More than Green 's-Hertogenbosch

Team PB4 Christiaan Reubsaet 2033829 Ludo Stanziani 2027820 Marion Venmans 2026611 Linde van Erp 2025463 Project supervisor: Yvonne Koert Date and place: 16 march 2010 Avans Hogeschool ’s Hertogenbosch



Transcript of More than Green 's-Hertogenbosch

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Team PB4 Christiaan Reubsaet 2033829 Ludo Stanziani 2027820 Marion Venmans 2026611 Linde van Erp 2025463

Project supervisor: Yvonne Koert

Date and place: 16 march 2010 – Avans Hogeschool ’s Hertogenbosch

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1. Campaign background & summary 3 - An introduction and overview of the campaign

- Background information on the city or town chosen - The approach we have taken to reach our strategy - The expected outcome in terms of response

2. Prioritized objectives 4


3. Proposed strategy & tactics 5 - Target audience

4. Creative brief 6 - The key thought - Relevance - Evidence

5. Creative execution 8

- Creative recommendations

- Campaign idea

- Visual execution

- Examples

6. Media recommendations, choice of channels 8

7. Suitable measures for assessing the proposed campaign’s success 11

8. Creative material 12

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CITY INFORMATION: ’s-Hertogenbosch is the capital city of the province Noord-Brabant and contains

about 102.900 people. ‘s-Hertogenbosch was built in the year 1185 and the city is known for its rich

cultural history. It’s surrounded with beautiful natural landscapes, like the Loonse - and Drunense

Duinen and the Maas- and Peelland. ‘s-Hertogenbosch has plenty cafes, a wide selection of schools

and scores high in the hospitality ranking compared to other Dutch cities.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Entire population of the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch

OBJECTIVE: How can we inspire and tempt the population of ‘s-Hertogenbosch to become a more

then green society and as an result make people feel more connected and proud of their city.

MOREthanGREEN is a branding campaign for ‘s-Hertogenbosch and its inhabitants where the

environment plays a central role. But our definition of “green” is more than just green and consists

of four themes;

- nature

- health

- sustainability

- society

Every theme has its own strategies, online and offline, to stimulate the inhabitants towards action.

We will start several initiatives where the Cities inhabitants get to play a more active role, inspire and

activate each other to become greener. That in turn leads to solidarity and pride in an online and

offline community. By MOREthanGREEN people will realize why they live in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. We’re

trying to emphasize that ‘s-Hertogenbosch is a beautiful city to live in; a feeling that they are the city,

the feeling that they belong.

We expect the response to be a more active population in ’s-Hertogenbosch and a more positive

attitude shown by every inhabitant. It will become a more attractive city to live in and that will

attract more people and talent. An attractive city attracts more business, more business means more

transactions, and that’s good for the economy.

“ If we can imagine it, we can create it. If we can dream it, we can become it!”

Walt Disney

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COMMUNICATION GOAL: is to get the inhabitants of ‘s-Hertogenbosch to be more active, to raise

awareness of their health, and be more respectful towards the environment. As a consequence of

this ideology, people will feel more connected and get become a tighter community.

With our campaign the local government will create a platform where they and the inhabitants can

work together to fulfill their proposed goals. This takes an on-and offline form through an internet

platform and a newsletter where events and activities are listed.

The campaign’s success can be measured by analyzing the internet traffic within and around ‘s-

Hertogenbosch, keeping track of the attendance at organized events, and the interaction around the

4 themes.

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Research shows that

people tend to feel better in a greener environment

trend studies show that a healthy lifestyle becomes more important

trend studies show that environmental awareness is increasing, however the tool to that

road are not commonly known

trend studies show social responsibility becomes more of a nessecity for business continuity,

also from a consumers perspective

“Green” is more than just a colour, we want to create an identity of ‘s-Hertogenbosch as an environment-friendly city with a population that is conscious about its health and live in a green environment. By using logo’s, billboards and gadgets in a recognizable theme to stimulate a shared ideology in the city ‘s-Hertogenbosch as a green city, we build the more than green brand of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. This ideology in the society of ’s-Hertogenbosch needs to be maintained by organizing events and activities. Online everything comes together on the website where the inhabitants can follow news on the “green” living standard of the city and have the opportunity to actively participate in “green” activities. The offline inhabitants will be reached through different media. We focus with our campaign on everyone in the population; all the layers of social class and ranging from preschoolers to the elderly. We keep account of the various success factors to reach multiple target audiences in the city. We’ll make sure that there’s something for everyone, by personalizing the activities on the website. These are illustrated in the creative brief. By sharing ideas and joining in activities we bring people together and create more solidarity in the city. ‘s-Hertogenbosch , due to it’s size, is already a tight community, where a lot of networking takes place, and by using what already is we expect to create a shared “green identity”.

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OUR KEY THOUGHT: We show the people of ‘s-Hertogenbosch what nature can mean for them and for their city. We will show them that together they can accomplish great things. “Let’s make our grass greener” is the mantra. If the inhabitants become greener, the city will follow. Our mantra can develop to “our grass is greener”. The pun is turning around the saying that the grass is always greener on the other side. They will improve the living environment if citizens participate in the MOREthanGreen philosophy. But they must do it together, they just don’t live in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, they are ‘s-Hertogenbosch. They give the city its character and its positive attitude. Research has pointed out that humans feel more at ease in greener environments because of their genes.1 People are getting more conscious about the environment and that can also be found in the latest consumer trends such as “business as unusual” and “eco-easy”. Also in psychology there are facts that support our reasoning that nothing motivates a group of people more than to work together towards a common goal.2


9/Groen%20is%20gezond 2

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CREATIVE EXECUTION The campaign launch will start with sending inhabitants a green envelope with an introduction flyer and gadget inside. At the same time billboards appear in the city which will introduce the public to the campaign’s four themes. The billboards promote the website, where people are encouraged to participate, and where events are organized to better the environment. The inhabitants of ‘s-Hertogenbosch receive a recurring newsletter to remind them to take part of these events. Some people don’t have internet so they stay up-to-date by reading it and can register for events on various locations (For instance, the Tourist Office).

Timeline: When will the tools first be used?


We make use of the following channels in our campaign; the internet (70%) and advertising (30%). The internet platform is used to form a community around our campaign and consist of a portal with the latest news and activities, an interactive city map, internet forum, and integrated social media. We communicate with our target audience through social media and use their feedback for further improvement. A combination of blogs, micro-blogging (Twitter), social networking (Hyvves and Facebook), and video sharing (Youtube) will be used to promote our campaign.

We place billboards in the city to promote our message and internet platform.

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We measure our campaign’s success with the following criteria;

- We measure the traffic on our internet platform with Google Analytics by keeping account of the total unique visitors, locally and regionally, and the bounce rate.

- Another criteria is keeping track of all the followers on social media, where the ups and downs of our campaign’s popularity can be seen quickly.

- The total number of registrations and attendance of organized events.

- We’ll use the feedback to keep our campaign on the right track by periodically taking a of and online polls and forums and offline surveys or samples of public opinion.

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