MOOCs4D: Potential at the Bottom of the Pyramid · MOOC faculty Secondary School Student Teacheror...

MOOCs4D: Potential at the Bottom of the Pyramid April 10-11, 2014 Presentation by Michele Petochi

Transcript of MOOCs4D: Potential at the Bottom of the Pyramid · MOOC faculty Secondary School Student Teacheror...

  • MOOCs4D: Potential at the Bottom

    of the Pyramid April 10-11, 2014

    Presentation by

    Michele Petochi

  • the  advent  of  the  MOOCs…  

    …and  the  lent  of  the  user  

  • MOOCs: A Normal Hype Cycle

    Future  Mul4ple  forms  Different  blends  How  useful  for  me?  Business  models?    Outlook:  Here  to  stay    Key  Ingredients  Great  offering  Tech,  Data,  Visualiza4on  Know  learning  more      

    MOOCs  help  redefine  the  boundaries  between  educa4on  and  life  (long  learning  &  professional  dev)  

    Gartner’s  hype  cycle,  EPFL  2013  

  • The  User  at  the  Center:  What  is  More  or  Less  Relevant  to  Whom  

        Undergrad  Student  Grad  Student  

    MOOC  faculty  

    Secondary    School  Student  

    Teacher  or  School  leader  

    Other  student   Mother   Elder  

    MOOC  Aca   xxx   xx   xxx   xx   xx   xx   xx   x  

    MOOVE*   xx   x   x   xx   xx   xx   xxx   x  

    Campus  blend   xxx   xx   xxx                      

    Other  blend   x           xx   xx       xx   xx  

    Credits   xxx   xx    (x)        (x)              

    Certi>icate   xx   x       xx   xx   xx   xx   x  

    Skills   xx   x       xx   x   xxx   xxx   xx  

    Community   xxx   x   x   xx   xx   x   xx   xxx  

    x  =  relevant;  xx  =  very  relevant;  xxx  =  key  *Massive  Online  Open  Voca6onal  Educa6on     …and  the  user  is  not  like  me!!!  

  • How  do  we  serve  people  in  resource  poor  communi4es    

    across  the  world?    

    How  to  serve  every  individual  and  group,  and  in  the  right  way?  


  • -> Innovative solutions for access to bandwidth seem not impossible

    -> Some off-line solutions may offer viable options on the short term

    -> Increasing use of the right teaching language

    -> Increasing involvement of faculty and administrators in including MOOCs into the local curricula

    -> Blended configurations, including distant faculty

    Opportunity 4D - Dissemination

  • EPFL  Flying  Donkey  Challenge  2013  –    

  • -> Get credit (university) and certification (self-learner) right

    -> Adapt governance (broad opportunity to look at the reward system)

    -> Work on the regulatory environment (or simply allow to test)

    -> Continue to pursue multi-partner collaborations, no matter if challenging

    -> Continue to test the blend

    -> Facilitate evaluation for quality and knowing the user more

    Opportunity 4D – Academic Environment

    The same EPFL MOOC “Numerical Analysis” was evaluated … - Negatively by Physics


    - Positively by Mechanical Engineering students

    0%  10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60%  70%  80%  90%  

    Nega4ve   Posi4ve  ME  PH  

    EPFL  2013  

  • Foundation courses are potentially key. MOOCs is a powerful enabler as long as:

    à Students have enough basis to take them à There is collaboration at the teachers’ level à Teacher and instructor are trained and mobile

    à Should the MOOC be integrated into the curriculum?

    Courses developed around areas of priority for a particular region (water, energy, nutrition, health...) are an opportunity for specializations and continuing Education

    Opportunity 4D – Content Development

  • Université  St-‐Joseph  –  Beyrouth  –  Liban  

    Ecole  Na4onale  Supérieure  Polytechnique  de  Yaoundé  –  Cameroun  

    Ecole  supérieure  polytechnique  –  Université  Cheick  Anta  Diop  –  Dakar  –  Sénégal   2IE  Ins4tut  interna4onal  d’ingénierie  en  Eau  et  Environnement  

    –  Ouagadougou  –  Burkina  Faso  

    Ecole  Mohammadia  d’ingénieurs  affiliée  à  l’Université  Mohammed  V  Agdal  –  Rabat  –  Maroc  

    Ins4tut  polytechnique  d’Ho-‐Chi-‐Minh-‐Ville  –  Vietnam    

    Ini4a4ve  du  RESCIF  en  Haï4  avec  les  Universités  d’Etat  et  Quisqueya  de  Port  au  Prince  

    EPFL  -‐  Ecole  polytechnique  fédérale  de  Lausanne  

    Ecole  Normale  Supérieure  ENS-‐Lyon  

    Université  catholique  de  Louvain

    Ins4tut  polytechnique  de  Grenoble  


    Ecole  polytechnique  de  Montréal

    Réseau d’excellence des sciences de l’ingénieur de la Francophonie

    Opportunity 4D – Harnessing Networks