More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016


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Transcript of More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Page 1: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

More Ed, Less TechMark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 2: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 3: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 4: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 5: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

UK Education blog of the year award 2015

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 6: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

UK Education blog of the year award 2015

Author of best-selling Perfect ICT Every Lesson

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 7: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

UK Education blog of the year award 2015

Author of best-selling Perfect ICT Every Lesson

Apple Distinguished Educator

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 8: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

UK Education blog of the year award 2015

Author of best-selling Perfect ICT Every Lesson

Apple Distinguished Educator

Google Certified Innovator

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 9: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

UK Education blog of the year award 2015

Author of best-selling Perfect ICT Every Lesson

Apple Distinguished Educator

Google Certified Innovator

Microsoft Certified Educator

@ICTEvangelist /

Page 10: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson

Teacher for more than 20 years

Previously, Apple Distinguished School - Clevedon School, United Kingdom

UK Education blog of the year award 2015

Author of best-selling Perfect ICT Every Lesson

Apple Distinguished Educator

Google Certified Innovator

Microsoft Certified Educator

Independent Thinking Associate@ICTEvangelist /

Page 11: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 12: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Education is…

a force for good…

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Education is something to be…

passionate about…

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 14: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Education unites us…

rather than divides us…

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 15: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 16: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Page 18: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016


Page 19: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

“ ”…schools have not yet

become good enough at the kind of pedagogies that make

the most of technology

OECD Report Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”OECD Report

… technology can amplify great teaching but […]

technology cannot replace poor teaching Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”NESTA report

Schools spent £487 million on ICT equipment and services in 2009-2010.

But this investment has not yet resulted in radical improvements to learning experiences or attainment. Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”Digital Skills Crisis

The evidence is clear that the UK faces a digital skills crisis. Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”Digital Skills Crisis

…the Digital Strategy must deliver to achieve the step change necessary

to halt the digital skills crisis and bring an end to digital exclusion

once and for all. Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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What works?

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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How do you do it?

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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How do you do it?

visionary leadership

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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How do you do it?

innovative learning & teaching

visionary leadership

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 28: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

How do you do it?

innovative learning & teaching

ongoing professional


visionary leadership

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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How do you do it?

innovative learning & teaching

ongoing professional


compelling evidence of success

visionary leadership

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

Page 30: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

How do you do it?

innovative learning & teaching

ongoing professional


compelling evidence of success

flexible learning


visionary leadership

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Conditions for success

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Change Management

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 33: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Change Management


Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 34: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Change Management

Vision Skills

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 35: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 36: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 37: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 38: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success=

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

Page 39: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016


Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success=Vision Skills Incentives Resources False starts=

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

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Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success=Vision Skills Incentives Resources False starts=Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Frustration=

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

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Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success=Vision Skills Incentives Resources False starts=Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Frustration=Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Resistance=

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

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Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success=Vision Skills Incentives Resources False starts=Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Frustration=Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Resistance=Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan Anxiety=

Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

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Change Management

Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success=Vision Skills Incentives Resources False starts=Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Frustration=Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Resistance=Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan Anxiety=

Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Confusion=Adapted from Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation in TASH Conference. Washington, D.C.@ICTEvangelist

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Pedagogy firstit's not about buying a load of tablets

cc: -

© @ICTEvangelistMark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Content Knowledge

Pedagogical Knowledge

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Content Knowledge

Pedagogical Knowledge

PCK - Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Schulman (1987)Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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TPACK - Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

Content Knowledge

Pedagogical Knowledge

Technological Knowledge

Koehler & Mishra (2009) Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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What else works?

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Student Digital


Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Low access, high challenge

1 2

3 4



Impact Effort Prioritisation Matrix @ICTEvangelist

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Low access, high challenge

1 2

3 4



1. High impact, low effort - yes

Impact Effort Prioritisation Matrix @ICTEvangelist

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Low access, high challenge

1 2

3 4



1. High impact, low effort - yes

2. High impact, high effort - maybe

Impact Effort Prioritisation Matrix @ICTEvangelist

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Low access, high challenge

1 2

3 4



1. High impact, low effort - yes

2. High impact, high effort - maybe

3. Low impact, low effort - probably no / maybe?

Impact Effort Prioritisation Matrix @ICTEvangelist

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Low access, high challenge

1 2

3 4



1. High impact, low effort - yes

2. High impact, high effort - maybe

3. Low impact, low effort - probably no / maybe?

4. High effort, low impact - no

Impact Effort Prioritisation Matrix @ICTEvangelist

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Applying this to technology for learning

1 2

3 4



• Ease of use

• Accessible by all

• Depth of challenge

• Impact upon learning & standards.

Impact Effort Prioritisation Matrix @ICTEvangelist

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@ICTEvangelist’s Golden Rules for IT in the Classroom

Keep IT simple

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@ICTEvangelist’s Golden Rules for IT in the Classroom

Keep IT real

Keep IT simple

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@ICTEvangelist’s Golden Rules for IT in the Classroom

Keep IT real

Make IT count

Keep IT simple

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Page 65: More Ed, Less Tech - My presentation from the Education Festival 2016

Keep IT simple You’re not a computer programmer - use stuff that works and is easy to do and can impact on learning.

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Keep IT simple You’re not a computer programmer - use stuff that works and is easy to do and can impact on learning.

Keep IT real! Don’t just use IT for the sake of it!

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Make IT count Use IT for a purpose: - To enhance learning - To support learning - To make your life easier

Keep IT simple You’re not a computer programmer - use stuff that works and is easy to do and can impact on learning.

Keep IT real! Don’t just use IT for the sake of it!

@ICTEvangelist’s Golden Rules for IT in the Classroom

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Low stakes quizzing works

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting CurveMark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Incorporating the idea of ‘Spaced Learning’

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”Quizzing works / Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”Quizzing works / Anderson @ICTEvangelist

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“ ”Technology should inform your practice, not lead your practice.

Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist | | [email protected]

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“ ”Technology should inform your practice, not lead your practice.

More Ed, Less Tech…Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist | | [email protected]