Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty...

Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England Bishop Justus Church of England School School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent Season of Advent 9 9 th th December 2013 December 2013

Transcript of Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty...

Page 1: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Morning Worship

Bishop Justus Church of England Bishop Justus Church of England SchoolSchool


Peace of Cake – Bake OffPeace of Cake – Bake Off

Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International

Write for Rights Campaign Write for Rights Campaign

Season of AdventSeason of Advent

99thth December 2013 December 2013

Page 2: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.


The Lord be with you

And also with youAnd also with you

Page 3: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Receive"When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' The King will reply, "I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me!'

Matthew 25:37-40 

Page 4: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Nelson Mandela was a prisoner of conscience.

His wrongful imprisonment was campaigned against around the world until his

release in 1990 after 27 years in captivity.

Today there are many more prisoners of conscience.

Amnesty International works to campaign for prisoners of

conscience and injustice


Page 5: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Use either of these links:


Page 6: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Peace of Cake

The Great British Bake Off We are raising awareness and funds for

Amnesty International12th December

Bring a cake on 12th December and enter it into this prestigious Competition

Open to all students and staffOur judges are...

Mrs Griffiths, Monica and Mr. Sobienski

Page 7: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

There are 5 Prizes: 1 Best at fitting the theme2 Best taste3 Most Unusual (yet still edible)4 Best Student bake5 Best Staff bake

Trophies will be awarded for each category.

Page 8: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Bring cakes to Main Reception

Before 8.35am onThursday 12th


Winners will be announced at break in the hall. All entries should include your name, form and the type of cake.

Page 9: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Once judged... All cakes will be sold in

our Amnes’tea’ Bake Sale

Break / lunchtimeBring money to buy

some peaceful cakes....

So.....bake cakeand fight injustice

Page 10: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Discuss ideas of how you can bake something that reflects the theme ‘peace of cake’

What aspects of Amnesty International could be represented in a Bake?

Plan the tastiest recipe for the Bake Off How can you make it look fantastic?

What unusual ideas have you got but are still yummy?

Page 11: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

Write for Rights Campaign

Case Study...BELARUSIhar TsikhanyukBEATEN by police FOR BEING GAY Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI)individuals face negative stereotyping and prejudice in Belarus, where there are currently no registered LGBTI organisations.In January, Ihar Tsikhanyuk, an openly gay drag performerand LGBTI rights activist, unsuccessfully attempted toregister Human Rights Centre Lambda, with the authoritiesas an LGBTI organisation. He was subsequently questionedby police, who subjected him to physical and verbal abusebecause of his sexuality.No one has been held to account for Ihar’s mistreatment.He and others connected to Human Rights Centre Lambdaremain at risk of further threats and abuse because of theirsexuality and LGBTI activism.

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SEND A SOLIDARITY CARD TO:Ihar Tsikhanyukc/o Belarus TeamAmnesty International1 Easton StreetLondonWC1X 0DW

Preferred language Belarusian, Russian and EnglishSalutation Dear Ihar TsikhanyukSuggested message We admire your work in such difficult circumstances and wish you success in it. (Belarusian: Мы захапляемся вашай працай у такіх цяжкіх умовах і жадаем Вам поспехаў у ёй. Russian: Мы восхищаемсявашей работой в таких тяжелых условиях и желаем Вам успехов в ней).

Can I...Send a religious card or message? noSend an Amnesty card or mention Amnesty? yesInclude my name and address? noDownload the message in another language? yes

‘I don’t want to hide myself. I live openly. It is not easy in Belarus, but I want to show people that I am a person like everybody. Maybe with my example I want to show that it is possible to live openly.’Ihar Tsikhanyuk

Page 13: Morning Worship Bishop Justus Church of England School Peace of Cake – Bake Off Amnesty International Write for Rights Campaign Season of Advent 9 th December.

SEND AN APPEAL LETTER TO:Urge General Prosecutor Alyaksandr Koniuk to investigate Ihar Tsikhanyuk’s allegations and bring those responsible to justice.Write to: Generalnaya Prokuraturaul. Internatsionalnaya 22220030 MinskBelarusFax: +375 17 226 42 52 (Please say ‘fax’ clearly if someone answers)Email: [email protected]

Salutation: Dear General ProsecutorIn your letter:Urge the General Prosecutor to start a thorough and independent investigation into Ihar Tsikhanyuk’s allegations that he was beaten by police and targeted because of his sexual orientation.Call on him to ensure that the officers responsible face disciplinary and criminal proceedings.Ask him to end the obstruction, harassment and intimidation of non-governmental organisations involved in human rights in Belarus.

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RespondLord Jesus,you experienced in person torture and deathas a prisoner of conscience. You were beaten and flogged and sentenced to an agonizing death though you had done no wrong.Be now with prisoners of conscience throughout the world.Be with them in their fear and loneliness, in the agony of physical and mental torture,and in the face of execution and death. Stretch out your hands in power to break their chains.Be merciful to the oppressor and the torturer,and place a new heart within them. Forgive all injustice in our lives,and transform us to be instruments of your peace,for by your wounds we are healed.Amen Amen Amnesty International, ‘Prayers for Peace’, SPCK


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Let us bless the Lord Thanks be to God