Montpelier Today, July/August 2013

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Transcript of Montpelier Today, July/August 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 1 July-August 2013

    The Newsletter Of The

    Montpelier Community Association

    Montpelier TodayJuly-August 2013

    Celebrate the4th of July !!

    2:00 - 4:00 PM

    Bike Parade, Field Games

    Pool Games

    5:30 PM

    Pot Luck Dinner

    7:00 - 9:00 PM

    Music and Dancing

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 2 July-August 2013

    Office: 301-384-8700









    E-mail: [email protected]








  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 3 July-August 2013

    Inside this issue: MONTPELIERTODAYis published by the


    http://www.montpelieronline.orgCommunity Information Line-


    M O N T P E L I E R T O D A Y i spublished six times per year (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug,Sep/Oct, and Nov/Dec) by theMontpelier Community Association,

    Inc. Material for the newslettermust be submitted by the 15th ofthe month prior to publication.Please forward all association andnewsletter correspondence to:

    P.O. Box 2503Laurel, MD 20709-2503

    or e-mail to:[email protected]

    Advertisements are not anendorsement of products or

    services by the Board ofTrustees or the Montpelier

    Community Association, Inc.


    If you have sold your home

    or are a new owner, please

    drop us a note listing the lot

    number and the name of the

    new owner. Requests for

    resale packages should be

    sent to the above address or

    call 888-622-4630 x102.

    If you are renting your home andhave a mailing address other thanMontpelier, please let us know.We want all members to receivetheir MCA correspondence andMONTPELIER TODAY in a timelymanner.

    2013Advertising Rates For Montpelier Today

    Per Issue PrePaidAnnual

    (6 issues)Full page $ 120.00 $ 648.00Half page 85.00 459.00Quarter page 60.00 324.00Business card 40.00 216.00

    License information, as required by the

    State and County, must be

    displayed on all advertisements

    For Inquiries:Mary Hughes, [email protected] or 888-622-4630 x103

    Bob Derrick, PresidentChair, Executive Committee

    301 [email protected]

    Jack Keating, Vice PresidentMember, Executive Committee

    301 [email protected]

    Lillian Fazio, TreasurerChair, Finance Committee

    Chair, Tennis Committee

    301 [email protected]

    Patricia Douville, SecretaryMember, Executive Committee

    Chair, Social Committee

    Chair, Nominating Committee

    301 [email protected]

    Paul Buehler, TrusteeChair, Facilities Committee

    301 [email protected]

    Brad Gimbert, Trustee301 [email protected]

    Tim Jacobs, Trustee916 [email protected]

    Richard Mason, TrusteeChair, Security Committee301 [email protected]

    Jean Sorrentino, Trustee301 [email protected]

    CommitteesArchitectural Control & C omplianceMichael Boddie, Chair301 [email protected]

    Communications Tony Fleming, Chair202 [email protected]

    Elections & Swim Team Lynne Collman, Chair301 776-3098

    [email protected]

    Pool Mary Derrick, Chair301 [email protected]

    Welcoming Rilla Potter, Chair301 [email protected]

    Assistant to the BoardMary Hughes888-622-4630 [email protected]


    July-August 20132013 Board of Trustees

    Presidents Letter 4

    Nomination Form 5

    April 2013 Board Meeting Minutes 7

    April 2013 ACCC Meeting Minutes 8

    May 2013 MCA Board Meeting Minutes 9

    Financial Report

    10Security Committee Report 14

    GLO in the Garden 16

    ACCC Approval Form 19

    Helping Hands 22

    Advertising 23

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    MONTPELIER TODAY 4 July-August 2013




    Mark your calendar for Tuesday, July 9 and Tuesday, August 13 for the monthly board meengs at

    Deerfield Community Center, preschool room. All meengs begin at 7 PM. Montpelier homeowners are

    encouraged to aend.


    The next meengs of the ACCC will be Thursday, July 11 and Thursday, August 8, at 7 PM at the

    Deerfield Community Center, preschool room.

    Dear Neighbors,

    The summer has officially begun and we have many

    acvies planned for the community. Check out this

    month's copy of the Montpelier Today News-

    leer. The ever popular Wednesday Night Pizza atthe Pool has started. All you have to do is e-mail

    Lynne Collman at [email protected], call the pool

    (301-317-0106) or sign up in person, so they know

    how much pizza to get. The cost is $3 / person, kids

    under 4 free and please bring a side dish or dessert

    that would feed 6.

    Our tradional 4th of July Pot Luck is planned for

    Thursday; you bring the side dishes and your Commu-

    nity Associaon provides the hamburgers, cheese

    burgers, hot dogs, condiments and drinks.

    We also plan to do some movie nights at the pool assoon as we can get our busy volunteers to hook all the

    equipment up! Our 'Flick n Floats' were very popular.

    The MCA is hosng Montpelier's first 5K (3.1miles)

    Run/Walk and a shorter Kids Fun Run by the pool

    grounds August 31st, starng at 8:30 AM. The course

    will start on our pool parking lot, cross the street and

    follow the length of Oxwell Drive to Montpelier Drive,

    down Montpelier Drive, entering the Montpel-

    ier Mansion property near Route 197. Aer crossing

    in front of the Mansion, we will be cung through a

    footpath onto Mt. Pleasant Drive by our original model

    homes (Pleasant Court) and finishing on BriardaleLane, entering the pool lot through the new path be-

    tween the tennis and basketball courts. Check out our

    website: hp:// for more infor-


    In case you have been wondering, our new nature trail

    around the common grounds is 1/3 of a mile and has

    held up prey well to the April and May showers. It

    was constructed with the lling of our old asphalt

    parking lot, saving us the disposal cost and providing a

    new feature for our members to enjoy. We have

    spoed everything from walkers to joggers to baby

    carriages - no motor vehicles please!

    Speaking of the parking lot, we finally 'bit the bullet'

    and refurbished the last major asset the Community

    owns. With two inches of new asphalt, parking stops,

    striping, planters and some new curbing and side-

    walks, we have Jack Keang, our Associaon Vice Pres-

    ident, to thank for his reless efforts. He also made

    sure we got great prices for repoinng our guard

    shack, floor les in the bathhouse and improved secu-

    rity lighng.

    The MCA Board has bonded as a team over the years

    to not only manage the business of the Community,

    but to bring our investment up to the highest stand-

    ards in 45 years. If you would like to join this team, we

    have included Nominaon Forms in this issue of

    Montpelier Today. They are coveted posions with

    minimal commitment of me (2 hours once a month)

    and all we want is your common sense in problem


    Many Board Members have served for 5 years, so it

    might be just the me for you to come check us

    out. Visit us at the Deerfield Community Center pre-

    school classroom on the second Tuesday at 7 pm, andsee how easy it is and how much fun we have. We

    need your involvement to keep our community safe,

    healthy and aracve to buyers!

    Bob Derrick



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    MONTPELIER TODAY 5 July-August 2013




    The following member, in good standing of the Montpelier Community Association, Inc., is here-by submitted for consideration as a member of the 2013-2014 Board of Trustees.

    NAME (Please Print)


    The term of service of a Trustee shall be one (1) year beginning with the October Board meeting.Duties as outlined in the Montpelier Community Association, Inc. Bylaws.Trustees shall have a fiduciary relationship with the Members and a duty of due care and dili-gence with respect to the property and affairs of the Association. Each Trustee shall:

    a. remain informed at all times about the business of the Association;b. attend and participate in Board meetings;c. obtain and read on a timely basis the monthly financial statements and the minutes Board

    meetings;d. act in the best interests of the Association;e. act in accordance with the provisions of the Articles, the Declaration, and the Bylaws;f. exercise reasonable diligence in carrying out and following through on responsibilities

    assumed or assigned to the Trustee

    If elected, I am willing to serve as a member of the Montpelier Community Associaon Board ofTrustees. I agree to read, abide by, and enforce the Arcles, the Declaraon, and the Bylaws ofthe Associaon.

    Nominees Signature Date Phone Number/Email

    Nominations for Trustee to be elected shall be made by written petition of two (2) Membersother than the nominee:

    Petitioner 1: Name (print) Signature Address Date

    Petitioner 2: Name (print) Signature Address Date

    Nominee: Please complete the Biographical Information Form on the back of this form. Yourresponses will be printed in the September issue of the Newsletter.

    Mail or otherwise deliver this completed form by or before August 10, 2013 to:

    Nominating Committee, MCA, Inc.P.O. Box 2503

    Laurel, Maryland 20709

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    MONTPELIER TODAY 6 July-August 2013



    The informaon provided herein will be published in the September newsleer in a paragraphformat.

    Number of years living in Montpelier______

    Previous participation in MCA activities:

    Other relevant background information (participation in other community associations, boards,

    community work or other experience that would be relevant to the community (200 words orless):

    Specific MCA Board functions that are of interest (check one or more):

    Architectural Control and Compliance Communications Election

    Finance Governing Documents Grounds Maintenance/Facilities

    Nominating Pool Operations Security Social Activities Traf-


    Any additional information or comments:

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 7 July-August 2013

    Montpelier Community Association, Inc.Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

    April 9, 2013

    Trustees in Aendance: Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville,

    Lillian Fazio, Brad Gimbert, Tim Jacobs, Jack Keang, and

    Richard Mason.

    Trustees Absent with Cause: Paul Buehler and Jean Sor-renno.

    Community Members Present: Laslo and Birgid Boesze,

    Susan Habig, Jennifer and Tim Tilghman and Mary


    President B. Derrick called the meeng to order at 7:01

    PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.

    Secretarys Report: Tricia Douville

    The minutes of the March 2013 board meeng were

    reviewed. Trustee Keang made a moon to accept the

    minutes. Trustee Fazio seconded the moon and it

    passed unanimously.

    Treasurers Report: Lillian Fazio

    Trustee Fazio distributed the monthly statements.

    Assessments collected to date $180,740. Leers

    were sent today for late assessments.

    One Gypsy Moth CD matured and $34,119.96 was

    deposited in another interest bearing account. One

    other CD matured and was put into the Reserve Ac-


    $1,475 has been donated to the Morris Fund. The

    figure reported last month was inaccurate.

    A. Simmons, our accountant, filed the Federal andState taxes and nothing was owed. The review has

    not been completed yet.

    ACCC: Michael Boddie, Chairperson (absent)

    Trustee Keang reported that there were three roune

    approval requests at the April meeng and a new mem-

    ber was added to the commiee, Colin Hebert.

    Pool Commiee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson (absent)

    Trustee Derrick reported that the pool was drained and

    inspected. It has been refilled and is ready for pool sea-


    Social Commiee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson

    The Easter Egg Hunt was successful and there are pic-

    tures on the website.

    The Yard Sale will be May 18 and the Memorial Day Pot-

    luck at the pool will be Monday, May 27.

    Security Commiee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

    Trustee Mason distributed his monthly report.

    There were no crimes last month and two suspicious

    reports. Neighbors should be on the lookout for a

    Toyota Camry with a donut re. If seen, get the

    license tag number and call the police.

    Trustee Mason is sll waing to the results of thestudy to see if Montpelier Drive qualifies for speed


    Trustee Keang was thanked for replacing the No

    Solicing sign on Montpelier Drive.

    Residents were encouraged to aend the April 18th

    informaon meeng on the Odell Road/Muirkirk

    Road/Cedarbrook Drive realignment.

    Tennis Commiee: Lillian Fazio, Chairperson

    Trustee Fazio reported that the crack repairs will be

    made this spring.

    Welcoming Commiee: Rilla Poer, Chairperson


    Trustee Mason reported that Ms. Poer and Ms. Mason

    plan to visit two new neighbors this weekend.

    Facilies Commiee: Paul Buehler, Chairperson (absent)

    Trustee Keang reported on the capital improvements

    taking place at the pool and common grounds. The con-

    crete in the pool area is complete and the sidewalk is

    also done. The parking lot will be milled and work will

    commence next week and take about three weeks be-

    fore the lot can be used. A trail around the common

    grounds will be added. The ceramic le in the pool bath-rooms is almost complete.

    Communicaons Commiee: Tony Fleming, Chairperson


    No report.


    Rules for the sponsored swim team program are need-


    A new contract was given to Trustee Fazio for empty-

    ing the trash cans. A map or path sll needs to be


    The playground equipment is tabled for now with all

    the other projects in the works.

    Trustee Jacobs reported that the storm drain repairs

    on Oxwell have been postponed. No other infor-

    maon was available.


    Trustee Jacobs suggested that Montpelier try to get

    on the list for street repaving. Trustee Derrick sug-

    (Continued on page 8)

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    MONTPELIER TODAY 8 July-August 2013

    gested that he lead a Traffic Commiee. Residents

    can call 311 and report pot holes to the county.

    Trustee Keang reported that the parking lot will be

    blocked for three weeks while repaving is done

    (starng April 15). A noce will go out on the list serv

    and the info line.

    Several long-me Montpelier members passed away

    recently: Paul Katz, Maria Gibney, and Goldstein.


    A member asked if something could be done about

    the no parking area on Montpelier Drive. Trustee

    Mason will call the Department of Public Works.

    A member noted that some residents do not clean

    the guer area in front of their homes and the de-

    caying leaves are ugly and dangerous. It is also bad

    for drainage and should not go into the storm drains.

    A noce will go into the newsleer. It was also men-

    oned that there are some houses in disarray. The

    ACCC should be nofied.

    A member discussed an upcoming estate sale that

    they will be hosng in the neighborhood. They own a

    business helping people downsize or transion to

    new surroundings. They will be given informaon for

    the newsleer and encouraged to put informaon on

    the list serv.

    The next board meeng will be held on Tuesday, May 14,

    2013 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreaon Center, pre-

    school room. The moon was made and seconded to

    adjourn at 7:52 pm. The moon passed unanimously.

    (Continued from page 7)

    Deerfield Community Center

    Meeng Minutes of April 4, 2013

    Commiee Members Present: Michael Boddie, Brian

    Dennis, Jack Keang, Ron Lenart and Pauline Pe.

    Commiee Members Absent with Cause: None.Community Members Present: Lynn Ardolini, Ken Da-

    vidson, Carolyn Dennis, Bob Derrick, Susan Habig, Colin

    Hebert, and Mary Hughes.

    The meeng was called to order at 7:02 PM by M. Bod-

    die. The minutes of the March meeng, transcribed by

    M. Hughes, were reviewed. J. Keang made a moon

    to accept the minutes. R. Lenart seconded the moon

    and it passed unanimously.


    12203 Briany Place The status of the repairs will

    be surveyed and if not made the fine of $100 a monthwill be assessed. A moon to send an update to all

    concerned pares was made and seconded. The mo-

    on passed unanimously.

    9207 Ethan Court R. Lenart and M. Boddie visited

    the property and it has been cleaned up. The maer

    is closed.

    8718 Granite Lane Trailer was again parked on the

    grass and there has been no response from the

    homeowner regarding the fine and violaon. A mo-

    on was made to turn this over to the aorney. It

    was seconded and passed unanimously.

    12504 Raven Way S. Habig responded to complaintregarding overgrown bushes and whether they are a

    fence. B. Dennis made a moon that the shrubbery is

    not a growing fence and therefore not a violaon. P.

    Pe seconded the moon and it passed unani-

    mously. If any trash accumulates on the property, it

    must be cleaned up by the property owner regardless

    of where it originates.

    8717 Granite Lane A moon was made to requestthat a taered car cover be removed. The moon

    was seconded and passed unanimously.

    12411 Eastgate Lane Maer regarding trailer is

    closed. Thank you.


    8805 Oxwell Lane Homeowner and tenant request-

    ed approval for a 4 foot, chain link fence. K. Davidson

    answered quesons from the commiee. L. Ardolini

    was assured that shrubs or trees could be planted to

    screen the fence from view. The property lines were

    discussed as well as concerns regarding dogs. M. Bod-

    die made a moon to approve the request. P. Pe

    seconded the moon and it passed unanimously.

    8911 Royal Ridge Lane R. Lenart made a moon to

    approve the request to install new siding, roof,

    shuers, doors and posts. P. Pe seconded the

    moon and it passed unanimously.

    B. Dennis made a moon to approve Colin Hebert as

    a new member of the ACCC. P. Pe seconded the

    moon and it passed unanimously.

    The next meeng of the ACCC will be Thursday, May 2,

    2013 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Community Center. The

    meeng adjourned at 8:50 pm.


  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 9 July-August 2013

    Montpelier Community Association, Inc.Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

    May 14, 2013

    Trustees in Aendance: Paul Buehler, Bob Derrick, Patricia

    Douville, Lillian Fazio, Brad Gimbert, Jack Keang, and Rich-

    ard Mason.

    Trustees Absent with Cause: Tim Jacobs and Jean Sorren-

    no.Community Members Present: Michael Boddie, Ma Der-

    rick, Rilla Poer and Mary Hughes.

    President B. Derrick called the meeng to order at 7:01

    PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.

    Secretarys Report: Tricia Douville

    The minutes of the April 2013 board meeng were re-

    viewed. Trustee Keang made a moon to accept the

    amended minutes. Trustee Mason seconded the moon

    and it passed unanimously.

    Treasurers Report: Lillian Fazio Trustee Fazio distributed the monthly statements. The

    receipt of Assessments has slowed so we might have

    received all that we are going to this year. Reminder

    leers have gone out. This years delinquent assess-

    ments will be added to the list for legal acon. Trustee

    Derrick requested no delay in passing delinquents to the

    MCA lawyer since there has been some success in ob-

    taining payments when our lawyer gets involved.

    The new delinquent accounts and legal acon will be

    discussed at the June board meeng.

    There is approximately $15,000 outstanding long-term

    delinquent assessments that have been working their

    way through the legal system.

    A dra of the accountants review of the MCA financial

    books is available and Trustee Fazio will distribute it

    electronically to board members for comments. When

    finalized, it will be posted on the web site.

    Trustee Fazio will aend a court hearing for the MCA

    about a homeowners delinquent payment on June 14.

    Aer the parking lot repaving and other repairs are com-

    plete, there will be just under $100K in Reserve and the

    treasurer asked that the board keep that in mind when

    considering new projects.

    ACCC: Michael Boddie, Chairperson Mr. Boddie reported that there was no meeng in May

    due to lack of a quorum.

    The correct email address to reach him is Mi-

    [email protected] and cell phone is 301 442-5253.

    Mr. Boddie reported that solar panels are generally be-

    ing approved by the ACCC and Maryland law supports

    the homeowners right to install them even if they ap-

    pear to violate exisng covenants.

    Communicaons: Tony Fleming, Chairperson (absent)

    No report.

    Facilies: Paul Buehler, Chairperson

    Improvements to the common grounds and pool will be

    completed Wednesday with the installaon of striping,speed bumps and bumpers.

    The gate was open today, but it will be kept closed unl


    New lighng has been added to light the tennis courts

    benches and the walking trail is in use.

    Weed killer is needed for the baseball diamond. The

    landscapers will be asked to drag/rake the diamond.

    Trustee Buehler asked if a fence could be put around the

    dumpster to hide it from view. Trustee Keang said that

    it should have been done before the lot was resurfaced.

    It will be put on the list of potenal projects to compete

    against shade for the volleyball court picnic area, etc.

    The dumpster charge is $218 monthly, but an $800

    charge needs to be invesgated by the Treasurer.

    Trustee Buehler wanted to purchase a $2500 wooden

    pirate ship for the playground, but Trustee Fazio sug-

    gested that it would be beer to wait unl Fall when

    there could be money added to the Reserve Account.

    There was some debate about the safety of the home-

    made boat and how well it would last out in the rain.

    The cover for the barbeque and concrete pad at the vol-

    leyball court picnic area was also discussed.

    The three grills are in bad condion. Before purchasing

    new ones, someone should check on the list serv to see

    if anyone wants to donate one. There was some con-cern that a donated one would not be in good enough

    condion to use.

    Weeds in the playground will also be removed by our


    Pool Commiee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson (absent)

    Trustee Derrick reported that the pool passed the Health

    Department inspecon and is ready for pool season.

    Social Commiee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson

    The Yard Sale is adversed in the Leader and Pennysav-

    er. Yard sale signs will also be put up and maps are

    ready. Amvets will pick up donaons aer 2 pm, butthey must have your address and it must be labeled.

    The Memorial Day Potluck is scheduled for Monday,

    June 28 and the MCA will provide hot dogs and drinks.

    The 5 K organizers asked if the pool could be opened for

    the runners aer the August 31 race. The pool chairper-

    son and the manager will discuss the idea.

    Three Flick and Floats are planned. Trustee Derrick do-

    nated a projector and a reflecve sheet or screen and

    (Continued on page 10)

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    MONTPELIER TODAY 10 July-August 2013

    speakers are sll needed. Trustee Buehler said he had

    some large speakers that might work. Water aerobics will start in June.

    Security Commiee: Richard Mason, Chairperson

    Trustee Mason distributed his monthly report.

    There were three Breaking & Enterings (B & Es) last

    month (on Shadetree and Oxwell).

    The Pepco incident of cung down trees in Montpelier

    was cricized by many in the community so Trustee Ma-

    son worked with Mary Lehmans office to find out from

    the County Public Works Department what happened and

    why. It turns out a Pepco individual made a mistake in

    having the trees removed and Pepco will dig up the

    stumps and replace the trees in the fall. Trustee Mason

    will put the informaon on the website, Facebook and

    email list serv.

    Montpelier Drive has been classified as a residenal

    street and is being evaluated for possible traffic calming

    devises for Fiscal Year 2014 including redoing sidewalks

    and possibly a curbed median strip for flowers.

    A complaint was made about the lack of equipment

    brought to a recent fire in which neighbors were provid-

    ing shovels to the firefighters. Trustee Mason will dis-

    cuss this with Mary Lehmans office.

    Nine members are aending the 911 Call Center tour

    and there is sll room for a few more.

    Trustee Mason was asked if the county has plans to

    charge insurance companies for ambulance use. He will

    ask Mary Lehmans office.

    A reminder from the police department: 311 is for non-

    emergency use. Call 911 for emergencies.

    Tennis Commiee: Lillian Fazio, Chairperson

    Trustee Fazio reported that weather has delayed the repairs

    but she will stay on the company.

    Welcoming Commiee: Rilla Poer, Chairperson

    Ms. Poer reported that the commiee welcomed the My-

    ers on Gramercy Lane, the Jis on Cedarbrook Lane, the

    Taylors on Valerie Lane and the Walshs on Silverbirch

    Lane. Several more visits are planned for new neighbors.


    Funds for the (PG County Policeman PFC) Morris Family

    Fund can be disbursed. Trustee Mason will give thetreasurer the informaon to write the check and Trustee

    Mason will personally deliver the check to the appropri-

    ate agency.

    The parking issue for the Montpelier Drive residents

    who had signs in their front yard prohibing any parking

    has been resolved. The residents have been given pass-

    es which can be used by their visitors.


    Trustee Fazio was approached by a resident to ask the

    board if the tennis court area could be used for playing

    pickleball. She will get more informaon for the board

    about the requirements so a discussion can take place atthe next Board meeng.

    A new contract has been submied for trash pick-up and

    removal around the common grounds. Invoices will be

    submied as a way to indicate work has been completed

    and payment is due.

    The next board meeng will be held on Tuesday, June 11,

    2013 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreaon Center, preschool

    room. The moon was made and seconded to adjourn at

    8:10 pm. The moon passed unanimously.

    (Continued from page 9)

    To date, current late assessments are $5,130 (18

    homeowners) and long term late assessments are


    The Review is complete. I have a copy which will be

    posted on the web page. I also have copies of the

    Personal Property, Federal and State tax forms.

    Our trash service, BFI, will credit us for the month of

    May billing as no pick-ups were made in May.

    I will aend a court hearing scheduled for June 14 in

    Upper Marlboro with our aorney.

    Lillian Fazio, Treasurer


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    MONTPELIER TODAY 11 July-August 2013

    Continued onnext page

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 12 July-August 2013

    Budget vs. ActualContinued

    Every Wednesday night weather perming come on down to the

    pool for pizza , delicious desserts and good company. We will supplythe paper products; we ask you to bring a side dish or delicious

    dessert. (Enough to feed 6 people)

    RSVP before 3pm each Wednesday.

    Call pool: (301) 317-0106 or Email [email protected]

    Time: 6-7pm

    Locaon: Pool

    Cost: $3/person

    (under 4 free) Lynne Collman & Sue Thompson

    The Pizza Mommasare retiring the endof the 2013 season.

    Looking for PizzaMommas or Pops to

    carry onthe summer tradi-tion- Pizza at thePool- starting in

    2014. We will showyou the ropes.

    Interested? Pleasecontact us!!


  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 13 July-August 2013

    July 4AT THE POOL

    Bike Parade, Field and Pool

    Games from 2 - 4:00. Decorate your bike,

    stroller, scooter or other ride and show your patrioc pride!

    Potluck dinner at 5:30

    Hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and paper

    products provided by MCA.

    Bring an appezer, salad, side dish or dessert to share.

    Music and Dancing from 7-9.

    R.S.V.P. by July 2- Sign-up at the pool

    Saturday, August 31st, 2013 Labor Day weekendAll festivities will start at 8:30 AM.

    More information, such as registration, prizes and course details will be availableshortly on our website: and info line 888 MCA-4630.

    VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED.Felipe Arzayus, Event Organizer, [email protected]

    Tricia Douville, Social Chair, [email protected]

    Montpelier 5K Run/Walk &

    Kids Fun Run



    Watch a movie at the pool under the stars. . .

    Flick and Floats at the pool are back!

    Dates are sll to be determined.

    They will be posted at the pool, online, and on the

    MCA Info line.

    Stay tuned!

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 14 July-August 2013

    SECURITY COMMITTEE REPORTCrimes in Community: B&E on 4/9/13 at 12200 block of

    Shadetree Lane where engraved electronic items were

    stolen in mid aernoon. Burglary 4-16-13 on 8700 block

    ofOxwell Lane. Owner le garage door open while work-

    ing in back yard. Leaf blower was stolen from garage.

    Burglary 4/28/13 at 12300 block ofShadetree Lane. Shed

    broken into, generator and other items stolen. Aempt-

    ed break in at 9200 block of Montpelier Drive. Unable to

    gain entry because of double bolt lock and no key in lock.

    Unreported B&E on Silverbirch Lane 4-21-12. B&E via

    back window @ 12200 block of Shadetree Lane in aer-

    noon of 5/4/12. Police came immediately. TV's and other

    electronic equipment taken via front door. No alarm sys-

    tem. Five automobile break ins the night of 5/18/13.

    Slim Jim used so no damage to cars. Very lile stolen

    since residents followed our recommendaon of remove

    it or lose it. Police patrolled for a few nights aer inci-

    dents and found no addional suspicious acvity. Police

    did say that over 25% of homes did not have outside lighton at night. Outside lights ON at night do deter crime.

    Increased crime in South Laurel emphasized to both

    Prince Georges County Police and to MCA Community.

    Muirkirk Rd at Odell Rd Improvement: Informaon

    meeng was held at Montpelier Elementary School on

    April 18, 2013. Project Manager, Maureen Cissel, told us

    that the project will start Spring 2014. There will be a

    traffic light and Murikirk will have paved shoulders. This

    will help slow traffic on Muirkirk Rd. Plans have not start-

    ed for improving Muirkirk Rd from VA Manor Rd to 197.

    New Grocery Store Scam: Recently a Montpelier resident

    was distracted while in a checkout line at Shoppers Food

    and the cashier rang up the next person's groceries with

    her groceries. While loading her car, our resident noced

    that she was charged for extra groceries. She reported

    this to the store manager who apologized and credited

    the extra groceries back to her credit card. Don't be dis-

    tracted while purchasing.

    Police Night Out: The Prince Georges County Police,

    Beltsville Staon, invite all Montpelier residents to their

    30th Annual Night Out on August 6th at the Sellman

    Road, District 6 Staon. Volunteers are appreciated. This6 to 8 PM event is posted on our group email, website,

    and our facebook. Contact Richard Mason for details.

    Staying Safe on internet social networks: Be extra care-

    ful if you receive an email that has a friend's name in the

    email address. Don't open it if it is not their address.

    Door-to-door solicitaon: If solicitor does not leave or

    returns, call his company and request no more contact,

    either in person, via phone or email. Tell them you will

    call the police if it happens again. Call PG Police non-

    emergency number @ 301-352-1200.

    Mt. Pleasant Drive Update: Pepco has admied to the

    Countys Public Works and Mary Lehman's office that the

    trees removed on Mt. Pleasant and Cedarbrook were cut

    down in error. They apologized and promised to remove

    the stumps this Spring. They will plant new trees, mulch,

    and water them this Fall. I have requested that we select

    the trees in coordinaon with the County Tree Program

    Manager. Prince Georges County Public Works is re-

    quesng that both their office and Montpelier be nofied

    before Pepco takes any acon of this type again.

    Montpelier Drive Update: Prince Georges County Dept

    of Public Works has requested a major upgrade on Mont-

    pelier Drive, now that it is a residenal street. This

    means sidewalks will be handicap accessible and therewill other improvements besides traffic calming to help

    maintain a safe speed. This will hopefully be funded in FY

    2014. Patch paving is being done in June 2013.

    Local Telephone Scam: A call to a Montpelier resident

    saying a family member was kidnapped and will be killed

    if money is not wired to caller. Resident handled properly

    by hanging up.

    Tour New 911 Call Center: A group of 10 residents

    toured the new County 911 call center in Bowie on May

    21, 2013. This is a professionally run and state of the art

    facility. Contact Richard Mason if you would like to or-

    ganize a tour of this facility.

    Cizens Police Academy: Sandi Jimenez, Orwood Lane,

    Principal of High Point High School, and Richard Mason,

    Orwood Lane, graduated from the Cizens Police Acade-

    my on Tuesday, 6-11-2013 at Police Headquarters. Please

    call or email Richard Mason if you would like to know

    more about this excellent program.

    County Ambulance Policy: 'The Fire/EMS Department

    has an ambulance fee billing program. The County con-

    tracts with a 3rd party to aempt collecon from insur-ance companies. While the 3rd party may send noce

    about the bill to a cizen, the cizen should never receive

    a bill for ambulance service, and should forward anything

    looking like a bill to their insurance company. The County

    will never aempt collecon from the cizen.

    Cizens Advisory Council (CAC) Meeng: Guest speaker,

    Police Chief Mark McGaw, gave us an update on many

    (Continued on page 15)

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 15 July-August 2013

    acvies. County Council announced plans for a new

    Police Headquarters in Upper Marlboro. Police also

    plan to build a new District VI Staon north of Beltsville,

    probably in the Konterra area in 3 or 4 years. Crime wasdown in the County by 13.2% and down in District VI by

    17% YTD. District VI has best crime reducon in the

    county. Community Oriented Police Officers (COPS) are

    involved with many residenal, business, Explorers Post

    groups, Christmas in April, Child and Adult ID, and many

    other specific projects. The police will help us with our

    5K run on August 31st with traffic control. I presented

    an overview of the Cizens Police Academy.

    I had the privilege of presenng the Montpelier check

    for the Officer Adrian Morris Fund to Major Dan

    Weishaar, Commander of District VI. Thanks to our resi-

    dents for your contribuons. The police and CAC volun-

    teers appreciated our gi. There will be another cere-mony at Police Night Out on 8-6-13.

    Richard Mason

    Security Commiee Chairperson

    301 776-3555

    [email protected]

    (Continued from page 14)

    NEVER HEARD OF IT? (Youre not the only one!)COME DOWN TO THE TENNIS COURTS . . .

    SATURDAY, JULY 27th9 AM12 PM

    . . . and see what it is all about.

    KIDS (10 and up) to SENIORS

    All equipment will be provided as well as instrucon. Pickleball uses a paddle and

    wiffle-type ball. The play is a combinaon of ping pong, badminton and tennis, with a

    smallercourt and slightly lowernet. It can be played indoors or out.

    For more info, go to or contact our organizer, Gina Oliva

    [email protected].

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 16 July-August 2013

    GLO in the GARDEN

    Hi Neighbors!!

    I just aended the annual training day for Master Gar

    deners sponsored by the University of Maryland Exten

    sion. My mind is swimming with informaon that I want

    to share with you.

    For the last several years there has been a great effort

    underway to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. The results of

    this effort have not been as successful as was hoped it

    would be.

    Several Maryland Counes have been given funds to

    plant trees whose purpose is to cut down or prevent the

    water runoff from the road ways. There are also agen

    cies that are looking at the way trees have been planted

    in the past and the results of the failure to use properplanng techniques. Eventually these failures result in

    greater cost to the counes when the dead and dying

    trees have to be removed or when cracked sidewalks

    damaged by tree roots must be fixed.

    New guide lines are now provided that will prevent many

    of these problems if they are ulized.

    First, pick the right tree for the selected space. Look at

    the dimensions of the tree when it is fully mature. Will

    that tree fit in the space in ten years? The roots of the

    tree must spread out like a fan or arms stretching out

    from the trunk. If the tree is too large, you will see the

    roots push up into the driveway or a concrete walkway.

    Don't plant trees close to the house. Their roots can grow

    under the foundaon. Also, the tree branches will whip

    into the house during a wind storms.

    Trees should never be planted too deep. Make sure the

    roots of the trunk are given space to extend out from the

    tree. Tree roots need AIR as well as WATER. Do not

    mound mulch around the tree trunk. That encourages

    insects to invade the root system. Water should drain

    away from the tree. Lastly, do not cover the surface

    around the tree with other plants that will rob the rootsof oxygen .

    During the training session, Doctor Richard Rothjens, a

    Senior Agronomist said that 80% of tree disorders can be

    aributed to failure to consider the requirements for

    trees as shown above. Oen mes, years will pass before

    the tree will begin to die. It tries to deal with the adverse

    condions and emits a hormone when under stress. It

    may then become more vulnerable to borers and other

    diseases which eventually will kill the tree. When choos

    ing a tree, consider one that is nave to the area. It will

    have a longer healthier life. Hard wood trees originally

    covered the lands of Maryland.

    Last year, the county planted new trees in our subdivi

    sion. Unfortunately, some of the work was done in Au

    gust when the temperatures were elevated and many of

    the trees were not watered adequately. They are now


    If the tree has sever

    al dead branches

    from mid to top, it is

    a clear sign it is in

    decline. Also, don't

    be fooled by theshoots growing out

    from the boom of

    the tree. They are

    called suckers. Root

    suckers compete

    with and eventually

    overtake the trees'

    trunk and then the

    tree will die. Phone

    the county and ask

    for the tree to be

    removed. Con

    tact: Department ofPublic Works, 301 499 8520, email PGCTRIP

    [email protected], or FAX 301 324 2772.

    Gloria Hynes

    Master Gardener

    An example of suckers.

    The suckers compete

    with your tree robbing

    it of nutrients needed

    for healthy growth.

    An example of a tree in decline with dead

    branches from the middle to the top.

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 17 July-August 2013

    Name: ___________________________________________________________

    Address: ___________________________________________________________

    Phone(evenings) or email: __________________________________________________

    Please mail to: MCAP.O. Box 2503

    Laurel, MD 20709-2503

    ...or call/email a chairperson or board member to volunteer.


    ArchitecturalControl & compliance


    Election committee


    Facilities (Grounds)

    Governing Documents

    Pool Operations





    Benevolent Fund

    In 2012, Maryland installed 79 MW of solar

    electric capacity, ranking it 8th naonally.

    Maryland ranks 14th in the country in cumula-

    ve installed solar capacity. There is enough

    solar energy installed in the state to power

    11,500 homes.

    In 2012, $205 million was invested in Maryland

    to install solar on homes and businesses. This

    represents a 74% increase over the previous

    year, and is expected to grow again this year.

    Average installed residenal and commercial

    photovoltaic system prices in Maryland fell by

    26% last year. Naonal prices have also

    dropped steadily by 13% from last year and

    34% from 2010.hp://

    The government wants you to install solar panels at

    your house, and will even give you a tax break to do

    it, but your neighbors may not be as thrilled with

    the idea. Many neighbors and homeowners associ

    aons think that solar panels are ugly and might

    lower home values, but many states have laws that

    override any HOA covenants seeking to deny the

    right to install solar PV systems. The HOAs can pro

    vide guidelines on color, where and how the solar

    As a Montpelier homeowner, you must request PRIOR APPROVAL from the Architectural Control &

    Compliance Commiee before making changes to the exterior of your home, including installaon of

    any solar collecon system. This request must include signatures from neighbors who will be able to

    see the panels from their home.

    The MCA and ACCC understand that some members do not like solar panels; however, Maryland law

    limits the restricons that homeowner associaons can place on their members who want to install

    solar collecon systems. The following is intended to provide our members with some of the infor-

    maon that the ACCC uses in these maers.



  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 18 July-August 2013

    Replacing your fence or driveway?


    an ACCC Approval Request Form first.Covenants are enforced and fines are levied and col-

    lected. If you are planning any work to the exterior of

    your home, first fill out the ACCC Approval Request

    Form located in every Montpelier Todaynewsleer and

    on-line at Submit to:


    ATTN: Architectural Control & Compliance Commiee

    P.O. Box 2503

    Laurel, MD 20709

    Or by email to [email protected]. Meengs are

    the first Thursday of every month at 7 PM at Deerfield

    Community Center.


    REPLACEMENT) REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVALNo construcon, addion, or alteraon of a Montpelier

    home shall be made without prior approval (see ap-

    proval form on preceding page) from the Architectural

    Control & Compliance Commiee. This includes satel-

    lite dish installaon. All exterior colors and materials

    shall blend harmoniously with the neighboring dwell-




    ACCC (email [email protected] or 888 622-

    4630 x101). All other changes/replacements require

    PRIOR APPROVAL. Proceeding without prior approval

    shall constute a covenant violaon subject to en-forcement, including fines.

    BOAT, CAMPER, RV, TRAILER ENFORCEMENTBoats, campers, RVs, trailers must be in storage by

    November 1.

    Boats, campers, RVs, and camping trailers must be in

    storage from November 1 through March 31. Viola-

    ons can result in a fine of $250 per month.

    USE OF PODS, DUMPSTERS, ETC.The ACCC requests noficaon before placing a POD,

    dumpster, or similar structure on any lot. Please in-clude the maximum me that the structure will be on

    the lot. Use an Approval Form for noficaon.


    . N-


    Printable copy of the MCA Governing Documents and the

    ACCC Approval Form can be found online:


    panels are installed, but they cant substanally

    delay installaon of the solar panels or increase

    the cost.

    Maryland has a long-standing law protecng therights of solar energy system owners. The original

    law prohibited restricve land use covenants that

    imposed unreasonable limitaons on the installa-

    on of solar collecon panels on the roof or exteri-

    or walls of improvements and which became

    effecve aer July 1, 1980. (The grandfathering

    date was removed in 2008). The Maryland Real

    Property Code was amended in April 2008 by H.B.

    117. Under the new law (effecve October 1,

    2008) restricons on use that act to significantly

    increase the cost of a solar collector system or sig-

    nificantly decrease its efficiency are prohibited.

    The definion of "restricons on use" includes any

    covenant, restricon, or condion contained in a

    deed; declaraon; contract; bylaws of a home-

    owners or condominium associaon; security in-

    strument; and any other instrument affecng the

    transfer or sale of real property or interest in real

    property. The only condion for this protecon is

    that the owner own or have rights for the exclu-sive use of the roof or exterior walls of a structure.

    There are a few excepons to the law: Historic

    Property and Ground Mounted Panels.

    For more informaon:

    Public Informaon Officer - MEA

    Maryland Energy Administraon

    60 West Street, 3rd Floor

    Annapolis, MD 21401

    Phone: (410) 260-7655

    Phone 2: (800) 723-6374

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Web Site: hp://

    (Continued from page 17)

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 19 July-August 2013

    MONTPELIER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONArchitectural Control Committee

    Approval FormMember No: Date:

    Name:Address:Telephone: Email:

    House Type: Framingham Jamestown Gramercy Eton

    Type of Alteration:Addition/modification of basic structure Fence Shed Siding/Paint Deck Other (Including PODS, Dumpsters)Describe the alteration in detail. Information about dimension, materials and design must be included with this form or theproject will not be considered by the ACC. Include any statement of special circumstances that may require deviation from

    established and published guidelines. Any changes to the exterior of your home, including paint color, siding and win-dows, will require the approval of the neighbors on each side and in back of your home. Siding must blend harmoniouslywith the neighborhood. The neighbors residing across the street must also be contacted if the project, when completed, canbe seen from their property. Major landscaping projects such as retaining walls, etc. must also be approved. Plans formajor alterations must be submitted to the ACCC two weeks before the meeting. Applications for approval of PODS,dumpsters, or similar structures should check the Other box and must include the maximum time that the structure willbe on the lot.

    Attach the following:

    Note (1) Copy of plat of your property showing location on your property of the requested alteration.Note (2) Detailed scale drawing or copy of blue prints of proposed alteration.I understand that these items are needed for the committee to make an informed decision about the requested

    alteration. When completed we agree to allow the ACCC to inspect this project.

    Signature of requester

    Neighbor comments:

    Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

    Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

    Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

    Name (Print) Address Concur/Non-concur Signature

    The homeowner requesting approval of a project (requester) will contact the neighbor(s) residing on each side of hishome to obtain their concurrence or comments. In the event the requester resides on a corner lot, the neighbor re-

    siding adjacent to his rear property line must be contacted. The neighbors residing across the street must also becontacted if the project, when completed, can be seen from their property. Space for their name(s), address, concur-rence or comments is provided above. If the required neighbor approvals are not obtained by the requester the

    ACC will contact the neighbors to get their comments which will delay processing of the request. Neighbor com-ments will be considered by the ACC in making a decision. Those neighbors that non-concur in a project will benotified in writing of the action taken by the ACC and advised of their right to appeal. If a project requiring ACCapproval is started without such approval it shall be considered in violation of the covenants of the Association.Mail completed forms to MCA ACC Committee, P.O. Box 2503, Laurel, MD 20709.

    Note (1) Prince George's County law requires a building permit for all structural changes or additions to your home.

    For ArchitecturalCommittee Use OnlyProject No:

    Date Received:

    Letter Sent:

    Revised 1207

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 20 July-August 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 21 July-August 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 22 July-August 2013

    The 35th Anniversaryof the

    Montpelier Summer Concert Series

    Montpelier Mansion Grounds9652 Muirkirk Road at Route 197 in South Laurel

    FREE Two-Hour Concerts at 7:30 PM

    Friday, July 12th -Caribbean: Soca, Reggae, Calypso


    Friday, July 26th-THE WINSTONS-Motown & Soul

    Friday, August 9th-JENNIFER ROSE & THE Mixx-Country & Rock

    Bring some friends, a picnic, a blanket and/or a chair.Free public and handicapped parking is available via both the Montpel-ier Drive and Muirkirk Road entrances off Route 197, 1/4 mile West of

    the Baltimore/Washington Parkway (Route 295)

    For information or to receive a concert brochure call 301-776-2805

    The South Laurel Recreation Council


  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 23 July-August 2013

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    MONTPELIER TODAY 24 July-August 2013

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    MONTPELIER TODAY 25 July-August 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 26 July-August 2013

    MontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentMontpelierResidentPhone:301-776-2355/301-221-0745Fax: 301-776-2355

    E-mail: [email protected]

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    Call George Supsic (301) 490-4847

  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013


    MONTPELIER TODAY 27 July-August 2013

    We charge by the job,not by the hour!

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  • 7/28/2019 Montpelier Today, July/August 2013
