Monitoring Quick Start

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  • 8/8/2019 Monitoring Quick Start


    Monitoring CONTROL-M Job Scheduling

    This document is provided to cover basic topics that Operations personal are

    concerned with.

    ContentsContents ..................................................................................................................... 1

    Login and Navigate CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager ................................................ 2

    Login ........................................................................................................................ 2

    Navigation ............................................................................................................... 5

    Monitoring Job Executions and Recovery actions ..................................................... 11

    Job Status .............................................................................................................. 11

    Job Status Cyclic Jobs ............................................................................................ 12

    Job Actions ............................................................................................................. 14

    Job Review ............................................................................................................. 15

    Alert Panel usage .................................................................................................. 16

    Archived ViewPoints ................................................................................................. 20

    Recommended Settings ............................................................................................ 25

    CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager Settings ............................................................. 25

    CONTROL-M/Desktop Settings ............................................................................... 32

    Importing Application Forms ..................................................................................... 36

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    Login and Navigate CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager

    LoginLocate the CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager Icon on your Desktop.

    Double click Icon

    Log in to the appropriate environment. Below is a list of servers and the

    corresponding environment.

    albcntlmemtst Testcntlmem01 ProductionNote: To change the environment you are connecting to, click the advanced button and

    change the server name. The port will always be 13075 at Redcats USA.

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    After clicking the Advanced button

    Enter your username and password for the environment that you are connecting to

    and click Login. If you successfully logged in you should see a screen similar to the

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    below on your first connection.

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    If you have entered an incorrect server name, username, and/or password you will

    receive a message similar to the below.


    To view job status you must open a view point. To do so Click the Open ViewPoint

    button on the tool bar or click File -> Open ViewPoint

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    A menu will be displayed with the ViewPoints available in the environment you are

    logged in to. Below is a list and brief description of each ViewPoint. The most

    commonly used ViewPoint is All Jobs.

    All Active Jobs Shows all jobs in the active environment excluding those that havebeen deleted

    All Jobs Shows all jobs in the active environment including those that have been


    By APPLICATION - Shows all jobs in the active environment excluding those that

    have been deleted sorted by Application name

    By DESCRIPTION - Shows all jobs in the active environment excluding those that

    have been deleted sorted by Description

    By OWNER - Shows all jobs in the active environment excluding those that have

    been deleted sorted by Owner name

    By STATUS - Shows all jobs in the active environment excluding those that have

    been deleted sorted by the current status of the job.

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    After opening a ViewPoint jobs are displayed in three panes. These panes can be

    undocked and moved to separate monitors for easier viewing.

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    To Switch the Flow Diagram to a Job List Click View -> Job List

    Job List can help with managing a large number of jobs.

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    To Add or Remove columns from the display right click the Header row and select

    Field Chooser.

    To Remove a column from display, Left click the column header and drag in to the

    Field Chooser Window.

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    To Add a column to the Display Left click the field in the Field Choose and Drag to

    the header bar in the location that you would like to insert the new field.

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    Monitoring Job Executions and Recovery actions

    Job Status

    After Opening a ViewPoint job status can be reviewed by color code. Below is thelist of colors and meanings.

    Green = Ended OK

    Red = Ended NOTOK

    Yellow = Executing

    White = Unknown (job was started but has been lost due to server connectivity)

    Gray = Waiting for a condition (Time or Job Dependency)

    Blue = Waiting for Resources (Server down, Logical resource in use)

    Pink = Waiting for user (A user must log in to CONTROL-M and allow the job to run)

    To receive a summary of current job status in the environment right click a grouping

    of jobs, select Status Summary. This will list the current status of the grouping you

    selected as well as display the color meanings.

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    Job Status Cyclic JobsCyclic jobs (jobs that execute more than once per day), tracking their status can be

    confusing. Cyclic jobs are denoted by the Circular arrows displayed on the Job

    Node. Looking at the below picture Job CTMCONTB is a single execution job, and

    Job CTMJSA a cyclic job.

    From the look of CTMJSA it has not executed today, but if we review the Log of the

    job we will see it has run 3 times today.

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    This is due to, a cyclic job returns to a wait state after it executes. If the job

    executes successfully while you have your ViewPoint open the Cyclic Icon will have

    a Green Check mark displayed. If the job fails during the same time period a red

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    X will appear (see the below examples).

    Job ActionsJob actions are used to control and update jobs in the active Environment. Available

    Job Actions are based on User Authorizations, and Current job status (you cannot

    Force OK a job that has completed successfully). Below is a list of actions and

    brief description of the actions. To see the list available for a given job, right click

    the job name.

    Hold Pause a job in the active environment

    Confirm Allow a job to execute (only available on jobs in a wait user (pink) state)

    Free Remove the pause on a job in the active environment (only available on Held


    Rerun Execute a job again

    Restart Mainframe only

    React Mainframe only

    Delete Delete a job that is on hold in the active environment

    Undelete - Undelete a job that is still in the active environment and place on hold

    Kill Kill job process (only available on Executing jobs)

    Force OK Skip job execution and show job ended ok (not available on executing

    jobs or unknown jobs)

    Force OK No PostProc Mainframe only

    Bypass - Mainframe only

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    Job ReviewActions related to viewing a job execution are also available by right clicking a job

    and selecting what you want to see. Below is a list of job information and


    SYSOUT System Output, this is what you would see if you executed the task

    directly from a command lineStatistics Displays the last 20 successful executions and average run time


    Documentation Display an ASCII text file related to the job.

    Log Display log of actions that occurred on this job for this day

    View JCL/Script

    Edit JCL/Script

    Why? Show information as to why the job is not currently executing (waiting for

    time, job dependencies, resources)

    Enhanced Why Why a job stream (multiple dependent jobs are not executing).

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    Alert Panel usageThe alert panel in CONTROL-M is used to provide messages about job status and

    environment status. By Default, when a CONTROL-M job fails, and alert is created

    stating the job failed. Also in the alert panel will be messages related to agent

    availability and CONTROL-M/Server status. To launch the Alerts Panel click the Alert

    Icon on the tool bar or click View -> Alerts.

    A box similar to the below will open the first time the alerts panel is opened.

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    Verify you are connecting to the correct environment, if the server listed is incorrect

    click the drop down and chose the correct server name, then click connect.

    The Alerts Panel will then connect and download all alerts in the environment.

    There are three status of alerts and four color codes for alerts, below there is a list

    of the status and types with brief descriptions.


    Not Noticed New alert, no actions have been taken

    Noticed Issue is in progress not yet resolved

    Handled Issue has been resolved


    Yellow Regular Node ID availability and CONTROL-M/Server status messages only

    Orange Urgent iSeries job message wait

    Red Very Urgent Job Failure

    White Handled

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    Right click on alert to list actions you may take on the alert

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    Properties - allows you to view all information about the alert and add notes to the


    Notice - set the alert in a noticed state to let other users of CONTROL-M know youare working on the issue.

    Unnotice set the alert status back to unnotice.

    Handle set the alert status to resolved

    Unhandle set the alert status back to notice.

    Open into ViewPoint Open the job related to the alert in a ViewPoint by itself

    Find in FlowDiagram Focus your open ViewPoint to the job related to the alert

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    Archived ViewPointsArchived ViewPoints allow you to review previous job runs. To open an Archived

    ViewPoint click the Open Archived ViewPoint icon your tool bar, or click File ->

    Open Archived ViewPoint

    Select the date that you want to review.

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    Select the ViewPoint you want to display.

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    Below is an open archived ViewPoint.

    An archived ViewPoint looks very much like a standard ViewPoint. The Purple back

    ground is to denote that this is an archived ViewPoint. Right clicking on a job with

    present a list of items you can review.

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    Properties View properties of the job when it executed

    Sysout - View the system output of the job when it executed

    Log View the CONTROL-M/Server logs of the job

    Neighborhood - Focus ViewPoint to jobs related to this job

    Branch menus Display successor or predecessor jobs

    In addition to these features an Archived ViewPoint will allow you to playback the

    days events. This is done by launching the Playback facility. To open play back

    click the Playback icon on your tool bar or click Tools -> Playback

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    After launching Playback your tool bar will be updated to include playback controls.

    Below is a picture explaining the different items added.

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    Recommended Settings

    CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager Settings

    This section details recommended options used to reconfigure how CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager displays data. To edit the options in your Enterprise Manager

    click Tools -> Options

    Environment -> General

    Check Auto open viewpoint and select All Jobs. This will set All Jobs as the default

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    ViewPoint opened

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    Environment -> Display

    Check Reload active net. This will automatically refresh your client if a new

    connection to a CONTROL-M/Server occurred.

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    Flowdiagram -> General

    Place parent job on Left

    Check Maximize downward flow

    Minimize graph width

    Note: These setting should be customized by the user as best fit.

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    Flowdiagram -> Nodes

    Change Title of job to JOB_NAME/MEMNAME

    Change First Field to DESCRIPTION

    NOTE: Users may want to check the Wrap field text in node box. This is only

    recommended for users with good eye sight as the text will be compressed to a

    very small font in some cases.

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    Flowdiagram -> Links

    Check Display Do Conditions (as dotted links). This increases the visibility of job


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    Check the Automatically connect to Global Alerts Server: and select your alert

    server from the drop down list.

    Click OK once complete and your settings have been personalized.

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    CONTROL-M/Desktop SettingsThis section details recommended options used to reconfigure how CONTROL-

    M/Desktop displays data. To edit the options in your Desktop click Tools ->


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    Flowdiagram -> General

    Place Parent on the left

    Check Maximize downward flow

    Check Minimize graph width

    Note: These setting should be customized by the user as best fit.

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    Flowdiagram -> Links

    Check Display Do-Conditions (as dotted links)

    Check Add Out Condition with minus sign when creating job dependency

    Change Condition Format to {Job Name}-TO-{ToJob{Job Name}}

    Check Automatically inherit deleted jobs conditions

    Click OK once complete and your settings have been personalized.

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    Importing Application FormsCertain job types in CONTROL-M require a specialize form to translate the job

    definition to a user friendly version. These jobs make use of Application Forms.

    Before your client can make use of Application forms, you must import them.

    Obtain access to the location of Job Forms, copy the whole forms folder to your local


    Open CONTROL-M/Desktop

    Login with your username and password

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    Click Tools -> Import Application Forms

    Navigate to your local copy of forms; select all the XML files and Click Import

    You may receive a message warning that you are going to overwrite a form that you

    have already imported. This is normally ok, as you must overwrite when a new

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    form is available from a patch, or updated release.

    After clicking Yes you will see an importing window.

    When the Importing Window closes, close CONTROL-M/Desktop and if CONTROL-

    M/Enterprise Manager was open close it as well.