Montauk Amagansett - NYS Historic Newspapers€¦ · Montauk Mrs. Elsa M. George. Corr. At a recent...

EIGHT THE EAST HAMPTON STAR. EAST HAMPTON. N. Y.. OCTOBER 17. 1957 Montauk Mrs. Elsa M. George. Corr. At a recent meeting of the gram Committee of the South Fork Concert Association the following selections were decided upon: In No vember. a Choral Group of eight men who call themselves the Con cert Men, assisted by Edmund Karls- rud. In January or February, a Pian ist. Moura Lympany, an English girl, or, as an alternative, the pianist Rudolf Firskusny. and in March the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. All the school boards in East Hampton Township are co-operating on a brochure of facts concerning the Centralization of Schools within the Township. Construction began on the Mon tauk Airport late last week and should have a strip ready for light to Lt. Commander. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Webb drove to Bethlehem, Pa., on the week-end and visited their son Da vid, who is a student at Lehigh Uni versity. o months. At the first meeting of the season of the Rosary Altar Society, held Oct 8th, it was decided to hold a card party on the evening of Thurs day, Oct. 24th, in the recreation room,of the Church of the Little Flower. Make up your own game and bring your own cards. Refresh ments will be served and there will be Sweepstakes, door prizes and ta ble prizes. Approximately thirty members attended the business meeting of the Montauk Unit of the Suffolk County Home Extension Service on Oct. 8th, at the Fire House. After reports were read and preliminaries given on November classes, colored slides on Hooked Rugs were shown by Mrs. William Reichert. Classes in Silk Screening will start on Oct. 31st with Mrs. George Smith and Mrs. Anna Hild as teachers. A class on refinishing furniture began on the 15th and is being taught by Miss Mary Smith. Thirteen year old Phillip Lewis was given a surprise birthday party on Oct. 8th, at his home. Guests in cluded Michael Nicoletti, James Martel, June Martel, Nancy Parsons and Beverly Paon. The group toured the Lighthouse (where the Lewises live), played out-door games, took movies and watched some being shown, then danced and played pool indoors, and refreshments were A surprise party was given Mrs. Sophie Larson, by her friends Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Anderson, on her 74th birthday, October 5th. There was "open house" at the Andersons all that day. Besides many local friends, there were Mr. and Mrs. Victor, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald John son and children of Hempstead, L. I. and Mr. and Mrs. Wage Bereson of Southampton. Everyone said "Bye" to "High C" Motel this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Pepe had a house full — son Charles Pepe, group leader engineer of Kerfot Co., his wife Lillian and the little Pepes, Russell and Liane and Lillian’s mother and Dad, Mi and Mrs. McGrane, besides friends the Koechler family. They finished with a lobster dinner at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Zeff Anderson. Mrs. Edith Carroll returned on Friday from New Rochelle, N. Y. where she stayed with a brother while her sister, Mrs. Margaret the New Rochelle hospital. Mrs. Shields is expected home this week. She is doing very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. George Sears re turned last week after several weeks stay near Buffalo, due to the illness and death of a sister of Mrs. Seai Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McGoi an have moved from Dewey Place to the Church Estate, where they are the new caretakers. Mr. and Mrs. Diggins and two sons have moved into the house va cated by the McGowans from their former residence on Edgemere Road. Mrs. David E. Kennedy is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hoppin over the past week-end, at Norwalk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berlitz were past week-end. Mr. Berlitz is con valescing from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Almquist who left for Florida on the 9th, expect to spend the winter in Ojus, Miami, after visiting Mrs. Caroline Samuels in New York and Capt. and Mrs. Twitchell in Arlington, Va., en route South. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh left for North Bay Island, Miami Beach, Florida, last week. They have pur chased a house there and are hav ing it remodeled for year round oc cupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Andriandi have broken ground for their new home on Essex Street. Airman and Mrs. Loyd Hinkey of California, now stationed at Mon tauk' Air Force Base, are occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter it difficult getting a . of 1 >h milling about in the waters. Dr. Mi Hepner, dentist, who has year round residence and office l Main Street in Amagansett. was dinnr guest on October 10th, of 20 members of the Yale Club Anglers on board Dr. Burton Munley's yacht "Dundee" which was at Montauk for the group's annual fishing party. Dr. Hepner, a big game angler him self, induced the Yale Club Anglers to visit Montauk and they praised the area as one of America's great sport fishing centers. All of the 20 members in the Yale party are den- from New York. . Flor k-end, \ House Sammis over a long ..._ Misses Grace Tainter, Alice Woodward and Miss Clara Nissen, all of New York City. They left on Tuesday afternoon after enjoying Montauk at this most beautiful Au- Over the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts had as house sts Miss Helen Flanagan who mtly returned to this country after many years as Nurse Director >f Hospitals in Honduras and Gua temala, Central America. Grandchildren of Capt. and Mrs. Leo Burke. Jay. Allen and Elise Burke, spent all last week with their grandparents. Electronics Technician lst/c Jack Makin, who has been on temporary duty in the state of Washington for past six months, visited with wife and family over the week end. The Makins are planning to ove to Washington, D. C. the lat- •r part of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. White and son Robert, left Saturday lorning to visit Richard Jr., at Wil- liston Academy, on Parents Day. After spending the night in Holy- , Mass. they drove to Hanover, N. H. on Sunday, went sight-seeing in Dartmouth, returning home via the Through-Way on Monday, with delightful Autumn colored scenery all along the way. On October 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Brockman drove their son, Communications Technician Wil liam Brockman who had been home on twenty days! leave, to LaGuar- dia Airport from where he flew by American Air Lines to San Francis- After a week there he left to take up his duties in Guam. House guests for this week, of Mrs. Elsa M. George, are her niece, Mrs. Dudley C. Lockwood and Mr. Lockwood, of Jersey City, N. J. . and Mrs. Hamilton K. Smith week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruno at their residence, ‘Green Chimneys,” on Montauk. Mr. Smith is a Vice President of the Atlas Corporation, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lukei ve a "Bush” party on October 12 celebrate the roof-raising of their w building at Napeague. The par ty also celebrated the wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pospisil. )n Saturday as Emil Gardell Sr. s mowing a lot on Montauk High- y his team became frightened d ran away. Mr. Gardell was own to the ground and the cut- g bar of the machine badly lacer- s at hon On Thursday, Nov. 14, the women of the Presbyterian Church will have a food and Christmas sale in the Parish House. Afternoon tea will be served. At 5:30 the men of the church will serve a turkey sup- Amagansett Mrs. F. Norton Griffing, Corr. MRS. RICHARD HOYT \ ; . i William Boone Studio Of Amagansett. whose marriage look place on Oct. She is the formei Miss Alicia Rodriguez._________ BENJAMIN TYLER. JR. f East Side Road. FISHING NOTES Gosman's dock reports a busy week-end. Most of the boats brought in good catches of cod, sea bass and blackfish. Two hundred and sixty boxes of fish were shipped on Thurs day of last week and 280 on Sunday, mostly porgies, but some fluke in cluded. Three boxes of bay scallops ■wer<; also shipped. Two yachts, one a Chris Craft owned by Mr. Schafer of Bridgehampton, and a 30 footer from Freeport, have come to stay at Gosman’s, throughout the striper At the Montauk Fishing dock the "Princess’ owned by Roy Campan- elle of the Brooklyn Dodgers, with his guests, was tied up over the jveek-end. All on board enjoyed good fishing, catching cod, stripers and blues. Capt. Al Bruin aboard the Ranger had excellent codfishiifg over the week-end and there were exceptional catches of bluefish brought in on Monday, all day and in the evening, fish weighing up to 16 lbs. Also on Monday, Herbert Ander son, of Harrison, N. Y., aboard Capt. Potts' Blue-Fin, caught 40 blues, up to 15& lbs. in the morning and in the afternoon, Fred Haney, of Ja- Mrs. Serena B. Kerr has sold house on Cranberry Lane, Devon, to F. B. Muhlfeld of Englewood, N. J. who have been summering in this vicinity for some years. IVES — SHOTT The wedding of Miss Jo May Shott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Shott of Johnson City, N. Y., formerly of Amagansett, to Paul H. Ives, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Me .Rorie of Johnson City, took place on Oct. 5 in All Saints' Episcopal Church, Johnson City. The bride was given in marriage by her grandfather, J. Thomas Shott of East Hampton. She wore white peau de soie and a pillbox hat wi a silk illusion veil; she carried whi roses and chrysanthemums. Her m tron of honor was Mrs. Jerome E( Bullock, who wore red velveteen with a matching taffeta cummer bund, and carried a crescent of red carnations and small white chry santhemums. Margaret Shott, cousin of the bride, was flower girl: she wore red velvet and carried a basket of carnations and chrysanthemums. The best man was Robert Cerwon- ka; ushers were Sherman H. Ives, brother of the bridegroom; James T. Shott, brother of the bride, H. James Thomas and Ronald G. The ceremony was followed by a reception for two hundred in the church parlors. Among the out-of- town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shott, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Shott and daughter Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mulford, and Mr. and Mrs. David Talmage. After a honeymoon in Bermuda, the couple will live at 11 Sherman St., Johnson City. Last Wednesday night six couples to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Leonard Shaw at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DiSunno spent the week-end in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hantz Sr. vis ited last week in East Thetford, Vt. with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Chiotte, formerly of Amagansett. Miss Joanne Wiseman, studeht nurse at Southampton Hospital, was chosen by her supervisors to be a delegate to the N. Y. State Nurses Convention held in Syracuse this Wilson M. Grilling Jr. of Phila delphia spent the week-end with his father, W, M. Griffing Sr. Mrs. W. S. Jenkins Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jenkins Jr. and son Billy of Morris Plains, N. J. were at the Jenkins' cottage on Meeting House Lane for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Parsons and daughter, Susan, attended the Rodeo in New York Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. Howard King and family of Babylon spent the week end with Mr. King’s mother, Mrs. Belle Kahn, who on Saturday cele- rated her 71st birthday. Mrs. Norman Edwards and family and Mrs. Agnes Johnson spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rush in Valley Stream. FIRE LINES Tuesday, Oct. 8, the Ladies Aux iliary, Mrs. Michael DiSunno pre siding, met at the Fire House. Mrs. Joseph Embro reported on the Christmas Award featuring an Eng- bicycle. Mrs. Michael Della- polla reported on the proposed out door Christmas decorations. Mrs. Tames C. Smith reported on the 'Dark Horse" program. On Oct. 9, Companies 2 and 4, Capt. William R. Lester presiding, at the Fire House. A committee headed by Capt. Ed Holmes was ap pointed to promote a contest for Christmas turkeys. Thursday, Oct 10, Companies 1 and 3, Capt. Sam T. DiGate presid ing, met at the Fire House. A con mittee headed by Bart Hadel ws appointed to arrange for the Annus Company Dinner, on Saturday, Oct. 26. The ladies are invited. Monday, Oct. 21, the Fire Police Squad will meet at 7:30 p.m. Capt. Ed Holmes will discuss plans for the next Quarterly Conference. Pfc. Carl Creaser is home with his wife and boy for one month'- leave. November 6 the leave will | end following which he will ship out for a 14-months' tour of duty; in Germany. His family will not ac company him. Thursday, Oct. 11 ex-Fire Chief George W. Robinson met with a bad accident at Three Mile Harbor.' His car . turned over. George. sus-' tained a severe back injury. He was removed to the Southampton Hos pital. Firemen are showering George with “Get-well cards." Halloween Party on October 31st. Edward Hults is the Chairman for Committee planning the enter tainment. Children of all ages are welcome to participate in the parade jstumes and bonfire festivities. The pre-school through age 10 group have their party at Ashawagh Hall from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Eleven year olds through ten years will a party from 8-10 p.m. in the Hall. The costume parade will be at 6:30 p.m., gathering at the Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duncan of lushing were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Donald A. Milier and Mr. Miller last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Miller ind family visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bishop and family in Owe- go, N. Y. this past week-end. The infant daughter of Mr. I ts. James McMullin has named Dana Lee. Mrs. McMullin as the former Shirley B. Miller. The Westminster Fellowship of The Springs Community Chapel' en joyed pizza pies at Ma Bergman's their meeting Sunday eve ning. They were accompanied by Stephen Rybolt ' and Mrs. Thomas Collins. The Brownie Scout Troop has changed its meeting day Wednesday to Monday. On Oct ing the knapsacks they made last Wainscott Mrs. Edward C. Ayles. Corr. JUDSON — RICHARDS liss Antonia Richards, daughter of Mrs. Dayton Hedges of Wain scott, and Guy Richards, of New York City, was married October 13 to Dr. Graham Judson of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The ceremony was performed l>y the Rev. Roper Shamhart in th Chapel of the Beloved Disciph Church of the Heavenly Rest, i New York City.- The bride was given in marriag by her father. The bride’s gown wa made of white peau de soie; a vei of tulle, trimmed in Alencon laci was attached to a coronet. She car lied a bouquet of white roses an lilies of the valley. Miss Pamela Spence Richards wa her sister's (maid of honor and only attendant The Springs Mrs. Ethel H. Talmage, Corr. MRS. ALBERT CAMPBELL NEW SALES MANAGER. MONTAUK BEACH Lindsey Hopkins Jr. (right), pi congratulates Frank Tuma Jr. ger of the company's re Sag Harbor David Lyons and Paul Schiavoni left last week to enter Boot Train ing at the Great Lakes Naval Base. The Auxiliary to the Sag Hai ire Department are planning a i ;r to be held at Casa Basso’s Westhampton on Saturday, Oct. Park f . Chauncey Adams of Flor Mrs. Ray Harris, Corr. Mrs. Gladys Santacroce of Suffolk | r x St. is taking care of reservations f the evening of recollection to held at Cormaria Retreat House, . Bay St., Sag Harbor, on Thursday, ' Oct. 24, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. by the ' Eastern Suffolk Chapter of the |M Catholic Nurses Association. Father; _____ Joseph Mungari will be the speaker i " ™ P° ST «>H DR. ADAM for the evening. Reservations should l j > r- Jc* n ?■ Adam son of Mrs. be made in writing by 0ct.*20. [William F. Adam of Bayview Ave. _ has recently been appointed direc- Mr. and 'Mrs. Monroe Edwards1 tor of the Foery Clin'c' St- Joseph s Mr. and Mrs. of Brooklyn we on Atlantic Ave. William Boone Studi The former Miss Ruth Rer The Springs, daughter of Mr Mrs. William Renkins. whose ding look place on Oct. 6. A P.T A. or Mother's Club has been suggested for the Springs Grade School. Anyone interested in . participating in such a group, call Mrs. Ralph Maggrett, Amagansett 7- 3368. As soon as a sufficient num ber of parents responds, a meeting will be planned to discuss the pos sibilities further. Mrs. F. Lowell Overton was host- Overton of Hampton Bays on Octo ber 9th. Mary Rebecca and Stephen An-1 drew Rybolt were baptized at The] Springs Community Chapel on Sun-1 day, Oct. 13, with Rev. Paul Bahner] officiating. The three-month-old] twins' parents are Rev. and Mrs.| Stephen Rybolt. Benjamin Miller entertained group of his friends at a Rock Roll party on October 11th. Ushers were Peter Fletchei brother of the bride, and Dr. Ed ward Childe of Winnepeg. reception was held after the wed ding at the Plaza Hotel for mem bers of the family and close friends. The bride is a graduate of the Spence School and McGill Univer sity. She made her debut at the Debutante Cotillion and Christmas Ball and was a member of the Jun ior Assemblies in 1952. Her grand parents were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Philip Griffin of Lock Haven, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Richards of Woodmere, L. I. Dr. Judson is the son of Arthur Roy Judson, and the late Eva Gi ham Judson, of Winnipeg. Dr. Judson is a graduate of t University of Manitoba and holds a master's degree from the Unive sity of Toronto. He received his de gree in medicine from McGill Uni versity in 1956. After a short wedding trip. Dr. and Mrs. Judson will live in Hailey- bury, Ontario. A son, Peter, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dankowski Jr. at the Southampton Hospital on Thursday, Oct. 10. Mrs. Dankowski is the for mer Miss Barbara Constance Bahns. | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick IBahns of East Hampton. had as their guests over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. B. Desjardins and Mrs. Howard Zegel of Patch- Mr. and Mrs. James Tripp and baby daughter Kim spent the week end with Mrs. Tripp's mother, Mrs. William C. Bates of Main Street. On Sunday, Oct 20th, Rev. and Mrs. George A. Wilson will receive friends and members of the Pres byterian Church at Open House in the new Presbyterian Manse on Ry- >am Street. The hours are between 3 and 5 p.m. _ Dr. and Mrs. William Miller of Rutherford. N. J. spent the week end at the Hettger Cottage on Noyac The Women's Auxiliary Methodist Church met in thi parlor on Monday evening £ Hostesses were Mrs. John Phillips and Mrs. Harry Wallace. Hospital, Syracuse, psychiatric illnesses and treated. Dr. Adam was for vising psychiatrist < Islip State Hospital. A graduate of Pierson High School, Class of 1934 Dr. Adam holds both the Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from the New York State College for Teach ers, the Doctor of Medicine degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine and is a Diplomats cf the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry in Psychiatry. home of hig daughter, Mrs. George Fick, Sag Harbor on October 13, 1957. He had been a resident of this village for eight years. He was born in Brooklyn. N. Y. of parents George and Amelia Rolle Roos. He was married to Jessie Allen who predeceased him. ■ Mr. Roos was a retired signalman for the B.M.T. lines and a charter member of the Dunton Lodge I and A. Masons No. 1017 of Woodhaven. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED . t h h rt f llv r" ne was a,so a memoer oi nnouncemen as een ma e o Mishfannock Chapter No. 605 of East- the engagement of Miss Georgann1 H | Mary Marino, daughter of Mr. andjer" ___ . . . IMrs. P. George Marino of Noyac to' * s“ ' £ !"* ar_f ^auShters: Mrs. Dorothy Fick and Mrs. Helen Sabloski, both of Sag Harbor. Also three grandchildren; a brother, George Roos of Sag Harbor and Mr. and Mrs. ’ Sunday and r . Gamble Wood- Mr. and Mrs. William Draper of New York spent the week-end at their home on Main Street. Arthur Armstrong of Philadel phia, Pa. was the week-end guest of J. Howard Hand. Lieut. Eugene Hedges, U.S.A.F.. who is stationed in Plattsburg, N. Y., drove here last week to visit his wife and infant daughter. Mrs. Hedges and baby returned to Platts burg with him on Sunday where they will make their home. left c t their cottage ; ill in the South! Amagansett Grade School will b closed Friday since the faculty will be attending the Zone Conference. Joanna Tyler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tyler, enter tained several friends last Wednes day to celebrate her 6th birthday. Sergeant Leonard Shaw, U.S.A. ampton Hospite Mrs. Thomas Collins and Mrs. John Davis attended a dinner and meeting of the South Fork Com munity Concert Association at Bal- zarini's Restaurant in Southampton on Monday evening, Oct. 7th. Mrs. Albert C. Hand S i Friday for a two weeks' visit with i friends in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Semler of New York spent the week-end in their home on Main Street. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott closed their summer home on Sunday and returned to Riverdale, N. Y., for the The Wajnscott Sewing Society will hold a rummage sale on Friday, Oct. 25th, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Chapel. Gordon Sammis, son of Mr. and: Mrs. George Sammis of Bay Point. Miss Marino is a graduate of i Sacred Heart of Mary, New ' City and attended the Marymount School at Tarrytown, N. Y. Mr. Sammis is a graduate of Freeport High School and the Mas sachusetts Technology Institute and has been employed by the Maritime Administration, Washington, D. C. He left for the U. S. Army October PARENT-TEACHER CONGRESS The Eastern Long Island District, New York State Congress of Par ents and Teachers, Inc. meet today, Southampton High Mrs. Anna Jansen of Jack son Heights, N. Y. Wamponamon Lodge No. 437 held services on Monday evening at the Yardley & Williams Funeral Home and a service was held on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1957 at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Roy L. Webber of Christ's Episcopal Church officiating. Pall bearers were A. Randall, Ru dolph Sigmund, Roy Dippel and Frank Harris. which School After the afternoon sess begins at 2:30 p.m. there buffet dinner served in School auditorium at 6 Grace D. Finne, Acting Case Super visor of the Suffolk County Proba tion Department, will be guest speaker. General Chairmen of the Confer ence are Mrs. Paul Babcock of Sag Harbor and Mrs. Philip Rafle of Riverhead. CLASS fcONFIRMED The Rt. Rev. Jonathan T. Sher man, Suffragan Bishop of the Dio cese of Long Island, visited Christ’s Episcopal Church last Sunday morn ing, October 13th and administered the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation. Those who were confirmed were: Bruce Hayes. John Busang, Jon Allan Baer, Deborah Young, Sandra eters, Roberta De Castro and Mar- n Kelly. The Rector, Rev. Roy L, Webber as assisted at this service by the Rev. Father North, Chaplain of the Teachers of the Children of God, Maycroft, North Haven. Following the service, a coffee hour was held at the Parish House. BURKE — STARLING The wedding of Miss Helen F. C. Starling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Starling Jr. of "Dale End," Alden, Pa., and Charles R. M. , Burke, son pf the late Mr. and Mrs. Hl6h Charles Russell Burke of New York and Wainscott, took place on Octo ber 4 in St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, and was fol lowed by a reception at the Bar clay. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Emmet Page and the Rev. John Me Garvey. The bride was attended by Mrs. Floyd A. Good Jr. of Elkins Park, Pa., as matron of honor; the other attendants were Miss Elizabeth Os borne of Lansdowne, Pa., Mrs. Wal ter S. Sachs Jr. of Merion. Pa.. Miss Cicely Holbrook of Boston. Mass , Miss Mary Macauley Monks of Lin coln, Mass. and the Misses Patricia . and Sheila Burke of The Plains. Va. Mr. Burke’s best man was John Macauley Burke of The Plains, Va., and the ushers were Charles Deering Me Cormick of Chicago, John Strong Turner of New York, Charles Roberts 'Pope of Cos Cob, Conn., •dcrick Horatio Starling III of Alden, Pa., William J. Polk Jr. of St. Louis, Mo., Hcrschel V. Williams of New York, John C. Tysen of w York.rand William B. Church- in III of Philadelphia. Mrs. John Y. Corwin returned to Potatoes and commercial vege- ;r home on Palmer Terrace after tables make up about 85 per cent of iving undergone surgery at the the crops irrigated in New York Southampton Hospital last week. State. Strawberries are the most is recovering nicely. important fruit irrigated.

Transcript of Montauk Amagansett - NYS Historic Newspapers€¦ · Montauk Mrs. Elsa M. George. Corr. At a recent...


MontaukMrs. Elsa M. George. Corr.

At a recent meeting of the gram Committee of the South Fork Concert Association the following selections were decided upon: In No­vember. a Choral Group of eight men who call themselves the Con­cert Men, assisted by Edmund Karls- rud. In January or February, a Pian­ist. Moura Lympany, an English girl, or, as an alternative, the pianist Rudolf Firskusny. and in March the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

All the school boards in East Hampton Township are co-operating on a brochure of facts concerning the Centralization of Schools within the Township.

Construction began on the Mon­tauk Airport late last week and should have a strip ready for light

to Lt. Commander.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Webb drove to Bethlehem, Pa., on the week-end and visited their son Da­vid, who is a student at Lehigh Uni­versity.

o months.

At the first meeting of the season of the Rosary Altar Society, held Oct 8th, it was decided to hold a card party on the evening of Thurs­day, Oct. 24th, in the recreation room,of the Church of the Little Flower. Make up your own game and bring your own cards. Refresh­ments will be served and there will be Sweepstakes, door prizes and ta­ble prizes.

Approximately thirty members attended the business meeting of the Montauk Unit of the Suffolk County Home Extension Service on Oct. 8th, at the Fire House. After reports were read and preliminaries given on November classes, colored slides on Hooked Rugs were shown by Mrs. William Reichert. Classes in Silk Screening will start on Oct. 31st with Mrs. George Smith and Mrs. Anna Hild as teachers. A class on refinishing furniture began on the 15th and is being taught by Miss Mary Smith.

Thirteen year old Phillip Lewis was given a surprise birthday party on Oct. 8th, at his home. Guests in­cluded Michael Nicoletti, James Martel, June Martel, Nancy Parsons and Beverly Paon. The group toured the Lighthouse (where the Lewises live), played out-door games, took movies and watched some being shown, then danced and played pool indoors, and refreshments were

A surprise party was given Mrs. Sophie Larson, by her friends Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Anderson, on her 74th birthday, October 5th. There was "open house" at the Andersons all that day. Besides many local friends, there were Mr. and Mrs. Victor, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald John­son and children of Hempstead, L. I. and Mr. and Mrs. Wage Bereson of Southampton.

Everyone said "Bye" to "High C" Motel this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Pepe had a house full — son Charles Pepe, group leader engineer of Kerfot Co., his wife Lillian and the little Pepes, Russell and Liane and Lillian’s mother and Dad, Mi and Mrs. McGrane, besides friends the Koechler family. They finished with a lobster dinner at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Zeff Anderson.

Mrs. Edith Carroll returned on Friday from New Rochelle, N. Y. where she stayed with a brother while her sister, Mrs. Margaret

the New Rochelle hospital. Mrs. Shields is expected home this week. She is doing very nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. George Sears re­turned last week after several weeks stay near Buffalo, due to the illness and death of a sister of Mrs. Seai

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McGoi an have moved from Dewey Place to the Church Estate, where they are the new caretakers.

Mr. and Mrs. Diggins and two sons have moved into the house va­cated by the McGowans from their former residence on Edgemere Road.

Mrs. David E. Kennedy is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hoppin over the past week-end, at Norwalk,

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berlitz were

past week-end. Mr. Berlitz is con­valescing from his recent illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Almquist who left for Florida on the 9th, expect to spend the winter in Ojus, Miami, after visiting Mrs. Caroline Samuels in New York and Capt. and Mrs. Twitchell in Arlington, Va., en route South.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh left for North Bay Island, Miami Beach, Florida, last week. They have pur­chased a house there and are hav­ing it remodeled for year round oc­cupancy.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Andriandi have broken ground for their new home on Essex Street.

Airman and Mrs. Loyd Hinkey of California, now stationed at Mon­tauk' Air Force Base, are occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter

it difficult getting a

. of 1

>h milling about in the waters.

Dr. Mi Hepner, dentist, who has year round residence and office

l Main Street in Amagansett. was dinnr guest on October 10th, of 20 members of the Yale Club Anglers on board Dr. Burton Munley's yacht "Dundee" which was at Montauk for the group's annual fishing party. Dr. Hepner, a big game angler him­self, induced the Yale Club Anglers to visit Montauk and they praised the area as one of America's great sport fishing centers. All of the 20 members in the Yale party are den-

from New York.

. Flor k-end, \

House Sammis over a long ..._ Misses Grace Tainter, Alice Woodward and Miss Clara Nissen, all of New York City. They left on Tuesday afternoon after enjoying Montauk at this most beautiful Au-

Over the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts had as house

sts Miss Helen Flanagan who mtly returned to this country

after many years as Nurse Director >f Hospitals in Honduras and Gua­temala, Central America.

Grandchildren of Capt. and Mrs. Leo Burke. Jay. Allen and Elise Burke, spent all last week with their grandparents.

Electronics Technician lst/c Jack Makin, who has been on temporary duty in the state of Washington for

past six months, visited with wife and family over the week­

end. The Makins are planning to ove to Washington, D. C. the lat- •r part of this month.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. White and son Robert, left Saturday

lorning to visit Richard Jr., at Wil- liston Academy, on Parents Day. After spending the night in Holy-

•, Mass. they drove to Hanover, N. H. on Sunday, went sight-seeing in Dartmouth, returning home via the Through-Way on Monday, with delightful Autumn colored scenery all along the way.

On October 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Brockman drove their son, Communications Technician Wil­liam Brockman who had been home on twenty days! leave, to LaGuar- dia Airport from where he flew by American Air Lines to San Francis-

After a week there he left to take up his duties in Guam.

House guests for this week, of Mrs. Elsa M. George, are her niece, Mrs. Dudley C. Lockwood and Mr. Lockwood, of Jersey City, N. J.

. and Mrs. Hamilton K. Smith week-end guests of Mr. and

Mrs. Harry Bruno at their residence, ‘Green Chimneys,” on Montauk. Mr. Smith is a Vice President of the Atlas Corporation, New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lukei ve a "Bush” party on October 12 celebrate the roof-raising of their w building at Napeague. The par­

ty also celebrated the wedding an­niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pospisil.

)n Saturday as Emil Gardell Sr. s mowing a lot on Montauk High- y his team became frightened d ran away. Mr. Gardell was own to the ground and the cut- g bar of the machine badly lacer-

s at hon

On Thursday, Nov. 14, the women of the Presbyterian Church will have a food and Christmas sale in the Parish House. Afternoon tea will be served. At 5:30 the men of the church will serve a turkey sup-

AmagansettMrs. F. Norton Griffing, Corr.


“ \ ■ ; . iWilliam Boone Studio Of Amagansett. whose marriage look place on Oct. She is the formei Miss Alicia Rodriguez._________


f East Side Road.FISHING NOTES

Gosman's dock reports a busy week-end. Most of the boats brought in good catches of cod, sea bass and blackfish. Two hundred and sixty boxes of fish were shipped on Thurs­day of last week and 280 on Sunday, mostly porgies, but some fluke in­cluded. Three boxes of bay scallops ■wer<; also shipped. Two yachts, one a Chris Craft owned by Mr. Schafer of Bridgehampton, and a 30 footer from Freeport, have come to stay at Gosman’s, throughout the striper

At the Montauk Fishing dock the "Princess’ owned by Roy Campan- elle of the Brooklyn Dodgers, with his guests, was tied up over the jveek-end. All on board enjoyed good fishing, catching cod, stripers and blues. Capt. Al Bruin aboard the Ranger had excellent codfishiifg over the week-end and there were exceptional catches of bluefish brought in on Monday, all day and in the evening, fish weighing up to 16 lbs.

Also on Monday, Herbert Ander­son, of Harrison, N. Y., aboard Capt. Potts' Blue-Fin, caught 40 blues, up to 15& lbs. in the morning and in the afternoon, Fred Haney, of Ja-

Mrs. Serena B. Kerr has sold house on Cranberry Lane, Devon, to F. B. Muhlfeld of Englewood, N. J. who have been summering in this vicinity for some years.

IVES — SHOTTThe wedding of Miss Jo May

Shott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Shott of Johnson City, N. Y., formerly of Amagansett, to Paul H. Ives, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Me .Rorie of Johnson City, took place on Oct. 5 in All Saints' Episcopal Church, Johnson City.

The bride was given in marriage by her grandfather, J. Thomas Shott of East Hampton. She wore white peau de soie and a pillbox hat wi a silk illusion veil; she carried whi roses and chrysanthemums. Her m tron of honor was Mrs. Jerome E( Bullock, who wore red velveteen with a matching taffeta cummer­bund, and carried a crescent of red carnations and small white chry­santhemums. Margaret Shott, cousin of the bride, was flower girl: she wore red velvet and carried a basket of carnations and chrysanthemums.

The best man was Robert Cerwon- ka; ushers were Sherman H. Ives, brother of the bridegroom; James T. Shott, brother of the bride, H. James Thomas and Ronald G.

The ceremony was followed by a reception for two hundred in the church parlors. Among the out-of- town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shott, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Shott and daughter Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mulford, and Mr. and Mrs. David Talmage.

After a honeymoon in Bermuda, the couple will live at 11 Sherman St., Johnson City.

Last Wednesday night six couples

to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Leonard Shaw at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet-

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DiSunno spent the week-end in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hantz Sr. vis­ited last week in East Thetford, Vt. with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Chiotte, formerly of Amagansett.

Miss Joanne Wiseman, studeht nurse at Southampton Hospital, was chosen by her supervisors to be a delegate to the N. Y. State Nurses Convention held in Syracuse this

Wilson M. Grilling Jr. of Phila­delphia spent the week-end with his father, W, M. Griffing Sr.

Mrs. W. S. Jenkins Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jenkins Jr. and son Billy of Morris Plains, N. J. were at the Jenkins' cottage on Meeting House Lane for the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Parsons and daughter, Susan, attended the Rodeo in New York Saturday.

Mr. and. Mrs. Howard King and family of Babylon spent the week­end with Mr. King’s mother, Mrs. Belle Kahn, who on Saturday cele-

rated her 71st birthday.

Mrs. Norman Edwards and family and Mrs. Agnes Johnson spent Sat­urday with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rush in Valley Stream.

FIRE LINESTuesday, Oct. 8, the Ladies Aux­

iliary, Mrs. Michael DiSunno pre­siding, met at the Fire House. Mrs. Joseph Embro reported on the Christmas Award featuring an Eng-

bicycle. Mrs. Michael Della- polla reported on the proposed out­door Christmas decorations. Mrs. Tames C. Smith reported on the 'Dark Horse" program.

On Oct. 9, Companies 2 and 4, Capt. William R. Lester presiding,

at the Fire House. A committee headed by Capt. Ed Holmes was ap­pointed to promote a contest for Christmas turkeys.

Thursday, Oct 10, Companies 1 and 3, Capt. Sam T. DiGate presid­ing, met at the Fire House. A con mittee headed by Bart Hadel ws appointed to arrange for the Annus Company Dinner, on Saturday, Oct. 26. The ladies are invited.

Monday, Oct. 21, the Fire Police Squad will meet at 7:30 p.m. Capt. Ed Holmes will discuss plans for the next Quarterly Conference.

Pfc. Carl Creaser is home with his wife and boy for one month'- leave. November 6 the leave will | end following which he will ship out for a 14-months' tour of duty; in Germany. His family will not ac­company him.

Thursday, Oct. 11 ex-Fire Chief George W. Robinson met with a bad accident at Three Mile Harbor.' His car . turned over. George. sus-' tained a severe back injury. He was removed to the Southampton Hos­pital. Firemen are showering George with “Get-well cards."

Halloween Party on October 31st. Edward Hults is the Chairman for

Committee planning the enter­tainment. Children of all ages are welcome to participate in the parade

jstumes and bonfire festivities. The pre-school through age 10 group

have their party at Ashawagh Hall from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Eleven year olds through ten years will

a party from 8-10 p.m. in the Hall. The costume parade will be­

at 6:30 p.m., gathering at the Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duncan oflushing were the guests of their

daughter, Mrs. Donald A. Milier and Mr. Miller last week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Miller ind family visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bishop and family in Owe- go, N. Y. this past week-end.

The infant daughter of Mr.Its. James McMullin has

named Dana Lee. Mrs. McMullinas the former Shirley B. Miller.

The Westminster Fellowship of The Springs Community Chapel' en­joyed pizza pies at Ma Bergman's

their meeting Sunday eve­ning. They were accompanied by

Stephen Rybolt ' and Mrs. Thomas Collins.

The Brownie Scout Troop has changed its meeting day Wednesday to Monday. On Oct

ing the knapsacks they made last

WainscottMrs. Edward C. Ayles. Corr.

JUDSON — RICHARDSliss Antonia Richards, daughter

of Mrs. Dayton Hedges of Wain­scott, and Guy Richards, of New York City, was married October 13 to Dr. Graham Judson of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The ceremony was performed l>y the Rev. Roper Shamhart in th Chapel of the Beloved Disciph Church of the Heavenly Rest, i New York City.-

The bride was given in marriag by her father. The bride’s gown wa made of white peau de soie; a vei of tulle, trimmed in Alencon laci was attached to a coronet. She car lied a bouquet of white roses an lilies of the valley.

Miss Pamela Spence Richards wa her sister's (maid of honor and only attendant

The SpringsMrs. Ethel H. Talmage, Corr.



Lindsey Hopkins Jr. (right), pi congratulates Frank Tuma Jr. ger of the company's re

Sag HarborDavid Lyons and Paul Schiavoni

left last week to enter Boot Train­ing at the Great Lakes Naval Base.

The Auxiliary to the Sag Hai ire Department are planning a i ;r to be held at Casa Basso’s

Westhampton on Saturday, Oct.

Park f. Chauncey Adams of Flor

Mrs. Ray Harris, Corr.Mrs. Gladys Santacroce of Suffolk | rx

St. is taking care of reservations f the evening of recollection to held at Cormaria Retreat House, .Bay St., Sag Harbor, on Thursday, 'Oct. 24, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. by the 'Eastern Suffolk Chapter of the |MCatholic Nurses Association. Father; _____Joseph Mungari will be the speaker i " ™ P° ST «>H DR. ADAM for the evening. Reservations should l j > r- Jc* n ?■ Adam son of Mrs. be made in writing by 0ct.*20. [William F. Adam of Bayview Ave.

_ has recently been appointed direc-Mr. and 'Mrs. Monroe Edwards1 tor of the Foery Clin'c' St- Joseph s

Mr. and Mrs. of Brooklyn we on Atlantic Ave.

William Boone Studi The former Miss Ruth Rer The Springs, daughter of Mr Mrs. William Renkins. whose ding look place on Oct. 6.

A P.T A. or Mother's Club has been suggested for the Springs Grade School. Anyone interested in. participating in such a group, call Mrs. Ralph Maggrett, Amagansett 7- 3368. As soon as a sufficient num­ber of parents responds, a meeting will be planned to discuss the pos­sibilities further.

Mrs. F. Lowell Overton was host-

Overton of Hampton Bays on Octo­ber 9th.

Mary Rebecca and Stephen An-1 drew Rybolt were baptized at The] Springs Community Chapel on Sun-1 day, Oct. 13, with Rev. Paul Bahner] officiating. The three-month-old] twins' parents are Rev. and Mrs.| Stephen Rybolt.

Benjamin Miller entertained group of his friends at a Rock Roll party on October 11th.

Ushers were Peter Fletchei brother of the bride, and Dr. Ed­ward Childe of Winnepeg. reception was held after the wed­ding at the Plaza Hotel for mem­bers of the family and close friends.

The bride is a graduate of the Spence School and McGill Univer­sity. She made her debut at the Debutante Cotillion and Christmas Ball and was a member of the Jun­ior Assemblies in 1952. Her grand­parents were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Philip Griffin of Lock Haven, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Richards of Woodmere, L. I.

Dr. Judson is the son of Arthur Roy Judson, and the late Eva Gi ham Judson, of Winnipeg.

Dr. Judson is a graduate of t University of Manitoba and holds a master's degree from the Unive sity of Toronto. He received his de­gree in medicine from McGill Uni­versity in 1956.

After a short wedding trip. Dr. and Mrs. Judson will live in Hailey- bury, Ontario.

A son, Peter, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dankowski Jr. at the Southampton Hospital on Thursday, Oct. 10. Mrs. Dankowski is the for­mer Miss Barbara Constance Bahns.

| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FrederickI Bahns of East Hampton.

had as their guests over the week­end, Mr. and Mrs. B. Desjardins and Mrs. Howard Zegel of Patch-

Mr. and Mrs. James Tripp and baby daughter Kim spent the week­end with Mrs. Tripp's mother, Mrs. William C. Bates of Main Street.

On Sunday, Oct 20th, Rev. and Mrs. George A. Wilson will receive friends and members of the Pres­byterian Church at Open House in the new Presbyterian Manse on Ry- >am Street. The hours are between 3 and 5 p.m.

_Dr. and Mrs. William Miller of

Rutherford. N. J. spent the week­end at the Hettger Cottage on Noyac

The Women's Auxiliary Methodist Church met in thi parlor on Monday evening £ Hostesses were Mrs. John Phillips and Mrs. Harry Wallace.

Hospital, Syracuse, psychiatric illnesses and treated.

Dr. Adam was for vising psychiatrist <Islip State Hospital. A graduate of Pierson High School, Class of 1934 Dr. Adam holds both the Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from the New York State College for Teach­ers, the Doctor of Medicine degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine and is a Diplomats cf the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry in Psychiatry.

home ofhig daughter, Mrs. George Fick, Sag Harbor on October 13, 1957. He had been a resident of this village for eight years.

He was born in Brooklyn. N. Y. of parents George and Amelia Rolle Roos. He was married to Jessie Allen who predeceased him. ■

Mr. Roos was a retired signalman for the B.M.T. lines and a charter member of the Dunton Lodge I and A. Masons No. 1017 of Woodhaven.ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED

. t h h rt f llv r" ne was a,so a memoer oinnouncemen as een ma e o Mishfannock Chapter No. 605 of East- the engagement of Miss Georgann1 H

| Mary Marino, daughter of Mr. andjer" ‘ ___ . . .I Mrs. P. George Marino of Noyac to' * s“ ' £!"* ar_f ^auShters:Mrs. Dorothy Fick and Mrs. Helen

Sabloski, both of Sag Harbor. Also three grandchildren; a brother, George Roos of Sag Harbor and

Mr. and Mrs. ’

Sunday and r

. Gamble Wood-

Mr. and Mrs. William Draper of New York spent the week-end at their home on Main Street.

Arthur Armstrong of Philadel­phia, Pa. was the week-end guest of J. Howard Hand.

Lieut. Eugene Hedges, U.S.A.F.. who is stationed in Plattsburg, N. Y., drove here last week to visit his wife and infant daughter. Mrs. Hedges and baby returned to Platts­burg with him on Sunday where they will make their home.

left c

t their cottage; ill in the South!

Amagansett Grade School will b closed Friday since the faculty will be attending the Zone Conference.

Joanna Tyler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tyler, enter­tained several friends last Wednes­day to celebrate her 6th birthday.

Sergeant Leonard Shaw, U.S.A.

ampton Hospite

Mrs. Thomas Collins and Mrs. John Davis attended a dinner and meeting of the South Fork Com­munity Concert Association at Bal- zarini's Restaurant in Southampton on Monday evening, Oct. 7th.

Mrs. Albert C. Hand S i Friday for a two weeks' visit withi friends in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Semler of New York spent the week-end in their home on Main Street.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott closed their summer home on Sunday and returned to Riverdale, N. Y., for the

The Wajnscott Sewing Society will hold a rummage sale on Friday, Oct. 25th, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Chapel.

Gordon Sammis, son of Mr. and: Mrs. George Sammis of Bay Point. •

Miss Marino is a graduate of i Sacred Heart of Mary, New ' City and attended the Marymount School at Tarrytown, N. Y.

Mr. Sammis is a graduate of Freeport High School and the Mas­sachusetts Technology Institute and has been employed by the Maritime Administration, Washington, D. C. He left for the U. S. Army October

PARENT-TEACHER CONGRESSThe Eastern Long Island District,

New York State Congress of Par­ents and Teachers, Inc. meet today,

Southampton High

Mrs. Anna Jansen of Jack­son Heights, N. Y.

Wamponamon Lodge No. 437 held services on Monday evening at the Yardley & Williams Funeral Home and a service was held on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1957 at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Roy L. Webber of Christ's Episcopal Church officiating.

Pall bearers were A. Randall, Ru­dolph Sigmund, Roy Dippel and Frank Harris.


After the afternoon sess begins at 2:30 p.m. there buffet dinner served in School auditorium at 6 Grace D. Finne, Acting Case Super­visor of the Suffolk County Proba­tion Department, will be guest speaker.

General Chairmen of the Confer­ence are Mrs. Paul Babcock of Sag Harbor and Mrs. Philip Rafle of Riverhead.

CLASS fcONFIRMEDThe Rt. Rev. Jonathan T. Sher­

man, Suffragan Bishop of the Dio­cese of Long Island, visited Christ’s Episcopal Church last Sunday morn­ing, October 13th and administered the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation.

Those who were confirmed were: Bruce Hayes. John Busang, Jon Allan Baer, Deborah Young, Sandra

eters, Roberta De Castro and Mar- n Kelly.The Rector, Rev. Roy L, Webber as assisted at this service by the

Rev. Father North, Chaplain of the Teachers of the Children of God, Maycroft, North Haven.

Following the service, a coffee hour was held at the Parish House.

BURKE — STARLINGThe wedding of Miss Helen F. C.

Starling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Starling Jr. of "Dale End," Alden, Pa., and Charles R. M.

, Burke, son pf the late Mr. and Mrs. Hl6h Charles Russell Burke of New York

and Wainscott, took place on Octo­ber 4 in St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, and was fol­lowed by a reception at the Bar­clay. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Emmet Page and the Rev. John Me Garvey.

The bride was attended by Mrs. Floyd A. Good Jr. of Elkins Park, Pa., as matron of honor; the other attendants were Miss Elizabeth Os­borne of Lansdowne, Pa., Mrs. Wal­ter S. Sachs Jr. of Merion. Pa.. Miss Cicely Holbrook of Boston. Mass , Miss Mary Macauley Monks of Lin­coln, Mass. and the Misses Patricia . and Sheila Burke of The Plains. Va. Mr. Burke’s best man was John Macauley Burke of The Plains, Va., and the ushers were Charles Deering Me Cormick of Chicago, John Strong Turner of New York, Charles Roberts 'Pope of Cos Cob, Conn.,

•dcrick Horatio Starling III of Alden, Pa., William J. Polk Jr. of St. Louis, Mo., Hcrschel V. Williams

of New York, John C. Tysen of w York.rand William B. Church- in III of Philadelphia.

Mrs. John Y. Corwin returned to Potatoes and commercial vege- ;r home on Palmer Terrace after tables make up about 85 per cent of iving undergone surgery at the the crops irrigated in New York

Southampton Hospital last week. State. Strawberries are the most is recovering nicely. important fruit irrigated.