Moon Characteristics and Motion

Lunar Surface/Characteristics/Origin Lunar Motion The Moon

Transcript of Moon Characteristics and Motion

The Moon

Lunar Surface/Characteristics/OriginLunar Motion

The Moon


Lunar Features - HighlandsMountains up to 7500 m (25,000 ft) tallRilles (trenchlike valleys)


Lunar Features - CratersUp to 2500 km (1,553 miles) acrossMost formed by meteorite impact on the MoonSome formed by volcanic action inside the Moon


Crater Impact Animation

Lunar Features - MariaOriginally thought to be seas by early astronomersDarkest parts of lunar landscapeFilled by lava after crash of huge meteorites on lunar surface 3-4 billion years agoMostly basalt rock





Far Side of the MoonFirst seen by Luna 3 Russian space probe in 1959

Surface features different from near sideMore cratersVery few mariaThicker crust



Ice on the Moon?1994 Clementine probe1998 Lunar Prospector


The Moons SurfaceNo atmosphereNo liquid waterExtreme temperaturesDaytime = 130C (265F)Nighttime = -190C (-310 F)


Birth of the MoonBorn 4-5 billion years agoFormed from impact of Mars-sized planetesimal on EarthDebris from both objects melted together to form the Moon


The Origin of the Moon

Cut to the Core3 major divisions of the Lunar interiorCrust - average thickness of about 70 kilometersMantleCore - radius is between 300 and 425 kilometers


The moon is essentially a chunk of Earth that broke off during a collision a long time ago. The moon is as old as Earth ~4.6 billion years old.Earths only natural satelliteThe Moon

Distance to Moon 30 Earth DiametersEarths closest Neighbor

About 384,000 km (240,000 miles) from Earth

Gravity is 1/6th that of EarthA 100lbs. person would weight 18lbs. on the moon.


The Earth and the Moon together make a system; The Earth Moon System.Although it appears that the moon orbits the Earth, the moon actually orbits a common center of gravity between the Earth and the moon.This common center of gravity is referred to as the barycenter.Both the Moon and the Earth move about this center of gravity.It is this point that revolves around the sun.This point is located 900 miles from Earths surface.


Explain how the Earth and Moon act as a system. In other words what is the barycenter and how does the moon revolve around Earth?Student Response Response 3!

The man on the moon!

The Dancing Women Around a Tree on the Moon

The moon is in a synchronous orbit around Earth.The moon is in a tidal lock with the Earth.What is different about these pictures?

Tidal Locked Moon

The moon revolves and rotates at the same timeWe always see the same side of the moon!

Explain why there is a big difference between the appearance of the far side and near side of the moon.Student Response Response 2

The moon rotates and revolves once around the Earth every 27.3 Earth days.

Remember, as the moon is revolving around Earth, Earth is also revolving around the sun. Moon goes through one cycle of phases in 29.5 days, an extra 2.2 days for the Moon to make up Earths revolution.The Moons RevolutionBut it does not complete the lunar phase cycle for 29.5 daysWHY THE EXTRA TIME?

Sidereal Month The time it takes the moon to complete 1 revolution. Time = 27.3 Earth Days.

Synodic Month The time it takes the moon to go from New Moon Phase to the start of the next New Moon Phase.Time 29.5 Earth Days.The Lunar Cycle 2 ways to look at it!

Explain why the Synodic Month is longer than the Sidereal Month; why the moon has to travel farther than 360 to go through all of its phases as seen from Earth. Student Response Response 1

Movements of the MoonRevolution Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 daysLunar Cycle takes 29.5 daysThe moon rises in the east and sets in the westThe moon rises and sets 50 minutes later each dayRotation Moon turns on its axis every 27 daysSame side of Moon always faces Earth


EarthMoonMoonPlane of earths orbitPlane of lunar orbit