Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500 I. Mongol Empire II.Aztec Empire IDs: Chinggis Khan, (c. 1155- 1227), flower songs, tribute


Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500. Mongol Empire Aztec Empire IDs: Chinggis Khan, (c. 1155-1227), flower songs, tribute. Comparison of Empires. Mongol Empire. Aztec Empire. I. Mongols. A. Huge empire by conquest Largest land empire in world history. B. Origins on frontier. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

Page 1: Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

I. Mongol EmpireII. Aztec Empire

IDs: Chinggis Khan, (c. 1155-1227), flower songs, tribute

Page 2: Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

Comparison of Empires

Mongol Empire Aztec Empire

Page 3: Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

I. Mongols

A. Huge empire by conquest

Largest land empire in world history

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B. Origins on frontier• Steppe

nomads• tribal division • tribal wars

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ger (yurt)

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C. Unity of tribes by personality & ideology

Chinggis (Genghis) Khan, 1155-1227

TemujinTengriTransforms tribal

division to Mongol identity

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Mongol Empire, ca. 1280

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D. Military Strength/Fearsome Reputation

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poniesbows60 miles/per day

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E. Attacking more civilized/settled peoples

Kubilai Khan• Conquers

Southern Song dynasty in 1280

• founds Yuan dynasty

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• Adoption of Chinese culture

• Difficulty of control (too few Mongols)

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F. Tribute Systems• Wealth, horses, grain,

etc.• Manpower• Taxed trade

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G. Loosely structured, unstable conquest state

Using officials from different cultures (Persian or Central Asian officials used in China)

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H.Unity Imposed on Central Afro-Eurasia: Peace” & Trade

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Travel: Marco Polo & Ibn Battuta

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II. Aztecs

Mesoamerican city-states


Page 18: Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

A. Empire of Conquest

1. Conquest (1428-1530)

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B. Aztec Frontier Origins

Semi-nomadic Chichimecs from northern desert

• Méxica• Aztlán

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Establishment at Lake Texcoco• Toltecs• Mercenaries• Tenochtitlán

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C. United by Religious Ideology: Huitzilpochtli (sun)

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D. Military Strength/Fearsome Reputation

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Page 25: Mongols and Aztecs: Empires from 1200-1500

E. Attacking more civilized/settled peoples

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F. Tribute Systems

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G. Loosely structured, unstable state

• Instablity• Revolts

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H. Alternative Religious Ideology: Quetzalcoatl

NezahualcoyotlKing of TexcocoFlower songs

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