Moon · If your yoni feels...

M oo n Root Yoni Eggs A Personal Practice Guide By Aislinn Walton

Transcript of Moon · If your yoni feels...

Page 1: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

MoonRootYoni Eggs

A Personal Practice GuideBy Aislinn Walton

Page 2: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.


Welcome!History of Yoni EggsBenefits of PracticingWhich Stone is for You?Caring for Your Stone

Beginning Your Practice

Questions?I’m Aislinn

MoonRootYoni Eggs

Rituals With Mother Nature

Page 3: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.


Hello Sisters!Congratulations on making the decision to begin this transformative practice. Working with a yoni egg is a pro-found experience and is personal to each individual woman. Make this your practice and prepare to dive deep into your natural curiosity and discover the secrets of your beautiful body! As women, we are reawakening parts of ourselves that have been numb for centuries due to oppression that stems from the fear of how truly powerful a woman’s sexuality is. Our inner lionesses and tigresses are escaping their cages. By engaging with your yoni egg and learning to listen to your body, you are affecting far more than just yourself! You are contributing to the global shift of divine feminine consciousness. By healing yourself from the inside-out, you are helping to heal the planet. Lucky you!

Page 4: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

History Of Yoni Eggs

Let me guess... A question you might have is,“Who first decided to see what would happen when you put a crystal up your hoo-ha? The answer: the Chinese, and specifically Ancient Chinese Royalty. The Emporer’s concubines and the Empress prac-ticed lifting their Chi (life force energy) with the help of yoni eggs made of jade. Jade is still the traditional stone to use for yoni eggs because of its history and sacred energy, however women have ventured beyond jade and have chosen precious stones that are more aligned with their personal energy, intentions and manifestations. When your Chi is activated, it stimulates youthful energy, health and vibrancy within your whole body, mind and spirit. When your sexual organs and pelvic floor are strong and healthy, the Chi does not “leak” downward and instead can be directed upwards and transformed into energy you can use to manifest health, abundance, love, etc. The options are endless!

Page 5: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

Benefits of Practicing

Increased Body Awareness & PerceptionEnhanced Vaginal SensitivityDeeper Connection to Your Self & Spirit

Stronger Pelvic Floor Muscles Tighter Yoni Increase of Natural Vaginal LubricationInspires Positive, Powerful EnergyIncrease Orgasmic PotentialClears Energy Blockages & Trauma Stored In Tissue

Egg Absorbs Negative Energy from Your Body

Prevents IncontinencePostpartum Healing

Page 6: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

Which Stone is for You?

Another benefit of this practice is that your intuition will increase and you will learn to trust it. If you’re already in tune with your intuition, great! When they say “trust your gut”, well... Trust your yoni too! When it comes to picking your perfect stone, you may have already realized that the stone picks you. You will be drawn to a specific stone because your body and your yoni innately know what you need. Don’t let your brain get in the way! If you’re choosing a stone online, go with your first inclination and purchase the stone that “calls your name” or makes your heart beat a little faster. If you’re in person with a handful of stones to choose from, close your eyes and hover your hands over the stones. You may feel warmth or a slight tingly feeling once you hover over your egg. Sometimes the egg that you need is also the one that you find the most beautiful! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each woman will feeled pulled towards their personal stone.

Page 7: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

Caring for Your Stone

Your MoonRoot is something that should be treasured. If you care for your egg correctly, you will have your egg for life. Here are tips to make sure your stone continues to be a tool for healing and strength.

When you first receive your egg make sure to clean it with hot water and a mild, natural soap like diluted Bronners. Since the eggs aren’t porous, hot water should do the trick. **DO NOT BOIL YOUR MOONROOT** The eggs will crack if boiled or placed in very hot water!

Please be mindful of where you keep your egg when you aren’t using it. Don’t treat this stone as any old object. Instead, create an altar or a sacred spot to place your egg and if you feel called to use sage or palo santo to clear your egg, go for it! Store your egg in the satin bag I have provided you.After each use, simply rinse your egg in hot water.

Page 8: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

Beginning Your Practice

To begin your practice wash your hands and lie down or come into a seated position and have a few moments of silent meditation with your MoonRoot. Make sure your space is sacred, sage the room you are in, turn on some soothing music, and light a candle if that feels right. Hold it in your hands, feel its texture and its energy, and begin to send loving energy into your stone. Warm the stone with your hands or rest it on a particular chakra that you feel needs healing. If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil. Slowly place the large end of the egg at the entrance of your yoni and it should naturally suction in-wards. You may not feel the egg at first but do not worry! You will become more tactile and sensitive the more you practice. Try and draw the egg up towards your cervix, and then push it back down towards the entrance. It may help to have your fingers in your yoni to feel where the egg is and where it moves when you engage and relax your muscles.

Page 9: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

We store various amounts of trauma, knowledge and other emotional information in our yonis and this practice helps to gently release, deeply heal and to learn about yourself. Let go of your expectations, and honor your self and your yoni with the highest respect and self love. This practice is full of lessons, so open yourself to any opportunities that sensation, lack of sensation, or even discomfort provides you as a space for healing. Allow yourself to cry, to become turned on, to bring yourself to orgasm, to become blissful, angry, sad and everything inbetween. This is where the magic happens. Journaling is a great tool as you move through your yoni egg jour-ney. As you progress through your practice, see if you can individually move the three separate muscle areas (entrance, middle, then area near cervix), and then from there, try moving your MoonRoot from left to right. Your yoni is so powerful and you will only become stronger with this practice but you must practice consistenly to get results.Once you feel comfortable with this practice, have some fun! My favorite part of this experience is going out to the grocery store, the gym, going to yoga class and practic-ing Mula Bandha, doing errands or being in nature and knowing that I am the only one who knows I have a MoonRoot in my yoni! It’s your little sacred secret. Share your feelings and findings with your partner, or best friend, or don’t! You’re welcome to try making love with your stone in, but listen carefully to your body and take it out if you feel discomfort. You can also sleep with your stone and keep a dream journal.

Your Practice Continued...

Page 10: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

Once you have advanced with your MoonRoot, then you have the option to add weight to your egg. If your yoni egg is drilled, attach a piece of silk floss or thread to the egg, then tie the end onto your satin pouch. Add a few rocks to your pouch and let it hang as you stand with your legs outer-hip-width-distance apart. You are wel-come to squat, too. Draw the stone up towards your cervix and then back down. Only practice vaginal weight lifting for a couple minutes at a time because allowing your yoni to rest is just as important as strength building! Too much resistance can backfire and make your yoni less sensitive and weak. Rest days are vital to allow your yoni to digest and integrate all of this new information.Your MoonRoot can not get lost in your yoni. You will know how long your yoni egg should be inside of you, and when you are ready to push it out, simply squat down on the floor and push as though you are going #2. You will be able to differenciate between your vaginal muscles and your intestinal muscles quickly! Push using your yoni strength but have your hand at the entrance. Your egg may come shooting out and you don’t want it to fly towards the hard floor.Be mindful when you are going to the bathroom because you don’t want to have to fish it out of an icky toilet! Don’t worry if your yoni egg doesn’t get pushed out quickly- have patience and know it will descend towards the entrance when it’s ready. You can always use your fingers to help draw it downwards.Happy MoonRooting!

Your Practice Continued...

Page 11: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

Rituals with Mother Nature

Place your MoonRoot under the full moon to clear negative energy and recharge it with lunar power.Put your stone in a bowl of water under the full moon and then water your plants or drink the water.

Burry your stone in the dirt for a few hours to soak up grounding Earth energy and clear negative or flighty energy.

Place your stone under the sun to clear it and allow it to soak up the vibrance, radiance and positive energy that the sun supplies.

Rest your stone at the roots of a tree to absorb grounding energy and vitality.

Place your stone under the darkness of the new moon to absorb nurturing energy, then meditate with it and set your intentions and goals.

Page 12: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.


If you have absolutely any questions or concerns please do not hestitate to reach out and ask me. DM me on Instagram (@im_aislinn) or fill out a contact form on work is my passion and I love talking about anything and everthing to do with sisterhood, community, women’s sexuality, hormonal health, and yoni healing. I want to make sure you feel supported every step of this journey! Engage with other women who are on this same adventure by using #moonrootyonieggs on Instagram.

*Please know that you engage in this practice at your own risk. Use the eggs internally at your own discretion. If a stone becomes cracked, discontinue use.MoonRoot Yoni Eggs and Personal Practice Guide content are copyrighted by Aislinn Walton 2016.

Page 13: Moon · If your yoni feels dry, give yourself a gentle breast massage or massage yourself with some coconut oil.

I’m Aislinn.I’ve been through my fair share of health issues associated with hormonal imbalances, disconnection with my femininity, unsatisfying relationships and battles with hormonal birth control. I’m finally on the path of healing naturally and a

potent part of this path has been my yoni egg practice and digging deep to uncover my own blockages preventing me from tuning into my divine femininity and gifts as a woman.

I’m a yoga teacher, energy worker, women’s health advocate and lover of all things to do with love, sexuality, sensuality, exploration, adventure, travel, conscious relationships and

healing. The more I share my healing journey, women are coming out of the woodwork to share that they have faced

the same challenges. This whole time we were suffering thinking we were alone! It’s time we come together as a

sisterhood and a community to support one another and share the tools that have helped us to be our most

vibrant, loving, authentic selves.Gratitude to you, Sister. With love,
