotion shown by M5 knockout

mice should not be affected by VTA atropine pre-treatment, as the target receptor is absent in

these mice. Indeed, Figure 2.2b supported this conclusion, showing no attenuation of total

locomotion in M5 knockout mice. The time course of morphine-induced locomotion following

VTA atropine showed a biphasic effect of VTA atropine on morphine-induced locomotion in M5

knockout mice. For the first 20 min, atropine reduced morphine-induced locomotion just as in

wild-type mice. Thereafter, atropine increased morphine-induced locomotion for up to 70 min

post-injection, while in wild-type mice morphine-induced locomotion following atropine was

significantly reduced during the same time. Thus, VTA atropine was clearly more effective at

blocking the stimulant effect of morphine in wild-type than in M5 knockout mice. The initial

177depressant effect cannot be related to M5 as it was present regardless of whether the M5 receptor

was present or not. This may then reflect a transitory local anesthetic effect of atropine.

However, the fact that locomotion was not reduced below saline levels and that the same dose of

atropine on its own produced significant locomotion in knockout mice during the same time

period would argue against this possibility.

It is also difficult to explain the initial non-M5 mediated depression of locomotion in

terms of the action of atropine on other muscarinic receptor sub-types in the VTA. Atropine

blockade of GABAergic M3 receptors should disinhibit dopamine neurons. Blockade of terminal

M2 and/or M4 receptors should increase VTA acetylcholine levels, which in the M5 knockout

could either directly or indirectly excite dopamine neurons via somatic or terminal nicotinic

receptors, respectively. Increased VTA acetylcholine could also excite GABAergic M3 receptors,

so that GABA neurons could inhibit dopamine neurons. However, this is unlikely, as VTA

atropine should block all muscarinic receptors simultaneously. So even if there were increased

VTA acetylcholine levels due to the action of atropine on M2/M4 receptors, atropine should have

antagonized the effect of increased acetylcholine on GABAergic M3 receptors.

Intra-VTA mecamylamine increases morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice

Intra-VTA mecamylamine potentiated morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout

mice, but not in wild-type mice. The potentiation of morphine-induced locomotion was stronger

following mecamylamine than atropine. Morphine-induced locomotion was potentiated by VTA

mecamylamine between 20-120 min post-injection, while it was potentiated by VTA atropine

between 40-70 minutes.

Pre-treatment with VTA mecamylamine in M5 knockout mice increased morphine-

induced locomotion to levels seen in wild-type mice, suggesting that nicotinic antagonism in the

VTA produced a net excitation of dopamine neurons that was additive with the residual

178morphine-induced locomotion. Possible mechanisms by which this might occur are discussed

below in the context of the stimulant effects of VTA mecamylamine.

Atropine in the VTA: stimulant effects on locomotion

VTA atropine had only a slight effect on locomotion in wild-type mice, but greatly

increased locomotion in M5 knockout mice. The onset of the VTA atropine stimulant effect was

relatively slow with significant increases in locomotion not evident before 10-20 minutes, a peak

effect between 40-50 minutes, and a gradual decrease to pre-injection levels. Clearly an

extension of the testing time would have been beneficial in revealing the entire time course of the

atropine effect.

The present pharmacology experiments provided the unique opportunity to study the role

of non-M5 VTA muscarinic receptors in locomotion. The differences between wild-type and

knockout mice suggest that the inhibitory effects of other non-M5 muscarinic receptor sub-types

on locomotion only become apparent when the M5 receptor is removed. Accordingly, in the M5

knockout mouse VTA atropine inhibited what under normal circumstances would be a

muscarinic receptor-mediated inhibition of dopamine neurons (i.e., disinhibition led to increased

locomotion). In wild-type mice, on the other hand, the direct excitation of dopamine neurons

through M5 receptors overrides the indirect non-M5 mechanisms.

Which of the other VTA muscarinic receptor sub-types (M2, M3, and M4) may contribute

to the disinhibiting effect of atropine? M2 receptors are associated with the terminals of VTA

cholinergic efferents where they are thought to act as autoreceptors (see Figure 2, General

Introduction, pg. 18) (Buckley et al., 1988; Levey et al., 1991; Wei et al., 1994). Blockade of

these receptors would result in increased levels of VTA acetylcholine that may excite dopamine

neurons indirectly or directly via nicotinic receptors. However, Tzavara and colleagues (2004)

showed that neither basal levels of VTA acetylcholine nor basal levels of nucleus accumbens

179dopamine were different in M2 knockout mice relative to wild-type mice. This indicates that M2

receptors play a relatively insignificant role in regulating dopamine neurotransmission.

M4 receptors are, similar to M2 receptors, associated with the terminals of VTA

cholinergic afferents (Sugaya et al., 1997; Yasuda et al., 1992). Unlike M2 receptors, M4

receptors are thought to play a more important role in regulating dopamine transmission

(Tzavara et al., 2004). M4 knockout mice showed elevated basal levels of both VTA

acetylcholine and nucleus accumbens dopamine. In the current experiment, VTA atropine should

have led to a transient loss of M4-mediated negative feedback control of acetylcholine. Increased

acetylcholine levels may then excite dopamine neurons via nicotinic receptors. M4 receptors are

also associated with medium spiny GABAergic terminals in VTA. Blockade of these receptors

would lead to an increase in GABA release from these neurons. Increased GABA could, on the

one hand, directly depress dopamine activity by acting on somatic GABAB receptors.

Alternatively, as suggested by Tzavara and colleagues (2004), increased release of GABA would

also depress the activity of GABA interneurons in the VTA and/or substantia nigra, which

express much higher levels of GABAA receptors, in turn disinhibiting dopamine neurons. This

mechanism of indirect excitation of dopamine neurons would not be affected by antagonism of

VTA nicotinic receptors, and thus could at least in part account for the locomotion observed in

M5 knockout mice following VTA atropine.

The action of atropine on M3 receptors may also contribute to the VTA atropine-induced

locomotion observed in M5 knockout mice. In the ventral midbrain, besides M5 mRNA, M3

mRNA is the only other type detected (Vilaro et al., 1990; Weiner et al., 1990; Zubieta & Frey,

1993). Furthermore, immunolabelling and binding studies, are consistent with the expression of

M3 muscarinic receptors in the ventral midbrain. Acetylcholine efferents to the midbrain target

both dopamine and non-dopamine, presumably GABAergic, neurons. Michel and colleagues

(2004; 2005) have shown that, at least in primary mesencephalic cell cultures, identified GABA

180neurons (i.e. cells that are non-reactive for tyrosine hydroxylase) are immunopositive for M3

receptors. Furthermore, they showed that application of muscarine increased the firing rate of

GABAergic neurons, and this increase could be blocked by adding BAPTA, suggesting Ca2+

dependence. Consistent with this, application of muscarine to primary mesencephalic cell

cultures increased intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, and this effect was not blocked by co-

application of tetrodotoxin, but was blocked by co-application of atropine or the M3-selective

antagonist 4-DAMP (Michel et al., 2005). Collectively these data suggest direct cholinergic

excitation of midbrain GABA neurons via somatic M3 receptors. Given that VTA dopamine

neurons are under tonic inhibition by GABAergic afferents (Westerink, Kwint, & deVries,

1996), Michel and colleagues (2004; 2005) have suggested that M3 receptors on GABA neurons

contribute to the control of inhibitory input to dopamine neurons by local GABAergic inputs.

Accordingly, activation of M3 receptors leads to excitation of GABA neurons and consequent

inhibition of dopamine neurons.

Conceivably, in the M5 knockout mouse, VTA atropine could have blocked M3

receptors, preventing the cholinergic excitation of GABA neurons, effectively disinhibiting

dopamine neurons, resulting in increased locomotion. This mechanism would, similar to M4-

mediated mechanism described earlier, not depend on VTA nicotinic receptors, but instead

would be a GABA-mediated effect (Figure 2.12). As both the proposed M4- and the M3-

mediated mechanisms are based on net decreases in midbrain GABA levels, they should both be

action potential dependent. Thus, in a midbrain slice preparation, both should be blocked by

tetrodotoxin co-application. Alternatively, increasing GABA tone in the VTA, perhaps by

concurrent application of a GABAB agonist (the major receptor type on dopamine neurons),

should antagonize the locomotion produced by VTA atropine in the M5 knockout mice.

In wild-type mice, according to the above discussion, VTA atropine should also decrease

inhibitory GABAergic input to dopamine neurons via M3 and/or M4 receptors. Thus, in wild-

181Figure 2.12. Stimulant effects of VTA atropine in B6 M5 knockout mice. VTA atropine may

decrease GABAergic inhibition of dopamine neurons via its action on M3 and or M4 muscarinic

receptors, inducing an increase in locomotion.




















183types the net disinhibitory effect should be the same, but only a very slight increase in

locomotion following VTA atropine was observed (see Figure 2.5a). Perhaps this can be

reconciled by suggesting that in wild-type mice the non-M5 disinhibition is overshadowed by

reduced direct M5-mediated excitation. In the M5 knockout mouse, on the other hand, the direct

M5-mediated excitation of dopamine neurons has been removed, so that disinhibition may then

be the only muscarinic cholinergic means of producing net excitation. To the extent that the

suggested M3 and/or M4 mediated mechanisms of VTA atropine are correct, this is what appears

to be happening in the knockout mouse.

Mecamylamine in the VTA: stimulant effects on locomotion

In B6 wild-type mice mecamylamine, similar to atropine, had only a slight effect on

locomotion. Total locomotion across two hours was not significantly different from saline, while

the time course analysis showed there was a slight, but non-significant, increase in locomotion

relative to saline between 20 and 30 min. By contrast, in M5 knockout mice, VTA

mecamylamine induced high levels of locomotion across two hours.

VTA mecamylamine-induced locomotion in M5 knockouts increased locomotion at every

time point across the 2-hr period relative to saline. This effect had a faster onset than atropine in

the same animals, peaking between 10 and 20 min, followed by a gradual decline. Again, as was

the case with atropine, an extension of the locomotion measurement time would have been

beneficial in revealing the entire mecamylamine effect.

It is unclear whether the small increase in locomotion following VTA mecamylamine in

B6 wild-type mice reflects the same mechanism seen in M5 knockout mice, as the onset of the

effect was faster and peaked approximately 10 min earlier in the knockouts. In any case, an

increase in locomotion by pharmacological antagonism of VTA nicotinic receptors seems, at first

glance, counterintuitive. It suggests that antagonism of one or more nicotinic receptor sub-types

is inhibiting a mechanism that under normal circumstances is inhibiting the dopamine system.

184A direct effect on α4β2 or α7 receptors on dopamine cell bodies is unlikely. In the VTA

α7 receptors have been localized to both somatodendritic areas (dopaminergic and non-

dopaminergic) and efferent terminals (both glutamatergic and non-glutamatergic). Among the

terminal α7 receptors, approximately 75% are associated with glutamate terminals, as indicated

by double-labelling for either VGluT1 or VGluT2 (vesicular glutamate transporter 1 and 2,

respectively). The remaining 25% are not however associated with cholinergic terminals as

indicated by an absence of double-labelling with VachT (vesicular acetylcholine transporter)

(Jones & Wonnacott, 2004). The remaining terminal α7 receptors may be associated with

GABAergic terminals, as single-cell PCR shows that approximately 40% of GABA neurons

contain α7 mRNA. The most attention has been paid to α7 receptors on glutamatergic terminals

in the VTA as these are in a prime position to affect excitatory glutamate transmission in the

VTA. Accordingly, Schilstrom and colleagues (1997) have shown that VTA administration of

the α7 receptor antagonist methyllycaconitine (MLA) reduces accumbal dopamine release by

systemic nicotine, suggesting that antagonism of pre-synaptic glutamate release results in less

nicotine-induced excitation of the mesolimbic dopamine system. Similarly, antagonism of α7

receptors on dopamine neurons could also lead to reduced nicotine-induced dopamine release.

This evidence makes it unlikely that the effect of VTA mecamylamine seen here in M5 knockout

mice is due to effects on terminal α7 receptors, as this should lead to a reduction in accumbal

dopamine and no enhancement of locomotion.

α4 and β2 subunit mRNA are also found in VTA and substantia nigra GABA neurons, so

it is likely that these neurons also express functional α4β2 nicotinic receptors (Klink et al., 2001;

Charpantier et al., 1998). The VTA mecamylamine effect in M5 knockout mice, similar to the

atropine effect, could be explained by disinhibition of dopamine neurons through antagonist

blockade of tonic excitatory cholinergic input to GABA neurons (Figure 2.13). However, unlike

185Figure 2.13. Stimulant effects of VTA mecamylamine in B6 M5 knockout mice. VTA

mecamylamine may decrease GABAergic inhibition of dopamine neurons by blocking α4β2

receptors on GABA neurons.
























187the atropine effect, in this case there should still be a direct effect on α4β2 receptors on

dopamine cell bodies. Perhaps that direct effect is somehow overridden by GABAergic

disinhibition, or in other words the mecamylamine somehow preferentially affects α4β2

receptors on GABA neurons over dopamine neurons. If a preferential action on GABA neurons

leads to a reduction in GABA levels, then it should be action potential dependent (i.e.

tetrodotoxin should block it) and an increase in GABAergic tone should reduce the effect. It is

interesting to note that nicotine, when given acutely, is thought to act on VTA GABA neurons,

but the receptors on these neurons rapidly desensitize. What follows is a long lasting

disinhibition of VTA dopamine neurons, as desensitized nicotinic receptors on GABA neurons

are now no longer sensitive to tonic excitatory cholinergic input (Mansvelder, Keath, &

McGehee, 2002). Microdialysis data in mice showed that acute injection of nicotine (0.8 mg/kg,

s.c.) in mice increased nucleus accumbens dopamine levels for 2 and 3 hours (Zocchi et al.,

2003). In some sense the desensitization of α4β2 receptors on GABA neurons by nicotine and

their direct blockade by mecamylamine both result in an inability to respond to endogenous

cholinergic input, and in the current experiment the presumed disinhibition of dopamine neurons

elevated locomotion for at least two hours.

The stimulant effects of VTA atropine and mecamylamine are not additive in M5 knockout mice

As both the VTA atropine and mecamylamine effects are ascribed to disinhibition of

VTA dopamine neurons via two separate cholinergic receptor sub-types, it was of interest to test

whether the two effects were additive. In other words would simultaneous antagonism produce

twice as much disinhibition, resulting in even greater locomotion? The data did not really

support this. While total locomotion following a combination of atropine and mecamylamine

induced slightly greater locomotion than either antagonist alone, the difference was far from

statistically significant, and inspection of the timecourse also argues against a straight-forward

additive effect. While there were a few time points were the combination of VTA atropine and

188mecamylamine produced statistically greater locomotion than either treatment alone, no

systematic pattern was found in the data. Instead, the combination of antagonists induced a

pattern of locomotion which reflected aspects of the time course of each on its own. For

example, between 0-20 min the combination of antagonists resulted in a faster onset of

locomotion relative to atropine, virtually identical to mecamylamine. Second, over the course of

the second hour the combination was sustaining a higher level of locomotion relative to

mecamylamine (with three statistically significant time points) that was more similar to atropine.

Interstingly, the peak effect was more like that of atropine than mecamylamine in terms of when

it occurred, but greater in magnitude than either on its own.

As both mechanisms of disinhibition are thought to converge on the same target (i.e.

GABA neurons), it is unclear to what extent they should be additive. There may be a ceiling on

how much GABA neurons can be inhibited by simultaneous muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic

antagonism, and dopamine neurons consequently disinhibted. Low doses of both atropine and

mecamylamine were chosen for these experiments. The 3 μg dose of atropine was clearly very

effective in completely blocking the onset of morphine-induced locomotion in B6 wild-type

mice, and the 5 μg mecamylamine dose in potentiating morphine-induced locomotion in M5

knockout mice. In this regard more work testing the dose-dependency of both effects would be

useful. It would also provide a means of assessing threshold doses which when used in

combination may better reveal any additive effect.

The presumed disinhibition of dopamine neurons via nicotinic, and to a lesser extent

muscarinic, receptor antagonism on GABA neurons potentiated morphine-induced locomotion in

M5 knockout mice. The two effects are in some ways similar. Systemic morphine acts on μ

opioid receptors located on GABA neurons, disinhibiting dopamine neurons. Perhaps the

combination of the two in M5 knockouts, disinhibits dopamine neurons to a greater extent,

189inducing more locomotion. This argument falters, however, when considering the lack of such an

effect in wild-type mice.

Cautionary Notes

First, this entire discussion section assumes that the locomotion observed following VTA

atropine and/or mecamylamine in M5 knockout mice is dopamine-mediated locomotion, which

was not explicitly tested, for example, by assessing whether systemic or accumbens pre-

treatment with dopamine receptor antagonists attenuates or blocks the locomotion. Importantly

this must be addressed in future experiments. However, previous evidence (e.g., Tzavara et al.,

2004) suggests that the pharmacological manipulation of cholinergic receptors in Experiment 3

works via dopamine neurons in one way or another.

Second, the pharmacology experiments, particularly those involving the muscarinic

antagonist atropine and nicotinic antagonist mecamylamine, only involved VTA manipulations.

Experiment 3 tested whether VTA M5 receptors contributed to the overall reduction in

morphine-induced locomotion observed in M5 knockout mice. While, the similarity between the

effects of VTA atropine and systemic M5 knockout on morphine-induced locomotion indicate

that the M5 receptors on dopamine cell bodies are critical, it does not rule out a role for terminal

M5 receptors. Furthermore, the presence of other muscarinic receptors sub-types produces many

complex interactions (Yamada et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2002). A parallel experiment involving

atropine administration in the accumbens was not conducted. By contrast, in the VTA the effects

are easier to interpret. Here, a role for M1 and M2 can be ruled out (Tzavara et al., 2004), leaving

M3, M4, and M5 as potential mediators. The anatomical separation of these remaining subtypes

in the VTA (e.g. M3 on GABA neurons, M4 on terminals, and M5 on dopamine cellbodies)

makes interpretation a little easier.

Third, the design of Experiment 3 was not counterbalanced with respect to the order of

antagonist administration. The primary purpose of Experiment 3 was to test the effects of the

190muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine in the VTA on systemic morphine-induced locomotion

to provide a comparison for data obtained in M5 knockout mice. In order to minimize order

effects, the order of intracranial and systemic drug combinations was given according to a Latin

Square design for the atropine experiment. Ideally, the order of atropine and mecamylamine

infusions should have been counterbalanced across mice. Instead, a 2-day wash-out period was

given between atropine and mecamylamine experiments. Thus, it is possible that repeated VTA

injections (e.g., atropine and saline) prior to the mecamylamine experiment affected how mice

responded to intra-VTA mecamylamine and the combination of intra-VTA atropine and



The results from Experiments 1-3 show that excitatory muscarinic input to the VTA is

important in mediating the acute stimulant effects of morphine. In wild-type mice, the onset of

morphine-induced locomotion can be blocked and the overall extent attenuated by

pharmacological antagonism of VTA muscarinic receptors. VTA nicotinic receptors do not

appear to play a significant role in mediating cholinergic input, as pharmacological antagonism

by mecamylamine was largely ineffective in affecting morphine-induced locomotion. The strong

similarity between morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout and wild-type mice pre-treated

with VTA atropine, suggests that M5 receptors on VTA dopamine neurons are critical for

mediating excitatory and disinhibitory cholinergic input, important for the acute stimulant effects

of morphine. In support of this, atropine pre-treatment did not attenuate already reduced

morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice.

The absence of VTA M5 receptors in knockout mice revealed the role of other VTA

acetylcholine receptors on locomotion, showing that both non-M5 muscarinic and nicotinic

antagonists have a net excitatory effect on locomotion. In wild-type mice the effects of these

191other receptors appear to be overshadowed by direct excitation of dopamine neurons via M5

receptors, and consequently atropine and mecamylamine have only slight effects on locomotion.

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Chapter 3: Electrochemical measurement of dopamine in M5 knockout mice


PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux has not been studied in mice. LDT-evoked

accumbal dopamine efflux in mice shows 3 phases, with the largest 3rd phase blocked in M5

knockout mice (Forster et al., 2001). Because both VTA and SN dopamine neurons express M5

mRNA (Vilaro et al., 1990; Weiner et al., 1990), I hypothesized that the third phase of PPT-

evoked striatal dopamine efflux would similarly depend on substantia nigra M5 receptors. Thus,

the first goal of the present work was to characterize PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux in

wild-type mice and second to characterize the effects of M5 deletion. These questions were

investigated in 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice, as this was the strain chosen by Forster et

al. (2001) in their investigation of LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux.

In rats, systemic morphine strongly increases both accumbal and striatal dopamine

(Forster et al., 2002; Miller et al., 2002; Pontieri, Tanda, & Di Chiara, 1995; Zocchi et al., 2005).

Excitotoxic lesions of the PPT (Miller et al., 2002) or the LDT (Forster et al., 2002) reduced

striatal or accumbal dopamine increases, respectively, by approximately 80%. These data show

that PPT and LDT neurons are critically involved in mediating the effects of systemic morphine

on forebrain dopamine levels. A role for cholinergic inputs to midbrain dopamine neurons,

mediated through muscarinic receptors, is suggested by the fact that prior infusion of

scopolamine into the VTA reduced accumbal dopamine efflux produced by systemic morphine

(1.5 mg/kg, i.v.) by approximately 60 %, and that prior infusion of the non-selective muscarinic

receptor antagonist scopolamine into the SN completely blocked striatal dopamine efflux

produced by morphine (Miller et al., 2005). A role for M5 receptors is suggested by the fact that

systemic morphine (25 mg/kg, i.p.) increased accumbens dopamine release fact in 129SvEv x

CF1 M5 knockout mice less than in wild-type mice (Basile et al., 2002).

The VTA is most strongly implicated in the rewarding effects of opiates where they can

affect dopamine neurons via the disinhibition of local GABA neurons (Johnson & North, 1992)

199to increase the firing rate of dopamine neurons (Gysling & Wang, 1983; Matthews & German,

1984), and induce increases in nucleus accumbens dopamine (Spanagel et al., 1992). Opiates are

self-administered into the VTA (Bozarth & Wise, 1981; David & Cazala, 1994; Devine & Wise,

1994; Zangen et al., 2002) and produce place preference (Bals-Kubik et al., 1993; Nader & van

der Kooy, 1997; Olmstead & Franklin, 1997; Phillips & LePiane, 1980). Thus, to understand the

role of M5 receptors in opiate-induced dopamine activation, the effects of VTA morphine

infusion on accumbal dopamine efflux were studied in wild-type and M5 knockout mice.

In vivo Electrochemistry

Electrochemical techniques have been successfully used to measure dopamine in both

anesthetized (e.g., Forster & Blaha, 2000; 2003) and freely-moving (Di Ciano et al., 1995;

Kiyatkin et al., 1993) animals. The main advantage of in vivo electrochemistry over

microdialysis is improved temporal resolution. For example, in a rat that is bar-pressing for

intravenous heroin, electrochemical detection showed that on all but the first injection, there was

an initial decrease in dopamine that was followed by a subsequent increase. As the initial

decrease only lasted a few minutes, it would likely go undetected if measured by a microdialysis

sample collected over 20 min (Kiyatkin et al., 1993). Similarly, in the case of food reward,

electrochemical detection has revealed a more complex pattern of changes in dopamine

surrounding the act of lever pressing for food. Specifically, dopamine levels increased just before

execution of the lever press and then decreased during consumption of the food reward (Kiyatkin

& Gratton, 1994). When electrically stimulating the PPT or LDT (see General Introduction,

Figure 3, pg. 25), the first excitatory phase lasts 2-3 min and the second inhibitory phase another

3-8 minutes. The third excitatory phase has a slow onset at approximately 7-10 min (Forster &

Blaha, 2000; 2003). In a microdialysis experiment which samples every 15-20 min, the first,

second, and the onset of the third phase would all be included in a single sample.

200I used stearate-modified carbon paste electrodes in combination with two electrochemical

techniques in my experiments: voltammetry for validation of recording electrodes, and

chronoamperometry for in-vivo measurement of dopamine. Stearate-modified carbon paste

electrodes have been previously validated for their dopamine selectivity. Using side-by-side

dialysis and stearate-modified carbon-paste electrodes implanted in the striatum of awake rats,

Blaha (1996) has shown selectivity for dopamine over ascorbic acid and DOPAC. In these

experiments reverse dialysis of either ascorbic acid or DOPAC adjacent to the stearate-modified

carbon paste electrode failed to alter oxidation current while reverse dialysis of dopamine

increased the oxidation current. Furthermore, chronoamperometry has proven successful when

monitoring rapid changes in dopamine efflux over prolonged periods of time in both awake and

anesthetized animals (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Blaha, Yang, Floresco, Barr, & Phillips, 1997;

Chapman, Yeomans, Blaha, & Blackburn, 1997; Di Ciano et al., 1995). Appendix A provides a

detailed discussion of electrochemical principles and techniques as well as microdialysis.

Experiment 4: Striatal dopamine efflux in response to electrical stimulation of the

pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus is M5 knockout mice

Materials and Methods


Eight male 129 wild-type and 8 male 129 M5 knockout mice were used in this

experiment. Mice were between 4 and 8 months of age at the time of testing.

Carbon paste electrodes

Stearate-modified carbon paste electrodes were constructed according to the methods of

Blaha and Jung (1991). Briefly, 75 mg of stearate (99.9 % purity, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO)

was dissolved in 1 ml silicone oil (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) heated to 40 °C. To this

solution 1g of graphite powder (particle size < 20 μm, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was added and

201thoroughly mixed until reaching a paste-like consistency. Electrodes were constructed by

packing carbon paste into a 0.5 – 1 mm well, created by pushing the Teflon coating off a Teflon-

coated stainless-steel wire (Medwire, Mount Vernon, NY) beyond the tip of a ~10 cm piece of

wire. The carbon paste was packed into the well tightly by dropping the electrode on its tip on a

glass plate several times. The surface of the electrode tip was investigated under a microscope to

ensure that there were no cracks or grooves in the surface of the carbon paste.


Mice were anesthetized with urethane (1.5 g/kg, i.p.; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).

Each mouse was mounted in a stereotaxic frame (David Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA or

MyNeuroLab, St. Louis, MO) using rat earbars (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL) and a mouse head-

holder (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL). Temperature was maintained at 37 ± 0.5°C with a

temperature-regulated heating pad (TC-1000; CWE Inc., New York, NY). A single concentric,

bipolar stimulating electrode (SNE-100; Rhodes Medical Co., Woodland Hills, CA) was

implanted into the left PPT of each mouse (A/P -0.5 mm from lambda, M/L 1.2 mm, D/V -2.9

mm from dura) according to the atlas of Paxinos and Franklin (2004). A single stearate-modified

carbon paste electrodes was implanted into the left striatum of each mouse (A/P +1.4 mm from

bregma, M/L 1.5 mm, D/V -2.3 mm from dura). A combination silver/silver chloride and

stainless-steel auxiliary electrode was placed into contact with the contralateral parietal cortex.

In vitro verification of carbon paste electrodes

Prior to implantation, working electrodes were tested in vitro. The working electrode and

combination reference/auxiliary electrode were submerged in a glass container containing 15 ml

of a 0.01M phosphate-buffered saline solution. This container was placed on a battery-operated

magnetic stirrer (Model # PM1, Cole-Palmer, Vernon Hills, IL). A linear sweep voltammogram

(LSV) was obtained by steadily ramping the potential applied to the working electrode from

-0.15V to 0.5V vs the Ag/AgCl electrode at 20 mV/sec using an electrometer (Echempro; GMA

202Technologies, Inc., Vancouver, Canada). Subsequently, discrete quantities of a freshly-prepared

2mM solution of dopamine (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO; 37.9 g dopamine hydrochloride

dissolved in 90 ml double distilled water and 10 ml 0.1M perchloric acid) were added to achieve

a 1 μM concentration of dopamine in the phosphate-buffered saline solution. The solution was

gently stirred and after a period of 5 sec, another LSV was obtained. This process was repeated

for between 3 to 5 additions of 1 μM dopamine to confirm, first, that peak current was always

obtained at the same potential and, second, that the relative increases in peak current were

consistent across consecutive 1 μM additions of dopamine.

Electrochemical recordings

After in vivo implantation of working and reference electrodes, the working

characteristics of the recording electrode were evaluated by applying 2-3 linear sweep

voltammetry sweeps with semidifferentiation (LSV-SD) (saw-tooth wave potential -0.15 to 0.45

V vs Ag-AgCl; ramp rate 10-20 mV/sec) to the recording electrode. After confirming the

presence of a dopamine peak in the voltammogram, repetitive chronoamperometric

measurements of oxidation current were made by applying a potential pulse from -0.15 V to

+0.25 V to the recording electrode for 1 sec at 30 sec intervals and monitoring the current for the

final 50 ms of each 1-sec pulse (Blaha & Philips, 1996). After at least 30 minutes of baseline

recordings, PPT stimulation was applied and changes in dopamine oxidation current were

monitored up to 80 minutes.

Electrical stimulation

A series of cathodal monophasic current (400 μA) pulses (0.5 ms duration) were

delivered to the concentric, bipolar stimulating electrode implanted in the PPT via a

programmable pulse generator (Master-8; A.M.P.I., Jerusalem, Israel) in combination with a

constant-current stimulus isolation unit (Iso-Flex; A.M.P.I., Jerusalem, Israel). Each stimulation

of the PPT consisted of a 1 sec, 35 Hz train of pulses (1 sec inter-train interval) applied over a 60

203sec period (1050 pulses in total). These parameters were designed to mimic spontaneous firing

patterns of LDT neurons in awake, naturally aroused animals (Steriade et al., 1990).

Furthermore, in urethane-anesthetized rats these parameters (at 800 μA) have been shown to

evoke a tri-phasic pattern of striatal dopamine efflux (Forster & Blaha, 2003).

Systemic scopolamine injections

Subsequent to monitoring the effect of PPT stimulation on striatal dopamine release, a

sub-set of mice (4 wild-type and 4 M5 knockout) was injected with the non-selective muscarinic

receptor antagonist scopolamine hydrobromide (5 mg/kg, i.p.; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).

Thirty minutes later, the PPT was again stimulated and changes in striatal dopamine oxidation

current were monitored for 80 minutes.

Data Analysis

Pre-stimulation baseline chronoamperometric currents were normalized to zero current

values, with stimulated change in oxidation current presented as absolute changes (increases as

positive and decreases as negative). The maximal PPT-evoked dopamine current for each of the

3 phases was obtained for individual wild-type and M5 knockout mice. In the case of the 8 mice

that were pre-treated with scopolamine, maximal PPT-evoked dopamine currents for each of the

3 phases after scopolamine were also obtained and compared to pre-stimulation values. Mean

peak current (in nanoamperes) and peak times (in minutes) for each phase were compared

between wild-type and M5 knockout mice (two-tailed unpaired t-test) and before and after

scopolamine in wild-type and knockout mice (two-tailed paired t-test). The peak time of the third

component, which was strongly reduced in M5 knockout mice, was not statistically analyzed.


On completion of the experiment, a PPT lesion was made by passing direct current (100

μA for 5 sec) through the concentric bipolar stimulating electrode. Mice were killed with a 0.25

ml intracardial injection of urethane. Brains were removed and put into a 10% formalin solution

204containing 0.1% potassium ferricyanide. Brains were then sectioned on a Vibratome, examined

under a light microscope, and compared to atlas sections (Paxinos & Franklin, 2004). The iron

deposit created by the DC lesion reacted with the potassium ferricyanide to form a Prussian blue

spot, clearly marking the PPT stimulation site.


In-vitro verification of carbon paste electrodes

Figure 3.1 shows representative examples of a stearate-modified carbon paste electrode

used for all chronoamperomtery experiments (i.e., Experiments 4 and 5). Each successive 1 μM

addition of dopamine to the phosphate-buffered saline solution consistently produced a current

peak at approximately 150 mV. Furthermore, the relative increase in peak current for each

additional 1 μM addition of dopamine was consistent, with each addition producing a current

increase between 0.2 and 0.3 nA (Figure 3.1a).

For comparison, the responsiveness of a stearate-modified carbon paste electrode to 250

μM ascorbic acid is shown in Figure 3.1b. While dopamine and ascorbic acid share the same

oxidation potential (see Appendix A, Figure A1), the addition of stearate to the carbon paste

shifted the peak oxidation potential of ascorbic acid to a more positive value (Blaha, 1996). In

this example, the peak was not fully evident as the voltage sweep was run up to a value of 500

mV. This indicates that the peak oxidation potential for ascorbic acid with the stereate-modified

carbon paste electrodes used in the present experiments is ≥ 500 mV. In subsequent

chronoamperometry studies potential pulses were always stepped from -150 to 250 mV. Thus the

contribution of ascorbic acid to the recorded oxidation potential should be minimal.

In vivo verification of carbon paste electrodes

Figure 3.1c shows a representative example of two consecutive voltammograms obtained

in vivo in the dorsolateral striatum of a 129 wild-type mouse. The voltammogram shows a

current peak at around 150 mV, the same voltage potential at which peaks were obtained in vitro

205Figure 3.1. Representative examples of an in-vitro calibration (A and B) and in-vivo test (C) of a

stearate-modified carbon paste electrode. (A) In vitro dopamine (DA) tests. The graph shows 7

linear sweep voltammograms (-0.15V to 0.5V vs the Ag/AgCl electrode at 20 mV/sec). The

bottom two traces (0 μM DA) show baseline sweeps without dopamine. Each subsequent sweep

represents a successive addition of 1 μM dopamine. Numbers next to traces indicate

concentrations of dopamine in the phosphate-buffered saline solution. (B) In vitro ascorbic acid

(AA) tests. The figure shows 4 linear sweep voltammograms (-0.15V to 0.5V vs the Ag/AgCl

electrode at 20 mV/sec). The bottom two traces (0 μM AA) show baseline sweeps without

ascorbic acid. The top two sweeps were run in succession after addition of 250 μM ascorbic acid.

(C) In vivo semi-derivative voltammograms (-0.15 to 0.45 V vs Ag-AgCl at 20 mV/sec).

Selectivity for dopamine is shown by the correspondence in peak potential between in vitro (A)

and in vivo (C) sweeps.


-1 Sweep Value (mV)-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500








0 μM DA

5 μM DA4 μM DA

3 μM DA

2 μM DA1 μM DA

-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500








0 μM DA

5 μM DA4 μM DA

3 μM DA

2 μM DA1 μM DA

-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500







Sweep Value (mV)





-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500







Sweep Value (mV)







-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500





-1 Sweep Value (mV)





0 μM AA

250 μM AA



-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500





-1 Sweep Value (mV)





0 μM AA

250 μM AA



207with addition of only dopamine (i.e., compare Figures 3.1a and 3.1c).


The locations of electrochemical recording electrodes and PPT stimulation electrodes are

shown in Figures 3.2 (stimulating) and 3.3 (recording). The recording electrodes were confined

within the boundaries of the striatum, between 0.98-1.70 mm anterior to bregma in both wild-

type and M5 knockout mice. PPT stimulating electrodes are shown on sagittal sections to better

illustrate placements along the rostro-caudal extent of the PPT. Stimulating electrodes in both

wild-type and M5 knockout mice were distributed along the rostro-caudal axis of the PPT.

Current spread around the electrode tips was estimated to be around 0.75 mm (Forster & Blaha,

2000; Yeomans, Maidment, & Bunney, 1988). Given that the entire rostro-caudal extent of the

PPT in the mouse brain is approximately 0.8 mm, it is likely that the current spread associated

with stimulation sites in the most caudal or most rostral portions of the PPT affected most Ch5

neurons. Indeed, data obtained from the more rostral and most caudal PPT sites did not differ


Striatal dopamine release

Electrical stimulation of the PPT in wild-type mice (Figure 3.4a black line) produced a

pattern of striatal dopamine efflux that was similar, but not identical, to what has been previously

observed following PPT-evoked striatal and LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in rats

(Forster & Blaha, 2000; 2003) and LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in 129 wild-type

mice (Forster et al., 2001). The main differences from previous data were that in the present data

the second phase was smaller and the third phase larger. Table 2 shows the mean peak magnitude

and peak time of each of the three phases in wild-type mice. PPT stimulation produced a fast-

onset (< 30 sec) first phase of increased dopamine oxidation current that was time-locked to the

PPT electrical stimulation, and peaked at 1.25 min (phase 1). This was followed by a decline in

dopamine oxidation current that peaked at 4.25 min (phase 2). However, unlike previous data

208Figure 3.2. Sagittal sections of the mouse brain showing placements of PPT stimulating

electrodes in 129 wild-type (open triangles, n=8) and M5 knockout mice (open circles, n=8).

Sections were adapted from the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (2004). Numbers above individual

sections show lateral distance in millimeters from the midline.









210Figure 3.3. Coronal sections of the mouse brain showing placements of striatal recording

electrodes in 129 wild-type (open triangles, n=8) and M5 knockout mice (open circles, n=8).

Sections were adapted from the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (2004). Numbers next to individual

sections show distance in millimeters from bregma.


+ 0.98

+ 1.54

+ 1.42

+ 1.70

+ 1.10

+ 1.18

212characterizing PPT-induced striatal dopamine release in rats (Forster & Blaha, 2003) or LDT-

evoked accumbal dopamine in mice (Forster et al., 2001), dopamine oxidation current during the

second phase never declined to below baseline levels. Approximately 5-6 min after PPT

stimulation, dopamine oxidation currents began to increase (third phase). This third phase peaked

at 33 min and had a mean duration of 68.13 ± 3.68 min. Furthermore, the third excitatory

component was approximately 3.4 times as large as the first, and >30 times longer. By contrast,

LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in 129 wild-type mice produced a third phase that was

approximately twice the size of the first and >14 times longer (Forster et al., 2001).

PPT stimulation in M5 knockout mice also produced a tri-phasic pattern of striatal

dopamine efflux (Figure 3.4a gray line and Table 2). Neither the peak oxidation current nor the

peak time of the first or second phase differed significantly between M5 and wild-type mice (all

p’s>0.1). By contrast, the third excitatory phase was strongly reduced in M5 knockout mice, with

the peak oxidation current significantly lower compared to wild-type mice (t(14)=3.38, p<0.01).

Effects of systemic scopolamine pre-treatment on PPT-evoked dopamine efflux

In wild-type mice, systemic administration of scopolamine 30 min prior to PPT

stimulation did not alter the peak (t(3) = 1.00, p>0.3), or the peak time (t(3) = 0.39, p>0.7) of the

first phase. Contrary to expectation, the second phase was enhanced, with mean peak amplitude

now below baseline, resulting in a statistical difference relative to the pre-scopolamine baseline

peak (t(3)=3.94, p<0.05). Pre-treatment with scopolamine almost completely abolished the third

phase (t(3)=7.53, p<0.01) in wild-type mice (Figure 3.4b).

In M5 knockout mice (Figure 3.4c), systemic administration of scopolamine 30 min prior

to PPT stimulation did not affect the first phase in terms of either its peak (p>0.5) or peak time

(p>0.5). Unlike, wild-type mice, the second phase was not affected either in terms of peak

(p>0.4) or peak time (p>0.2). Scopolamine had no effect on the already strongly reduced third

phase in M5 knockout mice (p>0.9).

213Figure 3.4. Striatal dopamine efflux following electrical stimulation of the PPT in wild-type

(+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-) mice. In all cases solid, thick lines represent average dopamine

oxidation current across mice, and thin lines represent ± SEM. (A) phases of PPT-evoked striatal

dopamine efflux in 129 wild-type (black trace, n=8) and M5 knockout (gray trace, n=8).

Numbers indicate the first (1), second (2), and third (3) phases of the triphasic response. (B)

Effects of scopolamine (5 mg/kg, i.p.) pre-treatment on PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux in a

sub-set of 129 wild-type mice (n=4) shown in (A). The black trace shows baseline PPT-evoked

dopamine efflux and the gray trace PPT-evoked dopamine efflux following systemic

scopolamine. (C) Effects of scopolamine (5 mg/kg, i.p.) pre-treatment on PPT-evoked striatal

dopamine efflux in a sub-set of M5 knockout mice (n=4 per group) shown in (A). The black trace

shows baseline PPT-evoked dopamine effluxe and the gray trace PPT-evoked dopamine efflux

following systemic scopolamine.


-10 10 30 50 70 90














-10 10 30 50 70 90



e O







Time (min)



e O







Time (min)

-10 10 30 50 70 90



e O







Time (min)
















-10 10 30 50 70 90



























-10 10 30 50 70 90



e O







Time (min)



e O







Time (min)

-10 10 30 50 70 90



e O







Time (min)























215Table 2: Effects of PPT stimulation on dopamine oxidation current recorded from the striatum of

129 wild-type (WT) and M5 knockout (KO) mice before and after administration of systemic

scopolamine (5 mg/kg, i.p.). * p<0.05 relative to wild-type control, † p<0.05 relative to

respective within-animal control.

Group (n)

M5 KO (8)

M5 KO (4)

M5 KO (4)

Drug Peak (nA) Peak Time (min) Peak (nA)Peak Time (min)Peak (nA)

WT (8) none




0.972 ± 0.18 1.25 ± 0.21 0.29 ± 0.31 4.25 ± 0.28 3.34 ± 0.45

0.634 ± 0.15 1.50 ± 0.21 0.217 ± 0.1 4.37 ± 0.21 1.07 ± 0.49*

WT (4)

WT (4)



0.744 ± 0.28 1.25 ± 0.40 0.113 ± 0.56 4.25 ± 0.43 3.86 ± 1.42

0.633 ± 0.26 1.12 ± 0.12 -0.43 ± 0.50† 4.75 ± 0.25 0.448 ± 0.14†

0.687 ± 0.31 1.75 ± 0.43 0.363 ± 0.17 4.62 ± 0.24 0.62 ± 0.40*

0.609 ± 0.21 1.62 ± 0.59 0.439 ± 0.12 4.37 ± 0.62 0.613 ± 0.24

First (+) Second (-) Third (+)

Peak Time (min)

33.25 ± 4.25

28.36 ± 6.29

36.62 ± 5.77

38.62 ± 10.96

23.00 ± 3.17

15. 13 ± 3.55

Group (n)

M5 KO (8)

M5 KO (4)

M5 KO (4)

Drug Peak (nA) Peak Time (min) Peak (nA)Peak Time (min)Peak (nA)

WT (8) none




0.972 ± 0.18 1.25 ± 0.21 0.29 ± 0.31 4.25 ± 0.28 3.34 ± 0.45

0.634 ± 0.15 1.50 ± 0.21 0.217 ± 0.1 4.37 ± 0.21 1.07 ± 0.49*

WT (4)

WT (4)



0.744 ± 0.28 1.25 ± 0.40 0.113 ± 0.56 4.25 ± 0.43 3.86 ± 1.42

0.633 ± 0.26 1.12 ± 0.12 -0.43 ± 0.50† 4.75 ± 0.25 0.448 ± 0.14†

0.687 ± 0.31 1.75 ± 0.43 0.363 ± 0.17 4.62 ± 0.24 0.62 ± 0.40*

0.609 ± 0.21 1.62 ± 0.59 0.439 ± 0.12 4.37 ± 0.62 0.613 ± 0.24

First (+) Second (-) Third (+)

Peak Time (min)

33.25 ± 4.25

28.36 ± 6.29

36.62 ± 5.77

38.62 ± 10.96

23.00 ± 3.17

15. 13 ± 3.55


The present data provide further evidence that M5 muscarinic receptors are important in

mediating prolonged excitation of midbrain dopamine neurons. Electrical stimulation of the PPT

in 129 wild-type mice produced two phases of increased striatal dopamine efflux. Comparable to

what has previously been shown with PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux in rats (Forster &

Blaha, 2003), the first of the two excitatory phases had a fast onset and short duration (phase 1),

while the second had a slower onset and longer duration (phase 3). In contrast to PPT-evoked

striatal dopamine efflux in rats, there was only a small inhibitory, second phase, that did not

decrease below baseline levels (phase 2). The third, excitatory phase of prolonged striatal

dopamine efflux was strongly reduced in M5 knockout mice. Furthermore, in wild-type mice

systemic pre-treatment with the non-selective muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine

completely blocked the third, excitatory phase of striatal dopamine efflux. Previously, Forster &

Blaha (2003) have shown that in rats the third phase is similarly blocked by either systemic

scopolamine or substantia nigra administration of scopolamine. This is consistent with an

important role of midbrain muscarinic receptors in mediating prolonged excitatory activation of

the nigrostriatal dopamine system. The present data on striatal dopamine release extend previous

work in M5 knockout mice showing a similar reduction in the third phase of prolonged accumbal

dopamine efflux following electrical stimulation of the LDT (Forster et al., 2001), showing that

substantia nigra M5 receptors (Vilaro et al., 1990; Weiner et al., 1990) play a critical role in

mediating excitatory cholinergic input to the nigrostriatal dopamine system.

The present data also extend previous work in rats by showing that in mice PPT

stimulation facilitates striatal dopamine efflux in two excitatory phases. The first phase increase

was evident within 30 sec of electrical stimulation and peaked between 1 and 1.5 min. In rats,

this phase has been shown to be mediated by nicotinic cholinergic receptors and ionotropic

glutamatergic receptors in the substantia nigra (Forster & Blaha, 2003). Neither M5 receptor

217deletion nor systemic muscarinic receptor antagonism significantly affected this phase,

suggesting that it is independent of muscarinic receptors. Instead, similar to rats, it likely

depends on substantia nigra nicotinic cholinergic and/or ionotropic glutamatergic receptors. The

fact that the first phase was not affected by either muscarinic manipulation suggests that there

were no compensatory changes in either nicotinic or ionotropic glutamatergic receptors.

The third phase (i.e. the second excitatory phase) had a slow onset, beginning at about 5-

6 min after PPT stimulation and lasting approximately 70 minutes. It is interesting to note that

the longer duration of the third phase following PPT (~ 46 min; Forster & Blaha, 2003) relative

to LDT (~ 36 min; Forster & Blaha, 2000) stimulation observed in rats, also appears to be true

for mice, where the third phase of LDT-evoked accumbens dopamine efflux had an approximate

duration of 50 minutes (Forster et al., 2001). The slow onset of the third phase is consistent with

mediation through metabotropic M5 receptors.

To calculate the M5 contribution to overall PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux, average

oxidation current in M5 knockout mice was subtracted from that in wild-type mice (Figure 3.5).

This shows that following electrical stimulation of the PPT, M5 receptors mediate a gradual

increase in striatal dopamine release with the greatest rise occurring between 5 and 22 minutes,

and a peak around 30 min. Previously, M5 receptors have been shown to mediate prolonged

pilocarpine-induced salivation (15-60 min after i.p. injection) (Takeuchi et al., 2002). Also, N-

methyl-scopolamine binding to M5 receptors in cultured cells has been shown to be the slowest

of the sub-types, with an association half-life of 6 minutes and a dissociation half-life of 20.5

min (Ferrari-DiLeo, Waelbroeck, Mash, & Flynn, 1994). This evidence indicates that the M5-

dependent excitation of striatal dopamine efflux begins during the second phase, possibly

masking the inhibitory effect of the second phase.

In contrast to the data on accumbens dopamine efflux following LDT stimulation, in the

present data there was some indication that systemic scopolamine pre-treatment in wild-type

218Figure 3.5. M5 receptor contribution to PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux in 129 mice. The

graph shows the difference in mean oxidation current between 129 wild-type (n=8) and M5

knockout (n=8) mice.


-10 10 30 50 70









e O







Time (min)


220mice blocked the third phase more completely than systemic deletion of M5 receptors in

knockouts (compare Figures 3.4a and 3.4b). Although, statistical comparison of peak oxidation

currents between these two conditions did not provide significance (p>0.4), it is the case that

peak oxidation current of the third phase was still above baseline in M5 knockouts (unlike LDT-

evoked accumbal dopamine efflux, Forster et al., 2001), but was reduced to baseline in wild-type

mice by systemic scopolamine pre-treatment. This suggests that there may be a second non-M5

muscarinic receptor-mediated mechanism that makes a small contribution to prolonged striatal

dopamine efflux. In wild-type mice given systemic scopolamine this contributing muscarinic

mechanism would then be blocked along with the direct M5-mediated excitation of nigral

dopamine neurons, resulting in more complete blockade of the third phase.

Alternatively, systemic scopolamine could be affecting striatal dopamine efflux via its

effects on M1-M5 striatal muscarinic receptors. However, striatal effects should produce a mix of

dopamine excitation and inhibition (Yamada et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2002), and so are hard to


Another problem with interpreting the systemic scopolamine data, is that the drug

simultaneously acts in many places. In this regard, previous data suggest that scopolamine action

in the PPT, where M2 muscrinic receptors are found (Vilaro et al., 1990, 1994) should not have a

direct effect on the third phase, as PPT methoctramine infusion did not affect the third phase

(Forster & Blaha, 2003).

In rat studies, as well as the study of LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in 129

mice, systemic scopolamine prolonged the duration of the second phase (Forster & Blaha, 2000;

2003; Forster et al., 2001). In the current experiment, systemic scopolamine produced a second

phase that peaked below baseline levels with oxidation current remaining below baseline until 20

min. A prolonged second phase that extends into the time window of the ascending portion of the

third phase could result in a further reduction in third phase peak oxidation currents.

221It is also unlikely that scopolamine effects on substantia nigra GABA neuron M3

receptors played a major role, as this should have resulted in a disinhibition of the nigrostriatal

dopamine system and consequently an increase in striatal dopamine efflux. It is interesting to

consider, however, that the scenario may be somewhat different in the M5 knockout mouse. In

Chapter 2 intra-VTA infusions of atropine increased locomotion significantly in M5 knockout

mice but not in wild-type mice. One way to interpret this difference is that in the knockout

mouse muscarinic excitation of the dopamine system is shifted from direct excitation (through

M5 receptors) to indirect disinhibition via non-M5 muscarinic receptors (see Chapter 2

Discussion). Accordingly, it may be that in the knockout mouse, cholinergic input to the

substantia nigra produced by electrical stimulation of the PPT reveals the indirect contribution of

M3 receptors, resulting in a small increase in striatal dopamine efflux. If this were a major factor,

then systemic scopolamine should have blocked that M3-mediated component in the M5

knockout mouse. Clearly, the small third phase in M5 knockout mice was not additionally

reduced by scopolamine (Figure 3.4c).

One aspect of the present data is at odds with previous data investigating PPT-evoked

striatal (Forster & Blaha, 2003) and LDT-evoked accumbal (Forster & Blaha, 2000) dopamine

efflux in rats and LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in mice (Forster et al., 2001). In the

three previous studies the second, inhibitory phase of dopamine release was always characterized

by a decrease of either striatal or accumbal dopamine efflux to below baseline levels. This was

not the case in the present experiment, where the second phase was characterized by only a very

small decrease that did not go below baseline levels in either wild-type or M5 knockout mice. By

comparison to LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux in the same mouse strain, the third

excitatory phase was also much larger relative to the first (~ 2 times for LDT and ~ 3.4 times for

PPT) and had a slightly faster onset (~ 8 min for LDT and 5-6 min for PPT). Thus it may be that

the third excitatory phase of striatal dopamine efflux in wild-type mice was more powerful

222relative to the third phase of accumbal dopamine efflux, and so overshadowed the full extent of

the second phase. This is consistent with Figure 3.5, which shows that the M5-mediated third

phase began at 5 min, thus overlapping with the second phase. Furthermore, in wild-type mice

pre-treatment with scopolamine, which blocked the third phase, increased the magnitude of the

second phase and extended its duration.

A consequence of a smaller second phase was that the extent of the first phase was better

revealed. In the present data the duration of the first phase was clearly longer than for LDT-

evoked accumbal dopamine efflux. It may be that in Forster et al.’s (2001) experiment the full

extent was overshadowed by the stronger second phase. In rats the second phase is mediated

through M2 autoreceptors in PPT and LDT, where, at least in the rat brain, high levels of M2

mRNA are detected (Buckley et al., 1988; Levey et al., 1991; Wei et al., 1994). The present data

in mice suggest that the M2-mediated inhibition of PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux in mice

is less than what is seen in rats. Whether this means that PPT M2 autoreceptors play a lesser role

in inhibiting cholinergic input to the substantia nigra or ventral tegmental area in mice than in

rats is unclear.

Functionally, this work further supports a role for M5 receptors in dopamine-mediated

behaviours. As previously suggested (Forster & Blaha, 2003; Forster et al., 2001) it is likely that

M5 receptors contribute more to the maintenance of dopamine-dependent behaviour rather than

the initiation, which would likely depend more on mediation through faster nicotinic cholinergic

or ionotropic glutamatergic mechanisms. This is consistent with evidence that M5 receptors in

VTA are necessary for the maintenance of brain-stimulation reward (Yeomans et al., 2000). This

is also consistent with evidence that nigral muscarinic receptors are necessary for the long-

lasting striatal dopamine release produced by systemic morphine (Miller et al., 2005) and that

rats with PPT lesions show lower break points for heroin self-administration (Olmstead et al.,

1998). Furthermore, reduced striatal dopamine efflux in response to morphine in PPT-lesioned

223rats is associated with significantly attenuated stereotypy induced by 2 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine

(Miller et al., 2002). This suggests that PPT input to the nigrostriatal dopamine system is

important for morphine-related stereotypic behaviour, for which the present data would predict

an important role for M5 receptors. In 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice, morphine-induced

locomotion was studied across three doses (3, 10, and 30 mg/kg, i.p.; see Chapter 1), but in no

case was stereotypy ever observed. It may be of interest compare morphine-induced stereotypy,

possibly induced by higher (> 30 mg/kg) doses of morphine, between wild-type and M5

knockout mice.

Experiment 5: Accumbal dopamine efflux in response to intra-VTA morphine in M5

knockout mice

Materials and Methods


Fourteen male 129 wild-type and 4 male 129 M5 knockout mice were used in these

experiments. All mice were between 2 and 4 months of age at the time of testing.


Mice were anesthetized with urethane (1.5 g/kg, i.p.; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).

Each mouse was mounted in a stereotaxic frame (David Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA or

MyNeuroLab, St. Louis, MO) using rat earbars (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL) and a mouse head-

holder (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL). Temperature was maintained at 37 ± 0.5°C with a

temperature-regulated heating pad (TC-1000; CWE Inc., New York, NY). A single 26 gauge

guide cannula (Plastics One, Roanoke, VA) was implanted 1mm dorsal to the left VTA of each

mouse (A/P +0.9 mm from lambda, M/L 0.4 mm D/V -4.4 mm from dura) according to the atlas

of Paxinos and Franklin (2004). For VTA injections, a 33 gauge injector cannula was inserted

that protruded 1 mm past the tip of the guide cannula, and was connected to a Hamilton

224microsyringe via Tygon tubing. A single stearate-modified carbon paste electrodes was

implanted into the left nucleus accumbens of each mouse (A/P +1.4 mm from bregma, M/L 0.8

mm, D/V -3.6 mm from dura) according to the atlas of Paxinos and Franklin (2004). A

combination silver/silver chloride and stainless-steel auxiliary electrode was placed into contact

with the contralateral parietal cortex.

VTA Injections

Following both in-vitro and in-vivo tests of the working electrode (see Experiment 6)

repetitive chronoamperometric measurements of oxidation current were performed as described

for Experiment 6. After at least 30 min of baseline recordings, VTA injections were applied and

changes in dopamine oxidation current were monitored for 2-3 hrs.

Changes in accumbal dopamine oxidation current following 50 ng intra-VTA morphine

(Sigma, St. Louis, MO) were tested in 4 wild-type and 4 M5 knockout mice. In an additional 4

wild-type mice, changes in accumbal dopamine oxidation current in response to 50 ng intra-VTA

morphine were measured following VTA pre-treatment with 50 μg scopolamine hydrobromide

(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) 10 min prior to the morphine injection. In an additional 6 wild-

type mice, changes in accumbal dopamine oxidation current in response to 50 ng intra-VTA

morphine were measured following systemic pre-treatment with naltrexone hydrochloride (1

mg/kg, i.p.; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) 5 min prior to VTA morphine injection.


Morphine sulfate pentahydrate, scopolamine hydrobromide, and naltrexone

hydrochloride were all dissolved in sterile 0.9% saline. Intra-VTA injections were done at a

volume of 0.5 μl, and systemic naltrexone injections at a volume of 10 ml/kg.



Figure 3.6 shows VTA injection sites of individual wild-type and M5 knockout mice.

225Injection sites of mice in the various treatment conditions were confined within the boundaries of

the VTA and were spread along its rostro-caudal extent. Recording sites in the nucleus

accumbens were confined to the core region between 0.98 and 1.54 mm anterior to bregma. Only

mice in which both the injection and recording sites were within the intended target structures

were used for subsequent analysis. Thus, two mice used in the naltrexone experiment in which

injection sites were dorsal to the VTA were not included. Data from these mice is separately

shown in Figure 3.8B.

VTA morphine injections in wild-type and M5 knockout mice

Injection of 50 ng morphine into the VTA of wild-type mice produced a delayed onset

increase in accumbens dopamine efflux starting between 10 and 20 minutes (16.5 ± 7.87 min),

that steadily increased over the course of the next two hours. Over the course of the final 50

minutes, dopamine oxidation currents started to level off, but in no case returned back to baseline

levels (Figure 3.7a). The extent to which dopamine efflux leveled off during this time varied

greatly between individual wild-type mice (see Figure 3.7b-i for individual animal data). By

contrast, in M5 knockout mice the same dose of intra-VTA morphine produced a decrease in

accumbens dopamine efflux, starting at about 5 minutes (5.87 ± 2.01 min), that returned to

baseline levels by approximately 90 minutes (92.0 ± 9.78 min), and subsequently showed a

comparatively slight increase above baseline over the final 80 minutes. A between-within

repeated-measures ANOVA with genotype as the between-subjects factor and time as the within-

subjects factor revealed a significant interaction between genotype and time (F (344, 1376)

=11.59, p<0.0001), confirming that the temporal profile of accumbal dopamine efflux produced

by intra-VTA morphine was different between wild-type and M5 knockout mice. Post- hoc

analysis using Fischer’s LSD test showed that starting at 32 minutes and all the way to 165 min,

individual comparisons between wild-type and M5 knockout mice showed significantly reduced

226Figure 3.6. VTA injection sites (A) and nucleus accumbens recording sites (B). Open circles

show placements from M5 knockout mice (n=4) injected with 50 ng intra-VTA morphine; open

triangles show placements from wild-type mice (n=4) injected with 50 ng intra-VTA morphine;

stars show placements from wild-type mice (n=4) pre-treated with 50 μg intra-VTA scopolamine

followed by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine (the red star in (B) indicates wild-type mouse 51 with the

most dorsal recording site, see text for discussion); open squares show placements from wild-

type mice (n=6) pre-treated with 1 mg/kg (i.p.) naltrexone followed by 50 ng intra-VTA

morphine (the two red squares in (A) show two mice in which the morphine injection was dorsal

to the VTA, see text for discussion). Numbers next to individual sections indicated the distance

from bregma in millimeters. Numbers next to placements identify individual mice (W = wild-

type, KO = M5 knockout).


-3.80KO4 W19







W49 W51



KO2 W21



-3.80KO4 W19







W49 W51




KO2 W21

-3.80KO4 W19

W46 -3.80KO4 W19



W13 -3.64KO6W24





W49 W51




W49 W51



KO2 W21

-3.16W44 -3.16W44




KO2 W21





















































0.98W27 0.980.98W27






229Figure 3.7. Changes in nucleus accumbens dopamine efflux produced by 50 ng intra-VTA

morphine. (A) Mean change in acumbal dopamine efflux in 129 wild-type (black line, n=4) and

M5 knockout (gray line, n=4) mice. Solid, thick lines represent average dopamine oxidation

current across mice, and thin lines represent ± SEM. (B-I) Changes in accumbal dopamine efflux

produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine in individual mice whose average is shown in (A). WT

= wild-type, KO = M5 knockout.


-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0






-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0







e O







Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0






Time (min)

Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




Time (min)

Time (min)

Time (min)3



Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0






-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0


-1 Time (min)



e O









e O






)WT 11

WT 27

WT 24

WT 13

KO 2

KO 3

KO 4

KO 6









-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0






-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0







e O







Time (min)-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0







e O







-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0







e O







Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




-1-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





1-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0






Time (min)

Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0




Time (min)

Time (min)

Time (min)3



Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0






-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





Time (min)

-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0



-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0


-1 Time (min)



e O









e O






)WT 11

WT 27

WT 24

WT 13

KO 2

KO 3

KO 4

KO 6









231accumbal dopamine efflux in M5 knockout mice at every 30-sec time point (p’s<0.05 to p’s<


Increased accumbal dopamine efflux produced by intra-VTA morphine is blocked by systemic

naltrexone in 129 wild-type mice

The increase in accumbal dopamine efflux following intra-VTA injections of 50 ng

morphine observed in wild-type mice was blocked by pre-treatment with 1 mg/kg (i.p.)

naltrexone, and thus depended on opioid receptors. Figure 3.8a shows accumbal dopamine efflux

produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine in wild-type mice that were pre-treated with systemic

naltrexone. For comparison, the wild-type data from Figure 3.7a are reproduced to illustrate the

difference relative to the condition of the same morphine dose without opioid antagonist pre-

treatment. VTA morphine infusion at 5 min after the systemic naltrexone injection produced a

decrease in oxidation current below baseline that peaked at 33.7 ± 4.66 min, and returned back to

baseline levels by 57.8 ± 9.3 minutes. Over the course of the next 1.5 hrs, dopamine efflux

gradually increased but always remained below levels seen in wild-type mice that were not pre-

treated with naltrexone. This data was analyzed using a two-way between-within repeated

measures ANOVA with group (naltrexone pre-treatment vs. no pre-treatment) as the between-

subjects factor and time as the within-subjects factor. This analysis revealed a significant

interaction between group and time (F (305, 1830) = 3.01, p<0.00001), indicating that the

temporal profile of dopamine oxidation current across the roughly 2.5-hr recording period was

different between mice pre-treated with naltrexone and mice that received no pre-treatment.

Follow-up analysis using Fischer’s LSD test showed that starting at 54 min and all the way to

148 min, individual comparisons between wild-type mice showed significantly reduced

accumbal dopamine efflux in mice pre-treated with naltrexone (p’s <0.05). Thus, systemic

naltrexone pre-treatment effectively blocked the steady increase seen in wild-type mice starting

between 10-20 minutes, and instead produced a small increase in dopamine efflux starting at

232Figure 3.8. Effect of pre-treatment with naltrexone (1 mg/kg, i.p.) 5 min prior to 50 ng intra-

VTA morphine in 129 wild-type mice (black line, n=6). For comparison, wild-type data from

Figure 3.7 showing the effect of 50 ng intra-VTA morphine are reproduced (gray line, n=4).

Solid, thick lines represent average dopamine oxidation current across mice, and thin lines

represent ± SEM. (A) Mice with injections sites within the boundaries of the VTA (n=4). (B)

Mice with injection sites dorsal to the VTA (n=2). Arrows indicate times at which naltrexone and

morphine were administered.








e O







Time (min)

-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150









e O







Time (min)



-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150

1 mg/kg naltrexone (i.p.)

1 mg/kg naltrexone (i.p.)

50 ng intra-VTA morphine

50 ng morphine 1-2 mm dorsal to VTA







e O







Time (min)

-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150







-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150









e O







Time (min)



-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150

1 mg/kg naltrexone (i.p.)

1 mg/kg naltrexone (i.p.)

50 ng intra-VTA morphine

50 ng morphine 1-2 mm dorsal to VTA

234approximately 1 hour. Figure 3.8b shows two mice in which the intra-cranial injection sites were

1-2 mm dorsal to the VTA (see red squares in Figure 3.5a). In these sites any effect of morphine

on dopamine neurons, even when considering the effect of diffusion through brain tissue would

be minimal and slower than in VTA sites. Thus, data from these mice provide an indication of

how 1 mg/kg systemic naltrexone alone affects dopamine efflux in the nucleus accumbens,

showing that it produced a decrease in oxidation current within 5 min of injection that peaked at

approximately 60 min and then recovered to baseline levels over the next 1.5 hours. These data

also provide a comparison group for those mice receiving naltrexone pre-treatment in

combination with successful VTA morphine injections.

Increased accumbal dopamine efflux produced by intra-VTA morphine is blocked by pre-

treatment with intra-VTA scopolamine in wild-type mice

In wild-type mice VTA pre-treatment with the non-specific muscarinic antagonist

scopolamine (50 μg) completely blocked the increase in accumbal dopamine efflux produced by

50 ng intra-VTA morphine (Figure 3.9a). Initially scopolamine injections produced an increase

in dopamine oxidation current that peaked at 8.67 ± 0.88 minutes, followed by a decrease back to

baseline. The morphine injection was always done at 10 min, so during the descending portion of

this effect. In no case did the morphine injection at 10 min reverse the decrease produced by

scopolamine. In fact, the combination of intra-VTA scopolamine with morphine produced a

decrease in accumbal dopamine oxidation current of approximately 3 nA. Repeated-measures

ANOVA with drug pre-treatment (VTA scopolamine vs no pre-treatment) as the between-

subjects factor and time as the within-subjects factor revealed a significant interaction between

pre-treatment and time, F (306, 1836) = 7.76, p<0.00001, indicating that the temporal profile of

dopamine efflux varied as a function of VTA pre-treatment. Post-hoc analysis using Fischer’s

LSD test showed that starting at 40 min and all the way to 148 min, individual comparisons

showed significantly reduced accumbens dopamine efflux in mice pre-treated with scopolamine

235Figure 3.9. Effect of pre-treatment with 50 μg intra-VTA scopolamine on accumbal dopamine

efflux produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine in 129 wild-type mice. Solid, thick lines represent

average dopamine oxidation current across mice, and thin lines represent ± SEM. (A) Mean

change in dopamine oxidation current produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine following pre-

treatment with 50 μg intra-VTA scopolamine in wild-type mice (black line, n=4). For

comparison data from Figure 3.7a showing mean changes in accumbens dopamine efflux

produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine without any pre-treatment are reproduced (gray, n=4).

(B-E) Data from individual wild-type mice, whose average is shown in (A).


-10.0 40.0 90.0 140.0 190.0 240.0 290.0



-10.0 40.0 90.0 140.0 190.0 240.0 290.0



-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0 210.0





-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0 170.0 190.0 210.0







e O







Time (min)

Time (min)

Time (min)

Time (min)




WT 18

WT 19

WT 21

WT 22

Time (min)Dop


e O






-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0






-8 Time (min)Dop


e O






-10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0







237at every 30-sec time point (all p’s<0.05).

The extent of this decrease varied considerably between individual mice (see Figures

3.9b-e). Inspection of individual animal data shows that the 3 nA average decrease was mainly

due to one animal (WT21) which showed a peak decrease of close to 10 nA. While the VTA

injection site in this mouse was not clearly different from the other three mice, the placement of

the recording electrode was the most dorsomedial of all accumbens core placements (see red star

in Figure 3.6).


The experiments testing dopamine efflux induced by intra-VTA morphine infusions

studied the role of M5 receptors in morphine-induced dopamine efflux in isolation from non-

VTA effects of systemic morphine administration. First, the data show that intra-VTA morphine

induced a strong and long-lasting (≤ 2.5 hrs) increase in accumbal dopamine efflux. This

increase was dependent on opioid receptors, as it was blocked by systemic pre-treatment with the

non-selective opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone. Most importantly, the increase in accumbal

dopamine efflux produced by intra-VTA morphine was completely absent in M5 knockout mice,

and was blocked by intra-VTA scopolamine pre-treatment in wild-type mice.

Effects of intra-VTA morphine

Accumbens dopamine release in response to intra-VTA morphine has previously only

been investigated in chloral hydrate-anesthetized rats with microdialysis (Leone, Pocock, &

Wise, 1990). In that study, 13.2 nanomoles (~3.7 μg according to base weight and ~10 μg

according to salt weight) significantly increased dopamine within 15 min of the injection, with

peak increases at about 90 minutes. Although, dopamine levels subsequently decreased over the

course of the next two hours, levels never fully returned back to baseline even at more than three

hours after the injection. Comparisons to this study are complicated by the fact that dopamine

238recordings were performed in chloral hydrate-anesthetized rats, which has been shown to inhibit

the dopamine transporter (Sabeti, Gerhardt, & Zahniser, 2003).

In the present electrochemistry data the mean morphine-induced increase in dopamine

oxidation current showed some indication of leveling off between 2.5 to 3 hrs after the injection.

However, the extent of this varied greatly between individual mice. In particular, dopamine

efflux recorded from one mouse (WT13, Fig 3.7e) was still increasing 270 min after the VTA

infusion. As a consequence of the temporal profile, it is difficult to define a clear peak of the

morphine effect, precluding any reasonable comparison with previous microdialysis data (Leone

et al., 1990). Previous chronoamperometric measurement of both morphine-induced accumbal

and striatal dopamine efflux in urethane-anesthetized rats using carbon paste electrodes showed a

short latency, strong increase in dopamine efflux (~ 250 % of baseline) that peaked at

approximately 40 min and fully returned to pre-injection baseline levels between 2-3 hours

(Forster et al., 2002; Miller et al., 2002; 2005). Similarly, Basile et al.’s (2002) morphine-

induced microdialysis data in 129SvEv x CF1 mice showed a clear peak in accumbal dopamine

concentrations between 60 and 80 min that fully returned to baseline between 2.5-3 hrs.

However, in both cases morphine was administered systemically, complicating a direct

comparison to the time course of the current data. Furthermore, in Basile et al.’s (2002) study

microdialysis was performed in freely moving mice, further precluding a direct comparison. On

the other hand, there is at least one report of systemic morphine-induced increases in accumbal

dopamine release in freely-moving mice that did not show a return to baseline (Narita et al.,

2006). In that case, administration of 10 mg/kg (s.c.) morphine to mixed 129/C57Bl6 mice

produced a gradual increase in accumbal dopamine over the course of 60-70 min. However,

concentrations remained at this peak level for the next two hours and did not return to baseline.

Thus, the time course of morphine-induced increases in dopamine needs to be better

characterized in different wild-type strains of mice, awake and anesthetized, with different routes

239of drug administration. The present study was the first investigating accumbal dopamine

increases in response to intra-VTA morphine in urethane-anesthetized wild-type mice. The

increased accumbal dopamine efflux produced by 50 ng intra-VTA morphine observed in

urethane-anesthetized mice is thought to have functional relevance, as BALB/c mice self-

administered a 50 ng dose of morphine into the VTA and self-administration was reduced by

pre-treatment with 4 mg/kg (i.p.) of the non-selective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (David

& Cazala, 1994). Consistent with this, pre-treatment in the present study with 1 mg/kg of the

naltrexone, significantly reduced the increase in accumbal dopamine efflux produced by intra-

VTA morphine.

Naltrexone and Opiate Receptors

In wild-type mice the VTA morphine-induced increase in accumbal dopamine efflux was

strongly dependent on opioid receptors. As the morphine was administered directly into the VTA

in these experiments, it is most likely that systemic naltrexone inhibited dopamine efflux via

blockade of VTA opioid receptors. Further, the two mice with injection sites 1-2 mm dorsal to

the VTA provided an index of the effect of naltrexone alone on accumbal dopamine efflux. In

this regard, systemic naltrexone strongly decreased dopamine within 5 min of the injection, with

a peak decrease around 60 min and a return to baseline levels by approximately 2.5 hours.

Consistent with this, direct administration of the highly-selective μ receptor antagonist D-Pen-

Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Orn-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2 (CTOP) directly into the VTA induced a dose-dependent

decrease in basal levels of accumbal dopamine in rats (Spanagel et al., 1992). Similar to the

present data, the microdialysis data showed a decrease evident within 20 min of administration,

and the effect peaked at 40 min and returned to baseline levels by 160 min. By contrast, CTOP

infused into the nucleus accumbens failed to affect dopamine levels, which is consistent with

post-synaptic expression of μ-opioid receptors in the nucleus accumbens. The involvement of κ

receptors, which are found in low levels in the VTA (Mansour et al., 1987) is unlikely, as direct

240administration of the κ receptor antagonist norbinaltorphimine (nor-BNI) into the VTA did not

affect basal levels of accumbal dopamine, and administration of nor-BNI directly into the

nucleus accumbens served to dose-dependently increase accumbal dopamine levels (Spanagel et

al., 1992). Collectively, this suggests that the decrease in dopamine oxidation current produced

by systemic naltrexone, was most likely due to blockade of VTA μ opioid receptors, effectively

blocking tonically active endogenous opioid input (Spanagel et al., 1992). Remarkably, the same

dose of systemic naltrexone in a B6 wild-type mice decreased locomotion to below saline levels

between 60 and 120 min after the injection (see Experiment 2).

Therefore, naltrexone and intra-VTA morphine appeared to affect accumbal dopamine

via VTA opioid receptors. The combination of systemic naltrexone and intra-VTA morphine

produced a change in accumbal dopamine efflux that was intermediate to the two effects in

isolation. The VTA morphine injection prevented the full extent of the decrease in accumbal

dopamine oxidation current induced by naltrexone (i.e. 1 vs 4 nA, a 75% reduction), and the

naltrexone pre-treatment reduced the morphine-induced increase to below levels seen in mice

without any pre-treatment for the entire 2.5 hr testing period. This is what would be expected if

naltrexone and morphine were competing for access to the same VTA receptors.

With naltrexone pre-treatment, increases in accumbal dopamine efflux produced by

subsequent intra-VTA morphine infusion were completely blocked for the first 60 min and then

showed a gradual but significant increase above baseline levels over the course of the next 1.5

hrs. This result is consistent with the locomotion data obtained in Experiment 2, where pre-

treatment with 1mg/kg naltrexone in B6 wild-type mice completely blocked morphine-induced

locomotion for the first 90 min, but locomotion levels increased over the final 30 mins, a period

during which accumbal dopamine efflux was increasing. Thus, there is some suggestion that the

effect of intra-VTA morphine on accumbal dopamine efflux in urethane-anesthetized mice, and

241its dependence on opiate receptors, has functional significance for the effects of morphine on

locomotion in freely-moving mice.

M5 Knockout Mice

The increase in accumbal dopamine efflux produced by intra-VTA morphine in wild-type

mice was completely absent in M5 knockout mice, suggesting that the direct effects of VTA

morphine on the mesolimbic dopamine system are critically dependent on M5 receptors. In all

four M5 knockout mice tested, intra-VTA administration of morphine always decreased

accumbal dopamine efflux for 90 min, and then increased dopamine to above baseline levels for

the next 80 min. A direct comparison to the locomotion data obtained in 129 wild-type and M5

knockout mice is complicated, however. First, the relationship between accumbal dopamine

levels and locomotion produced by systemic morphine in 129 mice is weak (Murphy et al.,

2001). Second, locomotion obtained with 30 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine (the only dose to produce

effective locomotion in this strain) reflects the net effect of dopamine-dependent and dopamine-

independent mechanisms involved in morphine-induced locomotion, while intra-VTA opiate

administration produces dopamine-dependent locomotion (Kalivas et al., 1983). Nonetheless, the

chronoamperometry data suggests that the dopamine-dependent part of morphine-induced

locomotion, involving the action of opiates in the VTA on nucleus accumbens dopamine, is

strongly dependent on M5 muscarinic receptors. Accordingly, the residual morphine-induced

locomotion seen in M5 knockout mice should not involve dopamine-dependent effects in the

VTA. Ideally, accumbal dopamine efflux should be measured concurrently with locomotion, e.g.

using high-speed chronoamperometric (i.e. chronocoulometry) recordings in freely moving

animals (Kiyatkin et al., 1993). A better complement to the current experiments may be provided

by two additional experiments. First, to isolate the dopamine-dependent component of morphine-

induced locomotion, and to better understand the role of M5 receptors in this process, locomotion

in wild-type and M5 knockout mice should be measured in response to intra-VTA, rather than

242systemic, morphine. To the extent that accumbal dopamine levels are a predictor of morphine-

induced locomotion, the present chronoamperometry data suggest that morphine locomotion

produced by intra-VTA morphine would be strongly reduced, if not absent, in M5 knockout

mice. Second, the effects of dopamine receptor blockade in the nucleus accumbens on the

residual morphine-induced locomotion seen in M5 knockout mice need to be tested. Again, the

chronoamperometry data suggest that dopamine antagonism would be ineffective in further

reducing morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice.

VTA scopolamine

The effect of VTA scopolamine pre-treatment in blocking intra-VTA morphine-induced

increases in accumbal dopamine efflux in wild-type mice was similar to the reduced morphine-

induced increase in accumbal dopamine efflux observed in M5 knockout mice. On average,

scopolamine pre-treatment produced an initial increase in accumbens dopamine efflux that

peaked between 8-9 min and then decreased. Morphine infusion at 10 min, always on the

decreasing portion of the scopolamine effect, did not, by comparison to wild-type mice without

pre-treatment, significantly increase dopamine efflux. Thus, non-specific muscarinic antagonism

in the VTA blocked the increases in accumbal dopamine efflux associated with intra-VTA

administration of morphine. Although the magnitude of the decrease in accumbal dopamine

induced by the combination of VTA scopolamine and morphine varied, the decrease itself was

consistent across mice.

It is remarkable that the effects of pharmacological antagonism of VTA muscarinic

receptors and systemic deletion of M5 receptors were so similar. Both led to a decrease in

accumbal dopamine efflux in response to intra-VTA morphine of roughly the same magnitude,

suggesting that the VTA scopolamine effect in wild-type mice was primarily due to the blockade

of M5 muscarinic receptors. This supports the conclusion that the absence of accumbens

dopamine efflux in response to VTA morphine in M5 knockout mice is specifically due to a loss

243of M5 muscarinic receptors on midbrain dopamine neurons. What might then account for the

decrease in accumbal dopamine in each of these conditions? If, as suggested by the effects of

PPT lesions (Miller et al., 2002) and VTA scopolamine (Miller et al., 2005) in rats, cholinergic

input to the VTA is important in mediating accumbal dopamine increases, then the present data

suggest that cholinergic input to the VTA in M5 knockout mice result in an inhibition of the

mesolimbic dopamine system. This is consistent with the results from Experiment 3 where VTA

atropine and particularly mecamylamine potentiated locomotion produced by systemic morphine,

suggesting that each antagonist pre-treatment was removing an inhibitory cholinergic input to the

VTA in M5 knockout mice.

The VTA scopolamine effect in wild-type mice was interesting as well, but was not

studied in detail, as the combination of scopolamine with morphine was of primary interest.

Previous data on intra-VTA infusion of a much higher dose of scopolamine (200 μg) in rats

indicated that decreases in accumbal dopamine efflux occur within 5 min and return to baseline

by approximately 50 min. These data have been interpreted as reflecting blockade of direct M5-

mediated tonic excitatory cholinergic input to VTA dopamine neurons (Miller et al., 2005). At

the 200 μg dose of scopolamine, unlike the 50 μg dose used here, there was no indication of an

initial increase in accumbal dopamine efflux. Whether this discrepancy is reflective of a dose

effect or a species difference is not clear. Theoretically, the initial increase could be due to

pharmacological blockade of M4 receptors which would produce increased levels of VTA

acetylcholine that could, despite concurrent blockade of M5 receptors on dopamine neurons, still

increase accumbal dopamine through nicotinic receptors on VTA dopamine neurons.

Alternatively, blockade of M3 receptors located on GABA neurons, could indirectly increase

dopamine by blocking tonic excitatory cholinergic input to local GABA neurons. Accordingly,

the slower onset inhibition produced by the effect of scopolamine on M5 receptors would then

override the indirect M3-mediated excitation, resulting in a net decrease in dopamine efflux.

244Whether or not the initial increase induced by intra-VTA scopolamine in wild-type mice has any

functional significance is not clear. Infusion of the related muscarinic antagonist atropine into the

VTA of B6 wild-type mice induced only slight increases in locomotion, that were, if anything,

more evident at a time after the initial increase in accumbal dopamine efflux observed in 129

wild-type mice.

In conclusion, the present data show that increases in accumbal dopamine efflux induced

by intra-VTA morphine critically depend on functional M5 muscarinic receptors in the VTA. In

wild-type mice, intra-VTA morphine excites the mesolimbic dopamine system, resulting in

significant increases in accumbens dopamine efflux. On the other hand, inactivation of M5

receptors, either systemically via gene deletion or pharmacologically via scopolamine, resulted

in an inhibition of accumbal dopamine efflux in response to intra-VTA morphine via a non-M5

receptor-mediated mechanism.

245Chapter 3 References

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Chapter 4: Morphine conditioned-place preference in M5 knockout mice


Conditioned place preference (CPP) is a paradigm that allows assessment of both the

rewarding and aversive properties of drugs (Tzschentke, 1998). When a primary reinforcer, such

as morphine, is paired with neutral stimuli, such as the contextual cues of a chamber, the stimuli

acquire secondary reinforcing properties through Pavlovian conditioning principles.

Subsequently, when the animal is exposed to the contextual stimuli in a drug-free state, their

secondary reinforcing properties elicit approach responses. When the animal spends more time in

the drug-paired context than in an alternate context, it has acquired a conditioned place

preference (Bardo, Rowlett, & Harris, 1995).

While many different apparatus configurations are used to study CPP, they all share the

basic principle of pairing an experimenter-administered reward with contextual stimuli. Most

commonly, these involve visual (e.g. wall shadings or stripes), and tactile (e.g. floor texture)

stimuli, although in many studies a distinct odor cue is also added. There is also a second,

alternate environment, characterized by its own combination of contextual stimuli (i.e. different

walls, floor texture, and odor) which is paired with experimenter-administered saline or reward.

Pairings of drug and saline with their distinct contexts are repeated several times across days.

Carr, Fibiger, and Philips (1989) reviewed several advantages of CPP over self-

administration. These include 1) sensitivity to lower doses of drug (obtaining CPP with as little

as one drug pairing), 2) the opportunity to measure both rewarding and aversive properties of a

drug, 3) testing in a drug-free state, 4) control of drug dosing (unlike self-administration), and 5)

that no surgery is required. Bardo and Bevins (2000) add that locomotor activity can be

concurrently measured, to assess the association between drug reward and locomotor activation

(Wise & Bozarth, 1987).

CPP has been criticized for its lack of dose-effect curves, as would be obtained in a self-

administration paradigm (Wise, 1989). Place preference appears to be all-or-none rather than

253graded, with a particular threshold dose above which effect size does not show any additional

benefit from higher doses. For example, in the case of morphine place preference in C57Bl/6

mice, Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001) found that the amount of place preference with 1 or

10 mg/kg was identical.

Bias is another source of criticism in CPP experiments. In the case of an apparatus bias,

the animal shows a baseline preference for one context over the other, already prior to

conditioning. Related to this, if during conditioning the reward is paired with the initially less

preferred chamber, then a conditioning bias also exists. These are both important methodological

considerations that have been acknowledged in several reviews (Bardo & Bevins, 2000; Bardo et

al., 1995; Tzschentke, 1998). To illustrate the potential effect of these biases, Cunningham,

Ferree, & Howard (2003) showed that with an apparatus purposely configured to create a

baseline preference, place conditioning was only apparent when ethanol was paired with the

initially less preferred chamber in DBA mice. In the case of opiates, Heinrichs and Martinez

(1986) found that pairing the peripherally acting opioid [Leu]-enkephalin with the initially less

preferred chamber produced reliable place preference, while pairing with the initially preferred

side produced significant place aversion.

A biased conditioning procedure is undesirable because it adds confounds in interpreting

results. First, there are alternative interpretations that come into play when the drug is paired

with an initially aversive environment and a significant increase in the amount of time spent in

that environment is observed after conditioning. If the drug has anxiolytic properties, then it may

decrease aversion to the less preferred chamber so that the animal develops a place preference

for the anxiolytic rather than the purely rewarding properties of the drug (Carr et al., 1989). In

other words, the biased conditioning procedure increases the probability of a false positive

(Tzschentke, 1998; Bardo & Bevins, 2000; Cunningham et al. 2003). Conversely, pairing of the

drug with the already preferred chamber may result in a lack of observable place preference due

254to an inability to measure it. Bozarth (1987) argues this is essentially a ceiling effect, rather than

a lack of the drugs’ rewarding efficacy. In either case, the experimenter faces a dilemma. On the

one hand, to maximize overall place preference, the drug could be paired with the non-preferred

chamber, resulting in interpretation issues. On the other hand, the drug could be paired with the

preferred chamber, probably resulting in a lack of observable effect. Side stepping these issues

by choosing to only analyze animals that have no baseline preference is not ideal either. For one

it is a selection strategy in which only certain animals from each group are included for analysis,

which may not be representative of the population response. Testing very large numbers of

animals may not be a reasonable choice either.

Conditioned place preference has been demonstrated for all of the major drugs of abuse,

including stimulants, opiates, nicotine, and ethanol (for a review see Tzschentke, 1996). CPP has

also been used to study the rewarding properties of food (Bechara et al., 1992) and sex (Kippin

& van der Kooy, 2003). In the case of opiate place preference, support for a role of cholinergic

receptors comes from two studies. First, Rezayof et al. (2007) found that VTA pre-treatment

with the muscarinic agonist atropine, and to a lesser extent the nicotinic receptor antagonist

mecamylamine, dose-dependently reduced morphine place preference in rats. Furthermore, place

preference could be induced for sub-threshold doses of morphine by VTA pre-treatment with the

cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine. Carbachol infused into the VTA also induced place

preference in rats (Yeomans, Kofman, & McFarlane, 1985). Second, M5 knockout mice showed

almost a complete absence of morphine place preference at many doses (2.5 to 25 mg/kg, i.p.)

(Basile et al. 2002).

A reduction of morphine place preference due to either pharmacological blockade of

VTA muscarinic receptors or systemic M5 knockout is consistent with the reduction in

morphine-induced locomotion due to the same two manipulation (see Chapter 1), and provides

additional support for the importance of M5 receptors in mediating the effects of systemic

255morphine. Basile et al. (2002) maintained their M5 knockout mice on either an isogenic 129SvEv

or a mixed 129SvEv x CF1 background. Their 129 mice should be similar to the 129SvJ x CD1

mice used in the current studies. Thus, the goal here was to replicate the results of Basile et al.

(2002) in 129SvJ x CD1 M5 knockout mice, and second to test whether M5 knockout mice on a

B6 background show a similar phenotype.

Experiment 6: Morphine Conditioned Place Perference in 129 and B6 wild-type and M5

knockout mice

Materials and Methods


A total of 53 male B6 (28 wild-type and 25 M5 knockout) and 34 male 129 (17 wild-type

and 17 M5 knockout) mice were used in place preference experiments.

CPP testing apparatus

The testing room was illuminated by one 40-watt red light bulb facing a wall away from

the conditioned place preference (CPP) testing apparatus. This was done to avoid direct exposure

of the largely Plexiglas constructed testing apparatus to direct light, which would have created

shadows and reflections. The arrangement also resulted in light levels that were comparable

between the black (approx. 2.25 lux) and white (approx 2.1 lux) compartments of the CPP testing


In the course of these experiments the configuration of the place preference apparatus

was changed, resulting in two slightly different configurations. The original was a replica of that

used by Dockstader et al. (2001) and Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001), and will be referred

to as the “van der Kooy Apparatus”. The second was a hybrid, incorporating aspects of the

design and procedure of both Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001) and Basile et al. (2002). This

apparatus will be referred to as the “Steidl Apparatus”.

256 In either case, the apparatus was entirely constructed of Plexiglas, and consisted of two

chambers that differed in colour and texture, each measuring 15 x 15 x 15 cm. In the case of the

van der Kooy Apparatus, one chamber was painted black and had a smooth Plexiglas floor, while

the other environment was painted white and had a wire mesh floor. A removable guillotine

door, painted white on one side and black on the other, separated the two compartments. With

this apparatus, the divider wall was kept in place during conditioning to confine the mouse to one

side, but removed during habituation, baseline and preference testing, allowing free access to

both environments. In the case of the Steidl Apparatus, one environment was painted black and

had a smooth Plexiglas floor, while the other environment was painted white and had a white

floor insert made from acrylic material, normally used as a light diffuser for fluorescent fixtures,

creating a bumpy floor. With this apparatus a solid divider wall was used during conditioning,

while during habituation, baseline and preference testing a divider wall with a square hole cut

into it (3.5 x 3.5 cm) was used, allowing the mouse to move between the two environments. Up

to 12 mice were run at a time, and videotaped by a camera mounted above the testing apparatus

(Samsung, Model SCD 67, and later Panasonic, Model # WV-CP484). The amount of time spent

in each environment was assessed by manually scoring video recordings. Time spent in one

environment over the other was defined as all four paws being in that environment.

Conditioned place preference

In all experiments, mice were moved from their housing room to the adjacent testing

room 20 minutes prior to the initiation of testing, to allow for acclimatization to the testing room.

One week prior to baseline preference testing, mice were subjected to a 20-min habituation

session during which they could freely explore the CPP apparatus. During both habituation and

the baseline preference test (15 min) one week later, mice were placed into either the white or

black chamber in a counterbalanced manner, and allowed free access to the entire apparatus. On

the 8 conditioning days, wild-type and M5 knockout mice were injected with saline (10 ml/kg,

257i.p.) or morphine (1, 3, or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) and immediately placed into one of the two

conditioning environments for 15 min. To avoid a conditioning bias, pairing of drug with either

the black or white chamber was counterbalanced across mice. Wild-type and M5 knockout mice

were always run together in groups (e.g. 6 wild-type and 6 M5 knockout mice) with half the mice

receiving saline on conditioning days 1, 3, 5, 7 and morphine on conditioning days 2, 4, 6, 8, and

the other half receiving saline on conditioning days 2, 4, 6, 8 and morphine on conditioning days

1, 3, 5, 7. Twenty-four hours after the final conditioning session (i.e. day 9), the preference test

was conducted. Here, mice were again given free access to the entire apparatus for 15 min and

the proportion of time spent in each environment was measured. For the preference test, mice

were always initially placed into the saline-paired chamber.

Data Analysis

Amount of time spent in each chamber during baseline and preference testing (the

habituation session was not scored) was expressed as a percentage of the entire testing period.

The change in the percentage of time in the morphine-paired chamber was calculated by

subtracting the percentage of time spent in the morphine-paired chamber during the baseline test

from the percentage of time spent in the morphine-paired chamber during the preference test.

Accordingly, a positive percent change value represents development of a preference for the

morphine-paired over the saline-paired chamber over the course of conditioning, while a

negative percent change value represents development of an aversion for the morphine-paired



van der Kooy Apparatus

Figure 4.1 shows morphine conditioned place preference data across three doses

(1, 3, and 10 mg/kg, i.p.) in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice using the van der Kooy

Apparatus. The data were analyzed in two ways. First, in order to assess whether the percent

258Figure 4.1. Morphine conditioned place preference in B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-)

mice at 1, 3, and 10 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine using the van der Kooy Apparatus (n’s: B6 1 mg/kg

n=7, 3 mg/kg n=8, 10 mg/kg n=7; M5 knockout 1mg/kg n=7, 3 mg/kg n=5, 10 mg/kg n=7). ∗

p<0.05 one-sample t-test vs zero; † p<0.05 wild-type vs M5 knockout.




1 3 10

Morphine (mg/kg)

% C


e in










∗ ∗

260change in preference for the morphine-paired chamber across conditioning (positive or negative)

was significantly different from zero, mean percent change was analyzed using a one-sample t-

test. This showed that morphine conditioned-place preference was not consistently achieved

across doses in either genotype. In B6 wild-type mice, the percent change was significantly

different from zero only at the 3 mg/kg (p<0.05), but not at either the 1 mg/kg (p>0.2) or 10

mg/kg (p>0.3) dose. In M5 knockout mice, the percent change was significantly different from

zero at the 10 mg/kg (p<0.05), but not at the 1mg/kg (p>0.4) or 3 mg/kg (p>0.1) dose. Second,

the percent change score between wild-type and M5 knockout mice at each dose was compared

with an independent samples t-test. Not surprisingly, at the 1 mg/kg dose, where neither

genotype showed evidence of developing significant place preference, there was no significant

difference between wild-type and M5 knockout mice, t(12) = 1.36, p>0.1. At the 3 mg/kg dose,

although only B6 wild-type mice showed significant place preference, the difference relative to

M5 knockout mice was not statistically significant, t(11) = 0.76, p>0.4. Finally at the 10 mg/kg

dose, where only M5 knockout mice showed significant place preference, there was a statistically

significant difference between wild-type and M5 knockout mice, t(12) = 2.45, p<0.05. However,

the direction of this difference, with place preference only in M5 knockout mice, was opposite to

what was predicted.

Baseline preferences

Both wild-type and M5 knockout mice overall spent approximately equal amounts of

time in the morphine- and saline-paired chambers (Figure 4.2a). Inspection of individual mice,

however, revealed a different picture (Figure 4.2b). While the overall arithmetic mean of

baseline preferences was close to 50%, individual mice had baseline preferences as low as 10-

20% and as high as 80-90%. Thus, in many cases the drug was paired with the context for which

the mouse expressed a baseline aversion, and conversely in many cases the drug was paired with

the environment for which the mouse already expressed a strong preference.

261Figure 4.2. Baseline preferences of B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-) mice used in

morphine place preference experiments collapsed across doses using the van der Kooy

Apparatus. (A) Overall baseline preference for the morphine-paired chamber in wild-type and

M5 knockout mice (B6 n=22, M5 knockout n=19). (B) Baseline preferences in individual wild-

type and M5 knockout mice (n’s are as above for A). Dashed lines mark 40 and 60% baseline















% T


in M




d C



+/+ -/-




Saline-paired Chamber Morphine-paired chamber

% T


per C


ber +/+


263Steidl Apparatus

Both B6 and 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice were tested for morphine conditioned

place preference with this apparatus. B6 mice were tested first, using a dose of 3 mg/kg, as the

data obtained in similar mice at this dose with the van der Kooy Apparatus suggested that this

dose was most effective in producing place preference in B6 wild-type mice. 129 mice were

subsequently tested with a 10 mg/kg dose of morphine. Here the choice was based on learning

that, at least within the context of morphine-induced locomotion (Experiment 1), sensitivity to

morphine was reduced in the 129 relative to B6 mice.

B6 mice.

Figure 4.3a shows 3 mg/kg morphine conditioned place preference in B6 wild-type and

M5 knockout mice. The percent change in preference for the morphine-paired chamber was

significantly different from zero for B6 wild-type mice (t(5) = 2.64, p<0.05), but not for M5

knockout mice (t(5) = 1.07, p>0.3), while wild-type and knockout mice were not significantly

different from each other, t(10) = 0.1, p>0.9.

B6 Baseline Preferences.

Analysis of individual baseline preferences revealed results similar to what was seen with

the van der Kooy Apparatus. Overall, both wild-type (52.18 ± 5.2%) and M5 knockout (45.17 ±

7.88) mice showed no preference for either the morphine-paired or saline-paired chamber, but

individual mice showed considerable variability (Figure 4.3b).

129 mice.

Figure 4.4a shows 10 mg/kg morphine conditioned place preference in 129 wild-type and

M5 knockout mice. The percent change in preference for the morphine-paired chamber was not

significantly different from zero for either wild-type mice (t(11) = 0.01, p<0.9) or M5 knockout

mice (t(11) = 0.65, p>0.5), and wild-type and knockout mice were not significantly different

from each other, t(22) = 0.33, p>0.7.

264Figure 4.3. Morphine-induced place preference (3 mg/kg, i.p) in B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5

knockout (-/-) mice using the Steidl Apparatus. (A) 3mg/kg (i.p) morphine conditioned place

preference in B6 wild-type (n=6) and M5 knockout (n=6) mice. (B) Baseline preferences for the

morphine-paired chamber in individual wild-type and M5 knockout mice (n=6 per group).

Dashed lines mark 40 and 60% baseline preferences.















in M




d C


















in M




d C

















in M




d C
















% B





ce fo

r M




d ch



+/+ -/-













% B





ce fo

r M




d ch



+/+ -/-












% B





ce fo

r M




d ch














% B





ce fo

r M




d ch



+/+ -/-


266Figure 4.4. Morphine-induced place preference (10 mg/kg, i.p) in 129 wild-type (+/+) and M5

knockout (-/-) mice using the Steidl Apparatus. (A) 10 mg/kg (i.p) morphine conditioned place

preference in 129 wild-type (n=12) and M5 knockout (n=12) mice. (B) Baseline preferences for

the morphine-paired chamber in individual wild-type and M5 knockout mice (n=12 per group).

Dashed lines mark 40 and 60% baseline preferences.







% C


e in














% C


e in









+/+ -/-



% B


ne P



e fo

r M




d Ch




+/+ -/-



% B


ne P



e fo

r M




d Ch



+/+ -/-



% B


ne P



e fo

r M




d Ch





% B


ne P



e fo

r M




d Ch




268129 Baseline Preferences.

Consistent with analysis of previous place preference data, in 129 mice tested with 10

mg/kg morphine overall baseline preference for the morphine-paired chamber was close to 50%

in both wild-type (50.01 ± 7.94%) and M5 knockout (52.23 ± 10.07%) mice, but individual mice

showed considerable variation in baseline preferences (Figures 4.4b).

Trial Duration in 129 mice.

In an attempt to improve morphine place preference data, an additional group of 129

wild-type and M5 knockout mice was run at the 10 mg/kg dose with the conditioning trials

extended to 30 minutes.

Figure 4.5a shows conditioned place preference in this group of mice. In neither wild-

type (t(5) = 1.2, p>0.2), nor M5 knockout (t(5) = 1.23, p>0.2) mice was the change in preference

for the morphine-paired chamber significantly different from zero. In this group of mice there

was an overall trend of a baseline preference for the saline-paired chamber in wild-type (34.87 ±

14.92%) but not M5 knockout mice (52.46 ± 10.25%). Individual mice, again, showed variation

in baseline preference (Figure 4.5b).

269Figure 4.5. Morphine-induced place preference (10 mg/kg, i.p) in 129 wild-type (+/+) and M5

knockout (-/-) mice using the Steidl Apparatus with 30-min conditioning trials. (A) 10 mg/kg

(i.p) morphine conditioned place preference in 129 wild-type (n=6) and M5 knockout (n=6)

mice. (B) Baseline preferences for the morphine-paired chamber in individual wild-type and M5

knockout mice (n=6 per group). Dashed lines mark 40 and 60% baseline preferences.














in M




d C


















in M




d C












% B





ce fo

r M




d C



+/+ -/-







% B





ce fo

r M




d C



+/+ -/-






% B





ce fo

r M




d C



+/+ -/-






% B





ce fo

r M




d C



+/+ -/-


The apparatuses and procedure used in these experiments on the whole were not

successful in producing reliable morphine conditioned place preference in either B6 or 129 wild-

type mice. In B6 wild-type mice, 3 mg/kg (i.p.) morphine produced the strongest place

preference in both the van der Kooy Apparatus and the Steidl Apparatus, with 10-15 % changes

in preference for the morphine-paired chamber. There was no indication of a dose-response

relation in B6 wild-type mice using the van der Kooy Apparatus, consistent with a previous

report using this apparatus showing that a 1 mg/kg morphine dose is above threshold for

producing place preference and that there is no additional gain from using higher doses

(Dockstader et al., 2001; Dockstader & van der Kooy, 2001). Similarly, a meta-analysis of

morphine place preference data in rats, also points to 1 mg/kg as the threshold dose, with no

reliable dose-dependent differences at higher doses (Bardo et al., 1995). In the current studies, 1

mg/kg morphine place preference was tested only in B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice using

the van der Kooy Apparatus, but clearly no significant place preference was obtained. In the

current experiments, drug doses were always calculated according to free base weight. It is not

known whether Dockstader et al. (2001), calculated dose according to free base weight or salt

weight of morphine. Conceivably, in the current experiment, calculation of 1 mg/kg according to

free base weight may have resulted in a dose just below the threshold. On the other hand, the 10

mg/kg dose which should be above threshold regardless did not produce significant place

preference in B6 wild-type mice.

In 129 wild-type mice, 10 mg/kg morphine also did not produce any significant place

preference using the Steidl Apparatus. Morphine-induced locomotion in 129 wild-type mice (see

Chapter 1) suggested that the small amount of locomotion observed at the 10 mg/kg dose was not

statistically significant from saline until about 20-30 min post-injection, suggesting that the 15-

min conditioning trials used in the current study may have not adequately captured the onset of

272the morphine effect while the mice were still exposed to the CS+ chamber. Also, Basile et al.

(2002) used 30-min conditioning trials in their 129 strain. To test whether this was contributing

to the lack of significant place preference data observed in the present study, one group of 129

mice was run at the 10 mg/kg dose of morphine with 30-min conditioning trials. However, this

manipulation did not improve place preference. Perhaps, even longer trial durations would have

been beneficial. Interestingly, Bardo and colleagues (1995) report that for rats, short (< 20 min)

and long (> 45 min) durations are associated with greater effect sizes than intermediate (25-30

min) trial durations, suggesting that in fact little was to be gained from extending trial duration

from 15 to 30 min.

An alternative approach to increasing the duration of conditioning trials, which was not

implemented, could have been to increase the number of conditioning trials. In this regard, Bardo

and colleagues (1995) reported that in the literature the variation in number of drug conditioning

trials for morphine place preference studies in rats is between 1 and 4. For example, Mucha &

Iversen (1984) have shown that in rats 3 drug conditioning trials produces significant place

preference, with no additional increase in effect size due to the addition of a fourth drug

conditioning trial. While variation in the number of conditioning trials has not been

systematically investigated in mice, a survey of papers on morphine conditioned place preference

in mice shows that the combination of 4 morphine and 4 saline trials is common (Basile et al.,

2002; Dockstader et al., 2001; Dockstader & van der Kooy, 2001; Szumlinski, Lominac, Frys, &

Middaugh, 2005)

A lack of significant expression of morphine place preference in 129 mice with both

morphine (Dockstader et al., 2001; Dockstader & van der Kooy, 2001), and heroin (Szumlinski

et al., 2005) has been previously reported. In discussing the differences in spontaneous

exploration between 129 and B6 wild-type obtained in Experiment 1, differences in basal anxiety

levels were noted. 129 mice showed less open-field spontaneous exploration, consistent with

273reports of greater anxiety in this mouse strain (Homanics et al., 1999). In the context of 10 mg/kg

morphine place preferences, Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001) have demonstrated that

significant place preference does in fact develop in 129 mice, but that the retrieval/expression of

the drug-environment association is masked by anxiety. Accordingly, in their experiments, 129

mice did show significant place preference when pre-treated with either morphine or the

anxiolytic drugs diazepam or pentobarbital on the test day. Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that

the 129 mice tested in the current experiment may have in fact acquired, but not expressed, place

preference for 10 mg/kg morphine. Unfortunately, this possibility was not directly tested.

Instead, use of the divider wall with a door cut into it during baseline and preference testing in

the Steidl Apparatus was expected to lessen anxiety that could be associated with exposure to the

entire two chambers of the apparatus simultaneously, a situation somewhat akin to a small open

field chamber. Clearly this manipulation did not serve to improve place preference scores in 129

mice either.

Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001) found significant place preferences with both 1 and

10 mg/kg morphine in C57Bl/6 mice, and, in contrast to 129 mice, anxiety was not a factor in the

expression of conditioned place preference in B6 mice. In B6 mice, the amount of place

preference was not significantly affected by pre-treatment with morphine, diazepam, or

pentobarbital. The current data in B6 mice conditioned with 10 mg/kg of morphine did not

replicate the findings of Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001). However, the B6 mice used in the

current experiment are not necessarily identical to those used by Dockstader and van der Kooy

(2001). As described in the General Methods section (pg. 67), the B6 wild-type mice used here

were obtained, similar to the M5 knockout mice, by back-crossing onto C57Bl/6 for 6

generations, one generation above the suggested minimum number of back-crossings (Gerlai,

1996; Silva et al., 1997). Given that 5 generations is the minimum, the genome of these mice

should certainly be more like that of a C57Bl/6 than a 129 mouse, but unlikely to be identical to

274that of pure-bred C57Bl/6 mouse. Pilot studies with pure-bred C57Bl/6 mice that were purchased

from a commercial breeder showed moderate place preference (~20%) for 3 mg/kg (i.p.)

morphine using the van der Kooy Apparatus (data not shown). Interestingly, Szumlinski and

colleagues (2001) have investigated the contribution of varying amounts of B6 back-crossings in

B6-129 hybrids to heroin place preference, showing an absence of place conditioning in hybrids

with 3 back-crossings (like pure 129 mice) and significant place preference in hybrids with 10

back-crossings. At which generation the added B6 contribution changed the heroin place

conditioning phenotype is not clear, but this raises the possibility that the lack of significant

place preference in B6 wild-type mice observed in the present studies at 10 mg/kg may have to

do with a higher contribution of 129 genes in these mice. However, if this was a significant

factor in explaining the overall weak place preference observed in B6 wild-type mice, then there

is no reason that it should distinguish between doses. In the current experiments, out of all

groups of mice, the most reliable place preference was obtained in B6 wild-type mice with 3

mg/kg morphine.

Clearly the finding of reduced morphine place preference in M5 knockout mice provided

by Basile et al. (2002) was not replicated in the current experiments. Similar to B6 wild-type

mice, place preference data in B6 M5 knockout mice tested in the van der Kooy Apparatus was

unreliable, with statistically significant changes in preference for the morphine-paired chamber

only seen at the 10 mg/kg dose. Similarly, using the Steidl Apparatus in 129 M5 knockout mice,

there was little evidence of reliable place preference at 10 mg/kg morphine, regardless of

whether 15-min or 30-min conditioning trials were used.

With the Steidl Apparatus, B6 wild-type mice showed ~5% place preference for the 3

mg/kg dose that was statistically different from zero, while B6 M5 knockout mice did not (Figure

4.3a). However, this by no means provides a basis for claiming a significant genotype difference.

275 It is very difficult to make reasonable conclusion about data from knockout mice if the

wild-type control mice, run under identical conditions, do not show reliable place preference.

Thus, while the present data do not in any way discredit Basile et al.’s (2002) results, two aspects

of their procedure are noteworthy.

First, Basile et al. (2002) used a different apparatus configuration than was used in the

current study. In their case, one chamber was white with a smooth Plexiglas floor, and the other

black with a wire-grid for a floor. In contrast both apparatuses used in the current studies had one

chamber that was black with a smooth Plexiglas floor, and the other white with a wire-grid or

white, bumpy acrylic insert for a floor. The van der Kooy Apparatus configuration is based on

balancing the natural tendency of rodents to prefer the dark over the light chamber, with their

preference for the tactile stimulation of a wire-grid or bumpy over a smooth floor (van der Kooy

Laboratory, personal communication). From this reasoning it would follow that Basile et al.’s

(2002) apparatus created a biased situation, with two “attractive” features paired in the same

chamber. Indeed, in their experiment, baseline preferences for the non-preferred, white chamber

were between 5 and 28%, so they were clearly working with a biased apparatus. In the current

experiments apparatus bias was assessed by comparing baseline preferences for the morphine-

paired chamber to those for the saline-paired chamber. As assignment of drug to chamber was

counterbalanced and if the white and black compartments did not have any associated baseline

preferences, then there should also not be any baseline differences between morphine-paired and

saline-paired chambers. Similar to plotting baseline preferences according to morphine-paired

and saline-paired chambers, plotting the percentage of time spent in the white chamber by

individual mice shows considerable variability between individual B6 and 129 wild-type and M5

knockout mice. Figure 4.6a shows that although B6 wild-type mice had on average a 50%

preference for the white chamber with the van der Kooy Apparatus, approximately half the mice

showed baseline preferences above and half below 50 percent. M5 knockout mice had a stronger

276Figure 4.6. Apparatus bias in B6 wild-type (+/+) and M5 knockout (-/-) mice in (A) the van der

Kooy Apparatus (B6 n=22; M5 knockout n=19), and (B) the Steidl Apparatus (B6 n=6; M5

knockout n=6), and (C) 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice in the Steidl Apparatus (129 n=24;

M5 knockout n=18).













% T


in W





+/+ -/-













% T


in W





+/+ -/-













% T


in W





+/+ -/-


278preference for the black chamber. At least in six B6 wild-type and M5 knockout mice tested, the

Steidl Apparatus (Figure 4.6b) seemed to create more balanced baseline preferences. On the

other hand, the same apparatus also produced considerable variation in baseline preference for

the white chamber in both 129 wild-type and M5 knockout mice (Figure 4.6c).

Whether or not the apparatuses used in the present studies were biased seems to depend

on how bias is quantified. If average preferences across mice are taken as an indication, as for

example all B6 wild-type mice run on the van der Kooy Apparatus, then it could be claimed that

this apparatus was not biased. However, Figure 4.6a should serve to illustrate that this approach

is not very meaningful. With half the individual mice above (up to as high as 80%) and half

below (up to as low as 15%) 50% preference, the arithmetic mean will of course be close to 50%.

If assignment of the drug is counterbalanced, which is what an unbiased conditioning procedure

would demand, then this creates a situation where for half the mice the drug is paired with the

preferred chamber and for the other half with the non-preferred chamber.

Second, Basile et al. (2002) used a biased conditioning procedure, where morphine was

always paired with the non-preferred side. By contrast, in the current studies, assignment of

morphine to the black or white chamber was counterbalanced. In Basile et al.’s (2002) study,

unlike Dockstader and van der Kooy (2001), 129 wild-type and mixed 129 x CF1 mice showed

increases in preference for the morphine-paired chamber between 20 and 25 % across doses. It

may be that the use of a biased conditioning procedure served to maximize place preference in

their mice.

While Basile et al.’s (2002) data can be criticized on these grounds, the fact remains that

whatever bias existed in their procedure and apparatus, it was equally applied to wild-type and

M5 knockout mice, and M5 knockout mice did not develop any morphine-place preference at

2.5, 5, or 10 mg/kg, and showed reduced place preference at 25 mg/kg, suggesting that

morphine-place preference critically depended on M5 receptors. The authors related the loss of

279morphine place preference to reduced accumbal dopamine release at 25 mg/kg (i.p) morphine

resulting from reduced activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system in M5 knockout mice.

Their data are consistent with morphine place preference data in rats showing that muscarinic

antagonism in the VTA reduced morphine place preference tested with an unbiased apparatus

and conditioning procedure (Rezayof et al., 2007). At the same time, the data are inconsistent

with the clear demonstration of morphine place preference in rats despite pre-treatment with

systemic ((Nader & van der Kooy, 1997), or nucleus accumbens (Laviolette et al., 2002)

dopamine receptor blockers.

Furthermore, Hnasko et al. (2005) have demonstrated that dopamine-deficient mice

develop conditioned place preference for both 5 and 10 mg/kg (s.c.), but not 2.5 mg/kg

morphine, suggesting that dopamine is not required for an animal to associate the hedonic effects

of morphine with a particular environment. Hnasko et al.’s (2005) data are particularly

interesting as the absence of morphine place preference at 2.5 mg/kg morphine could be reversed

by pre-treatment with L-Dopa just before the preference test, suggesting that at least at low

doses, dopamine may contribute to the expression, but not the acquisition, of morphine place

preference. This suggests that in M5 knockout mice, which are missing a major excitatory input

to the mesolimbic dopamine system, the lack of morphine place preference may at least in part

be due to a decrease in the motivation to seek out the drug-paired chamber rather than an

inability to experience the hedonic properties of morphine or associate them with a given


280Chapter 4 References

Bardo, M. T., & Bevins, R. A. (2000). Conditioned place preference: What does it add to our

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Wess, J. (2002). Deletion of the M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor attenuates

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Bechara, A., Harrington, F., Nader, K., & van der Kooy, D. (1992). Neurobiology of motivation:

Double dissociation of two motivational mechanisms mediating opiate reward in drug-

naive versus drug-dependent animals. Behavioural Neuroscience, 106, 798-807.

Carr, G.D., Fibiger, H.C., & Phillips, A.G. (1989). Conditioned place preference as a measure of

drug reward. In J.M. Liebman & S.J. Cooper (Eds.) The neuropharmacological basis of

reward. Oxford: Claredon Press.

Cunningham, C.L., Ferree, N.K., & Howard, M.A. (2003). Apparatus bias and place

conditioning with ethanol in mice. Psychopharmacology, 170, 409-422.

Dockstader, C. L., Rubinstein, M., Grandy, D. K., Low, M. J., & van der Kooy, D. (2001). The

d2 receptor is critical in mediating opiate motivation only in opiate-dependent and

withdrawn mice. European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 995-1001.

Dockstader, C. L., & van der Kooy, D. (2001). Mouse strain differences in opiate reward

learning are explained by differences in anxiety, not reward or learning. Journal of

Neuroscience, 21, 9077-9081.

281Gerlai, R. (1996). Gene-targeting studies of mammalian behavior: Is it the mutation or the

background genotype? Trends in Neuroscience, 19, 177-181.

Heinrichs, S.C., & Martinez, J.L. Jr (1986). Modification of place preference conditioning in

mice by systemically administered [Leu]-enkephalin. Behavioral Brain Research, 22,


Hnasko, T. S., Sotak, B. N., & Palmiter, R. D. (2005). Morphine reward in dopamine-deficient

mice. Nature, 438, 854-857.

Homanics, G. E., Quinlan, J. J., & Firestone, L. L. (1999). Pharmacologic and behavioral

responses of inbred C57Bl/6J and strain 129/SvJ mouse lines. Pharmacology

Biochemistry and Behavior, 63, 21-26.

Kippin, T. E., & van der Kooy, D. (2003). Excitotoxic lesions of the tegmental pedunculopontine

nucleus impair copulation in naive male rats and block the rewarding effects of

copulation in experienced male rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 18, 2581-2591.

Laviolette, S. R., Nader, K., & van der Kooy, D. (2002). Motivational state determines the

functional role of the mesolimbic dopamine system in the mediation of opiate reward

processes. Behavioral Brain Research, 129, 17-29.

Mucha, R. F., & Iversen, S. D. (1984). Reinforcing properties of morphine and naloxone

revealed by conditioned place preferences: A procedural examination.

Psychopharmacology, 82, 241-247.

Nader, K., & van der Kooy, D. (1997). Deprivation state switches the neurobiological substrates

mediating opiate reward in the ventral tegmental area. Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 383-


Rezayof, A., Nazari-Serenjeh, F., Zarrindast, M. R., Sepehri, H., & Delphi, L. (2007). Morphine-

induced place preference: Involvement of cholinergic receptors of the ventral tegmental

area. European Journal of Pharmacology, 562, 92-102.

282Silva, A., Simpson, E.M., Takahashi, J.S., Lipp, H.P., Nakanishi, S., Wehner, J.M., Giese, K.P.,

Tully, T., Abel, T., Chapman, P.F., Fox, K., Grant, S., Itohara, S., Lathe, R., Mayford,

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and neuroscience: recommendation concerning genetic background. Neuron, 19, 755-


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heroin-induced changes in behaviour: Effects of b6 strain dose on conditioned reward and

locomotor sensitization in 129-b6 hybrid mice. Genes Brain and Behavior, 4, 324-336.

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Psychological Review, 94, 469-492.

Yeomans, J. S., Kofman, O., & McFarlane, V. (1985). Cholinergic involvement in lateral

hypothalamic rewarding brain stimulation. Brain Research, 329, 19-26.


General Discussion

284Summary of Chapter 1-4 Findings

The data collected in this dissertation show that M5 receptors in the VTA are important

for mediating the acute effects of morphine on locomotion and are critical for nucleus accumbens

dopamine increases produced by intra-VTA morphine.

First, M5 receptor knockout mice of both the 129 and B6 background strains showed

reduced morphine-induced locomotion relative to their respective wild-type controls. Reduced

morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice was most evident at the 30 mg/kg (i.p.) dose

of morphine.

Second, in B6 wild-type mice, bilateral VTA pre-treatment with the non subtype-

selective musacrinic receptor antagonist atropine, but not the non suntype-selective nicotinic

receptor antagonist mecamylamine, reduced the locomotion induced by morphine (30 mg/kg,

i.p.) to a similar extent as systemic M5 receptor knockout. By contrast, VTA atropine did not

further reduce locomotion in M5 knockout mice.

Third, the strong and long-lasting (≤ 2.5 hrs) increases in nucleus accumbens dopamine

efflux produced by intra-VTA morphine in wild-type mice were completely absent in M5

knockout mice, consistent with the reductions in morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout

mice. Similarly, VTA pre-treatment with scopolamine blocked increases in nucleus accumbens

dopamine efflux induced by intra-VTA morphine in wild-type mice.

Fourth, either VTA atropine or mecamylamine strongly increased locomotion in M5

knockout mice, while only slightly increasing locomotion in wild-type mice. Therefore, in the

absence of VTA M5 receptors the inhibitory effects of muscarinic- and nicotinic-mediated

cholinergic inputs to the mesolimbic dopamine system are more clearly revealed.

285Implications of the Current Findings

Previous studies of M5 knockout mice have found 40-50% reduced amphetamine-

induced locomotion (Wang et al., 2004), reduced cocaine conditioned place preference (Fink-

Jensen et al., 2003), reduced cocaine self-administration (Thomsen et al., 2005), and reduced

morphine place preference as well as reduced naloxone-precipitated morphine physical

withdrawal symptoms (Basile et al., 2002). Here, I found a 45-48% reduction in morphine-

induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice, indicating that the acute effects of morphine on

locomotion importantly depend on VTA M5 receptors. Nucleus accumbens dopamine efflux

induced by VTA morphine critically depended on VTA M5 receptors. As such, the data further

underscore the importance of understanding M5-mediated cholinergic activation of the dopamine

system for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms through which morphine affects


M5, Opiates and Dopamine.

Experiment 5 showed that in urethane-anesthetized mice, intra-VTA morphine induced a

large increase in accumbal dopamine efflux that was mediated through opioid receptors.

Electrophysiological recordings from midbrain dopamine neurons in rat brain slices suggest that

opiates disinhibit VTA dopamine neurons by inhibiting local GABA neurons (Johnson & North,

1992). M5 knockout mice showed no increases in accumbal dopamine efflux in response to VTA

morphine, and increases were similarly blocked by pre-treatment with scopolamine in wild-type

mice. Thus, either the disinhibition of VTA dopamine neurons by opiates requires the presence

of M5 receptors on dopamine neurons, or in the urethane-anesthetized mouse preparation an

additional mechanism of opiate-induced dopamine excitation is revealed that depends on VTA

M5 receptors.

In either case, the locomotion induced by systemic morphine in M5 knockout mice was

strongly reduced due to the absence of M5-mediated opiate-induced excitation of VTA dopamine

286neurons. Consistent with this, morphine-induced locomotion in freely-moving mice was reduced

by intra-VTA atropine to a similar extent as in M5 knockout mice.

Morphine-induced Locomotion and Dopamine Dependence

To what extent is the residual morphine-induced locomotion observed in M5 knockout

mice dopamine dependent? M5 knockouts showed reductions in total morphine-induced

locomotion between 45 and 48%, depending on background strain and dose, meaning that

greater than 50% of overall morphine-induced locomotion in wild-type mice is mediated through

a non-M5 dependent mechanism. Based on work done in rats, the residual non-M5 dependent

locomotion in knockout mice could be due to the action of morphine in the nucleus accumbens

(Amalric & Koob, 1985; Kalivas et al., 1983), the ventral pallidum (Austin & Kalivas, 1990;

Churchill et al., 1992), the PPT, or the mediodorsal thalamus (Klitenick & Kalivas, 1994). In

mice, the effects of opioid agonists directly into these brain areas on locomotion have not been

systematically studied, so it is not clear if the data obtained in rats extends to mice as well. Also,

there are few studies testing the effects of dopamine antagonists on morphine-induced

locomotion in mice. Recently, Ito, Mori, and Sawaguchi (2008) showed that systemic

haloperidol, which by itself did not reduce locomotion relative to saline, dose-dependently

attenuated locomotion induced by 20 mg/kg (s.c.) morphine in ddY mice between 50 and 75% at

doses of 0.032 and 0.1 mg/kg, respectively. By comparison, in rats similar doses (0.05 and 0.1

mg/kg) of α-flupenthixol did not significantly affect heroin-induced locomotion (Vaccarino et

al., 1986). Another comparison is between Hnasko et al.’s (2005) dopamine-deficient mice,

showing a 90% reduction in morphine-induced locomotion, and the effects of 6-OHDA lesions

in rats, showing no change in heroin-induced locomotion (Vaccarino et al., 1986). Taken

together the data suggest that locomotion induced by opiates may depend on dopamine to a

greater extent in mice than in rats.

An important question is whether the reduction in morphine-induced locomotion by

287haloperidol in wild-type mice or in dopamine-deficient mice is a secondary motor deficit. In Ito

et al’s (2008) study none of the doses of systemic haloperidol (0.01, 0.03, and 0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) on

their own reduced locomotion relative to saline, indicating that non-specific motor impairements

were not a major confound in evaluating the effects of haloperidol on morphine-induced

locomotion. The dopamine-deficient mice on the other hand are described as being severly

hyperoactive (Zhou & Palmiter, 1995). When first placed into a novel locomotion testing

chamber, control mice traveled ~23 m/hr, while dopamine-deficient mice traveled only ~3 m/hr.

A single L-Dopa injection (25 or 50 mg/kg, i.p.) increased brain dopamine levels to ~40% of

controls that declined over 24 hrs back to basal levels. Spontaneous locomotion in these mice

concurrently increased to levels above those observed in wild-type mice, peaking at 1 hr, and

then declining back to basal levels over 24 hours. In morphine-induced locomotion experiments

(Hnasko et al., 2005), dopamine-deficient mice were tested 18-24 hrs after L-Dopa

administration, a time during which brain dopamine levels were <1% of controls and

spontaneous locomotion was strongly reduced. Accordingly, non-specific motor impairments

may have contributed to the reduced morphine-induced locomotion observed in dopamine-

deficient mice. On the other hand, in another study dopamine-deficient mice showed locomotion

induced by phencyclidine (PCP) or the NMDA antagonist MK-801 that was similar to control

mice. Thus locomotion induced through glutamatergic systems was normal in these mice,

suggesting that drug-induced locomotion per se is not significantly affected in these mice

(Chartoff, Heusner, & Palmiter, 2005). Rather, the deficit seems to be specific to morphine-

induced locomotion.

If morphine-induced locomotion is dependent on dopamine to a greater extent in mice

than in rats, then the residual morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice should also be

more dependent on dopamine. In rats, opiates induced dopamine-dependent locomotion in the

PPT (Klitenick & Kalivas, 1994) and both PPT or LDT lesions (Forster & Blaha, 2003; Miller et

288al., 2002) as well as scopolamine in the VTA (Miller et al., 2005) strongly reduced dopamine

increases produced by intravenous morphine (75% and 60%, respectively). Thus, opioid effects

in the PPT may contribute to the residual locomotion seen in M5 knockout mice. It is unclear

however, whether the PPT input to the VTA would be mediated solely through cholinergic

afferents to the VTA in M5 knockout mice. For one, M5 receptors are missing on dopamine

neurons in knockout mice. It is unlikely that cholinergic inputs would be mediated through

nicotinic receptors, as VTA mecamylamine potentiated morphine locomotion in the M5

knockout. Similarly, the potentiation of morphine locomotion by VTA atropine in the knockout

argues against mediation through other muscarinic receptor sub-types. One previous report in

guinea pig brainstem slices showed that PPT cholinergic neurons were inhibited by μ opioid

agonists (Serafin, Khateb, & Muhlethaler, 1990). If this were also the case for mice, then

mediation through PPT cholinergic neurons is unlikely. However, again the fact that VTA

atropine and especially mecamylamine, which should mimic the effect of reduced cholinergic

input to the VTA, were additive with systemic morphine in inducing locomotion would argue

against morphine-induced inhibition of PPT cholinergic neurons in mice. Alternatively, opiates

in the PPT could increase glutamatergic excitation of dopamine neurons, producing dopamine-

dependent locomotion.

Non-dopamine Mediation of Opiate Locomotion.

Several other non-dopamine transmitters have been shown to play a role in mediating the

effects of opiates as well, and these may also contribute to the residual morphine-induced

locomotion observed in M5 knockout mice.

First, mice lacking the NK1 receptor did not acquire self-administration or locomotor

sensitization to morphine, but did for cocaine (Ripley, Gadd, De Felipe, Hunt, & Stephens,

2002). Intra-cerebroventricular administration of a NK-1 antagonist reduced morphine-induced

locomotion in rats (Placenza, Fletcher, Vaccarino, & Erb, 2006). Further, specific ablations of

289NK1 receptors in the amygdala, but not the nucleus accumbens, reduced place preference for

morphine, but not cocaine (Gadd, Murtra, De Felipe, & Hunt, 2003). Together these data suggest

a role for substance P neurotransmission in the amygdala in modulating opiate reward and


Second, norepinephrine neurotransmission, which is known to be important in opiate

withdrawal (Maldonado, 1997), is also important in its acute effects. Cortical blockade of α1-

adrenergic receptors blocked both the acute locomotion induced by morphine, as well as the

expression of behavioral sensitization to morphine (Drouin, Blanc, Trovero, Glowinski & Tassin,

2001). However, it is not entirely clear to what extent cortical norepinephrine is independent

from dopamine in mediating the acute effects. Ventura, Alcaro, and Puglisi-Allegra (2005)

showed that systemic morphine increased norepinephrine levels in the medial prefrontal cortex,

and that this in turn was necessary for the morphine-induced increases in dopamine, as well as

the development of morphine place preference.

VTA morphine may affect accumbens dopamine efflux via a cholinergic feedback loop involving

the PPT and M5 muscarinic receptors

Experiment 4 provides a useful comparison for the effects of intra-VTA morphine on

accumbal dopamine efflux. With electrical stimulation of the LDT (Forster et al., 2002) or the

PPT (Experiment 4), which both provide afferent cholinergic and glutamatergic inputs to

dopamine neurons, the onset of dopamine increase was fast (<30 sec), due to the activation of

dopamine by fast nicotinic and AMPA/kainate ionotropic receptors (Forster & Blaha, 2000;

2003). However, the M5 contribution to PPT-evoked striatal dopamine efflux was slower, with

an onset of 5-10 minutes (see Figure 3.5), the same time at which differences in accumbal

dopamine efflux between wild-type and M5 knockout mice following VTA morphine became

apparent. With LDT-evoked accumbal dopamine efflux, the M5 mediated component followed a

similar time course (Forster et al., 2002). Thus, the time course of M5-mediated dopamine

290activation by PPT or LDT stimulation matches that of M5-mediated dopamine activation induced

by VTA opiates. A better test would be provided by a comparison to the time course of PPT-

evoked accumbal, rather than striatal, dopamine efflux. While the effects of PPT stimulation on

accumbal dopamine efflux have not been specifically studied, the presence of both PPT to VTA

projections (Oakman et al., 1995) as well as the interconnectivity between PPT and LDT (Semba

& Fibiger, 1992) suggest that these are functionally relevant.

VTA morphine administration induced a slow and long-lasting (> 2 hrs) increase in

accumbens dopamine efflux that began about 10 min after infusion and was completely absent in

M5 knockout mice. Consistent with this, microdialysis measures of accumbal dopamine

following VTA morphine showed increases within 15 min of the injection (Leone et al., 1990).

By contrast, systemic administration of morphine in urethane-anesthetized rats induced increases

in accumbal or striatal dopamine efflux within 30-60 sec following the injection (Forster et al.,

2003; Miller et al., 2003; 2005). As systemic morphine in rats produced faster increases in

dopamine than intra-VTA morphine in mice, this suggests that a non-M5 dependent mechanism

must be contributing to the faster dopamine activation associated with systemic morphine.

Furthermore, in contrast to VTA morphine, VTA administration of 0.2 mM or SN

administration of 0.5 mM nicotine in urethane-anesthetized rats induced increases in accumbal

and striatal dopamine efflux, respectively, that were apparent within 1-3 min following the

injection (Blaha & Winn, 1993; Blaha et al., 1996). In addition, VTA carbachol (0.5 μg) in

urethane-anesthetized rats induced increases in accumbal dopamine efflux within 30 sec of the

injection (Miller & Blaha, 2005). Comparing the present data with dopamine increases produced

by other pharmacological manipulations in the VTA suggests, therefore, that the 10-min delay in

accumbal dopamine efflux observed following VTA morphine was not due to delays associated

with the recording method. Increases in dopamine efflux measured by stearate-modified carbon

paste electrodes are apparent within seconds or minutes following electrical and/or chemical

291stimulation of dopamine neurons. If opiates in the VTA were affecting mesolimbic dopamine

neurons via disinhibition of local GABA neurons, then the onset would be expected to occur

faster than 10 minutes. The present data indicate that the delay was due to opiate-induced

dopamine activation through M5 muscarinic receptors.

Laviolette and colleagues (2004) suggest that the VTA contains two separate mechanisms

that can mediate the acute rewarding effects of opiates, depending on the animals’ prior drug

history. Specifically, in drug-naïve animals VTA opiates activate descending GABA projections

to the PPT, while in dependent/withdrawn animals, VTA opiates act through the disinhibition of

dopamine neurons. As all mice tested in the chronoamperometry experiments were drug naïve,

VTA opiates should have activated descending GABAergic inputs to the PPT. It is possible that

this could, in turn, result in the disinhibition of ascending cholinergic inputs to the VTA to

produce dopamine activation through muscarinic receptors (Figure 6). The activation of

dopamine neurons through a cholinergic feedback loop could help explain why the dopamine

increases observed in the present study had a 10 min onset and why muscarinic receptor

blockade in the VTA or M5 knockout completely blocked dopamine increases produced by VTA

morphine. The resulting dopamine activation may also be important for the acute locomotion

produced by opiates.

If this hypothesis is correct then it provides three testable predictions. First, acetylcholine

levels in the VTA should be increased by intra-VTA morphine in wild-type mice. Increases in

VTA acetylcholine levels have previously been shown in rats bar-pressing for lateral

hypothalamus stimulation, as well as in rats eating or drinking following overnight deprivation

(Rada et al., 2000). Second, if the increase in VTA acetylcholine is mediated through

GABAergic disinhibition of PPT, then GABA agonists in the PPT should block it. Third, the

importance of M5 should vary according to the animals’ motivational state, such that in the






ACh Nucleus Accumbens


+ - DA ↑-






ACh Nucleus Accumbens


+ - DA ↑-


Figure 6. How opiates disinhibit PPT cholinergic neurons to produce dopamine activation

293withdrawn/dependent state, where VTA opiates activate dopamine via GABA disinhibition, the

contribution of M5, acetylcholine release, and PPT neurons should be reduced.

The absence of VTA M5 receptors may affect the excitability of dopamine neurons

An alternative hypothesis that could account for the present results is that VTA dopamine

neurons are less excitable as a result of missing M5 receptors. The firing properties of VTA

dopamine neurons are regulated by afferent inputs. Importantly, the spontaneous activity of

dopamine neurons, which is thought to affect tonic dopamine levels (Grace, 1991), critically

depends on LDT inputs. Specifically, infusion of carbachol into the LDT, which inhibits

cholinergic neurons via M2-like receptors (Leonard & Llinás, 1994), reduced the number of

spontaneously active VTA dopamine neurons, while infusion of the muscarinic antagonist

scopolamine, or NMDA into the LDT, which activates cholinergic neurons, increased the

number of spontaneously active dopamine neurons. Furthermore, decreasing the number of

spontaneously active dopamine neurons by LDT carbachol, blocked dopamine neurons burst

firing induced by either PPT NMDA or VTA glutamate infusion (Lodge & Grace, 2006). As the

phasic increases in dopamine produced by increases in burst firing of dopamine neurons are

thought to be functionally related to reward, the data suggest that the LDT regulates the

responsiveness of VTA dopamine neurons to reward-related stimuli.

Thus, it may be that the absence of M5 receptors on VTA dopamine neurons results in

reduced responsiveness to tonic cholinergic inputs from the LDT that help to maintain the ability

of dopamine neurons to respond to afferent inputs. Dopamine neurons would concurrently be

subject to greater tonic inhibition by local GABA neurons, so VTA dopamine neurons in M5

knockout mice could be in a chronic state of reduced excitability (i.e. hyperpolarized) and so

would require greater afferent input to reach a threshold of excitation. In the case of opiates, this

would mean that VTA dopamine neurons require a greater degree of GABA neuron inhibition by

opiates to reach the threshold of excitation. In the present studies only the 50 ng dose of VTA

294morphine was used, so one way to test this prediction would be to assess whether either higher

doses of morphine or a more potent μ opioid receptor agonist like fentanyl, would lead to

increased accumbal dopamine efflux in M5 knockout mice. However, a more direct test of the

hypothesis would require electrophysiological recordings from VTA dopamine neurons in M5

knockout mice.

Support for this hypothesis comes from studies of orexin knockout mice, which lack the

precursor peptide prepro-orexin for orexin A and orexin B. Orexins directly activate VTA

dopamine neurons (Korotkova, Sergeeva, Eriksson, Haas, & Brown, 2003), and increase levels

of dopamine and its metabolites in the nucleus accumbens (Narita et al., 2006). Prepro-orexin

knockout mice showed reduced sensitivity to the acute effects of morphine, remarkably similar

to what was observed in the M5 knockout mice in the present study. Both M5 and prepro-orexin

knockout mice show reduced locomotion, and reduced increases in nucleus accumbens dopamine

in response to morphine. In addition, the prepro-orexin mice showed a strong reduction in

morphine conditioned place preference across a range of doses (3, 5, and 10 mg/kg).

Orexins have been shown to increase intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in VTA dopamine

neurons via activation of phospolipase C and protein kinase C. Similarly, M5 receptor activation

also leads to increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations via activation of phospolipase C and

protein kinase C (Eglen & Nahorski, 2000). Thus it is possible that one consequence of orexin

loss in the knockout mice is that, similar to the loss of M5 receptors, VTA dopamine neurons are

in a state of reduced excitability.

It follows from this hypothesis that VTA dopamine neurons in M5 knockout mice are

influenced to a greater extent by tonic GABAergic input. This may explain why M5 knockout

mice showed increased locomotion in response to either VTA atropine or mecamylamine. It may

also explain why VTA atropine or mecamylamine potentiated locomotion induced by systemic

morphine in M5 knockout mice. The locomotion induced by VTA atropine or mecamylamine

295alone in M5 knockout mice could be explained by blockade of muscarinic and nicotinic receptors

on GABA neurons (see Chapter 2), effectively disinhibiting dopamine neurons. In the case of

systemic morphine in combination with VTA atropine or mecamylamine, blocking tonic

excitatory cholinergic input to GABA neurons should reduce tonic GABAergic input to

dopamine neurons, which may increase their responsiveness to morphine.

M5 and Reward

Basile et al.’s (2002) data on morphine conditioned place preference were not replicated

in Experiment 6. However, the present place preference data are difficult to interpret, as reliable

morphine place preference data was not obtained in either 129 or B6 wild-type mice. While my

data do not refute or support Basile et al.’s (2005) data, it is interesting to compare their data

with data from dopamine-deficient mice. Hnasko et al.’s (2005) data suggest a possible

dissociation between the role of dopamine in morphine-induced place preference and

locomotion. On the one hand, these mice showed virtually a complete absence of locomotion in

response to 2.5 or 12.5 mg/kg morphine, while on the other hand showing unchanged place

preference, no different from wild-type controls, at very similar doses of 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg

morphine. Experiment 5 showed that dopamine activation associated with VTA morphine was

crtically dependent on M5 receptors, but Hnasko et al.’s (2005) data would argue that this should

be important for locomotion but should not significantly reduce the acute rewarding effects of

morphine. Thus, it is unclear why morphine place preference should so strongly depend on M5

receptors, as suggested by Basile et al. (2002).

Conclusions and Future Directions

My experiments were intended to better understand the role of M5 receptors in morphine-

induced dopamine release and locomotion in mice. Opiate locomotion may depend more on

dopamine in mice than in rats. Because mice are the species of choice for gene studies, it is

important to understand differences in behavioral pharmacology between mice and rats. In this

296regard, my data add to an already rich body of literature demonstrating differences in how strains

of mice respond to drugs of abuse, and so further underscore the importance of considering the

background strain when interpreting the effects of gene deletion on behaviour. I chose to test the

effects of intra-VTA morphine on accumbal dopamine efflux, in part, because this should most

clearly reveal the effects of opiates on the dopamine system in isolation from other non-

dopamine effects that would be encountered with systemic injections. Basile et al.’s (2002)

already showed reduced accumbal dopamine release in response to systemic morphine in M5

knockout mice, and I have extended that finding by showing that the effects of VTA opiates on

dopamine somehow critically depend on M5 receptors. Behaviourally this resulted in reduced


M5 knockout mice are less sensitive to the acute effects of morphine, so two interesting

extensions of the current work would be to test the development of morphine sensitization and

the sensitivity to endogenous opioids in M5 knockout mice. First, there is substantial evidence

that the mesolimbic dopamine system and its excitatory glutamate inputs are critical for the

development of sensitization (e.g., for a review see Carlezon & Nestler, 2002). In the case of

morphine, both NMDA (Jeziorski, White, & Wolf, 1994) and AMPA (Carlezon, Rasmussen, &

Nestler, 1999; Carlezon et al., 1997) stimulation are important for the development of

sensitization. If a difference in morphine sensitization between wild-type and M5 knockout mice

were observed, it would suggest that concurrent M5-mediated excitation of dopamine neurons by

repeated opiate administration is somehow important for changes in glutamate receptors that

underlie the development of morphine sensitization. Second, Experiment 2 showed that

morphine-induced locomotion in M5 knockout mice was less sensitive to naltrexone antagonism,

and naltrexone on its own (1 mg/kg) did not reduce saline-induced locomotion to the same extent

as in wild-type mice. This suggests that M5 knockout mice may also be less sensitive to the

effects of tonically active endogenous opioids in the VTA (i.e., enkephalins and endomorphins)

297on dopamine and locomotion. In wild-type mice, blockade of endogenous opiate receptors with 1

or 10 mg/kg (i.p.) naltrexone on its own reduced locomotion, and data from two mice in

Experiment 5 with morphine injection sites 1-2 mm dorsal to the VTA showed that naltrexone on

its own produced long-lasting decreases (up to 1.5 hrs) in accumbal dopamine efflux. Consistent

with a reduced naltrexone effect on saline-induced locomotion (Experiment 2), I predict that M5

knockout mice would also show a reduced decrease in accumbal dopamine efflux following

either systemic, or intra-VTA, naltrexone treatment.

Furthermore, endogenous opioid activity has notably been implicated in social bonding

and feeding behaviours. Panksepp and colleagues (1980) have suggested that opiates reduce

distress vocalizations in newborn animals of several species when separated from their mothers.

Conversely, blocking endogenous opiates with naloxone increases separation calls (Robinson,

D’Udine, & Olivero, 1985). Accordingly, our lab has recently found that M5 knockout mice

show fewer separation calls, and fewer calls in response to naltrexone (Yeomans, Podgorski, &

Wang, 2008).

Endogenous opioid peptides have also been implicated in the modulation of feeding

behaviour. Generally opioid agonists increase and opioid antagonists decrease food consumption

(Levine & Billington, 1989; Reid, 1985). Specifically, opioids appear to modify food

consumption based on palatability rather than nutritional content. For example, Evans and

Vaccarino (1990) showed that morphine enhances intake of a rats’ preferred food. Thus, as

endogenous opioids are thought to be important in modulating palatable aspects of food, and if

M5 knockout mice are less sensitive to endogenous opioids, then it would be interesting to test

the sensitivity of M5 knockout mice to food palatability.

The pharmacology studies showed different effects on locomotion in M5 knockout mice

elicited by VTA atropine or mecamylamine. This suggests that the cholinergic afferent control of

the mesolimbic dopamine system in M5 knockout mice is shifted toward indirect inhibition. One

298result of this was reduced responsiveness to opiates. As such, the present work underscores the

importance of better understanding the role of cholinergic inputs to the dopamine system and

how these inputs affect an animals’ ability to respond to opiates. More broadly, it suggests a role

for M5 receptors in responding to other rewards. For example, acetylcholine levels in the VTA

were increased after eating, drinking, or self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus (Rada et al.,

2000). Furthermore, VTA scopolamine reduced bar-pressing for food reward under a progressive

ratio schedule in rats (Sharf, McKelvey, & Ranaldi, 2006). Thus, in future work, it would be

interesting to test the role of M5 receptors in non-drug rewards (e.g. food, water, and sex).


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Appendix A: In vivo measurement of dopamine

307Measuring synaptic neurotransmitter overflow has allowed for the correlation of brain

neurochemicals with observable behavior (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Murphy et al., 2001).

Measuring dopamine, or other neurotransmitters, is principally achieved through one of two

methods, microdialysis or electrochemistry. The choice of method is often determined by the

chemical of interest. Brain monoamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) are

electroactive compounds that can be detected in the brain extracellular fluid (ECF) through in

vivo electrochemical methods or through microdialysis combined with off-line electrochemical

detection. Many other neurotransmitters found throughout the brain are not electroactive (e.g.

GABA, glutamate, acetylcholine) or are present in such low levels (e.g. substance P) that

electrochemical methods cannot be easily used. Although electrochemical detection of

neurotransmitters like glutamate (Burmeister & Gerhardt, 2001; Hascup, Hascup, Pomerleau,

Huettl, Gerhardt, 2008) and acetylcholine (Bruno et al., 2006; Burmeister et al., 2008) has

improved, microdialysis is more commonly used to measure these compounds (Blaha & Phillips,

1996; Stamford, 1989; Westerink, 2000).

1. In vivo Microdialysis

In microdialysis, brain extracellular fluid (ECF) is sampled from a brain area of interest

through a stereotaxically implanted ‘probe’. Typically, the tip of the probe consists of a

cylindrical, hollow dialysis membrane that is made from cellulose-based artificial kidney

material that is attached to an ‘in’ and ‘out’ tube (Westerink, 1995). Typical probe dimensions

are between 0.5-4 mm in length and 200-300 μm in diameter (Blaha and Phillips, 1996; Gerhardt

and Burmeister, 2000; Westerink 1995, 2000). The dialysis membrane is impermeable to large

molecules, but allows for the entry of smaller molecular mass neurotransmitter molecules

(Dawson, 1997). The molecular weight cutoff of most commercially available probes is around

30 000 daltons. Perfusion fluid continuously flows through the probe to maintain a chemical

gradient that allows for the collection of different ECF molecules. The perfusion fluid is

308generally an iso-osmolar solution that contains the appropriate physiological ions to match the

brain ECF (Dawson, 1997). Microdialysis is based on the principle that with iso-osmolar

solutions on both sides of the membrane, molecules in the ECF will diffuse down their

concentration gradients from the brain into the probe. The resulting perfusion fluid, containing

the molecules of interest, is then collected through the “out” tube for off-line analysis. The

volume of the recovered sample fluid is determined by the flow rate of perfusion, and the slower

the perfusion rate the smaller the volume of recovered samples (Dawson, 1997). Typically, flow

rates between 1-2 μl/min are used, resulting in samples collected every 5-20 minutes (Blaha &

Phillips, 1996; Dawson, 1997; Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000).

The analysis of dialysate samples is achieved by high performance liquid

chromatography (HPLC), coupled with various detection methods. In the case of an electroactive

(oxidizable) chemical of interest like dopamine, electrochemical methods are commonly used to

identify the compound in the recovered sample. A similar process is used as during in vivo

electrochemistry at the recording surface of a carbon-based electrode to estimate analyte

concentrations (see discussion later on). In the case of other compounds like glutamate,

acetylcholine, or GABA which are not electroactive compounds, fluorescence detection or for

some electrochemical detection can be used, after the molecule has undergone an enzyme

reaction converting it to a molecule that is oxidizable (Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000). The

amount of neurotransmitter that can be detected in a given sample depends on the sensitivity of

the HPLC machine. In the case of dopamine measured by HPLC coupled with electrochemical

detection, the limit of detection is typically in the picomolar (10-9) range (Gerhardt &

Burmeister, 2000).

1.1. Advantages of Microdialysis

First, microdialysis can measure basal levels of the neurotransmitter (Stamford, 1989) in

309terms of absolute molar concentrations, and subsequently measure changes in concentration due

to a given manipulation or some change in behavioral output.

Second, microdialysis can measure two or more chemicals of interest (e.g. glutamate and

acetylcholine in the VTA or striatum). In the case of dopamine, microdialysis allows concurrent

measurement of its major metabolites dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid

(HVA), and 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT). This allows for a measure of functionally relevant

dopamine turnover in the brain area of interest.

1.2. Limitations of Microdialysis

First, microdialysis can disrupt the extracellular environment surrounding the probe

(Westerink & Timmerman, 1999). For example, Camp and Robinson (1992) found that four days

of continuous dialysis sampling resulted in damage to the functional integrity of the dopamine

system. Also, repeated sampling from the same brain area may lead to depletion of the

neurochemical of interest, in turn creating a local concentration gradient.

Second, microdialysis samples neurochemicals from brain areas other than the one of

primary interest. Given the relatively large probe dimensions (0.5-4 mm in length and 200-300

μm in diameter) and the fact that samples can be drawn from tissue 1 to 2 mm from the probe

(Blaha & Phillips, 1996), the spatial resolution of microdialysis is limited. This may not be a

problem in the case of relatively large neural structures (e.g. the striatum). In smaller areas such

as the VTA and SN, however, the lack of spatial resolution may be a problem. Zocchi and

colleagues (2003) used microdialysis in the mouse brain to compare local differences in

dopamine increases within the nucleus accumbens in response to various drugs of abuse.

Distinctions made between core and shell levels of dopamine, which in the mouse brain are

separated by less than 1 mm, are difficult.

Third, microdialysis has poor temporal resolution (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Gerhardt &

Burmeister, 2000). Clearly, with sampling intervals on the order of 5-20 min, biologically

310relevant events occurring on a more rapid scale go unnoticed. The temporal resolution of

microdialysis can be improved by increasing the perfusion rate, leading to more rapid

accumulation of samples, allowing for more rapid collection. However, larger dialysate samples

can lead to more rapid depletion of neurochemicals around the probe, potentially reducing spatial

resolution (Bungay, Morrison, & Dedrick, 1990). In turn, this increases the probability of

sampling neurochemicals from areas other than the one of primary interest. Thus, with

microdialysis, improving the temporal resolution by increasing the flow rate comes at the

expense of an even greater loss of spatial resolution, and chemical depletion. If the off-line

detection method was sufficiently sensitive, then very small samples could be taken every few

minutes without having to change the flowrate.

Finally, the use of in vivo microdialysis creates tissue damage caused by the probe.

While this is the case for any kind of implantation in the brain, it is particularly a concern with

the relatively large microdialysis probes. For one, implantation of the probe will locally disrupt

the blood-brain barrier, causing reduced blood flow and consequently reduced oxygen supply

(Westerink, 1995, 2000; Westerink & Timmerman, 1999). The degree of neural damage will

depend on the size of the probe, but generally recovery from damage, as assessed by TTX- and

Ca2+-dependent dopamine release is evident within 8-24 hrs after implantation (Westerink, 2000;

Westerink & Timmerman, 1999). Thus, to allow for recovery, it is standard practice in

microdialysis experiments to leave microdialysis probes in situ for at least 24 hrs before

sampling is initiated (e.g. DiChiara & Imperato, 1988).

2. In vivo Electrochemistry

Electrochemistry can be applied to electrocative compounds such as the monoamines and

some of their metabolites (e.g. DOPAC) and ascorbic acid (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Gerhardt &

Burmeister, 2000). Electroactive compounds oxidize easily, and in doing so give off electrons

that can be measured as current flow (Figure A1). While, electrochemical techniques have been

311Figure A1. Examples of electroactive compounds that can be detected in the ECF of the brain

using in vivo electrochemistry (modified from Blaha & Phillips, 1996). Oxidation of each species

results in the transfer of two electrons per molecule, which can be measured as current flow.








R 0.3 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-

CATECHOLS (Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, DOPAC)O




R 0.3 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-









R 0.3 Volts0.3 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-

CATECHOLS (Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, DOPAC)





R0.4 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-

INDOLES (Serotonin, 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid)





R0.4 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-









R0.4 Volts0.4 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-

INDOLES (Serotonin, 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid)





R0.5 Volts+ 2H+ + 2e-


METHYLCATECHOLS (Homovanillic acid, 3-Methoxytyramine)





R0.5 Volts+ 2H+ + 2e-










R0.5 Volts0.5 Volts+ 2H+ + 2e-


METHYLCATECHOLS (Homovanillic acid, 3-Methoxytyramine)











0.3 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-












0.3 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-





















0.3 Volts0.3 Volts

+ 2H+ + 2e-


313traditionally limited to easily oxidizable chemical species (e.g. dopamine), advances allow for

the measurement of acetylcholine (Bruno et al., 2006; Burmeister et al., 2008), glutamate

(Burmeister & Gerhardt, 2001; Hascup et al., 2008), and serotonin (Daws, Toney, Davis,

Gerhardt, & Frazer, 1997).

2.1. Basic Principles of in vivo Electrochemistry

In vivo electrochemistry involves oxidation of the chemicals through the application of a

voltage potential. Similar to microdialysis, it involves the implantation of a probe, in this case

termed the working electrode, into the brain area of interest. This is probably the most important

component of the recording system. In the case of dopamine, two main types of working

electrode are commonly used, the carbon paste and carbon fiber electrode (Figure A2). A carbon-

based recording surface is used because it provides an electrochemically inert surface covered

with oxygen-containing functional groups, which allows for the occurrence of electron transfer

and hence measurement of the resulting current (Kawagoe, Zimmerman, & Wightman, 1993).

Furthermore, carboxyl groups on the carbon surface deprotonate at physiological pH (e.g. in the

brain), creating an anionic recording surface (Kawagoe et al., 1993). Anions, such as DOPAC

and ascorbic acid, consequently show a slower rate of electron transfer at the recording surface

relative to cations such as dopamine (Kawagoe et al., 1993). This results in distinctly different

electrochemical profiles for dopamine and DOPAC and/or ascorbic acid.

Reference and auxiliary electrodes are required in order to carry out the measures at the

working electrode smoothly, without a drift in the applied potential (Gerhardt & Burmeister,

2000). The auxiliary electrode is commonly made from stainless steel, but can also be made from

silver or platinum, and it is placed in contact with the animal at any convenient location. The

reference electrode is most commonly a silver/silver chloride wire that is placed into contact with

the brain or cerebrospinal fluid (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000). A

potentiostat, or electrometer, creates a circuit between the three electrodes and allows for the

314application of voltage potentials to the recording electrode via the auxiliary electrode, as well as

the maintenance of a potential difference between the recording and reference electrode (Blaha

& Phillips, 1996). When a voltage potential is applied to the working electrode, via the auxiliary

electrode, that is sufficiently large to cause the oxidation of electroactive neurochemicals at the

surface of the working electrode, then the resulting transfer of electrons produces a measurable

current. The current flow, termed the faradaic current, is proportional to the concentration of the

neurochemical of interest (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000). The

(amplified) current flow is sampled either during or immediately after the application of voltage

potentials. Different electroactive species have different oxidation potentials (see Figure A1).

The absolute oxidation potential of a given species will depend on the electrochemical technique

that is used and the composition of the recording electrode (Blaha & Phillips, 1996). In the case

of dopamine, application of the appropriate potential results in the rapid oxidation of dopamine

at the electrode surface to form dopamine-o-quinone (DOQ) and the donation of 2 electrons for

each molecule of dopamine. The DOQ can in turn be reduced back into dopamine in the

presence of ascorbic acid (Blaha & Phillips, 1996).

2.2. Types of Electrodes

Carbon fiber working electrodes (Figure A2a) can be made from either single or multiple

carbon fibers or carbon monofilaments, which typically range in size from between 5 to 30 μm in

diameter. These are all generally made by encasing the carbon fiber(s) in a heat-pulled glass

capillary tube. The carbon fiber(s) extend beyond the glass capillary tube by between 100 and

500 μm (Blaha & Phillips, 1996), creating a cylindrical recording surface.

Carbon paste electrodes (Figure A2b) are constructed by packing carbon paste into a well

formed by the extrusion of 0.5 mm of Teflon coating of a stainless-steel wire. The carbon paste

is prepared by mixing powdered graphite powder with a hydrophobic material such as paraffin or

315Figure A2. Schematic diagrams of (A) carbon fiber and (B) carbon paste electrodes used for the

in vivo measurement of dopamine efflux (adapted from Blaha & Phillips, 1996).



317silicone oil. This results in a disc-shaped active recording surface with an inside diameter of

typically 150 μm and an outer diameter of 200 μm. While the smaller size of carbon fiber

electrodes provides greater spatial resolution, their disadvantage is a smaller current measured,

and hence a greater noise-to-signal ratio (Kawagoe et al., 1993).

2.3. Selectivity for Dopamine

The natural properties of carbon result in distinct electrochemical profiles for anions and

cations, but this is not enough to ensure selectivity for the neurochemical of interest. Figure A1

shows that dopamine, ascorbic acid, and DOPAC all oxidize at the same potential.

Concentrations of DOPAC and ascorbic acid in the brain ECF are orders of magnitude higher

than that of dopamine, so electrochemical records will necessarily be composed of all three

species oxidizing at the working electrode surface (Blaha & Phillips, 1996). Thus to measure

dopamine with confidence, the electrode surface has to be modified in order to increase

selectivity for dopamine.

One method used to increase the selectivity of carbon fiber electrodes for dopamine is to

condition the recording surface electrochemically (Blaha & Phillips, 1996). Typically, triangular

potential waveforms are applied to the electrode in vitro (Gonon, Buda, Cespuglio, Jouvet, &

Pujol, 1981). The resulting high current densities at the carbon surface are thought to create an

oxide film on the surface of the carbon fiber that consequently accelerates the electron transfer

from ascorbic acid, resulting in its oxidation at a lower potential than dopamine and DOPAC

(Blaha & Philips, 1996). While this method reduces the effect of ascorbic acid, it does not

improve the selectivity for dopamine over DOPAC. Some have addressed this issue by inhibiting

the production of DOPAC through addition of an irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor, such

as pargyline (Gonon, Buda, Cespuglio, Jouvet, & Pujol, 1980; Gonon et al., 1981). Obviously

this creates a very artificial in vivo situation.

318A more commonly used method to improve the selectivity of carbon fiber electrodes for

dopamine is to coat the carbon fiber with a cation-exchange polymer such as Nafion (Blaha and

Philips, 1996; Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000; Gerhardt, Oke, Nagy, Moghaddam, & Adams,

1984). The Nafion film largely excludes anions such as DOPAC and ascorbic acid, but is highly

permeable to cations such as dopamine (Gerhardt et al., 1984).

Carbon paste electrodes can be similarly treated to enhance selectivity for dopamine with

either electrochemical conditioning or Nafion coating. An alternative approach is to incorporate

a fatty acid (stearic acid) into the carbon paste mixture (Blaha & Lane, 1983; Blaha & Phillips,

1996). The principle here is similar to that of Nafion, with the fatty acid creating an anionic

recording surface that slows down the electron transfer from anions (DOPAC and ascorbic acid),

resulting in more positive oxidation potentials for these molecules (Blaha & Phillips, 1996).

Neither Nafion-coated carbon fiber nor stearate-modified carbon paste electrodes are

however able to distinguish between dopamine and other electroactive cations such as

norepinephrine and serotonin (see Figure A1). Thus, selectivity for dopamine can only be

ensured if either method is limited to taking electrochemical measures of dopamine from areas of

the brain that are known to have high concentrations of dopamine and low concentration of

serotonin and norepinephrine (i.e. the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens; Blaha & Phillips,


3. Electrochemistry Methods

The large variety of electrochemical techniques falls into two basic categories. On the

one, there are those methods that involve application of a voltage ramp (i.e. a sweep) to the

recording electrode, such as linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), cyclic voltammetry (CV), fast-

scan cyclic voltammetry (FCSV), differential pulse voltammetry (DVP), and differential normal

pulse voltammetry (DNVP) (Blaha & Phillips, 1996; Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000). On the other

hand, there are those that involve applying a potential pulse, typically chosen as the oxidation

319potential of the neurochemical of interest, to the recording electrode for short durations. These

include fixed potential amperometry (FPA), chronocoulometry (CC) and chronoamperometry


3.1. Voltammetry

With voltammetry techniques, the application of a voltage sweep results in oxidation of

several electroactive species at the surface of the working electrode, resulting in a

voltammogram that may have several peaks at different voltages, each peak corresponding to the

oxidation potential of a given electroactive species. In LSV, the potential applied to the working

electrode is linearly increased from an initial to a final value at a fixed sweep rate (typically

between 10-20 mV/s), and the current output is plotted in the form of a voltammogram, with the

current output plotted relative to the applied voltage. Linear sweep voltammetry with

semidifferentiation (LSV-SD) is a variant of this method where the semi-derivative of the output

is plotted to improve the resolution of peaks in the voltamogram (Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000).

CV and FSCV both involve a steady ramping up of the potential from a starting potential,

which is typically below the oxidation potential of the species of interest, to a switching

potential, after which it is ramped back down to the starting potential. In each case, as the

potential becomes more positive (i.e. the anodic portion of the sweep), the electroactive species

is oxidized, and then as the potential becomes more negative (i.e. the cathodic portion of the

sweep) any of the oxidized species that has not diffused away from the electrode tip is reduced.

Consequently, with these methods both an oxidation and a reduction peak are obtained, and the

ratio of these two can be used to further help identify the neurochemical. What distinguishes the

two is the rate at which the potential sweep is applied. In CV it is between 10 and 300 mV/sec,

and in FSCV between 300 and 900 V/sec, resulting in repetition rates as high as 10 Hz (Gerhardt

& Burmeister, 2000).

320In DVP and DVNP, a voltage sweep is applied at a constant rate, with a potential pulse

superimposed at a fixed interval (Blaha & Phillips, 1996). The current is measured at the peak of

each pulse and subtracted from the current at the end of each pulse. The differential current is

plotted relative to the applied voltage, resulting in a voltammogram that has pronounced peaks.

In DVNP two successive pulses of a fixed potential difference are applied from a constant

baseline, with the amplitude of the double pulse increased at a constant rate. The difference in

current at the peak of each pulse in measured.

3.2. Amperometry

With amperometry techniques, the same potential pulse is repeatedly applied to measure

the oxidation current of only the neurochemical species of interest. In FPA the voltage potential

is applied to the electrode continuously, allowing for continuous recording of oxidation current.

This has the advantage of being able to measure events that occur very fast (200-1000 Hz) and is

also very sensitive. Since the potential is applied constantly, the background current recorded

from the electrode is very low, allowing for measurement of very small faradaic (i.e. oxidation)

currents. However, the problem with FPA is that fixing the potential can cause the analyte and its

oxidation products to adhere to the electrode surface, which will change its recording properties

(Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000).

In CA (the method used in the present experiments), the potential at the working

electrode is instantaneously stepped up from a resting potential to a value above the oxidation

potential of the analyte of interest for a fixed duration at a fixed interval. In the case of using CA

to measure dopamine with carbon paste electrodes, the potential is instantly stepped from a

resting value of -0.15 V to 0.25 V for 1 sec, every 30-60 seconds (Blaha & Phillips, 1996). As

the potential is stepped up, the recorded current increases dramatically, and this is due to

charging current of the electrode and oxidation of the electroactive species (Gerhardt &

Burmeister, 2000). The charging current decays as the potential is held, and the faradaic (i.e.

321oxidation) current is measured and integrated over the final 50 ms of the 1000 ms pulse (Blaha &

Phillips, 1996). In CC, also referred to as high-speed chronoamperometry (HSC), a similar

procedure as in CA is used. This method has been successfully used in combination with carbon

fiber electrodes (Kiyatkin et al., 1993). Here the potential is instantly stepped from 0 to +0.55 V

and held there for 100 ms. The potential of +0.55 V greatly exceeds the oxidation potential of

dopamine and is chosen because it creates a rapid change in the current recorded that also rapidly

declines over time. The resulting current is measured and integrated over the final 80 ms of the

100 ms potential pulse, after the initial charging current has declined. What distinguished CC

from CA (other than different pulse amplitudes and durations) is the fact the reduction current

produced when the potential is stepped back down is similarly integrated and measured over the

final 80 ms of the 100 ms during which the potential is held at 0V. Similar to CV and FSCV, this

method provides an oxidation and reduction measure, the ratio of which can help in identifying

the analyte of interest (Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000).

Each of the voltammetry and amperometry techniques discusses above have their

advantages and disadvantages. FSCV, traditionally used with untreated carbon fiber electrodes,

has been most extensively used to measure dopamine (Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000) and has the

obvious advantage of allowing very rapid measurement of dopamine efflux. With this method

samples can be taken at 25 to 50 ms intervals. Studying very fast events like neurotransmitter

reuptake would require a method with the high temporal resolution of FSCV (Marsden et al.,

1988). Furthermore, the ratio of the oxidizing peak and reducing peak that is obtained by

applying both an anodic (oxidizing) and cathodic (reducing) sweeps can be used to further

identify the analyte of interest (Kawagoe et al., 1993; Gerhardt & Burmeister, 2000). In addition

the small size of carbon fiber electrodes minimizes tissue damage, and the high temporal

resolution means that discrete measures from small brain nuclei can be taken. The downside to

this is the fact that the small recording surface results in a greater noise-to-signal ratio (Kawagoe

322et al., 1993), and that the sensitivity of these electrodes is not high enough to measure basal

levels of dopamine (Marsden et al., 1988).

323Appendix A References

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