Moorish Affidavit of Identification

Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America ~ The North Gate ~ Title Holder: John-Doe:El c/o 570 Caratoke Hwy # 7 Moyock Territory, North Carolina Republic Non- Domestic – Without USA Affidavit of Photo Identification # RB123456789 I, John-Doe: El, Upon my inherited Nobility, and upon my Private Aboriginal / Indigenous, Proper Person Status and Commercial Liability, being duly Affirmed under Consanguine Unity; standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the ‘Five Points of Light’ - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; do squarely Affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and having knowledge and firmly - established that image in the below is a likeness of my physical being at the time the likeness in the photograph was captured. I am a Natural Dweller and Private Aboriginal Indigenous Moor/ Mu’ur, National in, of, and on the Lands of my Forefathers - Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / The North Gate. I Am, Tamara Al’isha El, A real, live flesh and blood, breathing, non-fictional, and Natural Being, born of a natural Mother. This AFFIDAVIT OF PHOTO IDENTIFICATION supersedes and / or replaces all previously issued photo identification cards to date are hereby Null and Void. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herein attached is “Affidavit of Identification Card # TAE021077ID”, said card shall be used as a corresponding compact Attachment of Identification only by Gaidi Ahnyx Trooth El solely for Identification Verification Purposes. (Format & Mailing Location Subject to Change) I ‘Affirm’ that this Affidavit of Photo Identification and attached Affidavit of Identity Card are correct and true; and - ‘for the record’. I am reserving my right to ‘Present’ my own ‘Proper Self’ by Sovereign Right, and Affirmed to the best of my knowledge, Culture, Customs and Beliefs; being actual, correct, not misleading, etc.; and being the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. This Matter/text copyright @ by the Title Holder. All rights to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title Holder, John-Doe: El


Moorish Affidavit of Identification(sample)

Transcript of Moorish Affidavit of Identification

Page 1: Moorish Affidavit of Identification

Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America

~ The North Gate ~

Title Holder:


c/o 570 Caratoke Hwy # 7

Moyock Territory, North Carolina Republic

Non- Domestic – Without USA

Affidavit of Photo Identification

# RB123456789

I, John-Doe: El, Upon my inherited Nobility, and upon my Private Aboriginal / In-digenous, Proper Person Status and Commercial Liability, being duly Affirmed un-der Consanguine Unity; standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the ‘Five Points of Light’ - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; do squarely Affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and having knowledge and firmly - established that image in the below is a likeness of my physical being at the time the likeness in the photograph was captured.

I am a Natural Dweller and Private Aboriginal Indigenous Moor/ Mu’ur, National in, of, and on the Lands of my Forefathers - Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / The North Gate. I Am, Tamara Al’isha El, A real, live flesh and blood, breathing, non-fictional, and Natural Being, born of a natural Mother.

This AFFIDAVIT OF PHOTO IDENTIFICATION supersedes and / or replaces all previ-ously issued photo identification cards to date are hereby Null and Void.


Herein attached is “Affidavit of Identification Card # TAE021077ID”, said card shall be used as a corresponding compact Attachment of Identification only by

Gaidi Ahnyx Trooth El solely for Identification Verification Purposes. (Format & Mailing Location Subject to Change)

I ‘Affirm’ that this Affidavit of Photo Identification and attached Affidavit of Identity Card are correct and true; and - ‘for the record’. I am reserving my right to ‘Present’ my own ‘Proper Self’ by Sovereign Right, and Affirmed to the best of my knowledge, Culture, Customs and Beliefs; being actual, correct, not misleading, etc.; and being the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

I Am:________________________________________________________

John-Doe: El (In Propria Persona)Authorized Representative

All rights reserved, Without Prejudice UCC 1-207, 1-308


This Matter/text copyright @ by the Title Holder. All rights to this matter/text and what it may repre-sent is by terms and conditions of the Title Holder, John-Doe: El

, 05/01/12,
, 05/01/12,
This is not worded good. You definately need to change this.
, 05/01/12,
This ID does not have all the essential elements, but it is a starting point. Make sure you add the following items: Photo, ID number, Signature, Expiration date, birthdate or date of origin, and physcial address. Remember your birthdate and address does not have to conform to the Greggorian Calender, nor does it have to conform to United States addressing standards. You can give grid coordinates if you like. You do not want an Identification card that is going to create a joinder between you and the STRAW. You clearly want to establish yourself as being outside the jurisdiction.
Page 2: Moorish Affidavit of Identification

As a Notary Public, and an Officer of the Court, I herby Certify that the image above is a true and correct image of the sovereign living soul, John-Doe: El. I place

my hand and seal hereon as an authentic act as Notary Public.


Notary Public SEAL

My Commission Expires:


Aboriginal Indigenous National WitnessSEAL

This Matter/text copyright @ by the Title Holder. All rights to this matter/text and what it may repre-sent is by terms and conditions of the Title Holder, John-Doe: El