Montreal School of Ministry Catalogue

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Transcript of Montreal School of Ministry Catalogue

  • 2013

    - 20


    Information & Course Listings

    This is YOUR Doorway to the Greatest

    Christian Education in the World!

  • Heaven and earth shall pass away but Gods Word shall never pass away, Matthew 24:35.

    II Timothy 2:15 commands, STUDY to show yourself approved unto God, a worker that does not need to be

    ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth... Dear prospective Student,

    The Word of God is the only food and source of Spiritual strength for the inner, eternal man. Most Christians only snack and rarely take time to eat a planned spiritual meal. If they treated their physical part of life as they treat their spiritual life, they would be grossly under- nourished, weak and unable to fight sickness and diseases that often attack the body. Just as healthy individuals eat well-planned, nutritionally balanced meals, so likewise, the victorious, overcoming Child of God consistently feasts on the Word of God through planned Bible studies.

    Montreal School of Ministry provides courses which contain spiritual, nutritionally balanced meals. The ingredients and directions for the preparation of these spiritual meals are contained in the SOM courses. They allow the student with a busy schedule to study in the privacy and convenience of their own home while coming


  • together one day per week for interaction and the building of strong spiritual character.

    Two important things will be accomplished by taking courses at the SOM: 1) you will feed your spiritual person continually, and 2) you will prepare for the work of the ministry whatever ministry call God has placed upon your life).

    Remember, God can only use those who are willing to prepare themselves for use in His Kingdom. If in the secular world one needs to prepare for their career by ardent study, how much more important is it for one entering the ministry to prepare for that ministry?

    I am so glad that you found us and pray that as you become a part of our student body, you will receive great nourishment for your soul.


  • Dr. Jenkins began preaching on

    September 24, 1976 and spent his first ten years of ministry in evangelism travelling across much of the US and Canada. He, with his family planted the first church in 1986 and since that time has planted three others and re-built two more.

    Dr. Jenkins was former CEO of National Native Bible College in Ontario and also one of the instructors of the Canadian School of Christian Ministry, Toronto, Ontario.

    As education, his resume would reads as follows: graduated from Canada Christian College, Toronto, Ontario with three theological degrees (Associate, Bachelor and Master of Theological Studies); earned the Master of Biblical Counselling degree from Freelandia Bible College & Seminary, Virginia; the Doctorate of Theology from International Bible College & Seminary, Missouri; and the Doctorate of Philosophy with a major in Biblical Counselling from Therapon University, US Virgin Islands. Terrance has been honored with the honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Kingsway Bible College & Seminary, Des Moines, Iowa; and the honorary Doctorate of Pastoral Counseling from The Canadian Seminary.

    He is a Certified Pastoral Counselor and licensed Psychotherapist & Counselor with the Evangelical Order of Certified Pastoral Counselors of America, which holds letters patent with the federal government of Canada.


  • Other accomplishments would include the writing of

    eight books. Four of those (Rise to the Challenge of Ministry; Free Indeed; Christian Counselling & The Holy Spirit) have been published and are available from the publisher, Publish America;; Chapters and a number of other venues. You may also purchase them by going to the Montreal School of Ministry website at: or Three other books are in print through 48HrBooks, Akron, Ohio.

    Dr. Jenkins is also a member of the USA Honor Society and listed in Cambridge Whos Who for lifetime achievement. He was honored with the Dove Award from the Pentecostal Church of God, Canada, for 25 years of faithfulness to the ministry.

    In March 2009 we began Montreal School of Ministry with about forty students from various churches. We are expecting great things and many more students in the months and years to come.

    In addition, Dr. Jenkins travels all over the world conducting Pastoral Training Seminars, Conferences and crusade services.


  • .

    The School of Ministry is specifically designed for:

    1. People who are actively involved in the life and

    ministry of a local church but desire to better equip themselves for ministry.

    2. People who feel God is calling them to make a

    career change in mid-life and desire to become a pastor or church planter.

    3. Pastors, evangelists, or others in full time ministry, who either lack the training necessary or want to sharpen their skills so they can become more effective in their respective ministry.

    4. Young men and women who for various reasons (i.e. finances, the time involved, family or work situations, or personal preferences) do not desire to be up-rooted to attend a Bible College and pursue a four-year program of studies.

    If you fit into any one of these categories, this exciting

    new program of ministry training is for you.




    The School of Ministry is based upon the following foundational stones:

    The end-time harvest is upon us and laborers must be raised up and trained for the task of reaching the lost with the gospel (Matthew 9:36-38).

    The Church is the only institution (body) that Jesus promised to build (Matthew 16:18. He wants to equip and use it as His agent of redemption in the world. We also recognize that denominational, Para-church and other institutions of ministry are important in Gods plan.

    The early church, as indicated in the church at Jerusalem, Antioch and Ephesus (Acts 15:22, 23; 11:19-21; 19:9), was an evangelistic centre and a training school. We believe that God is restoring the original model to the church today.

    The mind and the spirit must both be trained for a balanced ministry. Therefore, both must be developed in a unique blending where the mind seeks to come to full understanding, to support as much as possible, the perceptions of the spirit. Thus we are committed to strong academic study (sense knowledge) and spiritual formation (revelation knowledge). Both are equally important and both must be trained.

    The training process is not complete until we are doing the work of the ministry. This doing and demonstration is not to be separated from the training of the


  • head and the heart, so on-the-job training is a vital dimension of this program.

    The training is in three areas and all are needed for the training to be complete. This training process may be further explained and diagrammed as follows:

    Training of the Mind

    The mind is to be disciplined in the things of God until the Mind of Christ is ours. Sound academic study is important for us to gain understanding. Training of the Spirit

    Spiritual formation is essential. This is the key to ministry as the Holy Spirit is the source of this life. Impartation of Spirit-life must transpire from the teacher to the student as both need to be ministers a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7). Training in Ministry

    Jesus and Paul both gave on-the-job training so the disciples could learn by doing - Those things that they had both learned, and received and heard, and seen in me, do (Philippians 4:9). That is demonstration.

    This model of training is most effective in the

    context of the local church. So practical training, in the three-fold dimension mentioned above, is the emphasis of our School of Ministry. Bible colleges, for the most part, emphasize the acquiring of knowledge and the understanding of facts. The School of Ministry


  • emphasizes the practical training, spiritual formation and the training of the mind a complete training and equipping ministry in the context of the local church.


    Our name: School of Ministry is based on the scripture verses of Ephesians 4:11 & 12.

    11] And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12] for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ:

    These verses show that the purpose of the School of Ministry is to Equip the Saints which is the Biblical mandate for all churches and the local church is the place where this is to be accomplished. The Saints are found in churches or assemblies.

    Thus we attempt to be faithful to the New Testament pattern of Equipping the Saints through our School of Ministry while they are in ministry in the local church.




    Our training program is designed to train men and women in the context of the local church. It is in this real world environment of the local church that they are saved, discipled, discover and deploy their spiritual gifts as they enter into the respective ministries of the local church. It is our conviction that it is in this same environment that the most effective equipping for service can take place under the oversight of the local pastor.

    Montreal School of Ministry

    Promise to YOU

    When you study the courses offered at MSOM you will learn:

    1. Biblical principles about correct living and how to apply them to your life and the lives of the people you counsel.

    2. How to deactivate old beliefs; activate the new ones you need to become more Christ-like - and how to help others do the same.

    3. How to make big changes in your life-style and how to help others make changes in their life-styles as well.


  • 4. How to be successful in your job by applying these principles for living - guaranteed to work regardless of what type of business you are in.

    5. How to respond to touchy situations in a Christ-like manner that is right on target every time, and how to pass this skill on to others.

    We believe that if you apply everything you learn in our courses to your life, you will, literally, become a magnet for Christ! People will be drawn to Jesus because of your Christ-like character. They will want to be around you, to listen to what you have to say, to do the things you do, and to believe what you believe. In short, they will want what you have - JE-SUS!!

    Transfer of Units (Credit) Consideration

    Most institutions of higher learning have their own set of criteria for accepting academic credit from other institutions. These sets of criteria may vary from institution to institution.

    Often times an institution will want to know the number of contact hours per credit, the academic credentials of professors, the course content, and the ac-crediting association with which the institution is connected before they will accept the credits [units] from the other institution.


  • There are other institutions of higher learning that may not be concerned about the considerations given in #3. The school or university may have a set of courses which a particular program calls for. All the courses are required and therefore the applying student has no electives to transfer.

    Montreal School of Ministry strongly recommends that students and churches which align themselves with us consider their overall purpose. This should be done before a church or student spends time and money in our program.

    Montreal School of Ministry is not a state [provincial] run institution. Rather it is a church centered institution. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that units earned at MSOM will be accepted in secular colleges or universities. Since MSOM is trans-denominational, it cannot guarantee that the students work done with this school will be accepted in other denominational colleges/universities. The fact that an institution accepts work from one student is no guarantee that it will accept work from another student. There is no guarantee that every student will be evaluated alike.

    If transfer of units (credits) to another institution of higher learning is of major importance, the student would do well to contact the institution to see if they will accept work done at MSOM prior to investing time and money into our program.

    Having made the above statement, the student should understand that work done at MSOM will be accepted at Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary toward


  • their degree but may not be accepted at other institutions of Higher learning.

    Library Resources

    Students may take full advantage of the various books available through Montreal School of Ministry or local libraries through the city of Montreal. Also, there are numerous web resources available to the student to help him/her in the completion of their work. Some of the internet resources are: brings up their home page. To the left of the screen you will see their Web Sites. Clicking on them will give additional sites which contain so much information that it is difficult to summarize. permits the student to do an in depth study of the Bible using various translations, interlinear Bibles, commentaries, concordances and other church related resources. http// http// http// http//

    As well, there are many software systems available for the industrious student of the Word such as:

    Nelsons Electronic Bible Reference Library The Master Christian Library, AGES Software BAKER BYTES from

    and many, many more.



    While the student Privacy act primarily governs schools in the United States, we at Montreal School of Ministry feel that this act is adaptable for Canadian students as well because confidential information must at all times be properly handled.

    The student Privacy Act governs the access to and release of student records. Student Records mean those records, files, documents and other materials which (1) contain information directly related to the student and (2) are maintained by a school or person acting for the school.

    Interpretation of the Privacy Act is a difficult task. One may at times find us overly cautious in our interpretation. However, when we weigh overly cautious" against the possible consequences to our school we feel the risk of overly cautious as being acceptable.

    The Privacy Act states that:

    The student has the right to inspect, review and challenge the content of his/her educational records.

    The student alone has the right to the access and release of his/her records. Access or release of records can be made to others only if the student signs a written release.

    The student has the right to refuse the release of personal information by the school.


  • A school is authorized by law to release Directory Information. Directory Information for each student includes the following: Student name Semester hours of enrolment Local telephone number Dates and times of attendance Local address Major program of study Permanent home address Degrees or award earned

    The student, by law, may petition the School to withhold directory information. Once petitioned, the school may not release such information.

    Careful observation of these guidelines is essential




    Montreal School of Ministry does not and will not discriminate on the basis of national origin, color, or denominational affiliation. The School accepts students of any race to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. The School does not discriminate on the basis of race in administering its educational policies, admission policies or any school administered programs. The School does not discriminate on the basis of race in the selection, retention, evaluation or promotion of faculty, staff and employees.

    We do, however, reserve the right to refrain from accepting students who have not had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living a life of holiness in the world. We also reserve the right to refrain from accepting students who profess a Christian life but practice a life-style of sexual orientation not in keeping with the Word of God and our Constitution and By-laws.


  • Specific information regarding

    Accreditation in Canada (Taken from the website of Canadian

    Educational Institutions Accreditation)

    Accreditation is a form of independent, professional certification that assures you that a school or pro-gram adheres to particular standards. University accreditation therefore ensures the quality of your education.

    Since Canadian education is regulated provincially (not by the federal government), there is no national university accreditation system. Public institutions are given authority to grant degrees, diplomas and certificates through specific provincial regulations and these institutions are therefore "recognized." Government recognition is a form of quality assurance, but is not official accreditation.

    Another form of quality assurance is membership in national associations like the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). The AUCC establishes standards of quality, and a school's membership means it has been evaluated as meeting those standards.

    Professional accreditation means a specific university department or program has been evaluated as meeting the standards of the accrediting agency of a certain profession. Some accrediting agencies accredit university programs, and others accredit individual accreditation hangs on the wall of the Presidents office.


  • WWAC is a rapidly growing and respected net-work of over 200 schools of higher learning on the cutting edge of the Cause of Christ in the USA, Canada and around the world.

    NOTE: This accreditation is non-governmental but

    biblical in nature. Such accreditation is not a guarantee that the students credits will be transferable to another school of higher learning. Each school has its own set of criteria in this matter, so if the student is interested in transfer-ring his/her credits, it would be wise to check with said school prior to en-rolling at MSOM. The purpose of accreditation is to ensure that the school maintains the highest possible level of education for its students.

    Montreal School of Ministry Information

    MONTREAL School of Ministry is an entity within itself while at the same time having strong ties with several local churches, The Resurrection Center and the Church of God. The vision is to see Montral School of Ministry and the local church become a Ministry Training Center where the local church and / or a group of churches from the city or area cooperate together to give the students the best possible ministry training with the highest possible standard. Our curriculum stresses:

    The Pentecostal - Charismatic perspective The Holy Spirit - His Person and work


  • Practical training for ministry Flexibility to serve the local churches Providing training to meet the requirements for

    licensing in ministry. How to be an effective Counselor for Christ

    Please note that although Montreal School of Minis-

    try works in conjunction with various independent and denominational churches, one does not have to hold membership with these organizations to train for ministry at this school. However, one does have to abide by the standard of faith and code of conduct to remain a student in good standing with MSOM. Montreal School of Ministry is a trans-denominational institution that God has raised up for the training of His people, for ministry to the lost, healing for the sick, the recovery of sight to the blind, to set the captives free and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18).

    This is an exciting program of study and everyone regardless of denominational affiliation, ethnic origin or gender may apply for without discrimination.



    WHEREAS Montreal School of Ministry cannot

    presently offer a degree program, MSOM has signed a working agreement with Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary, 14671 Fox Chase Circle, Ridgely, MD 21660, Dr. William M. Comfort, D.Phil., President. Anyone wishing verification may write to Dr. Comfort at the ad-dress given.

    By virtue of having this working agreement, Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary will accept work from Montreal School of Ministry, whereby our students may complete all of the necessary requirements for their particular degree right here at home and graduate from Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary with said degree.

    AND, WHEREAS Montreal School of Ministry is an affiliate school of the Evangelical Order of Certified Pastoral Counselors of America those students who wish may become Certified Christian Counselors. The EOCPC operates with letters patent by the federal government of Canada.

    BECAUSE OF OUR AFFILIATION WITH the Evangelical Order of Certified Pastoral Counselors of America, MSOM students may also receive their degree through California State Christian University and / or The Canadian Christian Theological Seminary

    AND, WHEREAS MSOM has received Level I certification [2011] with the Church of God, Cleveland, TN and will be seeking Level II certification within the next


  • year; the school is now given a wider credibility for which we are very thankful.

    Costs Breakdown

    The Certificate Program / Diploma Program / Bachelor Program consist of 30 units / 60 units / 120 units respectively.

    Certificate > 30 Units @ $90 per unit = $2700. Associate Degree > 60 Units @ $90 per unit = $2700. Bachelor Degree > 120 Units @ $90 per unit = $5400. Master Degree > 158 Units @ $100 per unit = $5800.

    The Masters Degree Program is $100 per Unit hour

    of study. The number of units required for completion of the program {this will also determine the cost of the pro- gram} will depend upon the program of study whether it is in Theology, Biblical Studies, Counseling or Christian Education.

    The Doctoral Program cost will be $140 per unit hour of study. The number of units required for completion of the program will depend upon the program of study whether it is in Theology, Biblical Studies, Counseling or Christian Education. The number of unit hours of study will also be the determining factor for the cost of the program.


  • REFUNDS: The following refund policy will be in effect at Montreal School of Ministry: * 95% before classes officially begin (5% will be held for

    administration & application) * 80% REFUND: During the first week of classes * 60% REFUND: During the second week of classes NO REFUND: After the third week of classes Any refund given means that all materials received by the student

    must be returned to the school in re-saleable condition. Otherwise refund of any monies paid is NOT possible.


  • Degrees which may be earned

    by completing the work at MSOM

    Associate Degree: Associate of Christian Counseling Associate of Ministry

    Bachelor Degree:

    Bachelor of Christian Counseling Bachelor of Theology Bachelor of Ministry

    Master Degree:

    Master of Christian Counseling Master of Ministry Master of Theology Master of Divinity

    Doctorate Degree:

    Doctorate of Theology Doctorate of Counseling




    Courses marked with an (*) are required for

    ministerial licensing and ordination within the Church of God, Cleveland, TN.

    For students to complete the required Certificate program in two years, the School of Ministry expects the student to study five courses per year. That should not be too difficult for those students with a little difficulty learning. However, we recognize that other students will be able to complete much more and therefore, we will make it available for those students who would like to move a little faster.

    Undergraduate Program Certificate of Counselling

    ID # Course Name Units * BI 211 Journey through the Old Testament 4 * BI 212 Journey through the New Testament 3 * LD 230 Leading with Integrity 3 CC 320 The Psychology of Counselling 4 CC 330 Belief Therapy 4 CC 331 The Battlefield of the Mind 3 CC 521 Nouthetic (Biblical) Counseling I 4 CC 521 Nouthetic (Biblical) Counseling II 4


  • ** Students will be required to complete one additional course from the following electives: LD 475 Efficiency in Ministry 3 CC 705 The Lies We Believe 3 PT 500 The Art of Sermon Preparation 3

    Undergraduate Program (Contd) DIPLOMA in Counseling

    Prerequisite: Certificate Program Completed ID # Course Name Units PT 315 Living the Faith 3 CC 504 Free Indeed [How to be free from bondage] 3 CC 401/551 Christian Counseling 4 CC 703 Counseling for Family Health 4 CC 705 The Lies We Believe 3 TH 490 Biblical Ethics 4 TH 201 Great Bible Doctrines (Christian Foundations) 3 TH 475 Eschatology (The Doctrine of Last Things) 4 Electives: TH 102 How to Heal the Sick 4 WR 709 A Study of Islam I 4 LD 475 Efficiency in Ministry 3


  • Undergraduate Program Certificate of Ministry

    ID # Course Name Units TH 101 Evangelism I 6 BI 214 Romans 4 BI 215 I & II Corinthians 3 BI 221 Acts I 3 BI 222 Acts II 3 BI 224 Ephesians 3 TH 401 Angelology 4 Electives: PT 563 Homiletics: The Art of Preaching 3 TH 102 How To Heal The Sick 3 CC 504 Free Indeed [How to be free from bondage] 3 CC 401/551 General Christian Counseling 4 EM 315 The Battlefield of the Mind 3


    TO RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE, the student will complete 30 units of study or more. The DIPLOMA and ASSOCIATE level requires an additional 30 units of study for a total of 60 units.

    The BACHELOR level requires a total of 120 units of study and the MASTER level requires an additional 38 units of study.


  • Undergraduate Program Diploma in Ministry

    Prerequisite: Certificate Program Completed LD 230 Leading with Integrity 3 BI 301 The Bible & Its Supreme Authority 3 CC 330 Belief Therapy 4 W 331 Worship Evangelism 4 RE 405 The Laws of Teaching 4 RE 306 Bible Geography 3 TH 102 Methodology of Multiplication 3 Electives: PT 101 Discipleship 4 BI 226 The Genesis Account 4 PT 500 The Art of Sermon Preparation 3 PT 563 Homiletics: The Art of Preaching 3 ** IMPORTANT NOTE: The student will need to complete one or two courses from the elective list to have enough units for graduation.


  • (UNDERGRADUATE) Third Year Program

    ID # Course Name Units CC 703 Counselling for Family Health 3 TH 450 Experiencing God 4 BI 215 The Parables of Jesus 3 BI 302 The Life of Christ (Christology) 3 TH 330 Great Bible Doctrines (Christian

    Foundations) 3

    TH 475 The Doctrine of Last Things (Eschatology)


    TH 500 Christian Ethics 3 PT 505 Evangelism III 3 Electives: CC 320 The Lies We Believe 3 TH 590 Biblical Ethics 4 PT 581 Discipleship 4 TH 521 Apologetics 4

    SPECIAL NOTE: Students with six years or more of full-time Christian Ministry and who complete ninety (90) units of study may graduate with their Bachelor degree. However, students who have no ministry experience will need to complete an additional thirty (30) units of study located on the next page of this manual in order to graduate with the same Bachelor degree. This is at the discretion of the school faculty and each student is evaluated individually.


  • (UNDERGRADUATE) Fourth Year Program

    ID # Course Name Units BI 531 I & II Thessalonians 3 BI 253 Romans 4 TH 401 Angelology 4 BI 226 Genesis 3 BI 224 Ephesians 3 BI 331 Revelation 4 WR 709 A Study of Islam I 3 BI 223 Hebrews 3 Electives: CC 703 Counseling For Family Health 4 CC 401 Christian Counseling 3 PSY 201 Understanding Yourself & Others 2 WR 710 A Study of Islam II 4



    Theological Studies Prerequisite: Undergraduate Program (completed) Required Courses: (Any combination of these courses) ID # Course Name Units BI 502 Hermeneutics 4 BI 711 Roots of the Torah 4 BI 712 Roots of Hebrew History 4 BI 713 Roots of the New Covenant 4 TH 521 Apologetics 4 TH 523 Inspiration & Authority of Scripture 4 TH 754 The Study of God 4 TH 755 Contemplative Theology 4 MT 555 Masters Thesis 7 Electives: NT 300 Natural Theology 4 WR 712 The New Age 4 BI 501 Daniel 4 BI 502 Biblical Hermeneutics 4 BI 580 Christology 4 BI 700 The Genesis Account 4


  • POST-GRADUATE PROGRAM Prerequisite: Graduate Program (completed) Any combination of the following courses: ID # Course Name Units NT 700 Natural Theology 4 NT 821 Creation/evolution 4 ST 750 Systematic Theology I 4 ST 750 Systematic Theology II 4 ST 750 Systematic Theology III 4 ST 750 Systematic Theology IV 4 ST 753 The Study of God 4 ST 755 Contemplative Theology 4 ST 790 Origin & Purpose of Man 4 TH 590 Biblical ethics 4 BI 705 Biblical Hermeneutics 4 BI 715 Dead Sea Scrolls 4 BI 731 Revelation 4 WR 705 World Religions 4 WR 709 A Study on Islam I 4 WR 710 A Study on Islam II 4 THD 700 Dissertation Methodology 4 THD 710 Dissertation 12

    ALL POST-GRADUATE programs require an additional 40 units of study above the Graduate level. These may be taken from the list above or other listed electives on the next page.



    Electives: WR 704 Buddhism 4 WR 712 The New Age 4 PT 700 Inductive Study Methods 6 PT 712 Christian Ethics 4 TH 721 Tabernacle Typology 4 BI 710 The Apocrypha 4

    ALL POST-GRADUATE programs require an additional 40 units of study above the Graduate level.

    More POST-GRADUATE courses will be added as they are developed and become available.

    Course Descriptions

    This is a good place to let you know that most of the course offerings and descriptions listed have been taken from the operations manual of Chesapeake Bible College & Semi-nary with whom we have a signed working relationship. All course descriptions taken from Chesapeake Bible College manual are reproduced verbatim.

    We have courses from Therapon University that were given to us to use as a result of Dr. Jenkins being a


  • graduate of that school. Other course offerings are the result of MSOM being an affiliate school of The Evangelical Order of Certified Pastoral Counselors of America.

    Other courses come from the Church of God, Cleveland, TN and Harvest Time Bible Institute.

    MSOM will be developing other Biblically based courses of its own to augment those that we already have in use.

    Biblical Studies

    BI 211/212 Journey Through the Old Testament

    This five unit course is a complete overview of the Old Testament. It covers all 39 books, teaching important lessons in spirituality, geography, chronology, canonicals, law and the general structure of the ancient Middle Eastern Culture. It gives rich insights into the poetry books (Kethubim) and the prophecy books (Nebuim). This is a video course taught by various professors with the Church of God, Cleveland, TN. There are four exams. BI 213 Journey Through the New Testament

    This three unit course covers the entirety of the New Testament. It deals with the background and com-position of the New Testament. The Hebrew, Greek and Roman cultures form the backdrop for the entrance of Jesus Christ into the world. The major events in the life of Christ


  • are looked at as well as the birth and expansion of the Christian Church as we follow the exciting ministry of Peter and the missionary journeys of Paul. The Pauline, General and Prison Epistles share cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith. The course then concludes with an overview of the book of Revelation. This is a video course taught by various professors of the Church of God, Cleveland, TN and there are four exams. BI 226 Genesis

    This is an in-depth look at the book of Genesis which utilizes the Bible and a workbook. The student will truly be blessed as he/she searches through this great book of beginnings. This is a three unit course from Therapon University, US Virgin Islands. The students faith will be strengthened as he looks at Gods plan for mankind as revealed in this inductive study. BI 406 Pentateuch

    The text book for this course is In the Beginning - the first five books of the Bible by Carroll V. Thompson, P. O. Box 763954, Dallas, Texas 75376. Tel (214) 349-7924. The syllabus is available from the Regional Office. BI 344 Joshua

    This four unit course was developed by Dr. Samuel L. Dixon. The text book for the course is Joshua -


  • Inheriting the Land - E. John Hamlin (International Theological Commentary) Grand Rapids: Zondervan 1983.

    BI 302 The Life of Christ (Christology)

    This is a three unit hour course. This full-scope study of Christs life makes a comparative analysis of all four gospels, especially to see the chronological order of the events of Jesus life and makes full topical studies of those events. The textbook is The Lord Jesus Christ by Dr. J. Kostelnik. BI 214 Romans

    This is four unit hour course designed to be taught on trimester [12 week] schedule. Romans is the book which influenced the Reformation of the Christian Church. The text is Romans, Verse by Verse by Dr. Charles Ratz. Romans is truly the Theology of the Gospel. BI 215 I & II Corinthians

    This course is three units. It focuses on some of the difficulties that Paul had to deal with at this church as well as the operation and abuse of the gifts of the Spirit. This course will give the student a firm understanding of how the gifts are to operate in personal life and in the assembly of the saints. The textbook is the Bible and a workbook is provided.


  • BI 221 Acts I

    This three unit course covers the beginning of Church History, which was initiated and propagated by the presence and power of the Acts of the Holy Spirit. This is an exciting book which highlights the ministry of the Apostle Peter in Chapters 1-12. The Bible is the text-book.

    BI 222 Acts II

    This three [3] unit course is a continuing of the Acts of the Holy Spirit covering the ministry and missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul in Chapters 13-28. The gospel spreads throughout the Roman Empire. The Bible is the textbook for this course.

    BI 223 Hebrews

    This three unit hour course covers a historical background into the book. The high priesthood of Jesus Christ is the theme of the book. Jesus Christ, a high priest after the order of Melchizedek is better than the Old Covenant economy. The Bible is the textbook and the course comes with a workbook.

    BI 224 Ephesians

    This is a three unit hour course. The Apostle Paul focuses on our position in Christ, our walk in Christ and our warfare in Christ in this epistle to the Ephesians. Paul


  • also tells us of our privileges and responsibilities as Christians. Finally, he tells us to put on the whole armor of God and stand. Dr. Terrance Jenkins, Canadian School of Christian Ministry, Toronto, Canada, developed the syllabus for this course. The Bible is the text-book.

    BI 216 Prison Epistles

    Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians give very rich insights into the union of Christ with the believer. The teacher must permit sufficient time to integrate these books into their logical and chronological order. The Bible is the textbook and the course comes with a syllabus. This is a three unit course. BI 331 Revelation

    This is an inductive study of the book of Revelation, which presents Gods final plan for the universe and the events that will take place at the climax of world history. Topics include the judgments of the coming seven-year period of tribulation, the return of Christ and the new heaven and earth. This five unit study is presented in outline format with two exams by Vintage Bible College.



    TH 101 Spiritual Gifts

    This is a three unit hour course that provides the student with the biblical basic for supernatural living. All nine gifts of the Spirit are presented during this video series. The course is quite inspiring and motivational. Each student is challenged to open his or her life to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. TH 102 How to Heal the Sick

    This is a three unit video course by Charles and Frances Hunter. There are many anointed healing ministries but the Hunters are more than that. They train church members how to lay hands on the sick and minister healing. Two textbooks are required for this course. The first is How to Heal the Sick which is light explanation of the healing ministry. The second is the HANDBOOK FOR HEALING which has been comprised by a collection of medical professionals. TH 104 Did Tongues Cease?

    This is a three unit course base on the book by the

    same name by Dr. William Comfort that shows that Gods gifts - including tongues - did not cease after 100 A. D. The


  • student will be deeply moved as he/she sees the awesome debt of gratitude we owe to so many for keeping alive the truth of the reality of the Holy Spirit: The Monastic Movement in the Third Century; the Eastern Church in the Middle Ages; and also the Franciscans, Waldenses, Jensenists, Quakers, and the shouting Methodists. They kept the torch of the Holy Spirit burning in the midst of persecution. Learn of heroes of the faith, such as Neander, Symeon, Edward Irving, and Maria Woodworth-Etter. This study will provide exegetical expertise, doctrinal soundness, and practical application.

    TH 222 Prayer

    Prayer is to the spiritual life what breathing is to the physical life. This is a three unit course, which deals with the practice of prayer rather than the theory of prayer. There are many wonderful seminars on the subject of prayer but the college recommends the syllabus by Pastor Philip R. Byler, which comes with video tapes. TH 300 The Image of God

    This three unit course was developed by Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno. The textbook Created in Gods Image presents a Christian perspective to human behavior. The purpose of the course is two-fold: 1] provide the student with the Biblical, historic and scientific back- ground of the theory of temperament and to provide evidence for the validity of this theory as a guide to under-


  • standing human behavior from a Christian perspective. 2] Teach the student the general behavior patterns of each temperament, how it affects every aspect of our lives, and how to use this information to develop and maintain human relationships. The textbook may be ordered from the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counselors, 3650 17th Street, Sarasota, FL 34325. Tel. 941-951-6834. TH 301 The Defense of the Faith [Apologetics]

    This is a four unit course that has so much material that it could be stretched into two trimesters or eight unit hours. Josh McDowell in the textbook A READY DE-FENCE provides over sixty vital Lines of Defense for the Christian faith. This course will arm the believer with such a volume of evidence that the believer will be ready to give a defense for the faith that resides in his heart. How reliable is the Bible? Can we trust it and why? How is the Christian faith different from other religions? Why is Christianity unique? Can we prove the deity and humanity of Jesus? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this course.

    TH 302 Apologetics (A Defense of the Faith)

    This is a four unit course which should take a class schedule of 36 hours and 24 hours of homework. The course covers such subjects as the uniqueness of the Bible, canonicity, fulfilled prophecy, and with the archaeological evidence for the reliability of Old and New Testaments.


  • The syllabus was developed from Dr. William Comforts notes and the recommended text book by Josh McDowell, A READY DEFENCE. TH 335 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

    The place of signs and wonders, the model of Jesus miracle ministry-life, and models of Pentecostal ministry are covered in this course. The textbook was written by Dr. Terrance Jenkins. The course is given three units. TH 340 Biblical Beliefs

    The doctrines of Inspiration of the Scriptures, God, Man, Sin, Faith and Regeneration, Justification and Adoption, Salvation and Sanctification, Worship and Prayer are just a few of the topics studied in this two [3] unit course. The text book is obtained from Emmaus Bible School by the same name, Biblical Beliefs. TH 450 Experiencing God

    This is a four unit hour course designed to be taught on a trimester schedule. The course utilizes a textbook, workbook and videos. Dr. Henry Blackaby and Claude King take the student into an adventure of exploring Gods love and power. Experiencing God challenges the believer to experience the fullness of a life lived in fellowship with the loving, personal God. God reveals Himself to each of us


  • in special and exceptional ways, so our perception of Him is unique. This is truly a life-changing course.

    TH 475 The Doctrine of Last Things/ ESCHATOLOGY

    This course is based on the book entitled When the Trumpet sounds (The Return of Christ and the Last Judgment). The Study Guide was developed by the staff of Vision Publishing. There are eleven lessons in this twelve week four unit course. The syllabus may be obtained from Vision Publishing, 940 Montecito Way, Ramona, CA 92065. Tel. 760-789-4700.

    TH 523 The Inspiration & Authority of the Scripture

    The purpose of this course is to examine what the Bible itself says about revelation and about its own inspiration. The course also enunciates the testimony given by Christ concerning the Scriptures and the testimony of the church down through the centuries. Some theories re-garding inspiration are examined. The supernatural characteristics concerning the divine origin and sovereign authority of the Scriptures are studied. The difficulties of the Bible are explained, the canon, transmissions of the text, and the limits of Biblical criticism and opposition to the plenary verbal inspiration of the Scriptures are answered. The notes were originally put together by Dr. Charles Ratz and the course is valued at 3 unit hours.


  • TH 530 Creation Science

    The course textbook What is Creation Science? by Henry Morris and Gary Parker examines the theory of evolution versus the Biblical account of Creation, creation and the laws of science, the Big Bang theory, and the age of man. TH 561 Pentecostal Theology

    This is a three unit hour course which studies ten doctrines of the Christian faith. They are the doctrines of Scripture, God, man, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, the Church, Angels, and Last Things. The textbook is Foundations of Pentecostal Theology by Duffield and Van Cleave, which is published by L.I.F.E. Bible College, Los Angeles, CA. The examinations are taken from seven word study assignments and two topical assignments. The syllabus was developed by Dr. Robert Rundall of Chesapeake Bible College.

    TH 570 Evidence That Demands a Verdict

    This is a four unit hour course which addresses many of the arguments against the validity of the Bible. The course is composed of lectures from the textbook. The syllabus was designed by Dr. Robert Rundall, Elmira Bible Institute of the Bible. The textbooks used for the course is Evidence that Demands a Verdict and More Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Joshua McDowell.


  • PRACTICAL THEOLOGY PT 340/541 Examining Cults and the Occult

    This four unit course was developed by Dr. Stan Fleming, B. S., M. S., D. Min. from his book entitled Gate Breakers. The course begins with Christian Apologetics and Doctrine and The Bible Authenticity. The doctrines of the New Age Movement, the Mind Sciences, the Unification Church, Freemasonry, Scientology and the Occult are examined. At the end of each chapter in the textbook there is a fill in the blanks question section. This is an amazingly thorough examination of each particular aspect of the subject matter. The author is to be commended for his high quality of scholarship. Gate Breakers may be purchased from Winepress Publishing, Box 1406, Mukilteo, Washington 98275. Tel. 800-917-Book. This course also comes with a syllabus. PT 442 The Evangelism Seminar

    This is a three unit course. The materials used for this course are The Way of the Master DVD and Study Guide developed by Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort. The student does not have to be an expert in apologetics. These materials will help students overcome fear and give them all the tools they need to witness. The study guide covers seasons I and II (all 26 episodes) of the Way of the Master television program. The first eight episodes form


  • the foundation of the teaching and will equip the student to begin sharing his/her faith. After viewing those, the rest of the episodes may be viewed while putting the witnessing principles into practice. PT 500 The Art of Sermon Preparation

    Dr. Samuel Dixon saw a need to produce a simplified manual in planning a good sermon. This three unit course is his doctoral dissertation and it he demonstrates how to vary the delivery of a sermon to a congregation. In this course Dr. Dixon examines the elements of a formal sermon outline which will help to make a good sermon. A good sermon must be true to the proper interpretation of Scripture. Upon completing this course the student will have constructed several types of sermon outlines, which can be used to deliver a sermon. The syllabus is obtained at the Regional Office. PT 503 Bible Research

    This is a three unit hour course which equips the student with graduate level skills in Biblical Research. Tools needed for this course are Strongs Concordance, New Thayers Lexicon, Vines Dictionary, New Englishmans Greek Concordance, and a King James Version of the Bible. The student will learn to do word studies, timelines, map making with color keys, and topical studies. The syllabus for this course was prepared by Dr. Robert Rundall. The textbook is Bible Research by Ken Malmin.


  • PT 563 Homiletics: The Art of Preaching

    Pastor Philip R. Bylers syllabus is available from our Regional Office. This three unit course considers the art of preaching, preparing yourself to prepare the Word, the sermon you prepare, the sermon you build, the delivery of your sermon, the joy of preaching, and how preachers get fed. Pastor Byler concludes his course with the following quote, the organ of knowledge is not study -- it is obedience. Chesapeake Bible College highly recommends this course.



    L 501 Basic Greek I

    This course begins with learning the Greek alpha-bet, vowels, diphthongs, breathing marks, ascents and the association between Greek and English words. The student will be amazed to discover how many Greek vocabulary words have been carried over into the English language. The student will actually build his / her own Greek Dictionary. The course is a confidence builder teaching approximately 200 Greek vocabulary words. The lessons 1-12 take into translating passages from the Greek New Testament. L 502 Basic Greek II

    This course begins with guttural ng sounding words. Guttural words are spoken in the throat. The student learns to recognize proper names spelled with uncials (capital letters). The course proceeds with teaching the 2nd class declension of nouns and adjectives, the pre-sent indicative active form of simple verbs, and more exciting Greek New Testament translation work. The course expands as the student learns the significance of the six Greek tenses, five Greek moods, participles, and pre-positions. This course covers chapters 13-20 and ends with the student learning how pronouns and prepositions are used in grammatical cases.


  • L 503 Basic Greek III

    This course takes the student into serious translation work. A larger understanding of the seven Greek cases enables the student to learn how nouns are used in Greek New Testament sentences. Knowledge of case endings enables the student to locate the case and usage of the noun, pronoun, or adjective. The first declension is introduced. Then the masculine, feminine, and neuter gender forms of the article are linked to the conjugation of nouns, pronouns and adjectives. The student also learns the various forms of the verb to be. Lesson 27 requires the translation of the first chapter of I John. The next lessons enhance the students knowledge by teaching how adverbs, con-junctions, pronouns used as adjectives, and articles are used in the Greek New Testament syntax. This course, lessons 21-30, concludes with pronoun/adjective combinations and the conjugation of cardinal numbers. L 504 Basic Greek IV

    This course begins with various usages of reflexive, possessive, indefinite, and relative pronouns. The student then goes into a more serious translation of I John I with emphasis upon how the pronouns are used in the chapter. The course moves on by taking the student into Greek word studies, learning the connection between English and Greek words, and understanding the basic meanings of religious terms through examining their Greek word derivations. The student explores the use of the Greek preposition with as


  • it is used throughout the Pauline Epistles. A simple Alpha before a noun changes the word to the opposite meaning. The translation work then explores the theology of the various uses of the Greek words for righteousness, sin, confession, repentance, blessing, thanksgiving, and salvation words. The course, lessons 31-45, ends with instructing the student on the use of the Greek lexicon. M 400 Ministry Practicum

    Ministry Practicum involves the ministry of helps as well as other areas of ministry such as speaking engagements, pulpit supply, interim pastor, assistant and youth pastor. Ministry of helps include but is not limited to: Sunday School, Ladies Ministry, Mens Ministry, Worship Ministry, Prayer Ministry, Church Maintenance and so forth. This is valued at six [6] units per year for each year of service.


  • WORSHIP COURSES W 511 Keys to Spiritual Growth

    All spiritual growth comes from the furnace of afflictions. The Cross is Gods method of bringing life out of death. This four unit course looks at how we may feel because of the difficulties and trials we face and some-times it almost feels like we have been forsaken by God. However, this is only a feeling we perceive within ourselves. This emptiness and darkness is Gods way of causing us to hunger and thirst for Him. Through this experience we are more sensitive to Gods presence. We learn to develop a wonderful love affair with the world greatest Lover - the Lord Jesus. The syllabus comes from the Regional Office. W 512 Moving from Traditional to Contemporary

    This four unit hour course considers various styles of tradition al and contemporary worship. The course answers the question, Is there one normative style of Christian worship in modern North America? The syllabus is obtained from the Regional office. W 510 A Worship Leaders Manual

    This four unit course begins by defining worship and uses Scriptures to prove the definition. Awareness of


  • the presence of God leads to a lifestyle which continually experiences worship. What are the worship elements in the New Testament and how have they been applied down through church history? What are the qualifications of a worship leader? How can the worship leader most effectively communicate with the congregation? All these questions and many more are answered in this manual. The syllabus is obtained from the Regional Office. W 201 Waiting for your Ministry

    This four unit course looks at the divine call of a ministry, the ordained area of service that thrills the heart of God. How the ultimate call to service may take years, with the hurts, frustrations, and seeming barren years de-void of any contribution to heaven and humanity. The value of the breaking period prior to the ones mature ministry is one of the key elements to being effective. The syllabus has been developed by William Rea and is available from the Regional Office. The textbook for this course is Waiting for Your Ministry by Grantley Morris. W 331/503 Worship Evangelism

    This four unit course was developed by Sally Mergenthaler of Grace Fellowship Church in Timonium, MD. The first lesson is a sobering call to get real. From there chapter two launches into a call to retrieve Biblical worship which then projects the student into the reasons and essentials of worship evangelism. Cultural relevance is


  • rethought so that the message does not boomerang in a negative overtone. The syllabus is obtained from our Regional Office. W 325 Worship Leadership

    An examination of spiritual, practical and biblical principles of worship. The relationship and place of worship and worship ministry in the context of the total ministry of a church is examined. W 475 Efficiency in Ministry

    Various ministry topics are covered in these seminars with Dr. Jenkins. This course is based on the book, The Challenge (formerly called Rise to the Challenge of Ministry), by Dr. Jenkins. The course is worth three units. Dr. Clarence Wood declared that he wished he had learned the principles in this textbook when he prepared for ministry forty years earlier. The course involves the textbook, workbook and one final exam.


  • COUNSELING CC 704 Innovative Approaches to Counselling

    The textbook is by Gary Collins, Ph. D. This course provides a refreshing approach to people-helping. The author has three goals and the course is presented with a clear, concise, well-organized writing style. The information is highly accurate and provides carefully thought-out conclusions with a careful use of Scripture. It avoids repetition and provides practical simplistic formulas with evidence as to why they work. This course consists of a textbook, workbook, and requires one open book (non-proctored) exam. CC 323 Common Care Counselling

    This course is designed by Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary, MD. The intent of the course is to equip the believer with the ability to minister to other Christians in those areas of need that are Common to All. CC 450 Basic Christian Counselling

    This is a one unit course. The instructor will pro-vide the student with the Big Eight (types of secular counseling/therapeutic methods. In addition, the student will be taught the difference between secular counseling, goals, techniques, and several other important topics, such


  • as the dangers and pitfalls of counseling. Approx. four hours of instruction; ten clock hours; one proctored exam. CC 451 Creation Therapy

    In this course, the student will be provided with an in-depth background of the theory of temperament and provided with the scientific and biblical basis for this theory. This course introduces a fifth temperament and the behavioral patterns of each temperament. Testing measurements utilizes the primary test used to review the Arno Profile System. This brings the student to the Temperament Theory where he/she will be taught how to apply the theory of temperament in a clinical setting. Creation Therapy is a blend of Temperament Theory, Testing Measurements, and Temperament Therapy in one course. This includes 30 hours of instruction and 45 clock hours of study plus two proctored exams. CC 454 Christian Psychology & Counselling

    This course is approx. 300 pages in length. The student will be provided with general information regarding basic theories concerning historical systems of psychology, counseling and biblical theories of Counselling. Approx. 30 hours of classroom instruction and 45 clock hours of study plus one proctored exam.


  • CC 521 Nouthetic Counselling One

    Using biblically directed discussion, Nouthetic counseling works by means of the Holy Spirit to bring about change in the personality and behavior of the counselee. This course also provides many of the forms that the effective counselor will use in his counseling ministry. This course utilizes the textbook Competent to Counsel by Jay Adams. CC 521 Nouthetic Counseling II

    This course uses The Christian Counselor's Manual by Dr. Jay Adams and is a four unit course. It shows many of the pitfalls in counseling and how to avoid them. It also guides the student on how to set up their own counseling ministry, the language to use (and not use) in practice. CC 519 Belief Therapy

    This course is four units of study. It utilizes the text-book by the same name by Dr. Paul Carlin, a workbook designed by Dr. Linda Ratcliff, president of Therapon University, and the Bible. It is based upon the premise that people do what they do because they believe what they believe. Therefore, the only way for a counselee to change his/her behavior is to change what they believe about themselves, their environment, and so forth. The Bible states that as a person thinks, so is he.


  • CC 702 Resolving Emotional Conflicts

    This is a four unit course which will guide the student in several ways of helping to resolve many of the conflicts that come his way. It will also help the student to learn ways of calming situations that could lead to dangerous conflicts.

    We have many other courses available and descriptions will be forthcoming in the next catalogue. Some of the courses are:

    1. Change Your Belief - Change Your Life 2. General Biblical Counseling 3. The Gospels 4. Pastoral Ministry 5. Leadership Principles 6. Courageous Leadership 7. The Minor Prophets 8. The Blood Covenant 9. Moral Excellence 10. Christian Foundations


  • Grading Policy

    The grading policy of MSOM will closely adhere to that of other schools of higher learning. That is, MSOM uses the letter grade system. A = 91% - 100% {Excellent} 4 Points B = 81% - 90% {Very Good} 3 Points C = 70% - 80% {Good} 2 Points D = 69% and below {Poor, Fail} 0 Points

    The student who receives D must re-take the course and exam(s), and pay an additional $50 re-take fee in order to pass and be granted credit for the course.

    All courses at MSOM are assigned Unit Hours rather than Semester Credits. After the student has acquired sufficient Unit Hours at MSOM to graduate from Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary, California State Christian University or the Canadian Christian Theological Seminary with a degree in his / her chosen field. Those schools will convert the Unit Hours to Semester Credit for the student.

    MSOM does not charge tuition fees to the student but rather asks the student for donation fees as allowed by the government of Canada for ministry schools which operate under a ministry like ours.



    ** Students wishing to graduate with the Bachelor degree MUST write a paper of 40 to 45 pages including the table of contents, bibliography and cover page. There must be at least 30 references from other works. FOOTNOTES must be included with each writing whether Bachelor, Master or Doctorate.

    ** Students wishing to graduate with the Masters

    degree MUST write a thesis of not less than 128 pages but not more than 135 pages including the table of contents, cover page and bibliography. There must be at least 40 references from other works.

    ** Students wishing to graduate with the Doctorate

    degree MUST write a dissertation of not less than 155 pages but not more than 175 pages including the table of contents, cover page and bibliography. There must be at least 60 references from other works.


  • Statement of Faith

    We believe the sixty-six books of canonical Scripture were plenary and verbally inspired by God in their original autographs [II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20, 21; 3:1, 2]. The Holy Scriptures are the only infallible rule for faith and practice [Mathew 5:17-19; John 10:35; 12:48]. We believe Scripture teaches there is only one true and living God who has chosen to reveal Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10-11; Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:22). We believe that as a result of Adams fall in the Gar-den, man is born in sin and is in need of redemption (Genesis 1:26-31, 3:1-7; Ecclesiastes 7:29; Psalm 51:5; John 6:44; Romans 5:12-21; I Corinthians 2:14). We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God and the Son of Man, that He came to save man from condemnation of sin by offering His blood as an atonement, making it available to all who exercise faith in Him (Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:31, 35; John 3:16; I Corinthians 15:3; II Corinthians 5:21). We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential (Luke 7:50; I Corinthians 1:18; II Corinthians 2:15; Romans 10:13-15; Luke 24:47; Titus 2:11, 3:5-7; Ephesians 2:8-9; II Timothy 1:9).


  • We believe the Scriptures ascribe to the Holy Spirit the acts and attributes of an intelligent being, and that the works of God such as creation, inspiration, and giving of life are also ascribed to the Holy Spirit (John 16:13; I Corinthians 2:11; Genesis 1:2; Acts 10:19, 13:2, 16:6, 13:4; John 16:8; Mark 3:29; Acts 7:51; Ephesians 4:30; I Corinthians 6:11,12; Job 33:4; II Peter 1:21; I Peter 3:18). We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life (I Thessalonians 4:3; I John 2:29; Romans 8:5; Philippians 2:12,13). We believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit is available to all believers who ask for it (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:4). We believe all mankind is subject to the death of the body as a result of original sin. The soul and spirit do not die, but immediately after death enter into a conscious state of happiness or misery according to the character here possessed by rejection or acceptance of the Savior (Romans 5:12; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Philippians 1:23). We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the saved to everlasting life and those with-out Christ to everlasting damnation (Acts 24:15; Matthew 24:31-46; Revelation 22:11). We believe in the personal, imminent return of our Lord


  • and Savior, Jesus Christ, first to catch away His waiting bride and second, to establish His millennial reign upon the earth (Acts 1:11; I Thessalonians 4:13-18). We believe that healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer was made effective because of Christs redemptive work on the Cross (James 5:14-15). We believe heaven is a literal place [Revelation 21, 22]. It is the New Jerusalem, the city of the living God, where an innumerable company of angels serve Him [Hebrews 12:22-24]. The spirits of just men made perfect live in a state of eternal life, love, and pure light. It is a place of ecstasy and bliss far beyond anything human language could describe [II Corinthians 12:1-4]. The saved of all ages will worship and serve God in heaven forever [Revelation 7:9-17]. We believe hell is a literal place of outer darkness and everlasting punishment prepared for the devil and his angels [Matthew 25:41, 46; 13:49, 50; Revelation 20:10]. It is also place of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for those who die outside of the Lord Jesus Christ [Matthew 8:12; Revelation 21:8; 22:15]. The Bible describes it as a place of torment with fire and brimstone forever and ever [Revelation 14:10, 11].



    The first purpose of the Church is to corporately worship God [Hebrews 13:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16]. This worship is to be followed through by evangelism. The command to make disciples has never been rescinded [Matthew 28:19, 20]. Gods plan for the world is that the Church will carry out its mission by preaching the Gospel to the lost in order to bring them to salvation [Acts 1:8; 8:4]. Another purpose of the Church is the building up of its members. This is done by developing their gifts [Romans 12:5-8; I Peter 4:9-11]. Five gift- ministries have been set in the Church to equip the member-saints to do the work of the ministry [Ephesians 4:16]. In this way each member realizes his call as a believer-priest whose function is to worship God and lead others to Him [I Peter 2:5, 9].

    The Plan of Jesus Christ for His Church

    Matthew 28:18-20, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you al- ways, even to the end of the age. Amen!


  • Ephesians 4:10-11, And he gave some to be

    Apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

    Matthew 5:13, You [the church] are the salt of the

    earth; but if the salt loses it flavor, how shall it [the earth] be seasoned? It [the church] is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.


    Information &