Mormonism J-2 eBook v3 2014-03€¦ · understands and accepts Him as Creator, Savior, and above...

Take A Stand! Journal 2 0 Presenting the New Mormonism with the Same Old Heresies An Open letter Concerning Glenn Beck More Concerning Glenn Beck Many Issues - Little Discernment The Common Ground of Rick Warren and Mitt Romney Before You Jump on Mitt Romney’s Bandwagon (written Sept 18, 2007) The Similarities of Muhammad and Joseph Smith Volume 2

Transcript of Mormonism J-2 eBook v3 2014-03€¦ · understands and accepts Him as Creator, Savior, and above...

Page 1: Mormonism J-2 eBook v3 2014-03€¦ · understands and accepts Him as Creator, Savior, and above all, God. Of the many variations of Jesus ascribed to by those in the religious world,

Take A Stand! Journal 2


Presenting the New Mormonism with the Same Old Heresies

An Open letter Concerning

Glenn Beck

More Concerning Glenn Beck Many Issues - Little Discernment

The Common Ground of Rick

Warren and Mitt Romney

Before You Jump on Mitt Romney’s Bandwagon

(written Sept 18, 2007)

The Similarities of Muhammad and Joseph Smith

Volume 2

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The New Mormonism


LDS Makeover Still Unable to Save…

By Eric Barger

As I and others have carefully documented, virtually all of the cults and religions of the world embrace various misconceptions of Jesus.[1] Regardless of all of the differing viewpoints, biblical Christianity alone understands and accepts Him as Creator, Savior, and above all, God. Of the many variations of Jesus ascribed to by those in the religious world, none is more misleading and deceptive than the Jesus of Mormonism. From its inception, Mormonism claimed to be not just another Christian group but, like its distant cousin, Islam,1 was actually formed to be the restoration and sole representative of true religion. The early Mormons didn’t seek alignment with Christian groups but rejected them all as apostate. Calling a Mormon a “Christian” during Joseph Smith’s time might have resulted in a street fight instead of a Bible study. Still, because the words “Jesus Christ” appear in the very name of the Church, over time many have wrongly assumed that both Mormons and Christians were referring to the same deity and thus must have much theology in common. It has been only in modern times that Mormon leaders have elected to exploit and use this misconception to their advantage. This is illustrated by the well- orchestrated, ongoing, public relations campaign presented by the LDS Church. Unlike Smith and his followers nearly 200 years ago, the new face of Mormonism now lauds the use of the term “Christian.” Contemporary Mormonism’s insistence that they are but a more enlightened yet mainstream Christian group,

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seeking acceptance into ministerial associations and the like, has obviously made way among theologically liberal and less-discerning groups and individuals.

Leading the public reframing of Mormonism has been Robert Millet. Millett, emeritus Dean of Religious Education at Brigham Young University, has for several years been the LDS Manager of Outreach and Interfaith Relations for Church Public Affairs. The very reason that this LDS office exists appears to be to present Mormonism to the Christian world as Christian. Having made alliances within Evangelical circles, stemming in part from numerous public dialogs with Utah Baptist Pastor, Greg Johnson, of the group “Standing Together,” Millet’s work has paid dividends for his Mormon bosses in their desire to present Mormonism as but a misunderstood Christian group. Considering that we live at a time when ecumenism’s seduction has infiltrated numerous once-sound churches and denominations, the progress Millet has made could have been expected. In a politically correct world, where inclusion and tolerance have become the litmus test of acceptability, the cry of “get along at any cost” is quickly replacing dedication to truth. When it comes to Mormonism’s progress into the mainstream, perhaps no greater inroad has been realized than what was evident during the March, 2011, meeting of the executive board of the National Association of Evangelicals held in Salt Lake City. There, a panel discussion chaired by none other than Greg Johnson (now an NAE board member) and loaded with neo-Evangelical leaders predisposed in favor of Mormonism, sought dialog with LDS leaders.[3] Regardless of the praise, promotion, and repeated use of the word “Christian” when referring to the Latter-day Saints, no misguided Evangelical accolade changes the real crux of Mormonism. Gordon B. Hinckley, then President of the Church, confirmed as much in an address to the LDS 171st Semiannual General Conference in October 2001. Hinckley stated, “Those who observe us say that we are moving into the mainstream of religion. We are not changing. The world's perception of us is changing. We teach the same doctrine.”[4]

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The New Mormonism


What Foundation?

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. – II Corinthians 11:3-4

From its beginnings, Mormonism has embraced a “Jesus” with attributes not found in the Bible. It is helpful to remember that Mormonism accepts three other books as inspired and embraces the Bible “only as far as it is correctly translated.” In other words, instead of accepting the Bible as the standard by which to judge truth, Mormon documents - The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price - which are some 1800 years newer than the Bible and which have little contextual harmony with it, are the accepted texts with which to scrutinize the Bible. In fact, this is why Mormonism, from its very foundation, has been guided by a completely different set of theologies than that of the Bible. Regardless of this, Mormonism often quotes the Bible, giving the appearance that it is esteemed when in reality they are doing little more than paying lip service to God’s Word as a sort of spiritual window dressing, cloaking a completely different works-based religion just beneath its surface. The bottom line here is that, when the Bible disagrees with Mormonism, Mormons follow their three books and assume that the Bible is in error.

What God?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. – Galatians 1:6-9

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The so-called “First Vision” is the foundational event upon which Mormonism was founded. It is described as a theophany, where a being, purported to be God the Father, and a second being, said to be Jesus Christ, both appear in bodily form to a then fourteen-year-old Joseph Smith, Jr. This event supposedly happened without any witnesses in a wooded area in Manchester Township (Palmyra), New York, in the spring of 1820.[5] (This is known as the “Sacred Grove” or “Grove Experience” by Mormons.)

If indeed Joseph Smith actually had this experience or not, it surely fails the biblical test, as the authentic Jesus clearly instructs that “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) The “grove experience” also places Smith in a very select group since he claims something that only the biblical Jesus has done: actually lay his eyes on God Almighty. The Bible’s Jesus teaches that "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him" (John 1:18) and "Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father" (John 6:46).

This unorthodox, unbiblical idea of a God with a body correlated perfectly with what quickly became the central theological underpinning of Mormonism, which is polytheism. Capsulated in what is known as “The Law of Eternal Progression,” Smith’s First Vision introduces mankind to the concept that God the Father is a completely unique and separate being from Jesus Christ and, as Smith would later preach in his most famous sermon (the King Follett funeral sermon[6]), was once a man like us and is actually an exalted man.

During the latter half of the 19th century, noted Mormon polygamist and fifth LDS Church president, Lorenzo Snow, was best known for making famous Smith's quote, "As man is God once was, as God is man may be."[7]

A few decades later (1938), as head of the LDS "Church Historian's Office," Joseph Fielding Smith released a compilation of Joseph Smith’s

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original teachings titled Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Joseph Fielding Smith, the son of Joseph F. Smith, the sixth president of the Mormon Church, was the great-nephew of the original Joseph Smith. Joseph Fielding Smith went on to become the tenth president of the Church in 1970 and held that office until his death in 1972.

In Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith reiterated Joseph Smith’s original doctrine, “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man …” (p. 345), and instructed that “… You have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you …” (p. 348). This book is still readily available today through the Deseret Book Company, the official publishing arm of the Mormon Church.

In case you think for a moment that the modern Mormon Church has now somehow abandoned this teaching, please take the opportunity to watch how immediately and emphatically the aforementioned LDS Manager of Outreach and Interfaith Relations for Church Public Affairs, Robert Millet, affirms these tenets, the central theme of Mormonism. This revealing video clip can be found at: Remember, Millet is the man who has been in charge of the LDS outreach attempting to convince Christians that Mormons are Christians, too – a charge that Joseph Smith would have vehemently rejected.

Along those lines, it is also worth noting that, during the “First Vision” in the grove, God Almighty and Jesus allegedly told Smith that all churches and their professors were "corrupt,”[8] and "all their creeds were an abomination in his sight."[9] Smith claimed later that he was told by the two beings not to join any of the churches in his day but that the "fullness (sic) of the gospel" would be known to him at a later time.

Smith held to this idea throughout the formulation of Mormonism, publishing these same beliefs in April, 1842, just over two years before his death.[10]

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Smith also substantiated this thought by incorporating it into The Book of Mormon, most notably in I Nephi 14:

And it came to pass that he said unto me: Look, and behold that great and abominable church, which is the mother of abominations, whose founder is the devil.

And he said unto me: Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth. (The Book of Mormon, I Nephi 14:9-10)

This same teaching also appeared in the Mormon Temple Ceremony before it was radically altered in 1990. Mormons were routinely told that all other creeds were an abomination, that all the churches were wrong, that the congregations were deceived, and that the ministers were “hirelings of Satan.”

So we’ve established that, besides having an unsubstantiated vision, Joseph Smith conveniently claimed that God has been a mere mortal and that we humans can become Gods ourselves. He then claimed exclusivity by reporting that God told him that every individual Christian, pastor, and church in his day were deceived and deluded. And that’s just for starters. Perhaps the most important difference, and the one that will make the most impact on the unaware, is the distinction between Mormonism’s Jesus and the real Jesus of the Bible.

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The New Mormonism


Who is The Mormon Jesus?

It is easy to understand the confusion people have experienced in discerning the real Jesus from the counterfeits. After all, isn’t Jesus, well, JESUS? Some would simply discount the whole question, chalking it up to misunderstood semantics. But it is certainly far more than that. Considering the biblical admonitions to do so, we must carefully examine any presentation concerning Jesus to see if it aligns with the teaching found in the pages of the Bible. With this in mind, let’s look at what Mormon authorities teach about Jesus:

“The appointment of Jesus to be the Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God.

He was called Lucifer, son of the morning. Haughty, ambitious, and covetous of power and glory, this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind” (Milton R. Hunter, The Gospel Through the Ages, p. 15).

Milton R. Hunter, Ph.D., understood Mormon doctrine. He served as a member of the LDS Church's First Council of the Seventy from 1945 until his death in 1975. He attended Brigham Young High School and received both bachelor’s and master's degrees from Brigham Young University. Hunter wrote 23 books and spent 17 years as a seminary teacher at the Institute of Religion in Utah. He later taught LDS seminary courses while living in Provo, Utah. LDS historians have been critical of Hunter's work due to his avoidance of material detrimental to the reputation of the LDS church. No one can say that Hunter’s account of the Mormon Jesus cited here from The Gospel Through the Ages is slanted or anti-LDS. This quote just represents the simple fact that the Mormon version of Jesus certainly does not match the identity of the Jesus found in the pages of the New Testament.

The most emphatic statement concerning the identity of the Mormon Jesus doesn’t come from an Evangelical source but rather from Mormon president, Gordon B. Hinckley. Speaking to a gathering of 6,600 Mormon missionaries in Paris, the LDS Church News Archives reported

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on Saturday, June 20, 1998, that Hinckley does not believe in the traditional, biblical Jesus.

“In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-Day Saints ‘do not believe in the traditional Christ.’ (He said) ‘No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fulness (sic) of Times...In this dispensation, the Lord has declared that this Church is the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth.’”[11]

Can it be any clearer than that? Just a few years ago, the “prophet, seer, and revelator” for all of Mormonism stated that the traditional Christ is not the Mormon Christ. In stating so, he also reiterated that the Mormon Church alone is the only true Church today. About the Mormon Jesus, let the record show that Hinckley and I agree! Regardless of how smoothly it’s phrased by Mormons and their allies, the Jesus of Mormonism remains but one of many gods within the pantheon of Mormonism, and Mormonism remains staunchly outside of orthodox Christianity. Mormonism’s Jesus is not now, never has been, and never could be the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

From what I have observed, I believe that the reason that the LDS Church has been and is continuing to present itself as “Christian” is this: membership. It’s all about wooing the unsuspecting. Unknowledgeable folks from both the secular culture and a variety of churches are targets of the newly “Christianized” Mormonism. Don’t miss this. Presenting itself as Christian isn’t about the Mormon Church reforming and becoming biblically sound. It is all about numbers, power, and revenue, and it’s all predicated on spiritual deception.

Each day, twosomes of clean-cut Mormon kids traverse our neighborhoods, knocking on doors to promulgate a false religion that claims to be Christianity. Considering this fact, shouldn’t we Bible-believers understand the redefinition of terms and the doublespeak we’ll

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face at the doorstep? Isn’t it our responsibility to look past their misguided sincerity and knowledgeably discern the bogus nature of the Jesus they present and then initiate effective dialog with them? Shouldn’t we also warn our friends and families, as well as those who live around us, that not just any Jesus will do?

Any Jesus?

When it’s all said and done, is just believing in “a” Jesus enough? No. A person can sincerely and completely believe in “a” Jesus, but, if one has placed his or her trust in a counterfeit Jesus, can that Jesus forgive and save you? The answer again is emphatically NO. If sincerity were all that mattered, most Mormons would score high marks. But sincerity doesn’t save anyone. The only thing that can save a person from a horrible, godless eternity is placing one’s faith and trust firmly in the Jesus of the New Testament, who 2000 years ago shed His blood on the Cross for our sins.

If you have trusted in a false Jesus, the only course is to reject the counterfeit and simply embrace the authentic. It is my prayer that you’ll do that and do it today.

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More Resources: - "The Mormon Jesus vs. The Real Jesus" video clip from “The Real Jesus vs. The Counterfeits”

- "Mormons are Christians? - Joel Osteen Declares Romney’s Jesus is Our Jesus"

- “Mormonism: Has Anything Changed?” DVD by Jim Spencer

Footnotes: [1]. See “The Real Jesus vs. The Counterfeits” at:

[2]. See “The Similarities of Muhammad and Joseph Smith” at:

[3]. See “Evangelicals Courting the Mormons?”



[6]. Read the King Follett sermon at:


[8]. Joseph Smith - History 1:15-20

[9]. Smith, Joseph, Jr. (1 April 1842), “History of Joseph Smith”, Times and Seasons 3 (11): 748–49,,9825

[10]. Ibid.


© Copyright 2011, Eric Barger

“For videos on this and many other issues visit Eric’s

YouTube channel. Just click the link on our home page at”

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The New Mormonism


Mormonism: Has Anything Changed? Is Mormonism Now Christian? by former LDS Elder, Jim Spencer


Has Anything Changed?

Is Mormonism now Christian?

Perhaps the most important video presentation exposing Mormonism since "The God Makers." Jim Spencer's knowledge of Mormon history, doctrine, and practice and his God-given ability to communicate the facts make this DVD a must for every serious student desiring to understand the Mormon Church from a truly Christian perspective. Nearly 2 hrs in length.

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An Open Letter Concerning Glenn Beck

Over the last few months there have been many questions and much conversation about the popular broadcaster Glenn Beck and his professed Mormon faith. This letter seeks to identify and clear up the confusion concerning both Beck's stand and the marked differences between Mormonism and historic, biblical Christianity. Please understand that we do not write these words in an effort to simply be "right" or to win an argument. The purpose of the letter is to determine the truth - something that Glenn Beck himself constantly lauds. Let us begin by saying that we appreciate the stand Glenn Beck has made concerning our country, its foundation, and the great need for America to come back to God. Many of us have no doubt learned and gleaned information from Beck's thorough research and many fine, conservative guests. In fact, as he has stated many times on his national television program on the Fox News Channel and on his much-listened to radio program, the only hope America, indeed any person or nation, has is to return to and surrender to God. However, therein lies the problem. When Beck speaks of God, informed Christians must immediately question "which God?" The unsuspecting or those less informed are given the perception that, when Beck mentions God, it must be the same deity that is spoken of as the Creator in the Holy Bible. To what extent Glenn Beck is grounded in Mormon doctrine or understanding may be debatable. However, he indeed presents himself in much the same manner as that of an "evangelical" Christian and also consistently states that he is indeed a Mormon. Let us be clear. Each person reading this must be warned that Glenn Beck's spirituality - which he claims to be the only solution - is not orthodox, historical Christianity in doctrine, beliefs, or practice. Put bluntly, the basis of Mormonism exists in the idea of godhood for mankind in a doctrine called "The Law of Eternal Progression." This cultic belief states that God was a man as we are now and (through

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Mormonism and its erroneous teachings) we humans can become "gods" as well. Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, wrote, "... You have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you..." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 348). Though the modern Mormon Church has tried to appear to be "Christian," this belief is the very core teaching of Mormonism. On the "Mormon Jesus," Mormon apostle Bruce R. Hunter, a member of Mormonism's "First Council of the Seventy," emphatically wrote, "The appointment of Jesus to be the Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer, son of the morning. Haughty, ambitious, and covetous of power and glory, this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind" (The Gospel Through the Ages, Milton R. Hunter, p. 15). Though the evidence that separates Mormonism from authentic Christianity is overwhelming, just these two examples should give one pause to question whether the Mormon god and Mormonism's unbiblical Jesus could in any way be construed to be the same as that portrayed in God's holy word, the Bible. In Conclusion... No matter how good the fruit may appear, no matter how much we may agree with his stand on America or politics, no matter how sincere or passionate he may be, we feel it is incumbent on those in apologetics ministry to point out that, if indeed Glenn Beck is a Mormon, he is advocating a religion that is not Christianity in any fashion but instead a false religion responsible for damning the souls of all who follow it. Being close or just using similar terms or phrases do not constitute sound doctrine. These things matter and each of us - Glenn Beck included - needs to examine whether we have placed our faith, hope, and trust in the real Jesus who is able to redeem and save a sinner or in one of the many worthless counterfeits such as the "Jesus" of the Mormon Church.

Standing for the authentic truth of the Bible, we are,

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Eric Barger Take A Stand! Ministries ( Ed Decker Saints Alive in Jesus ( Jan Markell "Understanding the Times" radio ( Brannon Howse "Worldview Matters" radio ( Jim Spencer Thru the Maze Ministries ( Dr. David Reagan "Christ in Prophecy" television ( Nathan Jones "Christ in Prophecy" television ( Stacy L. Harp Active Christian Media ( Matt Buff Rapture Ready Radio ( Tracy Tennant Equipping Christians Ministries ( Contact us at [email protected]

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(Open Letter Glenn Beck)

More Concerning Glenn Beck Many Issues - Little Discernment

Several weeks ago I began formulating "An Open Letter Concerning Glenn Beck" that appeared in my last email update.

Like many of you, I have appreciated Glenn Beck's research and his stand concerning public policy and politics. Knowing that he was a Mormon, I was genuinely hoping that he was an uninformed, peripheral Mormon who really didn't understand the teachings and doctrines of the LDS Church. We now know that this is not the case.

There are so many facets to explore here, it's hard to know just which ones to address first. Here are just a few of the moving parts to this story.

- Christian leaders who don't understand (or who just want to ignore the fact) that Mormonism teaches false doctrine that includes a different Jesus, a different gospel, and a different spirit than that which is reflected in the Bible - exactly as II Corinthians 11:3-4 warns of.

- Christian leaders who shockingly don't care that, by their presence at Beck's late August events in Washington, DC, or on his TV program, they are in effect endorsing the mistaken notion that "Mormonism is Christian." Regular viewers know that Beck has turned his attention to talking about "God" constantly, saying that "America's only hope is God." I concur! Only problem is, which God? Interestingly, on his Sept. 17 TV program Glenn decided to make comparisons between the "revolutions" of Jesus, Moses, Gandhi, and

Martin Luther King Jr.! Bringing Jesus down to earth sounded more like Brian McLaren and I'm wondering whether anyone else caught the clear implication of Universalism.

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- Beck's series of videos from that clearly enunciate his reliance on and understanding of Mormonism, including his admission that the Mormon Temple ritual guides "80% of our marriage."

- The backlash now being experienced by brave Christian leaders who have opposed Beck's Mormon evangelism - even though each and every one that I know of has applauded his public policy stands.

- The general lack of discernment displayed by so many professed Christians concerning Mormonism and false doctrine in general. It's like, "Glenn is a Mormon? Who cares! He's our leader."

- The thinking displayed by many Christians that, regardless of Beck's recent bent to preach Mormonism, he alone can lead us to save the country.

- How grateful and exonerated Mormons are that Beck is (in their eyes) helping to inch closer to the fulfillment of Joseph Smith's "White Horse Prophecy" and thus save the United States and our Constitution. (Smith said, "The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.") I have asked, "Is Glenn Beck the 'John the Baptist' for Mitt Romney?"

- Today we are relatively free of religious persecution in America. Yet shocking numbers of self-professed Christians are now ready and willing to surrender biblical truth and principles in a perceived effort to save the country. In view of that, how easy it appears Antichrist's initial work will be!

Every day I encounter the cry of "You are too narrow," or "Don't be so legalistic," or the real capper, "You are judgmental and pharisaical." As the letters we've received indicate, there are a lot of people upset that I and others have touched the sacred cow named Beck. However, what can I do? I am not saying "Don't watch Glenn Beck." I AM saying watch with biblically discerning eyes. This is exactly what we said on Jan Markell's

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"Understanding the Times" radio program back on August 28 when Jan, Brannon Howse, Ed Decker and I took two hours to examined the whole Glenn Beck phenomenon and controversy. (Listen to program online here.) We were careful to give credit to Beck for his courageous stand concerning America and the corruption that is currently gripping Washington. But we also gave the stern warning that many are confused by Beck's marked turn into airing his religious beliefs. I asked on air that day if Beck could be "John the Baptist" for Mitt Romney in an attempt to normalize Mormonism for the Salt Lake City leadership? Today, nearly a month later, I believe even more that this could be the agenda. (God, please give us a candidate for President who knows You and will serve You!)

No matter what the penalty in the end, the choice for me is easy. I made the decision long ago that truth would always win over popularity. What is happening concerning Glenn Beck and Evangelicals is just the sort of mess that results when cultic doctrine is confused with Christianity - all in the name of a noble cause. I must reiterate that the bottom line for informed believers is the fact that many unsuspecting people are being led to believe that Mormonism is nothing more than a quirky or perhaps more enlightened Christian group. That thought cannot stand unchallenged.

I believe that Christians need to reevaluate the way we are thinking on issues like this. Regardless of how grieved we are over the current direction of our nation, our allegiance must be first to God and to His Word. As my friend Pastor Sam Buckingham said to me recently, "We are not the Republican Party and the Church had better figure that out." Let's remember that Glenn Beck chose to make religion a main aspect of his daily program. We may have been uneasy with the fact of his professed Mormonism, but I don't know of anyone in discernment ministry who decided to just attack Beck. It’s not with Glenn where the problem lies, anyway. It’s with Mormonism. However, Beck's insistence on teaching Mormon doctrine and convoluting it as "Christian" must be answered, no matter how unpopular doing so may be with some. I trust that those who oppose us now will in time see my point. I just pray that the price of backing Beck and ignoring the Bible doesn't equate to souls lost for

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eternity. If I didn't think that was already the case, I would never have taken up this issue.

© Copyright 2011, Eric Barger

Note: After the September 9 email "An Open Letter Concerning Glenn Beck" we received many, many emails...far too many to reprint. Here is just a sampling, along with Eric's responses.

Uncalled For!

Your e-mail on Glenn Beck was so uncalled for, it is no wonder many-many people get turned off on Christianity. He has not tried to proslatize for the Mormon Religion. He's said, he's a Mormon and called for all faiths to join together for Faith, Hope and Chairity. "You" people need to worry more about bringing people to Jersus than going after Glenn Beck. I had enjoyed listening to you, but realize that you are more of a threat of losing souls for Christ than any Mormon. You have a very haughty spirit. - Nancy (Oklahoma)

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"Mormon Bashers..."

Please remove me from your list, I would much rather have a Mormon in the white house than this president that is destroying the United states of America. And I do not like Mormon Bashers. As long as you keep you eyes on Jesus as your salvation who are we to be the ones that write peoples names in the Lambs book of life.

Dear Bill,

I want to see our country saved as badly as anyone does. The issue, however, is that the Mormon Church is passing itself off as "Christian." Would you be silent is Muslims, who speak of "Jesus" regularly, began doing the same? When does one draw the line? Do we only renounce overt evil when false doctrine (which Jesus warned us of an astounding 14 times) may indeed be the most heinous because so many may be captured by its subtleties? I don't know how much clearer (or kinder) I can be. Mormonism is not now and never has been "Christian." It is responsible for damning the souls of millions of people for eternity. How can we be silent and by our silence seem to agree with their stance that they are but a more enlightened Christian denomination? The fact is that I'm one of the people who actually love Mormons enough to tell them the inconvenient truth and surely care about God's Church enough to challenge it about crossing into the kingdom of the cults. I have instructed that your email address be removed from our database. I'm sorry to see you go. Eric

Note: Bill wrote a long letter in response to me explaining that his entire family are Mormons. He related that at his aunt's funeral he believed God told him that she (a Mormon) was in heaven. He insisted that as long as people had a personal

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relationship with Jesus they would be saved. For me, this is the hardest part of dealing with the issue of Mormonism and Glenn Beck. I hope everyone who has been disturbed about this controversy will carefully read what I wrote back to Bill here below.

Dear Bill, I'm not trying to be argumentative but this is a very serious matter. I do need to reiterate the question..."which Jesus" is taught in Mormonism? That is the question. You need to carefully read Paul's warning in II Corinthians 11:3-4. The warning there is concerning "different" Jesus'. Indeed, there are many versions of Jesus...they are all counterfeits but one. The Mormon Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer according to Joseph Smith. Mormonism's Jesus was a man who became a "god" and who was not the Creator of all things as the New Testament indicates. According to Mormonism, he was one of many gods. This doesn't sound at all like the Jesus of the Bible, does it, Bill? A person can sincerely believe in a "Jesus" until they are blue in the face but if the Jesus they have believed in is a counterfeit, can they be saved??? To believe so is to say that God blesses ignorance and, if that's true, then witnessing about and preaching of the Jesus of the Bible really doesn't matter much. In fact, if its OK to just self-style our religion to be based upon any idea (of Jesus) that we want, then perhaps the universalists are right? Do you see why this matter of which "Jesus" is of absolutely stunning eternal significance? I wish that sincerity was all that counted, Bill. However, this is surely one reason why Satan is called "the deceiver." He is serving up counterfeit Jesuses and it's damning untold souls every minute. Eric

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A Pastor's Perspective

Eric, thank you for your article about Glenn Beck and his Mormon beliefs. In my years as a pastor, I was continually having to teach people the truth of Mormonism. Our nation's churches are filled with pastors and people who think Mormons are Christians. I have said for as long as I can remember, that Mormons will do whatever it takes to convince the world that they are Christians. One day I expect to see a cross on each Mormon building. That should convince people. One thing I have not seen anyone pointing out is the Mormon belief that they will convert the USA and turn it in to a Mormon Theocracy. Joseph Smith taught it, Brigham Young taught it, and I don't think the LDS have ever refuted that doctrine. Keep up the good work. -Pastor Jim (Texas)

Pastor Jim is referring to the "White Horse Prophecy." It was referred to at length in the August 28 "Understanding the Times" radio broadcast with Jan Markell, Brannon Howse, Ed Decker and I. (Listen to hour one here and hour two here.)

One Reader's "Dear John" Letter

Dear Glenn Beck,

Glenn, you've changed. You no longer seem like the talk show host I first fell in LIKE with. Maybe I just didn't see it coming, because now that I look back on things, I should have read the signs. Little red flags here and there. I am a woman, and like most women, I have a memory like an elephant, and I now recall one thing that I now know was a clear tip-off. My husband remembers it, too. If YOU DON'T, then just go back into your archives and you will find it. You said that the people who hold to "ONLY ONE WAY" [as in, "one way of salvation"] are actually the most dangerous folks

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in the world. Glenn, that's ME. As a born again believer in Jesus Christ, I now know that there is, indeed, ONLY ONE WAY. You confused me for a while, because you would call yourself a "Christian". I am not confused any more, as I have looked into the religious beliefs of Mormonism, and that is NOT what truly born again evangelicals believe. We do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is the "spirit brother" of satan, or that G-d the Father was once a man, or that the planet kolab (sp?) is a real place, or that man can become a god-little OR big "G", and........................on and on and on. Oh yes. I did my homework on this one. You call yourself a "Christian"----does that mean that I, for one second, could ever call myself a Mormon?? Oh, no, my friend. They are not the same. And quite frankly, it seems like a type of bait-and-switch. I thought you were one of us, politically, too. I really did. I was with you on upholding the constitution (although I certainly don't think it was "divinely inspired!) I was with you on gun rights. States rights. Many other issues. Now I hear you saying outright that so-called "gay marriage" is not so much of an issue for you. I hear you kinda soft on abortion. I hear your "can't we all just get along" mantra over and over and over. And seriously, since YOU are the one who insists on dragging religion into it, I have to say NO, we can't all just get along. Not religiously, that is. Hurting others in the name of any god/God is WRONG, but we are separate, you and I. Muslims are separate from me. I CANNOT be called back to the "god" you hold up, because you uphold a false god. THAT is indeed, THE ISSUE that divides us now. And you did that yourself. If that earns for me being called the most dangerous woman in America, so be it. A preacher I've got. I don't want a Mormon preacher. Just think, I said to myself, the whole country being exhorted to go back to "god" whether he be the invented god of Joseph Smith or the invented god of the practitioners of the "religion of peace" or the works/righteousness "god" of Ratzinger-and-crew who resides in a wafer and is re-sacrificed on catholic altars hourly. Can't be "one" with the Hindus, or the Buddhists, or the

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new-agers, or the atheists. Can't do it. The only God that seems to be strictly off-limits is THE God of Very God, The Lord Jesus Christ, who was God from all eternity past, and IS God-in-the-Flesh RIGHT NOW, sitting at the right hand of the Co-Eternal Father. That very Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, claimed that He was THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. He claims exclusiveness. No one gets into the one and only heaven except by the way HE said we must go. No planet kolab. No spirit babies. And if my ONE WAY attitude makes you upset, you'll need to take it up with Jesus THE Messiah, Himself. He's the One who said it. Yes, you had me fooled for a while. I thought you were "my guy". You were smart and well-read and patriotic, and funny. I loved you for all of those things. Do you think I would have chased you down because you are a Mormon, or turned off the radio simply because of that? Of course not. Christians are not, hopefully and generally, petty. We love freedom. But I just can't be relentlessly proselytized any longer either. So, I say, you brought this on yourself. With many broken relationships people will say "it's me, it's not you". In this case, Glenn, it's you. We could have been such friends. I thought we were. Can't sit in the Beck church any more. I love you Glenn. I love you enough to tell you the truth. I will pray for you, and I sincerely hope you get truly and soundly saved. Sometimes you seem so close to that. May THE Lord open your heart to true Shalom. I'll miss the Beck I USED to hear, and the Beck who made me laugh so often. Go back to politics, guy, and book reviews, and even the occasional goofiness. You'll be better off for it.

Sincerely, - K. G. (Minnesota)

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Is Glenn Beck's "Jesus" the authentic, one and only Son of God or is the Mormon "Jesus" one of many counterfeits? Ask yourself, is YOUR version of Jesus the one reflected in the pages of God's Word, the Bible, or was he once a man who became one of many gods? Can YOUR Jesus save a soul eternally or does he lead you to a religion based on your own righteousness?

2 Corinthians 11:3-4 exhorts us to beware of imposters named "Jesus." Galatians 1:8-9 demands that anything claiming to be of God must harmonize with the original apostolic faith. If someone proclaims "Jesus," it is our responsibility to be sure that they are referring to the biblical Savior - the REAL Jesus.

In this video clip Eric Barger addresses the crowd assembled for the Lamb and Lion Ministries conference in Allen (DFW), Texas, June, 2010. It is excerpted from the seminar DVD "The REAL Jesus vs. The Counterfeits."

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By Eric Barger

It is a fact that the "40 Days of Purpose" and other church growth and leadership materials produced by Rick Warren are aggressively marketed to Mormons and others outside Christian orthodoxy. When asked why Mormon leaders are involved in his pastoral training programs Rick Warren told USA Today: "I'm not going to get into a debate over the non-essentials. I won't try to change other denominations. Why be divisive?" (

Say WHAT? Mormonism... a "denomination" and “non-essentials” such as the identity of Jesus Christ, godhood for mankind or the route to eternal salvation???

Clearly, Warren doesn't KNOW or doesn't WANT to identify Mormonism as non-Christian. Either way, what USA Today didn't report is that Rick Warren is helping train Mormon leaders to more effectively present a false religion to the world - a false religion that has led millions of lost souls to an eternal Hell.

Now, we find listed alongside a Mitt Romney promo video on the popular YouTube website that one of his favorite books is listed guessed it, The Purpose Driven Life. ( It is the only religious book he mentioned (Hummmm, in May 2007 Romney listed the Bible and Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard's tasteless novel "Battlefield Earth" as first and second on his list of "must reads." (See http://thecaucus. As you ponder the correlation of Warren and Romney, also note this

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quote: "...we are a religious people... We are a purpose-driven people..." - Governor Mitt Romney, Union Leader, March 19, 2006

The point is that Warren can't or doesn't care to identify that Mormonism is cultic and NOT in any way orthodox Christianity and Romney doesn't seem to discern anything from Warren or his book to make him think that the Purpose Driven Philosophy is incompatible with Mormonism! Both Christians and Mormons should scratch their heads in wonder. The line between truth and error continues to blur...or simply just disappear altogether - exactly what the Scriptures foretell of for the end-days.

One further very disconcerting illustration. On Oct 19, 2007, Fox News reported that the pro-life, Christian conservative movement, that held such sway in the Republican Party in the last 2-3 elections, is in the process of splintering. Fortune magazine's Washington Bureau chief Nina Easton told Brit Hume on "Special Report" that the reason for the fragmenting of the right wing ranks is that Evangelicals are now more willing to accept candidates who may not share a pro-life position (they were speaking about Rudy Giuliani). She stated that mainstream Evangelicals have moved to a more moderate position because of the influence of Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life. She stated that in 2007 many who once held strongly to conservative values were softening their stands. Easton also remarked that the most important value now held by those calling themselves "Evangelicals" was world hunger and not evangelism or abortion. What does this tell us about the overall and lasting effects of Rick Warren's influence on Evangelicals?

Caring for the hungry is certainly a Christian value and one that we who are blessed need to be actively involved in. However, besides sounding eerily like the kind of thing Antichrist will propose, Warren's misguided preteristic "P.E.A.C.E." plan (announcing that he's going to lead the Church to solve the problems of the world) seems to have sidetracked many Christians from the eternal mission we are here to accomplish. Sounds like Satan now doesn't it? Raise up a leader, make him popular, gain the trust of the people and then use him to divert millions to a plan that has some

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measure of merit and even some Christian values attached to it - yet is NOT primary to seeing the lost surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. This is the exact replacement that the laymen of the once strong mainline denominations bought into when they lost their biblical way 100+ years ago. As I asked in a recent newsletter, "Will they say of us, 'They WERE the Evangelicals'?"

As I watched the Fox News report, I was again sickened to think of the widespread dumbing down that has come upon once-sound bible believers. If some Evangelicals have lost their way concerning the abortion issue - let alone the very core reason the Church exists - then is it any wonder that many don't see a conflict in endorsing a cultist for President? It is as if there has been a mass demonic spiritual anesthetization concerning truth. Antichrist indeed must be waiting in the wings.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, (literally “a form of the religion of Christ”) but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." - II Timothy 3:1-5

© Copyright 2007, Eric Barger

“For videos on this and many other issues visit Eric’s YouTube channel. Just click the link on our home page at”

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Mitt Romney: The Candidate Christians Can Back?

Most of us know that sometimes those things which are attractive on the outside may in reality be trouble in disguise. It would be much simpler if we could just instantaneously spot counterfeit money, forged paintings, bogus relics or worthless items masquerading as valuable antiques. The same is true with those who would desire to lead us both spiritually and politically.

Indeed, the most hideous evil may in fact not always be the most obvious. The Apostle Paul makes this analogy as he instructs the Corinthian church that even the epitome of evil can appear benign, enticing, even wonderful.

“…for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (II Cor. 11:14)

In the United States, our Presidential election is still over 14 months away. It is not my intention here to tell you who to cast your vote for. Rather, even at this early date, I think it is warranted to discuss the issue of Mormonism and the candidacy of former Massachusetts governor and Republican Presidential contender, Mitt Romney. Increasing numbers of evangelicals may think he is the kind of conservative they want in the White House but no matter how much one tries to justify or dress up Mormonism it is still a deadly, non-Christian cult.

I am rabidly pro-life and anti-abortion. Though once pro-choice, Romney says he has changed horses concerning this pivotal issue. His stance on most issues such as free speech and traditional marriage lines up with the majority of Evangelicals. He does appear to be the most conservative of the

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top three or four GOP candidates. But still, the dilemma is his devout Mormonism, which extends back to his father, the ex-governor of Michigan and his openly polygamist grandfather. Is Romney a sort of Trojan Horse who, if elected to the Presidency or Vice Presidency, may in reality turn out to be a proverbial “angel of light?”

Let me assure you that my concerns are not wild-eyed, unfounded assertions. For many years, I have labored alongside former Mormons in an effort to see those caught in the legalism and false doctrines of Mormonism find peace and freedom through the Jesus of the Bible. I serve on the board of directors and also as the Vice President of Saints Alive in Jesus, one of the oldest and perhaps the best-known organization whose purpose is to expose Mormonism for the worthless, salvation-barren religion that it is.

Along with Saints Alive founder, Ed Decker, I treasure the relationship I have with another former Mormon elder, Jim Spencer. Though there are several other zealous missionaries reaching out to the Mormons, Ed, Jim and my mentor, the late Dr. Walter Martin, have probably won more Mormons to the Jesus of the Bible and done more damage to one of Satan’s most effective deceptions than any other trio who have lived since Joseph Smith claimed to have had an encounter with the angel Moroni in upstate New York in the early nineteenth century.

Space here will not permit me to delve into the doctrinal divide that separates Mormonism from authentic Christianity. However, let it suffice to say that since the Jesus of The Book of Mormon is a created being and also the spirit brother of Lucifer, then the Jesus of Mormonism is not, and according to both Christian doctrine and Mormon doctrine, cannot be the Jesus of biblical Christianity. This creates a theological void that no amount of discussion, good will or lofty intentions can overcome if one chooses to accept the truth and not the erroneous conclusion that Mormons are somehow Christians. It is for these reasons (among many others) that Ed Decker, Jim Spencer, myself and a host of other apologists are outspokenly opposed to a Romney candidacy.

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How should Christians respond if he is nominated for either President or Vice President? Being aware of the well-known “revelation” Joseph Smith had that someday a Mormon would ride to the top, rescue America and then somehow install a theocracy, voting for Romney is for me, not an option. How can a biblically minded person vote for a man to become the most powerful leader in our nation – and the world – when it is a fact that the person running for office has sworn secret satanic creeds and oaths behind the closed doors of a Mormon temple and is wearing the “sacred” occult undergarments of another god? Understand, the ritual creeds Romney has sworn to uphold trump all others he might ever agree to and are responsible for the hellish eternal doom of millions of Mormons over the past 170+ years.

These words may disturb or even anger some people whose version of Christianity finds it inconvenient to transfer biblical absolute standards from the church doors to the political realm. Still, the fact remains that cultic religion devastates and destroys. Knowing his modus operandi, surely Satan would find countless ways to manipulate a leader so deeply entrenched in cultic beliefs. If for no other reason than this, we need to consider carefully who will run for the highest office in the land next year. Unless born-again Governor Mike Huckabee or Christian constitutionalist, Ron Paul should have an unexpected vault to the top of the GOP stable of candidates, biblical thinkers may well be faced with an extremely disconcerting dilemma come 2008. Being accountable for our choices at the polls, can anyone fathom the choice of either Hillary Clinton or a Mormon??? God help us.

As distasteful as that last thought may be, I believe the most disturbing issue is that even before a primary vote is cast or a convention has been convened, so many prominent Christian leaders have thrown in with Mitt the Mormon. I question, do Lou Sheldon, Mark DeMoss or Pat Robertson really grasp the potential damage of endorsing Romney? We are not yet even faced with a general election between a pro-abortionist like Barack Obama or a socialists such as Hillary Clinton and a temple Mormon but with Evangelical leaders and laymen lining up behind Romney this far out from election-day do we somehow suppose

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that a cultist is just the best that can be mustered in the GOP? Shouldn’t we be working like crazy to see a candidate dedicated to the real Jesus be put on the national ballet? If, by the endorsement of high profile Christians, Mitt Romney finds his way onto the ticket and wins these things are absolutely certain:

- Mormonism influence and acceptability will certainly be advanced

- Mormons will be appointed throughout the federal government

- Voices like mine, Ed Decker’s and Jim Spencer’s will be intimidated from speaking out

- God only knows how many more unsuspecting souls will be seduced into accepting the demonic doctrines of a false religion.

Truly, the most hideous evil is not always the most obvious. Electing a conservative Mormon to the office of President could be as disastrous for the cause of Christ as that of any far left liberal. - EB

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is our duty and privilege to choose and prefer Christians for our leaders.” - John Jay, First U.S. Secretary of State, First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (Written in 1816)

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, the people groan. - Proverbs 29:2


For much more on Mormonism go to:

Visit Ed Decker at

Visit Jim Spencer at

© Copyright 2007, Eric Barger

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The Similarities of Muhammad and Joseph Smith (Islam and Mormonism) Compiled by Eric Barger

- Each claimed to be visited and guided by an angel.

- Each was allegedly given visions.

- Each was told that no true religion existed on the earth.

- Each claimed to be sent to restore the long lost faith as the one true religion.

- Each had a book produced from his teachings claiming to be “inspired by God.”

- Each claimed to be illiterate or uneducated and used this as proof the book was inspired.

- Each claimed the Bible was lost, altered, corrupted and unreliable.

- Each claimed his new holy book was the most correct and perfect book on earth.

- Each claimed to be a final prophet of God.

- Each claimed he was persecuted because of his pure faith.

- Each was a polygamist who had many wives.

- Each borrowed from paganism/polytheism.

- Immediately after their deaths, fights broke out from among the “faithful converts” as to who would succeed the deceased prophet.

- Each of their religions has those who follow the “original doctrine” and like both Muhammad and Smith, have exhibited violence, are

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polygamists, and have claimed "spiritual revelations" to justify evil actions.

- Both Islam and Mormonism claim to hold strictly to the path of their founders yet they are at least partially led by progressive revelation. (“New” revelation always replaces older revelation that becomes inconvenient to the current leaders.)

- Islam and Mormonism each sanction deception - even lying about their doctrines and true intentions - for the good of the cause of their religion. In Mormonism it is acceptable to obfuscate on one's affiliations and beliefs to non-Mormons and to new Mormon recruits under the 'principle' of “milk before meat.” In Islam, Surah 4:142 of the Qur'an clearly teaches the practice of of deception for the good of Islam. These are the Islamic edicts of “Kitman,” which is half truths meant to mislead an infidel and “Taqiyya” which is complete deception to subvert and deceive unbelievers.

- Neither Islam or Mormonism offers true salvation and a path to eternity with God.

© Copyright 2011, Eric Barger

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