Moon Transits

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  • 8/9/2019 Moon Transits


    Moon Transits


    Moon transits to planets in the natal chart are very brief influences, lastingfew hours. Moon takes approx 28 days to travel 360 egrees in the !odiacand the twelve houses. "he text below is the interpretation of Moon transitwhen #on$unct %un

    Moon Conjunct Sun

    Look to start new projects that will last at least two to four weeks. You may feelreenergized, as now is considered a monthly renewal. This is an excellent time torededicate yourself to what is important and to recommit to your goals. You may feela greater sense of personal power, and you have a better sense of what you want.

    Some more Interpretations of Transit Moon Conjunct Sun from our astrology

    reports and readings:

    Moon Opposition Sun

    f all the times that recur each month, this one brings a clearer picture of who youare as well as the truth you need to express. Taking charge where necessaryheightens self!awareness. You can resolve certain issues now, and events thatstarted two weeks ago may culminate. "f discomfort exists, use it to better understandyourself and the way you feel towards others.


    Moon Sextile Sun

    pportunities appear now if you keep your eyes and ears open. You can harmonizeareas in your life that are discordant, and you can assert yourself with less resistancefrom the world around you. You have a feel for how to lead now, and you aresensitive to what you really want.

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    Moon Square Sun

    This time may be a reflection of events begun a week ago# be mindful of anychallenges, and then make adjustments as re$uired. %sserting your will is apossibility now!conditions may demand that you take a stand. You feel more stronglyabout what is right for you and for those close to you, and you tend to reject whatdoes not meet your standards.

    Moon Trine Sun

    You have a clearer sense of your priorities. &y appreciating who you are, you findyourself appreciated by others. This is an excellent time to take a break to take careof you. "f you must stay involved, seek to express yourself# you should receive apositive response to heartfelt concerns that you show. 'eeling better about who youare, it is easier to flow with the events of the moment.

    Moon Conjunct Moon

    (tronger reactions than usual are common now, and you are more attuned to whatyou feel about yourself, your home, and your family. This time during the month isgood for starting new projects, especially ones that give you an emotional charge.)ood swings sometimes are more prevalent as you respond easily and $uickly to thesubtle changes of the moment.

    Moon Opposition Moon

    )ood swings are more pronounced, and you are sensitive to the obvious as well as

    the subtle. This can be a time of peak emotional activity where you feel deeply andreact strongly. %lthough overreaction to the perceived slights of others is possible,you achieve a better appreciation of your needs as well as the needs of others byreflecting on events that occur. Your rhythm may become disrupted now by a varietyof influences that tend to keep things interesting.

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    Moon Sextile Moon

    "f your responses to life have been off, this is a good time to get back on trackemotionally. *uick to respond to a need, you can provide support for others as wellas allowing time for yourself. +ome and family should run smoother now because

    you have an accurate sense of how others feel. You enjoy the security of being closeto certain people, and you can create the right mood.

    Moon Square Moon

    ith your emotions closer to the surface now, you tend to react strongly. %lthoughyou sometimes are overly sensitive, you have a deeper awareness of how you feel.You adjust $uickly to demands. -motional issues occasionally are obstacles to the

    flow at this time# getting into the rhythm may re$uire effort. )ood swings are morepronounced since you are more responsive to all that is around you.

    Moon Trine Moon

    'eeling good about yourself makes others feel good as well. You tend to respondappropriately to whatever comes your way, and you can get into a smooth rhythmtoday. rawn to where you need to go, following is often more rewarding for you thanleading. %ttention given to your home or family is appreciated. (oothing anyemotional issues that exist with those closest to you makes life more comfortable.

    Moon Conjunct Mercury

    You stay busy, especially with short trips and/or varied and variable communications.You speak with greater feeling, and your thinking is influenced by emotion, making itdifficult to remain objective in your interactions. This ensures an interesting time,however, where boredom is unlikely since you are $uick to respond wherever


    Moon Opposition Mercury

    ith strong reactions to certain issues, you often have to consider emotional

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    influences before reaching a conclusion. %lthough it is difficult to be objective, howsomeone else feels can clarify your thinking. Your needs and the needs of otherscome to your attention now, and answers can arise without you even seeking them!simply by being open to them.

    Moon Sextile Mercury

    You are receptive to new ideas, and you learn easily. &eing busy creates goodconnections now. "nformative conversations can occur, and others listen better to

    what you have to say. You can convey your message with feeling that gives it addedimpact. This is a good time to solve problems!allow yourself to be led to the rightanswer.

    Moon Square Mercury

    -motions color your thinking, and you are $uick to respond to any situation thatarises. This typically means a busy time that can have you coming and going.&alancing your reactions with careful reflection is a challenge. You tend to ignore

    concerns that are too demanding or too uninteresting. &y being considerate of thefeeling of others, it is easier to avoid pettiness in your interactions.


    Moon Trine Mercury

    You attract the right information now, and you communicate with a clear idea of whatis needed. 0onversing with others or reading a good book makes time unwind. (horttrips provide a learning experience!you connect well with all that is around you. Youtend to listen sympathetically to those who seek a friend, and others are more

    receptive to what you have to offer.

    Moon Conjunct Venus

    You prefer to surround yourself with what you like rather than deal with anyunpleasantness. Take the time to enjoy whatever brings you pleasure!no need to

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    push too hard now. "f you are having a party, you and your home should show well.(ocializing is easy. You have a good feel for how to make everything in your life moreattractive now.

    Moon Opposition Venus

    "t is easy to spend money on a variety of things that seem appealing at the moment.You have a good time now, or want to have a good time, as your need for enjoymentis often at a monthly peak. You attract emotional situations and/or people into yourlife that can upset your balance if you are unwilling to accommodate them. &y beingreceptive to the fluctuations of the period, you become clearer on what you reallydesire amidst a sea of choices.

    Moon Sextile Venus

    You make a good impression now, and you draw into your life people whom you likeand who like you. %lthough trivialities may highlight your interactions, you enjoyfeeling good with others. "f you want to beautify your home or yourself in any way,this is a good time. Things that you buy now should please you.

    Moon Square Venus

    +aving fun is a priority at this time, and you may feel apathetic toward any work,especially what you don1t enjoy. You like to experience harmony now, although it mayre$uire effort to achieve since there are a number of influences that must be broughttogether. (ometimes you draw people to you during this period who need you orneed to be around you.

    Moon Trine Venus

    You prefer pleasure to anything harsh!pampering yourself helps relieve any stress. %party usually is successful whether you give it or go to it. ith so much enjoymentpossible, you may lack motivation. &y making an effort, however, you bring joy intothe lives of others as well as to yourself. 2eople respond well to you and are

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    attracted to what you have to offer. You spend money easily on what appeals to you,and it is a good time to find what you like.

    Moon Conjunct Mars

    You feel like taking action, and whatever you initiate has emotion behind it. Typicallyunafraid to assert yourself when necessary, you react strongly and $uickly.(ometimes you become involved without thinking. riven by the needs of those closeto you, well as your own, you can get swept up by the moment. This is a good time toenergize yourself, especially through physical activity.

    Moon Opposition Mars

    This is a high!energy time where displaying your individuality is more important thanfollowing the crowd. You prefer going it alone, or situations may force you to stand upfor yourself. (ometimes you must choose between the needs of others and what youwant. %cting without thinking is a typical response now, and feelings have asignificant impact in what actions you take. You can be so $uick to react that you

    have no time to consider the conse$uences.

    Moon Sextile Mars

    &ecause you have an accurate sense of what you want, reacting on impulse oftenbrings a desirable outcome. You get things done by applying yourself withconsiderable feeling. Taking the right steps is easier now, and you perform moreeffectively when you are in charge. herever there is a need that demands your

    attention, you usually come through.

    Moon Square Mars

    'eeling motivates actions, and you are $uick to respond to a need. (ustaining your

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    interest is a challenge, and you may have difficulty making or keeping certaincommitments. This is a time for an emotional response rather than a consideredopinion. hile you can excite others with your energy, you also can be combative,particularly with those who are too demanding.

    Moon Trine Mars

    "n knowing what you need, you can take the steps to satisfy it. You are not one to sitaround now!being active feels good. There is emotion tied to your actions, and it iseasy to really get into something although you may lose interest shortly after thebeginning. You are successful, however, at initiating things and in getting othersinterested in what you desire. +aving an accurate sense of what is right to do, youare effective taking charge.

    Moon Conjunct Jupiter

    'eeling positive and optimistic now brings you good luck and a good time. You aremore generous and supportive, especially to your family or to someone in obviousneed. ccasionally your responses are exaggerated, but they typically are for whatyou believe is best. This is the period of month to initiate ways for self!improvementas well as to renew your faith in yourself and in life.

    Moon Opposition Jupiter

    0apable of supporting people in need, you have a lot to offer now. (ometimes thedemands are substantial, and you may have difficulty meeting them because youcan1t say 3no.3 "t is easy to spread yourself too thin# moderation is a challenge. (till,you tend to enjoy yourself, especially when you don1t have to focus intently on aspecific task. The more open!ended the arrangements, the better you like it.

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    Moon Sextile Jupiter

    -njoyment is close at hand# taking some time off now can do wonders in making youfeel better. "t1s a time to expand your horizons by considering more than your usualpoint of view. You prefer the line of least resistance to strenuous efforts. "n performing

    an act of kindness, you provide a boost not only to someone else but to yourself aswell.

    Moon Square Jupiter

    +aving a good time often takes precedence over looking after details# carelessnessis likely. You sometimes forget the real needs of someone!even of yourself.-nthusiasm can wax and wane, and you can exaggerate your responses depending

    on your mood. &eing generous to others as well as enhancing your own position areefforts worth making.

    Moon Trine Jupiter

    4enerosity toward yourself and others is appreciated. 'ind the time to support thosewho need you, and you may receive encouragement from others as well. +avingsome fun and enjoying life may appeal to you more than your standard routine. (malldetails don1t concern you now because you tend to comprehend the bigger picture,thus allowing you to relax and ignore minor pressures.

    Moon Conjunct Saturn

    5esponsibilities can control you at this time, and certain needs re$uire attention,especially family or personal matters. You are more selective of what you do andwhom you see, and you may prefer being alone now!or circumstances can demandit. You tend to take things seriously, and a negative outlook is common if things are

    too demanding. 'ocusing on one thing at a time helps to maintain order.

    Moon Opposition Saturn

    (ticking with what you know rather than taking any chances helps to anchor you.

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    (ometimes your awareness becomes so narrow, you lose sight of the largerperspective. &y focusing on what is necessary, however, you deal with it effectively.You have a tendency to take things too literally and may miss the subtlety thatsurrounds you now. 0ommitments are sometimes made out of an emotionalresponse that can obligate you!at least for awhile. The conse$uences of your

    feelings are more apparent now.

    Moon Sextile Saturn

    2atience and perseverance pays off, and you are reluctant to take chances. This is agood time for serious reflection, particularly on those things and people that are nearand dear to you. Lending a hand, though it may be out of duty, can make you feelneeded. etailed work may take priority over fun and games. This period is favorable

    for planning rather than taking action. You organize well.

    Moon Square Saturn

     % serious tone usually underlies this period. You do best focusing on substantiveissues rather than on unnecessary concerns, and spending time alone or onpersonal issues is sometimes re$uired. orking hard and being patient is preferableto forcing a matter. You may experience delays and frustration, but they will pass.

    Moon Trine Saturn

    ith some effort, you accomplish a lot now. &y planning and organizing effectively,you put things in order. You feel more grounded, and you often provide a steadyinginfluence on others as well, although you can prefer being alone. ealing with thosein authority can get the results you seek since you are patient and capable of workingwithin the rules.

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    Moon Conjunct Uranus

    "f your life is too predictable, allow yourself to rearrange the order. You may feel anurge to do something different now!even a bit crazy!that brings a change to theordinary and to your usual routine. This time can mark the beginning of a new

    direction for you, at least temporarily. Take advantage of the moment to entertainother possibilities that you might otherwise ignore.

    Moon Opposition Uranus

    hen you stay in your set pattern, unpredictable results can occur. 0onfiningcircumstances may feel intolerable now. Try to alter the normal timing of your usualroutine. (uch a change can bring clarity to the moment. (urprises can surface that

    disrupt your expectations, and events may re$uire you to adjust whether you want toor not. The more open you are for a different kind of experience, the easier it is toaccept whatever appears.

    Moon Sextile Uranus

    oing things differently now brings a refreshing change. You may feel restless, and itis enjoyable to step outside your normal pattern or routine for a short time. )entallysharp, you can arrive at answers unexpectedly. This is a time when changes help tokeep your interest, and opportunities appear in the most unlikely places. (urprisesoften create a positive effect.

    Moon Square Uranus

    You bore easily, especially with your standard routine, and you may wish to breakfree!at least for the moment. 6nusual needs may demand your attention, and there issomething different going on now. isruptions make it difficult to stay focused for long

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    periods# they can unpredictably change prearranged patterns. hether from outsideforces or by your own choice, reshuffling your schedule unexpectedly makes for aninteresting time.

    Moon Trine Uranus

    4oing someplace, or seeing someone, out of the ordinary makes this period special.This is a time during the month you are more likely to do something on a whim orwithout a plan. You enjoy being different and being surprised# it keeps life fresh. "fyou need a break from the daily grind, it is easier to free yourself from your usualpatterns.

    Moon Conjunct Neptune

    You are exceptionally open now, capable of creating a supportive, positiveenvironment. &ecause of your sensitivity, you feel more acutely the joys and thepains of life. % good time for nonverbal activities, you respond to color, sound, andsilence. You tend to daydream and float, keeping you loose and unguarded.Truthfulness is important since anything begun now, if based on the slightestdeception, can turn out $uite differently from what you expect.

    Moon Opposition Neptune

    &ecause you are more sensitive than usual, what you perceive now, whetherfavorable or unfavorable, will likely seem different shortly thereafter. You preferescaping unwanted conditions to facing them, and you are readily influenced. &einghonest can help dissolve issues that you may have trouble addressing or evenunderstanding. 0reating a world that you can retreat to can be a nice way to spendthe time since you may lack enthusiasm for your normal routine.

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    Moon Sextile Neptune

    You are more empathic than usual now. 2aying attention to your dreams and feelingscan provide you with an accurate read. &eing open helps to dissolve any barriers.-njoy your increased sensitivity and nurture yourself as well as others. %ctivities that

    involve subtlety, ambiguity, and escape soften your mind and ease the stress.

    Moon Square Neptune

    )ore sensitive than usual now, you function best in an open environment wheredreams and fantasies are encouraged. &e clear in your actions, your words, andespecially in your intentions since you can misinterpret what others say or do, or youmay be misunderstood. (aying one thing and meaning another creates problems,

    and details seem less important. You do well to escape and watch a good movie ortwo, particularly when it is a challenge to distinguish between what is true and what isnot.

    Moon Trine Neptune

    This is a good time to relax and enjoy the beauty of life around you!or in a world youcreate. You flow easily and can adapt to almost any circumstance that arises. Thefewer your expectations, the more enjoyment you experience. The less wordsspoken, the better are your perceptions. Taking time to care for yourself and othersreplenishes whatever is depleted. reams can provide answers.

    Moon Conjunct Pluto

    "ntensity underlies this period, and extremes are often the norm. 'eeling anincreased emotional power, you respond more forcefully than usual. "f you need toget to the core of a matter, this is a good time to do it since you are more willing to

    look deeply into yourself and others. hatever you begin now tends to have a lot ofenergy behind it.

    Moon Opposition Pluto

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    thers draw out your deepest emotions now. (ometimes you react defensively, andissues that you have avoided can grab your attention. 7nowing what is right,however, you can stand up powerfully for what you believe is true. You exhibit strongfeelings, especially when driven by a compelling need. 5esponding forcefully!oftenwithout compromise!you can get emotionally involved in whatever concerns you.

    Moon Sextile Pluto

    orking on a deep emotional level brings effective results now. Your ability tochannel your power allows you to push yourself beyond your limits. ifficult problemsmay be handled successfully. 6se this time to get in touch with your own personalforce and the ways that you can apply it for your own benefit and the benefit ofothers.

    Moon Square Pluto

    5eacting with power and passion now, you often are in an uncompromising mood!helpful for asserting your feelings. Your emotions have greater depth, and it is difficultto remain neutral to something or someone. (trong needs can drive you, andpersonal issues may re$uire your attention. "t1s a time to feel your force.

    Moon Trine Pluto

    -motional self!expression is easier now, and releasing held feelings has a liberatingeffect. This is a good time to get in touch with your power, and strong needs tend tofind fulfillment. %pplying force effectively, you can push yourself past perceivedlimitations and contend with problems that may re$uire extreme solutions.